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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 1 hr ago


Lyn nodded her head, her body still being held by Alaira. Her arms clinged to the half elf and leaned heavily upon her guardian for the time being. However her belly refuse to rest. It grumbled and roared quietly, still needing something to satisfy it, while she tried to listen to Alaira and Lieth converse. The half elf seemed a little offish and this made Lyn’s head tilt in confusion. Did she do something wrong again? It was something, she realized, she was getting a bit too good at now a days.

Not happy she had upset Alaira by inviting Leith, she bowed her head down upon Alaira’s shoulder. Her arms wrapped about and held close as they walked to the kitchen. On approaching it, her stomach growled more ferocious causing her rub it in anxiety. Normally she would’ve asked mom to get herself to eat but seeing as she wasn’t in the best mood, Lyn has decided it was better to travel to the kitchens with Alaira and Lieth. Smells of cooking meat, soups and bread were wafting from the rooms where busy bodies were busting their asses for the morning meal. Often, the staff were overjoyed to see Lyn being brought in which resulted in her hands being stuffed with candied goods, sweet molasses bread, and other goodies that made her tummy less hungry.

Shifting in Alaira’s hands, she gestured an idea in her head. She leaned over and pointed at the basket, a picnic one woven by reeds, then to the set of cheeses, breads, few cooling pies and other food delights made by the kitchen’s volunteers. Students were often suggested to ask before they took but no one ever got into serious trouble over swiping a few goodies here or there. It was grown within the school grounds for the most part by the students, both herbamancers and volunteers, that there was plenty for everyone.


Rathel agreed but a gaping hole was just as bad, he head turned to note the serious and recollecting expression on the man’s face. Something was clearly bothering him though the joy seemed shortly lived. Though Rathel could’ve declined, making another suggestion, the demon wisely allowed the man to unburden himself. Much like Khan would do in the private of his study, the demon listening and digesting the following words. When the man finished, Rathel was silent.

His eyes shifted to the window and seemed to trace the delicate work. His mind recalled when Khan was younger, his own worries and regrets nearly drove him on an unforgivable path. Though for some, redemption was far from easy. His mind drifted on the words some and what to say.

”That is strange, I will admit. I never did understand how you survive Heus, but then again, I wasn’t myself nor was Zaad. Personally, I like to think you were blessed by the Gods with an amazing gift and what you do with it is a responsible that is completely up to you. Instead of pondering on what you are, why not decide how you will control and use it? It’s natural to wonder and be fearful of the unknown, but don’t let it haunt you. Don’t let what you don’t know or understand define you. As far as I’m concerned, you are Grey. Not human, or something beyond mortal. Merely Grey. And to me, as well as many, that is all that matters.”

Trying to reassure the man, Rathel placed his talons on the man’s shoulder and gave him the most gentle look possible for his features.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 days ago

Annabeth Gulch

Annabeth went to Underhaven shortly after Colette took the new girl E'nasha to Lucilia. It had been a long day and she wanted to get a drink, something to eat, and fall to sleep. She's been working at Underhaven more-or-less since she arrived to the college and found many amenities. For one, there was an employee lounge that was spacious and comfortable enough to allow workers to rest the night after a long day's work. Annabeth has made use of it many times. But there was also knowledge to be gathered here. The people who come here, ancient vampires and lucid demons, knew things that most mortals would never had thought of. A few of them even gave her pointers about her Psychomancy. A lot had quests and jobs to offer for great riches. Annabeth never took any of them, but she knew if she did she could have riches and powers beyond her wildest imagination. Though Annabeth wasn't always the sharpest tool in the shed, so that comparison was bunk. Still there were many opportunities here. Annabeth just needed to find the determination to catch it.

When Annabeth arrived there was some activity at Underhaven. Mostly just the usual patrons getting their fill for the day, talking about work and recent events. The bouncer greeted Annabeth casually as she strolled in and headed to the bar. "A Herb Ale please." The Barkeep nodded his head and served Annabeth a hearty mug of herb ale, made from local herbs around the college. A somewhat cheap drink noted for it's kick of taste and strength. Good if you want to have a buzz but don't want to let it impede your work. Last just long enough to get you through whatever it is you're doing. Annabeth had more then her fair share working at Underhaven, dealing with unruly and touchy customers. Initially she drank it to release her inhibition and put those customers into place, but now she's grown to like the taste. That and it was one of the only drinks she could get for free here; everything else came out from her usual pay. Herb Ale was cheap.

After drinking at least two mugs of the stuff a newcomer arrived. Annabeth didn't pay attention until he reached the bar. He ordered raw meat and guessed that he was a vampire or something. Maybe a new member that Lucilia or one of the other vampires picked up. He tore into his food without using utensils, shredding it with his claws. "He's either hungry or rude." Annabeth thought as she drank her ale. She was about to head out when she heard the newcomer fall onto his plate. The guy was a mess, and in more ways then one. There was blood everywhere, though little did Annabeth know it came from more then just his food. Sighing, Annabeth stood up and called out to the barkeep. "I'll be taking him to one of the private rooms. My key please?"

Normally Underhaven didn't do nap nights tonight. But Annabeth wouldn't feel right leaving the newcomer to fall asleep in the middle of the tavern like he did. The least she could do is lay him out on one of the couches, put a blanket over him, and wait for him to wake up. But he was awfully bloody... And this didn't go unnoticed. Little did Annabeth knew but the person she just helped out was a Rheven-ari, and no vampire in Underhaven had ever tasted their blood before. And to smell it wafting through the air; tempting. Most know to control themselves however and stayed put. A few... Didn't. After Annabeth laid the man to rest, she heard the door close and saw a single vampire woman standing there.

"This is a private room I'm afraid."

"Oh! My apology. It's just that he's a friend of mines you see. I've recently picked him up from Eania, and he's still quite tired from the trip! If you don't mind, I'll just take him back to our room."

The vampire spoke confidently and trained her bluff, but Annabeth could sense her motive easily. It helped that, using a bit of telepathy, Annabeth was able to pick up the vampire's blood lust. She just wanted to feed from the body. She silently cursed herself; all she had was her dagger. Colette still had Annabeth's sword and she left her axe somewhere in the fields where the roc was at. She needed to stall for time.

"Oh? What were you doing at Eania?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by cqbexpt
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cqbexpt Warden Eternal

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Baulder awoke with a start which threw him into a sitting position. He immediately started coughing deeply. For the few seconds between every cough he managed to force out deep growls. His deep coughs quickly turned into bloody ones and it forced him to bring his hands up to his mouth as blood flew out of his mouth and nose. Barely able to breath he continued coughing and attempted to open his eyes. Before he was able to put the garbled mess his eyes were feeding him together he realized he was sitting on something soft. He wasn't at the chair was he? Was the chair soft? The questions answered themselves pretty quickly, he wasn't at the bar anymore. He was in a room of some kind and there were two women in the room with him. Baulder managed to stop choking for a second and look at both of them with blurred vision. Fighting back more coughs a confused look fell over his face before he started coughing again.

He hunched over his double jointed legs and felt his chest burn more with every cough. He put one of his arms down to his chest where he felt the warm soaked bandages. He gripped his chest with a fist then it finally stopped. Breathing heavily and covered in his own blood he finally fell back against the couch and managed a gravelly laugh. He wondered what his blood smelled like, as it dawned on him that he didn't know. He finally settled down and laid on the couch properly for a moment and still laughing looked back at the other two in the room. In a half laugh Baulder in a deep scratchy voice said "Who...the fuck are you guys?" He then started into another laugh which tipped him over into another coughing fit with once again blood exiting his mouth.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Konan375
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Leith raised his eyebrows ”Not much aside from mead for the past three days? How are you not starving?" He asked with a smile. ”Or drunk?" He swung his arms back and forth as he walked alongside Alaira and Lyn, chuckling at the noises that could be heard from Lyn's stomach.

When they arrived at the kitchen, Leith saw Lyn's gesture from the basket to the foodstuffs and smiled. That looked like a good idea. Despite the fact that she couldn't speak, Lyn had a good way of saying what she had on mind. Leith paused at that thought. Maybe that could be the gift he could get her. He had to see about it later, though, because food was a bit more important. He scooped up the basket in his right hand, and grabbed a few pies, both the meat and fruit kind, some bread, cheese, and placed them carefully into the basket. He then grabbed a few apples and offered one to both Lyn and Alaira before taking a bite out of his.

”Now that that's taken care of, shall we go to the gardens?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by cqbexpt
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cqbexpt Warden Eternal

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Baulder & Annabeth

"Oh? Don't you know? Vampires aren't wanted in Eania, so I've brought my vampire friend here-"

Just then baulder woke up. He sat up, obviously in pain, but asked who they were. He didn't recognized his "Friend", as Annabeth thought. Capitalizing on his critcal state Annabeth turned towards the vampire. "As you can see, he's quite hurt. I'm afraid you need to leave as I make sure he doens't get worse." The vampire took a step forward and Annabeth acted instictively, putting her hand on the hilt of her dagger. She and the vampire started off at each other.

