Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Ssarak Dyreackthanose


By Lucilia's reaction, she did seem to have some knowledge about the evidence they had uncovered, particularly the ring. If she could identify who this group of bandits were, and determine how to fight them, then their mission would have been a success from at least that standpoint. For Lucilia's question, however, he was less certain.

"It is...difficult to say." Ssarak began, letting out a slight sigh. There would be no way to avoid mentioning Lyn, as she was important to how events unfolded, but he did not have to say anything about Lucilia's involvement. After all, she had no way of knowing that they had actually learned who smuggled Lyn aboard the carriage. "If you look at the mission goal by goal, it would seem to be a success. We both uncovered this evidence, and arrived in Hysteria on time, with more cargo than we started with. However, the caravan master's opinion may or may not be favorable. I generally do not favor casting the blame for failure onto others. During my service to my clan, we succeeded and failed as a unit. But, in this case, it could be dangerous not to give the full truth. In our first encounter with the bandits, we saw two of the brigands on a bridge, masquerading as duelists. We stopped and began to discuss our options, when suddenly, and without conferring with any of us, Alaira used her magic to ignite a field of grass off to our right. The flames quickly spread and choked the air with smoke, while the bandits simply backed to safety on the other side of the bridge. When the horses ran onto the bridge, we were forced to follow, straight into their trap. They cut the rope, which Meirin was only narrowly able to grab, followed quickly by myself and Darius. The caravan and its driver, Lyn, and those of us supporting the bridge escaped being dragged into the river below by perhaps less than a second. Meirin did fall from the bridge, but I caught her before hitting the river, at the expense of damaging my wings when we impacted the river bank. My long-distance flight abilities were hindered, and I was unable to carry Lyn back to the college in a reasonable amount of time, so we had to press on with her."

Ssarak's choice of wording needed to be careful, as he needed to seem not to be particularly passionate in his anger. Some frustration would be perfectly understandable for anyone who had been through what they had experienced, but too much could cast doubt on his testimony, though Meirin and Darius could both confirm anything he claimed. "Later that night, I occupied Lyn and spoke to the caravan master while Meirin spoke to Alaira. She thought they had come to an understanding, but in our very next encounter, Alaira made the exact same kinds of mistakes. A group of guards collecting the toll for using a bridge were behaving strangely, and we were all rightly suspicious. Again, we were forming a plan when Alaira just...attacked. With no warning, she struck one of the Baron's guards while claiming them to be vampires, despite it being broad daylight. It did not matter that we had not had a chance to get Lyn and the caravan master to safety, she just attacked. The guards were being influenced by a corrupt psychomancer, and we would have needed to fight them, but we could have done so without endangering those we were meant to protect. I do not believe that Alaira actually wants to endanger her allies, but rather, she simply does not understand the effects of her actions. She acts without thinking, and will not learn from her mistakes. Even with the presence of Lyn, the person who she may very well care about more than any other in this world, she still acted without any thought to the consequences. Later, we were attempting to speak to the caravan master to soften his anger towards his guards, but again, Alaira became involved and began to threaten him. Alaira is a competent fighter, and she could become a beneficial member of the College. Her intentions do seem genuine, but she needs training. She needs to learn how to act with proper judgment before I would trust her on another mission. As for the caravan master, the reason I say his opinion is uncertain is because Meirin was able to speak to him while the rest of us were assaulting the bandits' main camp. Not only that, but she fought off a group of the bandits who had managed to locate the caravan, saving both his and Lyn's life."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


Mar had been staring at the far wall. It was what she did when Uicle left and Tyrael arrived, her thoughts a twisted mess now. Emotions dangling in and out in her reflections on both the present and past, unable to understand their influence on her control. Love, hate, pain and worse swelled in her breast like fighting beasts that tore her up subtly from the inside and it was a battle no one could fully see. Already she lost control twice when something she hadn’t expected happened. Both times, she failed to adapt and instead her control shattered because she couldn’t keep her emotions contained. Something that far easier in Mesa Gaan since she knew the signs to brace against. Here, she noted, was much different. They ignored the small clues in her tension or sense of wariness, not knowing each movement, no matter how little, had a reason.

She could vaguely sense Tyrael situating himself, the fallen orc hauling a small chair to sit upon while she felt his eyes upon her figure. He was close enough she could easily see and face him, but her mind felt drained even thinking about the effort.

"Marya you need to learn how to express your emotions so you do not hurt yourself and others." Tyrael began.

Mar had considered ignoring him until he went away. That option was stolen after she heard her full name, her eyes shifted to face him and absorb his words. However, she couldn’t find herself able to bring her head to rise upright.

"Mesa Gaan is no more. But it was gone to you when you came with me to the college. Gone for you. I tried to make you feel at home here, at the college, but I have spoiled you. I chose to protect and justify your actions. But I can do that no longer. The college is your home now. You must adapt to living here. You will to learn how to communicate with others using words. They cannot understand your actions. So you must explain to them, express with emotions. It is new to you I know. But here at the college you will learn." Tyrael continued, his eyes filled with regret and worry.

Little did he know how true that was, she thought bitterly and feeling envious of him and Althalus. For them, using words was as easy as breath which only made her coil tighter in anger. Her body stiffened when she heard the chair creak from the orc’s movements and his arm reached for a nearby cushion, snatching it easily from the end. Althalus, after all, had insisted on a bed specially made that would be suitable for both. It was a mixture of cushions, hay, feathers, and a mattress underneath it all to provide comfort against the ground. Another she had to adapt to was lack of warm bodies clustered about her whenever she slumbered, Naga sleeping in nest balls rather than alone and was one of the few social things acceptable among their culture.

Her eyebrow raised then tilted, slightly, in question when he passed her the cushion. Why was he passing her the cushion? What did he expect her to do with it?

It would become clear she didn’t understand what she was suppose to do with it. While Althalus had explained some of human culture and habits, there was still much she couldn’t wrap her head about and so never tried. The crushing a pillow was one. Still unsure the purpose, she merely took the pillow and set it to the side, unsure what Tyrael intended for her to do with it. He settled back into his chair while his eyes looked expectedly at her with his next words."Tell me what happened during your mission. Everything."

Mar sighed, her head twisted back to the wall. Her words cracked through the air though they were firm and steady, emotionless tone struggling against the war within her.

“You know Naga never verbally show their emotions. Living with our kin for a long time, you of all bipeds should know this best of all and not telling me what I already know. You had trouble adapting as well to our culture, a fact if I recall nearly ended up in making many Naga turning malice because of the language barrier. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. The Naga methods I was taught are no longer working like they should and it just feels like I’m ripping myself apart inside. It’s been that way since I arrived. Back in Mesa Gaan, it fades and never comes back, but not here.” Her eyes closed to hide her shame at the fact she couldn’t solve or discover another way to succeed.

“The hunting has helped some though I’m beginning to doubt it’s enough anymore. It wasn’t just the missions, Tyrael, that’s the problem. It’s been the whole experience I’m trying to adapt to and I’m failing… I just don’t know what I’m doing wrong or how to fix it. Naga that act verbally or aggressively for no reason, often end up being isolated, resulting in undeclared banishment to either die or survive. You’ve just never seen it happen before.”

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alaira Taenn

Alaira smiled as Lyn nodded, gently tousling her hair as she brought her close again. "That's it... It's alright..." She said, softly. She gently pinched her ear, giggling softly as she squeezed her close. She... had noticed how upset she seemed... She sighed, holding her close as she continued. "I'm... I'm sorry Lyn... I won't yell at anyone any more today, I promise..." She said, squeezing her again...

She was a little startled when she heard words directed at her, the girl wheeling around to face the source... However, she no longer seemed worried when it was just... Leith, was it? She was worried she'd have to deal with more jackholes looking to complain to her... "Not much... We were just heading to the gardens." She answered, casually.

Grey Onyx

Grey gasped lightly in surprise, before calming with a long sigh when he realized it was just Rathel... He leaned back, thinking he was a bit silly for being startled so much by someone with such a soft voice. He looked up to the window, idly watching a moth as it flew inside. "Yes, actually... And I suppose we've had bigger concerns than one window." He said with a light smile... He has to turn his head quite far to the right to see the demon, on account of his missing eye. "I haven't seen either of you around much... Everything alright?" He asked, concern plain in his voice.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


"That's it... It's alright..." Alaira began.

Lyn let a faint smile cross her lips, her eyes brighten when Alaira tousled her hair. Her eyes brighten at the change in the half elf though she still felt rotten, unable to stop recalling the tension and hatred back in Lucilia’s office. She might’ve only been a few months old but she knew a bad situation when she saw one. Part of her thought, if she hadn’t snuck into the wagon, then no one would’ve been angry and yelling. It was a fact she wished she could back and stop. One she knew was impossible now.

Unaware her face betrayed her, Lyn’s cheeks were abruptly pinched drawing her out of her depressed mood.

Alaira then added, before hugging her again, a few more words. "I'm... I'm sorry Lyn... I won't yell at anyone any more today, I promise..."

Her eyes blinked and hands playfully pushed Alaira’s away, smirking at her Aunt’s mischief. Her face relaxed when Alaira made her promise, once more hugging her close. Gently pulling away and Lyn held out a single pinky, looking from it to her caretaker. It was a simple gesture that meant ‘Promise?’, expecting the woman only to take hold of the little finger if she was sure she could.

”Hey, kiddo. Alaira. What are you two up to today?"

They were interrupted by Leith, an albino human, causing Lyn to turn and flash a smile. She waved when he said hi to her and she, for the moment, forgot the pinky promise. Alaira had already wheeled around, startled then relaxed when she saw who it was. For a scary moment, Lyn thought Alair was going start shouting Leith for her mistake in waving at him. She stared at her guardian only become rather surprised when she didn’t.

"Not much... We were just heading to the gardens."

Lyn’s head tilted in wonder then brushed it, not liking being confused, nodding her head in agreement at her Aunt’s answer. Then waved her hand in suggestion for Leith to join them…

Until her middle growled and she looked down, smiling in guilt.


