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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Though Meirin seemed embarrassed by it, Ssarak was glad that she had explained why she had given him the roses. Giving another flowers was an unfamiliar tradition to him, seeing as there were no flowers to give in his homeland. It was a custom that he would be sure to keep in mind for the future. He gladly accepted them, and smiled in thanks while she got herself situated.

Ssarak of course noticed Meirin's uneasiness as she sat down. Her condition was something that was actually easy to forget about as of late, since her medicine was rather effective at mitigating the symptoms. He was already well-aware of her narcolepsy, so there was no need for him to ask if she was alright. Rather, he just addressed her question. "They were representatives of the Scorched Lands. Uicle asked me to speak to them, to gather information. What I learned from them does have rather dire implications for my homeland, but...well, there is no reason to worry about it at this very moment. I think we both deserve to be able to just...ignore these stresses, if only for a moment."

Pausing a moment, Ssarak looked around at the garden surrounding them, closed his eyes, and took in a deep breath. "This place has such vibrance, does it not? So full of life. Plants are a rarity in the Scorched Lands, and none have the color of these. I remember the first time I saw a forest. The caravan driver nearly abandoned me for how many times I stopped and stared in awe at every tree or plant."

Along with the many flowers and other plants, the garden had its share of bees, butterflies, and other insect life. Most insects tended to be annoying, more than anything, but from what Ssarak gathered, butterflies were a welcomed guest in most outings. Being simple-minded creatures, most insects were not difficult for a psychomancer to manipulate, at least not individually. Spotting one flying nearby, he held out his finger in front of Meirin, then compelled the colorful creature to land on it. "When a butterfly first landed on me, I actually started flailing my arm trying to get it off of me." He added with a chuckle. "I thought it was going to inject me with some manner of poison. Harmless creatures, even insects, are a rarity in my homeland. I am much more familiar with this place now, but I am sure it will not be long before I do something to completely embarrass myself in front of you. Do not worry, you have my permission to laugh, when it comes." Ssarak said with a grin.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 10 hrs ago


Lyn was still coughing when she padded out of the kitchens as the earlier fire was finally smothered, all thanks to the combined aid of the four girls’ actions. The child had a rough time at first getting the older girls’ attentions. After a lot of tugging their clothes, their eyes finally realize what she was pointing at and with all three herbamancers, the plants had smothered the fire finally causing it to die out. It was a good thing there was a homemade garden on the counter else they would never have been able to put it out and the whole college would’ve been drowning in smoke. Already, the small, black puffs billowed out into the mess hall as she quickened her exiting herself.

Her ears caught the sounds of people muttering and talking, their eyes all fixed on the elderly man who was talking to Uncle Uicle earlier. Their head seemed fixed upon the man while a student, Meirin, lead him back to his sit and shortly took off to the outside of the hallway. It wouldn’t be long now before the demonstrations happened and that meant she would have to seek out her dad before they started, or at least someone to stay with and watch them with her.

Her mind drifted to Alaira only to discard it when her mind recalled what happened in the caravan. Despite Alaira’s insistence she wasn’t mad, the child felt guilt and regret. Her Aunt had been hurt because of her and for that, Lyn couldn’t bring herself to seeing the half elf. After her mind was made up, she started to head toward the staff table and away from Alaira.

It hadn’t helped her middle was getting hungry again, her memory soon recalled her had forgotten to eat before her attention was grabbed by the sudden appearance of the fire, she immediately looked for some place to get a bite. Her eyes fell on the appetizer table and her lips curled up into a smile. Without considering the fact her legs were shorter than the adults, Lyn gently pushed her way through the crowds and toward the table where a few individuals were gathered instead of staring at Ovak. On reaching it, Lyn came to it and soon noted her height was still too short. When her head tried to peer over the edge, her hands used the edge to aid her higher but she could barely see the items laid out on the table surface. Naturally it wasn’t enough so Lyn pushed up onto her tippytoes to try to get a better look. Her feet wobbled unsteadily before they abruptly gave to one side causing her to trip sideways.

She closed her eyes, expecting to fall down, and feel the hard floor in her landing. Instead, she smacked into someone else!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Konan375
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

When Leith returned to the dining hall, he grabbed his plate that he had left at the head table and made his way to one of the nearby empty tables. He kept his eye on the head table and glanced around the room as he waited for Uicle to come back. As he was looking around something caught his eye.

Leith smiled as he spotted Lyn running through a sea of legs as she made a beeline towards a table full of appetizers. He got up from his seat and made his way towards the table as well. He reached the table just as the child was attempting to pull herself up to view the contents of the table.

”Hey kid-whoa!" Leith caught Lyn before she could fall to the ground. He helped her back to her feet and smiled at her. ”Hey kiddo. You okay?" His smile widened as he remembered that he had a gift for Lyn. ”Also, I have a present for you."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Althalus gave as good and formal of a goodbye as he could with the giant half-elf dragging him backwards through the crowd, fervently hoping Alaira hadn't just gotten him involved in a fight with no less than three master mages. Fortunately for the both of them Lan simply gave a sad little smile, and waved goodbye. As he was finally released, Althalus made dramatic and completely unnecessary show of dusting himself off. "I realize that you're much stronger than I am, but do you have to do that? I would have followed perfectly well on my own." He couldn't help but give a smile up at Alaira as she offered, well he was generous in saying offered, to go with him to make sure nothing bad happened.

"Thank you, but I can't let you come along for two reasons: It's going to be incredibly private, and as much as I would love to tell you all about my bloody past, I won't and Mar won't like it either. The point is to get her to open up at this point, not close down. The second reason is that you need to report to Uicle and we definitely don't want him sending Golems to kick down the Den door and find us. I'll be fine. My dodging skills, as you've well noted, are very good. While I doubt Mar will get like that again, I'll be ready for it. Have fun! I'm sure there's someone here you could challenge to a duel and then subsequently beat them into something that only vaguely resembles it's original shape."

Althalus gave an extravagant bow, a wink, and then immediately turned and left, heading towards the Den.


The voice snorted, a mixture of amusement and disdain filling it's tone. How long have I been gone from the world, that even mortals don't know how their God forged weapons work? Take me to this Tyrael, if you require a demonstration.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by cqbexpt
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cqbexpt Warden Eternal

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Baulder and the talking pauldrons (Uicle)

Caught off guard by the mgaical talking staff Baulder laughed. Thinking about it he could feel his stomach finally getting some semblance of being full. It would not be an issue to get past this. Finishing the breast in between his fits of laughter only took a moment. His mouth still slightly full with food he managed to choke back enough of it to respond. "The villagers called me a maw. Never figured out what it meant." Swallowing the last of the bird and then supressing a burp he continued. "I talked to the orcs? Like the garbage told me too, then it told me to talk to you. The Torrin.... how do you talk?" Baulder said with morbid curiosity.

"Magic." Uicle said shortly, eyeing Baulder with slight distaste (not that it was noticeable. Being a suit of armor had it's perks.) as he choked down the entire chicken breast while laughing. This...this is who we sent to talk to the Orcs. Fitting, perhaps. The Necromancy teacher thought, as Baulder continued. For a moment, Uicle just stared at Baulder. If he had had eyes, they would have been glancing around pointedly at the College around them, as if to remind the studen where he was. As it was, Uicle raised both hands and shook them slightly, sarcastically saying

"Maaaagic. We're in the Mages College, for Billant's sake, and I'm a talking suit of armor. How else would I talk? Now, what'd you talk to the Orcs about and did they say anything about how they're getting ready to kill the other Hold?"

Baulder looked at the suit of armor but since there were no eyes to look at he kept shifting his eyes between the staff and the suit's "head". "Who's Billant? Oh.... the Torrin orcs I took them down to the Underhaven, they seemed to like it. But they seem to be doing fine, they asked for funding for some projects, tech... something boom? The demons sound like they arn't a problem for them, though they kept pulling their hats over their faces and smiling. I thought that was... odd. They sound like they are selling their "non-magical" defenses to anyone who's buying. Something about the college not being able to help everyone and about how you'd think this place would be better defended blah blah. Did you know that the Oelik orcs make good fertilzer?" Baulder said with wide eyed wonder as he kept shifting his eyes between the two places.

Uicle sighed, rubbing a hand across his metal face. Doesn't know who Billant is... "Great. They're inventing more and more lethal things. And they're trying to get more allies because they've realized what everyone else has already realized. This is...this is wonderful. I'll have to send someone to actually get details out of them. Tyrael? No. We don't want them beaten. Lucilia...no. I'll ask around the Underhaven denizens. Now, if you'll excuse me I have to yell at Khan and Ovak." The Necromancy teacher began to move around Baulder, heading towards the Esyire and the old man.

"WAIT! The other orcs, they had something else. It seemed..... more important, they have engaged in civil war. The demons are the reason or something. Malakaus she wants you to sell her weapons and mages. Close to winning despite something.... coming out of the ravine, whatever that is. They are talking with Tidhome? Something about taking their refugees but it's orc lands or something, I suggested they take them and put them to work seemed fair. Eania wants a trade deal and Dark-jnel? Djarkel, they catch their spies but they seem to be none too worrisome. The Torrin guys are selling weapons to the other side and something about investigating the demons, each side blames each other." Baulder racked the ever changing landscape that was his brain searching for more information about these orcs. The information seemed to become one blur to him everything being the same as the other said. No distinction between the experiences, no up or down so to speak in time. Baulder's head began to pound with a headache which made his eye twitch.