"Let me help."

"I know what you want. I am a Psychomancer you know."

This got the vampire's attention. Her eyes grew wide and she took a step back... Only to try to make a lunge for Baulder. Annabeth took out her dagger and slashed at the vampire, but her speed and harden skinned only made Annabeth barely leave a graze on her skin. "Damn you! Stay back!" Annabeth put herself between the vampire and Baulder, grappling her and trying to push her towards the door. But it was a struggle, one she was about to lose.

Baulder flew back into a fit of coughing as the two women began struggling. One pulling a knife and the other barely flinching at the cut. Having little idea what they were talking about before hand he was left to decipher the struggle himself. "Maybe this was a family tussle!" Baulder thought to himself. It was something he had seen the Human kids doing back at the village. Baulder found out that he should just let them have at it as he got yelled at one time for breaking up their fight one time. Though considering that they were in front of him and he literally could not get up from the couch. He also now realized he really had to relieve himself. When was the last time he did that anyways? He coughed again but this time he got a glimpse of his lower chest. He was bleeding. Now how did that happen?

He tried to get up but was pushed back down by the two struggling women and the pain in his chest. Was he really bleeding that bad? He should probably go to the infirmary again, that was what it was called right? He was still hungry too. He really just wanted to get up and leave. He...REALLY wanted to leave. He gritted his teeth as anger began to fill him. He attempted to push the women off him but found quickly he didn't have the strength. His stomach grumbled and Baulder got more irritated. He was still hungry, that lamb was probably sitting somwhere still uneaten fully. That reminded him of the imp. The imp had tasted better than that lamb. The imp.

Baulder blinked and sudden felt light headed and his vision darkened not being able to keep his head up anymore he slumped over on the couch and his head pointed away from the wall. And there was the imp. Baulder cracked a wide smile, it was the imp from before. He could tell from the horns and the smell. Oh yes the smell, the smell of delicous imp. Yes, this was the same one. He remembered. Cracking a wide smile he looked at the imp with devilish intent. He managed to say to it in a horse but stern voice. "I want to leave this place." He said glancing up to the two fighting women.

The imp looked around. It was confused. What was he doing here? Where- And then he saw him. The mortal that Tyrael had brought to fight him. What did he want? The Imp was scared. But then he heard what Baulder said: He wanted to leave. The imp saw the two women fighting near and figured they were trying to stop Baulder. One had a knife, but the imp could smell the vampiric influence on the other. She was a much greater threat then a mortal with a blade. If the imp killed her, then he could kill Annabeth and eat her with ease.

Annabeth was too distracted with the vampire to notice the imp being summoned. She tried to slash the vampire, even pressing the blade into her skin, but her steel blade couldn't do more then leave a red mark on the vampire's pale skin. Annabeth had to resort to her hand-to-hand combat manuveres. Which essentially boiled down to attempting a choke slam on the vampire. Fortunately for Annabeth she indeed did have the raw strength needed to lift the vampire by her neck for just a few seconds, and then toss her onto the ground.

That's when the imp lunged, attacking the vampire. While the demon wasn't even as strong as Annabeth in terms of raw strength, it had much sharper claws that could actually cut into the vampire's skin, as well as a powerful maw which bite into the vampire's shoulder. But Annabeth had no idea what to do. She had expected the vampire, but a demon? She could only hold her blade and steb back towards Baulder, hoping that one of them killed each other so she could finish the other off.

Baulder grabbed the women's outer thigh as that was the thing was closest too. He weakly sputtered out. "I think he's mine." He cracked a smile and another laugh as he wasn't entirely sure if the imp was there because of him. The demon had said something about this hadn't he? He couldn't remember, there was little he could remember.

Annabeth jumped when she felt Baulder touch her thigh, though fortunately for him instead of stabbing him she smacked him with the hilt of her dagger. Don't scare me like that!" Fortunately for Annabeth the commotion caught the attention of the bouncer. There was some banging on the door before he bursted armed with a club. He saw Annabeth and shot a look at her. "The vampire is thirsty for blood and I think the demon is his!" Annabeth pointed to Baulder laid up on the sofa. Regardless of the alligence of the demon, the bouncer smashed his club into the vampire and demon. While it didn't kill the vampire, it likely crushed the demon's spine.

Hearing the disgusting crack of the imp's spine was slightly disheartening to Baulder as he began to become more sure that it was the imp from the inferno. That was a thing he had made. Odd, he had made something. This caused Baulder to grin harder at the joy of his creation. Unable to stop the women from hitting him in the face with the butt of the dagger. This caused a large bruise to begin forming on his cheek and part of his nose. It also began to start running with his blood. Still holding onto Annabeth he managed to look up at her from his position on the couch through blurred vision. "What....what's....your name? Also vampire?" Baulder said questioningly.

"What?" Soon the situation died down. Another bouncer showed up to detain the vampire, while the previous bouncer put his foot on top of the imp's head, ready to crush it. But since it was Baulder's demon he didn't do so immediately, wanting to know what he wanted to do with it. As for Annabeth, after regaining her composure and putting her knife away she tried to awnser his questions. "Alright... Alright. My name is Annabeth. This is Underhaven, where vampires come. You... You're bleeding! Oh gods, we need to get you to the infirmary!" Annabeth went over to Baulder to pick him up in her big muscular arms. She shouldered her way past the others and dashed off to the infirmary.

As Baulder was carried past the still breathing but near dead imp he managed to slip his bloody arm out of Annabeth's clutches and almost touched the imp. Since he couldn't do it himself he looked at the bouncer and nodded. "That'll do imp. That'll do." He then fell back into his stupor, trying to fight the exhaustion he was feeling. But it was a fight he quickly lost.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Grey Onyx

Grey was silent, his brow furrowed deep in thought as he took in the demon's words. He suppressed a smile at the irony, the fact that he was seeking advice from a demon of all things. The Grey from a few years ago might've tried to attack Rathel... or vomit, who knows. He... He was right. He was being ridiculous, the things he had done were only positive. He was here complaining about powerful gifts others lacked. He still feared the unknown, but... he would focus on what he could do with this power, rather than sitting around being afraid of it.

"I... Yes. You're right." He finally said, nodding. He looked up to the demon, finally. His expression still showed concern, but most of his old determination had returned. He... felt that Rathel's expression was somewhat disturbing, but he understood the intent. "Thanks, friend... I need to figure this out, but I can't sit here tearing my hair out about it..." He offered his hand.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Time Skip- 5 days: Opening Feast

Dawn redden the skies in the normal twilight fashion across the College skies, making them bleed crimson. It was a solemn and silent reminder, the historic scars erased in a few days, that no one truly forgotten the events of last Opening Feast. The last few days since the missions had passed into a subtle lull. Mostly individuals being healed within the medical, their supplies nearly dwindled to about a third of their reserves, as students were allowed time off. Now the day’s morning was nothing more than a series of busy bodies stirring to prepare for the new arrivals and diplomats arriving nearer noon. Most the college areas showed some evidence of the upcoming Feast.

The most dominant were the kitchens. Various scents and platters were escaping the ovens, the aromas were scattering throughout the inner walls and making most students ambling past water at the mouth. The hard work could be heard through clattering dishes and pots, the chiefs and staff helping to brew easy to eat items for a light lunch until the main event. Dishwashers were banging the wooden and ceramic as the food vanished into water, rinsed by the simple touch of a rune that once again flushed it clean and ready for another round of soap. The Gardens outside were trimmed, cut and decorated by many of Lucilia’s students from mages at all stages, their skills put to good use. Pretty red to yellow, flowers of all kinds littered the once green grasses to break up the monologue in the summer scene. Others were cleaning out the pond where the fish were caught and farmed with barely a ripple. Further out was stables being cleaned as Guardsmen patrolled the grounds, their eyes peeled for trouble. Forges were closed for anything larger than a horseshoe to make a better impression which upset, especially Tyrael, artisans within the areas of weapons forging and runes.

Inside Khan’s office was purged of all demonic life and cleansed, returning it back to its original state, as students scrubbed the stone walls. The brush gleaned away the grim until the walls looked like new again. Golems milled around to check the area around for threat, ensuring the students were safe. Healers and Sam were stocking the medical wing should this event turn into the last.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Ssarak Dyreackthanose


Considering the stress of the mission before, the past few days had been mercifully uneventful around the college as a whole. Though, for Ssarak, it felt like the beginning of a new part of his life. Spending time with Meirin as a couple, outside of the dangers of a mission, was surprisingly a whole new experience for him. In his home village, he had been told from a young age who he was going to marry. It was a sensible practice for small villages which needed to avoid inbreeding, but he could not have imagined what it would be like to be with someone with which he had a true, personal connection. His former wife was certainly not a bad person, and had they not been arranged to marry, they likely would have still been friends, but his relationship with her seemed nothing like this. Granted, Ssarak had to try and avoid getting ahead of himself. It had only really been a few days, and anything could still happen. His impression so far made it seem like it was meant to be, but he had to keep in mind some possibility for failure. He was Esyire, while she was Human, and one with a unique upbringing. As they spent more time together, they were going to run into ways they were different beyond the obvious ones, in terms of their behaviors and expectations; he just hoped they were not so different as to be incompatible.

