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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Meirin Kurenai

Running through the forest, flashes of steel cut through the trees and brush, scaring off birds and little animals. As meirin ran past, she was able to pick up a few of her throwing stars, swiftly putting them back into her pouch. She was trying to to find an animal that Lyn can try to take down, but so far she hasn't had any luck getting anything good. Meirin hoped to have Lyn start with a fox or perhaps rabbit, but the rabbits were too fast and Meirin never found a fox yet. She did see some wolves, but Meirin was uncertain if Lyn was ready for them, even if she wounded them a bit. Perhaps a deer, but Meirin had a hard time getting close to them. Their nose were quite sharp, and despite Meirin's best efforts her natural musk gave her away even when she was down-wind.

For a moment Meirin stopped for a breather. She's been running around all morning trying to find animals for Lyn to take out, but the monk girl hasn't even managed to wound one. It was somewhat self-conscience; hunting wasn't really something Meirin did. Sure she'd kill an animal if she had to, even help butcher one, but hunting wasn't something Meirin grew up to do. She was more prepared to hunt and take out a bandit then she was a bunny. But Meirin was always willing to give help to Lyn and her family, even doing things she's not used to. Though perhaps Meirin would have more luck if she worked with her partners; she was only suppose to be scouting for potential prey. Meirin's own arrogance in her skills with the Shuriken made her believe she could wound a rabbit, but instead of a grazing cut she just missed. Sighing, Meirin went to find Summer and Leith. Perhaps they were having better luck then she was.

As Meirin was looking for Summer, she heard Leith call out. ”Hey! There's a rabbit headed your way, try to push it towards the meadow!" Looking around Meirin didn't see Summer, but did see the rabbit. "you got this Summer! I have your back!" As Meirin said that she carefully held her spear in her hand while her other hand took out two shurikens, ready to help redirect the bunny once Summer manages to get it to head into the meadow.

Myrn Vaan'Atisha

Myrn caught up to the others as they entered through the catacomb doors. She carried more-or-less the usual gear she would have while on the road. Travel rations that could last her a few days, a bedroll, torches, flint and steel, a gallon of water, a whetstone, compass, and most importantly a map. And not just any map, but a map of the catacombs. Myrn had to scour through the library for this, but hearing about where she was going Myrn wanted to make sure she knew as much as she could. The map was about two years old, but she didn't think the college would have renovated the catacombs much in the past two years. Things looked fairly aligned as they were going through the entrance. "Hello everyone! I'm Myrn Vaan'Atisha, at your service."

The wood elf was quietly keeping track of the team's progress when Tyrael stopped them. He was looking voer a corpse which Myrn knew was a Ridge Hound. She saw a few of them in Yarosmere once, and knew they were a local of the Ravine. It didn't take long for Myrn to figure out that something was wrong before Tyrael explained it to them. He divided everyone up into teams, to which Myrn responded by taking out her sword. "Ridge Hounds! I've never faced them before. This will be fun!" Myrn said cheerfully as she took some practiced swings with her Dar'Missan.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 6 days ago

Ssarak Dyreackthanose


Ssarak was surprised when Tyrael instructed them all to go ahead and start following him into the catacombs. Only a few students had arrived to join in the mission, and Ssarak had been expecting more. He knew that Tyrael was only using volunteers, instead of conscripting students to help, but he had thought there were more students in the College willing to accept such danger. It was only once another student, who identified herself as Myrn, came running up behind them that Ssarak realized Tyrael was simply leaving without them. For a matter of life and death such as this, Ssarak certainly did not approve.

As for the catacombs themselves, Ssarak was not terribly worried as the group was moving through. They had a foul smell and were filled with the bones and corpses of the dead, but he did not feel greatly threatened as of yet. His armor would easily protect the majority of his body from the diseased vermin Tyrael mentioned. He needed only be cautious of his wings. It was not terribly likely for him to be infected if it was just the membrane which was bitten, but there were other parts of his wings which were vulnerable. At the very least, they were not accessible from the ground.

Once the group came across the strange corpse, which Tyrael identified as a ridge hound, the atmosphere became much more tense. Evidently, creatures from the Ravine had made their way into the catacombs underneath the College. They did not need an explanation to know why that could be danger to those above. Tyrael instructed them to split into groups, and for Ssarak to join him.

With a simple nod, Ssarak drew his blade from its scabbard and held it in a two-handed, ready position. Currently, the weight was very light and close to the hilt, so the two-handed grip was not necessary, but it would allow him to swing faster in an emergency. He followed attentively behind Tyrael, allowing enough distance that both of them could swing freely if they were ambushed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Luna Markiplier Fan

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Summer Flores
Lyn's Hunt

Summer was wondering around the forest, her spring green eyes looking around for an animal that Lyn could hunt. She stopped her green dress brushing against her legs as she looked at the tree top where the moonlight was peaking through the leaves. She smiled gently at it. She felt at peace as she always did when she was in the element of nature, even as a young child she was always outside before she was sealed in the tower. She blinked when she heard a rustle from somewhere and she ran to it. As she got closer she heard her name being called as well as a encouraged yell from her friend Meirin.