Uicle drew to a sudden stop as Baulder yelled after him. Slowly, he turned around. "So. Let me get this straight. You talked suggested that the Orcs make slaves out of the Tidehome refuges. Malakaus wants us to sell her weapons and students, and she thinks she's winning. It's generally a terrible mess with the Orcs blaming each other and getting ready to kill each other while demons invade and Djarkel sends spies in. Anything else that's important?"

Baulder thought for a moment first about getting more bird then about important things. "Oh, some soldier got eaten in Underhaven which was funny. Oh I think the orcs are drunk by now, they should still be there too. The rich coat wearing ones anyways, might be able to get more out of the drunk lads. Is there anything else for me to do or do I keep eating. The garbage told me to get this far but it didn't tell me what it wanted after. Talk to more people perhaps? Is that what it want's?" Baulder began to become lost in all the possibilities of what the magical garbage can could have told him to do.

Uicle paused a moment, sending a golem bird to tell Lucilia to get her bar under control before he had to send Golems in, then focused on Baulder. The necromancy teacher didn't want to have to deal with more 'reports' from the student, but he couldn't just let him run off and chat with anyone he pleased. Uicle had all to easily pictured images of a war being started because of one wrong question. "Just...just keep eating while I go chat with the headmaster and the Archmage about what you've told me."

Suddenly Baulder's seering headache returned which caused his eye to twitch again. "Let u-me know of what happens. I quite liked the orcs in Underhaven, they knew how to have a good laugh." Baulder followed that up with small chuckle, but this time it was at the suddenness and intensity of the pain. He scratched his face and the headache once again receded. "Oh, do I look at the helmet or the staff by the way. It's been.... bothering me."

"I'll let you know." Uicle turned to leave, but stopped again as Baulder spoke. His smirk could be practically felt as he looked back at the student. "Oh, either or will work." WIth that, the Necromancy teacher left.

Baulder not feeling like his question was actually answered quickly stowed the thoughts from his mind and made his way back over to the freshly replenished food. He grabbed a large slice of something and began devouring it. He acquired a plate and began putting any food that he had never seen before onto the plate, while being irrespective of contaminating the food with others. He was going for whatever the college could now offer him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 10 hrs ago


Lyn bit her lip at realizing she had nearly crashed into someone. Her rounded, childish eyes showed a bit of guilt as she was pulled up again on her feet, her body slowly balancing herself. In nervous gesture, her foot raised a bit and scratched the ground. The toe etching an erratic pattern with no purpose save to spend her discomfort while she nodded her answer to other student. Lifting her head, her eyes widened in surprise for a split moment on seeing the man’s appearance up close for the first time. Her eyes went way, way up, nearly craning her neck to meet her rescuer’s face.

She first noticed his skin was white as can be before her sight found his light blue eyes looking down at her. His head had literally no hair at all and his height towered over her smaller form, causing her neck to strain trying to meet his eyes. She tilted her head a bit to the side just to see if the angle altered the features in anyway. Or at least made them less intimidating, but it didn’t.

Lyn scrunched up her eyes slightly. It obvious she was studying the man and on absorbing his vampiric appearance, impulsively flicked out her half human and half snake tongue. There wasn’t the death like scent lingering on her smell like she expected there would’ve been. However, it was clear he was human and that put her at ease some. Her attention noted the gauntlet fused to his hand a little late and stepped forward to it, her hands reached out to touch it gently. Only at the mention of a gift did she stop tracing the hand’s surface and looked at him fully.

The child smiled then pointed at herself, making sure he was serious about her gift. When he started to retrieve it, her curiosity would get the better of her and caused the child to lean uncomfortably into Leith’s personal space to get a chance glimpse of his present. Naturally she liked most her gifts she got to date through many would call her spoiled.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Tyrael Marchosias

It took him some time, but Tyrael managed to get find Darius in the feast hall. Of course Tyrael did check there first, but didn't see the man. He must have came in after her had left. The man spoke brusquely to him and Tyrael was tempted to discipline him. But once again he realized that his armor, supposedly which was going to earn him some respect, made his own status unknown. So Tyrael removed his helmet to reveal his identity to Darius, and hopefully the swordsman knew who the Demonomancy Professor was. "You are from Yarosmere, are you not? I am here to pass along an order: Investigate the Yarosmere diplomats. Bring back the information to me. That is all." Without even waiting to hear if Darius would accept this task Tyrael put his helmet back on and walked away from the desert warrior. Even if he didn't rule the college, Tyrael tends to make his orders absolute. If Darius for some reason fails to meet the demon's expectations, his life will be come inconvenient, to say the least.

Donning his helmet Tyrael roamed the dinning hall for a little while longer. He doesn't need to be here right now and was thinking of sneaking off to Underhaven for a quality meal. But before he left he spotted Lyn wandering about. He smiled but worried that she shouldn't be walking about unattended. As he approached Lyn bumped into Leith, which immediately put Tyrael on guard. Leith, all things considered, isn't a bad guy. But he had a demonically possessed right hand and wanted to dabble in Demonomancy, despite it not being his blood. While he has yet to do anything to wrong Tyreal, he expects it. So Tyrael stayed hidden in the crowd the best he could (Which was extremely difficult, what with him being a large humanoid with wings) and watched over Leith and Lyn's interaction, hand on the pommel of his sword.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Meirin Kurenai

Smiling at Ssarak's short story, Meirin decided to tell her own, taking Ssarak's suggestion to ignore their previous business for Uicle. "I actually never has seen a butterfly before I arrived to the college. I have, however, seen many moths back at the monastery. They aren't as vibrant as butterflies are, but the ones back at home seemed to glow in the dark and provided peaceful ambiance at night." Meirin looked at the butterfly, careful not to scare it. She raised her own finger to Ssarak's, touching the tip to form a bridge for the bug to cross. Slowly it walked over onto Meirin's hand before flying off abruptly.

Ssarak seemed to be a stranger to these lands much like Meirin. But unlike her, Meirin only knew about her home and a bit of the college. Most of Djarkel was still unknown to her, and she only knows certain things thanks to travelers and caravans. She was much more isolated then she lets on. Despite that however, Djarkel was still her home, and she knew enough about it to see past it's dark exterior and see the value underneath. "Nature back at Djarkel tends to be dark, but there is something amazing hidden within. When I first entered the forest near my home I'll admit I never really found much interest in the tress or bushes. Of the few plants I knew about, each were beautiful in their own way, but also poisonous to life. I had figured that nature wasn't as serene and beautiful as art depicts, simply a different shade of savagery."

Picking up one of the cupid roses Meirin noted some thorns on it. This brought a smile to her face as she handed it to Ssarak. "But therein lies a certain beauty taught only in Djarkel. To never judge based solely on one's appearance. As i grew older and wiser, I went into the forest again and this time I could see how life flourished inside of it. The animals were not just beasts who lived and died, but also worked to improve their lives. Insects made their homes, deer learned where to find new food, wolves learned new ways to hunt, and even foxes started to take notice of my humble home. Even plants began to learn and grow in accordance to new things, such as my presence or travelers. Before I saw only a gloomy trees and boring bushes. But now I can see life in the nature, see how it works and wonder how it came to be." Sighing Meirin thought of home. She missed the roaring waterfall just a couple hundred feet from her room. The morning mist that blanketed the mountain. The frigid breeze that made her body brace. Darkel wasn't the kindest place, but it made her value what little she could get.

Turning back towards Ssarak Meirin realized that she started to ramble. Wanting to quickly ignore her mishap she faced Ssarak. "What about you Ssarak? What's it like in the Scorched Lands?" Meirin herself only heard about the place through second-hand stories. All she could say she knew was that the Scorched Lands have many great clans that rule over it, and that it's a dry land with a large volcano in it. Like Yarosmere, but replacing the sand with ash. At least that's what Meirin knows.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Ssarak Dyreackthanose


"I do believe I can relate to that, actually." Ssarak responded, looking over the cupid rose which Meirin had given him. In the strictest of terms, Djarkel and the Scorched Lands were quite different from one another, but they held similarities in the ways that outsiders viewed them. Both of them were often considered harsh places to live, where beauty is but a foreign concept. To the former, he could agree, but for his homeland at least, he knew it well enough to know its redeeming qualities.

After pausing a moment to eat some of his meal, Ssarak continued. "I believe your homeland and mine are similar in at least one respect. I think visitors have a hard time seeing it for anything beyond what it appears to be, though it is understandable. Both are harsh, barren; they do not have all the color and vibrance of a place like this garden. I know for my homeland, one has to look far beneath the surface to find its admirable qualities, and for Djarkel, I will admit that even I could not see the beauty you describe when we were there. Although, we were only there for a short time. Perhaps, in the future, I will have the chance to see Djarkel in the same way you have; perhaps you can be the one to show me?" He commented, smiling at the prospect.