As for the current day, it was the day of the opening feast for this year's new arrivals. As such, classes were cancelled for the day as the teachers prepared for their presentations. Hopefully, Khan had learned from last year's debacle and would keep a tighter hold over the staff's behavior. From what he had gathered, student retention from the previous year had been exceptionally poor between the scarring opening ceremony, and the demon attack. For Ssarak, though, his day began the same as any other: with his morning exercises. He met with Meirin in the gym, which was notably less populated than usual, and started as normal with stretches. Last time, Meirin had mentioned showing him some of the exercises she performed, to which he had agreed, so he expected his routine would be somewhat different today.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alaira Taenn
Alaira Grimaced behind her mask, raising her hammer above her head once more as she brought it down on the spearhead beneath her. She had been working constantly the past several days, ever since learning a rather valuable piece of information her first day back in class...

She had learned that different metals react to her Electromancy differently, and that some metals carried a charge much, much better. Metals like... gold. She tried passing energy through a small chunk of iron, as well as a gold coin, and felt that it was... easier to push the charge through. So, she had concocted a plan...

Her thought was interrupted when a messenger came to tell her to cool the forge by noon; None of the large forges would be running during the ceremony today. She casually tossed a knife blade that an earlier student had made, the unfinished weapon burying itself into the woodwork of the door-frame. "I'm almost done! Fuck off while I work!" She shouted, the messenger scurrying away. She did not like being interrupted while she worked... She still needed the forge, but only for a bit longer; most of the remaining work did not require its heat.

She had spent the whole time since her return reforging her lance, and she would have it done today. She had hollowed the inside of the spearhead very slightly: a threaded hole for a rod of gold that had yet to be casted. She began to remove the crucible she had filled with most of her gold coins. She didn't need much, the rod would only be a quarter of an inch thick. She didn't really have access to gold bars, however. Her currency would have to do. She poured the molten gold into the cast, sitting beside it in exhaustion as she removed her mask. Her face was darkened around where the mask had been from the smokes and ashes. She wiped her brow, waiting...

After a while, she cracked open the mold, and using a pair of tongs she retrieved the rod, cooling it in water as she thought of her next step. Now, to work on the rod... It took her a short while to form the threading on the rod, with one interruption from an uppity messenger. One knife later she bought herself a little longer... She screwed the rod into the head of the spear, a metal tube would act to reinforce the spear, seeing as how the core was a soft metal normally unused in the production of weaponry. She grinned, sliding her mask back on as she fit the tube over the gold rod. There was a small amount of space between the tube, but Alaira had an answer. She grabbed another crucible, full of molten tree resin. She poured it inside the gap, filling the space between gold and steel. The resin was actually resistant to electricity, and would ensure the charge was sent to the head of the spear, rather than bleeding out through the protective tube. She smirked. And they said she never paid attention in class...

A short while later, the resin was cooled and she was ready for the next step. She screwed on another assembly as she grabbed a thin stick of iron wire, bending it around where the tube met this next piece. Using her electromancy, she made an arc of small, sustained energy and used it to fuse the metals together, with the small piece providing the actual weld. The next piece was odd... a casing with a little door that bore five small holes, roughly the diameter of what the haft would be. Inside was five separate segments, each having room for one of the 'batteries' that Tyrael had given her (she had been given six, but one of them had been ruined by her prior 'overcharge' during the mission). This was probably the best spot to store the things, and would potentially allow her to use her weapon for truly mighty attacks. She began to slot the batteries, each oriented a specific way (she'd learn that if she wasn't careful about that... It was best not to do that. It was a wonder the batteries survived).

After another hour of labor, she had finally fitted the wooden parts of the weapon to the haft. She had spent a fair bit of time decorating the solid oak segments, each one blackened on the outside, With channels shaped like lightning bolts engraved throughout. Pewter was then poured into the channels, then polished. Then, the haft segments were varnished and protected with yet more resin. When everything was assembled, she removed her mask, and smiled warmly as she regarded the weapon in her hands. She gave the weapon a twirl as she thrust it at nothing, smiling as the blade crackled with energy, yet nothing else did... She was beyond ecstatic, she held what was likely the most advanced non-runic weapon in the entire college, and she had designed it with her own observations, and forged it with her own two hands. The fact that it had been created from parts of her old faithful steel spear endeared the craft to her even more...

A short while later, the messengers returned with armed guards, only to find the room cold and empty. They sighed, at least she'd kept her word. She sat on a bench in the garden, relaxing as she watched the Herbamancers flit about the place, growing apparently pretty flowers here and there in preparation. She leaned her head back, closing her eyes. Her spear was propped up against the wall beside her. While she wasn't holding onto it, make no mistake; thieves would be caught VERY quickly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Uicle was irritated. He had been bullied, cajoled, and corralled into over seeing the preparations. Not only by Khan, but by the Archmage himself. Ovak was finally out of his bed, and was sitting nearby, watching in amusement as the Necromancy teacher tried to keep everything under control, juggling diplomats, his golems, and other members of the College."I'll get you for this Ovak."He hissed at the Archmage in ancient Yarosmerian as yet another man came up. "What? No they can't have their own cooks prepare their meals! We're not going to poison them or let them have a chance to poison someone else." The messenger opened his mouth again and Uicle cut him off. "If they complain and threaten you, politely remind them they're a guest at the College, not conquering heroes. Some steel golems will join you to make your point nicely."

As soon as that man left, another man stepped up. Complaining something about Alaira and a forge. "Go grab some guards and move her if she isn't out by noon. Don't use them unless she gets violent herself though, I don't need broken bones and walls today. If she refuses to move, tell her I'll...I'll lock her in a cave unless she gets out of there, and restrict access to Lyn." The man left.

Another man stepped up, arrmed and armored, he was obviously apart of some diplomat's bodyguard. Distracted as he was making sure some Golems helped College guards break up a fight between two groups, Uicle couldn't remember where his armor said he was from. "My men and I need a place to train. Is there space somewhere?" Uicle thought for a moment then said "Yes, go down that hall until you reach the end of it, take a right, and then take your first left. That should lead you to a courtyard. There's someone already there, but you should have enough space." With a nod the man turned about, just as the Necromancy teacher remembered the armor, and who was in the courtyard. "Wait!" The man paused, looking at him. "You're from the Eania delegation right?" The man nodded. "Great! Go down this hall instead, same instructions as before." The man looked at him for a moment and then shrugged and left. "I don't need a massive brawl after you and Djarkel's bodyguards try to out show each other." Uicle muttered.

If he had had eyebrows Uicle would have raised them both in surprise at the small group of Snow Elves, obviously a diplomatic delegation. "Snow Elves? What brings the Frozen plains here?" The female elf spoke simply. "Demons and war. We need somewhere to set up." Uicle sighed. "Of course they do and of course you do. You! Yes, you, you stupid Gargoyle! You've been in existence for three hours not three seconds! Take the Snow Elf delegation to nearby the Eania delegates. I think they'll want to talk."

A diplomat from Tidehome showed up, complaining about how he was situated to closely to the Orcs and mentioning frequently that he was a diplomat to Tidehome. "I-" Uicle was about to say 'I don't care where you're from or who you represent, you pompous ass! I've bigger problems than your delicate sensibilities!', or something even more rude. Fortunately, sense won out over irritation and he spoke in as calm a tone as he was able. "I apologize for this inconvenience. If you'd follow this steel golem, it will guide you to a better location." The man was politely but firmly bustled off by the steel golem, much to Uicle's relief.

He turned to give as best a baleful glare at Ovak as he could, speaking once again in ancient Yarosmerian a language long dead. "Put Uicle in charge you said! It'll be a good idea you said! Never mind that I resisted and told you how bad an idea it would be! I hate playing nice with damn politicians and diplomats!" He groaned as he saw another messenger coming, rubbing a hand across his metal face. "Gods help me..."


Althalus was idly wandering the gardens, amusing himself by flicking his coin between his fingers as he watched the Herbamancers bustle to and fro in preparation to make everything look nice for the diplomats. Mar was resting, and thankfully calmed down and emotionally stable, and Lyn was with Ovak playing. That left Althalus with nothing to do for the first time in a long time, and he was immensely enjoying the feeling. Walking along, his eyes spotted Alaira. She was sleeping on a bench. More importantly, she was sleeping on a bench with her spear out of her hands and propped against the wall. Althalus hadn't seen this spear before, but that mattered little. What did matter was how Alaira was going to react when she realized it was gone. He wouldn't steal it and sell it or break it, of course. Just hide it nearby so she'd have to put a little effort into her day to day, and get creative thinking. He might even leave hints where it was if he had enough time.

