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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Pacing. Again. Fifty-Six steps forward, turn to the left, forty-six steps forward, walk straight up the wall, twenty-six steps straight up, forty-six steps forward, turn to the left, fifty-six steps forward, walk down the wall, twenty-six steps straight down, and repeat. It was a ritual they knew well, as it was the only thing they could do to in this prison. The repetitiveness kept them from all descending into madness, and time seemed to pass quickly when they walked largely on autopilot and let their minds wander. It was in the hopes that time had advanced again that they returned to their chessboard, eyeing the various pieces on it. The pulsing white pieces of mortals who would play a major part in the future, without outside influence. The shimmering gold pieces of the Gods' pawns. The black of Kudd's servants that seemed to draw in all light around them. The chaotic purple of his own pawns, settling in on various parts of the nations in Tiien. They touched their fingers to each of the pawns, checking on progress. Ironstead. Ghannos. Frostbite and in the Frozen Plains near it. The College and rapidly closing in on it. Yarosmere. Eania. Djarkel.

"Good. Good. Things are moving along as planned." Chessmaster muttered, his other two siblings only looking on with slight interest. The time for their revenge and rebirth wasn't at hand, so they had no desire to be apart of the planning. Something he was grateful for. "Now...time to see what influence I can wield with the mortals themselves." They reached their fingers down towards two mortals, who possessed artifacts of his.


Grey's axe spoke to him. Ah. It feels good to be in the hands of a just warrior again. At first I thought you were that corrupted bastard, Legion, with all his demons writhing in his blood. Tell me your name, Guardsman, and I shall tell you mine. Another bird, this time made of metal, came and spoke to the guardsman, sounding like a bored young man. "Uicle needs a list of mercenaries he can trust. He assumes you know at least one." With that, it left.


The servants of the Wild are here. More are coming. Prepare yourself, Hydromancer, for they will be far less subtle than the Eternal Hunger, and far more dangerous. You will need your demon, before you can afford to have us expunge it from you. The voice from before spoke in Leith's mind.

A metal bird landed on Leith's shoulder, speaking in the voice of a little girl. "Uicle wants you to talk to the Yarosmere diplomat you saved, and figure out what exactly is going on in the desert nation." Then it left.


A metal bird of Uicle's flew in front of the Esyire, speaking in a rough voice of someone used to shouting their entire life. "Ssarak. Uicle wants you to comprise a list of all the mercenary companies you know that can be trusted to not run and not betray the College. Also, there are two Esyire diplomat groups. Each claiming that the others is a false government. He wants you to find out the situation from both sides, and assumes you won't try to kill any of them." With that, the bird flew off.

Aramir and Annabeth.

"Considering that Satori made such an...interesting display of power last year, and the entire world is shins for me whenever I walk into large crowds, I don't think I'll be going to the feast this year. Shooting my bow is a better use of my time." Aramir's attention was immediately taken by a gargoyle striding up to the two of them. Speaking in the eloquent and smooth tone of a butler.

"Aramir. Something is happening in the Frozen Plains, according to the Snow Elf delegation. You're too find out the details." Aramir paled, which the Gargoyle ignored as he continued. "Annabeth, go with her. Wait for Auriel in the courtyard, and head towards the Eania delegation. Oh, and this is for you Annabeth." The gargoyle handed the human a note, before striding off. It read: 'The Snow Elves are being destroyed tribe by tribe by a demon army. Aramir's own tribe was wiped out a year or so ago. Make sure she doesn't have a break down or something while talking to the Snow Elf delegation.', signed by Uicle.


The same Gargoyle quickly tracked down the Forest elf, delivering the same letter. "You're to go with her and Annabeth to the Snow Elves. Meet them in the Courtyard and head towards the Eania delegation."


A bird fluttered in front of the monk, a lilting voice coming out of it's metal beak. "You're to talk to the Djarkel delegation about the killings that have been happening amongst the barons. Ask Lucillia to introduce you." And then it left.

Althalus and Alaira

Althalus gave an eloquent bow. "You know me. Humble, selfless, the list just goes on of my many charitable traits. You actually need rest? I thought you just got energy from yelling and punching things. At least that's what I'm told all the large, gold spear wielding, thug beating, demon killing, pretty girls do instead of sleep." Althalus winked with a smirk, as the half-elf bopped him on the head. "Oh, is that your new technique? Hit them with the spear like it was a club? I don't know much about combat, so pardon me if I'm wrong, but aren't you supposed to poke them with the shar-" Whatever he was going to say was cut off as a large steel Golem strode up. A gruff old man spoke from it, his tone still speaking of military days. "Alaira. You're to go to the Tidehome delegation and figure out just what the problem is. Althalus, you're to go with her to make sure she doesn't punch anyone and get her rights to visiting Lyn taken away, herself locked in a cave, and cause a minor war. Per Uicle's orders. I assume you know what Tidehome colors look like?" Althalus nodded. "Good. They're next to the Djarkel delegation. Also, Alaira, Uicle wants a list of mercenary companies he can trust." With that, it walked away.

Althalus looked at Alaira. "Well, come on. Smile. We gotta start working on that. If you scowl the entire time they'll be more scared and less likely to explain. Smiling works wonders to turn you from 'terrifying' to 'approachable' and you can't beat the information out of the diplomats. Shall we go?"

Darius and Baldur

A steel golem tracked down first Baldur and then Darius, delivering the same message, a small boy's voice coming out. "Find Khan and make sure he's taking his medicine."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Ssarak and Meirin were just finishing their warm-up stretches, and were just about to begin their exercises a small, bird-like metal construct flew into the room, followed quickly by another. They were both golems of the type that Uicle often used as messengers, and Ssarak could have expected, they flew straight to them. He listened to the message Uicle had for him, and was honestly surprised in more ways than one. He would not have guessed that the college would send students, instead of staff, for something as delicate as questioning diplomats, though he supposed he had been of service to the college on multiple occasions. What was more surprising, however, was that Uicle would select him, of all people, to speak to the Esyire diplomats.

Letting out a sigh, Ssarak ran his hand down one side of his snout. "I can give recommendations for mercenaries, but questioning the Esyire diplomats...Uicle knows I am in exile for war crimes." He commented to Meirin disheartenedly. "Well, I imagine Uicle is rather busy at the moment, so he may not have thought it through. It does sound important, and rather worrying, honestly. I did not know of this political strife in my homeland; it must be recent. And I suppose you have your task as well. I wonder if those killings are related to what we uncovered?"

Ssarak stood up and grabbed his vest before turning back to Meirin. "I suppose today will not be as care-free as we thought, but we should certainly meet again later. Hopefully we will be free before the feast, but at least I will see you there. I am committed to enjoying this day, preferably with you." He said with a smile.

Instead of immediately searching for the diplomats, Ssarak headed back to his room to make himself more presentable. Armor would be the formal attire of a warrior, but he felt it would be best not to appear potentially threatening, especially if any of them recognized who he was. From what he recalled of seeing them in the halls, most diplomats were not heavily armored, so it would probably be best to match their attire. Unfortunately, he did not possess anything specifically formal, but he did at least have a clean tunic and leather pants. One difference from the previous year was that many more people at the college, visitors and residents alike, were armed in some capacity, likely because of the demon attack. As such, Ssarak felt it appropriate to carry his sword sheathed on his hip. Swords, unlike most polearms, had a certain formal appearance to them, which could help with his overall presentation.

It took some time for Ssarak to discern where the Esyire diplomats actually were, as the golem had neglected to mention their locations. But, after taking the time to ask a gargoyle, he made his way to the main hall. Luckily, there were rather few Esyire overall at the college, so one he was in the correct room, it was not difficult to locate the two groups. Both of them were on opposite sides of the room from one another, and both of which consisted of only two individuals. Since he did not recognize any of them, he simply approached the one closest to him.

As he walked up to the pair, he noted that one of the Esyire was young, while the other, who he assumed to be the diplomat, was notably older. The younger one was obviously of clima mageblood, which did mean there was a strong chance he was of clan Dyre, though it was not guaranteed. The older one was of course of obligatio mageblood, as Ssarak would expect of a Jev diplomat. Since the feast was a reasonably formal event, Ssarak maintained a respectful posture, but not overbearingly so. He wanted the diplomat to see him approach as a simple student, not as an official representative of the college. If he wanted to actually learn anything useful, he did not want the diplomat to be speaking through a filter. "Greetings, would you happen to be the representative from the Scorched Lands?" He asked, maintaining a polite tone.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alaira Taenn
Alaira smirked, shaking her head as she rose to her feet, loosening her arm. "You talk like this to ev'rybody?... I ain't sure if you're lyin' or if you actually believe this crap..." She said, rubbing the back of her head as he spoke. Of course, before she could come up with an appropriately sarcastic comment a golem showed up... Not that she didn't know it was coming, the damn things were so loud the dead could hear 'em coming. She was just used to them walking past, she didn't think it'd talk to them.

She rolled her eyes, letting out an annoyed groan... Babysit politicians? Why did they come to her for this? Well, she was smart enough to realize that they probably didn't have a choice... and neither did she. "Yeah, yeah. I'll get on that." She said, waving the golem off. At least 'tell Uicle about mercs' was easier. She could think of a couple outfits that had good reputations, there was Quake, Red Lion... She couldn't help but scoff when Athalus spoke. "Yeah? If they needed smiles n' shit they woulda picked somebody else. Lead the way, I don't know where any of this shit is..." She said, cracking her neck as she gestured at him to get going.
Grey Onyx
Grey nodded as Lucilia complemented his outfit. "Thank you, Ma'am." He said, quietly shutting the door as a bird arrived. He did not try to guess at the message's contents, simply assuming it was none of his business. While she was reading, however, something... unnerving happened. He felt something speak to him, in his head... He looked down to the axe at his hip, the one he had taken from his double when he could not find his own.

He was not sure what to say, but he was certainly concerned. Either he was mad, or his weapon was possessed, considering the source. However, since Lucilia was just reading her letter peacefully that meant that in either case, she couldn't hear it. When she turned to him to speak, he seemed sort of flustered. "R-right, very well..." He said, swallowing some as he turned around, his gaze flicking down to his weapon... And luckily, he received an able distraction in the form of a messenger golem. "Ah yes, tell him to consider Red Lion and Tombstone." He said, calling to the bird before it left.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by cqbexpt
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cqbexpt Warden Eternal

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Baulder wiped the sweet from his brow as he finally said "And that... is all John. I'll see you again soon." The imp whimpered as he brought the kukari down and embedded it into the it's head. There was a little bit of splatter of the imp's warm blood on his face before he ceased to exist in this world. Baulder fell to the ground exhausted and grinning. After he was finally brought back to the infirmary by Annabeth several days ago there had been a golem which kept him there for the next day so that he was unable to hurt himself again. After he was finally allowed to leave he was able to attend a couple of the classes he had been given. He had been mostly given reading material by Tyrael as he seemed to be much more interested in forging weapons for the upcoming feast then teaching him. Not wanting to go against the demon he had been quite studious in his reading. He had finished one of the several books assigned to him but it was mostly about "respecting your summon". He managed to pick up out of the book how to will the demon into existence and more interestingly to Baulder how to control it.

He figured out rather quickly that it had no reason to really obey him other than through sheer threat of banishment. The book had suggested naming the demon and it gave several examples of names. Being not terribly imaginative he combined two of the names. He had decided to call the imp John Cena. Most of the examples in the book were single names to call it by but he thought it weird that most people he had met at the college had two names, so he gave the imp something to make him seem like the people he had met. The demon teacher had mentioned something about training his imp to do things. He had mostly been trying to get it to not run away from him. This had the added benifit of allowing him to practice with the weapons Tyrael had given him as reward for bringing back the lobsters. Baulder for the life of him could not figure out how to use both at the same time and had taken up just chopping up the demon every time is ran away.

However, all the summoning he was doing would eventually force him to take breaks as he ran out of mage blood. That was atleast explained to him what was happening when he would pass out in the courtyard. He got a little better at pacing himself and ended up practicing with his blade on a tree. Though he was yelled at by some of the herbamancers when he would cut deep gashes into the tree so he eventually had to stop. The previous day one of the guards had taught him how to train without an actual thing to hit. While the concept was beyond strange to him at first he eventually took to swinging his blade in different ways at nothing. He was finally getting a feel for the weapon and how it swung. He had tried using both blades at once on the imp but the only real way he could figure out how to use it was by crossing the blades with the sharp ends facing each other and sliding them across each other in opposite directions. It made cutting off the imp's head fun but he was still doing better just using the one blade to cut up the imp.

Baulder also picked up a basic knowledge of the college's layout when he spent a day following around a golem asking it to take him places. He figured this would be a good thing to know if he was going to be staying here. The more he learned the better off he was he figured. Though Baulder was still confused by the feast. He couldn't figure out why a bunch of people would come here that didn't have magic just to talk. It more than likely didn't help that no one had bothered to explain anything to him other than "It's happening". Frustrated he had turned back to killing his imp repeatedly. He gained an intense satisfaction everytime he found a new way to kill John. It for the most part had stopped fighting him when summoned it as it knew how that would end for it. Even though Baulder was weaker compared to some of the other people at the college he was still stronger than the imp and had earlier been trying to wrestle it to the ground. In his mind this had gone well, though some of the people that passed by him while he did this had made odd noises at him while he did it. He wasn't sure why they seemed to make such nasely noises at him but he thought nothing of it.

Licking the blood from his dry lips and putting his blade back into a stiff knew holster on his side that Tyrael had also given to him. He took his hand to his face and tried to wipe the blood off but didn't do so to great effect as it mostly smeared the demon blood on him. Giving out a noise of satisfaction he turned to go back to the room he had been given when a golem stopped him and spoke."Find Khan and make sure he's taking his medicine." Baulder laughed immediately to the point of crying when he heard the high pitch voice come from the large rock monster. He managed to choke out a "Can be done!" before the golem wandered off to wherever it had come from. Not having anything else to do he headed off to find Khan. After taking his time to laugh at the people setting up for the people setting up for the feast and the arriving outsiders Baulder eventually found his way to Khan's room. Well he atleast thought it was his room. He tried to push the door open but quickly found out that it wouldn't budge. Not knowing what else to do he banged on the door and began yelling "Hey! Are you taking your medicine in there? Is this the right place? Does a Khan live here?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Garthan Jevnoras

Garthan Jevnoras, the Scorch Lands’ diplomat, stood as far as possible from the self declared Emperor’s sent official trying to mingle with the Djarkel’s. His small, narrow eyes fixed upon the the black Esyire. His expression doing little to hid his suspicion and concern. The whole time, his hand lingering near his sword hilt straddled at his hip and rested there. It was impossible to disclaim the imposter who insisted he was the original and rightful diplomat, a fact that made him irritated to know.

Garthan’s mind drifting to the worries back home. The clans were torn and divided, their alliances strained between following the traditional Head Chieftain and this new emerging Emperor. The later was slowly gaining in popularity though Garthan, or other chieftain heads, couldn’t understand how. On the horizon was civil war which pitted blood versus blood, dividing clans and families alike in the end. If things weren’t changed, the very shifting plains of the Scorch Lands would become red with blood until few reminded. His other hand stirred the mug in his free hand then took a deep drink. His thin muzzle filled by the scorching liquor and sitting it down, noting from the corner of his eyes the new student’s nervous energy.