"Ok Meirin" She called out as she ran after the rabbit jumping over any tree stumps that were sticking upward in the open. She kept her eyes on the rabbit as they headed for the meadows. Her bright red hair brushed against her shoulder as most of it flew behind her. The rabbit reached the treelike that marked the exit of the forest and the two appeared in the meadow.

"Lyn if you are nearby catch the rabbit" She called out for the young girl she had grown fond of over a short time of playing games with her. She stopped running and leaned against the tree ignoring the roughness of the bark.


Colette stood there as Tyrael answered a person's questions. When he was done her eyes went to the iron gates that smiley began to open, her body becoming filled with slight fear and dread. Once the others began to go in she followed closely behind wanting to keep close with Tyrael. She sent Hyllos to fly around to keep watch ahead of them.

As they continued their journey through the dark halls of the catacombs, the bell of blood began to linger in the air and it got stronger as they got closer. Colette wanted to whimper at the smell but it would break the silence of the group and she didn't want the attention on her. Colette stopped as they came across a disturbing sight. A strange animal that looked like it had been torn apart by something and just recently. She was about to ask when Tyrael said what it was and that left her confused. If the a ridge hound that was a pest in Ravine, then how did it get into the catacombs.

"Mr. Tyrael if this is suppose to be in the Ravine...how did it get into the catacombs" Colette asked timidly, but made sure her voice was high enough for everyone to hear. Hyllos landed on her shoulder and looked at Tyrael as if she too was waiting for the answer as well.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 18 min ago

Lyn's Hunt

Lyn jumped when Alaira touched her, not expecting the touch, as she reacted. In a single, fast motion she whipped about on her left heel to face the source. Her hands jerked out a throwing blade as her fangs erected, giving a soft warning hiss in reply. Shock broke out over her face when she realized who she was hissing at. Then it melted into a sheepish, guilty one when tilted her eyes down in shame. She was nervous, the impulse surging through her system like wildfire, increasing her edginess to please everyone. In truth, she doubted her abilities. Her mother was the best hunter she knew and about to take a large creature down without a snitch. Through she also had a tail that could crush bone into dust but could be gently when it embraced her only daughter.

“S-s-sorry. I was nervous.” Lyn admitted, her hands lowered and shifted back into a rest position. There had been fewer, and fewer animals considered the amount of work the others had done, their paths avoiding the concentration of Annabeth and Alaira. While they both had good intentions, they were making her hunting difficult by chasing the prey away with their presence. However, she wasn’t sure how to tell them as she inhaled to relax.

It was hard enough to hunt when she lacked experience but now to work around Alaira, it seemed more daunting than ever. Would she ever manage to get a kill before nightfall? Her arms wrapped about her, pinning her daggers on her upper arms and removed herself from her ready stance. “T-t-too few animals. I t-th-thought-t-t t-th-there would be more. Is-s-s s-s-somet-t-thing s-s-scaring t-t-th-them away?

Thankfully Annabeth arrived before things could get much more awkward, Lyn painfully aware of her stuttering. She waved at the dark haired woman on the draft horse, Samson looking rather pleased with himself, as she approached them. She already had chased off some wolves making Lyn bite her lips at the thought about how dangerous that was. “You d-didn’t-t-t get-t-t hurt-t, d-d-did you?”

Group 1: NiteMare

Nitemares were said to be made the stuff of nightmares, foul beasts of the Nox. They mainly fed on pain and suffering, terrifying and toying with their prey while becoming drunk on their fear until finally they expired when their heart usually gave out. This particular stallion had been attracted by the wound animals stressed by the hunters as they herded them into the small meadow. With each step of its long legs, several smaller creatures, lizards to mice, yet to be herded darted quickly out of its path to escape its attention. Their eyes widened by fear driving them as they quickly started to flee out of the haven Lyn was suppose to be hunting.

Mist, thick and heavy, started to permeate from the flanks. It glided over the ground and slithered along until it covered several inches, increasing gradually until it was waist high. The Nitemare’s image was a dark shadow with ashy black flesh and the front covered by long hair like fur, giving it a wild look. Blood soaked the night colored hooves as it gave a small snort, blowing breath from its chest while it pawed the ground in patience. It eyed its possible prey. Iris less eyes darted from Annabeth on horseback to Alaira and finally fixed upon little Lyn, the most frightened of all. Its mouth curled into a wicked smile and lowered its horned head, a mixture of ram and bull, before bolting at the child. Hooves pounded the ground and echoed off the empty trees it darted through, bursting out of the forest edge that Alaira and Annabeth were suppose to be guarding. Plants were quickly crushed with its strength and desire to chase the youth in order to drink her dry.