Rathel’s tendrils wiggled and twitched, acknowledging the sudden shift in hormones before they reverted back to normal. It was the best way to tell he had surprised the giant causing the demon to look harder. It seemed Grey was in deep thought when he arrived and foolish now had interrupted, regretting a bit his carelessness. Fingers felt the walls vibrate a bit as Grey leaned against it, his posture casual now to rid himself of the earlier nervous emotion.

”Yes, actually...And I suppose we’ve had bigger concerns than one window.” Grey said, making Rathel glad to see a smile. "I haven't seen either of you around much... Everything alright?"

Grey's smile faded and concern warped his facial features, touching Rathel a bit. The demon edged closer to the window and touched its outside, sending his mageblood through it. It sparked and plants grew. They wrapped and twisted, weaving together a mat over the opening to cover up what damage had been done. ”Things got complicated after Khan was poisoned and the college was under attack. All the demons were banished for a time and only those select few were allowed back in. Sadly, Khan is still recovering from the matter in the worse way I believe.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by cqbexpt
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cqbexpt Warden Eternal

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Lobster Hunt: Myrn & Baulder

Sneezing at the ocean's cool breeze Myrn look around at the coast line. Nothing but rocks and water as far as the eye could see, but she was certain that once the sun came up there'll be more visibility. Myrn scratched the false mustache underneath her nose, surprised at how warm it is. Myrn shaped her own hat into having horns, feeling quite silly for wearing it, but during the boredom of waiting she figured she might as well enjoy it.

Baulder was half way through devouring one of the wheels of cheese that had been put in their wagon as provisions by the demon. It took him more than one bite to realize that the wax was not edible, the village people didn't have much cheese for some reason. If he could eat cheese indefinitely Baulder would most certainly not be dissatisfied. When he came around the wagon Baulder was met with a rush of salty and cool air that instantly dried his lips. The breeze almost knocked his pyramid shaped hat from his head. At first Baulder was entirely confused by the thin metal but he had enjoyed folding it over and over on the way here. Something about having it on his head made him feel safe. The "mustache" that had also been given them was much more confusing and Baulder ended up tying it to his wrist.

Licking his now dry lips Baulder with his mouth still half full of cheese walked over to the edge of the worn path and looked off the edge of the grassy area that dropped off into a short beach with white sand on it. The waves seemed to be particularly fierce at the moment even though there seemed to be no reason for it on this sunny day. He got a sudden craving for imp again, those tasty buggers were so close yet out of his reach. Licking his lips once again at the thought of imp he turned to the elf he had been paired with. "Ever had imp? Good flavor just a little tough.......I'm sure they aren't all like that maybe.You see any of those "lobsters" yet? They look like big tasty red things......if the demon wasn't lying to me anyways..."

"Never had an imp before. I did fight one however, and got a bit of blood in my mouth. It was bitter before it started to burn. I haven't seen any lobsters yet. I think we need to wait until the sun comes up, or maybe go diving for them." Myrn took out her sword and poked the water's edge. She watched the ripples form from her blade before getting swallowed by the ocean's gentle waves. Myrn was no stranger to swimming or underwater diving, but she couldn't say the same for Baulder. And she'd rather not go at it alone even if Baulder seemed a bit crazy. "Are you any good at swimming?"

Coming to the last few bites of his cheese wheel Baulder with his mouth still half full of delicious milk product, which we had only just before he left the village learned where milk came from turned to the pointy eared girl."What's swimming?" Baulder said with confusion. It was a word he had yet to hear or learn of. Maybe it involved climbing trees he though, he was good at that. The word took a moment to click after that. He couldn't remember if he could.....but the word what was it? He knew what it meant but he couldn't piece it together. "I can swim I think......I...I maybe? Lobsters on shore....yes we should just go forward. I think their are......maybe.." Baulder couldn't think and it gave him a headache for a moment. "Yes swimming is something....can do." Baulder brought his clawed hands to his eyes and rubbed them.

Nodding her head Myrn began to strip down to her undergarments. She didn't want to get her entire outfit wet after all. Folding it neatly into a pile away from the water Myrn unsheathed her sword and began to walk into the water. It was cold and made her shiver, but after standing in it for a few minutes her body was starting to get used to the temperature. "C-c-cmon, lets hurry. The sooner we finish, the sooner we can get back to the college. We only need to b-b-b-bring back one, but let's, find them first!" Sneezing at the chill, Myrn turned towards the ocean and walked onwards until the water was deep enough that she could start swimming. She had no problem swimming with her sword in her hand, and soon she was diving underwater to see if she could find any of these lobsters. She lost her hat and mustaches as she dived in, the only indicator that she was ever there.

Baulder watched as the elf stripped down which gave him a moments chuckle. He walked over to the wagon and took off everything save for his pants. He hoped up into the wagon at that point and looked for the weapon the demon had given him. He was having trouble finding the beck whatever thing as he began displacing crates of food and barrels in his search. When he picked up the empty barrel they were supposed to put the lobsters in he finally found his corbin thing or whatever the demon had called it. He threw one of the barrels on the ground beside the wagon and then the large pick. He then hoped out of the wagon then putting the barrel under one arm and the hammer in the other. Walking down to the shore He set the barrel down at the waters edge and grabbed the hammer and started swimming.

Quickly Baulder realized that swimming with a giant hammer was not a good idea as he began sinking into the cold salty water whilst awkwardly flailing his right hand which had the hammer. He then swam back to the shore and shoved the pointy end into the shore and used it to climb out of the water. Not wanting to leave his corbin he looked up and down the shore to see if there was anything else. Off to his right was several large rounded dark rocks which were breaking the waves. Looking back out at the hat and mustache bobbing up and down on the waves Baulder decided to go check out the rocks. As he got closer he began to hear snapping. Red deliciousness? He thought as he put the pick into both hands and began running on the sand towards the rocks. When he came near he spotted a small red blip on top of one of the closest rocks to him. He strained his voice to yell "Lobster!"

Myrn couldn't hear anything underwater. It was so cold she was considering going back to shore and starting a fire, but then she saw something scuttling on the bottom of the ocean floor. It was too dark to see from where she was at, but she guessed she could swing down and see it for herself. What she found wasn't a lobster but a dirty, brown colored crab. She knew it wasn't the thing Tyrael was looking for, but perhaps if this hunt didn't pan out she could at least bring back something. So she swam down and plucked the grab from the murky depths. Near somewhat solid ground she pushed herself towards the surface before she ran out of air. When she broke through the top she took a deep breath and raised the crab above her head. "I f-f-f-found a crab!"

Seeing Baulder standing over some rocks Myrn guessed that he found something. So she returned to shore still shivering from the cold water, gently putting the crab into the barrel. She ran towards Baulder with her sword in hand, wondering what he was doing. "Did you find any lobsters?"

Dropping the hammer in the sand Baulder lunged at the lobster on the rock. Before he could get it though a wave brushed up onto the rocks and carried it back into the water. This resulted in Baulder slamming his open hands into the rock and banging his knee on the large round rock. He grunted as he pushed himself off the rock and grabbed his first knee for a second and grimaced. He looked back at the rocks again for another red delicious. His eyes darting back and forth spotted a red mound among the gray slimy rocks. When he heard the elf in her undergarments ask if he found any he stuck his tongue out and nodded vigorously. He went back over to his pic in the sand and while grabbing it he pointed to where he saw the red curve that looked like a rock almost in itself.

Running with the long weapon in one hand he again dropped it but this time jumped on the red mound. He stretched his arms out wide as it seemed exactly that big and jumped on the lobster. Too his joy he actually "caught" this one. But something odd happened. His arms didn't go all the way around the lobster. His large arm span only covered about half the bulge. Confused Baulder looked at where the tail of the lobster should be. But it was really... really big. As Baulder began to scramble off the lobster he felt it begin to shift under him. he barely managed to dig is foot into the shell enough to kick himself off the lobster and onto the rocks. After landing on his back on the rocks and wincing he rolled himself off into the sandy shoreline. From that point he began scrambling for the pic whatever in the sand. He also began yelling out in an excited voice "Lobster!"

"That... I..." Myrn could only watch in shocked awe when Baulder somehow discovered a giant lobster. And not giant in relative to the size of lobsters; this thing was big enough to pull the wagon. Running up to Baulder Myrn held her sword in her combat stance. The lobster seemed angry as it turned towards her and Baulder. She felt excited, if also a bit nervous. "Get ready! It's coming after us!"

The lobster moved forward with startling speed and tried to grab Myrn and Baulder in each of it's massive pincers. Myrn stepped back and tried to stab it between the chinks in it's shell, but it moved quickly and her blade bounced off it's armored carapace.

Baulder stuck out his tongue as he began to swing his hammer down at the charging lobster. Though he was not quite expecting the speed at which the claws came at him. Lucky for him though the hammer landed on the pivot point of the lobsters hand claw. While being grabbed would have certainly killed him the beast instead reared back with its claw almost as fast as it had advanced. The crunching sound as the hammer made impact was quite satisfying to Baulder.

Hitting the lobster dead on wasn't going to work. Like many armored opponents, Myrn would have to have precise aim with her Dar'Misaan. Stabs at the fold, cutting through the fleshy bits, or hitting it in it's eye. Easier said than done. Her best bet if she wanted to get a good hit on the crab was to flank it; either she or Baulder would be able to attack it's weak point for massive damage. Myrn said as much. "Baulder! One of us has to distract it so we can attack it's weak point for massive damage!" Giving some experimental jabs at different parts of the lobster Myrn was doing what she could to get the lobster to divide it's attention. While Baulder had a superior weapon when it comes to fighting armored enemies, Myrn was certain that if she could find it's weak point she could kill it in one blow.

