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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Grey Onyx
Grey stroked his chin, nodding as Lucilia answered his question. "I see... Forgive my ignorance." He said politely, quirking a brow as she seemed distressed... He looked off to the end, having a slight bit of trouble thanks to his... injury. Was that Meirin? What were they talking about, and why was Lucilia worried? He was of course, about to ask when she had suddenly given him an order. "Uh... Very well. For what reason?"

He moved to walk with her, his hand darting to his axe when he felt it rattle, holding it in place. He then realized two things. One, this was most definitely not a figment of his imagination, and two; he might look like he's about to draw his weapon. "A-apologies... The belt loops must not be well-secured..." he said, looking off to the side. Well, he'd have to speak to this thing directly it looked like. I discovered you on the corpse of a demonic doppelganger of myself. I had lost my own axe in the fight, and considering that it seemed like a normal steel axe I'd figured there was no harm in taking it. And I will decide that for myself. For now, you will keep silent lest I surrender you to Tyrael so he can melt you down for parts or feed you to a demon.

Alaira Taenn
Alaira looked to the other diplomats, fist tightening as they didn't seem to react... Well, the dwarf laughed. Now, an ordinary brute would take that as a sign that they were idiots, but Alaira was no normal brute; they knew something she didn't. She ground her teeth as Athalus spoke to the diplomats... The assassin would even feel the hair on the back of his head rise slightly as a static charge went through the air around her, which he knew was a sign that she was both incredibly angry and trying incredibly hard to control herself.

When he looked over his shoulder at her she thumped him on the head. Not hard enough to cause damage or anything, mostly just as an expression of frustration. She quirked a brow at the three as Lan went to extravagant lengths to describe the power the three of them held. "If ya think that scares me you're mistaken..." She mumbled lowly, shaking her head... And when Athalus spoke up she thumped him again.

However, when the diplomat winked at her that was the last straw. She took a step forward, energy arcing across her arm. "I'll-!" She stopped, unclenching her fist as the electricity disappeared, the elf stepping back and crossing her arms. She listened, cracking her neck as she looked over the three of them. "If you're lookin' for help here, you're wastin' your time. Way I hear it, the Archmage ain't going to be taking sides, since we never have. If you want my advice, go with one of the other two. Otherwise, when Eania and Djarkel start goin' at each other and start marchin' through your swamp to do it, at least one of 'em will be on your side. And don't think they won't just try rollin' in in the middle of the war either. If you wanted more advice, I'd say go with Eania. Djarkel's just a cutthroat infested hellhole... And waaay too flammable..." She said that last part very quietly, it was likely only Athalus heard her as she turned her head and rubbed the back of her neck.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by cqbexpt
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cqbexpt Warden Eternal

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As the orcs began to get into it with each other Baulder listened intensely and took mental notes. These people know how to eat! Baulder said to himself. As the orcs brushed him off slightly Baulder just simply began going along with them wanting to learn more about the delectable food they had experienced. Though as they began to drift off into vegetables and there place in the world Baulder had an idea. He knew that underhaven was still serving during the feast and that they had something that wasn't here. Baulder personally didn't like the item but he could certainly go for some more lamb instead of this slightly dry chicken. Baulder came up to the side of the red orc and lowered himself from his perch apon his extended legs. "Yes yes, sides and with are both options I've found to be rather available. Thinking of options the wine selection here is rather... limited. There is a place called underhaven in the college, they have a wider selection of food and drink. If you wish to be given more variety I could bring you there. I've been told they have "other" things but I've never asked about them.

Baulder took the time to dispose of the now bare chicken leg he had acquired earlier and since eaten. He tossed it into one of the many water barrels that had been strewn about the dining hall. He did this while waiting for an answer from the opulent orcs.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 12 hrs ago


Khan nodded his agreement, his eyes unable to rip away from the archmage. His worry filled his eyes through his face was isolated and gave no indications he was unsettled. At Grey’s question, his face turned. On the verge of speaking, he was about to answer when Lucilia cut him off to answer it and uttered alarm that abruptly ended her sentence. Instead of asking about the reason, Khan’s head jerked to Ovak’s direction. He partly expected the archmage to have collapsed but instead he merely watched Meirin approach the old man and begin to converse with him.

“Easy, Lucilia. It’s only Meirin, who I know well enough. ” Khan stated calmly, knowing fully well the student could easily handle Ovak if he overexerted himself. Just like himself, Ovak’s weakness was also the students and if anyone could keep the old man strong would be one of them.

However, his knuckles tensed about his cane and his body stiffened when he noticed old man had gained a mischievous smile. He knew that smile all too well and wished he didn’t, his leg burning the moment he went to move forward. It caused him to grunt quietly the moment he tried and grind to a halt. It was as if his leg resisted the temptation to intervene. There was a brief comment exchange between the two before Ovak offered his hand. Meirin aided him upright and soon, the two were shuffling off toward where Ovak had pointed. Naturally, Lucilia wasn’t the only one now not enjoying being in the dark about this currently situation.

Wondering about Uicle, Khan’s eyes drifted to the location where the teacher should’ve been. He quickly discovered the walking soul filled armor had rattled off to some dark corner and left the archmage to his own devices, inwardly causing the headmaster to groan. Seeing Lucilia and Grey dart off in an urgency strive, he knew it would be pointless to keep up with Lucilia’s furious pace. In defeat, Khan hobbled back to his assigned seating beside the archmage’s chair. Gritting in pain, he settled tenderly into his seat where he let out a rough huffle relief then pushed his cane to one side. His stomach hadn’t anything to eat. It growled in protest but he ignored it in favor of rest, his knee throbbing as he reached to rub some of the pain away.


As Meirin led Ovak away, the elderly archmage’s eyes were greeted by several visions. Slowly, his wrinkled expression cracked into a smile. Several positive decisions were made and in the latest vision for the College’s future, things were looking much brighter. His eyes shifted to the students who had been in discussion with the diplomats as his free hand gave a little wave, gesturing his arcanite toward Alaira, Leith, Ssarak (the student absent but he could easily feel his presence in Uicle’s office) and Baulder. Immediately afterwards, his hand came up to give a subtle cough as he knew it wasn’t wise of him to use so much magic at once without easing into it. He was rather rusty after all.


When Ovak sent his arcanite, he used hydromancy, vitamancy and aeromancy to whisper quietly into the Halfling’s ear. His voice gentle, and soothing through it likely startled her. It was a risk he was willing to take to praise her for keeping her temper, inwardly hoping she wouldn’t assume it was the diplomats trying to attack her or worse. If she did, he feared Lyn would either be without a father or worse, the child would be caught in the clash while jumping to the student’s defense. Through the Tidehome diplomats wouldn’t intentionally kill a child, accidents could happen and even he could be helpless to save her in this state. Still, the aging man had faith Alaira had a good instinct over individuals through he preferred to actually approach her himself and when the diplomats learned of his presence, any chance would be lost complete. This was the only time he would get and he took it. Reminded of Alaira’s strength, his eyes paused to spot Khan. Mentally he noted the headmaster’s weakness and sighed in helplessness. This was a journey they would all need to take on their own. If none of them learned to work together than Kudd would win, turning everything into ashes including all they loved. Kudd’s only goal was destroying the world after all and he would stop at nothing to accomplish it.

When his magic reached Alaira, she would feel no pain for Ovak knew about her sensitive to pyschomancy. The aeromancy carried the vibrations through subtle sounds while the vitamancy and hydromancy vibrated the ear connected parts, preventing any others from hearing it. It sounded like someone, Ovak’s gentle voice, was whispering a single comment. “Well done, from the archmage Ovak Regar.”

With that, the tingling sensation in Alaira’s ear abruptly vanished. Through she would easily get the sense of the archmage looking in her direction before he crept off with Meirin leading him toward the Djarkel Diplomats. Deep inside, he knew she wouldn’t think kindly of his association with someone she had prior grudge with but he had hope they could be settled in time. In one past vision, Ssarak, Meirin and Alaira became great friends, a difficult force to fight, when old differences were put aside. Even Kudd had difficulty in dealing with them, through it seemed not all his ‘sight’ was accurate until a choice was made.

Yet, who could it wasn’t possible? Nothing was ever fully set into stone after all because fate was always a fickle one. Ovak thought quietly.


When Baulder tossed the bone, it ended up hitting the edge of the water barrel and through in reality it went in, the psychomancy took hold to deliver Ovak’s message. The Rheven-ari’s body was frozen, through he didn’t know it, as the illusion started. It was a much more mild one compared to Satori’s during the last opening but no less realistic in quality. The bone spinned around the ring several times getting the student’s attention before it spilled out over the floor. All around, individuals were stone still and obvious to the ongoings which were happening. The contents crawled out from tiny little bones to pieces of cast away paper or broken dishes, forming words that could easily be read out by the voice in Baulder’s head. Each letter formed then disappeared when it was finished being read, reforming another. It looked like an animated film where the trash moved on its own.

Good job. However, you’ll have to refrain from eating anyone on campus. It’s a very widely accepted believe eating intelligent beings is wrong among the world and we much rather not have you get in trouble with the College, now would we? Through I apologize for I must make a request of you. Could you discover what is happening within the Orc lands then report to Uicle? Merely nod if you accept this task and if not, shake your head.

If you choose to take it on, you have my thanks. Otherwise, I’m sorry for disrupting your evening. Either way, please mention nothing of what you’ve seen to anyone save Uicle.

Sincerely, Ovak Regar, the archamage.


While Ssarak was concluding his business with Uicle and taking his leave, both individuals would’ve noted a small quill materialized from thin air. In reality it was using the air arcanite and altered into the small writing utensil as it tapped the ink well and started to write on thin paper. Its little tip danced across the surface elegantly until at last it spelled out a small, grateful message for Ssarak and one for Uicle.

Well done, Ssarak Dyreackthanose. Apologies since I believe I’m currently occupying your current lady with the Djarkel Diplomats, however if you’ll be so kind to allow us to finish up then I’ll be sure to direct her to the gardens. I’ll sent a small psychomancy invitation to meet there when she’s ready. It will be abandoned, or should be, during the demonstrations and you can easily find one another. There’s also some wonderful Cupid Roses I believe you two will appreciate.

And Uicle… Check on Khan for me. Something is very wrong, he’s sicker than he’s suppose to be. I fear we’ll need the students’ help to keep an eye on his health. Chose them wisely.

Sincerely, Ovak Regar the archmage.

Through it seemed like carelessness on Ovak’s part, he purposely wrote the piece out for Ssarak to see. He believed the Esyire, when encouraged, might end being able to reason with Khan and help stop the influences corrupting their Headmaster. Else they would lose a very powerful ally against Kudd.


The moment Leith went seeking Uicle, a chalice of wine bubbled and abruptly splashed on the albino’s clothes. He was the only witness to the bizarre behavior as instead of staining or staying put, it slithered like a living thing. It glided up his shirt bottom to the sleeve, where it was easily visible by the young man. Quickly it wrote out a wet message in a very elegant way, clearly Ovak’s unique writing, to praise and inform the human.

Very well done, Leith Calder. Uicle is in his office though he will be arriving soon back into the dining room, namely to check upon a stubborn Headmaster. You’ll notice Khan, the headmaster, is looking a little pale and for good reason. He’s not eaten anything so would you be so kind as to take a small plate up to the head table when you go, for Khan? Then you can inform Uicle of your findings and concerns if you have any.

Sincerely, and with gratitude, Ovak Regar. The archmage.

After Leith had read the message, it plopped back into the chalice without leaving a single drop within his clothes. As if it had never happened.


Inside Lucilia’s head, Ovak’s voice came from the psychomancy linking their minds together. It did likely did little to stop the vampire’s pace or him from feeling her desperation to get to him, feeling a warmth in his heart at her concern. It was appreciated but unnecessary for some day he would indeed die. A welcomed and fearsome event he intended to greet standing on his feet. Casting the thought away, the man’s mental tone was fatherly chiding over her eavesdropping. ’Lucilia… you know it’s impolite to eavesdrop on a private conversation. Where are your manners?”

He calmly waited for her reply through his body showed no farther failing since his rapid display of multiple magics had ended.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


He was just about to leave the room, when the quill started moving. The Necromancy teacher got a bad feeling about it the minute it started writing, and it was only confirmed a few seconds later. Uicle's reaction upon seeing the written message was simple and direct. "I'm going to kill him. That bastard was supposed to sit still and not use any magic." As he continued to read the message, he groaned in despair. "I'm going to kill Khan to. That bastard was supposed to take his medicine. Really! For someone who's been alive for over a century he can act like a giant overgrown lizard child." The Necromancy teacher looked up at Ssarak.

"Congratulations, you've just been conscripted to help me nag at Khan for not taking his medicine. You're going to leave here, find Khan, and go nag at him for slacking on that and tell him I'm going to talk to him about certain things later on. When you see Mei again, please tell her that you, her, and Aramir are now all in charge of nursemaiding the Headmaster because he can't act like a responsible adult. Feel free to nag and yell at him all you want. He likes it. Really. I'm going to go scold our all powerful Archmage for acting like he can stand when he can barely sit."

With that, Uicle started to head out the door.


The Snow Elf's eyes widened in surprise as Annabeth suddenly hugged her, her arms pinned to her sides. She began to relax into the hug almost immediately, feeling the simple affection stabilize her terror and mess of emotions. However, when Annabeth spoke, she tensed slightly. It wasn't hard to guess what she was talking about, though the Snow Elf was left wondering how exactly the human girl knew what she had been thinking. Psychomancy? Maybe. Can she hear me now? Possibly. Oh Gods. How far did you read my mind? There were several things Aramir would have preferred Annabeth not see, most of them related to Auriel and the rest to her clan. Of course, they immediately sprung to the forefront of her mind. Aramir alternatively blushed in embarrassment at the images of her and Auriel and then shivered in minor horror at the images of her clan tearing itself apart.