"Regardless, for your question, I can say that the Scorched Lands are a...complex place. It is a greatly difficult place in which to survive, certainly. Everything of use is scarce. I know it is somewhat different in the city, but in the villages, like where I lived, we are taught from the day of our hatching to make the absolute best use of every resource we have. Wastefulness is quickly punished as a child. Food, water, clothing, supplies, weapons, and even living space are all given to each individual according to what is absolutely necessary to survive. Anything in surplus is saved and stored for use when it is truly needed. The villages move around with the shifting landscape, following the underground sources of water we use to sustain ourselves, as there are no significant bodies of water on the surface. No rivers or lakes, unless you are counting lava, of course. I believe that is why I find myself so obsessed with swimming now." He said, interrupting himself with a chuckle. "In my village, we both traded for and hunted our food. It is impossible to grow plants, or at least useful ones, in the Scorched Lands without the aid of a skilled herbamancer, and even then, it is better to grow them on the more stable land around Felldor. All of that does make it seem like a wasteland, and in a literal sense it is, but, just as in your homeland, I can say that there is a certain grandeur and majesty to the landscape. The jagged mountains and valleys, the shifting plains and sprawling lava fields, it is a land unlike any other in Tiien. The animals can be even more impressive. The predators are exceptionally resilient and deadly, while others can consume plants that would kill even an Esyire if we were to attempt to eat them. Those few kinds of plants and fungus that do grow in my homeland often thrive in hot springs and thermal vents that would melt my scales if I ventured too close. It is a...different kind of beauty, to be sure." As he thought more on his homeland, he did wish that Meirin could have the ability to experience the land in which he grew up, but unfortunately, the air itself was lethal to non-Esyire. To travel in the Scorched Lands, they had to rely entirely upon specialized runes to keep them alive, which carried its own collection of risks.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Konan375
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Leith Calder

Leith knelt down so the he was eye level with Lyn. ”Yes, the gift is for you." He smiled as Lyn leaned in to see what the present was as he tried to retrieve the rune from his pocket. "Easy, now," Leith said with a chuckle. Once he grabbed the rune he stopped with his hand still in his pocket. ”Before I give this to you, I want you to promise me something." Leith used the rune

Promise me that you will work just as hard as you have been in learning to speak."

With a smile, Leith pulled the rune out of his pocket and handed it to Lyn. ”It's a telepathy rune. All you have to do is hold the rune and send your thoughts to the person that you want talk to. I got the idea for it when I bumped into you and Alaira the other day. There is only so much that can be said with gestures. Go ahead, try it out."

Darius Jura

Darius watched as the man in armour removed his helmet and then proceed to give orders. He still had no clue who the man actually was, but he didn't really care. He wasn't going to talk to someone just because he was told to. He might talk to the diplomat sometime during the night but certainly not because he was told to. It actually made him angry at the way that he was ordered to do something.

With a grunt, Darius stood up from his table and left the dining hall. He made his way to Underhaven. He had discovered the place a month before when he was looking for a place to brawl. After being ordered to do something, he was looking for a fight.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 days ago


As everyone went about their day, time winded down to the afternoon. The sun was down and now the moon took to the skies, and yet the life at the college was far from over. Lanterns were lit to illuminate the outdoors while bronze braziers and chandeliers brought light on the inside. There was still merriment and drunken revelries occurring around the college, but now even the guards put on their finest uniform or armor as they attended the Twilight College's Grand Feast. The dinning hall, which was previously sparsely populated, was nearly packed: everyone who has not yet been seated had to unfortunately wait for tables to be (Literally) made available for them. Appetizers in the form of freshly baked buns and sweet fruit were available for dinners as the main course would be served shortly after the demonstrations. Or rather, during the demonstrations.

The first to step up is Satori. She dresses in a white dress that is has a cross lace up to her neck, with a poofed shirt that cuts off and rounds together near knee-length. She wears a light blue colored overcoat over her dress which flares out pass her dress. She wears silk shoes that have ribbions laced up to her knees, flat bottom as Satori is uncomfortable in heels. She has a gold laced ribbon in her hair. Her hair which is also longer than usual, thanks to Lidda.

"Greetings, honored guests and members of the college. I am Satori, Professor of Psychomancy. For some, you may not know what Psychomancy entails. For others, it's a magic you fear. Many of you understand that Psychomancy is, however, merely another aspect of magic to be explored and expanded upon. If one were to describe what one can do with Psychomancy, the first thing that comes to mind is telepathy and illusions. This is true, but it barely scratches the surface of it's complexity. Even mind reading and illusions are not as simple as reading one's thoughts or making false images; it's communication across cultural and racial barriers and altering the way one perceives the world, respectively. To be able to understand even animals, and to be able to feel sensations never witnessed before. And if you'd allow me the pleasure, I may show you..."

And with a sweeping curtsy, animals began to file out from the dinning hall. But these were not wild beasts; they were a variety of commonly domesticated and exotically foreign creatures, dressed in fine cloth with a pink ribbon visible tied to them. These were animals under Satori's command. However they were not being mind controlled. They have been taught and trained to act this way: Nearly human. These animals brought out carts, most covered in a cloth. But before the food could be served, Satori stood up and raised her hand. Soon there was a sound. And then there was song. Ethereal instruments spawned from her hands, floating towards the base of the stage where she stood. They begun to play their melodies without anyone holding them, guided only by Satori's whims. As the music continued to play the next teacher stood up.

Justine, the Geomancy teacher, took to the stage. He dons a form fitting long coat with pants, which have earthly colors as well as golden buttons and accessories. He wears the bounty of the earth openly, proud as he had extracted the precious materials himself. "I am Justine Flowerstyr, the instructor of Geomancy, the magic of the earth. Many would deride Geomancy as a brute's magic as if all it can do is throw stones like a fool. But these people are the true fools, unaware of the full utility of Geomancy even in the hands of a novice. Much of our civilization today must thank the resources provided from the simple stone for the construction of their walls, for their crafts and livelihoods, and most of all the vast wealth we all wish to acquire. But Geomancy is more then just rocks and dirt. Through the purification of flame, we have metals. And these metals, from the common copper to even legendary God Stone, are all things under the domain of Geomancy. Large or small, there is so much one can do with this magic. Observe!"

Shooting his hand outwards one of the animals removed a cloth from a cart and revealed a large statue of a bear, made of pure silver. Pointing at this statue Justine begun to extract metal from this statue, turning the bits of metal into dishes and silverware. The dishes flew through the air with great speed, yet even if someone tried to intercept them (For some reason or another), Justine had a fine control over the dishes: they would simply morph right around them. Not just avoid them, but outright breakdown into liquid metal before reforming to their intended shape, just to avoid interception. Each dish and utensil landed in front of a patron with grace, not cause too much cluttering or scratching. By the time there was nothing left of the statue, everyone had pristine silverware in front of them. There was even intricate carvings and designs on each, detailing glorious events of the college and it's various members. Many had names specifically for those who obtained them. That wasn't exactly magic on Justine's part: He's just quite aware of most everyone currently sitting in the dinning hall at this moment.

Justine bowed and returned to his seat with Satori, who continued to play magic in the background as well as sip a bit of ether every now and again. The next to go were actually three: Lucilia, Joseph, and Tyrael. Lucilia's dress almost defies physics, though in truth it's all thanks to the ingenuity of her clothing designer. While the dress went all the way down to her ankles, the her pale skin were exposed around her upper thighs, revealing her embroidered net stocking held up by garter straps. She had snow-white gloves that flared out at her elbows into her fur sleeves, which then would bring attention to her quite exposed cleavage. Held up by her bodice and perhaps the will of the gods, her heavily detailed, form fitting dressed left little to the imagination yet also kept the important parts concealed. Compared to Lucilia, Joseph and Tyrael looked down right casual, as Joseph wore a large (For his size anyways) white robe with embroidery symbolizing his clan, with a blue ribbon lace. He also wore a white top hat also with a blue ribbon, and with his fairly large colar almost concealed his entire face. Tyrael has been wearing the same armor as he has been this entire day, though he has made sure to polish and clean it of grime and dust. His illusionary wings were folded neatly on his back as it if was a feathered cape, while his sword now had a proper sheath as it rested on his belt.

Lucilia stepped up to the stage with a polite smile. Despite past transgressions these last few days, she's put those thoughts aside for today. While Satori and Justine made curt introductions about their magics, Lucilia was suppose to make a formal address on behalf of the college. She always did this even though it would be more appropriate for Khan or Ovak, as they are the headmaster and Archamge respectively, however Lucilia insisted. "Welcome all to the Twilight College's Winter Solstice Feast. I am Lucilia Riovas, the Professor of Herbamancy, and I would like to formally thank you all for coming today. The college has always had a colorful history during these events, and more often then not we test the full abilities of not only the magics of our teachers, but also the capabilities of our students." Murmurs of agreement and stifled laughter as some came to the realization that Lucilia was referring to the demonic attack. Tyrael simply looked down and shook his head. "But the college is not only a place of education. Race and nationalities of all types are welcomed here, from the Eysire of the Scortched Lands to the Orcs of Torrin and Oelik hold. We do not discriminate based on county lines and thus we have our doors open for Eania, Djarkel, and Yarosmere. Even those who would be far from home or the first of their kind are welcomed, such as Dwarfs, Foreas, and the Awakened Harmony. That is because the college represents not just knowledge, but understanding. We know so little about one another that any interaction will become the main impression. It's for that reason we have diplomats and negotiators in all cultures, to be able to foster healthy and positive relationships with one another. I cannot stress how this unity is important: Stories may tale of great heroes throughout history, but the rise and fall of nations were brought about by the collaboration of thousands of individuals with a united goal. A hero may inspire them, but it requires the will to unite together to accomplish."