Snarling and grinning devilishly ear to ear Baulder then flipped his hammer over to the spike side. He swung it as hard as he could from the left as the lobster swung its claw left. Baulders bec found it's mark in the side of the lobster and cracked into the broadside of the lobster. For a moment the lobster let out a sort of wet growl before it's claw knocked him to the side. This sent Baulder flying but luckily he gripped his weapon so tightly it forced it to twist the spike into the lobsters fleshy interior before Baulder finally came at the right angle that the weapon ripped itself out of the beast doing yet more damage.

Baulder landed in the sand on his side with his arms outstretched and his hands hurting from holding the weapon so tightly. He began getting up as he felt a searing pain in his side maybe because he broke something. this just served to make Baulders face hurt from how hard he was grinning. This was fun. He pulled the weapon out of the sand and managed to throw himself into another left sided swing with the hammer side. This again garnered the lobsters attention unto himself.

Baulder managed to land a critical blow against the lobster, distracting it from Myrn. Though she had to dodge it's tail swipe, Myrn danced around the lobster's attack and moved in closer. She had no idea how lobster anatomy worked, but she was certain if she could pierce the heart or brain, it would kill the beast. Now she just needed to figure out where it was. All she could tell from her position underneath the lobster was a lot of limbs and legs. Nothing at all that indicated a chest or a neck. Best she could guess was to find a fold or chink she could stab, and when she did she jumped off a rock to get to it. She aimed at what she guessed was it's chin or it's equivalent. With it fighting Baulder it would have never seen her coming, impaling her sword through it. But it didn't kill it immediately. It gurgled in pain and started shaking Myrn. She had to lodge her sword into it' further so she doesn't get thrown off into the sand or worse, dashed against the rocks not too far away.

"Kill it before it goes underwater!"

"Your meat is mine!" Baulder grunted out as he swung his hammer from the right side into it's many legs. He heard a satisfying crunch as two of the lobsters legs cracked in half and began dangling from it's side. The beast let out another disgusting gurgling sound as it shifted it's weight to it's right legs and stopped being able to shake Myrn. He brought his hammer back again with a wild look in his eyes and swung again just as hard at the remaining two legs. He took the front legs complexly off which then spitted some of it's blue blood on Baulder. The lobster attempted to pivot off it's remaining leg and bring it's left claw around to hit him. But once again Baulder flipped the hammer to the spiked end and brought it down where the lobster's claw connected to it's body. The blow pierced deep into the lobsters arm causing only what Baulder could imagine was incredible pain. Grinning ear to ear he raised the spike again but only half as high and hit the joint. He did this again and again and again until the limb came off with one more swing. The claw collapsed sloppily to the ground still hanging on to the body of the lobster by some thing he could only guess was a tendon.

The animal let out another gurgle but this one was much more depressed than the earlier ones. Panting Baulder flipped back over to the hammer and grabbed the weapon by the bottom allowing for maximum leverage. He cracked the final leg off in another swoop and then shifted his attack to the top of the now falling over lobster. He began swinging wildly at the side of the creature as Myrn fell off of it. He kept hitting the beast in the top of it's shell over and over, covering his face and body is blue spray as the lobster made various dying noises. Even when the creature stopped making noises Baulder kept swinging at the side of the beast, causing it's once hard shell to splinter and turn into shrapnel that he kept pushing deeper and deeper into the dead beast. With one final blow he sent more blood splattering all over himself and the area around him before he fell over with the hammer still lodged into the beast. Baulder had become extremely light headed and was on the verge of blacking out when his vision began to darken to a narrow tunnel. He fell face first into the sand teeth clenched hard and growling against the darkness. He could feel the sharp pain in his chest and guessed something was broken. He couldn't say or do anything about it thought as he laid on the ground fighting the urge to go to sleep. He just grunted in an attempt to say anything and looked out at the rolling waves of the ocean.

He was tired... so very tired.

It seemed like Baulder was having the time of his life killing the giant lobster. While she managed to get a few stabs in before falling, she left the act of killing to Baulder. However he used up a lot of energy beating the dead thing and soon collapsed. "Baulder?" Myrn moved closer, noting a bruise on his chest. The lobster must have broken a rib of something. Sighing Myrn dragged Baulder back to the wagon and did her best to administer a bit of first aid. But the best she could really do with their limited supply was apply some bandages on his body.

After patching up Baulder Myrn went back to where they found the lobster and noticed quite a bit of smaller, less deadly variations. Taking advantage of the find Myrn went down and scooped some up before they all fled, taking a total of five. She returned to the wagon and loaded the lobsters into the salt-water barrel, then looked back at Baulder. "You think you can make it back to the college?"

"Better question...will the lobsters make it?" Baulder said as he climbed up into the drivers seat. While he was sitting down he started laughing again but was swiftly met with stabbing pain in his chest. He quickly doubled over and gritted his teeth. Though his laugh became limited to an almost yelping noise he managed to keep his smile up. Then he started coughing up blood and quickly moved his hand to his mouth to keep the blood off his already lobster blood soaked clothes. When the coughing subsided he smiled with blood on his teeth and looked back over to the elf. In a strained voice he managed to string out a sentence. "What...should I tell the demon? I feel like he might eat me." Baulder coughed out a stifled laugh.

"Um... I'm not sure... Well, how about I talk to him then? As soon as we get to the college we need to take you to the infirmary first. I'll deal with the demon." Demons didn't scare Myrn. At first they were quite frightening, and the idea of fighting an opponent who can never really die seemed horrifying. But they also proved to be very easy to kill, and soon enough she just treated them like any other opponent. And while the demon teacher might be a tougher one then the usual pest Myrn fights she was certain that he wasn't soon foolish to attack Myrn without provocation. "Besides, I'm sure you're quite a treat."

With a gravely laugh Baulder looked at the strange lady. He gave out another smile and said "Well, his demons taste good." He started laughing again but quickly blacked out slumping back into the wagon. Myrn tried to awaken him but to no avail. She decided it was probably best to get back to the college quickly. There was a storm brewing, and she didn't want to get caught in it before they arrived at the college.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Auriel, Rurik and Aramir

Auriel examined the rewards offered by the dwarf Rurik carefully. He had blathered some explanation of them, which she had only half listened to, too busy making a decision on the most important criteria - which one was prettier. The eggs were a bit dull, besides having one of those sitting next to her bed was far less appealing than having a ring she could wear whenever she liked. “Which one…” She muttered to herself. “Hmmm….”

“The green one for my eyes…. or the red one for my hair…” She looked at them for a long moment, then eventually decided the silver ring with the green stone was prettier. She took it from Rurik, slipping it on her middle finger and admiring it. She did remember that Rurik had mentioned something about ‘silentium.’ Activation word… if she remembered correctly. “Silentium.” She said experimentally. Nothing.

But of course that wasn’t enough. The red one was so pretty too! She stepped past the dwarf, her hand brushing over the rings as she did, picking one of the red ones up stealthily. She smirked as she went another trader fleeced she thought, popping the red ring down the front of her shirt.

Whens he raised her hand to inspect the green ring again, she shrieked at the sight. A high pitched sound of pure surprise and shock. For a moment she just stared at her hand, then raised her other hand and started weakly speaking “I look like… like…. Aramir! What have you done to me you crazy dwarf!” Her voice took on a growing edge of hysteria as she went on.

The moment Auriel shrieked, her ring’s spell was broken and her movements were heard again. Rurik’s eyes gleamed with mischief at seeing a tall version of a snow elf standing before him. His voice chuckled a bit, his eyes noting her coloring and knew exactly why. He couldn’t help but comment, his arms crossed over his chest while he smirked. “Well, looks like the little lassie got a little too greedy, uh?”

Aramir listened attentively to what Rurik was saying, having returned to normal during the cart ride home. She knew immediately which reward she was taking and as soon as she was allowed to choose one she made a bee line for the yellow ring and put it on, smiling with relief. Absorbing damage was nice, as was being extra stealthy, but nothing could top being able to beat back shadows and darkness for at least an hour.

As she heard Auriel saying something, she looked over at the Wood Elf and narrowed her eyes in suspicion. Rather than tell her roommate to put it back, however, her eyes only grew incredibly wide as Auriel turned the same blue color as she was. It only took a moment for the surprise to wear off, and suddenly peals of laughter erupted over the shrieking. Aramir was bent over holding her sides, looking at Auriel. “You..you look like...like me!” She gasped, before another fit of laughter hit her. When she regained control of herself, she spoke again, grinning. “The tables have turned now haven’t they? I think I like you blue, with that bright red nose. It’s payback for turning me red and a reminder not to steal!”

Still giggling, she turned to Rurik. “Can I buy something to turn this on and off at will? This will be very useful...and entertaining.”

Auriel shot a dark look at Aramir for the suggestion, taking a moment to realise one of the other things she had said.

She had a red nose as well as all this?!

This was so embarrassing! How could she let this happen? “How long is this going to last Dwarf!” She screeched. “And don’t even think about giving Aramir the rune that did this!” She fixed Rurik with her best glare, though she was keenly aware of how ineffective it would be while everyone was laughing at her. Still, it made her feel marginally better.

Rurik merely continued to smirk, keeping from another chuckle, as he addressed his customer first. “I don’t know if I have another anti-thief rune, though I have mini ones. They sadly only last half the time but just as effective. Though I think they might be rather pricy. I’m generous, but still need to eat and I can’t be giving them away.”

His lips frowned when he looked at Auriel, her voice screeching into the high octaves and making him wince slightly at the sound. The dwarf sighed then held out his hand. “Give back the ring you ‘borrowed’ and the effect will wear off much quicker. It only happens when an item, established with a hidden mark, is claimed and not willing given. You chose the green ring so the effect didn’t affect you. However, you nicked another and activated. So unless you want to remain blue, I suggest you return it.”

Aramir, still giggling slightly, shrugged. “Ah well. I’ll have to wait a little bit. Don’t actually have any money.” She saw Auriel’s glare and walked over, placing a gentle hand on the Wood Elf’s hip and looking up at her. “Come on, just give Rurik his ring back. You know it was wrong to steal the ring, and it will wear off quickly after you give it back. You can’t attack him for protecting his goods, or trying to make a profit.”