Hethro’s head flickered back and forth, panning the scene and namely in the imposture direction. And the young vitamancer Esyire with him. The young male had been googling at her since they arrive, his nature naive to the dangers to infatuation could cause. Though it likely didn’t help they had been engaged before the Emperor’s arrival, the wedding called off when the female aimed to follow the Emperor rather than the tradition resulting in Hethro’s father threatening to disown him unless he did so. It didn’t help his father was being considered for a future chieftain.

Gently, the older Esyire placed a hand on the youth’s lower arm where the spiked armor wasn’t. “Calm down and forget it, Hethro. Your father would disown you for it.”

The youth sighed and gave one last look, then nodded remorsefully. Any further words were cut off when Garthan heard a young voice speak out, a polite and casual tone.

"Greetings, would you happen to be the representative from the Scorched Lands?"

He turned to the side to see a Lues Esyire with red chest plates and dressed in a clean tunic and leather pants. It was obvious he wasn’t an official or any teacher, his attire too casual for that. Through there was a vague familiarity, Garthan shrugged it off. He curled his lips into a smile, his scars marring it a bit, as he confirmed and introduced himself with a formal bow.

“Yes, I am. Garthan Jevnoras. The Scorch Land representative, unlike that imposter will claim.” His voice held a bitter tone.


Mar watched as the biped reached for his faceplate and pulled it off, revealing it was Tyrael. Her head tilted in confusion at why he was smelt funny to her. The first thing she noted there was the lacking scents of sweat and smoky, his body purged of the familiarity she had come to expect. It explained why she didn't recognize him right off.

"It is me. My apology. I had forgotten to remove my mask. If you wonder why I am... Like this, it is because of the feast. I was told that I must wash myself and wear this. I came by to inform you that I will be wearing this for today, and to check up on you."Tyrael naturally spoke confirming the obvious though he held her tongue, it flickering out again in curiosity. He seemed unsettled which made Mar believe there was more to his present visit than merely to pick up Lyn for her play date. Her suspicions were confirmed when he continued still, Mar's torso sticking outright and settled comfortably low on the ground.

"I would say that you should use today to socialize, but actually it may be best to stay away from the crowds. Foreigners are annoying and will ask too many questions. Aside from that, how have you been today? Is Lyn up yet?"

"You needn't lie to me. We both know why it is best I remain within my den."

Mar said calmly, recalling her reaction to the Yarsomere diplomat. It didn't help most her allies, including herself, had reacted harshly toward the diplomat's insult to her. Only Althalus and Lieth had managed to keep a cool, though the prior was on the verge of sending an arrow through his head. Thankfully he wasn't killed. She could only imagine the fall out between her and the college over that as she already had trouble controlling her emotional outbursts.

Noting Tyrael peering in beyond her shoulder, Mar added."Lyn is off playing in the dining hall with Uicle, which is where you can pick her at. Oddly she was rather determined and eager to get there early to see someone. When I asked, she wrote out a name I didn't recognize. She's managed sounds now though. Her favorite was 'mmm' which we're encouraging her to make often, hoping it help her in forming words. She's attempted dad a few times but can't seem to make the first sound."


Khan had isolated himself in his office since this morning.
Originally it was to gain headstart on the piling paperwork, which had ended over an hour ago, but now his attention was engrossed in something else. The Esyire hunched over the desk where his hand cupped a mortar and grounded the black powder into a fine quality from its coarse origins. Gently his hand swirled over and over into a repeated pattern, keeping a calm and sooth pace throughout the time spent to ensure it was perfect. Else he would gain an unexpected, and often dangerous, experience. One he never wanted to repeat again.

The powder had additional ingredients, from colored seed grounds to crystals, that when in combination with the black powder made colorful explosions. A tapping of glass made the headmaster pause in his attempt to pour the powder upon a parchment then rolling the twine in it. Shifting the mortar into one hand, his eyes narrowed onto the sound’s source: a small, demonic plant trapped under glass. When his office was purged Khan had managed to save one sprout and like all demonic plants, it grew quite rapidly, even without Rathel’s aid.

”Hush. You don’t need out. I can’t have you causing any trouble again and feeding off the students.” Khan scolded it, his claw tapped the smooth glass to shut the plant’s complains. It merely touched a protesting leaf on the surface then for the tenth time that day, tried to bury its roots into the onyx underneath. It recoiled when its roots started to burn.

”I told you to stop that. You’re not getting out again, do you understand?” Naturally Khan didn’t expect an answer, or at least one he could understand. The plant settled down back into its slumped over position while he went back to pouring the mortar’s contents into the parchment. It was then, another disruption halted him in his progression causing the headmaster to jerk his head upright at the door. There was a rush, loud banging that rattled the very frame itself.

Khan frowned and considered it could’ve been Uicle, Lucilia, or a slim chance of Tyrael approaching his office. After all, few students had ever taken him up on his offer to see him after hours. He listened to the voice that followed causing him to frown.

"Hey! Are you taking your medicine in there? Is this the right place? Does a Khan live here?"

”Come in.” Khan said, not recognizing the voice and his curiosity getting the better of him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Ssarak Dyreackthanose


Ssarak glanced over in the direction of the other representative as Garthan looked, or rather glared, at him. Even without knowing their background, it would be easy to tell that they were not on good terms. Ssarak only knew what Uicle's message had contained, but it seemed simply on first impressions that these two groups had anything but a simple political disagreement. Anything that would cause such an open, antagonistic reaction from someone who was meant to be a diplomat would have to be severe. However, that could work to Ssarak's advantage, as the diplomat might be willing to vent his frustrations about this opposing faction, even to a simple student. For some, they needed only an excuse to start speaking about issues for which they were passionate.

"Yes I...thought I had heard something about that. I was surprised when I heard of this politial strife, as I have not heard news from our homeland in some time. It worries me, particularly with how dangerous the world is becoming. Who is this faction, they must have came into being only recently?" Ssarak asked, carefully selecting his tone to show his concern and worry. Though, it was not as if he were acting; the idea of a civil war in his homeland was genuinely frightening.

"Correct. This new 'Emperor' has only appeared within the last two years and it has only ever been a problem recently. Namely with the Jev Clan's numbers decreasing over the last years which is very strange considering it's the first time their number has ever dropped so rapidly. Hatchlings are being born dead right from their eggs and even missing, stressing many Jev mothers which affect the birth rates naturally."

Garthan's hand gripped his sword hilt in frustration showing his old combative habits shining through, increasing the clear desire to dispatch the source. Slowly his voice gain in acidity as he continued. "It doesn't help the civil war is killing my clan. Even Dyre and Xoth numbers are dying outl with the causalty rates and missing, those in conflicts from the captial or sent on scouting missions rarely return. And those that do... they aren't the same. Their spirits broken enough even our psychomancers can't mend them through traditional means."

Heroth then snapped, interrupting anything futher the elder Esyire said. "The Emperor and his fellows all deserve to burn in Mt. Genesis for their crimes. Attacking villages, pillaging the traders, and worse, they are nothing but thieves and murders, all of them!"

Ssarak lowered his head, turning it slightly to the side. As he had hoped, it was rather easy to get the pair to talk, though what they described was even worse than what Ssarak was expecting. A full-fledged civil war, along with the matter of the Jev's decline, was unprecedented. How could a war like this have started in such a short time? It was almost difficult to believe. Between the demon attack, the killings in Djarkel, the destruction of Mesa Gaan, and now this budding civil war, strife seemed to be spreading across all of Tien all at once. None of them seemed to be related on the surface, but to Ssarak, it all seemed too convenient.

"Honestly, I would prefer to simply end the fighting. I fear the Esyire will need their strength. I am sure you have heard of...everything that has been happening across Tien for the past year." Ssarak commented. "You say Dyre is among those losing numbers? I fear for my clan; I fear for all of the clans. Brothers and sisters should not spill one another's blood. Who is this Emperor? Who supports him? Is there any chance of reaching a compromise?"

Heroth, being the youngest of all three, scoffed. His shoulders rolled and his body turned to face Ssarak with a harden look, his jawline tightened in anger and insult. "Do you really think we haven't tried? Every time one of Jev sacifices their own to negoitations, they came...different. I suspect some very strong Psychomancer was rooting around where he didn't belong but none of our own mages can discover anything. The Emperor's claims they would not be bullied into submission or silenced. Change must happen for the good of all Esyire, either through cooperation or force. Tyrant talk and actions shouldn't be the first course of action for change. My own village, my sisters, brothers and family were among the last casualties. I only escaped it by a few hours because I was reporting to father in the capital. If I had stayed..."

"Heroth, settle down." Garthan spoke, his voice gentle but firm. It was was mainly telling the youth in a subtle way it wasn't the Esyire's fault things had gone to hell in the Scorch Lands. If anything, it might've been for the best, as he returned to the student's earlier questions. "In truth, we suspect he came from Dyre as well but there's no proof. All we know for sure is his is an Electromancer and powerful one as he can outmatch any skilled master or several truthfully. His first appearance resulted in killing an Jevarath, one of the family's most loyal to traditions, when the Esyire attempted to halt the 'Emperor' at the gate. He gave them one warning and when Jevarath went to block him, despite the threat, he was slaughtered. Fried from the inside out through a single touch and almost faster than any mage I've ever seen."

The Esyire took a breath and continued. "As for who serves him, many younger generations of Esyire that feel the traditions are holding our kind back. They feel we much evolve with the times and adapt to something akin of our allies. Namely like Yarsomere has currently with the ruling of one individuals rather than a Chieftain and the clan leaders. They also believe the clan barriers shouldn't be so strictly upheld or exist at all. Instead of the Dyre, Thar, Jev, and more, there should only be one clan name for all Esyire. As for recounciling. Well, you've heard the result yourself."

Listening intently, Ssarak had trouble determining what to make of what Garthan described. Surely he would have heard of a mage with such an intense mastery of his blood long before he could rise to power? If he was as strong as Garthan indicated, then he would had to have perfected his skills over decades. It did not seem possible, but Ssarak could not discern a motivation for the diplomat to lie. It would be counterproductive to his cause to make his enemy seem unbeatable if it were not true. "I see, then it makes sense why he is able to gain followers. He has a cause, something his army can aspire to. The idea of a wholly united Esyire people could be appealing, but to have only a single leader? An Emperor? That can only invite tyrrany. Still, even if he cannot be dissuaded, perhaps his followers can be? I am well-aware of how easy it is for the young and idealistic to be drawn into a cause. It is easy to be taken into the idea that you can improve your situation, and your people's situation. It is easy to justify any crime when it is percieved as being for the greater good. Dissuading them would certainly be better than fighting. If this war goes through to its end, then no matter who wins, the Esyire will lose."

"The unity we have during times we need it. A matter that shouldn't be forgotten or overlooked, yet if we were united all the time than likely the clans will start encroching upon the others specialized roles. Next we'd have Thar learning to fight, Yera to selling and distruption and those clans that are stressed when attempting that could end up being swallowed up by others. There could be no more Yera, Dyre or Jav clans for example as they become obsolete or worse, no longer as well as they use to be." Garthan explained, while he allowed Ssarak to finish his conversation. His eyes were keeping a watch over Heroth just to prevent the youth from acting rash and reckless.

Ssarak's overall attitude was supportive Garthan and the case he presented, but that was an intentional choice on Ssarak's part. He was fully aware that he was only recieving one side of the story, which could contain lies. However, he did not wish to make enemies of either side at this point, so he needed to show his support. As well, he had an idea for how he might improve his chances of gaining more information in the future. He was not approaching as a representative of the college, but as an Esyire concerned about his homeland. "I hope the college can help with this. Perhaps there are psychomancers here who can determine what happened to your envoys? Though...as I mentioned before, there is chaos growing all across Tien all at once, and the college is being called to aid in most of them, I imagine. I am only a student here, but I want to aid my homeland. Perhaps I can be of small amount of assistance? I could attempt to persuade...someone with authority of the severity of our need, or speak to the "Emperor's" representative to learn more about them? I do not know precisely what I can do, but I wish to do something."

"I've already considered it. It's a part of the reason I'm here as I aim to request aid from the college, though many of the envoys seem to be dying from their experience." Garthan, his mind lingering on the mention of chaos, while he continued. "As for the other world trouble, I've not been as worldly informed sadly as my primary focus is getting the Scorch Lands in order. If we can't fix our own problems, we can't be of any use to the world itself after all."

"I fear that is what the other diplomats might say as well." Ssarak said, pausing for a moment as if to ponder on the situation. "All of these issues are dire, and I have no doubt that they wish to solve their own problems first. I do not know if every one of the diplomats are in need, but many will be asking for help, and I do not know if the College will be able to handle it all at once, no matter how greatly they wish to help. The College has been facing its own problems as well; I am sure you are aware of the demon attack last year. I was present for it, and I fought to help defend the College. The power arrayed against us was immense, and more frighteningly, it still exists somewhere in the Inferno. I have no doubt that it will be a threat to all of Tien eventualy. Thinking about it, I cannot help but to wonder if this demonic force is somehow connected to the many crisis forming across the land. They all seem unrelated, but the common link between them is that they are weakening Tien as a whole." He reasoned.

Garthan listened, his eyes studied the Esyire, that nagging feeling growing though he tried to cast it away. His muzzle frowned deeply at the news, knowing it was true inside. Everyone was scrambling to be among the first to gain the College aid before the others exhausted their resources, though he knew only a few officials could actually repay the aid given tenfold. "Yes, I do recall that happening. Many of the Esyire surviving students were called back home because of it for personal training. Though now, I'm curious why your own clan hasn't recalled you back as well."

The older Esyire's eyes fixed on the student cautionary curosity over the fact he had just stated. His hand had still rested upon his weapon hilt but it was relaxed and at rest. "Another reason I was sent was because I'm a demonomancer. I have extensive knowledge of demons as well as my own with a tight bond, most familiars. However, Heroth came of his own will to watch over the student brought by the imposter so not to cause trouble on the College."

Ssarak was moving somewhat away from his goal of gathering information, but there was purpose to it. If he did nothing but ask questions about the diplomat and the state of the Scorched Lands, then Garthan might realize that he was not acting simply as a student. As well, he believed the theories he offered could hold some truth. Having lived through the demon attack, he knew firsthand what kind of power their enemy could bring to bear. He could believe that powerful demons might be able to influence these events; it would offer an explanation as to why the Jev clan was suddenly declining. If one wanted to weaken the Esyire, they would be the first target. "So Heroth is going to be a student here, I take it? I can say that the College's reputation as an institution of magical training is well-deserved, so you will learn a great deal. Though, the same is true for the...other student. Perhaps in spending time away from the Scorched Lands, the other can be dissuaded from their current course? At any rate, I will do whatever I am able to help. I am only a student here, but I have been of great service to the College in the past. As a demonomancer, and a Jev, you might be able to speak with the headmaster, Khan, more easily. I am sure he has a greater understanding of the magical aspect of the demon attack than myself. And, if I learn anything which could help, I will be sure to inform you."

The young Esyire nodded in agreement with Ssarak's words, though his eyes were pinned to the other student. He was clearly uncomfortable and listened to the pair chatting since his outburst. A fact Garthan noticed immediately, inwardly knowing why, though he made no comment on it. "Yes, though I believe the only reason Heroth volunteered was for personal reasons I'm afraid. The other student was his betrothed. I doubt she's changed very little since they separated and so the idea of her time away from the Scorch Lands influencing her loyalty is a very slim chance. As for Khan, I intend to speak with him first before the the archmage, both to gain a better understanding as well a hope to gain his view on things and warn the college against the student. I fear she might attempt to cause trouble on behalf of the 'Emperor' for the school."