Putting his coin safely back in his pocket, Althalus crept towards the sleeping berserker, instinctively and easily slipping into an almost completely silent walk and crouch as he approached. Carefully his hand reached for the spear, eyes on Alaira's sleeping form as his fingers gently wrapped around the haft.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Tyrael Marchosias

"If nothing that we do matters, then all that matters is what we do."

Koan of the day. Tyrael looked at a page from a book that Justine had brought him. He wasn't sure why now, but some teachers had approached him wanting to know how he's been doing. He could guess why, and intended to rip the vines out from the stonework and make the walls around Mar's den soundproof. He knew that he wasn't exactly subtle with handling her, and that it would be good for Mar to be more social, but there were some things people needed to stay out of. Or if they wanted to be involved, be less crass about it. It's been five days since that conversation, and honestly Tyrael had been too occupied by college duties to watch over Mar since then, but he remembered the conversation like it just happened...

There were times he wished for the simpler life. Where he didn't have to be concerned about routines and schedules and events. Back in the days where he could actually only make one or two swords a week, but they would have been magnificent blades with meaning and purpose, instead of the 1000+ meaningless swords that needed to be shipped out later this week. But he put those thoughts aside. There were faults about his life now, sure, but also things he wouldn't want to loose. Putting the book into his dusty drawer Tyrael went to make himself look presentable.

It had been a hectic week. He had nearly forgotten about Baulder and Myrn's task to bring him lobsters, but fortunately they did and even brought spares. Some were dead, but there were enough alive for him to use. He paid them appropriately. But while Myrn was paid in gold, Baulder had a more specific reward. As one of his students Tyrael informed Baulder of the rules of Demonomancy on the college, and during the few days they had classes he would teach him and Colette about Demonomancy. For Baulder specifically, he needed a weapon to defend himself when his demons would inevitably try to kill him. And since Baulder had done him a service before, Tyrael made him not one, but two kukris of demon bane. He doubt Baulder had the aptitude to dual wield even small blades, but that was his problem, not Tyrael's.

And aside from his students there was also the feast. Tyrael loathed to be part of the feasts as he had absolutely no one to talk to, but he needed to represent the college's Demonomancy ability. He would have said that Khan could easily fill in as his replacement, but the fallen orc knew that Khan had other obligations to handle, and it's not as thought Tyrael would have anything to do today anyways. They already have all the supplies they need for the feast itself, so there was no need for hunting. And the forge was closed, so there was no work to be done. His demons were being quite efficient in the Inferno so there was no need for him to be there. All there was to do was rehearsals.

After the last few... Disasters, the teachers had chose to coordinate their demonstrations together. Tyrael was loathed to use his magic for mundane things until it was pointed out that he did use his magic for mundane things: Like having his demons serve on the Brahmasta, slave labor, and raw material. He tried to defend these statements but he begrudgingly gave in. So he had been rehearsing his routine with the likes of Joseph, Justine, Lucilia, and Satori. It was tedious and boring to him, but it was just part of the job. He was at least willing to put up with this charade of pleasantries until later: He had spoken to Khan a few days before about taking a day off, which Tyrael intends to use to spend time with Lyn. Despite how much he adores her, he has rarely found the time to spend time with the little girl. Once the feast passed without incident, he'll be allowed to forget about work and spend a day with Lyn, forgetting about hardships and suffering.

And to that end Tyrael needed to get dressed. Normally he wore nothing. He would simply wash and show up as is. It wasn't as though he had anything vulgar to show, but he was told to dress to impress. At least they would allow him to use armor as his formal attire. He was told to dress "Knightly", so simply us usual war regalia wasn't going to work. He had to dig through his armory for something he could refit and found an old suit back when he was dabbling with rune magic. Plated steel with an rune of Illusion on it that gave him the appearance of wings, which of course could not function as such. He'd have to squeeze into it, but he could fit and don it himself well enough. He had a sword to go with it which he put into a sheath on his belt. Best of all was the helmet; full faced so he people wouldn't judge his appearance. Despite his position, Tyrael does his best to be low key. Last thing he wanted was for people of power to know who he was. To know who he really was.

Tyrael would parade around in this armor for a while, at least for most of this morning. Despite his multitude of abilities he still needed time to adapt to this old suit. Leaving the office Tyrael decided to go see if Mar had awoken yet. No doubt Lyn might be initially afraid of this stranger in strange armor, so Tyrael wanted to make sure she too was aware of his current attire.

Lucilia Riovas

All work and no play made Lucilia a dull girl, but this was just business as usual. New students coming in, mission reports to read, operatives to send, information was flowing in and out of Lucilia's office like water in the ocean. But she was able to deal with it all after she took a swig of coffee, downed a shot of Dragon Fire, and drained a bucket of fresh blood. That mixture being one of Lucilia's personal cocktails known as "No Regrets". Fortunately the last bit of work related news Lucilia got was from a new student.

Unfortunately, there was other business that Lucilia had to deal with. Starting with Uicle.

Before the night's end the hollowed suit of armor arrived with Khan in tow. She could guess why they were here. Sure enough the conversation was about Lyn and what Lucilia did to endanger her. Lucilia tried to play down the act, mentioning the mission success and Lyn's ultimate survival, but that was brushed aside due to Lucilia's obviously irresponsible actions. While Lucilia was always an eccentric and, at times, harsh woman, neither of them could fathom a reasonable idea of why Lucilia would send what is essentially a child onto a mission where there was, at the minimum, the threat of a demon attack. Especially with someone like Alaira. Normally Lucilia would have No Regrets about her actions but take whatever punishment which would be deemed appropriate... But looking at the Lucilia flower that laid on a stack of books, she was feeling guilt for her shortsightedness. Her punishment was fairly light considering that if anyone else knew they'd would, at the very least, try to stab her. Lucilia was to have an escort at all times for the next while to ensure that she does not negatively influence any more students, as well as to stay away from Lyn. There wasn't a minimal distance requirement, only that she would not approach the girl. If Lyn was to come to her, then her escort would need to convince Lyn that Lucilia cannot see her, or otherwise ensure that Lucilia simply isn't alone with Lyn. A bit extreme, Lucilia thought, but she suppose there were worse things.

And worse things were to come. There was also the matter of the feast within the next few days. After the events of the last two feasts, most of the teachers chose something more lighthearted. Tyrael mentioned that none of his demons will be in attendance, so they would need someone else to provide music. Satori could handle that using illusions. Afterwards the teachers collaborated with each other to practice their routine, which they would do sometime during the afternoon. Honestly Lucilia felt that she didn't need to do it considering that she could do even more impressive feats with less magic, but she was already walking on thin ice as it was. She could tell that Satori was trying to put aside Lucilia's thoughtless mistake but still holding it against her, and it was fairly obvious that Tyrael intended to harm her in some way within the near future. But that was business as usual. And today was just another day.

Lucilia had an entire wardrobe planned out for the feast. While she'll be seeing many old faces, she also knew that many newcomers would be arriving to this feast. New people always provided new opportunities, not that they were ever truly "New" to her. She typically screens the guest list and does an extensive background check, even on strangers and friends. You could never tell what your closest allies had done. Still, most of them check out, but the few who did have questionable records Lucilia had to accept out of courtesy. Mostly from Yarosmere and the orc holds. She doesn't really hear much news about them that would normally get the attention of the college; Oelik is often embedded in it's constant civil war and Torrin tries it's best to modernize without any fruit. Yarosmere is always on Lucilia's radar thanks to their extensive trade relations, but recent events like the naga attack (Which she was informed of by Tyrael) and the fact she's getting very little else. One would figure that ransacking the naga city of Mesa Gaan would be more important news, but it's treated almost as nothing more important then the execution of a common criminal. It smelled of a cover up to Lucilia, one she could hopefully uncover during the feast with the Yarosmere diplomat.

After trying out many outfits Lucilia settles for one. She wouldn't ware it now of course; she needs to make sure it's prim and proper for the feast. She chose to dress in a more casual red robe with golden fleece. She also wore her comfortable but sturdy boots; she'll be in high heels for most of the night, and despite being a vampire of great and terrible power heels was still killer on her ankles. Accessorizing appropriately for such a casual look, Lucilia heard a knock on the door. Sighing she called out. "I'll be there in a moment."

Lucilia figured that Khan or Uicle would send a demon or golem to watch over her, but instead her escort was typically a random student or guardsmen. And one of her hired ones too, not her homunculus. For the most part they don't really cause her any trouble. It helps that aside from a few incidents, most of what Lucilia does is a lot of clerical and bureaucratic work instead of say, experimenting on children. Though today she'd have to do very little in terms of teaching or experimenting, but much more about dealing with people. representatives had been arriving slowly these past few days, but most of them would be showing up tonight. Lucilia had to be present and welcome them. That and she was certain that Eania and Djarkel were going to come in with their full forces, simply due to the last feast. And she could never be certain with these newcomers....