Lucilia gave a brief pause, which gave some members of the audience a chance to clap, which then turned into an applause. Not intended but Lucilia would work with it. Raise her hands so that the applause quiets down Lucilia spoke again. "To break bread and share salt is the customary sign of hospitality. So tonight I ask you all to accept our hospitality as we, professors of the college, serve our feast for you tonight. With the help of Joseph Windsor, our Professor of Hydromancy, and Tyrael Marchosias, our Professor of Demonomancy, we would like to offer you the fruits of our labor, and strength the bonds that keep use together."

The first to go was Lucilia, who took a sip of Ether in order to augment her magic. With a dramatic sweep of her hand, she caused small trees on the tables, initially simply decoration, to grow larger and yield fruit. But not just regular tree fruits like apples or oranges; these trees were specially Concentrated to be able to yield a large variety of fruits and vegetables, some that normally don't even grow on trees such as like cucumbers or melons. Lucilia didn't just bring in mundane fruits either; exotic fruits from distant lands were also available, such as lynchees, mangosteen, and cocoa. Not just organic stuff either: As soon as each table had a tree baring fruit, Lucilia used her magic to manipulate bread itself. One of the animals removed a clear revealing a veritable army of small gingerbread people, with colorful frosting in the form of faces and clothing. They deftly hopped from their carts and onto the plates of the patrons, awaiting to be eaten.

As Lucilia preformed her magic Justine also went. His magic was marginally simpler in that he was merely moving the various refreshments from their containers into the cups of the diners. But the sheer mass of liquid he was moving was astounding: a little over 2000 gallons of various alcohol, juices, and water were moving through the air in vibrant colors. They did not move as just streams of water either; they became a mist that on command, would gather together into the form of the drink desired. If you asked for water, you may notice an increase in condensation on the inside of the cup before it began utterly filled. The same occurred with wine, tea, and even soup if it was requested. They came in a variety of flavor, texture, and even heat.

The last to go was Tyrael, and he only went as soon as Lucilia and Joseph had finished their demostrations. There was a look of fear in the eyes of many. Some were present during his last presentation, where he had summoned demons to menace the dinners and were brutally slaughtered. But this demostration would not require demons. Instead, it used a different aspect of Demonomancy, as well as a lot of punching. With a sweep of the hand the animals attending more carts removed their cloth to reveal entire carts full of raw meat. Beef, Chicken, Pork, Fish, foxes, snakes, lizards, Minotaur, dire wolves, Wyverns, and other questionably sentient animals were being served in choice cuts. However aside from a masochistic few, no one would dare eat such meat raw. But that's were Tyrael came into play.

With another sweep of the hand the animals carefully picked up the various meats with gloved paws or tongs, then tossed them into the air. Focusing intently on each piece of meat flying through the air, Tyrael shot his fists outwards. And underneath each peice of meat was a portal; a portal to the Inferno. Throwing another punch and more inferno portals formed, this time directly above platters at each table. A short demonstration to show what Tyrael intended to do, but he wasn't finished yet. Moving into what looked to be a combative stance, the animals began to throw the meat en masses in the air, and before any would intercept the ground or unlucky patrons Tyrael would have throw a strike in the direction of the meat, creating a portal. Another strike would be directed above a platter, but with so much meat being tossed around Tyrael began a flurry of blows as meat were being flash fried in the searing Inferno before arriving back into the mortal realm in various states of cooked. Well-done, charbroiled, medium rare, steak, fried chicken, pulled pork, all this came out of Tyrael's portals and were ready to serve on the plates of the dinners.

Tyrael spent a good twenty minutes punching the air to serve all the meat and even then there were much, much more for later. But he at least got food for everyone, so he did his part. Without further adieu Tyrael retired to his seat at the teacher's table, as did Joseph and Lucilia, though those two at least bowed towards the dinners. But the demonstration were far from over: They've only served dinner thus far.

As some people may have noticed, there was a large opening at the center of the Dinning Hall. Many dinners awaiting tables asked why none could move a table into the empty space, but that question was soon answered when Justine stood from his seat and began to concentrate his magic. Soon the ground shifted, raising and falling at key locations before revealing what had been made: An arena. It was a large circular field of battle, with stone going waist high to keep observers and fighters from running into one another. The arena was absolutely massive, taking up at least 20% of the dinning hall. And the dinning hall was quite massive.