He inhaled to calm his emotions over the last sentence and added his gratitude. "And I'm rather grateful if you don't mind. Being left in the dark leaves much problems but I believe I've been rather rude and should've inquired your name earlier, Mr...?"

"Oh, my apologies. my desire to learn of the recent events in our homeland distracted me from my manners." Ssarak commented before bowing his head slightly. "My name is Ssarak Dyreackthanose. It is a pleasure to meet both of you."

It was than the name and the sensation of its familarity clicked. Ssarak Dryeachthanose was a war criminal, banished for his crimes and while this punishment didn't come into affect while on College, Garthan wasn't pleased to learn about his company's history. "I can't say I can fully return it at this moment. May I talk with you in private, Ssarak?"

Garthan didn't want to leave Heroth but he had a require he preferred to make upon the known war criminal. His eyes insisted ad remained on Ssarak as his hand edged out to show the direction he intended to walk, a bit of distance away from young Heroth. The Esyire showed a firmness in his body language that he wasn't likely to take no for an answer.

"Certainly." Ssarak responded, looking at Garthan knowingly. Giving his name was something Ssarak had been hesitant to do, but it would be more dangerous in the long run to have given a false name. He knew his name would be known in his homeland, at least among certain leaders, and he knew that Garthan had recognized him. He had already gathered a respectable amount of information on the situation, but he still wanted to be able to gather more. He had intended to establish himself as a "contact" in the College for the diplomat, as that would give him reason to speak to him in the future. Hopefully, that would still be possible.

Ssarak followed Garthan, speaking up only once he stopped. "So you know of the shame I bear?" He said simply before allowing Garthan to speak.

"Yes, quite well. One of my brother took on a bride of the Xoth clan, so, yes, I know your shame better than many Jev clan should. However, unlike in the Scorch Lands, your crimes don't exist in the College and they aren't bound to acknowledge them. Though in recent years, your crimes have been forgotten due to recent events. Many of the younger generations haven't been informed or know of your shame." Garthan said, his expression difficult to read, and resisted revealing any emotion beyond indifference to the news he was revealing. "Currently, Heroth's at risk of creating his own crime though it's not against the Scorch Lands, but rather the college. The Vitamancer over there is his ex-betroth. It's the main reason he volunteered for this despite the past events and danger. I have a request of you, one that I can't full fill. Will you hear me out?"

Crossing his arms, Ssarak looked out towards the representative of the Emperor, and the student he brought with him. "I know that for as long as I am away from my homeland, as long as I remain in exile, I will not be harmed. I could live the remainder of my days away from anything relating to my former life. But...that is not my desire. I still care about my people. I know what it is like to be drawn into a cause which seems just, something that seems like it will improve your situation, and that of your people. I know what it is like to charge into battle with an unshakable zeal for your beliefs, to know that you will be a hero for your people. I know how easy it is to justify any crime, as long as it is percived as being for the greater good." He said, his words mirroring what he had said a few minutes prior. He turned his head back to face Garthan and lowered his arms. "I know, more than anyone ever should, how dangerous that can be. How good intentions can bring about unspeakable evil. So yes, I will gladly hear your request."

Garthan nodded his head respectively, pleased by the reply. Though he knew it was wrong of asking the exile to be tasked with his responsiblity, he saw no other option. "It's likely Heroth will try to talk to Zorai Yeranatrin and convince her one last time that her decision to follow the Emperor is the wrong one. If she refuses, I fear he might do something drastic that could possibly get her exiled from the school. Taking his duty a bit too seriously, which I believe will lead to trouble. I'm hoping you will keep an eye on young Heroth so he doesn't bring shame to himself. Can you do this?"

Ssarak glanced in the direction of Heroth, though he made sure not to be caught staring. "Hmm, I have already stated fairly clearly to him my belief that she might be dissuaded. It would be suspicious to suddenly retract that statement. Perhaps...how likely do you think it would be that he might be persuaded to delay asking her; to bide his time until the proper moment. The longer they remain at the College, the more both of them will come to understand the danger we face. I did not exaggerate any of my claims about the demonic force we faced; the largest of the demons looked as if it could ravage all of Tien alone, without even considering the army which attacked with it. She might come to believe as I do that this demonic force is influencing events in Tien, or at least that now is not the time to destabalize our homeland. Such a shift in opinion could take years, but by that time, Heroth's passions will have weakened. If that fails, I can, at the very least, prevent him from physically harming, or taking any other action against her. I have done so for other students before; I will just have to...keep watch over him afterwards."

"I would appreciate it. Heroth's a great warrior but he thinks with his heart more than his mind when it comes to the long term planning. A matter that sadly many youths have." Garthan bowed his head in respect as he relaxed, the earlier tension erased by the positive direction his conversation had taken. "Though I feel I must warn you, Ssarak Dyreackthanose. I fear Zorai will attempt something that could either sway the college into a side or weak it against defending themselves. I would not put it against the Emperor to convince a youth to go against the College for the sake of lessening a future threat. So be prepared."

"Understood." Ssarak responded with a nod. "Though, unless she is a master in her blood, her ability to damage the college may be limited. I would reason that swaying the College would be her goal. She may attempt sabotage, but the College's psychomancy instructor is capable of reading into her very memories. She is the one of the most talented psychomancers in Tien. I will be sure to warn her of the potential threat, if she is not already aware. They have likely given her some trinket to protect against psychomancy, but that would not last forever, particularly against Satori. " He said reassuringly as he cast his gaze back onto the Emperor's representative. "Do you believe there is any more I should say to Heroth for the moment? If not, I believe I may speak to the representatives of this Emperor. I may yet learn more about them."

Garthan merely shook his head, not agreeing with Ssarak's reasoning. "I never thought a single mage could end up taking down an army of masters until lately. Do you honestly, without a doubt, believe she might've not been given anything that couldn't complete the job? If you had seen some of the those who return than you might question what you know about magic yourself."

He let his words settle before answering the last questions. "Currently, I suggest using your best judgement. Everything I've said has fallen on deaf ears and I don't think he will even consider not taking any type of action should she reject his thoughts. Other than that, I can only warn you to be on your toes. I trust any of the Emperor's lackies with as trust as a demon should be given, and being a demonomancer I know how easily kindness can end up ripping your wings off when you're not looking."

"Hmm, you make an excellent point. If this Emperor is as strong as you say..." Ssarak turned his head back towards the diplomat. "...then I wonder at what power is truly behind him? A mage of that caliber could not have risen essentially overnight without a reputation behind him. As I see it, something immensely powerful may have granted him the capability to suddenly expand his influence. That is why his armies should not be killed; they will be needed to protect us against whatever is coming. I will give warning of the threat she might pose, and I will make sure Heroth does not do anything rash, even if it takes a bit of magic of my own. Farewell, I will be sure to find you if I learn anything new."

Taking his leave of Garthan, Ssarak started across the room towards the Emperor's representative. His conversation with the Jev diplomat had gone as well as he could have hoped, as he now had a good understanding of one side of this civil war. Not only that, but he had successfully established a connection with the Jev diplomat. As long as he could maintain Garthan's confidence, he could possibly take advantage of that connection later on. For the moment, however, he needed to hear the other side of the story.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Konan375
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Leith whistled as he wandered down one of the College's many hallways. He fiddled with the telepathy rune he had had modified. Now instead of being two separate runes, it was just one. He slipped the rune into his pocket and continued walking. He was about to go find Lyn when the voice from the mission spoke into his mind.

The suddenness of the voice caused him to flinch. He paled at the thought of more people like the Eternal Hunger being here at the college. He frowned when the voice mentioned needing his demon. He didn't have a demon. Leith didn't have much time to ponder what the voice said before he was distracted by a metal bird. It delivered a message to him and left.

Talk with the diplomat he saved from Grey. That seemed far more easier than dealing with servants of the Wild. He left to find a gargoyle to lead him to the diplomat. Is there anything else you can give me on these servants of the Wild? He asked into his mind as he followed the gargoyle, not really expecting a response.

The gargoyle quickly led him towards the diplomat of Yarosmere. With a smile, Leith walked up to the man and nodded his head. ”Glad to see you made it to the College unharmed, well, unharmed considering.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Ssarak Dyreackthanose


Jarkel Tharscalera, the Scorched Land’s rightful Emperor’s selected diplomat, stood across the room. The whole time he could feel the heat of the opposing official glaring into his back and caused his wings to fold defensively about himself. It didn’t help he was distinctly aware, due to the examination, that he was much smaller and thinner compared to many of his kin. Some would say he was the runt in the race litter. He stood just barely six and a half foot high, his scales black and wings slightly tattered from his experience with both protecting his cart and bartering attempts gone horribly wrong.

It didn’t help his image gave off an ambiance that cried sneaky and snake in many co-trader’s eyes. This alone made cooperation greatly difficult without others judging him or second guessing how others he worked with felt, his mind lingered upon the white Eysire youth. She had pure white scale color with a narrow snout and two straight horns pointed from her skull, and wings thin and over double the width of most Esyire’s commonly was. She was currently conversing with the Eania diplomat while Jarkel was mentally bracing for his with the Djarkel’s. Though as reliable source before arriving, Jarkel had learned about the nation’s troubles. Personally, he knew there were various troubles throughout Tiien, many he learned first hand as a merchant, as he felt their chances of gaining favor with the college over the Chieftain’s was pretty slim at best.

Though his mission was strictly to better the Emperor’s own chances at ruling the Scorched Lands, his secondary object was to gain allies through the various diplomat’s troubles. After all, the college wouldn’t and couldn't handle everyone’s problems and in that truth, there was an opportunity to have been made. A chance to gain allies should the school become their worst enemy in the upcoming future.

The mage college might’ve been able to stay neutral, even create a working relationship out with Eania and Djarkel, but the Emperor had made it clear to every single of his followers: When it came to the Scorched Lands future… anyone who was against it, would one day become an enemy. To ignore that fact was a risk to everything they had come to work for.

It didn’t help faith in the College, by all the nations, had been shaken thanks to the last Opening Feast. He, like many others, had heard about the demon attack during the opening feast. How easily their loyalty quickly dissolved to the current demonomancer teacher and they ended up turning on the very students, ones they were assigned to defend. Among those thoughts, he couldn’t help but noting the strange absence of the headmaster Khan Jevarath. Was this Esyire, a powerful and favorite of the archmage Ovak, really as badly injured as he was lead to believe? The consideration was unsettling to anyone. The possibly was only concreted farther by the fact the archmage was up and walking around, many believed he was on his death bed due to his disappearance a few years back. Shock was the first among many other emotions that swam within his and likely other diplomats’ heads, their curiosity ignited by the appearance.

It was then he noticed another Esyire, the same blood school as himself, approached him. Jarkel, briefly out of habit, considered drawing his hefty axe from his waist back but resisted. He preferred to use his tongue instead of his blade since it was far more useful and sharper. Jarkel paused long enough for the Esyire to catch up to his position then bowed his head in custom greeting, followed by his name. “Jarkel Tharscalera.”

Just as he had done with the first diplomat, Ssarak approached the Emperor's representative with a respectful, polite posture. The representative was notably small, moreso than even the Esyire woman with him. His scales marked him as having Lues mageblood, which, for many, was enough to generate distrust. Of course, Ssarak obviously did not hold such a prejudice. Once the diplomat greeted him, he returned the bow. "Ssarak Dyreackthanose. A pleasure to meet you. You are the representative of the Emperor, correct?" He asked, his tone not suggesting that he held any negative opinion towards this Emperor.

Jarkel chose his words well, each one was slick with caution, and due to his experience held little reason for suspicion. He wasn’t here as an enemy of the College unless they intended to make him one. Sadly, he wasn’t eager to be attacked verbally or physically by another who didn’t line up with his views. “You’re either a follower, recent citizen of the Scorched Lands or have been talking with the so called ‘Scorched Lands’ diplomat. I’m leaning to the last one myself. So, my only question now is why the curiosity, Mr. Dyreackthanose? Forgive the rather blunt statements but few Esyires tend to approach me out of good will. It’s often a desire to insult, provoke, or satisfy a need to extend their knowledge. As you can guess, only one of those reasons ever end well for me. Which is yours?”

If the Esyire was intending on any of the negative reasons and pushed for a result that aligned with it, Jarkel intended to put the matter to rest. One way or another, even if the chance to ally with the college was lost.

Inwardly, Ssarak was not certain of what he would think about this Emperor, or his representative. He had heard the other diplomat's case against him, and had went along with it, but he knew it would be foolish to make a judgment before hearing both sides. However, he did have his worries. Namely the fact that this Emperor had risen so suddenly, and intended to rule the Scorched Lands as a sole leader. If those were true, then for Ssarak, it would cast doubt on any of his other goals. Jarkel himself seemed to be blunt, but reasonably polite. Although, given that he was of Lues mageblood, Ssarak made sure to keep his wards strong.

"I understand. I can see how many would be far from polite to someone in your position." Ssarak responded. "I confess, I was speaking to the other diplomat. I have been living away from the Scorched Lands for several years now, so I have been unaware of the events that have transpired in that time. I simply want to know more about the Emperor, and what he stands for. The Jev gave me his case and, as you would expect, it was not complimentary. I wish to hear your side. I have heard that the Emperor is challenging our traditions, which...intrigues me." He explained. Given that Ssarak was a younger individual, he hoped to establish himself as one who could be dissatisfied with the traditions of the older generations, which was precisely the kind of person the Emperor seemed to be recruiting.

“Naturally I wouldn’t expect anything different from those who are against our views. It’s part of the reason the Emperor wanted to send another to represent our views and become acknowledged as an independent power, one that might one day overthrow its oppressors.” Jarkel said, his arms crossed over his narrow chest. He studied the Esyire, mentally determining Ssarak’s age by several factors from battle damage to no fading luster in his scales. In Jarkel’s mind it put Ssarak at about somewhere in his twenties or earlier thirties at oldest, his hand gestured for Ssark to take a seat. Thankfully many chairs were made for the Esyire structure and it made telling a lengthy explanation easier.

When Ssarak sat down, Jarkel continued. “The Emperor is a powerful Esyire that just appeared from the wilderness one day. how he managed to survive is a mystery as few Esyire ever venture there to explore it. Slowly he made his way to Felldor with claims to an ancient bloodline and a right to the throne. Sadly, there’s no proof since the bloodline was believed wiped out centuries ago. The last child, heir of the chieftain that started the Esyire government, was believed tossed over a cliff side and was never found. His body believed consumed by the elements and wildlife. The strange part is that the Emperor knew much of the story details that few ever knew, he even looks like the chieftain with the same yellow-gold plates, magic and more. He claims the Esyire government has turned from its people and its origins, stolen by the clan’s ancestors long ago.

He wants to eliminate the neutrality we have in Tiien, because we can’t reap the benefits of allies and trade without risking ourselves. The perks are worth the pay off in the end as long as we come to a mutual agreement. The Emperor truly believes we can. In addition, all clans will be unified and able to practice any skills they feel is suitable for them. Not just the trade they were born into. It’s miserable to see a child fail at his or her destined trade. They are viewed with low expectations, disgusts and worse which makes uniting the clans all the more important. It eliminates that distrust and increase respect.

Other negativity is that the government takes far too long to establish laws, action and more when given the task by their civilians. They don’t get what needs to be required done. However, with the right leader, choices could be simply be made in weeks instead of months. Defenses established in week of an attack instead of the clan nearly being wiped out in the next week or longer. Long before the troops were ever sent out… Think how how many would be saved a cruel in that time saved alone? However, the currently running electives are afraid their influence would be lost among the Emperor’s rule and deny this option before ever considering it. They never once sat down to vote upon it as I witnessed it myself. They merely spat in my muzzle and escorted me out the gates, telling me to never come back to the capital again.”