"You don't understand," She said quietly as Annabeth put her down. "The tribe is everything and I had to kill some of mine. I couldn't save them. But..." She trailed off, pausing. Why was she telling Annabeth this? What good would it do to dwell on the past any longer? What was her point in telling this? Pity? Clarity? A sudden thought hit Aramir.

Was Annabeth influencing her mind to make her tell her past? Aramir looked up at the human, searching her face. Finding nothing to cause worry, or suspicion , and finding that the idea of getting drunk was more and more appealing, she tossed up her hands. "Screw it. We're going to go get drunk. Incredibly so. And then deal with the consequences later. Lets go find Auriel, get some wine or something, and then have fun. Uicle can yell at us later."


As Alaira first thumped him on the head, Althalus raised an eyebrow. As it happened again, he gave a sarcastic, "Really feeling the love here Alaira." before she stepped aggressively forward. Althalus was in front of her in a heartbeat, ready to grab the Halfelf (for all the good that would do) to prevent a nasty mess from happening. Fortunately, she managed to calm herself and give her own two cents on the matter. Oh good, I don't have to get between her and three master mages. That's nice. Althalus' smirk turned into a frown at Alaira's last comment. The assassin reached up and flicked her squarely in the forehead. "We talked about that. You need to move on, and remember to do better next time. I know you can."

Lan shrugged helplessly at Alaira. "I never said it was the smartest choice for Tidehome. Or the easiest. But would you so willingly sell your home to one of two warring neighbors, determined to drag you into their fight, have your people spill their blood on some foreign field for a cause they never really believed in? I don't think so. It's not in my blood to do the 'sensible' or 'easy' thing when they don't collaborate with the right thing. Now I just need to convince my associates of how right I am." He moved over quickly towards the Orc and Dwarf as they opened their mouth, and soon fell into a quiet but intense argument with the two.

Althalus looked up at Alaira. "If you're done, I need to go see Mar. I've been putting off a...talk, long enough. Might as well get it out of the way."


Hah! The axe laughed scornfully. Nothing but a forge of the Gods themselves can melt me down. I will cut my way from Hiisi's ilk, and slaughter my way through a thousand Vrykolakas! Like it or not, boy, we are bound together. You would do well to not insult your only weapon, much less a divine one. If I had wanted to kill you, harm you, or cause any mischief I would have already done it, you fool.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Ssarak Dyreackthanose


At first, Ssarak thought that Uicle was somehow willing the quill to write down notes from their meeting, but he then noticed that Uicle seemed just as surprised as himself. Even more strangely was that the letter started out being addressed to himself, and not Uicle. It seemed that the archmage was satisfied with his performance in speaking to the diplomats. He did not know by what means the archmage was able to know what he had said or done, but it quite honestly did not surprise him. For Ovak to be the archmage of the College, he must hold exceptional power. Ssarak smiled upon reading Ovak's suggestion involving the garden, though the tone of the letter quickly shifted once it became directed at Uicle. Most of the students knew that he had been injured in the demon attack; he now walked with a cane, after all. But, it was troubling that the headmaster's condition was worsening.

Ssarak supposed he could have guessed that Uicle would recommend him to speak with Khan, given his success with the diplomats. Uicle seemed to think it was because he was not taking his medicine, and was quite agitated about the matter. He wanted Ssarak to chide him for not taking care of himself, though of course, Ssarak was likely to take a different approach. Uicle did not quite give him time to verbally agree to the task he had given him, but he agreed nonetheless. Keeping the headmaster healthy seemed to be far too important of a request to simply ignore.

Given that the time of the feast was drawing closer, Ssarak reasoned that Khan, and most of the other teachers, likely, would be in the dining hall. The College tended to be quite crowded during the time of the opening feast, but fortunately, most of those crowds were not filling most of the the halls between Uicle's office and the dining hall. His pace only slowed once he reached the dining hall itself. The crowd had grown even larger than the last time he was there, but like Uicle, Khan was not a difficult person to pick out of a large group. There were only a few Esyire in the room to begin with, and Khan was the only one who was seated.

Once he made his way through the crowd, Ssarak took a seat directly across from Khan. He did not know if it was assigned to anyone else, but as the feast had not yet started, most of the chairs were empty at the moment anyway. "Greetings, headmaster." Ssarak began with a polite nod. "Forgive me for intruding but...well, I will give no false pretenses. The archmage wished for me to speak with you."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by cqbexpt
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cqbexpt Warden Eternal

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Baulder & the Posh Orcs

The two orcs looked to each other. On one hand, they didn't really trust this fellow. They didn't even know what his name was and he was inviting them to eat somewhere else? It could be a trap. On the other hand, despite coming from the nation of Torrin, they were not soft aristocrats. They knew how to fight, to defend themselves, and had fought against worse things then this tall human. So the one in red spoke. "What is your name?"

Baulder had turned his head to look at the garbage seemingly come to life and give him a message. Khan talked about Ovak right? Maybe it was the archmage, maybe it was the other psychomancers. He had learned about what each other groups of mages could do. I was one of the few things Tyrael had actually taught him. He turned back to hear the orcs question. "Baulder, just Baulder. Some people back in the village called me "midnight" for some reason. I guess I should ask you both the same question."

"I am Gorum Roshka, son of Toric Roshka, and heir to the guild Sky Castle." Said the orc in red. The orc in purple tilted his hat and spoke out just as clearly. "Name's Draygon Dayton, half-orc, and owner of of the Curled Serpant. A guild of medicine and healing." Draygon motioned his hand towards the door of the dinning hall. "Lead the way Baulder. But be quick about it. We've still yet to have breakfast and if we wait much longer, we might try out most the local delicacy." If Baulder couldn't interpret Draygon's humor Gorum explained the punchline. "We'll likely going to eat you."

"I probably taste good, I don't fault you." Baulder said with a laugh as he began to lead them out of the dinning hall. As he began leading them down the path he had made several times since he first encountered the vampires his eye twitched and he remembered what Ovak had supposedly asked him. "Say, how are things in the orc.. lands? Your food is good there I hope."

Draygon was quick to speak when Baulder asked of the orc lands. "Do you mean Torrin or Oelik? Because the situation for both is dire, to be frank. Torrin hold is clamoring for some technological development, but we simply lack the funds for additional research. And Oelik is-" That's when Gorum interrupted, grunting with a hint of rage. "Oelik is still buried in the past. Nothing but war and fighting, as if anything has changed at all. At this point there's not even much reason to try to negotiate with them. They have nothing of value but corpses, and there only good for growing trees."

It was a little known fact, but orc bodies made great fertilizer. Even Lucilia regularly brought corpses from the orc lands to grow the Iron Wood Trees. Draygon spoke again, a but subdue but still quite passionate. "We're actually hoping that the college would be willing to assist us in our academic endevoures in Torrin Hold. Most orcs might not be able to utilize magic, but it's come to our attention that the college doesn't just research magical theory." That's when Draygon lowered his hat to obscure his eyes, as if thinking carefully about his words and not wanting Baulder to discern his motives. "The world could benefit from a technological boom, more so in this time. There are simply not enough mages or magic to cater to the need of ever person in the world."

Baulder thought for a moment what food grown in orc bodies tasted like. The villagers had taught him how animal fertilizer would subtly change the taste of food. When they were showing him the difference is when Baulder came to his love of food. He had found out that he liked pig the best. He wondered if the vampire lady grew with orc fertilizer, he mentally took note to ask later. He suddenly got an odd feeling in his claw and looked down at it. It looked almost transparent to him for a second. Baulder cracked a smile and when he blinked it was gone. That was interesting.

Baulder looked back to the orcs as they walked and kept the wide smile. "Yes, I think that means more food too. Everyone could always use more food. I know one of our orcs likes to make new things, I haven't seen him today though. I can't imagine them not wanting to make even more things. I hope the demons have kept away from your holdings, they seem to be on everyone these days." Baulder finally got them to the stairs and began the decent to Underhaven.

"Ha! Demons? We've always had demons. But we're more prepared for demons then those cultist in Djarkel. Damned fools spend too much time venerating the damned, I'd say." Gorum said as his cane made a loud clank each step he took. "Aye, but we've heard about that mess a while ago, demons attacking the college? I thought this place would be better prepared, but I see I was wrong. Maybe we could teach the college a thing or two about warding your homes from a demonic invasion." All in all, demons don't seem to be too much of a problem in Torrin hold. Gorum boasted a lot about the various counter measures the orcs have taken to fend against a demonic invasion both within and outside of their cities. Interestingly enough, none of them required any magic, simply having a well-prepared defense force a a weapon of either cold iron or alchemical silver. Draygon began to brag more about it.

"Most people think you need magic or runes to fend against demons, but they're fools who buy into the college's sales pitch. What you really need, all you really need, is to know how to handle iron and silver. Cold iron, also sometimes known as Nature Iron by those pansy elves, is iron that hasn't tasted a forge's fire. They need to be specially treated of course, otherwise any fire could purify it of their properties. Same for silver. They're too soft to be made into blades, but if one knows how to coat or even better, alloy it into other metals, even an archdemon would take a second guess at charging your pike wall."

Eventually Baulder and the orcs would arrive to Underhaven, however there seemed to be quite a crowd at the moment, mostly of Djarkel soldiers. Gorum and Draygon didn't seem to care however and sauntered through the crowd and heading towards the bar.

Baulder led the way through the crowd of musky smelling soldiers and vampires intrigued by all the possibility of new blood. He found two seats right next to each other at the bar. A third seat right next to those was occupied by what was most certainly a student. Baulder extended his legs and put his clawed hand on the students shoulder. "I require your seat for some mean looking orcs." Baulder cracked a smile at the student as he turned to look at the two well dressed orcs. Being sober enough to realize they were diplomats the student sighed and evacuated the seat with his drink in hand. Getting the orcs seated and calling over the bar keep.

Baulder ordered a drink with a weird name that he could not pronounce from what the bar keep recommended and the orcs did the same but their drink name was doubly odd. They also ordered food and in an exchange with the barkeep finally settled on a food to order from him. Turning finally to the orcs again after there order was taken Baulder asked a question that he had been attempting to come up with since they entered the bar. "How are your relations with your neighbors? I assume you selling those weapons of yours would make you quite the coin."

The orcs took their seat and were quickly served drinks by the barkeep. Gorum sneered at the goat demon but Draygon kept his cool, pulling out a flask and pouring a bit of it into his drink. Gorum looked over to Baulder when he asked his question and actually thought about it. "Sky Castle doesn't sell weapons, but we sell the next best things: Fortification. Unlike those Oelik fools we don't wage open warfare. We create strongholds, cities, castles, anywhere and everywhere. Even in the skies themselves, hence the Sky Castles. We get a lost of business from Djarkel and Yarosmere, even occasionally Tidehome. We'd try to offer our services to Eania, but they typically refuse to pay the extra fare of security. Djarkel's a dangerous place, more so if we have supplies going towards Eania." Gorum downed his drink in one gulp and shouted for the Barkeep to come over and refill his mug.

Darygon seemed to be waiting for his drink to finish sizzling. "The Curled Serpant is a... Unique company. Our medicine and healing uses no magic. We provide a service which can be taught and purchased by anyone, but that's only good amongst orcs. Everywhere else uses vitamancers or some other sorcery, to the point that I'm sure this meat has been taken off with magic rather then a blade."

Soon food arrived for the orcs and they immediately started to eat into it. Gorum was eating the head of a bull while Draygon ate the stuffed stomach of a unfortunate victim of blood draining.

Once Baulder got his drink he took it and sniffed it deeply. It smelled like plants and vaguely like bread. He sipped it with apprehension and found the rather pale taste of alcohol present in the drink. It didn't help that the mixture didn't taste good regardless of the alcohol in it. The villagers had tried several times to get him to drink it but everytime he found the taste unbearable and that was how Baulder discovered that he actually disliked something.

Baulder felt something bump into him which he quickly found out was the arm of a vampire as several began wrestling down one of the many soldiers in the bar. Most of the non-vampires around him were either soldiers of competing nations or simply were not willing to get inbetween vampires and their meal. As other vampires began cheering on the bloodlust, this also gained the orcs atleast partial attention. As the man was brought to the ground and his chainmail began to be ripped apart he began calling out for his friends and his spear. One of the vampires quickly responded "Ey, you can grab my spear lad!" This made the mob and Gorum erupt with laughter. The orc even took a moment to pull himself away from his food to watch. Darygon had so far only got a smile out of the affair but he was still mostly focused on his food.

As blood began to be thrown off by the ravanous vampires Daryhon called out asking for another mug of what he was drinking having used it to lubricate his food. Shortly there after one of the vampire women popped up out of the dog pile and threw what Baulder could only guess was the mans face at Darygon. "There's your mug!" the vampire yelled at him. This garnered a deep full body laugh from the Eysire who was now taking a break from his food just to laugh. Baulder began going in on the laughing and considered his job well done. After deciding he really didn't want his drink and the orcs had began cracking puns and jokes with the vampires he decided it was time to leave.

He left without much affair and made his way out of the noisy and now crowded Underhaven. As he began to walk back up the cobble steps back to the dinning hall he remembered what else the dancing garbage had told him. Talk to Uicle, now he just needed to figure out who Uicle was.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Khan, Ssarak, & Leith :Part 1

Khan tried to relax, his hand kneading the armrest, as he pondered what to do next. It wasn’t easy due to his currently crippled state and difficulty in doing something. For the moment, he sat in silence when abruptly another Esyire, a student by the name of Ssarak Dyreackthanose, sat in front of him and spoke of Ovak. Khan’s eyebrow went up before he let out a soft groan. The archmage in his cleverness had suggested the students to aid them in keeping an eye out for trouble, his mind going back to when Baulder came into the room and made a note to move the vial yet again.