Feeling that she's stalled her escort long enough Lucilia took one more swig of No Regret. That was enough blood, alcohol, and caffeine to bring back the dead. Not really, but it was certainly a lot more then what most mortals could handle. Lucilia could actually feel it's effects. Finally popping a breath mint she went up to the door and opened it.

Annabeth Gulch

Between school and work, Annabeth was having a minor identity crisis. It first started about one day after she came back from the roc hunt. She met up with Satori at her extra lessons and asked to practice using her Ring of Silence with her illusions and try to figure out a workable system. For the most part while Annabeth certainly needed to work on her wards in tandem to her magic, she was able to do quiet a bit. An almost perfect invisibility combined with the utter silence. Annabeth could walk through a room of glass bottles and not be seen or heard, so long as she keeps the shattering to herself. But as proud as she was, she was feeling... Alone. She couldn't explain it. Satori was easily able to pick it up and asked her what was wrong.

Annabeth admitted that joining the college was a sudden thing. She never planned to actually attend. Granted, it was very enjoyable. She's made many friends, many memories, and overall became a better person then she was before. But at the same time... She felt like she had forgotten the whole reason why she was here. She was looking for her brother Rendar. He came here a few years ago to train his magic and eventually join the royal guards, but almost a year ago Annabeth received a message from the college that he had been gone. She came to find him and... Instead she ended up sort of taking his place. She had no idea how to think about this. She genuinely enjoyed what she has learned so far, but now she feels like she is empty. Like putting her brother aside so long and so easily left a hole in her person that she couldn't fill no matter what sort of experiences she has. She wanted.. Closure. But she had no idea how to get that.

Satori offered her sympathies. She understood that Annabeth was worried about her brother's welfare, and she knew (Even without reading her mind) that Annabeth worried if her brother was dead. Satori herself could not say honestly that she knew her brother very well or what happened to him. She also admits that it's not unusual for students to leave the college announced to pursue their own interests, and for the most part the college respects their privacy and allows them to leave with very little fuss. But she also ensured that Rendar, for the short amount of time Satori knew him, is an exceptional mage capable of great things. She at least knew of Rendar as he was one of the better Electromancy students back when he still attended and showed much promise as a mage. He even caught the eye of a few Eania representatives a while back when he announced his dream to join the royal guard. While Satori admits that it would have been best to at least inquire more about him, she's certain that even if he chose to leave the college, he would certainly be able to make it in the royal guards.

The pink-haired mind reader then offered a suggestion to Annabeth; why not invite the rest of her family? While Satori knew Annabeth no longer had any close relatives, she was still on good terms with her aunts, uncles, and cousins. The college would be more then happy to accept the company of a student's family, and could provide lodging for them. Annabeth was quiet excited about this prospect. It was a chance to speak to her family again and show them that she has been working hard at college. Plus it would bring some sense of familiarity to her. Despite living here for almost a year, Annabeth still sometimes feels lost and generally unfamiliar with the college. She was certain that she hasn't even been in most of the buildings, let alone secret or hidden areas. Most students are unaware of Underhaven, let alone the other mysteries of the college. Having her family from home would help make herself feel at home.

That was a few days ago. Cut to now, and Annabeth was groggily getting up for the morning. She had spent last night working at Underhaven, dealing with the usual customers and then some. Representatives and guests from other nations have shown up, and looking for a place to get a stiff drink they show up to Underhaven. This actually made a lot of the usual vampire residents antsy as most of the patrons were actually Eania soldiers, since they arrived before the Djarkel ones could. And despite coming from the home of shining armor and paladins, they had a dim view of vampires and ultimately where as fallible as any other mortal. She's had more then her fair share of touchy patrons, braggarts who couldn't take no for an answer, and cheap stakes who believe "knowledge" and "skills" entitled them to free drinks. They were dealt with appropriately, but they were a constant feature. Once Annabeth's shift ended she got herself a bottle, returned to her room, and held a party of one. And now she was waking up from it's aftermath.

Her room was a mess to put it lightly. Ever since Cynn had left Annabeth has been bunking her alone. While Annabeth doesn't exactly have "Much" stuff as most women do, she simply was messy. Her clothing laid in orderly piles around her room, with books shoved in shelves or stacked out of the way of her footpath in no discernible organization. The only thing remotely tidy was her weapons and armor, which she at least took the time to buy a stand for. Not that she's been using any of it too often; she's been meaning to go out hunting but frankly has found very little time to do so. At most she goes with Satori to ride and communicate with horses.

It was there that she learned that the horse she had relied on for much of the roc hunt was named Samson. Despite being a draft horse he seemed rather okay with being ridden on, and much more gentle then the last time they were together. Though to be fair this time they don't have a roc hunting after them, so perhaps this is Samson's natural side.

Annabeth stepped carefully around her room to her armor and weapons. Part of her thinks she shouldn't wear such things to the feast, but after the last one she was almost certain she should go fully equipped. Sure, Tyrael said that no demons would be able to enter the college so long as he still lived, but what if they simply took the old fashion route and walked here? What if some new threat decides to waltz to the feast and threaten everyone's lives? What if their demonstrations go horribly wrong and everyone ends up trying to kill each other? Annabeth was paranoid to say the least. But at the same time, she was also getting much better at defending herself. While she occasionally spends her morning trying to nurse a hangover like today, other times she'd be at the gym honing her swordsmanship. She's been learning how to handle bigger, heavier weapons from Ssarak, but also has taken many pointers from Grey. While both fight in a different weight class (Heavier then Annabeth), she was not graceful dancer herself. Sure her shield may be a buckler instead of a kite shield, and her axe may not quite be a polearm like Ssarak's, but she was much more force then finesse. Not that she couldn't use both; instead of blocking blows she parried or even disarmed with her buckler, and learning how to use an axe taught Annabeth there were more ways to fighting then to just hit them with the pointy end. She learned combat maneuvers like tripping, disarming, locking weapons, pinning them, and much more. She could do more then simply swing any old thing at her foe and hope they fall over. Heck, she could throw a fairly decent punch thanks to training with Meirin, though she was definitely more skilled at martial arts then Annabeth would ever be.

Annabeth decided that she'd settle for carrying her dagger and her bow. She kept promising herself to go do some archery for once, since as her battle with the Roc showed, she's lost her touch with it. She could still hit a bulls-eye on a target with consistency, but shooting a painted hay bale, even at a 100 yards away, was much easier then hitting a small rabbit moving at full speed through a thick underbrush. That she could have done back at the farm, and now she has a hard time so much as trying to hit a rolling bale of hay. "Okay Annabeth, first let's go do some archery! A little warm up at the range, and maybe if it isn't too late and I can find a partner, I could do a bit of hunting. I still want to make it back for the feast after all, and my family."

Annabeth's family were coming in today. A bit close considering that many other diplomats and representatives were also arriving today, though that was also their reasoning; it would be safer to travel in a large, well armed group protecting representatives then to go alone to the college. Still a very narrow margin however. Fortunately for Annabeth she wasn't expected to meet them until sometime after high noon, which gives her plenty of time to at least get some archery training in. Annabeth dressed in a casual pair of trousers, an orange tunic, and her sturdy-but-worn boots. She also kept her archery gloves on hand. Not the most protective gear, but at least if she was going to be using her bow a lot she might as well make sure she doesn't get more welts then necessary. She just had the blisters from the roc hunt healed yesterday. Once clothed, armed, and somewhat washed up (She had a wash tub in her room where she washes herself and her clothing) Annabeth took a deep breath and left her room.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alaira Taenn

Alaira had been quietly singing to herself as Athalus approached, seemingly heedless of him. Well, that told him she wasn't sleeping, at least. Still, she wouldn't notice him approach, right? It was a song he'd heard her hum before, though not often. She didn't like singing it around Lyn, thanks to one of the lines.

"When the wind is slow,
And the fire's hot,
The vulture waits,
to see what rots.

Oh so pretty,
All the scenery
this is nature's sacrifice.

When the Air blows through,
With a brisk attack,
The reptile tail,
ripped from its back.

When the sun sets,
we will not forget
the red sun ov-er paradise..."

Alaira's hearing was excellent, and she had heard Athalus when he got close enough... in fact, his quietness had worked against him, since she knew exactly who it was. Though even she wouldn't have been able to hear him if there was more background noise to drown him out, since she didn't sing very loudly. A pity, she had a beautiful voice when it wasn't twisted into an angered snarl. When he wrapped his fingers around the haft, he had unfortunately chosen the battery housing... It was still quite close, so Alaira willed it to give him a light jolt.