Ssarak listened in silence to Jarkel's emotionally charged speech. He was either quite passionate about his Emperor, or skilled in acting. He could see the appeal of many of the points that Jarkel described, particularly in combining clans and seeking to work with allies. With the rising demon threat in Tien, the Esyire would need to work with the other races, for everyone's sake. However, some of the details about the Emperor immediately raised some suspicion in Ssarak's mind. Even Jarkel admitted that the Emperor arrived seemingly from nowhere, and he wished to rule as a singular leader. Ssarak could easily believe that the Jev diplomat would make the Emperor out to be worse than he actually was, both of those points were suspicious on their own. Regardless, he needed to appear supportive in order to gain Jarkel’s confidence.

”I see, so he is challenging the traditions. It is not a…comfortable goal, and I wish it were not necessary, but my time here makes me fear that it will be. The demon attack last year, I lived through it. I saw the sheer power that those demons held. Had they attacked anywhere else in Tien, I have no doubt they would have succeeded. This college, as strange as it may seem, is now perhaps the safest place in Tien against those demons, as its leaders have prepared against future attacks. But, more to the point, I fear those demons are a threat to far more than just the college. The largest of the creatures that day could have ravaged all of Tien on its own. Chaos has arisen all across the continent, and all at once, which has weakened our ability to fight back. It all seems too convenient for it to be unrelated. The Esyire will need to join together with our allies to face this foe, or we will be destroyed. ” Ssarak explained. He was curious what the diplomat would say about the threat of the demons, and if this Emperor was aware of it.

Jarkel examined Ssarak for lies, noting the earnest expression and then lowered his own head. His arms rested on his bent knees when he spoke kindly, a tint of hope in his voice.

“That is why the clans need to be united, so they can be stronger. Else they all crumble until no one is left, save the demons. The Emperor’s theory is a phenomena is happening and the Veil weakening, explaining the increase of demonic activity over the years. It will only grow worse if we are still divided. However, we have no clue as to the reason why. It could the numerous demonomancers or abuse to the world, even the gods themselves." He took a breath, his hand reached up to scratch his scaly under chin and his words were flowing again. "No one can know for sure. In addition to seeking aid from the college, purely for that reason you pointed out, I’m suppose to make contact with Djarkel, Eania and any other nation officials that are willing to help. You know these massive outbreaks aren’t just happening in the Scorched Lands but everywhere. The College, as powerful as it is, can’t handle all their needs. I already aim to plan a meeting date to have the Djarkel official meet with the Emperor. Hopefully, with the right persuasion, a possible pact between the Esyire’s aligned under the Emperor and Djarkel can be made. If we help them in their time of need then they might be willing to help us to reclaim our homeland.”

Ssarak nodded in understanding, being sure to show his interest, particularly on the points of making aliances with Djarkel and Eania. Even Ssarak had to admit that, with the threat of the demons looming over Tien, the idea of a war leader for the Esyire was appealing. After all, it would not matter what kind of government the Esyire had if they were destroyed by a demonic invasion. However, he still had to keep in mind the possibility that this Emperor had been influenced by these demons. "It is comforting to know that there are others in Tien who recognize the threat of the demons. However, just like the college, many of the other nations are facing their own struggles, and understandably, they will likely be concerned with their own stability before that of other nations. But, at least the attempt is being made. Tien will be stronger if it can stand together."

It was not greatly difficult for Ssarak to remain convincing, as there was truth to what he said. Whether or not the Emperor should be the one to lead the Esyire, it was likely they would need to make alliances outside of their homeland. ”At any rate, I do have other questions regarding claims I heard about the Emperor; concerns that you may be able to address. As the sole leader, the Emperor would be able to effectively make decisions in the coming war, but having a single, unrestricted leader could invite tyranny. I have heard that the Emperor is incredibly powerful, greatly capable, but not immortal. He may be able to handle the burden of power, but it is possible his successors could be unworthy of the position and cause harm for the Esyire. How would the Emperor address those concerns?” He questioned, making sure his tone was inquisitive instead of accusatory.

“Indeed. The Emperor figured if we were first willing to lend a hand over our own needs, than we might secure an ally in either Djarkel or Eania. Which if everything goes well, they will aid us in gaining control of the Scorched Lands. They can cut off supply routes, trade and more to cripple their forces and allow us to overwhelm them with less bloodshed.” Jarkel calmly said with a hint of coldness, adding a bit to the end. “The Emperor is patient enough to wait for his rightful place until his allies’ issues are primarily sorted out and when they are able to aid us of course.”

He paused to listen to Ssarak’s inquiry, chuckling as he knew they had already settled that issue. “It’s rather simple. A child, made from his own and another worthy bloodline, would be raised into the role. Isolated from the more negative influences, he or she would be fully able to rule correctly over the Scorched Lands. All youths reflect their parentage and nature through how they were raised. By controlling these factors, the child will grow up into the ideal ruler every time. This is a fact you, yourself, can vouch for because I can see you’re a fine warrior but imagine if your own history was altered. Instead of being raised a warrior, you were a merchant or scroll born, would your skill set and behavior still be that of a warrior? A leader’s teachings as well as his blood will affect greatly how he serves the people. Though if a child proves unworthy, or fails expectations, the throne can be passed through civilian minority vote to the next candidate. Each of the Emperor’s lineage will be expected to bear many heirs for this reason alone. One of them is likely to be an ideal fit.”

Jarkel's answer to Ssarak's question was not a strong one, though he did not intend to let him know of that opinion. Expecting to be able to raise children perfectly, for generation after generation, was not something Ssarak felt was possible. And, if he had many heirs, then that would invite the possibility of future civil wars, since there would be multiple claims to the throne. But, Ssarak had his answer to that question, so he could move on to the next. Forging alliances was something that would likely be necessary in the future, but to do so to the extent that the Emperor seemed to intend could cause problems.

"I see, it is good that he has considered the problem. Succession is a...dangerous issue for any government. Incompetent or malicious leaders can destroy a society. I am curious about these alliances, though. It does not seem possible to forge a military alliance with both Djarkel and Eania, given their hatred for one another. If we make an alliance with only one, would that not require us to enter their war as well?" Ssarak questioned.

Jarkel's eyebrow raised, his expression stated he knew the obvious answer as his next statement proved it. "Yes, but no alliance is without risk. Eliminating either Eania or Djarkel might be a sacrifice that is required. Currently their war doesn't benefit anyone, even themselves, and getting them to stop isn't possible either. They have been fighting a war for so long, there's little else they can accept now. Unless you're expecting a miracle,anyone trying to convince those two nations to cooperate and 'play' well together will find that task impossible. If you don't believe me then I suggest you talk and see where your words lead you."

He sighed in reaction to his bitter, but truthful words. He continued with a calm passion though he truly believed this was the best course of action. "Without allies, we'll risk being wiped out by the demons or worse, our own nation. The Chieftain will not allow us to exist because we put at risk what he sees to be important. Survival should hold more values than our past, yet he can't see that. Blind to it."

"I wish there were another way." Ssarak responded, turning his head to the side and letting out a sigh. "But, the world does not bend to our wishes, not unless we make it. I agree that the Esyire will have to change; it is unavoidable. These demons are going to force the change, no matter what we think about it. I will be honest with you, I do not know if the Emperor's solutions are perfect. I do not know if there is a such thing as a perfect solution. But...we have to do something. This threat is not like anything we have faced, and we will not be able to approach it as we have other challenges in the past. I want to help my people. I want to help the Esyire in any way I can. Although, from here at the college, I am not sure what I can do. I am only a student here, and while I have been of service to the college, it is not as if I can control who they aid. Still, there might be something I can do from my position here. If a student of the college wished to help you, what would you advise they do?" Ssarak asked. He elected to not show absolute support for all of the Emperor's policies and intentions in order to make his reaction seem more believable. Instead, he decided to show that he had some reservations about aspects of the Emperor's beliefs, but was willing to help regardless. Someone who simply agreed with everything Jarkel said might be considered more likely to be lying.

"No one's solutions are perfect." Jarkel admited in earnest, his tone calm and friendly. Even he knew the flaws and dangers in such an alliance but in his trade, there wasn't a gain without a risk or loss. One couldn't learn if they refused to change their approach. This was true in all aspects in life, and a fact the old government in the Scorched Lands refused to accept. "We can only attempt it and try to adapt as we move forward in the end. However, refusing to do that will only result in death and I can't bare to see that for the Esyires."

At the mention of wanting to help with the college, Jarkel studied him closer. "I assure you, any little mention or nudge will add up in the end. Until the College becomes our enemy by joining our enemies, we don't intend to give up parleying for support. However, if you can inform of us should the College swing one way or the other, it would be appreciated. I would hate for the Emperor's and my own continual effort to remain as nothing more than a waste of energy. If the College decides to support the Scorched Lands Chieftain than we have altered plans to deal with those complications should they come to pass. Is there anything else you like to be enlightened about?"

Ssarak shook his head. "No, I do not believe so. If a question comes to me later, I may ask, but only if you are not busy with other matters. I would not wish to interrupt you during negotiations, after all. And, I will tell you if I learn anything of interest. Though...actually, I do have one question. If the College does elect to aid the Chieftain, what would the Emperor do in response, and what would it mean for Esyire students here, such as myself and the Vitamancer with you? The student of the Jev diplomat informed me she was here to be a student as well."

Jarkel's eyes shifted away, his face unreadable for the first time within the whole conversation. He looked upon the Vitamancer, his eyes settled there for several minutes until finally he returned to Ssarak's. "Something is ready in the even we are forced to fight the College, something the Emperor suggested. We can't allow a threat as large as the College to become an object in our way to save the world and ourselves. It's a saddening fact if they chose to go against us but one we've not ignored. However, the details aren't an issue in the least. All Esyire students will be recalled before the plans are implicated."

Depression seemed to seep into his posture, his thoughts turned inward at knowing the vitamancer's orders. He feverishly hoped she would never have to put them into motion or the rune to prevent the Psychomancers from interfering in the steps to carry it out. It might end up costing her life during the plan but it woudl heavily cripple the College, stalling their threat and aid to their enemies. It was something Jarkel hated to be have been resorted to in the end for change.

"I...understand. I will not ignore the request to recall in the event it is given. I thank you for the warning." Ssarak said after a brief moment to think. His tone was similar to that of Jarkel, as it was natural for the direction the conversation had taken. Evidently, Ssarak's presentation of himself had been convincing for the diplomat to admit having such a plan. Although, it did make sense that Jarkel would expect an Esyire to have greater loyalty to the Scorched Lands than the College. Indeed, that was not far from the truth, as Ssarak did greatly care about his people, but he differed in what he believed would be best for them. "Although, what would happen if the College does not agree to a specific alliance with the Emperor, but also does not ally with the Chieften? If they remain neutral in our fight? The College does have a history of not choosing sides in conflicts between nations, and, as you said, it is quite powerful. That power would be useful in the fight against the demons, and in that fight, everyone in Tiien would be on the same side."

"I pray they know neutrality isn't option. In the past, they might've managed it but I doubt it will last. At some point, either Eania or Djarkel, someone will push for them to chose a side and they should be careful which side they pick. Because if they still insist on being isolated from the rest of Tiien than they will burn, no one will want a single power like the College to become a future threat to them." Jarkel's tone was heavy and warning, his head bowed when he was forced to deliver the message of warning. "Then, at least, Tiien will have a common enemy."

I do not like to admit it, but I do fear you are correct." Ssarak responded, his tone once again matching Jarkel's, but this time it required no acting. The diplomat's words were much more likely to be true than Ssarak would have liked. "The world...it seems to be reaching a pivotal moment. With chaos arising across Tiien, and the threat of demons looming over us, no one will be untouched by this. Who is to say who will remain standing after all of this is over? I suppose all there is for me is to do what I can to ensure that the Esyire are among them. Thank you for your time."

"I wish you good luck, Ssarak Dyreackthanose. With your history, you'll need it." Jarkel stated calmly than rose from his seat to continue his command and back up plot.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by cqbexpt
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cqbexpt Warden Eternal

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Baulder & Khan

Baulder heard a response from the other side of the door. He believed it told him to come in so he decided to go with that. He fumbled with the door knob for a second as his hands were still a little moist and sticky from the imp. Apon opening the door he immediately got the feeling that he recognized the place. He couldn't quite place where or even when he had seen it but he felt it was recently. Pressing the feeling down into a different part of his brain to worry about later he looked to the Esyire sitting at his desk with odd objects in front of him. He squinted for a moment trying to figure out what it was but was unable to put any words to it. Turning his gaze back to the dragon he finally spoke. "You are Khan yes? Yes! A little golem girl sent me to check up on you. Medicine I believe....yes. Have you taken it? I think you are supposed to."

Khan looked at the odd creature that had fiddled with the door and finally, after much messing with, he opened it. Something was vaguely familiar about him but the Esyire wasn't sure if it was good or bad, his mind unsure why. Usually he had a great memory though in recent weeks, it seemed to be failing him. Especially with his medications. There was times he had fazy recollections in his days from what he ate and did to when he actually slept, progressively getting worse.

Of course, neither Lucilia or Uicle knew about this. He, however, suspected Ovak had his theories and hadn't brought them to light quite yet. A matter that inside scared the headmaster just a bit. Deciding to adjust his gloomy mood to the present situation, Khan set the mortar down and stood upright, his feet padding around the desk to bring him face to face with the strange student. The first thing he noticed right away was this student wasn't a commonly seen race, the origins unknown to the headmaster which did nothing to help muggle his curiosity. Studying the guest a few moments longer, Khan finally answered. [color=golden]"Yes, I'm Khan Jevarath, the headmaster. As for my medicine, I can't help but wonder who told you about that."[/color]

The headmaster didn't confirm or deny his slip up in forgetting his medicine. Though the hot tea had long since cooled, the liquid unusally bitter smelling and left untouched on the desk end. Beside the demonic plant now tapping excitedly against its glass prison.

Baulder started laughing at the plant viciously tapping against the glass on Khan's desk in an attempt to escape. It's futile effort brought joy to Baulder in the fact that it was entirely absurd. Licking his dried lips again he remembered he had not had a single thing to drink all day as he spotted the cup on the table. His eye twitched as he realized how much larger the dragon was then him. Everyone else he had come across had been either several heads shorter than him or not much shorter. This was his first time running into anyone bigger. Out of curiosity he raised his legs to their full length and still only came to below Khan's chin. "There was one of the stone golem things..I....I believe it sounded like a little girl. It was....funny, really funny. It told me to come see you. To check up on you I guess it was concerned. Oh, I'm Baulder too. If that matters." Baulder said while stifling his laughter.

"Pleased to meet you Baulder. It's unsual name, and very unique to me. As for who sent the golem, it was likely Uicle." Khan said, his eyes looking harder at the man even when he suddenly shot upright and increased his height. Even stranger was the laughter at the trapped plant which seemed to shudder in anger at Baulder's laughter, the leaves becoming throny at the irritation. This concerned Khan because if the plant got out than it would surely rip Baulder apart if it got a chance. Quickly, the headmaster walked about to the nearest draw and pulled out something wrapped in a large cloth. He gently extracted the vial wtihin, setting it on the table, than drapping the cloth over the plant. "You really shouldn't tease it like that. This little fellow would sadly rip you apart if it got a chance and I much rather you not provide one."