Between bites there were some who questioned what the purpose of this arena was. Many of course enjoyed a show with their food, and most did not mind a bit of a blood sport. But who would be the fighters in this arena? That question was soon answered when a couple of teachers stepped inside.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

~~~Vitamancy & Runes~~~

The demonstrations were going to begin soon.

Lidda watched the festivities pass her by, her figure out of the way and hidden against the far wall. Her eyes turned from each busy group to the next, studying them all with a bored expression. She was in her faun form because it was one of her favorites, mainly for mingling as it caught the imagination and the walk was attention getting. Though she wasn't an attention hog, she did enjoy being looked at often. Though currently her mood was anything but her usual pleasant self. In truth, her mind and heart were at war with each other.

Her head turned to see Tyrael, Lucilia, Joseph and Justine wrap up their combined demonstration while Satori provided the music in the background. The sound was calming and soothing to those within the room, something much better than her demonstration last year, where several students were mentally scarred. It hadn’t helped the psychomancer students learning under Satori were either met with suspicion or hatred for the first several weeks.

Inhaling deeply, Lidda flashed a signal smile at Satori and gained the woman’s attention. Her mind informing the psychomancer teacher it was time to begin then stepped out from her position against the wall, her spindly legs trotting toward the earth made arena. Her hooves clipped-clopped with each step during her climb in, stretching her limbs while she felt eyes snap to the stage for the event.

Shortly after, Val too stepped up. Her arms were covered in a few runic designs that the vitamancer teacher knew though the actual effects were still a mystery. In her hand was a sword engraved with a few complicated noxomancy and vitamancy runes, making Lidda wary about allowing it to cut her.

"Ready?" Lidda asked the dwarven woman as she bowed at the waist.

"Wen ain't I?" Val replied in a sassy tone, returning the gesture then rushed forward, leading with her left foot.

It would take some time for Lidda to fully change even at a master level, her figure going from humanoid to something else would take time. It would take Val six to eight seconds to reach Lidda. By that time, Val knew her transformation likely complete by then. To speed things up in her attempt to reach the vitamancer, Val's hand brushed a rune on her bracer's under side mid way. It glowed white depicting it was a vitamancer based rune then abruptly spread to outline the dwarf's stocky figure. Her size increased notably while her speed, strength and agility grew to another level. The other hand tightened her grip on the sword then swung at Lidda's face in a horizontal slash.

Lidda was focusing on her spell before Val attacked. Her mind following the same steps she had taught her students as she divided the body up into four areas: bust, torso, limbs and additions. Taking a brief moment, her mind instinctively popped up a mental three dimensional image of a beastie she knew well: a furia.

It was a native to Djarkel and feasted on lone travelers in the cursed flatlands. Unable to digest raw meat, the creature was able to mix chemicals produced by its body to create an intense, brief electrical charge that could rival a novice Electromancer's power. Through it could easily be redirected and manipulation by them, providing a ideal electrical power source that Tyrael’s batteries possibly had originated from.

Imaging her changes, her spine shifted first. It grew and cracked, lengthening as her arms came out to catch her and prevent her from going face first into the ground. Her skin grew bluer by the moment and the waist narrowed, her chest becoming more barrelled while her feminine features melted away. She had barely enough time to start on her lower half when she spotted Val fast approaching. The vitamancer's eyes snapped up in time to spot the dwarf cutting her distance by half with the rune. It didn’t help that already by this time, Lidda's figure had grown to double its original size when the changes began which made her an easier target.

Pausing her spell, the vitamancer jerked her goat legs back as she barely cleared the blade. The whistle of the weapon sliced the air inches from her skin. Her balance was difficult to maintain through the odd cross of faun and furia. It was awkward movement and completely unsuitable for its shape. Lidda grunted in pain while she redirected her focus into a smaller section, her right arm, then started again.

This time it was much faster while she swiped a two hooked claw at Val who blocked with her sword, slicing off the end. Lidda hissed then curled back noticing the stump looked off color. Instead of the normally electric blue coloring, it had greyish hue to it. “Clever Val...a Noxomancer rune?”

Val smirked, her eyes twinkling as she spoke. “Aye, tis is. Yore pesty ’ittle healin’ magic isn’t gonna win you the day tis time!”
“We’ll see about that,” Lidda countered and focused on her legs, her goat feet melting away, while hobbled back with her stump squishing across the floor. It left grimy, discolored marks across the arena surface along side the fresher blue blood pouring out. She had to be more careful from here on out. Her vitamancy could’ve mended the damage easily but that would’ve slowed her changing, a fact that put her at risk and did more harm than good.

Val stroked another rune and three seconds later she faded. Lidda’s eyes widened in surprise only to spot movement from the corner of her vision, her body rolled reflexively to the side. The dwarf landed hard on the ground, her blade missing her target. Lidda’s tactics quickly changed while she focused on healing her stump. All her veins sealed shut in her stump, abruptly stopping the flow of blood and started to regrow a new limb. Her mind split into two tasks. One for healing her stump before she bled out and the second to counter attack, getting past the sword. Val had the teleportation rune, something Lidda hadn’t counted on, making the dwarven woman much more dangerous.

The Runesmaster seemed to have sense Lidda’s awareness because she went on the offensive. Her body vanished again and popped in just behind Lidda, who in turn had been prepping her offensive spell. Her head flipped about then activated her spell, slashing at Val’s calf. The stocker woman felt the tendon twitch and tighten, causing it to crumble underneath her weight. It was on the verge of bursting as Lidda’s fingers fisted in place creating more pain. Again, another three seconds and a brief flash had three Vals side by side with the same shit eating grin on their face. Lidda tried to retain her spell on the middle one, the last past she knew the dwarven woman to be, but it turned it was a doppelganger.

All three dwarves rushed forward.

Unable to tell which was the real one, Lidda’s eyes looked down at her stump. Damn it, she cursed. The limb was already over halfway healed but the claws hadn’t formed for a decent defense, meaning using it would’ve only caused her to start again with a newly chopped limb. Instead she envisioned a Boamis in her mind. More specifically the long, scaly tail. It popped out in a few seconds, barely making when one of the Val clones reached her.


All three were sent flying backwards, only the right one landing on her rump on landing, the others vanishing into thin air instantly. Val groaned, her thicker figure rolled over onto her side and was immediately mindful her sword was no longer within her grasp. Her head whipped about before she spotted it a few feet from her downed location. This caught Lidda’s attention too as both woman gave each other a pause then went for the sword. Lidda’s tail lashed out at the same as Val touched her rune and vanished. The sword skittered across toward the other side of the ring and out of Val’s hand, caught by Lidda’s tail tip at the last possible second. Val had just popped into existence just to watch it spin away.

Val flashed Lidda a frown who, in turn, displayed a slick grin at her victory. Not missing a beat, the vitamancer’s hind legs and right claw completed their change. Next came her other arm, the limb already altering its appearance into the furia’s left arm. Lidda hadn’t bothered to alter her face...yet. Not until she could defend herself against Val properly with an additional defense. Instead, she rushed the runemaster. Her three legs bounced across the gravel ground with great energy and speed despite the beast’s size. At the last moment, her right hind leg pulled back and her left spinned forward on the planted limb. It whirled her about while her long tail lashed out in a whipping fashion.

Most would argue why she didn’t merely use offensive vitamancy to take out Val’s tendons. That answer was rather simple: she needed hands to direct her attack. A simple slashing with claw wouldn’t cut it as she was already using arcanite to maintain shape and sharpness, so it was impossible to put more through it. Not without risking her hand twisting into something useless.

The dwarf clicked her boot heels then jumped up and over Lidda. In mid-air, her other hand touched the multiplying rune again to create three of her the moment Lidda adjusted her torso to slash her claw at the helpless teacher. Again, Lidda frowned when she missed her target and spotted the three dwarves thumping to the ground, each landing on a different side to surround her. Not wanting to give Val much of a chance, Lidda again circled in place bring her tail to slash at all three. The clones and Val leapt into the but instead of coming down, they hovered over the misshapen beast.

A bell rang signalling the end of the fight.

Val and Lidda, both having lost track of time, looked surprised to hear it so soon. Slowly Val’s clones vanished and the two bowed to one another, showing no hard feelings. Their heads turned to the ringer then both made their way off the arena, allowing Justine to dissipate it. Lidda paused long enough to return Val’s blade while they made their way to their seats. Naturally Lidda kept her monstrous figure since she enjoyed the shocked eyes at the battle damage and the creative use of multiple monsters for the fight.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Grey Onyx

Grey stood at attention behind the instructors during the demonstration, idly watching them perform their miracles as if it was nothing. He felt honored to be among the guard stationed there, even if he felt a little out of place. Though clad in formal officer's wear, he still looked... scruffy. He watched each of them in turn, pleased at how... pleasant it was. Nothing was being torn apart, nobody was experiencing unimaginable horror... Just food, drink and pleasant music.

He didn't have much to think about, other than the ornery talking axe he had acquired. He had been unable to find somewhere to drop the thing off, so it was currently stuck on his hip. Thankfully, it had kept quiet... Which was all he really wanted it to do. He arched a brow when the arena was constructed, wondering just what they had planned... Though his answer came in the form of the vitamancy teacher and the runecrafter. He respected the dwarf, but... He had trouble getting along with Lidda. He wasn't really able to understand how one could be so uncomfortable in their own skin... not that he'd ever seen what she really looks like. Part of him just wished she'd pick something more... conventional.

He watched the fight with disinterest, unable to really enjoy it. Lidda seemed to have great skill at vitamancy, but poor skill at war, which she attempted to compensate for with brutish animal forms. It was effective, but he thought it lacked... class. Maybe it was that harrowing run-in with that 'elf', but he just found shapechanging vitamancy either disgusting or an exercise in pointless vanity. The fight soon ended, the guard chuckling to himself a bit when he saw Lidda's snakelike face don an expression that was definitely what one would call smug. "How wonderful to know that Master wizards are not above attention whoring." He remarked quietly to Lucilia, smiling lightly. He was clearly jesting.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 10 hrs ago


Lyn stopped dancing around when Leith paused, his hand still hiding the rune in his pocket, and spoke to her. Her eyes snapped up and looked at him in the blue eyes as he spoke. She immediately frowned in confusion for a moment at what he had stated, unsure why she wouldn’t keep trying. After all, Satori, Ssarak and many other adults talked so why wouldn’t she? The question became clear when a voice spoke yet his lips never moved. The girl’s eyes went wide in shock, her body leaned back and looked hard at him.