"Get your mitts off of that before I take 'em off. Again." She said suddenly, one eye open as she looked down at him...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Althalus was too much a professional to let a sound out at the jolt of electricity. He jumped, but didn't make a sound. As Alaira glared at him sideways however, he decided that living was better than stealing the spear and running. Quickly he let go of the spear and hugged Alaira, smiling innocently at the half-Elf. "Have I ever mentioned how much I love you when you're not beating me with my freshly amputated hands?" He said cheerfully to Alaira. "Besides if you ripped off my hands, again for the right one, Lidda would have to regrow them and she would be very upset. I don't like being chided and yelled at as I scream in pain. I've already experienced it once, I rather not experience it again. Besides, I'd rather avoid Lidda as much as possible until I can get that instinctive flinching whenever she touches me under control. She'll have too much fun with that, I assure you. This entire time, Althalus hadn't stopped hugging Alaira. He wasn't sure she wouldn't force him to run very quickly if he let go.


The Snow Elf was in the firing range, using the familiar and repetitive movements of firing and aiming her bow to attempt to forget her problems. It was also the only place she could escape the hordes of people and golems running around. While she appreciated the noise they brought, she didn't appreciate the press of bodies and constant need to dodge out of the way they caused. For the most part practicing her archery was helping her pretend her problems didn't exist. She hadn't even thought about Auriel while she was actually firing her bow. The problems came when she was walking to recover her arrows. She couldn't stop her mind from returning to her situation with the Forest Elf. She hadn't talked to Auriel since she had left their room, and was once again avoiding her. The Snow Elf was scared to talk to Auriel. She didn't know what she wanted, and she was scared what the Forest Elf would say.

Taking her arrows back, the Snow Elf looked up to see Annabeth walking in and she was incredibly relieved to have another distraction. SHe gave a friendly smile to the human. "Annabeth! Hows it going? Came to escape the crowds to, huh?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 1 hr ago


Ovak knew convincing Uicle had been a matter of logically outwitting the teacher’s stubborn sense. Something he was good at since his experience often had him outwitting much more difficult individuals and easily coax the grim natural golem maker into the role, one he was disappointed to say would’ve pushed Khan beyond his already stressed limits. Namely after the incident with the demons, the college’s relations were already tightly strained as it was. This meant the headmaster was under deep examination over every little detail he was involved. This included the opening feast, a usually joyous time, had become a bitter reminder of the students whose lives were lost during the slaughter. In remembrance to those who had fallen and bravely fought, twin banners were hung in their honor. A black dyed one for the fallen while a golden one hung for the fighters and volunteers, too numerous to give independent recognition to without ruffling more feathers. It was one of the changes Ovak was disappointed about though he hoped they would understand his plight.

Folding his hands in his lap, his eyes slid to the room corner. He spotted the young Naga hybrid playing with Uicle’s metal golem gaurdian. Gregor, as Uicle fondly named the beast, woofed its heavy bark then lowered hunches to get the child to follow it. She giggled lightly and reached to pet the pup, her fingers traced the delicate engravings of fur designs upon his surface. There was a contented growl when the animal rolled over on its back, revealing its belly for her to scratched. Ovak’s sight lingered there for a moment.

He pushed back the guilt at knowing the future possible challenges the child might face. Including a dark, grim fate she could end up dying before her life was complete. It was a terrible and unlikely fate, but a slim one nevertheless. Ovak inhaled softly then ripped his eyes away to spot Uicle glare at him, once more speaking in ancient Yarosmerian. He chuckled lightly in a thick, rich accent. ” You do it well, Uicle. You and I both know what would happen if Khan had attempted this after all. Eania would never show and we’d suffer from lacking revenue or have to send a representative to broker the deal. Last I checked, the only one likely to be on good terms with them is myself as Lidda won’t deal with her father after all. Sadly, not all of us have a pleasant relationship with our families like yourself.”

Naturally Ovak was subtly referring to the fact all of Uicle’s was dead and buried.


Mar's eyes jerked open suddenly.

Her breath was heavy and deep, her heart racing against her chest until it felt close to bursting. It rattled and shook, bruising the inside, as she was covered in a cold sweat. Her body shivering from the chill running up and down her spine made her feel abruptly ill, her guilt increasing within her chest over the images filling her head. Her dream, though it had ended, swirled about her mind’s focus like dark waters refusing to be ignored. Mar flickered out her tongue catching the dreadful, real scent of blood on it. Her arms scrambled to push herself upright only to spot the small swelling red drops where her nails had clawed into her own flesh. She stared at it for several moments, feeling the realization settle in her core and finally sooth her. It was just a dream.

Mar took a deep inhale to calm herself. Her body flipped over to her back, the cloak that covered her made a crackling sound at being laid upon. It made her jump visibly and sit upright, turning her head back to see Athalus’ cloak. Sighing, she turned it over to spot the crumbled up paper pinned on back. Her eyebrow raised in question while she removed it carefully.

Gently she examined the blank side and twisted it over, spotting the crude show of Althalus’ scribbles. He was often sloppy and messy in his markings when he was in a hurry. This along made reading, or attempting, rather hard even when he printed during their lessons. For the last few months, Althalus had ruthlessly insisted on teaching her to read rather than read the materials to her. Or allow her to struggle with the materials Lidda had given her. The vitamancer teacher had suspicions though she couldn’t prove it since the classes were mostly verbal and shown demostration than scrolls or books.

She leaned back, sitting upright on her bed, to skim her finger over the letters. Mentally Mar was sounding out the letters and putting each word together. Bit by bit, after an hour of struggling with the messy handwriting, she managed to sound out the letter out.

I know you've been having nightmares. This is incase you have another while I'm gone. I have to go make sure Tyrael gets Lyn. I'll be back soon.

Sighing, Mar used the useless parchment to dab at her wounds then crumble it and tossed it into the nearest corner. Gently she stretched her arms above her head and let her muscles feel that burning pull before she rotated on her bed top. Her tail slide down, starting to coil about to create a stable stand, as she pushed upright to stand. Mar groaned softly at feeling her body protest getting up. Her hair was matted to one side, likely Athalus’ fault since he tossed in his sleep and made her fingers tug a bit at the clustered knot at her head side. She had considered for a while to get it cut. Making grooming easier and less messy in the morning, but the actual action was stopped in its tracks. Her mind reflected on the sensation of Althalus’ hand parting her strains while he ran his fingers through her hair. It was a worthwhile feeling she enjoyed and the sole reason, at least she told herself, she couldn’t cut it.

Her eyes gazed annoyingly at her image before she began the chore of detangling her hair. She was nearly down when there was a knock at the Den door, her hand set the brush down and body recoiled from the dresser while she moved across the room. Mar peered out her top portion into the stinging dawn. Her eyes flinched and her arm raised to protect her eyes from the red light, her sight spotted an armor individual standing outside her Den. Hiis figure gleaming from the red light while her vision adjusted. Her teeth bared in reflex and her eyes narrowed on the unwelcomed stranger.

“Who in the Ravine are you?” She spat, her lips curled up in a deep set frown over the armored individual.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alaira Taenn

Alaira smirked when he man jumped back a bit, blowing a lock of hair out of her face as she shut her eyes again. 'Heh, you really think I'd just let ya take it, Daisy-boy? Hah, I'm a hell of a lot more aware than you might-ack!" She gasped a bit in surprise as she felt his arms around her, the half-elf going stiff for a moment as her eyes shot open. She relaxed with a sigh, patting him on the back once. There weren't all that many people she knew that could do that to her... though to be fair, she wasn't exactly the sort of person one would be inclined to hug anyway.

She looked to the side for a moment, frowning slightly. "Alright, alright... I was only kidding, probably." Of course, he probably knew that she wouldn't dismember him, though he did know for certain she'd smack him around if he'd taken it. "I just... I just finished the thing, alright? It took me a lot of gold to make, and I don't need you trippin' over your own feet an' breakin' it." She said, chuckling some as she tousled his hair, smiling. It was a warm smile, and apart from him Lyn and mar were the only ones that ever got to see it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Althalus snickered as Alaira was abruptly cut off. It was almost funny how simple displays of affection like a hug could get her to be silent and stop whatever thing she was going to do in it's tracks. "Of course you were kidding. What I was worried about was having more bruises than when I started walking through the garden. You have a tendency to smack people around, and as fast as I am you'd eventually catch me. I like being able to walk around without wincing, thank you very much." He smiled at the half-elf, letting her go. "You see, telling someone like me that it's made out of a lot of gold just makes it all the more appealing. You should avoid going to Port Slaughter at all costs."