For a moment he let the vial slip him mind in favor of being polite. "Would you like something to drink? I have a spare cup and the tea is Early Eania Grey, if you're interested?"

In case Baulder accepted, Khan started to reach back into the drawer and pull away a cup from its depths. A little relaxation was usually a help as he blamed his memory problems on the stress of being a headmaster. Inside, however, insistance from his inner demons cried otherwise. It was best to ignore them until he could discover proof that disagreed with his suspicions or risk jumping to the worse one, a matter that would've not ended well for anyone.

While Baulder managed to cut the laughing he still had a massive grin on his face even as the plant became even more agressive looking and redoubled it's efforts to get out. For some reason Khan's warning didn't fill him with terror like he assumed it was supposed to. Going back down onto his haunches as Khan walked away from him towards a drawer Baulder was reminded of the trip to the inferno. "I may have seen something worse before." He said about the plant which was now out of sight. That memory however was still something Baulder was unsure if it had even happened. He made a note to ask the imp later.

"What's tea? Is it what...was in that cup? I am interested very very intrested! It smells intresting." Baulder was excited to try this new drink. Though the last time he had tried a new drink it had been mead back at the the village. That ended poorly but he was eager to try this new thing. Something else intrested him however. "What's a headmaster by the way? Are you the ahead of Tyrael? I thought he was the top person, it seemed like......" Baulder trailed off for a moment. "Do you teach a thing? Or do you not do that?" He became interested in the large hulking mass at that moment. Something felt off with him and he wondered what it was.

Khan chuckled at the numerous questions, his hand set the cup down upon the desk, and reached for the still warm kettle. His hand tilted the spout to pour in some brown liquid, filling the cup to just a few centimeters below the rim. Gently he set it on the desk's edge and realized he had left Kudd's vial in plain view. After retrieving it the first time, the headmaster wasn't looking forward to losing it as he gently put the vial into the drawer again. [color=golden]"Yes, it's tea. As for what is in that cup, it's a mixture of tea and my medications. Rather stuff sadly. A headmaster is an individual who is currently in a high position of authority and helps to run the school. And, yes, I'm above Tyrael in rank but I don't abuse my power. I don't have any classes though some students come to me for advise, listening ear and company. Though is that way you came, to ask questions?"[/color]

Baulder looked at the brown liquid in the cup and saw the steam rise off of it. He quickly got level with it and looked at the steam rise from the cup. He then proceeded to stick his nose over it and inhaled. It looked and smelled fine to him as the image the scent gave him was one of grasses and something else. Cautiously he took up the cup and moved it towards his mouth and took an apprehensive sip from it. The taste was...dreadful to say the least. Baulder gagged and acted like he was gonna throw up for a moment. Before setting it down again however he then quickly began drinking it. Catching the full flavour of the mysterious liquid. He finished the drink and set down the cup quickly with nothing left of it.

Khan looked at Baulder, blinking in confusion when he watched the student 'choke' down the tea. It appeared not to be a drink he liked much and for a moment, Khan had considered patting the Rheven-ari on the back until he noticed him finish the tea. He had just set the kettle down while he kept his eyes on his guest, inwardly wondering if he had made an mistake or not in his offer.

With a shudder Baulder nodded his head side to side and had a disgusted look on his. His eyes then lit up and he exclaimed "That is amazing! Can I have more?" He had been listening to Khan the whole time however he had been silent untill he finished. Looking at the dragon man it took a moment for Baulder to think about why he was here. Was it to ask questions? Maybe, but Khan had yet to take his pills either. "Oh, you're supposed to take your pills. Pills....yes pills. I wouldn't want to let down the golem child!" Baulder capped off his sentance with another quick laugh before calming down again.

[color=golden]"You're a unique character, aren't you?"[/color] Khan stated gently, and paused to think about Baulder's words while he refilled the Rheven-ari's cup again. "And yes, you can. As for my medication, does it count I much rather skip it than take it? I won't tell that I skipped if you don't?"

Baulder paused for a moment and looked blankly at Khan thinking about what he had just said. If the golem had been sent to have him do something and Tyrael found out he didn't... he couldn't risk it. Setting the cup down he looked at Khan intensly for a moment. "You should take it.... shouldn't you. It would be... best for us both if you did, I believe. I don't know what..." Baulder trailed off with his thoughts and broke eye contact and started drinking the tea again. He couldn't risk going against the demon, he wouldn't risk it.

Khan's expression become uncomfortable as he thought about Baulder's words, his mind not liking the tone. His hand scooped up his teacup with his medicine, taking a seat at his desk while he moved another for his guest to sit in behind him. He placed down the cup gently while he spoke carefully. "It wouldn't matter much if I did or didn't. I don't think anymore would miss me much. What do you mean Baulder? Has someone been cruel to you on campus?"

Unknown to Khan, his fingers had curled around and tightened in anger at the thought of someone being hurt within school grounds. He hadn't touched his medicine yet, the cup untouched.

Baulder simply smiled and dodged the question, it was if some invisible person had whispered the answer to him. "I think they would miss you, they wouldn't have sent me here if they didn't. Whoever did send the golem does at least. Also, what's this "feast" everyone has been getting so worked up about? It looks entertaining." Baulder said in the most even and well rounded tone he had ever produced. He kept his smile and sipped from his tea without breaking eye contact.

Something made Khan uncomfortable, his eyes never breaking the grip Baulder's kept with him. He didn't like that it was possible the student was fearful enough to keep something important from him as he slowly sipped his tea, his face scrunched up in disgust each time. The bitterness swept upon his tongue causing him to nearly throw up and nearly toss his drink back up, resisting only out of pure will power. He had downed half the tea before he spoke again. "Maybe, but you be having wishful thinking. As for the feast, it's usually to welcome new students that arrive to register. Usually it is a big meal and celebration but last year...."

Khan paused, taking another sip. "There was a heavy battle that happened. Demons flooded and took over thanks to a vampire demonomancer. I was crippled and the teachers struggled to keep the students. Despite our power, many were slaughtered sadly."

Baulder sharply exhaled through his nose at the idea of demons running through the halls. "That sounds exciting. I only learned a few days ago that I'm a demonmancer. It seemed like everyone was doing... something for the feast. I couldn't find the demon and ask if he needed me to do anything though. I haven't seen him all day actually, he gave me things to read but they were odd. The book said to name the demon so I did. John Cena and I have fun, I hope he dosen't cause you trouble if I bring him around. You seem nicer I wouldn't..." Baulder's thoughts trailed off again for a moment. He resigned himself to drinking more tea rather than attempting to finish the trail his mind had started on.

"Tyrael?" Khan asked to clarify the reference of demon then chuckled. "I'm sure he won't. No more trouble than some of my worser demons, though I will be surprised if he's as well behaved as Rathel is. Few demons show compassion or kindness toward their demonomancers unless they gain some sick pleasure from it and leads up to bring the mage down to their own misery. And even if he's not, I'm fairly sure I can help put him back into line. Imps are fairly simple and low level."

"Yes, Tyrael the demon teacher!" Baulder said in response to Khan's inquiry."The imp is low level? I thought they all were imps... wait, you're also a demonmancer? Hehe, why haven't I seen you before..." He suddenly remembered where he had seen this room and Khan before. When he had first gotten there he ran into plants attacking someone and the plant demon. What had it called itself? Rathel. "The plants! I remember the plants they nearly killed that girl." He pointed to the covered vial that had the adorable plant in it. "I remember now you had a cane then. That was my first day here...I think." Baulder leaned back in the chair for a moment and scratched the palm of the hand print on his face. "Are you going to be at the feast yes? I would think the head of the masters would come to this feast."

Khan flinched when the student recalled the incident where his demonic plants had torn into the recent hired, his guilty eyes shifted to the far wall and avoided Baulder's. The student seemed surprised that his imp was low leveled which made Khan start to wonder if Tyrael was even bothering training him or rather pass him off onto others, unsure if he should bring this to Ovak's attention. At mention of the cane, he had shrugged off the mention as he had recalled since refusing his medicine, his leg had gotten better. A fact he didn't consider odd until hearing it from the student.

[color-gold]"I'm still debating on arriving at the feast currently. I'm not sure, since Ovak's there, my presence is required."[/color] His hand went down to rub his leg which had began to throb, lightly. Still, he took another sip of his tea and was slowly draining the cup down. Khan's expression softened with the more he consumed, his hand gripping the tea cup handler a bit tighter. "Yes, your imp is considered a good novice level. Though it will grow and develop, becoming something powerful depending on what you expose it to. Though keep in mind, a cruel master is much different than a strict and resistant against any not bane enchanted. Has Tyrael not been teaching you the basics or have they changed when I was a young demonomancer?"

Baulder took a second to think about what Khan had said. Tyrael had seemed mostly busy for the last few days and one of the books he had not gotten to yet was something about techniques and outcomes. What he had read just taught him how to make the demon subservient, if that was not going to work out he needed to know. "He's been busy, I've only been here a few days anyways hence the books. I've just been practicing with these." Baulder straightened out his back in the chair so he could draw the bane weapon from it's sideways holding holster. He set it down on the table and noticed there was still blood on it. "John being more powerful though. I could do that, I could agree to it. I've taken to wrestling with him but considering how short he is..."

Khan looked at the bloodied weapon that the student held, the headmaster’s facial features looking rather saddened by learning this fact. Inside he was slightly disappointed in Tyrael’s result when it came to his teaching methods, the student's basic and low level wasn't at the level it should be reflecting the poor quality. It seemed rather than prepare his students for the future the fallen orc had buried himself into the forge work and neglected his lectures and classes. Khan knew deep inside he would have to talk to Tyrael later about that but not during the feast. All the staff was stressed out as it was, and bring more wasn’t likely to improve it.

"I would be careful... he'll likely one day return the favor if all you're going to do is cut him up." Khan stated firmly, his hands raised and elbows placed upon the desk. His fingers entwined together as he studied the student across from him. There was distinct and fine line between firm and abuse, something all demonomancers struggled with.

Surely John wouldn't do that, he was loyal to Baulder.... John wouldn't. Baulder squinted at the now subdued looking Eysrie. Why would he be looking at him like that? Baulder cracked a wide smile making sure to only articulate his face. "I'll remember that for tommrow's training. We'll do something else I guess... maybe he'll climb trees." Baulder was in his head disappointed by this potential act of rebellion. He did find it funny that at the current moment the imp could do nothing. This garnered a small chuckle from Baulder but he decided to get off the topic as he slid the blade off the table and put it back at his hip.

"You should go to the feast, there will be food from what I hear. Meats I've never heard of and smells that I can only describe as a roasted color. Who is Ovak?" Baulder said with an eye twitch and his mouth begin to water.

Khan decided to further illiterate his words, eyeing the Rheven-ari. Inwardly he was hoping to increase the novice’s knowledge, but truthfully the headmaster couldn’t be certain what Baulder knew exactly. He didn’t want to underestimate the student’s ability or assume too much, both insulting in either extreme. He took another sip, not wanting the student to insist, watching the student put the blade away at last though he made a small chuckle at what Khan had said. At least it seemed so. The Esyire sighed then placed his cup down again when he spoke. “It would’ve been a lot sooner if I didn’t have to finish my medicine. As for the feast itself, yes there will many different meats, cheeses, fruits, vegetables, and more there for all present to eat. Many from different walks of life like Ghannos to Frost Plains, even Yasomere. As for Ovak, he’s the current archmage. I’m not too surprised you’ve not heard of him since he’s been ill for a few years now. Recently, however, he’s seemed to have recovered enough to attend the feast. Though by the look of it, you’re starving. Have you eaten anything today?”

Baulder sat silently while Khan went through a list of what he could only assume were names of places. He finally finished his tea and set the cup down as he thought about what he had eaten. He wondered vaguely when he should even start counting days as when he awoke it was usually dark and stayed that wasy for awhile. Thinking about it for a second he had eaten not too long ago but he had slept. Was it day or night then? Baulder snapped himself away from the blank stare he had held with Khan while he thought. "I... I believe so. The days here they are...." Baulder was unsure how to put the constant twilight into words. Usually when he had gone to sleep he would wake up as the sun did but now. "I could eat always, yes always. Even imp, is always good. Have you eaten anything today?"

Khan had been about to stand upright, his hand edged to reach for Baulder’s shoulder. He paused when the student broke the trance and seemed to notice him, his eyes relighting with acknowledgement again. Khan grew a little concern seeing Baulder space out, mentally deciding to see Sam and Lidda for an examination for him, then tried to force a gentle smile. Demon meat was never consumable for anyone. Some types of demon meat often caused severe side-effects and he couldn’t help but wonder if these spacing moments were among those symptoms. He would have to research it later, he admitted when his knowledge failed him for a moment.

“Demons aren’t considered consumable, namely as they tend to be rather acidic and tasteless. Some demons, if they aren’t prepared right can make you gravely ill or worse. Though if you can’t recall when you’ve eaten, I think it might be best to get you to the feast before you pass out.”

Discarding the meager leftovers in his cup, Khan stood upright then walked gently around the desk to help Baulder up.

Baulder started laughing as he stood up beside the limping Eysrie. He looked like he was wanting to help him up but he felt fine, well other than his stomach hurting. He guessed he couldn't really figure out when that had happened. "I had cow before I last slept. I've not been awake long either. I'd say you need food and I want more food. I'll ask Tyrael about demon food later if you'll be less concerned about it. You seem like you care or you dislike me, can't tell. Can't tell if I c.." Baulder's stomach growled at him and he growled back at it. He was hungry again he supposed. "Were those places you we're telling me about earlier? Do you need me to help you to the feast? What do you want to eat first!" Baulder capped off that sentence with a new found sense of glee.

Khan shook his head, nearly jumping at the student’s easy and quick movements. It was the last thing he expected as he stepped back, his foot almost gave out from under him. He gritted in pain but managed to stop his yelp by biting his tongue then answered through the stinging sensation. "I think it might be best if we both eat first. Your stomach seems to need something inside of it else you might pass out. That thought alone I would be concerned about since it’s not healthy. As for disliking you… I’ve only met one individual I’ve disliked and it’s not you.”

The headmaster paused, his hand reached to rub his leg again when the needles started to creep up and down it. It was strange because he never recalled feeling it earlier and it had a slight pain, like a cramped muscle. He leaned against the desk side, his weight leaning off his leg to help ease his suffering. He pointed to the cane in the corner. “Can you hand me the cane, please Baulder? My leg is acting up again.”

The headmaster seemed to bite his tongue in reaction to Baulder and this made him frown. When he grabbed his leg he quickly thought there was something wrong with it. This made his frown deepen so much so that it looked like as though he was almost angry. He walked around the head master and grabbed the cane hanging on the table and brought it back over to him. It was an awkward length for Baulder to even hold and had more weight to it than he expected. Never the less he handed the cane to Khan. This made Baulder think of something that made him bust into a smile again. "Have you ever put a "The" in front of your name before. I like that, I might do that. John Cena might do that. We should all do that, that would be funny. Wouldn't it? I think so. Where is this feast happening? I've seen people moving things all day but I don't know where to."

Khan smiled a bit, and shook his head. his pony wiggling in the back of his head. Gently he took the cane and placed it upon the ground, his weight leaning into the stout, polished stick to ease his weakened leg. The headmaster inhaled in relief over the pain dulling thanks to the cane. His eyes brushed over the hand print scar, the one he hadn't paid much mind to before, namely as the student seemed to be in no pain and unbothered by it, when he noticed something. He zoomed into the design, realizing what made him shiver. There was a small, barely visible design that made the whole of the scar in an endless pattern.