Auriel stamped her foot in frustration and glared for a moment longer before retrieving the ring from down her top and throwing it at the ground by Ruriks feet. The moment she had done this she turned, grabbed a cloak, threw it over her and stormed off towards her room. This day had been terrible and she wanted nothing more than to sulk somewhere quiet.

Rurik waited, watching the elf toss a childish fit and not bending down to get the ring until she stomped away. For some odd reasons, he knew what was coming the moment he spotted her reaction from the start. For individuals like her, pranks were fun as long they weren’t on herself. He inhaled, half pitying her and hoping one day she would learn to appreciate the pranking arts a bit better in the future. Half his best ones, after all, were ones done on himself after several years living with his own damn brother.

Casting the thought away, he hunched down to retrieve the ring carelessly tossed into the ground. His knee bent and hand scooped up the ring, bring himself to about Aramir’s height easily when the snow elf lass approached. Rurik tilted his head upward to face her with a dwarish smirk. “Yes, lassie, what is it? Sorry about your friend, seems she can’t handle a prank being tossed at her, can she?”

Aramir watched Auriel leave and sighed, walking over to Rurik as he picked up the ring. She shrugged and smiled as he apologized. “She knew better than to steal it from you. She just wasn’t ready for anything to happen other than me seeing her do it and stopping her. Still, do you have something to negate the effect? I have to share a room with her and I don’t want to act liking I’m around a sleeping bear. Makes for tense living situations.”

“Sure, there’s an illusion candy in the wagon back there. Get me a second to get it cause if doesn’t cross my hands before giving it to you, it will make snow elves green.” Rurik chuckled and rose up, dropping the ring into its rightful place. “If she gave back the ring and didn’t stomp off, I would’ve given it to her. Sadly, she didn’t give me a chance. Though, if she’s the prankster type I have a few goods you might like, namely to return the favor?”

Aramir smiled again at the thought of a little payback for all the times she’s been turned red.. “I would love to buy some, but as I said, I don’t actually have any money, and I have a far better moral standard than Auriel. Not to mention, being green just doesn’t appeal to me for some odd reason.” She followed Rurik to the wagon.

“Very well, though if you ever change your mind, let me know. I’ll set some special items aside for you, lassie.” Rurik said, passing Aramir the small, ruby candy. “Good luck with her.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Aramir said, taking the small candy and storing it carefully. “Thanks for the ring and the candy. I’ll tell you how well it goes over...though if you see a random wildfire or hear a lot of screaming, it didn’t go well.” Aramir turned and left, heading after Auriel.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Tyrael Marchosias

Shaking his head Tyreal spoke quietly. "I have. I have seen the aftermath. Dealt with it." Tyrael did traverse much of the Ravine after all, some would argue more then all the naga combined. While unlikely that he had found each one, Tyrael did find many of the naga who were banished, and dealt with them accordingly. He understood, eventually, their need for stoicism as strong emotions attracted demons in the ravine. But it wasn't just the lack of empathy that brought them to blows, but also the lack of communication. It was always a lack of communication; both sides saw each other as not much more then another threat from the Ravine, one that needed to be crushed to live another day. Fortunately things worked out in the end, but it certainly had a rough beginning.

"Then why have you never come to me? Time and time again, I offer you my aid, yet you never use it. I had learned how to live amongst mortals. I could have taught you. You could have avoided all of this. So why, when you know you are failing, did you not seek help? What will it take for you to learn?"

Tyrael never moved from his seat, not really showing any expression beyond looking at Mar. And even then it was less like he was looking at her, so much as his eyes simply were looking at her general direction. But his voice showed his emotions. Frustration. Concern. Hope. He wanted Mar to pick up on this, because it was all he was going to give her.

"How many more do you have to hurt?"

Lucilia Riovas

Listening to each of their reports, writing down what they said as well as looking over their evidence, Lucilia considered the mission largely successful. While she would need to investigate later on how the caravan master was going to review the college, they had at least completed the main objective of delivering him to Hysteria, as well as obtaining the vital clues. Alaira would need to be examined further to ensure that next time she is assigned to a more... Suitable mission. But Lucilia would deal with Alaira later. "I'll take note of that Ssarak. Alaira has always been a handful for the college, but if nothing else she makes a excellent warrior. I'll be sure to use this information and have her assigned to missions better suited for her skills and personality. As for you and Meirin, you have my thanks for a job well done. No doubt you two played a large roll in it's success. I'll have your payment for your services in the mail sometime this week. If there is nothing else, you two are dismissed."

Lucilia then took out another notebook, this one full of symbols and little characters. Her cypher book. She started to do a quick scan of what the contents of one of the journals were about, writing out something on another journal. Her thoughts, veiled by her wards, still wandered about the culprits. If it wasn't demons, but vampires, then who amongst them was the mastermind? And why would vampires be resorting to what amounts to banditry? Sure there were brutes and fools amongst them, but hardly any within their ruling class. They had better, more subtle ways to obtain goods and supplies. They always have after all. Hopefully once she deciphers this journal, things would start making sense again.

Annabeth Gultch

"Bwah!?" Annabeth shouted in surprise as she saw Auriel turn blue with a red nose. She watched the scene unfold in stifled silence, as she couldn't help but to laugh at Auriel predicament. She didn't think she had sticky fingers, but she supposed that's what she gets for trying to swipe from the wagon. Annabeth herself chose the green ring and nothing else. Apparently it would allow her to silence any noise from her body for a total of one hour a day. She'd have to test this out, but she could imagine all the possibilities she'd have with this ring once she figures it's limitations.

With Auriel and Aramir walking off however, that just left Annabeth, Colette, and the new girl to return to Lucilia. Annabeth honestly didn't want to do it, so she looked to Colette and the new girl. "I don't think I actually met you yet. But taken by the roc hmm? That must have been frightening for you. Colette, would you take her to Lucilia? Maybe she could help set her up for a room. Oh! I'm Annabeth by the way. I work at Underhaven, little tavern in the lower levels of the college. I actually have to head back there and check in, but come and meet me sometimes! Bye!" Annabeth waved at the two girls and dashed off to Underhaven. She was actually just going to go get some drinks for herself, maybe find Satori and test out this ring with her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Luna Markiplier Fan

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Summer and Myrn

After the mess that was the lobster hunt Myrn and Baulder had the luck of getting caught in a storm. While the lobsters would be safe Myrn didn’t want to travel in the middle of the rain. Fortunately they were taking a cobblestone road so they weren’t going to get stuck in the mud. Myrn still didn’t want to travel during this downpour however. In the distance she noticed a small tower in the distance. And near the tower was a stable, one large enough to house the wagon. It looked sturdy and dry so Myrn took the wagon over to the tower.

The stables were relatively dry but it doesn’t look like anyone has been in here in quite some time. There was dust and cobwebs everywhere and no sign that any animals except rats have been here. Still it was large enough to house the wagon so Myrn drove it inside and let the horse out of their harness so they could relax. They wouldn’t be going anywhere in this storm. Despite how desolate the stables are Myrn was worried that she was trespassing. Last thing she wanted was to get into trouble with whoever owned this building. But as she was looking around she heard… Humming. It must have been quite loud or very close for Myrn to be able to hear it from inside the stable in the middle of a rainstorm. "Baulder, stay here and watch the wagon."

Walking out into the storm Myrn went over to the entrance of the tower. Carefully she opened the door. It was unlocked, but the tower looked empty. But in here she could hear the humming better. It was coming from a girl she knew that much. "Hello?" Myrn was tempted to draw her sword, but if it turns out that she is invading someone’s home she doesn’t want to look like an armed robber too. "Does anyone live here? Do you mind if I seek shelter in your stables? I promise that we’ll leave as soon as the storm lets up."

At the top of the tower, the red haired girl started to hum as the rain continued to fall to the ground. Oh how she longed to get out of the tower and feel the rain upon her bare skin again and she struggled not to cry though the tears were evident in them. She stopped when she thought she heard what sounded like a voice coming from below the trap door that had been locked for 8 years and she stayed silent to see if the voice would speak again and when she heard nothing she began to hum again when she heard it again and her eyes widen as she realized it wasn't her imagination this time.

"Hey person if you can hear me say your name loud and clear for me" she called out, pleading in her voice as hope built itself into her chest.

Listening carefully Myrn heard something. Something asking her to say her name. Without hesitation she introduced herself. ”Hello! My name is Myrn Vaan’Atisha. Are you the owner of this house?” Myrn edged her hand towards her sword. ”Are you a ghost?” She said more quietly to herself.

Summer covered her mouth to contain the shouts she knew she wanted to scream out but didn't and knelt by the trap door. "My family owns this place and I'm not a ghost but I been locked in here for 8 years. Can you please free me" she said her voice cracking, hope filling her eyes brightly and with longing. "I want to be free again. Please help me. I'm at the top of the stairs" she said almost in a whisper.

Myrn was a bit nervous. Sure this girl said she’s not a ghost, but how could she have survived here for eight years locked on the upper level? A curse? Magic? Demons? Or was she a vampire, trying to fool Myrn into coming close enough to suck her blood? However… She also couldn’t just not investigate based on her paranoia. She very well could just be a normal girl who has been locked up here for eight agonizing years. Though Myrn still thinks she’s a ghost. Drawing her Dar’Missan Myrn was at least going to be ready if this voice really is a vampire or monster.

Myrn looked for the stairs and started walking up, slowly. There was little light in the tower. No candles, no fires, and hardly any windows.Myrn’s eyes adapted to the dark well enough but she was still wary of anything that pops out. Soon she reached a door that was obviously locked, but it’s also very old. This only reinforced the idea that Myrn was talking to a ghost: No one has come to open this door in a long time. Still… She was also going to be living at the college for a while. They are always involved in weird magic things. Ghost probably won’t be the strangest thing she’d encounter. ”Hello?”