He snorted in a mock indignity at her tripping comment. "Trip over my own feet? Please. When have you ever known me to be clumsy? Dashingly handsome? All the time. Quick both in speed and wit? Constantly. But I've never been clumsy. I'm actually offended. Daisies are well known for being balanced and quick. They never trip over their own feet." He grinned at Alaira, merely teasing. ]"So what brings you here? Aside from singing and pretending to sleep."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alaira Taenn
Alaira simply laughed at the mention of port slaughter, shaking her head. "I've already been. Let me tell ya, the common thugs there ain't used ta their victims bein' able to run faster than them or jump three stories." She smiled wide, chuckling a bit as she looked off to the side. "They didn't try to take shit from me too often. I suppose it's easier to take from smaller, prettier girls." Which made sense, Alaira was strong, vicious, and not at all wealthy. A poor target for a thief.

She did leave out the reason she left, however. Some assassin tried to slit her throat in her sleep. Of course, she tore him in half and left, since it was only a matter of time before somebody succeeded. She rolled her eyes as he continued, leaning back some. "Yeah, yeah. Don't forget humble, either." She scooped up the weapon, gripping it around the central casing as a bit of energy crackled along the head. She turned it in her hand a few times, admiring it for a moment. "I just spent the past few days building this masterpiece, I was resting." She said simply, looking up. Then, she flipped it around and lightly bopped Athalus on the head with the haft.
Grey Onyx
Grey sighed, knocking on the door to his employer's office. He had been told what Lucilia had done when he had volunteered for this position, and he didn't really know how to feel. She carelessly endangered a child, not only sending her on a mission, but sending her on a mission with a student that was at best considered 'violently insane'. However, this student was also supremely protective of the child, and little Lyn hadn't been harmed... He was a merciful sort, and he was sure the woman wouldn't do it again... Still, she shouldn't go unpunished, and she shouldn't be allowed near Lyn for the time being.

To be fair, he had volunteered mostly to protect her. He knew that some individuals were... quite upset with her actions, and he was sure that someone might try to harm her. So, his job was twofold; keep Lucilia from causing trouble, and safeguard her from violent retribution. He was clad in officer's formal wear, though he lacked the Officer's Star, so it was clear that he didn't hold the position. No, he had simply... borrowed a spare suit for the day. It was a fancy occasion after-all, and from what little he knew of such occasions he knew that it probably wasn't okay for Lucilia to be followed around by a guard in scorched, torn armor.

Apart from that, he had spent the past few days trying to get... whatever he did back at the mission to work again. After days of practice, he had figured out how to trigger this burst of incredible strength... mostly. He still needed more practice, but at the very least now he knew how to use it for the most part, and would be able to plan around its use. He smiled lightly when she opened the door. He bowed slightly, taking a step back and to the side as he held the door. "Well, that's enough getting ready for now." He said, warmly. "We have a big day dealing with fools from all the lands ahead of us." if nothing else, he didn't seem quite as depressed as he had a few days ago.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Tyrael Marchosias

Removing the faceplate on his helmet Tyrael revealed himself to Mar. He knew that coming to her, smelling clean and wearing this armor, would make him look like a stranger to her. He forgotten to take off the mask however. "It is me. My apology. I had forgotten to remove my mask. If you wonder why I am... Like this, it is because of the feast. I was told that I must wash myself and wear this. I came by to inform you that I will be wearing this for today, and to check up on you." Also to warn her not to arrive to the feast. While he doesn't expect danger, he does expect it to be very boring, or for foolish people to be questioning Mar. While she may now be a exotic creature now that the naga have been mostly wiped out, Tyrael did not want to bring that sort of attention onto her. The last thing she needs is people questioning her about how it feels like to be the last naga, or what a naga was in the first place.

"I would say that you should use today to socialize, but actually it may be best to stay away from the crowds. Foreigners are annoying and will ask too many questions. Aside from that, how have you been today? Is Lyn up yet?" Tyrael didn't enter the room but he did move his head to see if he could catch a glimpse of her. He didn't hear her, nor did he hear the sounds or voices of Athalus. Lyn would be a welcomed sight to an otherwise deary day.

Lucilia Riovas

Grey was assigned to escort her today. She suppose she should be grateful: while their relationship has been a bit strained due to her duties and recent... Mistakes, at least he didn't completely scorn her like most did. She sighed knowing that despite her blunder she would need to put on a friendly face for the next few hours. She suppose it shouldn't be too hard. She could always take in solace that she was superior to most of the fancy ponces that were coming to curry favor of the college and it's guest. Being smug came easy for her. "Right then, let us be off. You look well by the way Grey. Suiting for the occasion."

Before they left a small bird flew in and near Lucilia. It held a letter which she initially assumed was from Satori since she usually used animal messengers. Taking the letter Lucilia read the message in her head.

"Lucilia, I need a list of cutthroats, you know assassins and thieves guilds, that I can trust to not to betray us or steal from us. I'd rather not have someone else sneak into the College. You dabble in that kind of thing. If you want free ones, I suggest chatting with Althalus. He still hates you though, so be careful."

Lucilia had a few in mind. She was going to send out some missives for mercenaries anyways, she supposed she could also hire the services of some guilds as well. Though as for their level of trustworthiness... She imagined that no one wanted her to simply bring in more vampires. It would likely be for the best, as her recent research on the information brought back from Djarkel revealed more about the vampire's activities in Djarkel. While not enough to point out any specific people, she was able to discern that many factions, most of them minor, had thrown their lot in with Kudd. A few more notable organizations have also pledged their allegiance, a few whom Lucilia would have trusted if she didn't know about this scrutiny. She'd have to review her contacts again, weed out those who have been compromised, and see who amongst them would be best for this purpose. It looks like she was going to need to hire counter spies and rogues. A good safeguard considering that not even Satori can keep out all the undesirables with her powers.

Tucking the letter into her purse Lucilia looked at Grey. "Another request for alliances. As incompetent as some of these people can be, I cannot deny that they can provide valuable assets to the college. Lead the way Grey. There are some notes I need to review." As with that said Lucilia took out a notebook and started skimming it for information about the various thief and assassin guilds she has contacts in.

Annabeth Gulch

Arriving to the archery range the only other person there was Aramir. She quickly noticed Annabeth and the human girl waved. "Hey Aramir. Yeah, I don't really feel like being stuck outside today. I wanted to get some archery done, feels like it's been ages since I've actually used by bow. What about you? The feast not your sort of scene?" Annabeth walked over to a marked position which designated where the shooter should be. Though Annabeth looked at Aramir she took up her archery stance: Feet firmly on the ground, parallel to each other. Her shoulders sqaure and her back straight. Her bow was pointed slightly below the target, but she also didn't draw an arrow yet. Carefully but quickly Annabeth pulled a single arrow out of the quiver on her back, drawing the string and pulling on it until it was taut.

Once she was ready to shoot Annabeth picked her targets. There were five she could see: One which was close range, just 30 feet away. Two more at 50 and 60 feet, with the 50 foot one behind makeshift cover. A further target at 120 feet which was the blade to a miniature windmill. And lastly, a very far away target at over 150 feet which was simply the cut-out target of a roughly human shape. Each one had an arrow or two in it, and Annabeth was looking for which one to add hers. But before she'd do that, she was waiting for Aramir's answer. It would be rude to not hear her because she was paying more attention to her targets.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Uicle and Ovak

“Oh yes, having murdered my parents and then burned my siblings to death, only to resurrect them centuries later and apologize, puts me on remarkably good terms with my family. Lidda should try it some time. The self-loathing just does wonders for your mental health.”Uicle replied dryly, still in Ancient Yarosmerian. He didn’t want to scar Lyn after all. He looked at Greg, muttering, “Traitor.”, under his breath before refocusing on the Archmage and switching to Naersan, a language universally used.

”Don’t be harsh on the mental hound, if he wasn’t so loyal than you would’ve been banished by now. Even teachers aren’t immune to the laws of the College after all. We would've ended up being down one necromancer teacher.” Ovak chided Uicle as his sharp hearing caught the sudden mumble clear as day. The old man nested deeper into his chair, his knuckles rested on a small cane used more for show than necessity. His sharp eyes scanned the room and kept a visual on the diplomates collecting to the assigned tables, waiting patiently for something. Several visions whipped through his mind, pushed away when he heard Uicle continue.

“Banish? Please. We both know I would have went complete back into my old ways and someone would have had to uh…” One could feel Uicle’s non existent eyes shifting to Lyn. “Release me. Besides, if I actually meant what I said I’d just scrap him and rebuild him.” A wounded woof came from Gregor. “Yes! I mean you! Better be nice or I’ll get a new dog!” Uicle grumped. He wouldn’t though. Gregor had been with him as long as Minos.

Ovak merely chuckled lightly, his head cocked in knowing the teacher was jesting. Gently, the archmage took his cup of honeysuckle wine and brought it to his lips, taking a small sip. It burned slightly going down though he enjoyed the bittersweetness, holding its tang upon his tongue for a moment or two after it passed down his throat. Uicle, however, continued while the soul filled golem stood in front of him. His words caught the archmage’s attention rather quickly as his eyes settled on the armor suit.