Plots of dirt went flying backwards with each lunge forward as it parkour over fallen logs, pushing through clawing branches and more to eat the distance between them. An inhuman, banshee like scream erupted into the air stating its charge. When it finally cleared out into the meadow, it increased its speed causing Lyn to instinctively freeze. Her mind numb and unable to think, she hadn’t expected this. Sparring Alaira, mother and father was far different compared to having a huge horse charging at her. Especially as she had less experience in combating monsters than any of the current trio near her. Seeming to sense her hesitation, the stallion gave another shriek then started to teleport.

Group 3: Cosh

Cosh were predatory creatures who rely on stealth and clever tricks, their bodies unable to take great amount of damage. They hunt in packs that range between 3-6 predators total as well as cover miles on miles that can be considered their territory. Due to a special gland under their skin, they reflect light off the skin making them invisible to the naked eye. Often they use this to sneak up on prey and unfortunately for Keri and E’nasha, both had stumbled upon the local pack’s hunting turf.

Just when Keri’s words slipped from her mouth, a growl from behind E’nasha interrupted them. Out of the tree’s shadows came a thick, mangy shape that looked like digit legged creature with white and black striped fur. It was standing on all fours with its back legs closer to the ground and long human like arms. The black lips curled back revealing blood stained teeth in the dim twilight as it crawled forward and kept growling, its one eye sizing up what its pygmy nose was giving it. Abruptly it came to a stop then tossed up its shaggy head, letting out a loud, echoing howl that rattled off the forest. It lasted only a few moments before it fell back into its hunting posture.

Just as it reached a few steps, the branch above Keri made a loud creak. Weight was applied and made the branch stress when another Cosh, much bigger, suddenly appeared from nowhere. Its jaws exposed its teeth and leaned down, the alpha clearly. Blood stained this one’s chin as well while it snapped a few times, testing its jaw before lunging at Keri’s arm. If the vampire didn’t move fast it would latch on and toss her to the side, smacking into the nearest bush.

So far there was two the pair could see, however that was unlikely to stay that way for long.

Group 4: Paich

Being far enough away, Leith, Summer and Meirin had little way to know about the trouble others were suffering even when the commotion started. It didn’t help they had troubles all of their own to deal with.

The Paich’s favorite tactic was to hid and snatch prey, gobbling it up as quickly as possible for its own appetite. It seemed a mated pair had found a perfect hunting ground, their skin sensing the rumbling of heavy footsteps above their subterranean home and perked their insect like heads upward. They listened carefully at the scene happening above. They tilted their heads to each other and the same plan seemed to form in their heads. The male, a more dusty grey, had started to dug with new found fury and eagerness while his back legs kicked the loosen dirt back, closing the tunnel loosely behind it. Any rocks or stone he managed to find were broke into pieces easily as his claws ranked about.

There seemed to be little to no pattern to his rooting about, save he seemed to making pot holes. Winter was coming and the Paich were well known to take on prey much larger than themselves. All thanks to its higher intelligence, the male’s claws kept digging and skin tracked the surface movements during his task. If all went well, the creatures would have a large pile of meat to rot and gore itself on during the winter. If not, there was always the little one in the meadow nearby. The working Paich’s mouth watered at young, tender meat as he rushed forward with new energy to finish the trap.

Scared, and frightened, the rabbit darted into the direct each hunter easily directed it. Its hind legs propelled it against the thick ground toward the destination, driven on by Summer shout and nearly out of sight when something happened. A grey, ugly creature, the Paich female and about the size of a badger, sprung from the dirt. She slammed into the white furred beast. The rabbit was stunned and wounded, but still alive. A wiggling body pinned by the Paich’s claw, the predator seemed to leer at the hunters in return then start to drag the quarry by the leg toward the nearest hole.

She purposely took her time to haul the prey, much faster than she appeared, while her mate popped up near Summer’s foot. It slowly raised its razor sharp claws to rack its claws across the girl’s unprotected heel and if it was hit, the claw would rip the achilles heel. Should that happen, she would suffer blood loss as well be unable to walk on that leg until it was healed by a vitamancer.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Althalus Lyn's Hunt

Althalus smirked at Mar. "Me? I'm just admiring your lovely tunic. It fits you so much more better than it fits me. You're the most likely out of the two of us to spot and point out any rabbits. And besides, I enjoy looking at you far more than I enjoy looking for rabbits. After this hunt, with Alaira and Lyn and the rest celebrating, perhaps we can celebrate in our own way." He smiled, his eyes traveling up and down Mar's form, leaving no doubt as to what his idea of celebrating was. He glanced at her twitching tail and chuckled. "Have I ever mentioned you're cute when you're irritated? Because you are."