He hadn't realized his knuckles had whitened at seeing the image until his fingers throbbed in protest at the pressure. Slowly, he forced his fingers to relax when he raised back up. Those runes were strange and they made him deeply uncomfortable, his scales tightening in a nervous reaction. He inhaled a bit deeper then relaxed. Another to do thing on his ever growing list, though this one ranked slightly higher than many of them to date. Including his own health.

The head master pushed his cane outwards to guide him forward. The tip clicked and tapped in a loud echo, his answers following Baulder's growing questions. It reminded him of an innocent child with an endless curiosity. "I don't think 'The Khan' has a good ring to it. Sounds a bit prideful to me and can be a chore to remember with my poor memory, after all I tend to forget what I ate for breakfast often enough. And it's the dinner hall I believe is where the feast is taking place. The people you've been encountering are likely the students or staff either enjoying the feast or merely helping out. Speaking of the other students, how are you getting along with them?"

"The people? I've not met many of the students, though Tyrael sent me on a mission with one. Myrn was her name I think, she was nice. Put me in the carriage back to the college after the lobster hunt. I was only bleeding for a few days after that.... oh and there was this one lady that carried me away from some "vampires" the other day. John Cena came when that happened though. She seemed nice, I don't recall her name though. She had nice black hair I remember before I passed out. I never did get to finish that lamb... most other people don't like answering my questions though. You do, so I like you." Baulder ran over to the door and opened it and waited for the hobbling Eysire.

"Have you ever had lobster before? They taste very good, normally only if their live though. If you kill them then eat them they are good but not AS good. Killing them with a hammer is hard though. That one took awhile..." Baulder said feeling his sore ribs. They had been fixed by the healer but they were still tender even after a few days.

"I've got more of a sweet tooth." Khan admitted in slight guilty smile, recalling his enjoyment of candied treats from candied nuts to pastries, even pies.

There was little he didn't eat though the bitterness of lemon tart made him consume them less than others. It was part of the reason he disliked his medicine was the taste had a lingering sour taste, chased down by a bitter flavor which never stopped. Even thinking about it made his tongue pop out in a childish manner on impulse, unaware he was even doing it, as they continued along their way. He was shambling now since drinking the tea, a fact he couldn't ignore. It wasn't a comforting thought and immediately, he let the topic take his focus than linger on the terrible thoughts."I've sampled many different and interesting dishes actually. Fried tentacle, roasted and rotted Jabberex eggs, and rancid meat from a animal I couldn't identify. I was a bit sure I didn't want to guess."

He shuddered at the recollection over the disgusting taste, the meat rubbery enough to feel like maggots were still slithering within the muscle. "The funny bit, it wasn't until after I bit into the meat did I learn it wasn't the steak I was suppose to eat but the insect larvae within.The taste didn't differ much to be honest."

"Sweet tooth? I don't know what that is, is it an actual tooth you have? The tentacle sounds good though. Did you watch them cut it off in front of you? Fresh meat always tastes the best." Baulder brought up his claws and rubbed them against each other. "Deer, deer fresh fresh deer best thing I had on the road here." Baulder remembered hitting the deer in the hind leg with the makeshift bow the villagers had given him and quickly chasing it down and ripping hit apart with his claws. He shuddered thinking about the joy and satisfaction of that meal. Leading the limping Eysire into the hallway and letting him take the slight lead as he did not know where he was going to he looked back to the towering mass.

"I haven't seen me yet..... are there me. I learned the races I saw but.... what am I? I haven't seen me yet. Am I the only one? It would be a shame not to taste myself..." Baulder trailed off slightly disappointed at the idea of not being able to taste others like himself ever. His face articulating into a frown.

"I think that could be considered cannibalism if you ate one of your own kind. Something not looked well upon as well as you eating other high level sentient beings, especially their offspring. It's not very positively looked upon, both in many places in Tiien and the college too." Khan firmly said in a mild scolding tone, though he found it confusing at how the student spoke. Why would he want to eat another of his kind? "As for what you are, you're a species called a Rheven-ari. Though anything beyond that, I have little idea. According to Ovak, a single individual like yourself came to the College a while ago but I've not heard anything from him since or gotten to meet him. I believe he's already departed though Ovak isn't positive about that."

The sound of Baulder's footsteps and Khan's cane reverberated off the large corridors walls into a nice pattern as the pair walked on. Baulder was disappointed to hear that they didn't want him to eat people. His frown deepened as he was disappointed to hear Khan say that. He would still get his fill of delicious people meat one day but it would need to be fresh and apparently off campus. "I wished I had met him, could have told me something about us maybe." Just at that moment Khan turned towards a door and began to open it. At that moment the smell of food hit him harder than the lobster had. "Food yes! No people but the food smells... divine." Baulder thought for a moment if he knew what that word meant and that thought was quickly pushed away, replaced with the thought of food. As Khan guided him through the doorway.

Khan felt a pity filled him to heard the disappointment in Baulder's voice. It was sorrow at missing the chance to learn about something that his mind had failed to remind him, a familiarity the Khan use to be the same way. The headmaster found the image hard to swallow until suddenly the student's mood perked up at the scent of food. Khan made a note how easily swayed Baulder could be and to have the kitchens keep a cut of meat continually on a spit for the Rheven-ari. The Esyire gestured for Baulder to pass through than followed him when the student edged in front, his pace still hobbling toward both Uicle and Ovak sitting at the position among the teachers. "You can either keep escorting me or mingle with the others, I'm sure they won't bite you."

"After food I think. Always after food is good. Goodbye the Khan." Baulder said in an abnormally serious tone. Walking away from the Eysire he turned straight into the buffet of food. He looked up and down the long row of food and smiled widely. He looked quickly for something that seemed easily carried in one hand. He found something that he could only describe as a large bird with two holes in it and roasted to a light brown. Noticing that it was untouched he went for what he could only assume was once a leg and began pulling it off. It took him a moment of twisting it to realize he needed to cut whatever it was attached too. He began digging his claws around where the leg attached to the main portion of the animal and began cutting anything that was not bone. It then suddenly came free as he gave it one more good pull.

After taking a large bite out of the roasted flesh and being satisfied with his choice he began looking around for something to do. In that moment Baulder smelled something burning and looked around quickly to see if he could find out what it was. He saw some black smoke spilling out from the bottom of a door and decided to think nothing of it. However he did see something that looked interesting. Two orcs talking to each other both standing up and wielding extravagant looking canes. Quickly making his way over and taking another bite out of his chicken Baulder began fully extending his legs as he walked and realized it put him above the orcs in height. Baulder came up to the left side of the two rich looking orcs and in a quite serious tone said. "Would either of you happen to know if human tastes any good? I've been wondering all day."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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"I only talk like that to people I like." Althalus smirked, enjoying himself, before saying sarcastically "Me? Lie? Perish the thought! I'm the soul of honesty and truthfulness. When it comes to people I like at least." He pulled out his coin from his pocket, flipping it back and forth between his fingers, turned around and began to walk out of the gardens. "Well, come on. I suppose you'll have to work on your smiles while we head over there. I'm sure by the time we arrive you'll just be dazzling them with charm and they'll fall over themselves to explain the situation to you. I'll just be there to make sure you don't decide beating them would be easier than chatting with them." He looked over his shoulder, grinning at Alaira.

In a short amount of time, they were approaching the diplomats. There were three of them. An Orc, a human, and a dwarf. Althalus lead the way to the one who looked the friendliest, the human. He was older, grey shooting through his hair and beard. His skin was tanned and his hands calloused, with the build of someone who had spent most of their life doing heavy labor. His brown eyes radiated friendliness as he smiled in greeting. "Hello! My name is Lan. One of the three diplomats of Tidehome, considering our government can't choose any one stance to side with. To what do I owe the pleasure of meeting you?"

Althalus looked at Alaria and lightly jabbed his elbow into her ribs, gesturing for her to speak.


Don't just stutter and act flustered, the woman is going to wonder what you're so worked up about. Assuming from how you didn't immediately begin screaming to her about me, you don't want her to know about me. Come now, I can't be the first divine weapon you've seen. Speak up. What's your name, boy? A slight exasperated tone had entered the axe's voice.


They're powerful....old. Generals, perhaps? Can't tell. They're too far away. They need to get closer before they can be identified. The voice whispered in Leith's mind, before the Yarosmerian diplomat spoke.

"No thanks to the way I acted before. I have considered apologizing to the others, but I suspect they'd try to kill me if I showed my face again. Even if I explained how my mind wasn't my own. I must thank you again for saving me from my false hatred. I suspect it would not have been a pleasant way to go."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Tyrael Marchosias

Signing, Tyrael figured there was no point in trying to sugar coat thing. "Yes. I know. Frankly, part of me wishes to execute them for what they did... But that is also why I am ill suited for these diplomatic sanctions. I cannot promise justice for what happened. But I will have answers." Tyrael was determined to meet the Yarosmere diplomat and get to the bottom of this. Not only have they destroyed people close to him, but the deaths of the naga have destabilized the ravine in that area. Without the Naga maintaining a semblance of balance there demon and monster have moved into the areas, causing an unexpected migration. Soon there would be a build up of demons and monsters near the surface which will cause some serious issues in Yarosmere, more so if Kudd and his forces capitalize on the migration to mobilize their troops into Yaromsere. And of course, Tyrael wanted to know just why they attacked the Naga in the first place. He doubt anything they said would justify their actions, and Tyrael would have to be very careful not to test his sword against the Yarosmere diplomat.

In fact given Tyrael's temperament, he wouldn't be surprised if his fellow teachers prevent him from meeting the Yarosmere diplomat precisely because of his personal connection to the naga. He'd need to employ some guile if he wanted to get information from the diplomat. He groan audibly; he was spoiled by his simplicity when dealing with the barbaric demons of the Inferno. Information was as easy to gather as it was to kill them en masses, but he couldn't apply the same tactics here. He'd figure out something before the feast. At worst he'd have to ask Satori to invade the diplomat's mind and extract the information.

Turning back to Mar, Tyrael put his face plate back on. He should go, but he did worry about Mar. "Mar, if there anything you would like from me before I leave? I cannot promise that I will have any free time once I attend the feast. I can have servants come by to bring food." Human servants, not demons. Tyrael still isn't allowing them short of the ones summoned by his students, and even so he reinforced the veil again to ensure no more surprise visits. Binding his very being to the veil, he's quite aware who summons what demons where. "I ask that you stay in the college however. As tempting as it would be to go hunting on a day like this, for everyone's protection, stay within the college walls."

Lucilia Riovas

Lucilia caught what Grey said about the Red Lion Company and Tombstone. Initially she thought nothing of it until her little notebook showed their names: They were mercenaries, one from Eania and another from Djarkel. A bit more reading and she remembered what they were good for.

The Red Lions were honorable, but honor didn't make them rich. If they were brought over they would have loyal fighters, but she worried about the cost of properly arming them as well as the fact that as far as mercenary companies go, they weren't the largest.Their honor may also be an obstruction considering the college's more... Unsavory practices. Still, they had their uses. In times like these people needed someone to believe in. As as much as she thinks most of Eania's knights and paladins are romantic flops, there was no denying that they had hope where there is none to be had. If she needed anyone to inspire the people they where her best bet. And then there were the Tombstones.

Smaller then the Red Lions from her memory, but they make up for it by utilizing the undead. If she ever wanted to unleash a zombie horde on her enemies, the Tombstones would be the best people for it. Their vitamancers and necromancers would also be a great boon for the college's armies, and she'd imagine that both mages would see a lot of use. Though she worries about their morale. Men who don't value their lives may be cheap, but she'd have no use for a dead men, even as a zombie. As with anything she was certain that with careful planning she could turn make use of the Tombstones, but she'd need to think about it more. Perhaps Grey would have more information since he did recommend the two.

"The Red Lion and the Tombstones... What can you tell me about them Grey? I've heard of them before, but only in passing." As they walked Lucilia would eventually lead Grey to the dinning hall. She figured that she'd talk to some of the dignitaries here, though to her surprise Khan was here. She didn't expect him to be out and about. And to her horror, so was Ovak. He should still be bed ridden. Granted she has been making sure he's taken his medicine, but nothing she had observed before show that he was in any state to be outside his room. She noticed Ovak talking to Uicle, so maybe he brought his golems down here... But why? Lucilia tensed up. Did Ovak think they needed his help for the feast? She respected him, but she didn't want him to think they were incompetent... Though the last two feasts were something of a disaster. Lucilia put her booklet away and straighten herself out. She'd need to talk to Ovak, but she needed to play it calmly. Pretend everything was still in order.

The first thing she did was go over to Khan. If anyone knew what was going on, it should be him. Plus from the cane he was using he was still a bit ill himself and she wanted to check on him. She noticed a few representatives from other nations around watching, so she'd have to make sure she didn't baby Khan too much. As much as she worried, he still needs to look strong in front of the others. Such was the burden of leadership.

"I'm glad to see you're taking care of yourself Khan. So how have the guests been so far?"

Annabeth Gulch

"Heh, yeah, I don't blame you... Sometimes I question if it's just a good idea being under her tutelage..." Annabeth had no delusions that Satori wasn't an insane woman. Powerful and quite understanding even without her magic, but nonetheless insane. Annabeth treads carefully around her whenever she can. Especially during practice. Firing her arrow at a few targets Annabeth simply lined up shots in silence when a gargoyle came by. The gargoyle said that Aramir and her were suppose to talk to the snow elves of the frozen plains. Then Annabeth got a note and things got real heavy.

'The Snow Elves are being destroyed tribe by tribe by a demon army. Aramir's own tribe was wiped out a year or so ago. Make sure she doesn't have a break down or something while talking to the Snow Elf delegation.'
Signed by Uicle

Annabeth was all up for supporting her friends in the light of tragedy, but even this felt a bit heavy handed. She hardly even knew Aramir. Still, she wasn't going to use that as an excuse. If anything Aramir was going to need Annabeth more then ever. Tucking the note away she slug up her bow and looked to her shorter, bluer friend. "Other snow elves! I don't see too many of them aside from you and some teachers. I'm quite interested in learning more about them." Of course Annabeth noticed Aramir's pale face. Something told her that Aramir was rather hesitant in seeing her fellow snow elves. Gulping the Eania girl tried to think of something fast. "We don't need to see them right now though! Ah, that gargoyle said to meet with Auriel at the courtyard. We get to meet the Eania delegation, from my country. It'll be nice to know how things are back at home."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 14 hrs ago


“I’m not angry and destroying the diplomat or any others attached to the death of my people won’t save them. If anything, it would only confirm the need to eliminate us.” Mar stated, softly. Her arms folded in discomfort and she rested her head upon the cushion they provided, her eyes no longer looking at Tyrael. Inwardly, she was confused to how this genocide actually made her feel. Part of her was terrified, another angry, and lastly sadden. The fact if she left for Mesa Gaan, than it would be nothing more than a empty memory hit her hardest.

When Tyrael groaned, Mar’s head tilted upward to look him in the eye. A simple indication she was asking for an explanation though she knew what had caused him to groan. Turning back to her, his plate faced replace, Tyrael spoke with muffled words. At the mention of food, the naga milled over the possibly and if her system could handle it. Lately, her appetite had slowly recovered though she only consumed by the day rather than month anymore. Lyn had seemed to enjoy the family meals more and more in the recent days, though her body was still adjusting to the intake being drastically lowered. It wasn’t easy going from eating half a calf’s weight in meat to less than a rabbit’s. Often she forgot to eat again until the hunger pain began and since hunting was off limits past dark, Mar was often forced to tolerate the annoyances until morning. It was quickly learned why bipeds disliked hunger.