“Lets see. The Snow Elves are being destroyed bit by bit by a demon army that claims to serve uh...the Big K. The Dwarves and the Forest Elves are at each others throats. The Orcs are ready to go into civil war. Tidehome is on the verge of becoming a new battleground for Djarkle and Eania. Yarosmere is under the rule of a xenophobic tyrannical priest dictator, who has turned the country into a bunch of fanatics who are just as hostile and xenophobic.”

“Eania is one diplomat away from declaring war on us. And that diplomat has already had one attempt on his life. Someone is murdering the Djarkel Barons, and making it look like Vampires. Did I miss anything? Oh yes! There are no less than two diplomat groups from the Scorched Lands, respectively claiming that the others are rebels or servants of a warmongering maniac. Shall we start sending students out now, or later?”

“Personally, I rather not. I’m not eager to jump to war Uicle as any common sense individual would be, to put those that trust us in danger. Especially when not all the pieces have been revealed yet. However, we can’t simply leave others defenseless.” Ovak said, his hand pulled his cane up higher and rested the end into his chair’s seat end. He stated it in a tone that spoke he had already figured something out, though asking him was another matter. He wouldn’t reveal it for fear of changing something. “After hearing the news, don’t they seem rather odd to you?”

“No one’s eager to jump into war. But I’d rather nip these problems in the bud before they even begin to bloom.”Uicle retorted, before addressing Ovak’s question. “Everyone aside from the Djarkel and Eania diplomats seems odd. Tense. The Dwarves and Forest Elves normally get along well. The Snow Elves have never had any reason to be attacked by anyone. Tidehome’s problems are just now coming to a peak. Yarosmere is just randomly becoming a fanatic single god worshipping nation. And this is all just happening at once? Completely by coincidence? I don’t think so.” Uicle sighed, watching Lyn for a moment longer.

“But only two of these situations is a pressing matter and can’t be addressed here. The Snow Elves and the Yarosmerians. We can’t just let an entire nation be eradicated. And we certainly can’t just let that maniac go unwatched. Wiping out the Naga might only be the tip of his iceberg.”

"From all my experience here, there's one thing I have learned: there is no such thing as coincidence. That aspect, despite mortal insistence, doesn't exist." Ovak stated then noticed Uicle's glance linger on Lyn.

He could see the worry and pain though the man's soul was trapped in iron, unable to fully express himself. The child's life was going to be a difficult one as well as the rest of their family. A bitter ironic truth was that in a few future possibilities... Uicle, himself, had ended up killing the darling child. Either through accident or on purpose, sending a ripple through the Naga's very existence. It was strange to see an unwanted and feared offspring have such an important role among such an isolated race when it came to change.

"You keep staring at her, she might have her growth stunted. Quite a feat to have a child, of two different races, born here. It also seems the Gods have a partially deep fondness over her...though it's likely due to unseen influences beyond us. She's got a fate even I can't understand myself...one that she has to carry alone sadly. "

“You say that like it’s a bad thing. How old is she, six months?” Uicle chuckled, before continuing. “Fondness? We must be thinking of different Gods. And are you really surprised she was born here? If you’re that curious ask Althalus. Mar would just hit you with her tail. He’s at least polite enough to tell you to mind your own perverted business. As for carrying alone, well, tell that to Tyrael, Mar, Althalus, and Alaira for certain. Alone isn’t something she’ll be aware of for quite some time.”

Ovak continued while his eyes shifted from Lyn, the child still playing with the large, metal dog as she rubbed the belly. A fact Uicle had it polished smooth still made the arch mage chuckle. The child was spoiled that much was certain and thankfully, she was intelligent enough not to be ruined by it. "Back to the the Yarsomere situation. I agree. Something is happening and wiping out the Naga will end up having it's own repercussions in the future. They help provide a balance for the Ravine as well as Tiien. Destroy one, you are left with the other spiraling out of control. Though it might be best to keep Mar, Lyn and likely Althalus from the Yarsomere diplomat. Namely I rather not have an incident. Though having one of the student approach wouldn't be a bad idea. Any nominations?"

“Ssarak, Meirin, or Leith. Althalus probably won’t kill him. Can’t make the same promise for Lucillia, I’m afraid. Regardless, those three are the best bet with Ssarak being the preferred choice. For a giant warrior with wings, he seems remarkably diplomatic and gentle. Much more then me, at least.” Uicle replied, idly twirling his staff between his fingers.

"I see the best outcome with Ssarak, namely since he could easily be persuaded due to his attachment to Lyn and Mar. If I recall right, he's been helping her with taming and letting out her emotions, hasn't he?" Though his words were made into a question, Ovak's words were firm and without uncertainty over this matter. "Leith might be better suited for either the Eysire, Djarkel or Tidehome. I'm leaning toward Djarkel mostly. Less hostility there due to his appearance and history with Eania fantics. Though Lucilia might need to be present... Granted she's in trouble but her aid might be ideal to at least smoothly introduced him."

His thin fingers tapped his chin for a moment. "Aramir might be suitable for the snow elves but I don't want her doing it alone. Annabeth or Mei should likely accompany her. Namely to keep an eye on her mood. I'll leave which one up to your judgement."

“Ssarak has. As for Leith, that smooth introduction is riding primarily upon none of the Barons being one of the diplomats, and the diplomats not being hostile and afraid of vampires because of the deaths. Send him to Yarosmere instead, he did save the stupid bastard from Grey and the rest,, have Ssarak go the Esyire’s and have Mei go to Djarkel? Right now we’re just getting an idea of the situations. Send Alaira, with Althalus to watch her and ensure she doesn’t do something stupid, to Tidehome. Though why we should we send someone to watch Aramir? There’s no reason why she should be afraid or angry or what have you with the Snow Elves.”

Uicle’s gaze bored into the Archmage. “Or is there something you’re not telling me?”

"Sound choices and reasoning. As for Aramir, How well do you think she will fair at hearing other tribes being wiped out? Her own history has had quite a lot of bloodshed and the risk of her breaking down would not be a good one. She'll need emotional support in case she can't keep herself together. Else things might become much worse than we intended. One wrong move during this feast... I don't need to tell you what the college future could look like, do I?" Even before Ovak spoke, he was prepare to flood Uicle's mind with mental images that would should how terrible the went could end. Including one that would include the mass slaughter of several, including Lyn, students. A matter that wouldn't go over well for many.

“Fair enough. Not everyone can have killed their emotions and replaced them with acidic sarcasm like me. As for the future, no, I can imagine. Trust me.” Uicle replied, pausing for a minute. Refocusing on the Archmage, the necromancer explained. “There. Golems have been sent for each of the students, and they know what they have to do. Anything else your pestering ability to tell the future needs me to fix so I don’t accidentally doom the world by sneezing at the wrong time?”

"Auriel, the one Aramir’s been keeping company might be ideal to be included as moral support. In addition, you know as well as me that trying to account for every little thing will more likely result in a mess. Most often the most miserable outcome. It's a curse in the end and I'll be most happy to be rid of it when my life comes to an end." Ovak stated kindly, assumed at Uicle's sarcasm. His eyes shifted to a room wall and his expression clouded over in concern.

"Lucilia has been still assigned to giving Khan's medications, hasn't she? I get this sense he's not been taking them as regularly as he should." Ovak pondered for a moment and considered his next words carefully. "Might be ideal to request a few students to help in keeping tabs on him. He could use the motivations after all."

“Oh so that makes two of us with something we’ll be happy to be rid of when we finally die.” Uicle said cheerfully, before refocusing. “Have students nursemaid Khan, and complain at him myself with Lucillia. Got it.”

”Sounds reasonable when you sum it up, though getting it accomplished is another matter. I just hope the students won’t mind else I fear we will end up losing Khan permanently. Some futures for him are rather bleak and sad.”Ovak said, his eyes drifted a bit then added. ”What students should be sent to retrieve Khan?”

“Depends. If you want it done quickly, Darius and Baldur. If you want it done by people Khan has chatted with, Aramir and Mei. Those are the two I’ve seen him with the most, at any rate.” Uicle shrugged. It could be Khan was far more friendly with other students during the day, but he hadn’t seen any evidence to support that.

”Bad part, Khan waits for others to come to him rather than seek them out. A flaw, I’m afraid to say, is his own undoing. It doesn’t help he’s usually been shy even when he was a student here. Those runes don’t help him much either…” Ovak said, clearly, his thoughts knowing if they weren’t there than Khan would’ve never attracted Kudd’s attention. “I would suggest Darius and Balder, namely as Aramir’s going to be dealing with the diplomat and I believe Mei is busy. It would also be a good idea for Khan to meet more than just selective students.”

“Fair enough. Sending golems too them no-” Uicle’s words were cut off as there was a minor boom from the nearby kitchens, and black smoke began to pour out of the doorway. “Just because you can’t curse me doesn’t mean you can have fun with the others in the College! Ren! Do your job!” Uicle complained, looking up at the roof briefly before going to see what the problem was.

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