His smirk vanished as he turned to see what had made the cracking noise. At Mar's words he couldn't help but chuckle. "See? You even spotted the giant moose before I did." He began to pull out his crossbow. "We'll deal with it." Before anything could happen, though a Snow Elf came and quite handily dealt with the moose sending it along on it's way. After a moment, Althalus put his crossbow up. "Never mind. Enzius will take care of it. We'll just keep an eye out for more..." He gestured vaguely. "Wildlife that Lyn won't have too much trouble with."

Aramir, Catacombs

Aramir followed the group, barely catching the tail end of it in time for the venture. Her ring was glowing slightly, giving her more light to work by as she examined the surrounding area. She merely quirked an eyebrow as Tyrael left with Ssarak, stringing her bow. Taking their two strongest fighters out of the way seemed like a bad idea, but it wasn't her place to critique or deal with the leader of the expedition, especially since he was both Tyrael and gone.

She glanced idly at Myrn. Ever since their drunken escapade, she had avoided the elf. She found it awkward, to say the least. But right now wasn't the time to be worried about her sex life. "Ridge Hounds are fast, vicious, and usually travel in packs. Large packs. Aim ahead of them so they run into your attack and don't get split off from the group. They'll merely surround then slaughter you. On the bright side, you can usually kill them with one blow and they wound easy. You'll just have to do it over and over again until there aren't fifty of them anymore!" She smiled at the Forest Elf and then stood. "So, does anyone have any ideas where to start?"

Leith's rings, Lyn's hunt

Slade and Mackendrick...E'doc'sil...new bloods. The Wild Generals and their latest servants are here. Prepare yourself and your friends. They come for the child, and to kill its mother's tribe.

The voice of the ring, long silent, suddenly whispered in Leith's skull.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Demonic Angel
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Demonic Angel I'm 1% Angel and 99% Devil. Woohoo!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Keri Wolf Lyn's Hunt

Keri waited for E'nasha's response only to hear a growl instead. She darted her eyes towards the woman just in time to watch a creature part from the shadows behind her partner, just to howl and move back into it's original position. Dread began to fill her newly stilled heart. Keri grounded her teeth as she felt something shift her hair. This had indeed just confirmed what she was starting to fear would happen. There seemed to be at least two of them for now. Her eyes searched only to dart up at the branch above her creaked.

Keri shuffled away from the tree trying to put at least some distance from it. Keri glanced at her partner then towards the ground, as if to ask E'nasha would have enough time to run if things got anymore problematic. She knew that in worst case she would allow the human to have enough time to run as she could. Her undead heart refused to allow another human to die on her watch if she had anything to say about it. Quickly as Keri could she pulled the sword out of its hoister into ready position.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sento
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Sento Dark poet

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Lira rubber her face frustrated after the fifth wall she had bonked into. If the echos weren't bad enough her sense of smell was over fumed by the stench of decay, making navigating very much impossible for her. She was tempted to find a hold to rest and maybe wait till what ever was scampering around the place was asleep. With a heavy sigh she found the opening and wandered on, only to cringe when she stepped in a puddle of water. It wasn't deep but it was still gross and cold, well least colder then she would like. "Alright this isn't work" She mumbled to herself after drying her feet off again. "There's got to be an empty." She paused "coffin? If that's what this is" She frown tapping on "Thought these things where buried not laid out on display" She said and shivered "Ya so not sleeping in there" She said and continued her blind search
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 18 min ago

Lyn's Hunt

Group 2: Harpy

Mar watched placidly when the snow elf take off. His pale white blended well into the grey landscape as he shot forward, his small figure disappearing into the tall grasses and into the animal’s direction. Her eyes watched the shifting line created, his figure drawing closer to the unaware animal that was pawing at the ground. She narrowed on the movement when he leapt up, his feet hitting a tree at the seven foot mark and sent him higher, his sword raised in a ready position. It whipped out at the beast’s meaty flank, drawing a line and sending the blood to scatter in the air. It bellowed in pain then kicked off to vanish into the opposite direction.

At the same moment, Enzius’ legs bent then rolled bring his body back upright once more. Idly, he watched the beast retreat back while sheathing his sword. Most would’ve been impressed by the display. However, Mar wasn’t.

In her mind, it was wasteful and unnecessary. Stunts like that would quickly tire any individual out over time and would force them to return to the college sooner than expected. This would put them one individual down and increase the burden of those who remained. At the thought she inhaled sharply while she eyed Enzius walking to the meadow, plopping down in the middle. With so many in there then it would be a surprise they could get anything to run in there at all she thought.