It was getting terrible that vial saw more of the school than he did on a daily basis the headmaster thought bitterly. He scooted his chair closer to the table with much effort and rested his elbows upon the surface, his eyes narrowed on Ssarak’s figure. His fingers intertwined with each other while his palms touched closely, then spoke. “Sadly I can’t understand why Ovak would ask you to speak with me, through I would appreciate if you fill me. It might be important after all.”

Ssarak looked around at the crowd around them briefly. Certainly, the dining hall was filled with people, though the general noise made it difficult to pick out specific conversations. Even so, he had to keep in mind that they were in a public place, and anyone could be listening. ”Well, I believe he is concerned for you. A matter related to your medicine, according to Uicle.”

Looking to the crowd once more, Ssarak’s body language made it clear that he was aware that Khan’s health was a sensitive matter in terms of diplomacy with the other nations. He was, after all, the Headmaster, so Ssarak understood that he might want to at least appear healthy to the diplomats. Ssarak elected to send a telepathic message to Khan, though as the Headmaster was not a psychomancer, he would not be able to hear a response unless Khan allowed him to read his surface thoughts through his wards. ”I understand you may not wish to speak of this topic openly within earshot of any dignitaries.”

Khan’s body tensed at the mention of his medication as well as Uicle, which meant he was going to get his tail torn later, then exhaled to forcibly relax. He leaned backwards into the chair once more and righted himself, his hand placed on the rests again when he let his wards down. It was actually much harder than it seemed since his wards served two purposes: to keep his demons’ voices at bay and to prevent nosy psychomancers from invading his mind without permission. After sealing the worse of his demons away, Khan lifted the ward’s wall, allowing Ssarak’s message through easily then slammed back down immediately. Some things were best left in the dark and while he knew Ssarak wouldn’t purposely assault his mind, the headmaster didn’t like the risk that someone else might learn of Kudd’s left behind gift. Rathel had made it possible for Uicle to learn and that was bad enough.

“Yes, that is a matter best left for another time or at least another place.” With those words hanging, Khan gave one last look in Ovak’s direction considered his options. Part of him want to prolong this conversation, the easiest, unless the student was stubborn, and most possible at this moment. Another was to face the truth which to admit he preferred not to take his medication because it reminded him of his brother’s illness and how he had failed Riddic so long ago, his incident with Kudd finally driving his twin into suicide. A fact he could never forgive himself for.

His eyes returned to look at Ssarak, noting a very pale white human making his way toward the table, then decided to change the subject. “Since I spotted you near the officials, I assume you at least talked to the Scorched Lands Esyires? It seems, if my information was correct, there’s two of them this year.”

”I apologize if I’m interrupting anything, but a wine stain told me you needed something to eat,” Leith said as he approached the table. He held two plates of food in his right hand while he held a chalice of wine in his left. He set one of the plates in front of Khan and the other plate in front of himself as he sat down. He smiled at Ssarak ”If I knew you were going to be here, I’d have grabbed you a plate.”

Ssarak had intended to answer Khan’s question, but Leith’s arrival distracted him from the conversation. ”Greetings, Leith.” Ssarak commented. It was interesting that he said a “wine stain” told him to bring Khan a plate of food. It sounded ridiculous, like a simple joke, and yet, it caused Ssarak to think. He had, after all, been told of Khan’s condition through a spontaneously appearing floating quill. ”Would this ‘wine stain’ happen to be from a man named Ovak?” He asked Leith telepathically, reading his mind for his response.

Leith glanced at Ssarak when he asked if the wine stain was from Ovak. He took a sip from the cup he brought with him. ”Yes, actually, it was. I take it that since you’re asking, you were sent by him too?” He replied in his mind back to Ssarak.

Ssarak made sure to give no sort of visual reaction to Leith’s answer as he responded himself. ”Yes. Ovak says that Khan’s health is deteriorating, and Uicle seems to believe it is because he is not taking his medicine. I believe Ovak wishes for me to persuade him to take it.”

Khan looked rather surprised at first which turned into a gentle expression, his arms moved to beside the plate. Inside, he knew who had sent the wine stain and why. It wasn’t a shock nothing could be hidden from Ovak which made Khan pause to consider how much the archmage actually knew and how, a fact none of the teachers, including Satori, had ever discovered. Then again, Ovak was a human that lived far longer than he should’ve and at some point things were bound to no longer surprise him. At least, Khan hoped so.

His middle made a rumbling sounds and drew a slightly sheepish look on the usually stern looking Esyire as he raised a fork designed for his thicker and much larger hands. He began to slip in a chunk of ham from the piece sliced away then forced himself to chew slowly, a matter much more difficult than most would consider on a daily basis. Trying to set a steady pace, the headmaster ate his meal while pausing only long enough to spill his drink, addressing Leith when he finished. “I can’t actually recall when I last ate really. Been rather busy with paperwork and other projects to keep track. Through it feels like days since I have, thank you…?”

Khan trailed off for either one of them to answer his question.

Leith made a face of mock horror. ”How could you not recall eating? That’s almost as bad as not recalling when you last slept.” He chuckled as he said the last part, knowing that he had had days where he could not remember when he had last fell asleep. ”It’s Leith, and no worries. Helping people is what I try to do.” He looked down at his plate and took a couple of bites of food. ”Do you need a hand with that?” he mentally asked Ssarak.

“Perhaps, if I can get him to agree to speak with us about it.” Ssarak answered to Leith mentally.

“You say you have not eaten…” Ssarak began, his expression showing obvious concern. Given that they had just been talking about Khan’s deteriorating health, the knowledge that he had not been eating was even more worrying. He gave another glance to the crowd and, after a few moments, decided that the topic was too important to abandon. ”I know you said that the conversation would be best saved for a different time or place…so perhaps a different place would be the most suitable option? Ovak’s letter seemed quite concerned for you.” He suggested. Obviously, Ssarak could not force the Headmaster to go anywhere, but he hoped that the fact that he was acting at Ovak’s request would be enough to get him to agree.

Khan inhaled and admitted his guilt, knowing how it would sound. His emotions weren’t helped by seeing the worry lacing the student’s face as he looked away, unable to keep contact anymore. “Yes, it’s strange. I just can’t recall it and I’ve tried. It’s like there’s a void in my memory that I can’t place. I know how it sounds but it’s nothing to be concern about. I make sure I’m at least hydrated and I’ve been pretty occupied with work, it’s perfectly normal.”

Deep inside, the headmaster knew he was lying both to the students and himself. Nothing about the situation was normal and even more, it seemed like Ovak’s prescription created by Lucilia had deteriorated his condition worse than before he took it. A fact that partly worried him. He was about to object, using the fact that Uicle wasn’t here, when the blasted suit of armor marched right through the door. He looked furious in his body language as he spotted Ovak, being kept by Meirin,then made a beeline over. His feet aiming to catch up with Lucilia and Grey, who had a head start. It didn’t take Ovak’s gift of foresight to see trouble brewing on the horizon shortly. Even less to tell him there was no point to delay the upcoming conversation between himself and Ssarak, possibly even Leith, if the wine stain was true.

“I suppose this can’t be avoided, can it? For a later date?’ Khan’s voice almost sounded pleading in his request.

It was strange to Ssarak that Khan seemed to possess such resistance to this topic. He did not know the details of what was wrong with the Headmaster, but since he was healthy before the demon attack, Ssarak could only assume that it was something related to that event. He understood that Khan likely did not enjoy discussing the weaknesses of his body, but that did not explain why he would not take his medicine. Even if it had some kind of terrible taste or side effects, Khan was the Headmaster of the College, and an intelligent being. Certainly he would be able to bear through such difficulties?

”Well, you certainly know the archmage better than I. For him to ask us to speak to you on the day of the opening feast, do you believe he believes the matter to be time-sensitive?” Ssarak responded.

Inward Khan only wondered who it was time-sensitive for, him or Ovak. The Headmaster inhaling softly as he sat back into his chair and gently pushed it away from the table, flinching at the slight screech, and reached for his cane. His muscles bunched up when he attempted to stand on his own, his facial expression struggling to remain firmly calm but underneath, his one knee cried out in torture. His knuckles were pure white while he forced himself upright to his feet and was breathing heavily. At one point, Khan half expected his body to fall right back downward into the chair but held his ground stubbornly. He wouldn’t allow himself to crumble.

In a heavy, weary tone, he spoke to the two student. “Alright, my office is likely the best place but it’s a bit of a walk. So you might want to keep close should my leg give out.”

Nodding to Khan, Ssarak stood from his seat and walked around the table over to him. It was good that the Headmaster was agreeing to address the issue. Ssarak had no doubt that they could convince him to take his medicine this time, but Ssarak still wondered why it was an issue to begin with. Just by the way he had difficulty moving, it seemed obvious that one dose would not cure whatever ailed him. Unless he intended to hound him to take every single dose, he would need to be persuaded to take it regularly.

Wordlessly, Ssarak looked to Leith as Khan started to head in the direction of the exit. He did not know if Ovak had intended for Leith to speak to the Headmaster as well, but since he was present, he could perhaps be of assistance as well. He moved his head slightly in the direction of the door, as if to invite him to follow.

Leith followed the lead of Ssarak and Khan and stood up as well. He was concerned about how much effort it looked like it took for Khan to stand up. He walked beside Ssarak as they made their way to Khan’s office. He had wanted to talk to Uicle about his discussion with the diplomat, but from the way that he was approaching Meirin and the man that was accompanying her, it looked like he had enough time to talk with Khan.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Khan, Ssarak, & Leith: Part 2

With each step, fire seemed to race up Khan’s limb leg causing his jawline to tighten. The very nerves in his leg seemed to protest his attempt to walk casually and aimed to make him double over in agony, his knuckles growing whiter by the moment when they trailed down the hallway. The track back to his office seemed much longer now than earlier, his mind unoccupied by the chatter the Rheven-ari provided and forced to endure the silence there. Twice, Khan feared he was about to collapse when he stumbled in his set pace and jerked a hand outright to catch himself from falling flat on his face into the floor. His breath was heavy upon reaching his office door as he pushed it open, gently gesturing for the pair to enter first.

After they did, he limped toward his desk.

Trying not to groan in pain, Khan plopped down into his seat and felt the pressure relieved from his knee. His hand rubbed the throbbing joint until the ache subsided then turned to the two students. A glass container, tall and narrow, was covered over by a red cloth but soft tapping could be heard underneath. Naturally, Khan ignored it in favor to address the to students. From the wall behind him, Zaad materialized in his dark sand self with a light, unimpressed smirk at the pair.

He turned to Khan and gave raised eyebrow, a command made telepathic obviously. Then slowly spread his shape over the room, becoming thinner and thinner until he was nothing but blackish dust within the room. Through none in the room could hear it, Zaad was created a static for any unwanted eavesdropping plants or beings alike. Khan finally gestured to the two seats seeming to wait for the two to sit within them.

Ssarak became increasingly aware of Khan’s injuries the longer he walked with him. Normally, he did not have much reason to be around the Headmaster for an extended period, but now that he was paying close attention to it he could see that he was having trouble moving. Heading into the office, Ssarak took a seat across from Khan after the demon Zaad had done...something to the walls of the room.

Since Khan said nothing at first, Ssarak decided to begin. He gave the Headmaster a look of concern, having to do no acting for it to be genuine. ”I...was unaware that your injuries were this severe. Though, the archmage did say in his letter that your condition was worse than it should be. Uicle was the one who indicated to me that you needed your medicine. He seemed to want me to be quite...harsh towards you. That is not what I intend, though I have no doubt that Uicle will be quite upset the next time you speak with him.”

“Few of the students do, a fact I’m actually happy with. Last thing any of you need to do is worry about me as much as for the challenges you will face in the future, namely on the missions and graduating through that’s a ways off. Through to be honest, few people would be uninjured when coming face to face with a nightmare messing around in their head. The demon attack left scars on everyone as I’m sure you’re aware and some things are best left unknown no matter how much they will help to have knowledge of them.” Khan stated gently, his hand still rubbing his leg. Zaad’s red eyes peered at him, feeling the demon clawing into his skull with his usual sass.

“Boss, having Kudd messing around in your head is no minor issue. That vial you had me hiding wasn’t exactly normal for your usual behavior, even the doll, Lucilia, could see you were hiding something. Telling someone can’t exactly hurt, can it? Zaad almost sounded pleading, until Khan shut him out.

Ignoring Zaad’s advice, Khan leaned further into his chair while listening to Ssarak reply, adding only a bit about Uicle. [color-goldenrod]”As for Uicle, it’s not the first time he’s yelled at me for such minor things and it won’t be the last. I think it’s pretty bad when I feel worse taking my medicine then when I don’t, so there’s one big reason I prefer not to take it. Besides, the stuff tastes terrible.” [/color]

Leith sat down, glancing at the container that had noise coming from it before looking at Khan. ”I can think about the future later. Besides, people are going to worry about you. It’s just what they do.” He gave Khan a dry look at the mention of the medicine tasting terrible. ”Of course it tastes terrible, it’s supposed to. I don’t think I’ve had any type of medicine that tasted pleasant.” He chuckled. Tastes terrible.That’s the lamest excuse for not taking medicine. As for feeling worse after taking it, it could be a sign that the medicine is working.”