On the other side of the door she heard slight breathing meaning that she was not a vampire since vampires didn't require the need to breath as they were already dead technically. She could hear what sounded like the panting of a dog who woofed a little obviously next to the girl. "You see that lock holding the door closed right? Oh wait what I'm talking about of course you could see it. Don't be stupid Summer." She said talking to herself mostly before she shook her head and looked back down at the door. "Myrn if that's your name. Can you try to break the lock off the door" she asked

A moment of hesitation. On one hand, Myrn certainly could cut through this lock. Even if it wasn’t rusted and beat up she could cleave through a solid steel lock with the right blow from her sword. But who knows what she may unleash if she does so. After all, why else would someone lock up a girl for eight years? But Myrn was never one to be controlled by fear. If there really was something horrible behind this door then it’s Myrn’s duty to destroy it. And if it’s not evil than she saves someone. It’s a win-win. ”Okay…. Summer, right? Please stand back! I’ll open this door for you.”

Taking a step back and bringing the sword above her head Myrn took a deep breath and focused the energy through her body. The Vandreads taught her that swordsmanship was more than just putting all your force behind a blow. It was channeling the mind, body, and spirit with each strike. To not only use your body, but to hone the blade with your mind, and to keep it strong with your spirit. Anybody could swing a sword to kill someone. But the Vandread taught her how to use a sword to break one’s mine, to shatter one’s spirit. This lock certainly wasn’t going to stand in her way any longer. With a swift slice Myrn silently cut through the lock. Only the sound of the lock falling off the door alerted Summer that the deed was done.

When she heard that she got off the bed that went quickly went to when Myrn told her to stand back. She knelt down and opened the door, cringing when she heard it squeaking as it have not been open in years. When the door opened more light came into the area and Myrn could see a human like girl who had long red hair which was rare in the world now and spring green eyes. She wore a crown like object on her forehead which had strong magic energies coming from it but not in a threatening way and more as a seal like power. She was wearing a emerald green dress that was tied together in the front showing off some of her breasts but in a modest way, the sleeves long and by the way it covered her legs, it went to the floor at least. The girl had a slight tan so it prove that this girl was indeed alive. Summer smiled as tears of joys rang down her cheeks. "Oh goodness thank you so much Myrn I been longing for this day for 8 years" if it had been eight years and the fact she looked no older than 18 she had to at least 9 or 10 when she was locked up.

Beside her was an old looking wolf that had gray and white fur who was watching Myrn and looked ready to defend Summer should she attack her.

Sheathing her sword Myrn walked inside Summer’s room. Unlike the rest of the tower it looked like Summer lived here. But to be stuck here for 8 years.... Myrn was still questioning how Summer survived so long. No food, no water, and surely being cooped up here for even a week would have driven Myrn insane. There was only so much she could do before she would snap and fling herself out the window. Shaking those thoughts off Myrn looked over to Summer and her pet wolf. Unsurprisingly the wolf was on edge, and she supposed it’d have all right to be. After all, just as Myrn didn’t know anything about the girl, the wolf didn’t know anything about Myrn. So she got down onto one knee and pulled out a piece of dried meat for the wolf, as a sort of peace offering.

”Eight years? How did you survive here for eight years?”

"My dad made sure this place has food. Think of it as a spell to automatically supply me with food" she said shrugging her shoulders in an elegant fashion.

”Okay… Um, well, where are your parents now? And why were you trapped here for eight years?” Myrn tilted her head curiously. She knew she might be touching on a sensitive subject right now, but Myrn needed to know. Summer could still be dangerous, or in danger.

"I don't know where my parents are. I haven't seen them in 8 years. There reasons is so they can keep me safe and hidden but I was only suppose to be here for a short time, but they never came back" she said

"Huh? Safe and hidden? From what?" Myrn thought to herself. This was all so strange and shady. Looking outside she could see the sun breaking far in the distance. It seemed like the rain was about to let up soon. "Hmm… I guess asking you about any other family members would be pointless if you’ve been isolated for eight whole years. But what were they trying to protect you from?"

"In my family we are very powerful when it comes to nature and every second generation the power grows from the two previous generation. It is what almost kill me when I was five when I touched a bed of flowers and I tried to bring them back to life I think and it over drained me. On my 10th birthday a group of people attacked our home to slaughter our family and my parents escaped with me taking me to this tower that was very hidden from the world and I been here ever since" Summer said going to the bed her dress flowing a little, her eyes watching with longing as the rain fell.

Nodding her head Myrn was slowly understanding what might have happened. While She didn’t know all the details, Myrn knew this story well enough to come to her own conclusions. Summer was part of a powerful wizard family, but one with enemies. One day those enemies came by and attacked her family, leaving her the sole survivor. What sort of magic Summer could actually do Myrn didn’t know, but it was a good thing she found her.

"Hey, I… I don’t know what you’ll do now, but if you want you can come with me. From what you told me you’re a mage, right? I’m actually heading towards the Twilight College soon. I’m sure they’ll be more than happy to accept a new mage and help you control your powers. "

Summer turned and looked at her surprised. "You mean it? Can I really come with you?" there was hope in her voice and eyes. She turned her paled to face the female by the very door that led the way to the freedom she longed for so long. "I want to leave this place so badly and if I can come I can show you to my family home where it would be more comfortable until the rain stops" she said.

Nodding her head Myrn smiled and extended her hand out to Summer. "Of course! The college accepted me, and I don’t even know magic. I’m sure they’ll let you in, no problem. Looks like the rain is going to continue for a an hour or so, so if you want to give me a tour I’ll be more than happy to tag along."

Summer smiled and took Myrn's hand, her hand surprisingly soft. The wolf beside her watched Myrn before a moment before it yawned and stretched. "Come with me and I can give you a tour" she said smiling at her, her eyes filled with joy knowing she would be leaving this tower.

Summer and Myrn spent the next hour walking around the tower. They told each other a little bit about themselves until the rain stopped. Once it looked like the rain wasn’t going to come back in quite a while, Myrn showed Summer their wagon and took her away from the tower. Before they did that Myrn did also lock the tower entrance, just so no one later comes in and steals anything from inside. Even if Summer was going to live at the College for a while, the tower was still hers.

The rest of the trip back to the college went by uneventfully. Fortunately for Myrn and Baulder, no lobsters were killed on the way. Myrn debated taking Summer straight to Lucilia, but after the incident at the office Myrn figured it would be safer to hang out for a little while longer. "I haven’t been at the college for a long time, but since you showed me around your tower, how about we take a tour of the college?"

Summer smiled and nodded "Sure I would love that. This place seems to be very big and I don't want to get lost. By the way is there anyone there that I should avoid here? It's not like I don't want to meet them it's just i just don't want any trouble on my first time out of the tower ya know" she said.

Chucking Myrn had a few people in mind. "I know one or two, but I haven’t been here long enough to get to know everyone. But I suppose we’ll figure out who’s trouble and who’s not soon enough, eh? Don’t worry though, just stick with me. I’ll make sure no one troubles us." Myrn started walking towards one of the buildings, leading Summer around the college to meet new people and find new places.


Colette sighed as she looked at the ring she had chosen as her reward for the Roc Mission. It was a beautiful ring that had a beautiful red gem that surrounded by black and slid it onto her finger when she heard Annabeth talking behind her and she turned her attention. "Ok Annabeth" she said looking at the new girl with uncertain eyes.

"Um my name is Colette. It's a pleasure to meet you" Colette said not forgetting her manners as she began to walk making sure she was following after her. "So do you want to go straight to Lucillia and get yourself situated or do you want me to give you a tour of the college first before we do that. Lucillia might be busy right now"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Ssarak Dyreackthanose


Ssarak did not have any more to add about the mission itself, but he did want to make sure Lucilia understood how much of a danger Alaria could be. She certainly had the potential to be a productive and helpful ally, but only if she could learn temperance in her actions. Ssarak nodded his head, but before they took their leave, he gave one final comment.

"Very well, and thank you, but you should be cautious with Alaira. She is an excellent fighter, but she is not an excellent warrior. Her skills will serve her well in one-on-one duels, or perhaps against a small group, depending on the skill of the enemy, but for anything more, she will be a liability. Her judgment could break allied formations, or otherwise give the enemy opportunities to exploit. If she were a warrior of my clan, she would not be allowed on the battlefield. Her skill in the mechanics of fighting is great, true, but if she is ever in a position that places the lives of others in her hands, she may very well get them killed. She needs more training, but, well, you saw her reaction towards me. It will have to be another who persuades her." Ssarak warned.

As Ssarak was about to leave the office, he noticed Lyn's basket still on the floor. Evidently, Alaira had taken her away before she could grab it. He notified Lucilia that he would take it to her, then left with Meirin. Once out in the hall, and sufficiently far from the office, Ssarak stopped to talk with Meirin. He let out a sign, his overall expression showing at least some measure of relief. After the stress they had been through over the past few days, it was calming to know that he had more responsibilities ahead of him for time being. At least, nothing aside from the daily routine.

"I suppose that went as well as it could have. Satori will bring forward word of Lucilia's transgressions in regards to Lyn, and hopefully, Lucilia will still heed our warning on Alaira. Since we did not say anything about Lyn, she will not have any particular reason to be angry with us. For now, I am simply glad to be free of these burdens. With all of that out of the way...I am looking forward to being able to spend time with you, without all of the stress and danger looming over us. Right now, I would like to bring this basket to Lyn, and perhaps do a favor for her as well. I was speaking to Lyn before, as you likely gathered. She is very developed for her age, her mind even moreso than her body. She has been worried about the depression plaguing her mother recently, and wants to talk to her. It is something she has never been able to do before, and I would like to help her. You do not have to come if you do not wish to, of course, but I would be happy to have you along. Even if you cannot read Lyn's mind, I am sure you could help. You do have a way of touching others' hearts. Though, hopefully not in the same way as mine." Ssarak said, giving a chuckle and a warm smile.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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E'nasha Williams

E'nasha was pretty quiet as she went with the group back to the college, not really knowing what she could say anyway. When they got back, E'nasha wanted to go looking for El'kan right away, but decided it would probably be better to find whoever's in charge and tell them why she and El'kan were even there.