”I wouldn’t be spotting them if you were actually looking Althalus and you would’ve gotten the moose faster.” Mar stated clearly, tone unamused by his logic. She wasn’t fond of lifting too high or she left her tail’s underbelly exposed to attack, and while it wouldn’t kill her it was uncomfortable to be hit in that area. She watched him return his crossbow to its hiding spot, absorbing the knowledge she knew about as much about his body as he did. His arms gestured vaguely around to unseen and absent brush that lacked wildlife any sort, this area almost completely cleared. Her tail curled underneath her and was coiling comfortably, propping her upright.

Mar’s fingers tightened about the spear weapon that was once the femur bone when she sensed the sensation of eyes brushing her neck back. Her gaze quickly turned her eyes over her shoulder, hearing the sound of wings flapping and a shape escaped her sight. Althalus and herself, possibly Enzius, heard feminine giggles echoing around them. However, every time they looked to the direction they managed to only see a fleeting shape as the creatures darted through the trees above. They were even too fast for Enzuis’ sharp eyes to catch them in time. Twigs and branches fell, tumbling to the ground, where they had been broken off.

Mar was breathing in panic, her chest rattling and deep, with eyes flickering everywhere to seek the source. Her skin was prickling with anger at being denied a target. She hissed quietly in apprehension at the growing threat. The only warning was a fluttering then a harpy jerked out from the rest of the flock and erected her claws at Mar’s back. At the same time, another female darted out and slashed out her tail at Althalus’ leg on her fly by, where she intended to snare then jerk his leg out from under him. If Althalus spotted and dodged it, he wouldn’t have enough time to shot Mar’s attacker. However, if he was ensnared then the Harpy would smack him into every tree along the path away from Mar, making it difficult for him to shoot or reload.

More giggles started as about ten, human size creatures started to make their presence known. Their filthy blackish brown feathers jutted out in all directions giving them an unkempt appearance while their lizard like tails curled with the flexibility seen in prehensile tails on monkeys. They were sitting and waiting, watching the first two before one started to climb higher up on the trees and edged around Althalus’ position.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by cqbexpt
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cqbexpt Warden Eternal

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Baulder followed in with the group feeling disappointed that they would not be physically entering the Inferno. His eye twitched in disappointment but he accepted it. As they began moving into the crypt Baulder made an effort to take in the surroundings. So far it was rather dark and made mostly of stone, what little light that was dancing away from several torches played odd tricks on the angle of the walls in the crypt. Casting long shadows into the darkness where there really shouldn't be any. Interesting Baulder thought to himself.

Baulder almost jumped when Tyrael suddenly exclaimed at the sight of a dead animal. He hadn't really heard a hint of surprise from his master the whole couple of months he had been under him. Surely it must be something important if it would make such a powerhouse surprised. But it was just a dead animal, though it was recently dead he guessed. Isn't there not supposed to be anything down here? As Tyrael began explaining what he wanted everyone to do Baulder was immediately eager for the task. "Yes lord." Baulder quickly hopped to this task by going over and using his claws to rip a chunk of flesh off the dead animal. He took a massive bite of it, the texture was rather rough and grainy. These animals likely hadn't eaten much, unless they were just like that normally, he didn't really know. The smell stuck in his nose however and was very... metallic, it tasted much like John Cena did when he had first tasted him. The smell pulled on his skin down one of the side passages away from Tyrael.

One of the small elf looking girls that Baulder assumed was a student spoke up quickly about where they should start. Baulder turned around and looked down at the small being, he spoke in a way that would imply he was hungry. "There are more, down the hall. I can smell them, they feel dirty to me. I wonder if the eggs taste any better." Baulder took off his pack quickly and undid a strap that help the top firmly to the side of the bag. He rummaged around for a second before producing the knife the college had given him. He focused briefly on John and making him physical. The demon appeared beside him with a confused look on it's face. Baulder held out the knife in his left hand to the demon gesturing for him to take it. John Cena looked towards the other students for a moment and a look of suprise came on his face. He started motioning that he was gonna make a run for it but Baulder jumped on the demon quickly slamming him into the wall. "No John, they are friends. They shouldn't banish you, understand?"

The demon croaked out "T-t-thy look i-i-f t-thy w-w-want kill." Baulder released the demon from his weight and put the knife in it's hand.

"They won't, well they shouldn't. We're killing ridge hounds today. Pay attention to that John." The demon nodded in what Baulder took as understanding and pointed down the hallway for the demon. As the demon started down the hallway Baulder did as well. But he also turned his head back to the others and said "Let's get this done with, master Tyrael tasked us."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 days ago

Annabeth Gultch

"No, me and Samson are fine. They acted tough, but a few tricks and they were sent running. Though you do have a point, little Lyn. I think too many people are here, scaring off all the game..." Of course Annabeth wanted to help, but not only were Lyn, Alaira, Athalus, and Mar were here, but so were Summer, Leith, Meirin, E'nasha, and Keri. In total, ten people, running around the meadows trying to both keep the big monsters away from Lyn while also trying to lure prey for her. "Too many cooks spoil the soup" they say, and in this instance too many hunters scare away the prey. "Perhaps I should go and make sure to scare off just the predators. I'm sure once the animals figure out that there aren't any predators around here they might try to come over. It helps if you and Alaira hide, and me and Samson aren't around."