Khan sigh, agreeing with the gesture, but kept firmly to his chair. He knew his last comment was pitiful and childish one, immediately regretting his mention. “True, but doesn’t mean I enjoy it. Even Yarsomere Dragonspit doesn’t get rid of it. And that stuff overpowers even the drinker, so that’s an accomplishment in itself for the medicine. As for working, I don’t know. Without it, I can actually walk without the cane and if it wasn’t for the lacking memory issues, I wouldn’t consider what I’m doing dangerous. If you could believe, I didn’t need the cane this morning as you can ask a student Baulder, I was actually walking perfectly fine. Whatever Norschtalen poisoned me with, it wasn’t Tiien based. I fear it might be much worse…”

Khan’s eyes shifted to the table and leaned back further, his hand had stopped rubbing his leg and rested on his chair arms. In a more thoughtful and lower voice, he added an afterthought. “Right now, people worrying about me is the most dangerous part.”

Ssarak had not known of the nature of Khan’s injury beforehand. Based on the nature of his symptoms, he had assumed it to be physical in nature; perhaps some kind of terrible trauma that he was still struggling to recover from. But a poisoning, that was much more sinister. Khan seemed to imply that it was demonic in nature, which meant it could have wholly unnatural properties. ”Every unit needs an effective leader, and for the College, that has been you. It is only natural that we would worry about your health. Do you truly believe that there is anyone else who could fill your role as effectively as yourself? Anyone who is knowledgeable, powerful, yet still diplomatic? Someone who everyone at the College would respect? You know your staff better than I, of course, but no one comes to my mind. Lucilia is intelligent, but some of the decisions she had made would cause me to be frightened if she were in the leadership position. Uicle too is powerful and intelligent, but if his reaction to Ovak’s letter is any indication, he can also be angry and impatient. Satori is the teacher whom I know the best, and yet, I do not feel like I know her at all. Her mind is impenetrable, literally and metaphorically, but if her display at the opening feast was any indication, she has no issue bringing harm to the students. Tyrael...I do not believe I need to elaborate on him.”

As he spoke, Ssarak’s eyes glanced to the Headmaster’s cane. The fact that he claimed to feel worse when taking his medicine did complicate matters, but that only meant that there was more for Ssarak to learn. ”Of course, even ignoring all of your skills and responsibilities, I would not wish to see you come to harm. Perhaps, if I may ask, could I know more about this medicine? I assume it treats the effects of the poison? What does it do, what are the side-effects, and who created it?”

“Leaders don’t end up crippling themselves because of empathy over another's troubles. If I’m the leader of this, I’m a rather sorry excuse for one and not the best choice. I’m still trying to understand Ovak’s reasons for choosing me over other candidates to be completely blunt. Everyone has their flaws, Ssarak, I don’t think I need to tell you that which is what makes us mortal.” Khan admitted, his voice clearly unsure of himself. When the question about his medicine drew his attention, the Esyire narrowed his eyes and seemed to study Ssarak for a moment deeply. After a moment or two, he inhaled to continue. “As for the medicine’s details, Ovak and Lucilia are the only two that actually know the contents. I merely drink it. Which is what I did this morning after Uicle sent another student to ensure I did. According to Lucilia, Ovak made the first two vials and gave her the list of needed ingredients as well as instructions on how to concoct it. A list, which, to my recent discovery is running low due to the difficulty in harvesting the ingredients. Some of them can’t be grown here. As for treating the poison, I assume so because I’ve not had Kudd in my head since.”

Khan nearly bite his tongue off at letting the name slip from his muzzle. Most mortals, from Esyires to humans, knew Kudd to be some from the stuff of nightmares and fiction. A type of forgotten boogeyman that had long since vanished with different stories, versions of the truth and understanding of his origins. Which in the end, made Khan’s uttering the name sounds like a child being fearful about a monster lurking under his bed. The headmaster sighed, not denying or correcting his slip, as he waited for the ridicule to come.

While Khan’s mention of having Kudd in his mind was certainly concerning, it was not unbelievable to Ssarak. Uicle had already informed him that Kudd was behind the demon attack, so it made sense that he would be involved with Khan’s health issues. However, the detail of Khan’s answer that he found the most useful was that it was actually Ovak who had originally created the medicine. Obviously, if Ovak created it, then he had reason to believe that it would treat the condition. Though, Ssarak was starting to feel that the argument that the medicine was worsening his symptoms was merely an excuse to cover up the real issue.

“You say Ovak created the medicine…” Ssarak began, looking to the side and pausing for a moment as if in thought. “I would like to ask about him, the archmage. He seems like an old and unimaginably powerful man. He stopped the demon that would have destroyed the college, and he uses magic in a way that I cannot begin to comprehend. But…he is distant. Esoteric. All I know about him is what I have said. Could I know more about him, what he can do, and more importantly, who he is?” He asked. It seemed as if he had gone to an only marginally related topic at a strange time, but he had a reason for asking.

“You’re not the only one that has pondered over Ovak, I’m afraid. Many have, in his earlier years as archmage, tried to test his worth through a challenge. I will admit I’ve seen him do things with magic I wouldn’t have believed unless I seen it myself. Sadly, it’s at a price. His body is decaying from the inside because his body is confusing his arcanite used for existence, his soul, for fuel for his magic. Many believe Ovak can see the future, or rather it’s many branches, through he’s never denied or stated this rumor was correct. The more I spend time in his company, the more I’m starting to wonder if it is true. Then again it’s impossible to know because no other known mortal has ever had arcanite before.” Khan stated simply, his mind grasping for everything he knew could recall over the archmage. “In order to reveal everything, I would have explain some of my own history, from the time I met him as a student here to present. Through even as long as I’ve known him, I can’t fully figure out how he knows some of things he does even no one else does.”

Leith whistled at the thought of Ovak being rumored to see the future, or how it could go. ”It sounds insane to think that he could see the future… but if it is true. It has some huge implications if it does.” He frowned as he pause to think. ”He may have known that you were going to be poisoned. It would make sense as to why he had the medicine on hand.” He rubbed his forehead. ”Ah, it’s giving me a headache to think about.”

”That would make sense.”” Ssarak commented, wondering about what Ovak could know about events to come. It would seem strange that he had prepared to treat the poison if he had not known it was going to happen. Even Khan did not seem to know the extent of his ability. ”Ovak seems to be beyond capable, but...you did not answer the question of who he is. His background; how he came to be the archmage of the College. To most, or all, I imagine, of the students, he is a mystery.”

Khan nodded in agreement with both statement, his mind had pondered many of the same issues over and over. It was what had brought him to the conclusion that was the main reason the College forever remained neutral among the state affairs within Tiien, never aligning with either Djarkel or Eania while in Ovak’s watch. Part of Khan, deeply, wished he could give Ssarak more information but in complete honesty, there was none. It was if Ovak had popped from the skies or thin air before becoming the next archmage which was before Khan’s arrival. The only one that could possibly answer the student’s questions were possibly Lucilia now that the Headmaster thought about it.

His hand rose to rub his temple gently in thought. “I can’t tell you much. Ovak was archmage when I came to the college and when I try to discover records, there are none. I don’t even know if he comes from Yarsomere or in that region as no official scriber, and they keep extensive records, have any indications of Ovak’s birth. I’ve tried Eania, Djarkel, even Tidehome until at last I turned to ask Ovak himself. The answers I got were far too cryptic to be helpful as he merely stated: ‘Some things are better left to trust, rather than knowledge for the truth can sometimes bring fear and mistrust.’ If I knew or had any idea how to answer your questions, Ssarak, don’t you think I would end up with less questions now than I did back then? All I know, for sure, is that he knows things he shouldn’t. He’s not the only one with secrets in this school after all. His secrets are just the most obvious to you, even I have things I much rather not have known or want others to seek. As I’m sure you do as well. That make him something to fear when he doesn’t want to reveal it?”

”I understand.” Ssarak answered with a nod. It was curious that Ovak had not shared any details about his past, but it was not important at the moment. For now, he had gotten Khan onto the topic of the archmage: the one who had selected him as Headmaster, created his medicine, and sent himself and Leith to speak to him. It seemed that Khan respected and trusted the archmage, but doubted himself. Ssarak hoped to remind him of the fact that Ovak trusted in him as well. ”Would you say you trust the archmage?” He asked simply.

Khan nodded again, his eyes soften at the memory and how Ovak had gained his trust. “He saved my life, Ssarak. Wouldn’t you if you were being possessed by a frighten monster like Kudd after being beaten and nearly killed. In the end only to have the archmage and the demonomancy teacher save you?

Once again, Ssarak gave a nod. ”I certainly would.” He answered. He did not know of the details of the event that Khan described, but it was not important that he understand them at the moment. All that mattered was that Khan did. ”You trust in his abilities, and his judgment. If he created the medicine, then I am sure that it will aid you far more than it will harm you. Of course, I think that you believe that as well. As you said, you trust Ovak. Forgive me, but...there is another reason you have neglected your medicine, is there not?”

Khan’s eyes averted Ssarak’s at mention of another reason. His vision avoided meeting the Esyire’s sight when he felt the guilt swell in his breast and tried to swallow it. “Riddic, my twin brother, had the illness that blocked his mageblood. Despite the meds we tried, nothing worked. His illness remind me of how lucky I was through we were both came from the same egg. His illness is what drove me to contact Kudd in the first place and attempt to cure him, so the last images I have is of him weak and taking medication before I left.”

”I understand that pain.” Ssarak responded simply, and without a hint of uncertainty or hesitation in his voice. He found no need to elaborate any further, either on Khan’s experiences, or his own. It was enough to know that it was a painful memory which gave him the apprehension about his medicine. ”With everything you know about the archmage, and everything he knows about you, do you believe that he would put you in that position without warning you first?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Konan375
Avatar of Konan375


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Khan, Ssarak, & Leith Part 3

“To be honest and truthful, Ssarak. I don’t know. Every move Ovak makes seems to serve more than purpose and never a direct involvement. Consider your position, he sent you to converse and not himself, which makes it impossible to determine when or why he does it. Oh Inferno, when I learned my brother had died after he took his own life I couldn’t help but feel it was better if one of these Runes had actually taken my life. Like they were suppose to.” Khan stated as his hand raised to allow his eyes to peer upon his hand marked with the particular Rune. Even Ovak, odd as the archmage was, seemed shocked he had managed to engrave not just not but five without dying once. When he asked Ovak why, the archmage went silent then changed the subject abruptly.

”Maybe Ovak sent us because it’d make more of an impact on you than he would. Two concerned students talking to you would get your attention a lot more than the archmage coming to you. I mean, we didn’t have to do this, but here we are.” Leith raised his eyebrows at the mention of Runes. ”What Runes would those be, if you don’t mind me asking?”
Khan settled into silence, taking a moment to absorb Leith’s words, before the pale youth inquired over his mention of Runes. For a moment, the Esyire relaxed and settled into his chair when his head turned to look Leith. “A mistake of my youth really. Currently I have five Runes, each for a specific demon, which I can summon and haven’t been able to use my demonomancy since. It was a task I started in search for Kudd. The price would’ve been worth if I had been able to cure Riddic through my twin wouldn’t agree with me.”

A small smile pulled onto Khan’s muzzle before it fade as quickly.

While Leith had asked about the runes, Ssarak had been thinking about Ovak, and his reasons for sending them. At first, he thought to perhaps determine the reason, but to attempt to do so would be pure speculation. All he really knew was what was in his own experience, but that experience gave him a perspective that Khan might need to hear. “Perhaps...that is why Ovak sent us, to make an impact on you. Because he believed it would work. Perhaps he wanted to give you new perspectives, or perhaps he is far less mysterious than we all think, and was simply lazy. We can speculate, but all I really know is why I came here. I submit myself to danger for the College, I agreed to question the Esyire diplomats for Uicle despite my status as an exile, and I came to speak to you because I believe in the College. While many saw the demon attack as a reason to flee, I saw it as the most compelling reason to stay. Kudd, the entity that brought that force to bear upon us, has a power greater than most in this world can comprehend. From what you describe, you have experienced it far more directly than I. Tiien, and all the nations upon it, all seem to be tearing themselves apart all at once, directly in the wake of this attack. Our homeland is on the verge of destroying itself in civil war. All of it is too convenient to be a coincidence; to anyone who can see the connections, it seems like the end of the world. But, in that attack a year ago, I saw what is perhaps the last bastion of hope. This College, despite how strongly the odds were arrayed against us, held against a force that would have destroyed any other city in Tiien. Ovak alone stopped the arrival of a demon who could rival the most fantastic of myths. From everything I have seen, and everything you described, he may be the most powerful single entity in Tiien, and he believes in you. And for me? That is more than enough to believe in you as well.”

“True, but as I said, I might not be the best applicant for the job. My history with Kudd, should he ever get out of the Inferno will level this whole College easily. You have no idea of his power as I watched even Ovak have difficult, forced to distracted the being while the demonomancy teacher and his demons pulled my tail out of the Inferno’s fire. They were only able to hold him back. Not beat him and even behind the Veil, he still seeks to make his presence known.”

Khan, unable to stand the prickling in his knee, abruptly forced his chair back as he reached for his cane and braced to raise. His anger was perfect energy and aided his rise to his feet. Through the headmaster flinched, his body immediately slouching to one side making his stance crooked. Slowly he open the top drawer, the sound of clicking glass as Kudd’s green vial smacked the edge, and the headmaster reached in for the tea box. It was something to calm his nerves which were building during this whole conversation. “One thing I do know, and I believe that is something Ovak knows as well, is that I would fight, defend and die for anyone of my students within the College. Few headmasters will carry out that threat. That’s the big reason I suspect he sent you two and believes I can lead this college, but I fear he’s putting too much faith and ignoring my connection to Kudd. In the end, I fear that will cost us a lot more than we can ever brace for.”