How did he did that? She thought with awe, his albino features curled into a smile before pulling the rounded stone from his pocket. It fit a bit oddly in his larger hand, appearing to have been made for a child or woman, causing Lyn to stare at it a moment longer in amazement. Gingerly she reached a hand out to touch it with a statement filling her head.

“Pretty…” Her hand shot backwards, her mind not prepared for the abrupt sound to erupt from the stone. When her slight fear faded, she smiled and laughed a bit. Her hand reached out again for the rune then held it to her heart.

”Thank you, thank you!” The child almost squealed through the rune, her feet rushed forward then wrapped her arms around his neck. She squeezed tightly while still having an iron grip over her gift. With another quick ”Thank you!’, Lyn darted off to seek her father while holding onto Leith’s arm. Leading the white man toward where he was last seen seated as Ghell had stepped onstage.


Ghell had been limbering himself up for his demonstration. A few times his hands touched his toes and raised over his liver spotted brow, his body becoming looser with each movement until he inhaled. Finished up, he then started off toward the earth created arena. His bare feet smacked the cool stone floor as his eyes twinkled at the sight of the arena crumbling into dust. It shuddered and melted into the ground, scattering away to hide back where the specks had come from. The teacher was use to the great feats of magic however, it never ceased to bring him enjoyment. It was a pleasure to see the teachers showing their abilities off, each one precious and beautiful in its own way.

He passed Lidda bending down to collect her discarded arm with her teeth, the flesh had decayed more, the skin now looking putrid and pale. It wasn’t left to the imagination how much damage that could’ve caused if it had still been attached. “You might want to bury that as Sam will be upset as it is.”

Already stating the obvious, Ghell spotted Sam fussing over Val then turned to frown at Lidda. Giving a little chuckle, the elderly weaving teacher reached the center when Lidda ended up padding past. Taking a small breath, the man slowly dragged his right foot across the surface as it slipped behind him, no wider than a foot apart from his other. It shifted his hips’ right side back and putting him into a ready stance. His arms were cocked at right angles with palms facing away from his body. The right arm was over the left, both held a few inches from his frame, when he started to move. His moving arm created a figure eight pattern just in front of him while avoiding clashing with his still one. It continued for a few seconds before he abruptly flicked his arm straight out at his side, his fingers clawed as sparked crackled from the tips. They sizzled then popped creating a neon blue firework effect that sprayed to the side. Each spark morphed and changed, their essence the same but the shape altered into electric butterflies that zipped about. Their paths erratic while they darted here to there, fading out.

Not concerned with his creations ‘lives’ dying out, Ghell’s pace continued becoming more rapid as more animals sprang out. His hand darted across the floor and colorful mice. A dozen, like the butterflies, that looked to be neon woven images scampered about the floor into all directions. Next came rabbits while either bounced away or seemed to linger, chewing on invisible grass. Each created animal was larger than last, most forest based, and each time Ghell’s movements shifted to suit the creature he molded. By the time he was coming to his end, several of these transparent beasts had taken residence within the hall. Their behavior lifelike and could pass for the original save for their light-ish appearance.

The old man barely showed any signs of his stamina as he wrapped up the scene with one final creature: a serpent dragon.

He forced his arcanite through his hands, the fingers numbed and ached. The palms back were pressing their heels together and his feet parted, bracing himself, each breath delicately controlled through his training. Even his pulse, naturally would’ve been speeding after all the prancing, was made to stay steady. One wrong move… his hands would be blown off, left to be bleeding stumps. The skin on his hands glowed a vivid white becoming whiter and brighter. Dull grey blue thread of energy wove their form starting off small then growing when the beast erupted out of the center of Ghell’s hands. A thunderous roar rattled through the room, sending all the light animals scattering into shards of embers. At half way out, the weaving mage cut the thread to maintain it abruptly causing the creature to become nothing more than wisps in memory.

At the end, he bowed at his waist then walked toward his seat, giving the floor to another teacher.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Uicle stood up in front of the Dining Hall, examining the students ahead of him. "I am Uicle, Necromancy teacher. As you all have no doubt heard rumors of, Necromancy is the art of taking and binding souls to various items. Golems, blades, books, spoons, whatever tickles your fancy. For the purposes of this demonstration, I'll be binding the souls of warriors to these," He gestured behind him as several iron golems moved a dozen suits of armor and removed their helms, displaying for certainty that they were empty. "clearly empty suits of armor. Alas, necromancy isn't as flashy as other magics. This won't be anything special..." Uicle focused for a moment, and one by one the suits of armor began to stir into life. They experimentally twirled and swung their weaponry (Swords, spears, and halberds), moving with obvious experience and a grace one wouldn't expect from suits of empty armor. "And that's it for me, I'm afraid. I give the floor to my colleague, Craig Gray, master of Noxomancy."

The first suit of armor felt into a pile of rusted metal and dust before anyone knew what was happening. The suits of armor immediately went on the defensive, looking around in concern. There was a flicker of movement behind another one, and its legs were gone, nothing but rusted metal and dust. As it laid on the ground, thrashing impotently, a hand snaked from the shadows around it, and gently grabbed its chest. From the pale hand's touch, rust spread and destroyed the rest of the body. Another flicker of movement and Craig Gray was standing amongst the remaining suits of armor. For a moment, there was silence. Then they all lunged at the Noxomancy teacher. Craig simply slipped back into the shadows. He appeared as a flicker of movement in the shadows. For a brief moment he would appear behind, beneath, or to the side of the suits of armor. Then they would fall to rust at the tiniest of touches. It was over in a few moments, leaving Craig standing amongst a pile of rusted metal and dust. "That," he said briefly, "is the power of Noxomancy decay and shadow. That is what I will teach you, should you be my student." With that, he sat down again at the table.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 days ago

Tyrael Marchrosias

Mulling on Uicle's words Tyrael was slowly beginning to lose interests in the demonstrations. Honestly speaking, he's been at the college long enough to know what most of the teachers are capable of. He wished he could head to the forge and just start making weapons again. Even if he doesn't have any orders, he wants to just forge a blade for his own whim. It's been too long since he made a weapon for himself. Everything he's made these past few months were weapons and armor made to order by various villages and factions around the world. But if he could spend at least one night just making a weapon for himself, that would help strive off this mind-numbing boredom.

A distraction is what Tyrael needed, but he didn't want to get into trouble either. He just wanted to do anything that wasn't this. As he lazily scanned the room, Tyrael spotted the figure of Lyn with Leith. This was his ticket out. Without giving the others a chance to speak Tyrael stood up. "It appears that Lyn has been separated from Mar. I will bring her back to her." And off he went. Tyrael managed to get to Lyn before she found anyone else, and he quickly took her into his arms. He took off his helmet first of course; he didn't want to scare her after all. Looking at Leith, Tyrael was still questioning his intentions. Almost immediately Tyrael's possessive instincts called out to lash at Leith, but Uicle's words managed to reign these feelings in before they became anything. Breathing deeply, Tyrael tried to make the active effort of playing nice. "Thank you... For watching over her... Calder. Enjoy the feast. Oh. And I have things to ask you when I am available. Important things pertaining you and me." Tyrael was of course referring to Leith's Falling. Now that he thought of it, it would prove to be an educational experience for his students to see what Falling looks like first hand, and what they'd be expected to do once they grow strong enough.

But that was something for the far future. Right now Tyrael wanted to get out of the feast, taking Lyn with him. Of course, Tyrael didn't head straight to Mar. As soon as he was out of the dinning hall, Tyrael decided to spend some quality time with Lyn, his essential godchild. While most people are attending the feast, there were plenty of other activities this night to entertain guests of all ages. Games, contests, and tests for various prizes large and small. Simple games for snacks or bigger gambles for large sums of money or magical items. Tyrael put Lyn on his shoulders, allowing her to hang on tight while also getting the best view of the festival around her. "Before we see your mother, Lyn, let me show you around the festival. There is more to the feast than simply eating in the grand hall. Many merchants have come to play games and give prizes. Which do you want to do first?"

Lucilia Riovas

After her demonstration Lucilia returned to her seat with grace and poise, though in truth she was exhausted. She had used a lot of mage blood for trivial tasks, but it was all part of the show. At least she wasn't Satori, he was actively maintaining an entire symphony by herself. Lucilia wanted Satori to at least have her students help her, but she was adamant on doing it solely by herself. At least she had some ethers to keep her going, but Satori was certainly going to hurt for the next few days. Lucilia simply began to drink her "Red Wine"(Actually blood) quickly and in large quantities, allowing her to regain control over herself before her blood-lust could make her do something crazy. Still, Lucilia doubts she'd be able to do an encore.

Lucilia continued to drink well into the match between Val and Lidda. Lucilia had made a bet with Justine that Lidda would come out on top, but due to the indecisive nature of the match neither won, much to their disappointment. Feigning interests Lucilia than heard Grey quietly inquire to her about the vanity of her fellow teachers. She couldn't help but smirk herself. If she was allowed to fight, she too would have adopted a dramatic persona just to rile up the crowd. "It's not often we get to show off our abilities. We're compensating for something." Of course Lucilia was just joking, though little did she know a certain few teachers truly did question their abilities. Lucilia herself would occasionally wonder if she had reached the glass ceiling of her own magic. It's why she's turn to business and industry instead of research on her own magic; she simply feels that this is all she can do, and it's not quite that impressive compared to what everyone else is capable of.

But that was not something she wanted to think about now. This was suppose to be a festive moment, not a time for introspective philosophy. After Lidda and Val was Ghell, who showed off his Weaving magic by creating spiritual animals through his movements. They were a facsimile of life, but that didn't change the sheer amount of power he was putting out to create a veritable zoo of creatures woven together with his magic. Absent mildly, Lucilia wondered if Meirin was capable of these sort of feats yet. "Hue. I'm sure she's still splashing around water." Ghell's demonstration came to an end and soon it was Uicle's turn. His demonstration was decidedly simple, less than five minutes really. He simply moved souls into suits of armor. Craig had a more impressive display, but Lucilia couldn't help but feel disappointing in Uicle. While everyone had exceptional abilities, Lucilia felt he could have tried to make his demonstration more entertaining. But that wasn't for her to decide, as much as she wanted to. There weren't many other teachers left, but one thing was on her mind that made her nervous.