But before Annabeth could implement her plan, something was coming. The first sign was when she saw fog rolling it. She didn't know how to track the weather, but even for the Twilight College they shouldn't be having any fog today. It was suppose to be clear and sunny (Or at sunny as the Twilight College can be). So she knew something was wrong. And she was certain when she saw the hellish horse coming their way. Immediately Annabeth focused her telepathy on the monster, though she could tell it was no mere animal. Still, a creature like that surely had no wards to speak of, and this way Annabeth could keep track of it's intentions and act accordingly. But even without reading it's mind she knew that the creature was charging to attack Lyn. If it was anything like a normal animal, it'd only make sense that it'd go after what it thought was the weakest and most vulnerable. "Lyn, don't be scared! This... This is what you've been training for!"

While her focus was mostly on the dark horse, Annabeth could still use some spells directed towards Lyn. One of them was a Pathokinesis spell, and the only one Annabeth knew how to do properly: Calming. She knew Lyn was scared, and frankly Annabeth was rather frighten too. But they needed to be brave and not let their fear overtake them. Annabeth knew from Satori that fear was one of the most detrimental states of mind for a mage, and certainly for a hunter as well. Fear was a sign telling you that you aren't prepared to face your problem. Fear led to anger and desperation, and if Lyn did either of those there was no telling what may happen to her. So Annabeth needed Lyn to put aside her fear so she can think clearly and do something she can do. Meanwhile, Annabeth did what she could do: Fight.

"Alaira, take Lyn away from the creature, it's after her! I can catch up to it on Samson but you're the only one who can fight it up close!" Not that Annabeth can't, and Samson was able to give a good kick too, but the reason she couldn't right now was because she took out her bow to take a shot at the creature. She knew that it was capable of some sort of magic, what with the ominous fog and the fact it looked like it was in the process of turning into a shadow. But even with that knowledge Annabeth had no clue what it was doing. But she couldn't just sit here and do nothing, so Annabeth drew and arrow and fired in the direction the hell horse was charging down. She needed to know if it was going to dodge of if it was tough enough to take an arrow, and either way Annabeth already had another arrow ready to take a shot as she and Samson moved out of the way, ready to flank the monster.

Tyrael Marchosias

Tyrael looked over to Colette, who had the gall to actually ask him how the ravine creatures got into the catacombs. "That is what I am going to find out. The entrance is hidden is hidden by a puzzle. These creatures are too foolish to solve it. So something else must have entered. Now go! No more questions! Leave none alive." Tyrael said with a hint of anger. Not directed at Colette, simply anger at the situation. This was suppose to be a simply hunt-and-retrial mission. He swore that if he finds out who inconvenienced him like this, he was going to eat their hearts. So Tyrael and presumably Ssarak left the group behind and headed straight towards the entrance of the Ravine.

Of course it wasn't going to be so simply for the two. By the time they were far away from the other students, Tyrael stopped and sniffed the air. He could smell the preserved corpses in the air, which normally shouldn't be possible since they were sealed inside stone caskets. The smell was relatively fresh (As fresh as preserved corpses can be), which told him that there were rigid hounds nearby, using their combined strength to pull the caskets out from their holes and eating the corpses within. The smell was too thick all around to tell where they were exactly, but Tyrael at least knew they were around. While exterminating the Rigid Hounds were something he wanted the students to do, he would also do his part in eradicating them all. "Ready yourself, Dyreackthanose. Here they come." Tyrael put one of his large javelin-sized arrows onto his bowstring, aiming down the hall as a swarm of twenty Rigid Hounds were making a mad charge towards the two.

Meanwhile things were not easy for Lira. Her fall, as well as her voice, were heard by a Rigid Hound. Only a soft panting was all the other packmates needed to know, and soon a group of ten went off to find the swamp orc. The catacomb was, thankfully, large enough that they would not find her immediately. But she would know when they get close; the mass stamping of their feet made sure that Lira was all too aware of the coming pack of man-eating monsters.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sento
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Sento Dark poet

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Lira stretched finding a slightly less stench fill part of the catacombs, and sat down relaxing for a bit. Her eyes closed just for a brief second or least she though it was. She was startled by the sound of thumping feet. She swore under her breath and got up running off getting lost and ending up in a dead end. She back tracked and decide running probably wasn't the smartest thing, she calmed herself down and tried to think and searched for something to defend herself with, though tried to be quiet. Maybe if I hide in a casket they will think I'm just another corps and pass me, then again maybe not she thought flinching when something clattered
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alaira Taenn
Alaira let out a soft little laugh when the girl seemed surprised, not at all worried about catching a knife in her for her trouble... It was good that she was alert, if a bit jumpy. She gently rubbed her head in a soothing manner, looking around before crouching low to the ground to search for prey..."Don't worry about it~..." She said quietly, scanning the horizon. "I'm here, remember? Nothing's gonna hurt you on my watch."