Ssarak leaned forward slightly, clasping his hands together in his lap as he listened. Khan’s explanations of his past touched on types of power far beyond anything he had experienced himself, but he did what he could to understand. He did not have extensive knowledge of demonomancy as the Headmaster did, but that also meant he did not think along the same lines as a demonomancer. In some situations, the perspectives of a novice, or the uninformed, could create novel solutions that an expert might not be able to form simply due to their previous biases. ”Are you certain that is his reason? Have you considered that your connection to Kudd could, perhaps, be used against him? Out of everyone at the College, it seems like you are the individual who has the most experience with our enemy. In a military, someone with your kind of knowledge would be a prized asset. Can you say with certainty that this could not be the case? Perhaps Ovak has more knowledge of this connection than even yourself? I know you are a master demonomancer, but as I am quickly learning as of late, there is power far beyond that of mastery.”

Leith started to stand up when Khan flinched. He was going to help him up if he fell, but when he didn’t, Leith went to sit back down when something caught his eye. A bright green vial in Khan’s desk drawer. Normally, he wouldn’t’ve taken note of a vial in a desk drawer, but it was the shade of green that caught his eye. It was a sickly bright green. Leith leaned back in his chair and nudged Ssarak. He tapped the side of his head and waited a few seconds before he spoke in his mind, hoping that Ssarak was listening.

”There is a vial in Khan’s desk drawer and it looks… unnatural, but I don’t want to draw attention to it. Can you see it from where you are?”

Leith looked to Khan. ”It that tea? Could I have a cup?”

Listening in on Leith’s thoughts, he looked into the drawer and gave a slight nod to him. ”I can. Perhaps it is his medicine? I cannot be sure. He may have many magical items and objects, so it could be unrelated. Perhaps you could ask once we are finished?”

Khan nodded, his eyes showed the abrupt change in focus was enough for him. His hand finished fishing out the box and leaving the drawer open, he limped over to the fireplace where the kettle hung nearby. Taking the handle, he tapped the bottom as water filled the inside before he set the box upon the mantel then scraped off the paste that held several different leaves and plopped it into the kettle. Finishing up, he set it to brew in the fire while he moved toward the cabinets where the teacups were resting.

Realizing he still had to answer Ssarak, Khan’s voice began to reply. “Whatever Ovak knows is staying a secret. That much I did know as I’ve tried repeatedly to gain some answers to what he knows. Through there is one that is true, my association with Kudd has brought nothing but misery and pain to those who I come in contact with. A better reason to stay away if I didn’t feel the need to uphold my responsibilities. Part of me wonders if that’s why Kudd attacked the College in the first place and those dead students are my claws, so could my presence be worth the lives of over a third of the students within the school? As for power beyond mastery, I agree. I also believe when you mess with forces beyond mortal ability there’s a price and one very few should ever be willing to pay.”

Khan’s voice softened as he teased the younger Esyire. ”However, since I don’t like being lectured by my students, I’ll take in consideration everything you’ve mentioned. I just I don’t have to go seeking answers in places we’ll end up regretting.”

For a brief, unsettling moment the headmaster’s eyes trailed back to the drawer during his last phrase as if hinting something he, himself, knew. Then finished gathering up the cups to deposit them onto the desk top.

”I think...” Ssarak began as his head turned to the side, looking at seemingly nothing. For a brief moment, he was silent, then he stood up and approached Khan. ”I think that, for both of us, there are many unknowns. Whether your connection with Kudd is purely a curse, or if it could be used against him, Ovak’s intentions, the ultimate effects of your medicine. All of those things are beyond my knowledge, and I am assuming yours. However...you know Kudd’s power, intimately, and if he has set his sights on Tiien...then you know what it means. Every struggle of every family, every nation, will be rendered meaningless. Everything that anyone has ever fought and died for...will be for naught. You have said that you are willing to fight and die for your students, and, well, I share that type of conviction. You know my past, what I have done. The only kind of meaning which can remain for my life is how I can use it for the lives of others. For both of us, there may be a time where that conviction will be brought to its conclusion.”

Despite the rather severe nature of what he was saying, Ssarak’s expression became something approaching a slight smile. ”But, until that point, it would not do well to die for nothing, would it? I thank you for listening to my words, and I hope you will consider the possibility that you may yet have a key role in the fight against this...well, I do not wish to give Kudd the compliment of calling him a god. He does not deserve that distinction.”

”Ovak might be the only one that agrees with you on that part. Through I’ve learned, through key cases and my own experiences, Gods can be thwarted. It’s just a question of price we’re willing to pay and if it is one we can accept fully. As for your past, we all are mortal. We’re prone to mistakes big and small through it’s the intentions behind them that count the most. I just hope we can all survive to see this out to the end. Because if Kudd wins, there will be no Tiien left for anyone.” Khan turned, his cane in hand, hobbling toward the pair before noticing the drawer had been left open and the vial left exposed. His hand had the two cups down and immediately reached to slam the drawer shut. He could feel Zaad’s disappointment festering in his skull back but pushed it away instantly, tightening his ward on the demon’s emotions.

”Ssarak, are you sure you don’t want anything to drink as well?” Khan asked.

Ssarak nodded. ”Certainly.” He answered, taking his seat once more. His feelings on their conversation so far were encouraging, but cautious. Ssarak did feel that he had given the Headmaster an additional perspective, but he was not sure if the problem was solved entirely. He had a feeling that he would be speaking to Khan again sometime in the future.

Khan nodded then quickly proceeded to grab a third cup, taking a seat until the tea was finished. Something that wouldn’t take long as he folded his hands upon the desk and faced the pair, his eyes looking from one to another carefully. Through his face seemed calm enough on the outside, Khan was a slightly bit edgy when he realized how long that drawer had been open. Inside he couldn’t help but wonder if either of them had spotted Kudd’s little gift before he shoved the thought away. If they had, it was unlikely Leith or Ssarak would realize what the vial was or how much danger it could cause. Inhaling to relax, the headmaster finally asked a question he dreaded. “Anything else either of you would like to know?”

”We’ll just have to make sure Kudd doesn’t win.” Leith said as he took his cup of tea. From the way Khan slammed the drawer shut, Leith figured it was because there was something Khan didn’t want him or Ssarak to see. He glanced at Ssarak for a second when Khan asked if they had anything to ask him. He set his cup down and started stirring the tea with his Hydromancy. They had already touched on a few sensitive issues, he thought that they didn’t need to add any more. ”I have no other questions. What about you, Ssarak?”

Ssarak shook his head. ”No, nothing pressing. I am sure you will be needed back at the feast. Hopefully, the demonstrations will go more smoothly than last time. Though, I may not be present for them all.” He answered, a very slight grin coming across his face. Since reading Ovak’s letter, he had been thinking about what he was going to do after speaking to Khan, and what he had in mind just seemed...nice.

Khan nodded and enjoyed his tea for the time before finally accepting it was time to leave, enjoying the company for the time which was a change from sitting in the office alone late at night. Namely since Meirin could now sleep better and Aramir wandered aimlessly among the maze like hallways. Khan had been unable to keep up anymore in the month he was injured and hence, slowly started again. Through sadly, he realized, tonight and weeks after he would have once more cease them for relief in his leg. It made him slightly depressed since he would miss it.

Once the teacups were disposed of, Khan and the other students began to shuffle back to the feast. When the three entered, Khan bid them good bye and parted toward his own chair where he knew both Ovak and Uicle would be arriving shortly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by cqbexpt
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cqbexpt Warden Eternal

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Baulder & The less posh orcs

Baulder spent a good while wandering around the college looking for a golemn to ask it who Uicle was. When he eventually found one it told him "big suit of armor, dinning hall". Thinking that was enough to go off of he set off back across the college to the dinning hall. Following the smell of fire back to the dinning hall he walked into it and found it much the same as when he had left earlier. He began looking around for suits of armor. The only ones that he really saw were the other orcs. Baulder then remembered that the garbage probably wanted him to talk to all the orcs. Taking a moment to debate talking to them in his head Baulder made his way over to the orcs once again extending his legs to their full length.

As he approched the orcs he asked. "Are you the other orc diplo-whatevers and how do you feel about human meat?"

The orcs were eating their meat of boned meats and ale when Baulder arrived with his question. They just looked at him strangely and continued to eat.

"Yes the orc delegation from Torrin? I think that's... I'm from the college, how are you all finding the feast so far?" Baulder began smiling in a way that normal people would consider awkward but to Baulder it was a step down from his regular grin.

One of the orcs glared at Baulder and spoke with his mouth full. "We ain't from Torrin ya git. Shove off." He then returned to eating his meat, taking a bite out of his bread as well.

"Oelik, yes yes had to be sure. Regardless I'm not good with names yet, especially places. So I suppose I'm wondering how you are enjoying the feast and this place so far." Baulder's eye twitched at the idea that he had know idea what he was actually supposed to be doing. The other orcs had just kind of happened to Baulder. What was he doing with these ones?

The orcs continued to ignore Baulder. They were almost finished with their meal when one of the orcs stood up and walked towards the kitchen. He took out his knife (Or rather shortsword) and chopped off another leg of lamb for himself and a bit of ribs for his friend. He also grabbed another loaf of bread and returned to the table and continued to eat. The orc who was already there looked to Baulder and raised his mug to him. "You a servant? Get me another ale."

Baulder laughed, why did the garbage give him this task? He had no literal idea what he was doing. "No, I'm not a servant. Look if you guys don't have a damn thing to say to the college why are you even here? Do you have a damned thing to say about your homeland whatever you call it? Are you even a delegation or are you some people who happened to be walking by the college and thought "Ah food". I understand that believe me, but if you have no wish to make your problems known to the college then sod it." The moment of coherence made Baulder's eye twitch again. The garbage had no idea what it had asked him to do.

"Ah? Now what's this?" From behind Baulder was yet another he heavily armored orc, this one carrying a platter with assorted fruits. He was glaring at Baulder with one good eye, his other eye covered with some sort of horn skull. "What's this git's problem?" One of the orcs eating turned to the orc with fruits and spoke after he finished eating. "Don't know. Some ass hat looking fer a fight I guess. We're eatin' so ya can deal with him." The orc with fruits scoffed. He was hungry too. Though he supposed that he could always work out a bit. He looked at Baulder and picked up a banana. "Get outta here. You ain't anyone important. And if ya don't leave, yer gunna be dead."

Baulder laughed at the orc with the fruit plate who had appeared suddenly. Baulder tried his damnedest to cut through the thoughts for a moment. His face began to feel like it was on fire for a moment and he was allowed to think. "Are... you the Oelik delegate?"

"I am Warlord Agranok of the Gore Fiend Tribe. Who are you?" Agranok asked as he ate half the banana, skin and all.

"I'll take that as yes. I'm Baulder, I am supposed to ask you about how your people or lands are doing." Baulder felt his face cool down and the words return to their normal routine in his head. The same redundant thoughts brought to bare against each other and things of non importance rise to take the vacuum in his head that they had left.

"Baulder. Right. I'm going to guess that you don't know a thing about Oelik. First, I'm not a delegate for Oelik. Oelik's true leader is Malakaus Vorinclex, though many in Oelik would debate that fact. Oelik is currently in another civil war for dominance to figure out who will lead it after the death of Ghazkull Iron Head. Because Malakaus comes from a blood line that created the orcish holds Malakaus has the strongest claim, but as usual the orcs want to fight it out. But that's nothing new. If you want to know why we're here instead of shedding blood, it's because Malakaus wishes to speak to the college for support. Does that anwser your questions, meat loaf?"

Baulder laughed again, that was the first time he had been called actual food. A lot of people said they would eat him but never actually called him food.... he assumed meat loaf was food. "I have more questions. Eat first, though I realize I interrupt your breakfast I am sorrowful for that." Baulder let the orc past and went and grabbed a large slice of meat from what he guessed was a cow and put it onto a plate that was completely eclipsed by the cut of beef. He went and sat somewhat near the orcs and began tearing into yet more food.

Agranok shrugged his shoulders and took a seat next to the other two orcs, passing out some fruit between them as they each ate bits of lamb, bread, and fruits. They got up to go for seconds, thirds, and fourths, until eventually the other two orcs left and Angranok sat by himself, drinking a bit of wine.

Baulder having devoured several more pieces of juicy meat had kept half an eye on the orc. In his routine of eating he had decided to put John Cena to use and had him running back and forth with more meat. In a way Baulder took Khan's talk to heart and decided to reward the imp with his own cuts of meat. John Cena was shaking with every bite he took and everytime it brought Baulder into a laugh bordering on tears. After awhile he had eaten till he was no longer hungry and directed himself back to the orc. On a guess he figured that now the orc was alone and no longer eating but instead drinking he was done with breakfast.

Making his way over to the orc and sitting across from him. "Again, earlier I didn't know.... other species are still new to me. You said you were to ask the college for support of something. I suppose I'm to find out what..." Baulder's eye twitched and he felt his face burn again."... you needed help with."

The orc looked at Baulder and sighed. Agranok drank the rest of his wine and looked at the tall human person. "Alright lamb chop. To make the long story short, Malakaus wants the college to sell her and her armies magic weapons and mages to turn the tide in this war of succession. And if she gets it, she might win by the end of this season. None of the tribes have the same support she does, but there are still many tribes who speak against her, and so long as they remain that way she cannot bring peace to Oelik and drive them forward." Agranok noticed John Cena near Baulder, and despite whatever Baulder might think of it, the orc threw his mug at the imp hard enough for it to shatter. "Get that demon spawn out of here. It's because of them Oelik has been so divided."

"Oh, uh sorry." Baulder had to think for a moment how to get him to go back to the Inferno without killing him outright, it had been so long since he had done it that way. Once he figured that out he put the appropriate effort in and looked over to where John Cena was. He didn't say anything but he looked at him with pleading eyes and a bleeding shoulder where the mug had hit him. Baulder put on his usual grin and the demon frowned. He disappeared once Baulder blinked and he turned back to the orc. "I forgot about him, was not good of me. Anyways, I guess you have all been having demon problems aswell then. How bad has it been?"