Ovak. Lucilia still doesn't know what he's doing here or what he wants. She did her best to ensure that the demonstrations went by peacefully. For the most part she's also made sure the various factions in the college have been behaving. She had to call the hammer down in Underhaven when she received word of some major violence going on, and the place was now under careful watch to ensure no one else decides to impale someone. However she was also worried about his health. She still has no idea how Ovak is so spry, and fears when he'll stop. Shifting closer to Grey Lucilia subtly tugged on his axe, trying to get his attention. "Grey, did you get my bag?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Uicle, Ovak, and Khan

Uicle quietly went back to the teacher’s table, a gauntlet in his free hand, as the last of his resurrected knights crumbled into rusted dust. Uicle let all of their souls (except for the one whose hand he was carrying) go back into the Pit. They were no longer needed, and had done their purpose. His gaze was fixed on Khan and Ovak, and he made a beeline for the Archmage and the Headmaster, stepping up behind them. He placed the gauntlet on Khan’s shoulder, and his free hand on Ovak’s shoulder. “Khan, Ovak.” He began pleasantly. “I believe I have something to talk to the both of you about.” In unison, Uicle’s hand and the hand of the gauntlet rose to smack the two mages upside the head.

“Ovak, you’re an idiot. I told you to take it easy and not use magic, and the next thing I know you’re running off with Ssarak’s girlfriend and sending magical messages galore. You just got out of bed from nearly killing yourself and now you’re just using magic willy nilly? Tsk! You’re not a novice to be taking risks like that, Ovak. Khan, I know who you got whatever you’re hiding from, and we’re going to talk about that later. With Lucillia. And Tyrael. And Ovak if he hasn’t broken a hip. You’re still an idiot to for even thinking about having it.”

Khan had been busy, his scales tingling with the sense of being watched. His eyes flickered to the side and spotted Uicle coming casually toward the pair causing his chatty nature to fall into silence. Ovak raised a eyebrow but immediately realized the reason as he heard the clicking of the armor suit the teacher’s soul inhabited step into place behind them. The headmaster felt something slightly weighty placed on his shoulder and his head turned to spot a gauntlet resting there. Uicle used a pleasant voice despite his spiritual rasp then immediately the hand thumped him upside the head, hard.

Unlike Khan, who had been rather slow to react, Ovak’s head jerked forward and narrowly missed Uicle’s physical reprimand. His hand held up to prevent a repeat of it as he spoke, allowing Khan time to nurse his aching head. ”Underhanded reprimands will just encourage me, Uicle. As for the messages, I was just praising and nudging a few students in secret to key directions. I also know my limits. Believe me.”

Ovak’s eyes looked to Khan, his eyes flickered with slight worry over what Uicle had mentioned. ”So, you actually kept it in this time?”

The headmaster averted his gaze, his hand still rubbing his head back until the pain faded. His mind was elsewhere for the moment as he tried to brush off both Uicle and Ovak. He aimed to play stupid with the form first in hopes he didn’t give his secret away, his voice forcibly calm. ”Uicle, that plant is locked away and completely contained. It wouldn’t get out unless I let it out, Rathel assured me. Also Val put a Rune on the jar’s bottom to freeze it if it did escape.”

Khan took a breath then continued. ”Does that make you feel better? As for keeping it, it would’ve wasted Rathel’s efforts. Despite him being a demon, it didn’t sit well with me.”

Uicle snorted in disbelief as Ovak spoke. “Sure you do. And I’ll make sure that the slap is overhand rather than underhand then, Archmage. Do you know that over half of the students here have no idea who you are? You’re a myth. A figure of legend. Or, you’re an old man that sits next to Khan and looks important. To be in the student’s lives, Ovak, you need to be excessively careful with yourself. Or I will be excessively careful for you. And if that means I have to slap the idiocy out of you, well then it’s a good thing I don’t get tired or sleepy.”

Ovak merely chuckled then settled back into his chair, his head turned away and fully choosing to ignore Khan’s attempt to redirect the topic. Deep inside it troubled him however to see Khan risking himself on one path he would later regret. If the students didn’t notice it then likely it was meant to happen, through the idea of Kudd getting a new pawn was creating a sourness in his mouth he couldn’t be rid of. Through Uicle was right, Ovak couldn’t change that matter now. To do so would mean he would risk his own health and the temporary gift he was given, something very few seemed to have asked or addressed yet much to his relief.

Uicle’s head swiveled to stare at the headmaster. He continued to stare as the Esyire finished his lie, wishing for once that he had a face that could fully show his irritated disbelief. “Do not lie to me, Khan and don’t try to play dumb.” He spoke quietly, but vehemently. “You know damn well what I’m talking about. And you know damn well it’s not that murderous plant of yours. Or did you think I would forget? I know! Your masterful plot to prevent this conversation was to hope that the teacher who remembers the information all his golems give him would forget the really important piece of information your demon gave me! Brilliant!” Acidic sarcasm dripped from his tone and the gauntlet tightened on Khan’s shoulder. “Give me one good reason, aside from the fact that you’ll just have Zaad move it, if you already haven’t, to not go into your room and destroy it.”

Khan’s eyes narrowed and his spine gained a cold shiver down it. His fingers tightened on his chair arm while the gauntlet tighten on his shoulder, warning him against his earlier actions. The Esyire gritted his teeth and waited for Uicle’s acidic tone to cease. “Because we both know he won’t have made it that simple, would he? As for Zaad, I appreciate if you didn’t go forcing your soul into my demon’s minds. Likewise Rathel had no right to tell you despite his good intentions. I’ve already tried to destroy it through various mean save one: going into the Inferno to give it back to him personally.”

“And I’d appreciate it if you told us when you’re hiding something that dangerous.” Uicle retorted, glaring at the Esyire. He snorted at Khan’s words about destroying it, resisting the urge to slap him again. “Here’s a radical idea! Why don’t you give it to Rathel, and have him toss it into some dark place of the Inferno? Or, even better, toss it in the bottom of the ocean. Anything, really! Just get rid of it. I know how this works. He promises you power, promises to give you the way to save yourself and those you care about. It’s how Aarem got me and it’s how he’s going to get you unless you get rid of it.

Khan's teeth gritted, his eyes focused on Uicle as he spoke. "And it ends right back in my desk the next day! It's got an Inferno rune on it Uicle and you really think-"

Ovak interrupted Khan immediately as he held his hand out, his face looking staring forward and looking completely calm. "I might suggest you two take this time to discuss your opinions elsewhere as you're attracting attention. This mess isn't exactly the best place to converse about such serious issues. As well as I fear Khan might try to shut himself in his office and having that chat would be extremely problematic."

The dark skinned man looked from Khan, the headmaster's head turned to the side in silence, then to Uicle. He was hoping the soul got his hint this wasn't an issue to delay with but it wouldn't the first time he was ignored. "As for Kudd, it's very hard to deny him what he wants. Just like Aarem, as you have experience to back that truth up, and completely angering a God never ends well. Khan has already defied them five times so a sixth would not be ideal."

“I’d just have a Golem break down the door.” Uicle snapped back, still glaring at Khan. He face palmed as Ovak spoke up. “Ovak, there was a reason I wasn’t saying his name. You know, so people don’t think that Khan is ready to join Kudd?” He hissed at the old mage, still not looking at Ovak. His head immediately snapped back to Ovak, however, when he heard the final sentence. “Five? What do you mean, five times?” He swiveled his head to look at Khan. “Perhaps you’d like to explain that rather than your little ‘gift.’”

Ovak smirked, his finger tapped his ears while he spoke, noting Khan’s silence. ”I’m not an idiot Uicle, but if you haven’t noticed no one has heard us despite your voices having been raised several octaves. I had to use magic,” His hand revealed Val’s hidden silence Rune from under his hand and currently glowing a deep indigo so Uicle wouldn’t immediately slap him upside the head again. “To keep any conversation between the two of you to barely a whisper. So now, if you both will please take this conversation elsewhere before you both become the death of me.”

His hand replaced the Rune back into his robe pocket then allowed the two, through he was lightly sighing at the pair and wondering when Ucile would actually trust his judgement. From his vision corner, he studied Khan’s reaction to the information he had just let slip as Uicle quickly caught on. Unlike the teacher, Ovak had known the Runes on Khan weren’t Inferno Runes. They were something much worse and a fact he survived it five times was a miracle in itself. At Uicle’s request, Ovak glanced at Khan to add one last statement. “You can explain or I can, Khan.”

The headmaster bit his lip in silence, his hands folded in his lap as he looked down at the engraving etched into his hand back. His finger stroking the rune impulsively while he paused enough to consider what Ovak had uttered and how much he should speak. It was little surprise to him that Ovak had figured out the truth about his magic, through he wondered why the Archmage chose now to speak about it. “You figured out the Runes weren’t Inferno based, didn’t you? When, how?”

“I’ve seen them before a long, long time ago. They’re not very common on Tiien so it was very strange to see not one, but five different ones on a single individual. As for when, I knew when I first saw them and you arrived at the College. Before I started to fall ill. It was a conversation the old Demonomancer master and last Rune master back while you were a student. It might explain why His first attempt didn’t work after our ‘guest’ poisoned you.”

The Necromancy teacher’s hand fell back to his side as he saw the rune, reluctantly. Uicle spoke with forced calm, evident even with him being in a suit of armor. He was furious and worried all at the same time. Unfortunately for Khan, he was more angry than worried. “Khan. I’m sure the demonstrations can carry on without us. You and I are going to have a long talk in your office, during which we’ll divulge all of our dirty little secrets to each other. Trust is built upon honesty. And no, this isn’t an optional or postponable talk. You are coming with me or we’ll have this chat right here and now.”

Khan’s shoulders fell as his hand reached for his cup, surprisingly Dragonspit, then downed it in gulp. His throat and belly burning, he gripped the top of his cane then scooted his chair backwards. It screeched a bit making him and likely Uicle flinch as he turned on heel to follow. His limb clearer than it had been in months while he tried to keep up with the suit leading the way to his office, his feet gingerly setting a pace. His hand reached for Uicle’s gauntlet which he passed back to the Necromancer along the way.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Konan375
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Leith smiled as Lyn hugged him. He chose the correct gift, it seemed. He stood up an let Lyn guide him wherever she was going. They didn't get far before they bumped into Tyrael. When Tyrael thanked him, Leith nodded "It was no problem." Leith raised his eyebrows when Tyrael mentioned that he needed to talk to him at a later time. That sounded interesting. He waved to Lyn as she was carried away. With a smile, he made his way towards his table.

The sight of Uicle making a beeline towards Khan and the older man that Leith assumed to be Ovak caught his eye. He watched with amusement as the Necromancy teacher whacked, or attempted to whack, both Khan and Ovak upside the head. He succeeded in whacking Khan, but Ovak ducked under the hit. They talked for a few moments, but despite the fact that Khan and Uicle seemed to be growing agitated, Leith couldn't hear anything.