She was a little surprised when the dwarf offered a reward to her along with the rest of the group. Sure she had helped them, but not that much right? She took a yellow ring, because it seemed the simplest of the choices, but also the most useful to her. She wondered if it would work on finding people as well as items, and decided to test it later with El'kan.

She laughed a little at the scene between the two elves, and was about to ask one of the remaining group members for help, when one of them beat her to it. She introduced herself as Annabeth before running off, and the next girl that spoke to her was called Colette. "I'm E'nasha, nice to meet you too. I suppose going to Lucilia first would be best, if she's busy I'll take you up on that tour though."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Aramir walked through the halls of the College, relieved to be back inside its walls and relatively safe from fears both imagined and real. There certainly wouldn't be any giant birds hunting her down any time soon, the College was practically constantly filled with noise, and shadows were always beat back by the torches. Not to mention, she had a new ring that would keep at bay any darkness long enough for her to find a more permanent solution. It wasn't hard for her to figure out where Auriel was going. There was only one place sure to be empty and have a lockable door, after all, and that was their room. The Snow Elf easily weaved through the groups of students, guards, and golems. Dodging the wayward staff or shin or sword sheathe was a second nature to her by now and she didn't pay the least bit attention to the various times she was nearly knocked over by those much bigger than her.

Finally reaching the door to their room, Aramir tested the handle and was relieved to find that the door was still unlocked. She opened the door and shut it behind her quietly. Her eyes found Auriel, sulking, and she couldn't help smiling and shaking her head. It was slightly endearing to see Auriel go from shrieking rage to quiet sulk, much like a wildfire dying out. "Auriel." She called softly as she walked closer. "I have some good news and bad news." When she was finally within the Forest Elf's sight she pulled out the candy and shook it gently, the ring she had accidentally gotten while down Auriel's shirt glinting in the light(not that Aramir seemed to be aware of it). "This candy can make you appear normal until the rune of anti-thievery runs out and you naturally return to normal. An illusion candy I believe Rurik called it. That's the good news."

Aramir smirked, a teasing tone entering her voice. "The bad news is I'm not entirely sure you'll learn your lesson if I just give it to you and allow you to take the short route to becoming normal. So you'll have to convince me it's a good idea to give it to you."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Konan375
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Leith was surprised that he had startled Alaira. It was a good thing, he mused, that Lyn was there. Considering that startling a half elf with the reputation of being violent sounded like a death wish. He made a note not to walk up on Alaira when she wasn't paying attention in the future as he prefered not being bruised and beaten. He listened as Alaira told him what her and Lyn were doing.

”The gardens, hmm? That sounds nice." Leith chuckled at Lyn's gesture for him to join them. ”Well, I've got nothing better to do. Let's go." He smiled at Lyn when her stomach growled. ”But let's pick something up from Dining Hall first. Actually, now that I mention it, I'm starving." He looked at Alaira and made a sweeping gesture with his left hand. ”Lead the way."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

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Colette + E'nasha + Lucilia | Luna + Vesuvius00 + Lucius Cypher

Colette nodded politely, not really wanting to speak. She fiddled with her new ring with her thumb as she looked away from E'asha. "Hmm lets go see if she is available, this might be our only chance for a while before the others go and report to her." she said before walking away at a slow pace for E'nasha heading in the direction she was certain Lucillia was at.

“Do you mind if I ask how long you’ve been at the college?” E’nasha asked as she followed Colette.

Colette shrugged in an elegant fashion, another painful reminder in her head of what her life used to be and she mentally shook it off as she side glanced E'nasha. "I wouldn't know. As a vampire you lose track of time." She said.

“Oh, really?” E’nasha said semi-nervously. “I couldn’t tell from looking at you, not that I have anything against vampires.”

Colette shrugged her shoulders her long black hair brushing against the exposed white flesh that made up her shoulders. She stopped when she saw Lucilla in sight and waited for the older female vampire to notice them though it wouldn't surprise Colette if she knew they were there, but didn't dare speak until she said something to them.

After dismissing Ssarak and Meirin, Lucilia had spent the next few minutes peering over the cyphered journal. Of course she didn’t get to uncover much before she soon had more guests. She shouldn’t be surprised considering that today was going to be quite a busy day. ”Come on. I see we you have a new guest Colette. My name is Lucilia Riovas, herbmancy professor. How may I help you today?” Guessing by her arrival Colette’s mission was also a success. Hopefully a more successful one than the last two she received.

E’nasha smiled and introduced herself to the teacher. “I’m E’nasha Williams, and I came here with my friend El’kan to enroll here. I have Herbamancy mageblood and he has Geomancy. We, uh, got separated when I was kidnapped by a giant bird.”

Colette watched on before leaning herself against a nearby wall not bothering to correct that the giant bird was a roc. She became lost in thought trying to figure out a way to tell Lucilla what happened on the mission without revealing what she did before the end of it in front of E'nasha who was already semi-nervous around her.

”Oooh, a fellow herbmancer. I will enjoy teaching you. Welcome E’nasha Williams, to the college of Twilight. Before we settle you in as an official student, you’ll need to read some documents and sign some papers.” Lucilia pulled out two thick folders worth of papers, one for E’nasha and another for El’kan. She placed them before the girl with a bemused looking before noting Colette fretting at the wall. ”I believe I might have actually seen your friend El’kan not to long ago with another one of our teachers, Joseph. You should be able to find both in their office not to far away. Do so soon, as there is a lot of paperwork which must be filed.” Lucilia stood up and extended her hand out to E’nasha. ”If you have any issues do not be afraid to find me. Welcome to the college, E’nasha Williams.”

Paperwork wasn’t what was surprising to E’nasha, it was how much paperwork there needed to be done that made her have to stifle a groan as she shook the woman’s hand. “Thank you.” She looked at Colette for a moment, wondering what she should do next. “Um, I think I can find El’kan fine on my own so, should I leave now?”

Colette looked at her hiding any negative emotions from her eyes, not wanting to make the girl more nervous around her, though given what she is she really couldn't blame her and gave a gentle smile. "Go right ahead. I will be right here. I need to do what I need to do with Lucillia before I can do anything else." she said.

“Alright, thank you for your help.” E’nasha said before taking the two folders and walking out of the office to go look for El’kan.

Colette sighed as she watched her go before turning her head and straightened herself. "As you can tell, I have returned from the mission given to me" she said politely to her.

”I see. And how did it go?” Lucilia sat back down and looked at Colette intently. This would be her first time out of the watchful eye of the college. Lucilia hoped that Colette did well. (Short, but yo go)

Colette looked at her. "It went well. I managed to develop my powers and made my bat demon my familiar and I killed the roc to save Annabeth" She said, though the guilt shined deep in her eyes when she said Annabeth's name as she remembered what happened between her and her best friend and she looked away.

Lucilia’s eyes widen when Colette mentioned her development and slaying the roc. She honestly did not expect the party to defeat such a creature, even if they advanced to the next level of their magic. Lucilia was proud, but noticed something wrong with Colette. She seemed… Sadden. Surely it wasn’t because of her increase in strength? Did she feel guilt over the roc? Or was it something more… Feral? ”I see. Very impressive. I’m proud of your accomplishments Colette. Not many could say they would have made it as far as you did, nor slay a roc either. And yet… I sense that you do not feel pride over your actions. Is something troubling you?”

"Oh I do feel proud. This means I am growing more stronger. Unfortunately, it is not what is troubling me. Something else is and it brings back way too many bad memories of what happened before I came to this place" she said almost in a low whisper. If Lucillia was human she probably wouldn't have heard her.

Lucilia nodded her head and was quickly able to figure out what it was. After all, not many girls had to worry about the same thing she and Colette does. ”Colette, did you have to feed during the mission?”

The way Colette's body flinched at the word feed gave Lucilla the answer to her question. "I thought I took enough marrow to last me so I didn't have to feed, but I ended up having to. I told Annabeth that I should sprint an animal nearby and get away from the group but she instead offered herself and I been feeling guilt ever since. I knew coming here wouldn't change the fact I killed so many people because of my lust for blood in the last two centuries and it makes me think that I could have killed Annabeth if I haven't forced myself to back off." She said as a tear in the textures and color of blood ran down her white cheek.

Standing up from her chair Lucilia walked over and embraced Colette in a tight hug. ”Don’t say that Colette. I know you can never forget those two centuries, but things can change for you. You’ve gotten much stronger, not just in your magic, but in your mind and spirit too. You have friends now, like Annabeth, and me.” Taking out a handkerchief Lucilia wiped the tear from Colette’s eyes. She was worried however; the marrow draught was obviously still not good enough to slate blood lust. Even Lucilia had to drink genuine blood to make up for the faults of the draught. And Lucilia has been too busy with work to really improve on the formula. That’s when she had an idea.

”Colette, you aren’t just getting stronger, but smarter too. I think it’s time that you get to prove it.”

Colette's eyes widened when she felt Lucillia embraced her and heard her say those words to her. It caused more tears to run down her face before she felt the handkerchief wipe them away from her red eyes. She blinked when she heard Lucillia say it was time for her to prove it. "What do you mean?" she asked confused.

Smiling Lucilia let Colette go and moved to the back of her office. There was some shuffling noises before she came back with a tome. ”As you know I’m working on the Marrow Draught, something that I can hopefully perfect so that vampires no longer need to feed from the blood of mortals. However after twenty long years, I’ve only come this far and it’s far from perfect. Not only that by recent events have made my life busier, which leaves me less time to work on the formula. I don’t trust anyone else with this information, as in the wrong hands it could be used against vampires, or at least used for evil purposes. However I trust you Colette. You have the skills and knowledge needed to finish where I left off. I can’t say it will be easy, because it certainly wasn’t for me. But I know you can perfect the Marrow Draught Colette. You can find a way to stop hurting those you care about, and save thousands of other vampires who suffer the same.” Lucilia extended the tome over to Colette. It was a thick black leather bound book. The title was stitched onto the cover with red string, spelling out “The Cure”.