"Hmph. Something like that. Malakaus had united 7 of the 10 great tribes of Oelik. That itself is a feat worthy of a king. But a lot of things came up. For one, there was much dispute over the fact that she was a woman fighting for the title of kingship. Then the demons started to arise through the Ravine, bringing monsters with them. The great tribes got hit the hardest forcing them to deal with the monsters. Lots of people think this is the work of their enemy, but there are too many demons for them to spare men for investigations. We're close to breaking this deadlock. The great tribes are still holding out and the other tribes are still divided amongst themselves, getting picked off by demons, mauranders, and us. But desperation can make powerful enimies. Right now we're in a cease fire, but Malakaus wishes to amass the means to crush her oppisition once and for all. As for the demons, we've kept them in check, but it's only a matter of time before they find a weakness and exploit it. I suspect that the other tribes might try to create an opening for them, further causing chaos in the land. So we need the college's support quickly."

"I don't know about the college taking your side in a war, the demons though. I'm entirely sure the college would be willing to help with that. Maybe even slow them down for you, though I obviously can't promise anything but I will certainly bring it to the headmaster right away. Have any of your neighbors been... taking advantage of this conflict or have they mostly stayed away?" Baulder said his face feeling like it was burning yet he felt no urge to attempt to put it out.

Snorting Agranok stood up and walked away. He came back shortly after with two tankards full of wine. He said his piece as he drank. "Of course. Tidehome has been promising support and better trade to Malakaus if we allow them to send their people into our lands. Not something I agree with though; Oelik is soverign lands of the orcs. If they want to bring their orcs, fine, but I know they just want to send all their people into our territory and try to take it away from us. Torrin, as always, seeks to increase the conflict to weaken Oelik even more. Most have given their support to anyone willing to oppose Malakaus or the seven great tribes, and they back the remaining three with warriors and weapons."

Finishing off one tankard Agranok started on his second one. He poured in a little something form his hipflask. Whatever it was, it was purple and glowing. "Djarkel has been quiet all things considered, but every now and again we catch their spies in our land. It's not unusual, but it does make me wonder what they're looking for this time. Eania has also approached us, or at least one of their lords. They seek a trade agreement with Malakaus, but I don't trust those cocky bastards. We know that they've also approached the other tribes, so we know they're just a bunch of vultures." Agranok finished his tankard, slamming it onto the table. His eyes had a red tint to them, his teeth gritted in anger for some reason. "Now is that all the questions ya got, chicken wing, or do ya need to keep pestering me some more?

Baulder laughed again at being called chicken wing, he liked this orc some what. Baulder felt like he was burning now and like at any moment his skin would begin to peel off from the heat. "I suppose that's it for the questions. Though if you do end up letting the people from Tidehome in i would suggest putting them to work. Not much use as warriors but maybe they can be useful elsewhere, could help your war. Enjoy the rest of the feast Agranok, may your axe find itself in your enemies again soon." Baulder smiled largely again his face looking visably fine but the feeling of his skin being scorched was very much real to him.

Getting up from his seat and moving around the table and away from the disinterested orc Baulder began sweating. The heat made him want to tear his own face off, suddenly it was gone. The pain had left as soon as soon as he got away from the orc. For a few moments Baulder began wondering where he was. "What...where...am I, yes yes. We are here." Baulder acquired a headache as soon as those thoughts passed in and out of his mind. They were like a distant memory long forgotten but the feelings managed to manifest themselves on the surface for just a moment. Baulder growled not know what other response to have and quickly looked around for a moment. He was at the college, he needed to talk to Uicle. That would be best would it not?

Baulder quickly looked around the room for more armor and found what had been described to him as Uicle. A giant suit of armor wielding a staff.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 days ago

Annabeth Gulch

"Let's go, I know a place that has great wine that flows like water in the ocean!" Annabeth lead Aramir out of the shooting range and towards the lower levels of Underhaven. There was a large crowd already there, but from the sounds of it so was a fight. Peering in Annabeth could see brawlers duking it out against each other, from Djarkel Soldiers wresting each other to the ground to a bunch of orcs beating each other with planks of wood. The bouncer didn't seem too worried however, which meant Annabeth had nothing to worry about. Fighting in underhaven wasn't uncommon, as long as it was sanctioned, no one except the brawlers will get hurt. "Looks lively in here! Cmon, let's grab a drink before these meat heads run this place dry."

Annabeth pushed her way through the crowd, making sure Aramir was near by. What with her being so short, it wouldn't' be hard for people to trample over her. Still, with so many people it was going to be inevitable that they would get separated... Unless... "Aramir hang on tight!" Annabeth reached over to the snow elf and in one swift action, put Aramir onto Annabeth's shoulders. The little elf didn't weigh more then 90lbs at most, and the weight was distributed evenly across her shoulders. This made them a strange sight for sure, but this way Aramir could see all the action and not have to worry about people stomping all over her.

Making her way towards the bar Annabeth called out for the barkeep. "Two shots of Aqua Magnus!" Not a minute later two glowing blue shot cups were slid into Annabeth's hands. Made with 1oz of vodka, 1oz of pineapple juice, and chilled with a frozen sphere of ice known as "True Ice", ice created by a master Crytomancer. The stuff could withstand the Inferno, and Annabeth could feel her fingers freeze up just touching the cup. But the cool taste multiplied the flavor and intensity of the alcohol, to the point that if they didn't hurry it might freeze in the cup. "Bottom's up!"

Lucilia Riovas

Lucilia stopped in her tracks when she felt Ovak's mental message in her head. Her wards were up, but no one short of Satori could actively resist Ovak's magic. "Ovak you should be in bed! You never told any of us that you'd be in attendance. What would happen if you fall ill here? Or over exert yourself? I do not have your medication on me! I'm having a hard enough time making sure the headmaster is alive and well, please do not make it harder for me." Despite being the archmage of great power, even Ovak has his weaknesses, and time was everyone's enemy. She could already see many other diplomats staring at Ovak, knowing who he is and the influence he has. And knowing that he could pick up her thoughts easily Lucilia made no efforts not to inform Ovak of her thoughts on the matter. "Besides that, many here know who you are. They will come to you with request and questions, ignoring the rest of us. They'll assume that you'd have an absolute authority over us, and if you comply against our wishes it'll make the college look weak. But if you also do nothing but differ to us they'll think that the Archmage is incapable of making his own judgement. Your presence here tips the careful balance of power, and I do not want anyone to try to take advantage of it!"

Despite those thoughts however Lucilia did not approach Ovak any further, merely staying back and watching him. She needed to be careful about who Ovak interacts with; ever since the last assassination attempt on Khan, Lucilia has made sure she is prepared for any and all occurrances. But she did not prepare for Ovak.

"Uh... Very well. For what reason?"

Lucilia's mind was snapped back to reality at Grey's statement. Ignoring his fumbling with his axe Lucilia needed to think of a way to keep an eye on Ovak. Digging into her pockets she removed a key and handed it towards Grey. "I need to speak to the diplomats about business. And I need you you to refrain from raising your voice because I shall be speaking to some who work with are are vampires. I know what you think about them, but I shall deal with them myself. If I want them harmed, I'll be sure to let you know. But before we do that, I need you to return to my room and retrieve a large brown leather bag in my office. Inside you should find many vials and medicinal powders. They're medicine for the headmaster, archmage, and anyone else who may fall ill or wounded." Moving closer to Grey Lucilia spoke in a lower voice so it could only be heard between the two of them. "The Archmage is not immortal. Time has made him weak and sickly, and normally he has to rest in his room. I do not know how or why he is here, but if something should happen I want to make sure I'm ready to heal him on a moment's notice. So hurry, find my bag and come back as soon as you can. Let nothing stop you." Lucilia looked at Grey with a serious face while she handed him her room key. She knows that Grey is suppose to be with her at all times due to the incident with Lyn, but Lucilia can't risk leaving Ovak alone. Besides, Ovak and Uicle were also here to make sure she stayed out of trouble. And to keep trouble away, if it came to that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Konan375
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Darius had just finished his morning exercises when he was approached by a golem that told him to go find Khan and tell him to take his medicine. He frowned. It seemed like a childish thing to not take medication. With a shrug, Darius made his way out of the courtyard that was starting to fill up with soldiers. He had turned the corner to the hallway that led to Khan's office in time to see someone banging on the headmaster's door and asking loudly if he had been taking his medicine.

As the man was invited into the office by Khan, Darius turned around and walked away. Someone had already come to check up on Khan, and Darius didn't think that two people needed to remind the Esyire to take his medicine. He made his way to the dining hall, got himself a plate of food and sat down at one of the tables in the corner of the room. Darius watched the people in the room as he ate. As he was finishing his meal, he noticed someone making his way to his table. He frowned at the wings the man had. They didn't seem possible. He nodded at the man when he stopped in front of the table. "What is it?" he asked simply.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alaira Taenn
Alaira rolled her eyes at Athalus as she let the man speak, tapping her fingers on her arm. "Wake up. This freedom of yours is a fever dream. Your stubbornness'll get all your people killed when one of those big bad countries comes to take that land anyhow. One of those two will own Tidehome by the end, and if not that's because they made it a crater. And if you ally with us, that puts us on the top of their collective shitlists too. So, kindly fuck off back to your swamp and... I don't know. Roll around in the mud. Whatever it is you do." She said, waving dismissively as she dragged Athalus behind her, disappearing into the crowd... Well, not really. She was tall enough to stand out anyhow, but retribution for her comments would be difficult with all those bodies in the way... Though she didn't think he'd do anything anyway. and if he did, well that was great too. Nobody could complain about her punching him if he struck first.

She sighed, her expression going dark when she heard him speak of Mar... Lately, she didn't know how to feel about her... She'd seen what she'd done to Athalus. And he just... took it. That one eyed guard liked to mope about what happened to his hand, but it wasn't like he lopped it off himself... Mar had nearly killed Athalus on multiple occasions, and it only seemed to be getting worse... If she loved him, why did she hurt him? You don't hurt the people you love... She shook her head, resting her hand on his shoulder. "I'll go with ya... Make sure nothing crazy happens..." She said seriously, unhanding him as she gestured to him to lead the way.

Grey Onyx
Grey thought back to the axe. Only weapon? That's funny. Last I checked you couldn't do a lap around this place without tripping over a random weapon... I can get an axe that's just as sharp that doesn't sass me any time I want... Hell, Tyrael'd probably trade me a damn good one for you. So if you want me to keep you, and I assume you do since you haven't flown to someone else's hip, I suggest you better be giving me some good reasons that aren't threats. And without someone to swing you around you're useless... Why bother with me if you could just swing around and kill stuff on your own all the time? I'm not stupid.

Grey stroked his chin, listening to Lucilia speak. He rolled his eyes at the mention of vampires, but let the subject lie. He had learned to at least keep that to himself more often than not. he quirked a brow when she leaned in to speak more privately, his eye widening in alarm at the seriousness of the Archmage's presence... He had to watch Lucilia, sure, but what if the Archmage died because he refused to fetch the medicine? His fragile conscience was strained enough as it is! He nodded urgently, standing at attention and giving a quick salute as he took the key. "Yes Ma'am. It will be done." He said seriously, turning and heading for her office...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by cqbexpt
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cqbexpt Warden Eternal

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Baulder blinked for a second. For some reason he had felt like he lost time. He hadn't though, he still had to talk to Uicle about the orcs. He stood for a second in the sea of people now in the dinning hall and tried to look around for the suit of armor. He extended his legs to their full length to put himself above atleast part of the crowd. He began scanning the room from above some of the heads looking for the staff that he was told about. After a minute or so of searching he managed to find the hulking suit of armor and he returned back to his normal height. On his way over however he decided to go grab some more of what he had been told was called "Turkey".

Apon grabbing what he could only guess what the whole breast with his hand he began to take large chunks out of the hunk of meat. As he approached the suit he for the first time in awhile said. "You Uicle?" He said pointing at the staff with his free hand.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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"I don't think we should..." Aramir said, trailing off uncertainly and being lead away. If it meant not being forced to talk to the Snow Elf delegation, who she knew would find out about her past and condemn her for it in a heartbeat, she was willing to follow the strange human girl to have some promised fun. The Snow Elf's eyes widened as they entered Underhaven, staring at the packed room of shins and knees. She was grateful for the noise. The sounds shouting and talking (Aramir was as of yet unaware of the brawls) washed over her and for a brief moment Aramir closed her eyes, smiling slightly. It wasn't the eternal howling of the winds on the Frozen Plains, but the noise was constant and loud. That, coupled with the ever present and ever bright lights, was more than enough to relax her. She frowned at Annabeth, raising an eyebrow as the human began to push her way into the crowd. With a sigh and a slight squaring of her shoulders, the Snow Elf followed. For a a few moments it was terrible. She was knocked about by those legs she couldn't dodge, which was most of them.

She gave a surprised yelp, blushing as Annabeth picked her up and set her on her shoulders. "No, I'm okay, really, I'm fine, you don't have to do this." Her protestations fell on deaf ears, and Aramir suddenly felt what it was like to tower above everyone around you. It was a novel feeling, until she noticed the fights going on in various places of Underhaven. Immediately, Aramir tensed and felt sick. There was nothing she could do about it, however, and no one else seemed worried. Still, the Snow Elf had to forcefully make herself relax again, the noise washing over her no longer seeming so relaxing.

As Aramir go the chilled drink from Annabeth, she barely noticed the chill. It reminded her of home and she smiled, staring at the cup a moment before taking it in one go as Annabeth suggested. No reason for her not too, right? Immediately she felt the alcohol's effects, growing more light headed and giggly. The world just seemed like a better place. "Don't get me too drunk." She spoke to Annabeth, bending over to look at the human, albeit upside down. "I'd rather be able to walk to my room by myself, thank you very much.