Leith watched as Khan and Uicle made their way out of the dining hall. He looked at Ovak and remembered what Khan had told him. Because of that, he really wanted to talk to the old man. He picked himself out of his seat and made his way towards the head table. "I assume you're Ovak?" Leith asked casually as he approached the Archmage. "Y'know, you're very unassuming for the most powerful man in this college." He smiled. "It fits nicely"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
Avatar of EliteCommander

EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Ssarak Dyreackthanose and Meirin Kurenai


Ssarak's homeland sounded like a harsh place to live, honestly. Djarkel had it's faults, but at least there was land worth fighting over. Lakes of lava, ash fields, the place sounded like a wasteland. But at the same time, Meirin could see that despite all of that, it has created strong people. It had to, because weaker ones were punished or killed. And while Meirin wouldn't say it, she envied Ssarak and that sort of life style. She liked the idea of a strong land making stronger people. She relished testing herself against others and honing herself against powerful opponents. "No, I mean... I understand. It's... It's like dragons."

Clenching her hands into fists Meirin looked at Ssarak with an eager look. She loved the stories told to her about the dragons of old. It's what inspired her to become the person she was today. "They fought against adversity and strife, honing their minds and bodies to survive the brutal world they lived in. They said that in the beginning of the world, there was only chaos. Before the gods formed Tiien, there was only an uncontrolable void that created all matter of destruction without purpose or reason. The dragons were one of the only creatures that were able to traverse this realm of chaos, and when the gods created Tiien, taught the humans how to survive the same realm. One god in particular, Urzama, was said to be the proginator of what we call Martial Arts." Placing her hands into her lap Meirin tried to remember how the story went. She didn't want to bore Ssarak with the entire tale, which was so long she remebered the elders having to refer to a scroll just to tell her about the creation of the world before taking out another scroll detailing Urzara.

"Urzara was a dragon warrior of her tribe. Where others fought with ferocity and fire, she fought with cunning and grace, as she was born a smaller dragon then most, and unable to breath flames like they did. To make up for what she lacks in physical strength, she learned how to defend herself by countering their strength, using technquies independant from one's actual abilities. When she first met mortal men, she taught them her fighting style while they traded with her works of art: statues, paintings, songs. Many came to her to learn from her, and they all gave her works of art in trade. Even many dragons, seasoned and legendary warriors in their own right, came to learn or court her. For that reason she's known as a dragon of art and beauty, and the one that my home revered most all."

Taking a sip from the wine Meirin's face grew a slight shade redder when she realized she went on a tangent again. She really wanted to talk about her home; she had so much she wanted to tell Ssarak and just couldn't keep her thoughts organized. If Ssarak was looking into her mind right now, he'd see that she was trying to find a good moment to actually tell him about her possibly going back to the monestary. But she also wanted to ask Ssarak if he knew any stories about dragons. Another thought that just went through her mind was how she was suppose to link her tale of Urzama with Ssarak's talk about the scortched lands. It embarassed how much of a scatterbrain Meirin was being.

"Ah... But I digress. I think that the Scortched Lands, much like the dragons of old, are dangerous but powerful forces of nature. They are things to be feared, certainly. But at the same time, it's that same power that inspires normal people to become something greater. It's seeing something great and telling yourself "I want to be their equal". It's looking at the sun and wanting to fly amongst the clouds."

Throughout all of Meirin's explanations, Ssarak listened intently. He looked away only to have some of his food or wine. She did have a tendency to go on for a while on some topics, but in that, he certainly did not mind. It seemed that she cared a great deal about her monestary and its beliefs, which did make sense. Unlike himself, Meirin likely intended to return to her home after finishing her education at the college. It was possible he could gleam more information on the topic from her mind, but he disliked reading into the minds of friends, Meirin in particular, without at least implied permission. He only really made exception to this in dangerous situations, in which he would read the minds of all allies without reservation.

Ssarak found Meirin's story about the dragon Urzama to be particularly interesting. Ironically, the Esyire had few tales of true dragons in the Scorched Lands, or at least few credible ones. There were some myths that had been passed down from long before the time of the Esyire Clans, but for all intents and purposes, the closest being to dragons in his homeland were wyverns which could feed on the ash, and the Esyire themselves. Indeed, the similarities between them could not be denied, to the point that some believed them to be related. There were myths that the Esyire had traces of dragon blood within them, and the dragons had long ago taught them to form their magic in their breath, but Ssarak did not know how true those tales actually were.

"By your description, it seems as if you have a good deal of respect and admiration for dragons. " He began, pausing for a sip of wine and giving a smile. "I would say that makes sense, given your taste in men." He joked.

"But, regardless, I do understand what you mean." Ssarak continued more seriously. "Strength alone would not allow one to thrive in my homeland. It takes cunning, knowledge, and especially perseverance to survive the Scorched Lands. It breeds strength and self-sufficiency in its people, albeit through the harshest of means. There is a reason that the Esyire are among the least numerous of Tiien's races, after all. Still, I would not be the person I am today without my homeland's influence. I do wish I should show it to you, but the air itself is deadly to anyone who is not Esyire."

Meirin covered her cheeks as she blushed from Ssarak's comments. She didn't want to admit that she was initally intrigued by Ssarak's appearance. She did legitimately fall in love with the person, rather than just the image. Meirin also understood Ssarak's reluctance about showing Meirin the Scortched Lands. She's figured that such a place would be inhospitible to even someone like Meirin. "Well... Even if you cannot show me your homeland, I can show you mines. Actually, I was given premission to return home. I'm suppose to speak to the elder masters about matters on behalf of the college, but I'd love it if you came along with me!"

Ssarak answered nearly without hesitation. "It would be an honor. I certainly would like to be able to see Djarkel as you see it, and the monestary, as you describe it, sounds compelling." He said with no shortage of enthusiasm. He could not say he had been to a place like her home before, and there was of course appeal in being able to spend time with her on the journey. "I suppose I will need to inform Satori of my intention to join as well, though I doubt it will be an issue. What do you think I should do to prepare? I certainly do not wish to accidentally offend any of the monks. Do you think they will...approve of us?" He asked, his concern showing through his question.

Meirin's face grew pale when Ssarak asked about how the monks would take their relationship. She hasn't thought about it before. Romance back at the monestary was never really a problem, but that was because it rarely ever came up. The closest thing Meirin ever encountered was when they escorted merchant couples. Even then everyone kept their noses out of each others businesses. Meirin herself never felt and particular attraction to her fellow artists like she does for Ssarak. She doesn't even remember if any of her teachers were married.

"I'm... Not entirely sure, to be honest. I mean... There are certain codes of conduct I grew up with. Never speak out of turn, always allow the elders to pick first, clean after yourself, that sort of thing. Generally these rules don't apply to guests, but I... I don't know how they'd react to... Us..."

What worries Meirin the most was that she didn't know how they would react. She doesn't know if what she's doing is tabboo or would just be accepted. The monestary never came off as particullarly harsh, but than again she's enjoyed many freedoms here in the college she never had back at home. She's eaten a lot more meat than usual and actually speaks out against others, and isn't diciplined for it. She also took note that she had a lot more belongings now than she did before: She came to the college with only her weapons, but now she had an entire wardrobe, various knicknacks, and more weapons. She's changed so much.

"I think it would be best if we were subtle about our relationship. The monks and my masters are fairly tolerate of outsiders, but because I grew up there they may be more strict with me. And... And I know you love me Ssarak. But the ones at the monestary, they're my family too. Even if they're not perfect... And... Just whatever happens, promise me you won't get angry, okay?"

Ssarak nodded and started to grin in an attempt to lighten the mood, and allay her fears. "You know me, Meirin. I can be as diplomatic as is needed for whatever situation. I did manage to convince two warring factions that supported their cause an hour or so ago." He said, though his tone did become more serious as he reached out and lightly grabbed her hand. "I will behave however you think is appropriate, I promise. I would refrain from mentioning it at all if you wanted me to. Although, I will say that I would prefer not to lie to them. Even if it will be uncomfortable to inform them about us, I believe it would be worthwhile to be open about that fact. Besides, it may be that we get along well. From what you have described, we may share similar philosophies on some matters. Certainly, I expect some rather intriguing conversations."

Pausing a moment, Ssarak took a drink of his wine and a few more bites of his meal. Neither of them had actually eaten much of their dinner, given how focused they were on their conversation. Although, Ssarak was certainly in no rush. Even after just a few minutes of talking, they had made some rather exciting plans. "I would not worry too greatly. You are a mature woman, both in age and in mind, and you have already acted with great valor while at the college. There are students here who would not have survived the demon attack without you; I am sure your family will be proud of you, and the decisions you have made."

"Proud of me?" For once, Meirin wondered just how her teachers and students back at home felt about her. She always saw them as her family. Did they think of her the same way? They all felt angry when she boasted and fought... But they shared her grief when the demons attacked. They sent her here to the college to help her. And soon she'd come back, better than before. They would be proud, wouldn't they?

When Ssarak touched Meirin's hand she looked up at him. She returned his smile with a smile of her own. She didn't have much else to say, so she pulled Ssarak close so she could rest against his body. "Yeah. Even if they're not perfect... You're the next best thing. I shouldn't have anything to worry about."

"I could not agree more." Ssarak commented. As she pulled him close, he wrapped his wing around her, quite enjoying her embrace. He had to admit that he would be somewhat nervous in meeting what was essentially Meirin's family, but he was certain they would be able to find common ground. Meirin was a result of their teachings, after all. After a moment, he grabbed his wine glass once more and raised it to her. "How about a toast? To your family, to us, and...to being perfectly imperfect."

"Heh... To us." Meirin raised her wine glass and tapped it against Ssarak's. She took a large sip, feeling the smooth taste slither over her tongue. Going home would be great... But she couldn't help but worry. Everything was so sudden that she felt unprepared. But that's why she was here in the first place, wasn't it? To learn and be ready. Now wasn't the time for that sort of thing though. Today was suppose to be a day of celebration. So Meirin put those thoughts aside and just looked at the night sky in Ssarak's embrace, enjoying the little moments like this.
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