She looked up to Annabeth... There might perhaps be too many people, Lyn was a popular one. She was about to say something along the lines of 'Probably the big-ass horse' to her, but she kept it to herself. She was a lot nicer, at least outwardly, when she was around the little tyke. "Try to get a ways off, yeah? I can keep low over here..." She said...

She heard it first. Rustlings in the grass, vermin fleeing in terror across the grasses en mass. She looked about to the source, gasping slightly at the sight... "A Nitemare, here?" She whispered, shaking her head... She'd fought such creatures before, though she'd never killed one herself... Her expression hardened as she rose to her feet, readying her blade... Before she could talk though, Annabeth gave her orders... No, that was a terrible idea! She'd been trying to listen to people more lately, but she'd faced creatures like this before, she knew how to deal with them.

She grabbed Lyn quickly, less concerned with handling her gently with the situation as she placed her on the horse with Annabeth, slapping its flank. "No, get some distance! I can handle it, just keep her away!" She said urgently, turning to see it charge... Along wiht a terrible shriek. She knew what was coming... She didn't have much time. She dashed about fifteen feet from where it shrieked, readying her blade to meet its charge head on, slightly to the side. She'd aim a cleaving blow with her weapon right where its legs would be when it left the veil and re-entered their world... "Come on... Come on then." She growled.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Meirin Kurenai

Meirin chased the rabbit with Summer, staying a bit behind her in case the rabbit tried to make a detour. She jumped over obstacles with use, using her spear to vault her over trees and branches too thick or too high for her to jump under her own power. There was too much on the forest floor for Meirin to be able to get a clear shot with her shurikens, so she just had to keep running. Eventually Meirin reached the meadows where she saw the rabbit get attacked by a badger. Or what she thought was a badger, it was too far for Meirin to make the details. "Summer, that badger is going to take-"

As Meirin was yelling for Summer, she noticed a similar badger at Summer's feat. Knowing the ferocity of such creatures, Meirin was immediately concerned for Summer's safety. "SUMMER WATCH OUT!" With careful aim, Meirin tossed her throwing star right at the creature at Summer's feet. Meirin was certain that she wouldn't hit Summer, though she couldn't say the same about the creature at her feet. But once more, Meirin was still too far away to identify it as anything other than a badger. And she's never seen one outside of some of the books Ssarak shows her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Luna Markiplier Fan

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Colette, Catacombs

Colette flinched as he suddenly answered in anger. She was always scared of him even when she was in class with him. She sat in somewhat back to keep away from him most of the lectures but he would sometimes walk around and go by her. She the rest of the group went a separate way of Tyrael and another male. They walked until Colette stopped sniffed the air. She smelt the smell preservation of corpses which was odd since it never smelt like that. She could also smell the ridge hounds nearby and knew there would be a fight. She only heard about rigid hounds in pictures and learned about them but never actually faced one. She jumped when the hounds howled and went at the. Colette looked at the group

"Everyone time for battle" She said and Hyllos gave a loud screech in the air. Colette pulled out her dagger for some protection. The battle started and Colette was facing one of the rigid hounds. She was keeping it at bay for now with Hyllos's help. She gasped when she felt the hound claw at her cutting her arm. She backed up holding her bleeding arm. "Hyllos find its weakness" She said and she backed up holding her arm trying to stop the bleeding. She knew in her mind Hyllos would not last long against this beast.

Summer, Lyn's Hunt

Summer gasped when she saw the creature and backed up as a star came out of no where and get the creature killing it, she looked at Meirin and smiled at her.

"Thanks so much....well that rabbit is done for...we better go find another" She sighed and turned to her friend. She smiled at her again.

"Thank you so much for that. I probably would have been hurt" she said wanting to hug her but she didn't know how she felt about it, so she resisted the urge.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 6 days ago

Ssarak Dyreackthanose


Ssarak’s sword was already drawn, but upon seeing the veritable wave of ridge hounds before them, he readied his shield as well. As far as underground caves were concerned, the catacombs were fairly large, but they were still more restrictive than he would have liked. Being able to fly above the beasts would have given him more than enough of an advantage, but that was not the situation he was in. In preparation for this excursion into the Ravine, he had naturally taken the time to learn of its common denizens, and fortunately, ridge hounds were anything but unusual. They were like pests, but much more deadly.