Uicle, fully intending upon finding the Archmage and scolding him in front of his students, was stopped suddenly by an approaching student. Baulder, if he remembered the Rheven-Ari's name correctly. Uicle would have raised an eyebrow at the studen if he could. As it was, he simply stared at Baulder as he tore chunks out of an entire turkey breast. "Yes. I'm Uicle. Do you have something to say, or would you rather go back to eating the entire dinner table? If you're not careful, you won't have any room left over for desert!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Meirin | Ovak | Djarkel Diplomats | Lucilia


Meirin looked at Ovak and Uicle. She merely smiled at the older gentleman, assuming that he was a friend of Uicle. "Of course." She helped Ovak to his feet and the two walked to the diplomats. Meirin took the opportunity to examine the old man. He was dark skinned, probably from Yarosmere. He was obviously quite old if he needed a cane to walk, but the way he dressed also made him look kind of like a mage. Though considering that this was the college, Meirin wouldn't be surprised if he was one. Perhaps he was a diplomate from Yarosmere? But what was his magic? Aeromancy seems to be rather common from that area, or maybe vitamancy. But if he was a vitamancer would he be this... Freeble? Meirin figured that a powerful vitamancer would be able to be relatively healthy throughout their life. Not that Meirin knew a lot about Vitamancy, she's working hard learning Weaving.

Soon Meirin arrived to meet the Djarkel diplomats. They seemed to be talking to their aides when they noticed Meirin. Or rather they noticed Ovak. Meirin was worried because they seemed to be talking cheerfully one moment, then looked almost... Worried. Meirin herself glanced at Ovak and wondered just who he was, and how much trouble she might be for not knowing his identity.

Remembering that she had a job to do Meirin looked to the diplomats and greeted them. "Hello, I am Meirin Kurenai, of the Heaven's Reach Monastery. I'm pleased to meet representatives of Djarkel, how is the home country?"

Ovak’s stare was quiet and stern, his gaze flickered from the pure shock on the Djarkel diplomats to Meirin. His hands touched his cane, decorated with a griffin head, and firmly stood as still as he could. His old ears were fixed on the young woman’s introduction causing him to kindly smile with some form of pride at how well she held herself. Diplomacy was a rare trait for many individuals and sometimes poorly nurtured, leaving a promising student to nothing more than a stumbling child among the cruel adults. He pressed his lips lightly together while waiting for the diplomats to answer her, giving each an expected look when the room utterly silent. By now, many people had finally noticed his presence among the proceedings and stood still in awe.

Despite that, he continued to ignore them when he politely backed Meirin’s question. “I believe Meirin asked about her homeland, which being of the Monastery, makes her a Djarkel citizen doesn't it? I hope you don’t plan on keeping us in suspense over a simple question because curiosity has a habit of growing.”

His tone was neither threatening or anger, but rather kind and teacherly in his hinting that making them wait was rather ill manners.

The two diplomats glanced between each other as Meirin and Ovak spoke. Of course they didn't really have any reason not to answer her question, least of all while the Archmage was here. One of the diplomats, a tall man in a fine cut robe with light armor, looked at Meirin and gave her a polite smile. "A warrior of the mountains? It's good to finally meet one in person. I am Erandur Varosa, Baron of the Forest City." He bowed his head towards Meirin and motioned towards one of his aids. He left to go fetch drinks.

"It is not doing well, Miss Kurenai. Not well at all. There have been an influx of demons in the north. And while we have many warriors, much of our attention is drawn there to ensure that the demons do not spill to the south. But that's not the worse of it. We believe that the demons have so much traction due to cultist within our own cities. Demon worshipers have infiltrated the baronies, from the lowliest peasants to some of the barons themselves. Trouble is is finding out which Baron has thrown their lot in with these demons. And to be frank, many baronies have made alliances with demons in the past, but none of them have sold our Djarkel like this..."

Eandur shot a glance at Ovak before focusing his attention back onto Meirin. "I'm sure the warriors of Heaven's Reach has dealt with demons before. And surely you were here for the demon attack here not too long ago? I am not like some barons who believe that a number of swords would be enough to drive back the demonic horde. Don't you think the college could help the Forest City in defending it's people from these monsters?"

But before Meirin could answer another person spoke up. Another man, shorter and more simply dressed, but the material of his clothing made up for the lack of design; golden silk that shined even in the dim light, with a white cotton shirt underneath. He wore a gilded silver ring with a scorpion motif. "Please Sir Varosa. You warriors are doing a fine job protecting Djarkel against the demon menace. But as you said, the true threat lies within the our cities. I am Anil of the Three Stings, an organization that has reason to believe that the true threat isn't the demons, but the cultist within Djarkel. We have more then enough soldiers to fight off any of our enemies, but the issue is finding out who is truly our ally. The cultist prey on the poor and dissolute within Djarkel, coercing them into joining them with promises of power and carnal desires, things which demons can offer, but not without a price. Surely you've seen Djarkel's at it's worse, haven't you Miss Kurenai? You know how poor and desperate some are, enough to turn to banditry even. If the college could help, they should look to assist the common wealth rather then militaristic endeavors."

The two diplomats seemed to be operating on different agendas, but still neither disrupted one another or paid each other any mind. They seemed to be looking to Meirin for some sort of answer, as if she has the authority to make this sort of call.

Meirin was surprised that the diplomats said so much to her. She was honestly just expecting some casual conversation, not this filibuster. She did her best to remember what Erandur and Anil were saying, thinking deeply about what they were suggesting. First she spoke to Erandur since he was the one to speak to her first. "I've never been to the Forest City, as I've only heard of it from travelers. And I have fought demons before, both while I lived back at the Monastery as well as here at the college. I completely understand the necessity of allying with one another against the demons. But why not ask for fellow barons? Surely they too are threaten by the demonic horde."

Then Meirin looked towards Anil with a sympathetic look. Meirin always wanted to try to help the community in some way, though she hates to admit that her only worth while skills are her combat abilities. Aside from teaching others how to protect herself, she had no idea how to help a community. But she was always willing to try any way she could.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea Sir Anil, but how would you propose that the college improve the welfare of the people? What they need is to be able to rise above their station under their own power. Too often I've seen influential and charismatic leaders bring the poor and downtrodden from nothing, only to become something as bad or worse as those before them. I know this because those same people were bandits hoping to become barons on a campaign of violence."

Meirin liked to see the good in others, but she wasn't so naive to think that something like this wouldn't happen. It's the entire reason why the monastery stays in the mountain and doesn't involve itself in the politics of Djarkel. Without a doubt, they would have the strength of arms to challenge the baronies, but to what end? They would simply end up causing more fighting and destruction, and win or lose all that will be left is death. Something needed to be changed for sure, but Meirin hoped that neither Erandur or Anil were expecting the college to supply them any form of support that would be used for violence or war. At least that's not something Meirin would approve of.

Ovak had remained completely still throughout all of Meirin's response. He not once giving a sign to the diplomats he had seen or heard them attempt to gain his attention, while he listened to the student's attempt to resolve both problems without getting the College involved directly. He appeared to digest the words for several moments before speaking. "It seems Ms. Kureni knows the school's policy on remaining neutral and very well I might add, a fact I'm very proud of. Well done. Though, Djarkel has problems like this in the past and still not quite to this degree. I'm curious why now they have become so wildly out of hand compared to the past, a matter to consider because when you locate the source, the root, then the problems became much simpler to solve. Is there other issues you wish to discuss with us?"

Though Ovak had asked, his voice clearly knew there was something further to bring into the light as he looked upon the pair while standing beside Meirin, firmly supporting her. He inhales, though Meirin would feel a slight, coaxing brush against her wards asking for permission inside. It was Ovak using psychomancy with a praise and secret for her, if she allowed it.

'Well done, Meirin. You've got some budding diplomatic skills and if you desire, I'm certain Lidda and others could help you define those traits at your wish of course. Though, I get the feeling the diplomats aren't revealing everything about Djarkel's problems, a matter we need get to the bottom of. How do you suggest we approach this?


Meirin flinched when she heard the voice in her head. She nearly lunged out defensively when she recognized that voice as Ovak. Was he a Psychomancer? He must have been a friend of Satori. Perhaps her teacher, given his age? He also complimented her on what she said, though she didn't feel that she was enforcing the college's neutrality. Honestly, she did want to help, but she didn't want to help simply by fighting. Djarkel has enough fighting as it is.

"I'm honestly not sure... I suppose I would like to hear more of what they would have to say first. I'm not entirely sure why they're even asking for my opinion, though I'll do my best to try to suggest something to help." Being a diplomat was the last thing Meirin had expected to do. She was a woman of actions, not words. She didn't know how to communicate a solution, but she at least knew what was a bad idea when she hears it.

"You also mentioned some sort of cult? What do you know about that?"

The two diplomats seem to ignore Meirin as soon as Ovak spoke to them. Erandur spoke first, pulling out a map. "Actually, we have found the main source where the demons come from. Of course they are arriving in multiple locations through the Ravine, but our scouts have reported this location having the greatest concentration. Which also means that it's the most heavily defended. I will not lie; the barons do have their hands full. They cannot spare the men to a joint operation when they need those same men to defend their lands and people. It is the same problem that plagues the Forest City. But perhaps the college could assist us? Provide at least arms and training for demon slaying? The Forest City are no strangers to war, but we are more accustomed to battling against conventional men, not these monsters."

"But the warrior said is true. In order to fight against the cultist we need to do more then simply arming and raising a force against them. Currently the issue is, as you should know, the constant state of war that Djarkel is in. I know each has their own reason to fight, but this war serves no one. Thousands of men and women die everyday in battle, and those who survive either grow fond of blood on their lips or flee. But Djarkel executes deserters, forcing them to become bandits in order to survive. I know that change will not happen quickly, nor would it be easy, but we have to start somewhere. Which is why I propose that perhaps the college would be willing to take in refugees and displaced residents of Djarkel? In order to keep them away from the influences of these cultist." Anil spoke towards Meirin and Ovak, but he looked towards Ovak for an answer.

"Relax, Meirin. I'm not like Satori, who has an odd tendencies for experiments, and I will not abuse my power. Though I apologize for not asking permission first before entering your mind. I much rather the diplomats not over hear our conversation as you can see, will cease to acknowledge your presence. A fact I find rather... ill mannered. As that doubt you have, actions and often have different strengths in key situations. It's the skill of a diplomat to know when and how to use action or words to proceed for the answers they seek. Master them both, you'll be a force to remember young lady."

First Ovak addressed Anil, who had the politeness to at least direct his conversation toward the both of them though it was clear he was leaning toward Ovak for an answer. "It might work for a time, but what happens when the cultist attempt to infect the place using the very innocents you send here. The College is and always have been, neutral in the matters of Djarkel, Eania, Yarsomere and many other nationalities. Providing care, housing and other means on College grounds would invite Eania to believe our support lies with Djarkel and end up inviting conflict in our otherwise neutral stance. However, Meirin, do you had any ideas to add to this?"

As he waited for Anil to answer or at least consider what Meirin had to say, he turned to Erandur. "Well, it seems that much is something all of Tiien has in common from what I've heard. Everyone is having serious trouble. Though I believe, in this instance, Ms. Kureni makes a good point that by combining your forces. Though it's odd that the demons would be surging through the Ravine to the surface. Usually when you head to the surface... bigger and hungrier things tend to get in the way. Ms. Kureni, I believe the Monastery has some proven tactics against demons, don't they? Would you be willing to go to Djarkel, speak to the Temple and with the spiritual leaders to teach the soldiers the best methods to deal with the demons?"

Turning to Ovak Meirin had a look of surprise and disbelief. They wanted her to go back home and ask the artists how to deal with demons? Admittedly, they did have some knowledge, but none of it Meirin knew about. She just always figured their knowledge only extended to the weapons they made to fight against demons. She was uncertain if they even had any actual means to fend against demons aside from slaying them. Still... There were secrets within she doesn't know about, and perhaps they did know something. It was worth a shot and Meirin wanted to visit home anyways.

"Of course. Heaven's Peak monastery has many techniques to subdue demons, and knowledge of how to forge weapons that are particularly effective against them. They are not quite as powerful as the enchanted ones of the college, but they are still masterwork weapons and require no magic to empower them. However there is still the matter of the cultists you mentioned. Aside from being aligned with demons, what exactly have they done? What are they motivations, beyond following the commands of demons?"

This was where both Anil and Erandur looked a bit lost. "Well... Frankly, not much. We know that they have been supporting the demon's efforts through subterfuge, as we've yet to obtain any reports of the cultist openly working against the baronies. Things such as leaking information, sabotage, and causing civil unrest. Grievous things I assure you. But as for their motivations? We have no idea. Nearly all the cultist we've captured committed suicide before we could even bring them for interrogation. And unfortunately we lack the magics to extract information from the dead. Another thing I hoped the college could assist us with. I'm sure you have mages who could make the act of gathering information much easier. For the safety of Djarkel, I would hope this is the case."

Soon a servant came back with a platter of wine for everyone. Erandur and Anil took their cups while the servant offered the remaining two to Ovak and Meirin. Not too far away Lucilia was watching carefully, ready to swoop in should something occur.

"Ummm.." Ovak stated, his thin hand brought to his chin and fiddled slightly with his goatee. His eyes glanced at the two diplomats for a moment as they started to acknowledge Meirin to be someone of respect though he had the feeling it would quickly vanish the moment he went back to his seat. Though the College could easily give Djarkel what it wanted, it still risked complications with their alliance between the warring nations. Though there was one individual that could assist without harm to himself or the college representation, Rurik. Sadly, putting the dwarf on the spot wasn't ideal. Unless...