Her jawline, her pride stirring to resist the charity, tightened in dislike at the fact she couldn’t go hunting. Seeing she would likely need food later this evening and Athalus would be busy with Lyn, Mar inhaled deeply to smooth over her irritation at her position. “Yes, some food would be preferable as Althalus and Lyn will be enjoying the feast. I much rather not force them to be cooped up with me and have fun. As for the no hunting, I understand and will keep my head down.”

Her tone was clear she wasn’t pleased with the situation but willing to take measures to make do with it. ”Do watch over Lyn, she’s got a knack for getting into trouble even when she knows better.”


When Khan entered the room, his eyes scanned the room. Immediately, he was already noting the different officials and various students mingling with them before his eyes rested on Ovak’s seat. Instead of the normally vacant placement, his expression melted into something of silent shock at seeing the archmage up and about. The old man looking almost normal for an elderly man though his age greatly surpassed any known human. Most assumed it was his own doing, his body failing because of repetitive vitamancy and other magic to prolong his lifespan to an unnatural length. Many theories stemmed from lacking truths and hateful suspicions that held little proof.

Khan couldn’t find the words, his eyes fixed upon Ovak and trying to understand this sudden change. Something wasn’t right as there was no way he could’ve recovered so quickly unless… The Esyire’s heart stopped. His knuckles tightened on his cane when he started to edge deeper into the dining hall, his eyes flickered between Ovak and the others, wondering when they might notice the ancient archmage was actually where he belonged. Would they even care? Khan doubted it greatly while his gait was off, clipping at a odd rate, feeling the sensation of the delegates watching his every moment. It made him nervous to say the last.

Mentally he knew everyone, in one way or another, blamed him for what happened in the last feast. After Kudd’s little visit, his condition wasn’t one to inspire hope and encourage strength. Instead it only proved he couldn’t state up to the world’s greatest threat. It angered him but his mind focused on the present since he knew, deep down, Kudd couldn’t hurt those he cared for.

Slightly distracted, he barely noted Lucilia arrival until she right on top of him. It all his will not to jump when she spoke, his head turned to her and relaxed slightly at the familiarity she gave. Though she was currently in deep water after putting the youngest student into danger, he knew she was asking the same thing he was. Ignoring Ovak’s appearance for a while, he addressed Lucilia in a firm but gentle tone. “I don’t know for sure, I’ve just arrived here. Which part of me wishes I had earlier so I could’ve spoken to our unexpected overseer in private.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alaira Taenn
Alaira scoffed, shaking her head some as he spoke. "Heh, right... I can't say you've ever lied to me, I guess. Now, spoutin' bullshit? you are a damned savant with that stuff." She said as she rested her hands behind her head, flashing a smug smile. She frowned when he continued, however... "Smiles?... Fuck that. 'Sides, I don't need to actually hit 'em to make 'em think I'm gonna hit 'em..." She muttered.

She was just a bit behind Athalus when she arrived to where the diplomats were located. She leaned her spear against the wall as she approached, hands buried in her pockets. She looked over the three, frowning. It was then that one of them spoke, in a voice so cheery it offended her. When he finished, she stepped forward, grabbing him by the collar as she pulled him closer. She had to bend down just a little to make proper eye contact as she spoke. "You better quit with that fake-ass smile before I knock all your teeth out and make a necklace out of 'em." She gave him a light shove, pushing him back about a foot as she looked to the other two. "Now one of you three is gonna tell me exactly what your problem is... And if you jackasses think you can talk to me like any of the fancy snobs you deal with, you've got another thing coming." She growled, slamming her fist into her palm for emphasis. "Clear?"
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Grey Onyx
Grey sighed when it became apparent that Lucilia hadn't noticed... If they thought that his last mission had made him... snap, he'd be unemployed for sure. Apart from other, far more petty concerns about his image. Mathix was right... I need more sleep. he thought, still not quite believing the voice... Though if it WASN'T a hallucination, he still obtained it from a demon... which meant it wasn't likely that the weapon could be considered 'good'...

Crazy or not, I'll have Tyrael look at it... He'll know if it's possessed or not. He thought, stroking his chin as he heard Lucilia speak to him, startling him slightly. "Ah, the mercenaries? Well, a few things. the Red Lion Company isn't the largest operation, but it's difficult to find men as dedicated or as well-trained anywhere else. Plus I hear their leader is quite the upstanding type..." He said with a smile, rubbing the back of his head. "I was considering applying, actually... though I decided to pursue... well, this. I feel I made the right choice." He said, smiling a little wider and nodding. "And Tombstone... they aren't as horrible as they look, really. My village had personally dealt with them a few times, and they are the most impressively loyal mercs I've ever seen. They are a bit reckless though... Some think it's because they don't care about dying, but in reality they're just so unwilling to fail that they never, ever give up. No matter the cost. He asked for loyal mercs, and they're the best I could think of. Make sure he's aware that he has to be careful about deploying them though..." He said, idly cracking his neck.

He watched her head over to Khan when they arrived at the dining hall, the guard following just a few paces behind her as the two spoke... He looked over towards the other end of the hall... The large seat at the end of the room was actually filled, an old man sitting upon it... He knew that was the Archmage's chair, but he had never seen the man before... Did they even have one? He was under the impression that they were selecting a new one or somesuch. He leaned in slightly, looking between the two. "ahem, I really hate to interrupt but... Who is that man? Is that the Archmage?" He asked either of them, slightly lost.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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The Assassin facepalmed as Alaira grabbed the diplomat, before he gave a slight jump and looked about worriedly. Where there are diplomats, there are guards. He thought, nervously hanging a hand as subtly as possible a knife (one of four on him) he kept hidden. His nervousness was only increased as none of the diplomats reacted to Alaira's threatening, the dwarf even chuckling, and no guards arrived to get the Elf's hands off of their diplomat. Why did I stop wearing armor? He wondered, eyeing the subject of Alaira's, 'diplomacy'. The man seemed unperturbed by Alaira's aggression, smiling still. As Lan stumbled backwards, a dagger flashed in the sunlight as he returned it to it's sheathe, almost to quickly for Althalus to notice. Hurriedly, lest Alaira consider it a challenge, the assassin stepped between Alaira and the rest, looking up at her. Fond exasperation dominated his tone as he stared at her. "I'm going to discuss the term 'diplomacy' with you. It means, 'don't threaten people right off the bat, ask them questions and see if they'll answer you first.' It's kind of a new thing, I know, but why don't we try it out, see if it works and doesn't cause a nation to declare war on the college."

Althalus rounded to face the human, who was still smiling. I'm beginning to mistrust that smile myself. Not that he was going to let Alaira know that. "I'm Althalus. My touchy friend behind me is Alaira. As she so aptly put it, the College is concerned with rumors of what has been happening in Tidehome. Before we get to that, however, satisfy my curiosity please? What are three diplomats doing without any guards nearby?" He looked over his shoulder at Alaira. "See how I did that? And look, there wasn't the slightest chance they could call guards down upon us."

Lan shrugged. "We don't have any guards because Tidehome can't afford to send any. We have no money to buy mercenaries and our own troops are busy keeping the demons in check. We're more fortunate than the Snow Elves, certainly, but our forces are stretched thing as is with the random appearances and attacks. Besides, Gimal," The dwarf raised a hand in greeting."Urd," The Orc bowed, causing the Gimal to roll his eyes. "and I can all take care of ourselves. I know my way with a sword and daggers, plus my Geomancy helps make up for my lack of armor, Urd can smash things to bits with his precious flame gauntlets, pyromancy is scarily effective in the hands of a master you know, and Gimal can chop down just about anything with his axe and Aeromancy."

As Althalus stared at him in surprise, Lan shrugged again. "What? Tidehome can't afford to risk us in a demon raid, and Master Mages have a better chance at getting here than regular soldiers. We represent the three sides anyways." Althalus paled further, glancing at Alaira. "And that's why you don't assume anything about total strangers."

Lan grinned, and winked at the Forest Elf. "She's fine. It was refreshing to meet someone not scrapping or bowing or politely lying to us. Regardless, I'll give you the rundown on the Tidehome situation. We're broke. We can't afford to pay our debts and fight off the sudden surge of demons. Our parliament is divided into two main factions and one smaller faction. Urd's faction wants to become part of Eania. Gimal's wants to become apart of Djarkel. I want to align with the Orcs or the College to remain an independent nation and not drawn into their war." He clasped his hand in front of him, smiling. "Any questions?"


Aramir was terrified, an unstoppable chant echoing through her head. Kin killer. Kin killer. I'm a kin killer and they'll recognize me for it immediately. She forcibly stopped her terrified chanting in her mind, looking up and smiling only slightly shakily at Annabeth. She couldn't just break down now, not in front of this human girl who knew her only by brief association on the Roc mission. "I'll be happy to answer any questions you have after we get this over with, or even during the walk over if you'd like. In return, however, you have answer my questions about Eania. I haven't been there as much as I'd like, I'm afraid. Lets go meet Auriel and get this over with, shall we?" She unstrung her bow and slung it over her back, heading towards the courtyard.


Do not ignore me boy! I am not a demon! I am Tirfing, created by the Gods themselves! Now you will answer me. Who are you? And how did you come about possessing me? The voice was angry, offended. Grey's axe shook slightly in his sheathe, as if it would leap out to stare him in the face.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Today was a relaxing day. After the mess that was the Caravan Mission Meirin actually enjoyed the monotony of classes. It gave some semblance of normalcy. Meirin's day started after getting washed and freshened up, where she'd meet with Ssarak to train. Sometimes they'd have others over, like Annabeth or Leith. Meirin would then head to class and learn new forms or practice old ones. This week they covered more on Hydromancy and Meirin learned some complex dances that made the water around her rise and move around her like a whirlpool. The tricky part however was to make it look "beautiful". It wasn't hard to just swing around the water, but she needed to control the water. Make it move with grace and fluidly, not just whipped around like a child's toy. It was much harder then it looked and Meirin could only make it work if she did it slowly. Still it was progress. Eventually she'll learn what this spell actually does.

After her training with Ssarak today Meirin considered how to spend the rest of her day. Classes were canceled because of the feast. She actually wanted to take this time to talk to some others aside from Ssarak, though she does intend to meet up with him later tonight. She just wanted to hang out with her other friends. As she was getting her things put away a golen sent by Uicle told her she needed to talk to the Djarkel Diplomats, using Lucilia if she needed to. This brought a disinterested look from Meirin.

The monks had to pay tribute to the barons of course, even if they did live fairly isolated in the mountains. They didn't involve themselves in politics, and simply provided protection for travelers who happened to find them. And while Meirin has seen their injustice and felt that things needed to be changed, she knew that the baronies in Djarkel are cutthroat. And not just because they were quick to hire assassins. That mess they called "Bureaucracy" can do more damage for people then armies can. That bureaucracy brings the armies too. Meirin had little interest in dealing with that monster, but she supposed that she could at least ask how Djarkel has been in recent events. Despite their flaws Djarkel was still her home country. She knew that if they could simply stop trying to compete with themselves, they could be a good place for people to live.

Of course another issue would be trying to talk to them. Even if she did tell them she was a monk from Djarkel, she wasn't sure how they'd react. Most people don't mind the monks, but she knew some city folk thought less of her because she was "A mountain savage" in their own mind. And if Meirin didn't have the self-control she might have proved how savage she was. She hoped that they wouldn't be condescending to her just because she doesn't come from a noble family or a big city. And there was Lucilia. Meirin was still a bit angry over what she did with Lyn, but she's been punished by the counsel of the college. Meirin has largely let go of that anger now, but she still is wary of more of her treachery. She may have been forgiven, but Meirin wasn't about to forget what she did.

With nothing else to do Meirin headed towards the dinning hall. It seemed like the easiest place to find the diplomats or to start looking for them. While she was there she noticed that there were many people here: Ssarak was talking with some Eysire, no doubt from the Scortched Lands. Khan was talking to Lucilia who was being escorted by Grey. Uicle seemed to be talking to an old man... Meirin was curious. She's never seen him before. She also didn't see anyone who she'd recognized as a representative from Djarkel. And since she didn't want to bother Lucilia or Khan Meirin went over to Uicle and the other older gentleman. "Hello Uicle. I got your message, and I can't seem to find those diplomats... Oh! Shoot, I forgot my manners. Hello, my name is Meirin Kurenai." Meirin looked towards the old man and bowed her head towards him. She wasn't sure who he was or how he greets from wherever he came from, so bowing seemed to be the best thing for her to do.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 14 hrs ago


Ovak hadn’t moved or made an attempt to gain the diplomat’s attention. After all, everyone was so use to the empty seat at the table that few bothered to look his direction and realize it was no longer vacant. That, in a simple way, suited the current archmage fine. He always hated to gawking, judging and worse brought on by his position as he adjusted in his cushioned seat. Several teachers, Uicle included, had insisted he had additional cushion to his seat and it gave the sense he was slowly sinking into it. To say it was annoying after being bedridden was an understatement in Ovak’s mind, his body often pushing upward to free himself from the groove being made.

It wasn’t until he heard a young woman’s voice reach out to Uicle, did Ovak notice Meirin’s presence. She much lighter compared to him, though it was likely because her origins weren’t from Yarsomere and instead hailed from Djarkel. He knew this like he knew many things he shouldn’t. A curse and blessing in many different views, though few would see it as such.

"Hello Uicle. I got your message, and I can't seem to find those diplomats... Oh! Shoot, I forgot my manners. Hello, my name is Meirin Kurenai." She bowed to him, Ovak’s wrinkled face smiled in pleasure.

He returned the head bow respectfully and spoke. “Hello, Ms. Kurenai. My name is Ovak Regar. As for the diplomat,” he added seeing Ssarak finish up with his task, his reached for his cane and brought it to rest between his trousered breeches. ”If you will help me up, I will help you locate the Djarkel diplomats.”

When Mei helped him upright, Ovak extended a finger into the Djarkel diplomat’s direction. ”I believe, we should head that way. If you won’t mind me escorting you, Ms. Kurenai, then it will be much easier.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Tyrael Marchosias

Nodding his head Tyrael turned around. There wasn't much else to say, though he supposed that he should at least try to make an attempt at humor. "Lyn knows how to get into trouble."

Tyrael left Mar behind while making a mental list of people he wants to send to her later throughout the feast to provide food and perhaps company. Most, if not all, were female. The only male among them was Leith, and that's only because Tyrael has a control over him due to his demonic gauntlet. He was the only one who'd help the pale mortal with it, and intends to use that as leverage on him. As he was amassing his list of students Tyrael pondered how else he could manipulate them. He still wanted to get information from the Yarosmere diplomats regarding the naga attack. He wanted to know what their motivation was. That's when he remembered another person:

Darius Jura. A Yarosmere warrior, and likely one of the few people who could get close to the diplomats without alerting too much alarm. Plus Tyrael has never really bothered to interact with the man before, so their relation would be unknown. Tyrael lacked the same level of control over the college as he used to due to purging his demons from the premises, so he'd have to find the warrior the old fashion way. He at least knew that Darius was a Yarosmere warrior, and he knew what he looked like. Tyrael began to wander around the college looking for the swordsman. He had some orders for him.