She rubbed the words as she suddenly remember something. "I think I might know something that might be able to help us while I work on this Lucillia. How could I have not thought of this before. It may not be a exact cure but it can work as a sub after the Marrow Draught wears off and vampires need to drink blood." She said her eyes lightening up.

Lucilia smiled brightly hearing Colette’s words. Barely a minute after obtaining the book and she already knew what to do. ”I knew I could trust you Colette. Take my tome and do what you must do. When you discover anything new, bring it to me so I can help you test it. Now then, is there anything else about the mission I should know?” Lucilia returned to her seat at the desk. She wanted to talk to Colette more, ask her about her newly found powers and how she slew the roc, but alas there was much work to be done. Perhaps with any luck, she could find Colette later after she meets with Grey. Or while she meets with Grey. Maybe even introduce the two of them.

Colette smiled. "No that is it about the mission. Thank you for trusting me. I will do you proud" she said with a smiled looking at her, her arms wrapped tightly around the book.

Lucilia let out a sigh. It was time to get back to work. With one final smile Lucilia magically opened her door. ”Well then, I think it’s time that you got a well deserved rest. You’re free to do whatever you’d like today. I have to get back to work, but perhaps later tonight we can see each other and talk some more. I’ll also have someone send you and everyone else on the mission payment for a job well done. You did a great job out there Colette. Don’t forget that.”

"Thank you so much again. What time shall I come back and see you" She asked blushing as she let the other words fill her body with happiness that she hadn't felt in years.

”Mmm… Don’t worry. While I’m quite busy, I’ll find you when we’re both free.” Lucilia said as she started to look over her papers. She quietly sighed looking at it knowing that even if she didn’t go out to relax, it’ll take her at least today and tomorrow to finish this pile. And then the next box… Well, she needed some time off too. Little did she know, she’ll soon need it.

Colette walked to the door but stopped and looked back at her. "I always told my parents this as a joke.All work and no play makes people a dull boy. Don't try so hard. Just take your time with stuff and you will be surprised at the results it brings when you do" she said softly before leaving completely.

Somewhat puzzled, Lucilia wasn’t sure she’d understand Colette’s joke. Still… ”One day at a time Lucilia…. One day at a time…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

E’nasha and Joseph (Vesuvius00 and Lucius Cypher)

E’nasha took a deep breath as she left the room, holding the folders tightly so she wouldn’t drop any of the papers inside. After looking down the hallway in each direction, she chose a path and started walking, silently cursing herself for not at least asking the directions to the other teacher’s office.

There was some chatting in one of the office. Inside the partially open door was a small snow elf, talking to El’kan. He was helping him do his paperwork knowing how Lucilia loves to bog people down with piles upon piles of documents. Joseph heard some footsteps coming through the hall and barely missed E’nasha walking on by. “Ah! E’nasha!”

When she heard someone say her name, E’nasha stopped walking and looked around to see the Snow Elf from before and El’kan in one of the offices. “Oh there you are!” She said, smiling at them. She took one of the folders and handed it to El’kan. “Lucilia gave me this one for you.”

El’kan took the folder, looked at it a moment, and then hugged E’nasha with no warning. “I was so worried about you! Even after Sir got back with your necklace I still worried.” He let go of her and smiled.

Joseph was happy to see E’nasha alive and well, jumping over his tall desk to get to them. As a snow elf, he was barely up to E’nasha’s waist. “I’m sorry I was too late. I hope the roc didn’t hurt you too much?” Joseph looked concerned despite E’nasha’s obvious safety.

“It’s ok, I’m fine. I blacked out on the way to its nest and then it pretty much ignored me because of the group that was there.” E’nasha smiled at the teacher. “It doesn’t matter if you were too late, the point is that you tried.”

Joseph looked down and rubbed his head. “Thank you. As a teacher of hydromancy, I had thought I could have done more for you. Well, regardless I’m glad you’re safe. But not from Lucilia’s paperwork I see! That woman, I swear she likes to bury us all in bureaucracy. Would you like me to help you look through that? I helped El’kan with most of his, and I’m sure I can help you right quick.”

“Thanks! I appreciate it.” She laughed a little and looked to El’kan. “If you’ve got most of it done already then it can’t be too bad.”

He made a face at her and held up the folder she had handed him. “Yea, but you just gave me even more to do!” E’nasha just barely stifled a laugh.

The laughter spread to Joseph, and he chuckled as he crawled up into his chair behind his desk. “Well, pull up a chair. I’ll help you figure out what you need to sign and what’s a trap that Lucilia likes to lay down to get you caught in a tricky deal. A lot of her rules and clauses will refer back to things a few pages back, and that always catches people off guard.” Joseph put on his thinking cap and inked his pen. From the blade stains on the side of his hand, he’s been doing this recently as well.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As Ssarak turned to leave Meirin looked hard at Lucilia. While Satori did say that she'd handle it, the red-haired girl still couldn't help but feel that she needed to do something to let Lucilia know her disapproval. Something that at least made the teacher know that Meirin knew what she did. But after letting her fists uncurl, Meirin simply turned around and spoke softly. "I hope you knew what you were doing." She followed Ssarak out into the hallway.

Once out of Lucilia's office Meirin felt a great burden off her shoulders. While she still had some concerns at least the mission was over now, and all she'd need to worry about would be her classes and friends. At some point she should check up on Lyn and see how she's doing. Fortunately for her Ssarak suggested finding Lyn, not only to return the basket but also because he had a favor to do for her. Meirin already guessed that Ssarak had a mental conversation with her considering that Lyn lacked the ability to speak for herself. The only thing Meirin was worried about was dealing with Lyn's parents. She didn't know Mar or Athalus much aside that Mar was a Naga and Athalus hailed from Djarkel. But most people knew that Mar was... Temperamental and while there wasn't much known about Athalus, the fact he came from Djarkel was all that Meirin needed to know about him. He was likely crafty and dangerous, and somehow able to live with Mar as his wife. Meirin supposed it wouldn't be bad for her to get to know the two more however, seeing that Lyn is turning out to be a sweet girl.

At Ssarak's final comment about Meirin, she simply smiled and lifted her chest. "I can't help to have that affect on others Ssarak. But you shouldn't worry. You're the only one who's touched my heart." She playfully punched Ssarak on the chest, roughly where his heart ought to be if he was human. Then she began to walk down the hall before stopping and turning to Ssarak. "I believe Lyn is still with Alaira, and we should give her some space. I don't know where Mar or Athalus are except maybe in their room. They might not welcome our intrusion either, so is there anything else you'd like to do? Perhaps... We could go flying?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Ssarak Dyreackthanose


Ssarak lightly scratched his chin for a moment when Meirin pointed out the complication that Alaira might present. "Hmm, I think you may be right. Alaria may not allow Lyn to leave her right now, regardless of what Lyn actually wants. Alaira could probably find some way to justify it to herself. Perhaps I will get a chance in a few hours to facilitate Lyn's conversation, once Alaira has finally returned her." He reasoned, pausing a moment as he looked down to the basket he was still carrying. It contained a few gifts from Lucilia, and no matter how Ssarak felt about Lucilia, Lyn would still likely want to have her presents.

"Still, I would at least like to give Lyn her basket. There is nothing a child likes more than presents, and nothing that will ruin their day faster than having them taken away. If we just drop off the basket, then leave, I doubt even Alaira will cause any problems. Or maybe she will try to claw out my eyes just for looking at her; it seems just as likely." Ssarak said in a lighthearted tone. Even if Alaira could get away without punishment, they could at least take solace in the fact that they now had an opportunity to turn her into a running joke.

Ssarak looked to her with a smile as he began to walk alongside her. "Anyways, I am always ready to take to the skies, especially with you. I have found a few more rooftops and other perches which make for scenic places to relax, especially near dawn and dusk. Sunsets are simply sublime in this area. You should be able to get to them all with your magic, though if you do not want to fatigue yourself, I could always fly you around. My wings are always at your disposal." Ssarak commented, reaching out with his wing and wrapping it partially around her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by cqbexpt
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cqbexpt Warden Eternal

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The trip back to the college was not long from the tower that they picked up the new person from. When their supplies started to get low on the last day of the trip the new girl began to look rather edible to Baulder. Unfortunately for him though he passed out from the pain of his broken "ribs" for the remainder of the trip. When he woke back up he was in the infirmary again. He looked around empty room for a moment orienting himself to the new area. He blinked a couple of times and then wrestled his hand out of the blankets he was tucked into and bringing it to his forehead. Rubbing it for a second he attempted to sit up in the bed. There was a sharp shooting pain in his chest which he managed to fight so that he could sit all the way up. He had forgotten the lobster had hit him... the lobsters. Throwing the blanket to the side he threw his legs over the side of the bed and winced at the shooting pain in his chest. The lobsters were all he could think about. He didn't know if the elf moved it or not. He needed to be sure.

Grabbing his bandaged mid section and hunched over he began walking out the infirmary. There was no one trying to stop him which invigorated him. Baulder reached up under his shirt and then bandages to scratch his broken but seemingly fixed breast plate. He didn't stop to think how that happened and instead continued to half limp furiously to where he remembered getting the wagon from originally. With luck it would be there. Several people passed him in the hallways but few gave him more then a glance. He got the feeling this was not terribly out of the ordinary to have an injured person half running down their corridors.