Gently taking one glass of wine, he gently passed it to Meirin for her to take than took the other himself. Though he didn't drank it yet.

'Meirin, I believe Lucilia is lurking. Feel free to bring her into the conversation if you wish and when, as I trust your judgement. However, don't underestimate yourself as you're doing fairly well in this. Sadly, as important that information is with the dead, involving the College would have Eania breathing down Khan's throat. If we deny any aid at all, then they will turn to Yarosmere who are the verge of purging the Naga's existence from this land. A fact I fear is merely hurting the delicate balance as we speak. It's terrible our resident Naga student isn't taking it very herself though that is another problem for another time. So, shall we wrap this up so you can enjoy some quality time with your young Esyire gentleman? I believe he and you have a date in the garden. My suggestion is mention Rurik. I believe Rurik might be better suited in that area as to keep the College neutral. The dwarf has come across many interesting things in his life and would have little problem with acquiring what they will need much easier through Runes.

He moved slightly to place his hand on Meirin's shoulder again as if signalling her to speak when she was ready.


It was getting a bit embarrassing letting Ovak read her mind. She hasn't even mentioned Ssarak and he already know her relationship with him. She'd love to go see him, but she didn't think that Ovak would know that she intended to meet with him soon. Though thanks to Ovak's mental messages he did tell Meirin of Lucilia, who'd Meirin would more then gladly hand the two diplomats off to. However when Ovak mentioned Yarosmere purging their lands of the naga, Meirin's eyes grew wide. Why would they do such a thing? The first thing that came to mind was, of course, Mar, but then Meirin thought of Lyn. While she was only half-naga, if Yarosmere were so brutal that they would commit genocide against an entire race, would they really stop themselves from harming one girl who only shares half their lineage? Not if Meirin had anything to say about it.

Taking the drink Meirin simply held onto it as she pondered what she would say next. Finally once she had an idea she spoke. [color-00a651]"I see. In that case, you don't truly need the college. These cultist seems to be sly people, and simply bringing in our people will only give them cause to cease their actions until the college is gone. That won't solve the problem. What you need is someone who can investigate the matter themselves without drawing as much attention. It also sounds like you need supplies for your war again demons, but the college is not the only one with these supplies. I can recommend a merchant by the name of Rurik, a dwarf who's crafts rival the college's own. He is an ally of the college as well, so you can be sure that he can be convinced to assist you, so long as he's able to turn a profit."[/color]

But there was still the issue with the refugees that Anil had spoke of, which Meirin wasn't sure she'd have a solution for. The best she could suggest is the monastery, but she'd have to speak to them first. At least she could tell Anil she'd speak to them. "As Ovak said, the college assists all, but we cannot take in just Djarkel refugees, and even if we did cultist may very well infiltrate their ranks. Please understand that the college must be able to protect itself as well. That being said, I believe that Heaven's Peak could shelter any refugee of war from the dangers of Djarkel, though you'd have to wait to see what they would say about the matter. Heaven's Peak are a kind and generous people who will shelter and protect anyone who comes to their doors, so long as they uphold their laws and maintenance peace. At the very least the refugees would get to stay within Djarkel, and as soon as peace comes to the land they can return home without braving a longer journey."

Eradur and Anil seemed pleased at these answers, though in truth they wanted more help from the college. They always kept trying to play neutral in the affairs of the world, hardly even helping their allies. But neither of the two were foolish enough to press more from Meirin, not in front of Ovak. Anil in particular was in a haste to leave because he noticed the presence of Lucilia, who would be much more willing and capable of forcing a one-sided deal if she picks up from where Meirin left off.

Anil finished his wine and bowed to the two, giving his cup to a servant. "Thank you very much, Miss Kurenai! We'll use all the help we can get, and all the better to get it from Djarkel itself. I know many of our enemies sees our nation as nothing more then brigands and war, but we are just as capable of working in unison as any other great land. Now then, I must go and report our deal to my fellows. It was a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Meirin Kurenai, and you as well Archmage." Anil beat a hasty retreat just as Lucilia approached, her smile pleasant and dripping with venom. Much too late Erandur noticed Lucilia and grabbed another cup of wine, drinking it for courage.

"Meirin... Ovak... What a pleasure to see you two today. I trust that your both enjoying the festivities?" Lucilia shot a look at Erandur which nearly made him drop his glass. "Ah! Erandur! How is the Forest City? I do hope my investment of Living Steel is helping your city's construction efforts. Do you still have that problem with the as well?"

Sighing in relief Meirin looked over to Ovak and extended her hand towards him. "Well then, let's return to your seat then. It looks like Professor Lucilia will take care of things here." Meirin turned and walked towards to teacher's table, but she was secretly sweating like a river. She had no idea that Ovak was the Archmage, of all things. She actually thought Khan was the Archmage, and Headmaster was simply another title of Archmage. Meirin was very self-conscious about how she acted in front of Ovak now, knowing that she essentially spoke over him when it came to matters of the college. On one hand, Ovak did praise her for her diplomacy skills, which she suppose is a sign of approval. If he really thought she wasn't doing a good job surely he would have stopped her. But on the other hand she was ashamed of how ignorant she was.

Soon Meirin and Ovak reached the teachers table and Meirin bowed to the Archmage. "Thank you for taking care of me, Archmage. I'm sorry but I must go and..." Meirin's face grew hot the more she thought about meeting with Ssarak and knowing that Ovak could read her mind. They were innocent thoughts, but still Meirin had some very personal... Fantasies. Without another word she beat a hasty retreat out of the dinning hall. Ssarak was at the Gardens, which hopefully won't be too populated. It was quite scenic, all the more reason she was worried that there would be too many people. Though at least it shouldn't be hard to find Ssarak.

"My pleasure, Ms. Kureni. And he's waiting for you, and a bit of advise. Cherish your love as it will see you through troubles ahead." Ovak spoke gently, letting the student escape his presence and the hallway. His body leaned into the chair letting the exhaustion sweep over him for the time as he turned toward Khan. He lingered seeing his headmaster had finally taken a seat beside the archamge and gently, put his hand on the Esyire's shoulder. It wasn't hard to note the tension in Khan's figure though Ovak chose to ignore it for he knew why. Sadly, he couldn't interfer else things would crumble and so, he had to trust what he had set in motion would prevent their greatest ally from becoming their worse enemy in the end. Only time would officially tell, Ovak sighed inwardly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Ssarak Dyreackthanose


At first, Ssarak was not quite certain what to do after leaving Khan’s office. There were no other tasks to complete, but Ovak had not yet told him it was time to go to the garden. The feast would likely be starting soon, but once it did, he would probably not be staying long. Regardless, he headed back to the dining hall, which was probably the best place currently to pass the time.

Once he rejoined the crowds in the dining hall, Ssarak wandered mostly aimlessly. He did see Meirin, but she appeared to be in a conversation with two finely-dressed individuals, perhaps diplomats, and an old Yarsomerian man. Based on the description he had heard of Ovak, he felt that it might be the Archmage, but he had never actually seen him in person before. He did not wish to interrupt, so he continued to search around the room to perhaps find another of his friends to converse with. However, his thoughts kept going back to Meirin, which had not been uncommon over the past few days. He felt like he was becoming a bit obsessed, honestly, but he did not quite believe that to be a bad thing. To him, it meant the feelings were genuine, instead of some trick of his mind.

After a few minutes, Ssarak decided that there was no reason to continue waiting. Ovak had not told him it was time, but there was no harm in arriving early. It would give him the chance to actually prepare something for Meirin. Luckily, the fact that it was the day of the feast meant that there was plenty of food around with which he could collect a dinner for himself and Meirin. He was quick to gather food for his own meal, but he took more time making his selections for Meirin. He knew she did not eat meat, but it took some time for him to think back on the foods he could recall her eating, and what she had liked. Nevertheless, he was able to put together a plate of steamed vegetables, a bowl of mushroom and cream soup, a side of watermelon and grapes, and some wine for the both of them. He was fairly certain she would eat cream, though he would have to ask to be sure. He put both dishes, along with the wine, into a large, covered platter and carried it carefully with him out of the dining hall. He was not certain if the staff would want him to take an entire platter…but he did anyways.

Ssarak rarely had a specific reason to go to the garden, so he had to wander for a few minutes in the right general area in order to find it. As he hoped, he was the only person present for the moment. The feast had drawn most of the population of the College to the dining hall, and the area around it, so it seemed as if he would have the chance to spend quality time alone with Meirin. He just needed to find the best place for them to sit; Ovak had mentioned something about cupid roses, though he could not confess to actually knowing what those were.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Meirin Kurenai

Meirin went straight towards the garden, but not before gussying herself up. While putting on make up wasn't unusual for Meirin, today was a special occasion, so she not only applied a bit more then usual, but even kept a bit with her to fix any messes. And dashing to the garden cause her to sweat enough to cause some of her make up to start running, so using a pool of water as her mirror Meirin reapplied what she needed before she spotted Ssarak in the gardens.

The gardens were peaceful and quiet unlike most of the college. Everyone must have gone towards the dining hall. Finding Ssarak would be no problem here, but Meirin wanted to walk a bit. As she enjoyed the scenery she pondered just how her relationship with Ssarak has gone so far. They've only been together for about a week, officially. Thinking back on it she's actually been with Ssarak for much longer, and it's only been recently that they've told their feelings for one another. She wondered if she was taking things too quickly, but considering how close they were even before Meirin confessed to him, perhaps this was her chance to take things up a notch? Her face blushed at the idea however, thinking that she was being hasty. While she certainly had fantasies about Ssarak and their possible life together, she needed to be careful not to get too crazy. Temperance and consideration was needed, as well as communication. Meirin wouldn't mind living the rest of her life with Ssarak, but only after she accepts that he is the one she wants to be with forever. Meirin loves Ssarak, but a decision like that... There were too many things to account for.

As she wandered around Meirin came across Cupid Roses. She remembered seeing them in alchemy class, though they lacked any notable properties. But symbolically, they were a classical representation of one's love and devotion. Specifically a prayer for young love, to flourish against adversity and strife. It was appropriate for the situation: Meirin wasn't quite ready for a long-term commitment, but she was more than happy to facilitate her budding romance with Ssarak. Carefully Meirin picked a few Cupid Roses from a bushel and wrapped them with her handkerchief. "Now to find Ssarak."

It wasn't hard finding the eysire in the gardens. His dark scales clashed vibrantly against the green foliage. And while he likely already picked up her thoughts as she approached Meirin still called out for him.

"Hello Ssarak."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
Avatar of EliteCommander

EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Ssarak Dyreackthanose


As soon as he heard Meirin's voice, Ssarak lifted up his head, and his smile widened. He was seated in the grass in a part of the garden which he felt looked particularly nice. The platter of food he had brought was covered to hold in the heat, but fortunately, he had not had to wait too long for her to arrive.

"Hello, Meirin." Ssarak responded. For a brief moment, he simply looked at her, smiling. To him, she looked quite nice, though it was not due to the makeup, as his mind was not designed to notice the fine details of a human's face. Rather, it was because of the way she moved as she approached, because of her smile, and her tone. It was because of the effort she had placed into her appearance and clothing, and though they had each only spoken a few words, he could see that she seemed excited for this meeting.

The silence between them was just long enough to be noticed before Ssarak continued. "You look quite beautiful, I must say. Please, sit down." He added, motioning to a spot beside him. He hoped she did not mind sitting in the grass. He might have been able to find a table or bench, but the vibrance and color of the flowers in the spot he selected had a certain beauty which he, and hopefully Meirin, admired. Quite simply, it was romantic.

As Meirin approached, Ssarak uncovered the platter and started to separate out their respective meals. "I know you are missing the feast to be here, so...I thought it would be nice to have a feast of our own. Would you like a glass of wine?" He asked as he uncorked the bottle to pour a glass for himself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Meirin Kurenai

Ssarak had chosen a nice place in the gardens. Meirin didn't terribly mind sitting in the grass; her dress was almost the same color, so any stains would be unnoticeable. As she sat down Meirin handed him the cupid roses. "These are for you. Cupid Roses... They symbolize the growth of a budding romance." Immediately Meirin's face turned red. She felt foolish simply explaining what Cupid Roses were for. She just laughed it off and handed it off to Ssarak, gladly accepting a cup of wine. Perhaps a few drinks would allow her to relax.

There were also food which Ssarak had brought with him. Steamed vegetables, a fruit platter, and some sort of stew with mushrooms. Not a lot of meat, but Meirin was fine with that; meat was a rare commodity back at the monastery and even now Meirin eats a lot of greens out of habit. her stomach growled, reminding her that she hasn't eaten anything yet. Eager to chow down Meirin was about to ask Ssarak for a bowl when she felt something hit her head. It wasn't a physical pain however, but a mental one. One that she knew too well. "Oh my... I shouldn't have sat down so quickly, I'm a little dizzy..."

But in truth it was Meirin's narcolepsy acting up. Before she came to the college it was a constantly plague, but now she has been taking medicine to fight it. But she's been taking a bit more then usual and they still peak out at times. She hasn't actually fallen asleep for a very long time, but that was due taking her medicine regularly. Not wanting her condition to worsen Meirin would need to take another pill. So casually, Meirin took her plate that Ssarak had given her, eating a few bites and taking some sips from her wine. Occasionally she would reach into her purse to grab a napkin to wipe her mouth, but she was also sneaking some pills.

Of course it wouldn't be hard for Ssarak to notice that Meirin was doing this, even if he doesn't read her mind. Meirin wasn't trying to be sneaky, rather she was simply trying not to make a big fuss about it. And wanting to distract him from questioning Meirin spoke. "By the way Ssarak, I noticed that you spoke to some other Eysire at the feast. Mind if I ask what you spoke to them about?"
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