Lucilia Riovas

"I see. Well then, I believe we should greet him and show our respects, no?" And by that Lucilia meant that the two should go see Ovak and make it clear that they were both concerned about his health. Lucilia was quite aware that she wasn't exactly in Khan's best light due to recent events, but even he would share her concern over the Archmage's sudden appearance. Coming in unannounced put Lucilia is a tight spot, as she has not prepared the feast to accommodate him. People would know who he was and expect something from him. She'd have to send a servant to get another chair, as she only had enough for the teachers and the Headmaster, not the Archmage. She'd have to send someone to fetch his medication in the event Ovak suffers an incident during the feast, which she can't allow to happen in front of the diplomats or the college itself. They needed to look strong and in control this feast. With Ovak here... There were so many things that could go wrong. Lucilia intended to nip the problems in the bud.

Lucilia's ears perked when Grey asked the obvious question. If it wasn't for the fact that he was fairly new to the college she would have berated him for his lack of tact. "Indeed he is. His name is Ovak Regar. He has been the Archmage ever since I've joined the college, and I've yet to see any mage who can compare to his skills. But he is mortal like any other, and Time is a force none can stop... All the more reason we need to go - Oh no." Lucilia could only watch as Meirin arrived to speak to Uicle, and by proxy, Ovak. Despite the conversations occurring around the dinning hall Lucilia focused her senses to listen in on Meirin and Ovak. She greeted Uicle and seemed unfamiliar with Ovak. She mentioned something about the Djarkel Diplomats. Did she want to go meet them? For what reasons? Worse still Ovak seemed to not only direct Meirin to the Djarkel Diplomats, but wanted her to escort him to them. Clenching her teeth Lucilia had to think.

She could guess that perhaps Meirin wanted to know what the situation back in her homeland was like. But to ask the diplomats? She'd be fortunate to get a straight answer that was mired by their political agenda. But with Ovak there... Even the diplomats, who no doubt know of his ability, would use the opportunity to edge in their favor. More so if they attempt to deal with Ovak directly to circumvent any dealings they had to make with Lucilia. Because the last thing Lucilia wanted to happen was have her control usurped by the only person she couldn't take on directly. "Come with me Grey. We are going to go speak to the Djarkel diplomats. I expect you to be on your best behavior... And refrain from raising your voice."

Annabeth Gulch

Annabeth smiled back at Aramir and nodded her head. She couldn't help it but... Annabeth had read Aramir's mind. Kin killer. Kin killer. I'm a kin killer and they'll recognize me for it immediately. That was all Annabeth needed to know. She knew why Aramir didn't want to see the diplomats. She honestly didn't know what to say to help Aramir, or even what to do... Well, she knew one thing. It seemed to work out well most of the time.

Annabeth scooped up Aramir into her arms and gave her a tight hug. "I don't know what happened to you Aramir, and it doesn't matter. You're here now and that's all that matters. You're here to start something new and great and you don't need the past to hold you back anymore." Setting the snow elf down Annabeth moved in front of her and got to eye level. "You know what? Forget the diplomats. Let's go find Auriel and get drunk. Or maybe go hunter. Hunting drunk? Whatever! Basically, let's just spend today enjoying it however we want. Let's not worry about... Work, or the past, or anything like that. Let's have fun!"


The two orcs were dressed in fine cloth, lined with furs from exotic animals they've recently slew. One wore a red robe lined with the black fur of a umbra tiger, it's shifting black-and-white fur still active even after it's skinning. His cane looked more akin to an double-sided ornate mace, allowing both ends to function as the handle as well as striking head. The other orc wore a violet outfit, with pants that went past his waist and a great coat lined with gold. He wore other heavy accessories made of the precious metal, and his own cane had a golden skull as it's ornament. Additionally he wore a large brim hat, also violet, with a knife who's blade was made of a fire opal adorning the top. They both seemed to be discussing what to have to eat when Baulder arrived inquiring about the taste of human flesh. The orc in purple gave the strange human a look of disgust, but the other then went into deep thought.

The orc in red turned to Baulder. "Humans can taste good. Whether or not they will depends on the chef. I've had a human liver made by an artisan from Eania who's gave it such flavor and texture that I slew my servant right on the spot to give him fresh ingredients. However ever since than all other humans I've eaten have been tasteless garbage."

The orc in purple shook his head and sighed. "You only ate that as a challenge. You're hardly a connoisseur of the fine meats. The best humans are raised for the purpose of consumption, and thus the fat pigs of Djarkel are the best eaten. Unfortunately the ones sent here are hardly suiting for that task. Ah, enough of this! We've spent an hour debating on breakfast. Let's just see what this place serves and be done with it."

The orcs seemed to have ignored Baulder as they continued to bicker about what to eat. They initially spoke about who within the dinning hall looked the most delectable, but soon their conversation trailed off to cooking styles and whether or not vegetables should be served alongside their grains or put into a side dish.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Konan375
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Leith shook his head at the man’s statement. ”Not pleasant, no, but possibly a lot quicker than others. As for the apologies, I feel that you should be safe with mostly everyone. But I am curious; you mentioned that you were a diplomat of the “new” Yarosmere, as you put it. What is going on in Yarosmere?”

“Believe me. I am well aware of how slow a death can be.” The diplomat sighed, before continuing to reply to Leith. “What’s happening in Yarosmere? A small movement suddenly gained violent and vicious following. ‘Followers of the Sand God’ the called themselves. They claimed the Gods of Tiien didn’t exist and only through the benevolence of the Sand God could Yarosmere become an Empire, and all sorts of ridiculous notions. We largely ignored them until they got a new prophet in the past year and people started listening to them. They only increased in number until they were able to stage a revolution. The Kai and his entire family was wiped out, along with most of the government and ruling castes. Supposedly, the caste system has been eradicated but in reality the lower castes have simply switched places with the upper castes. The new prophet is a madman. He calls for genocide of the Naga and war with the rest of Tiien. The military had just been sent to the three villages the Naga had as I left.”

He was quiet for a few moments.

“He’s a madman, but listening to him, you are completely sure he’s right. A fanaticism I’ve never felt nor seen the like of fills you, and you obey whatever he commands. I’ve seen him convince entire Garrisons that resisted him to happily kill themselves. Psychomancy, I assume. Incredibly powerful, psychomancy. So, in short, madness has claimed Yarosmere and we’ve launched an unholy crusade against all of the Naga, attempting genocide.”

Leith whistled at the man’s story. A revolution, and a with powerful Psychomancer leading it. Not good at all. ”That is not good to hear. It seems that there has been a lot going on in the past few months, what with the demon attack a few months ago.” Leith frowned. Incredible power and insanity, he’d seen that before. Could it be related? ”You said you’ve seen him influence people. Did anything strange happen to him when he did it?”

The diplomat frowned. “No, not that I remember. He wears his mask at all times, so that might be hiding something. He sent me here to both check on your strength after the demon attack, and announce the change in Yarosmere to the other nations you have here. They should have already begun expelling the Djarkel forces in the desert by now. The Prophet displayed great interest in moving quickly and securing his territory. Be very careful if you visit that nation, student of the College. A good man like you wouldn’t be able to stay out of the mess as much as he should.”

”I appreciate the warning. I doubt that I’ll be going to Yarosmere anytime soon, but it is a nice gesture. My name’s Leith, by the way.” He held out his right hand to shake the diplomat’s hand before he dropped it and offered his left. ”What do you plan on doing after the feast is over? Will you go back to Yarosmere?”

“I am Yusef,” The diplomat replied, taking the sudden hand switch in stride and shaking Leith’s hand. “and I don’t think so. Going back to Yarosmere is likely only to get me killed. I think I’ll speak of how insane Yarosmere has become to a select few of the other nations, and then seek a job somewhere else. I wish I knew where elsewhere was, but I suppose that is in the hands of the Gods. If you’ll excuse me, I have to go make sure trade agreements with Yarosmere are stopped while it is controlled by the Prophet.”

”Of course, I won’t hold you up. Enjoy the feast. A lot of work has gone into it.” Leith started to walk away before he paused. He turned to face Yusef ”Oh, and if you’re looking for a job, why not look around for one at the College? I’m not sure what your skills are, but someone here might find them useful.” With that, Leith waved at the diplomat and left him to his duties. Now all he needed to do was find Uicle.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Uicle and Ssarak Dyreackthanose


Given the severe nature of some of the information Ssarak had uncovered, he felt it would be best to speak to Uicle as soon as possible. Fortunately, he needed only to ask a gargoyle to find him quickly. He was directed to the dining hall, which he moved to once he was out of sight of both Esyire diplomats and their students. To preserve the impressions he had left on them, he wanted to be sure they did not witness him speaking to the College leadership immediately after their conversations.

As expected, the dining hall was quite a bit more crowded than usual with the feast coming soon. Strangely, there was a small plume of black smoke emanating from a door on one side of the hall, but there already seemed to be people handling it. Ssarak just focussed on locating Uicle, which fortunately was not difficult, as the large animated suit of armor was easy to pick out of a crowd.

Ssarak approached UIcle seemingly casually, but the look in his eyes was quite serious. "Greetings, Uicle. Could I perhaps speak to you a moment, privately?" He requested.

Uicle looked over to the Eysire, taken from his irritated grumbling. "Hello Ssarak. Have you already talked to the Scorched Lands diplomats? From what I heard and saw there's two of them." Uicle's head snapped to a Steel golem, wading it's way towards the fire. "What are you doing you giant oaf!? Get out of the way!" As the steel golem began to move out, Uicle returned to facing Ssarak. "What do you need?" He gestured for the Esyire to lead the way.

Ssarak nodded once Uicle had returned his attention to him. "Yes, I have. I believe we need to speak privately." He reiterated softly, in a serious tone matching his overall demeanor. His gaze carried a sense of urgency that would hint at the severity of what he had uncovered. "Would your office be acceptable?"

Uicle would have raised an eyebrow, if he still had a face. As it was, he looked at the student, growing concerned. "Very well. Follow me." In a short few moments, the Esyire and the teacher were in Uicle's office, surprisingly intact for today. "Oh look, it's not even a mess." He commented idly, before a steel golem closed the door behind them and he turned to face Ssarak. "What did you find out?"

"I uncovered a good deal of information, though little of it was encouraging." Ssarak answered as he took a seat in one of the empty chairs. He let out a sigh, the stress of his past few conversations finally showing in his expression. "The Scorched lands seem to be entering into a veritable civil war. This faction being led by this Emperor is waging war against the Head Cheiftain and those who support him. On that point, both sides agree. According to the Jev diplomat, the Emperor is an electromancer of such strength that he can outmatch any master, or many at once. They say the envoys they sent to the Emperor have come back changed in some way, but their psychomancers cannot determine how."

Pausing a moment, Ssarak had to collect his thoughts. With all he had learned, it was easy to overwhelm himself with trying to describe every detail all at once. "There is much to explain, but most pressing is the purpose that the Emperor's representative has here. The Jev representative said that the Emperor's diplomat seeks to gain the College's alliegance in their war, and if you refuse, they will likely attempt to sabotage the College. I would expect such a statement from the representative of an opposing faction...but I also questioned the Emperor's representative, and he confirmed it. He said he would seek the College's aid, and if he is refused, he admitted to me that the Emperor would act against the College. He did not specify how, but sabotage is not an impossibility."

Uicle sighed. "No one can play nice, can they? Ovak isn't going to support anyone. I assume you have a suspect for me to stick shadow golems on? Otherwise every Esyire student that recently joined will be stalked, and that can't be good for teacher student relationships. Did you learn anything else aside from the Emperor being unusually powerful? And do you have any suggestions from what you learned? You talked to them while we were all busy playing nice with the rest of the diplo-" Uicle's head suddenly tilted to the side, as if listening to someone.

"Gods above Alaira! I would have thought that even you would have more tact then that! No, don't do anything. Stay nearby though."

The Necromancy teacher turned his helmet back to Ssarak. "Sorry about that. Any answers?"

"Alaira? Did you send her to speak to a diplomat as you did myself and Meirin?" Ssarak questioned. Normally, he would not be so easily distracted from his explanation, but news on Alaira's mistakes in particular had a habit of capturing his attention. "We informed Lucilia of Alaira's repeated lapses in judgement during our mission. Her actions placed us all in jeopardy on multiple occassions, including igniting a forest fire and an unprovoked attack on a group of guards. Did Lucilia not inform the rest of the staff of this?"

Ssarak had to force himself to stop and refocus on the task at hand. It was important that Uicle and the others know about Alaira's poor judgment, but much more important, and pressing, was the information he had uncovered. "Um, regardless, I do have more answers, yes. The Esyire have only sent two new students this year; one from the Chieftain's faction, as usual, and the other from the Emperor. They were both formerly bethrothed to one another, but are now sworn enemies. The Jev diplomat's student is an electromancer of clan Dyre, and is likely to attempt to persuade his former fiance to betray the Emperor. If she does not, then he expects that his student will do something drastic against her. For the student from the Emperor, she is a vitamancer, and is the most likely agent for sabotage. The Emperor's representative could of course also act against us, but he naturally would have more attention on him at most times, so the student would be a better candidate. I would not recommend underestimating the possibility that this vitamancer may be able to bring serious harm to the College. The Jev diplomat suspects that the Emperor may have given her something with the capability of weakening the College considerably, and I am inclined to agree."

Pausing a moment, Ssarak had to think on how to present his next point. He was starting to move into conjecture, but he felt his fears could be nearing truth. "This Emperor...he worries me greatly. That he was able to rise to power, seemingly from nothing, after only a few years seems suspicious, does it not? The Jev suspect he came from clan Dyre, but do not know for sure. Even the Emperor's diplomat claims not to know his origin, only that he came from the wilds. How is it that one with the power to outmatch any master on Tiien could have existed entirely unknown until only two years ago? I do not know if it is possible for such power to simply be granted to an individual, but it is what I suspect happened. As well, the Jev's numbers are diminishing for reasons they cannot understand. Their eggs are simply not hatching. Add to that all of the chaos rising aound Tiien, and it seems all too unlikely that it is a coincidence. The demons who attacked the College last year...do you believe whatever force drives that army could be driving these events as well?"

Uicle ignored Ssaraks' comments about Alaira, instead focussing on the students. It didn't take long for two shadow Golems to find them and be bound as eternal watchers. "The students are being watched, subtly." Uicle said, before turning his attention to Ssarak's other point. "There is something behind this all yes. We suspect Kudd the 'driving force' behind that army. Alas, without investigations ourselves we can't prove anything and simply have to prepare and stomp out the fires as they arise." He stood, preparing to leave.

"Was there anything else, Ssarak? I have to get back to the Dining Hall lest this entire operation fall apart and I have to pick up the pieces. A word of advice, don't take any jobs that involve organizing a lot of people, most of whom hate at least one other faction who have also been invited."

Ssarak nodded. "Yes, as I said, I learned quite a lot. I just wanted to convey the most pressing matters at the moment. Also keep in mind that the Emperor intends to act against the College if we do not ally with him, even if we remain neutral. So...I would fully expect some kind of action from his representatives. I told both of the diplomats that I intend to attempt to help them, so I have a plausible reason to speak to both of them again, if that is needed. If it helps, I will write a report including all important, but not quite as time-sensitive information. Honestly, I do not believe we will be able to ignore the situation in the Scorched Lands, not indefinitely."

"Oh, we're not going to ignore it. But we can't exactly march an army down there and force them to play nice. Don't quite have the resources, I'm afraid. We'll get to them soon enough, but we need to deal with the diplomats now before we begin sending off teams to hopefully stomp out fires and keep the peace." Uicle began heading towards the door. "I'd suggest you don't stay in here Ssarak. My bad luck might just rub off on you."

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