Baulder pushed the heavy wooden door that led to the outside quite hard and it banged on the wall it's hinges were attached to. He looked around rapidly looking for the building the wagons were stored in. After walking around for a little bit he found the building which was fortunately unlocked. He limped into the building quickly and began looking through the empty stalls and full ones. He remembered their wagon had some words carved onto the side "Please ignore" or something like that. He went up and down the rows of stalls multiple times before finding the wagon. He climbed into the drivers seat to get a better look at the back of the wagon. Upon gaining the high ground he looked where Myrn had put the barrel earlier. Once again it was exactly where it should be. He climbed into the back of the wagon and rolled the barrel off the side of the wagon and clenched his jaw as the barrel hit the ground harder than he wanted it to. He paused for a moment to make sure the barrel was not leaking. He checked on the lobsters before continuing on his way rolling the barrel on it's side. Once again no one gave him much more than a glance as he rolled a barrel full of sloshing materials through the corridors of the college. Just another day.

When Baulder finally made it to Tyrael's office he felt like he was going to vomit from how much his chest was hurting. He dragged the barrel so that it was vertical and knocked on the door hesitantly. He waited for a minute before knocking again...and again...and again. Within a few minutes he was banging on the door and fiddling with the door handle rapidly. He began growling at the door in hopes of it maybe forcing the owner to come and stop him. But no one did. After banging his hands raw on the door he slumped down against the door with the barrel next to him. He didn't want to disappoint the demon, he wanted more imp. What was he gonna do without more imp meat? He began shaking at the idea of no longer having the delicious demon. He wanted to forget and he wanted food no needed food. Baulder jumped up at a Human walking near by and grabbed him by the shoulders and started yelling at him "Where can I get food!"

The man quickly pushed him off with a gust of wind and knocked Baulder on his back. Managing to keep his head from hitting the ground Baulder ignored the pain in his chest and attempted to get back up and the man spoke up i a strange accent. "Touch me again and I'll break your head open. If you want food go to Underhaven, it's that way. If you get lost ask." As the man walked away and Baulder got back onto his feet he muttered something about beggars before rounding a corner and disappearing from Baulder's sight. Deciding no one would mess with things the demon would have delivered Baulder decided to go to the Underhaven.

Baulder took the initial directions given to him and managed to get far before needing to ask someone for more directions. Eventually though he found what he guessed was the Underhaven. There was a bar in the middle of the large room and a currently inhabited piano in the corner. There was demon that looked as though it was ludicrously large to be playing the piano. This caused Baulder to laugh for a moment before he stifled it as the demon started playing on the piano. He then decided to not say anything to the ridiculous looking demon as he played his piano. Taking a seat at the bar Baulder finally allowed himself to address the pain. He finally noticed the edges of his vision were blurry and dark compared to when he had woken up earlier. Breathing rather slowly now another demon with goat legs came out from a back room and entered behind the bar and walked up to Baulder. "What'll you have?" He asked evenly.

"Meat...bloody if you can do that or have that." The demon said he would be back in a moment and Baulder looked around at the rest of the bar. Struggling against the slow darkening of his vision Baulder saw that some of the other people at the bar were rather pale looking and were staring him down quite intently. Baulder let out another laugh as this was the thing that got him attention, sitting at a bar and ordering food. The bar keep came by with a plate of what was he guessed shaved sheep. The goatman went over to tend the pale individuals and Baulder started tearing into the sheep with his claws. When Baulder got his first taste of the sheep a single tear ran down his face. This was almost as good as the imp had tasted. It was so delicious that he even began to chew it slowly savoring every bite of the sheep. Very quickly he began to have tears pouring out of his eyes. Baulder could not think a time he had been happier than at that moment. The blood from the sheep was beginning to mix with the tears coming out of Baulder's face and beginning to create a sizable mess. He had even managed to forget that his chest even hurt anymore. Then he blacked out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alaira Taenn

Alaira frowned for just a moment when Lyn waved Leith over... It wasn't that she had anything against him necessarily, but she was just slow to trust in general. At least, to the level of 'people that may hang out with me.' She shook her head a little, her expression once again neutral as she shrugged. "Alright. I guess I can use something to eat. I ain't had much aside from mead for the past three days..." she said. Normally, when she felt hungry she went out and caught something (Or ate some more of whatever she killed last time) but she was just not in the mood for any of that right now, and she had no meat saved. There wasn't any sort of fancy reason for hunting for her own food, she just didn't like paying for food back when she traveled and the habit sorta stuck.

That, and she didn't like visiting those kitchens. Way back when she first came here, she'd had to wash dishes for a month or two to pay for her... Enrollment, she supposed. Not a particularly harrowing experience, but it just left a bad taste, y'know? She gestured for the albino to follow them as she walked, shifting Lyn in her arms just a bit.

Grey Onyx

Grey nodded as Rathel spoke... It made sense. It was what he would have had done, after all. Of course, as for Khan he couldn't say he really knew him. He felt sorry for him, but he didn't have much in the way of input on his situation, other than 'that's rough' or something similar. He nodded, pointing towards the Demon's handiwork for a moment. "Nice, but I'm not sure it goes with our 'big stone fort' aesthetic very well." He said, smiling again for a short moment as he leaned back, looking up to the ceiling.

He frowned again, shutting his eye as he took a deep breath. "So... I've had some things on my mind... If I tell you, I trust you'll keep it to yourself?" He said. He didn't wait for an answer, sure that Rathel would agree. He looked toward the demon, unable to look him in the eyes... So he just picked a place on his head. "Strange things are afoot, Rathel. Very strange things. Something is happening, and I'm just not sure What's going on." He adjusted his position, clasping his hands together. "You know I fought Heus, right? Well, fought is not exactly- Anyway. I fought him. And I'm alive. Now, that's not so bad right? Thing is, he tried to crush me. Multiple times. And I didn't get out of the way. I took it. He tried to crush me, but I held him off." He said, staring down to his hands. "No normal human should be able to do that... I'm no vitamancer, Rathel, I can't do that. So I thought about it. I am far more durable than I should be. I heal faster, wounds barely seem to phase me, I've never had any sort of issue with pain."

He sighed, looking off to the side. "During my last assignment I was capable of feats of strength I just shouldn't have been able to accomplish. I punched a solid oak door off its hinges and across the room, I was able to resist a necromancer controlling my armor, and..." He shuddered, revulsion and fear plain in his emotions. "There was this... thing. I... I killed it. I punched it in the head, over, and over, and over... And when I was done, there was just... Mush. I turned its head to paste with my bare hands... I just... I don't know what's going on, or what to do about it... I don't even know what I am anymore..." He said, sighing heavily as he awaited a response.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Meirin Kurenai

Chuckling Meirin thought back to her days at the monastery. While her masters taught them to be honorable and righteous she remembered in her youth sneaking around the monastery to steal sweets and snacks. How she would take these things and drop them off with her friends, leaving the elders confused as to where they “misplaced” their treats. But these thoughts also brought back memories of lost friends, and thus she quickly shook those thoughts away. The purpose was that Meirin figured she could conceivably sneak the basket into Lyn’s possession without Alaira noticing her. It’s been awhile since she practiced her stealth, but like her martial arts Meirin was confident that she could pull it off.

Those thoughts were put aside however when she felt Ssarak’s embrace. It’s not often that she gets wing-hugs. Like quilt blankets. And while Ssarak was still wearing his armor Meirin could feel his body heat through the armor. Which was a bit chillier, but pressing her body against his equalized the temperature.

”That sounds lovely. I’ve actually been learning new Wind Weaving techniques so i could fly independently, but… I need a lot of practice. Perhaps you could show me a thing or two about flight?” Meirin chuckled knowing that her method of flight and Ssarak’s were too different to work unless she grew wings. She held Ssarak close to her body as they walked closer to the exit. ”But first, I think we’re due for a change in wardrobe and a bath. I’ve been wearing this outfit for far longer than I’d like.”

Myrn Vaan'Atisha

As soon as they arrived to the college Myrn had to leave Summer at the wagon to bring Baulder to the infirmary. The bandages didn’t hold out during the trip and Myrn feared that he would bleed out before they could turn the lobsters over to Tyrael. That and she didn’t want Summer to see a man die right next to her. Even though Myrn has barely been at the college for more than a few days she had no trouble finding the Infirmary. All she had to do was follow the muffled screaming. She walked passed a man getting his wrist healed, which looked very painful. Myrn did her best to ignore him and find an empty cot to lay out Baulder. She told one of the assistance what happened to him and they quickly got to work on him. Once Myrn dropped Baulder off at the Infirmary she had to get back to Summer. She needed to introduce Summer to Lucilia so she could apply herself as a student. Myrn figured she ought to do the same, as she rather liked the college. If nothing else it’s the perfect home away from home.

After storing the wagon into the stables Myrn went up to Summer. ”Alright Summer, first order of business is getting you a room. First we’ll talk to a lady name Lucilia who’ll give you a room. Then you will find out what your classes will be and such. I’d stay and help but I need to get those lobsters over to another teacher. Please follow me!” Myrn then lead Summer to the teacher’s office. It took her a little while since she got lost but eventually found the hall where she got attacked by those vine creatures. Walking past that room she then knocked on Lucilia’s office.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Ssarak Dyreackthanose


Ssarak's smile was constant as he and Meirin began to walk down the hall, in the direction of their rooms. Technically, they were in a public place, but there was no one else in the hallway at the moment. He had no problem with either strangers or friends knowing about their relationship, and felt no need nor desire to hide it, but he was aware that it was not always acceptable among humans to show one's affections around others. Though, he was not familiar with the specifics of those rules.

"Once again, I believe you are very much correct. I may not sweat, but that does not mean I can avoid bathing. Nor would I wish to. I rather like the water. Strange, I know, considering that I come from a place where lava flows like rivers. It amazed me that places outside my homeland had such large bodies of water as lakes and rivers. I have quite a few stories about my experiences with the water after I left." He commented. "Anyway, I will do all I can to help you, but...I am more accustomed to flying on the wind, not bending it to carry me. Still, there are principles of flight which I imagine are universal. Most likely. Well...I will be there to catch you." He added, mostly jokingly. It was a decent walk for them to reach their rooms, though it did not take too long before they neared them.
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