In the time since his last mission, Ssarak’s abilities had expanded, and he intended to make use of them. The ridge hounds had no eyes with which to see, but their hearing easily compensated for that weakness. However, their hearing could be “blinded” in much the same way as eyesight. Towards the mass of hounds, he targeted an attack against the few in the front: an illusion of an extremely loud, piercing sound to briefly stun them. As they were leading the charge, any sudden delay was likely to sew some chaos among the crowd and potentially cause them to trip over one another. He then followed that attack with another, targeting some, but not all of the hounds. It would not be necessary to create the illusion for all of them, and would be more efficient with his blood. In their minds, he altered their perception of some of the other hounds around them so that they appeared to be something other than a ridge hound. These creatures were meant to be brutal and aggressive, but not greatly intelligent. They would attack anything they could view as prey. Many of those he targeted were nearer to the front, and a fight there would of course stall the group. Given their temperament, it could potentially draw in others behind them as well.

Ssarak stood directly alongside Tyrael with his weapons still at the ready. If his illusions opened up the proper opportunities, he would possibly move forward to engage them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sento
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Sento Dark poet

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Lira had been running fast as her legs would carry her in the winding maze, she still didn't understand where she was and cursed as she tripped over some stone. Her trip turned into a stumble as she fell onto a corpse though most of the flesh had been ripped off and bones broken it still was a corpse. She sat up and felt the stone pieces she tripped over though heavy they were still move able well some where. The noise was plenty as she pushed and stumbled the rocks and stone over to the entrance. She laid larger pieces on the bottom and stacked it up as high as she could with smaller blocks. Though it wasn't to high but she hoped it would at least slow them down. Durning her small scavenge for rocks she found a broken and slightly dulled blade carefully wrapping it in some torn cloth she now had a make shift knife. Lira brushed her self off her knees bruised and cut from falling. She continued her run but attempted to be quieter and less stumbling.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Althalus, Lyn's Hunt

"Perhaps. Perhaps not." Althalus replied, chuckling slightly. However, his amusement faded away as he noticed Mar begin to tense up. He slowly drew a throwing knife as giggling began to surround them. "Great." He muttered under his breath slowly turning around and scanning the trees. He didn't like the feeling of being hunted. The falling branches and giggling set him on edge. Still, this wasn't a feeling he was entirely unfamiliar with. "Come on...come on, make your move you bastards..." Unfortunately, before he could get a sight on whatever was hunting them, they attacked Mar.

Althalus whirled around at the sound of fluttering in time to see a Harpy crash into Mar's back. His knife flashed out in a heartbeat, sinking into the Harpy's skin. Althalus didn't have time to see where it hit, as he had a brief moment to feel something wrap around his ankle, and then he was gone, flying through the air. Not only flying through the air, but smashing into every tree along the way. "Ow..fuck...damn...you...bitch!"

A distance away.

Shadows slithered back into a man's body, his too wide grin shaking with his giggles. "My, my, my." The only part of his body that wasn't a solid, light consuming, black was his violet eyes and his razor sharp teeth in a Cheshire cat grin. "It looks like they're having a bit of trouble. All her protectors are injured. Shall we visit them with our new recruits, Mackendrick?" His skin writhed with anticipation.

The masked man stood and glanced back at their three latest pawns. One was barely a man, sitting and rocking back and forth, muttering to himself. His clothes were ragged, and every inch of his skin seemed to be covered in scars. The other two were evidently ready. One stood, eyes coldly regarding Mackendrick. "We are ready, aren't we brother?" The other remained sitting, humming lightly to himself. "Can you hear the whispers of the forest?" He asked quietly. When no answer was forthcoming, he sighed in quiet disappointment. "Most people can't. The whispers promise blood this day."

Slade's grin grew wider, if that was possible, as he rose to his full ten foot height. "Good."

In the catacombs

An elf carefully crept into the darkness, watching carefully. Remember E'docsil, this is not a vengeance mission. This is a sabotage. Her master's voice, as always sounding vaguely like three people speaking at once, whispered through her mind. "I want blood." She hissed in reply. You will obey. There was only the slightest hint of command, but she nonetheless flinched. "As you command." She muttered sullenly, before disappearing in the darkness towards the Demonomancy Master. There was a grotesque sound of bones and flesh changing, and a bat flew threw the darkness from where she had been.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Konan375
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Leith Calder Lyn's Hunt

Leith followed behind Meirin and Summer, ready to redirect the rabbit as it made its way to the meadow. He stopped abruptly when he heard a voice whisper in his head. It told him that there were people coming for Lyn and Mar. He reached into his pocket to make sure he had Seraphim Sword with him. He felt relieved when he felt the trinket in his pocket. If something was about to happen, it was nice to have the sword. After testing the sword out a few times, he was now able to control the size it became when he enlarged it. Now it appeared to be a longsword when he did so.

The sound of Meirin yelling at Summer to look out made Leith flinch. He looked up and saw some kind of animal reaching out to claw at the back of Summer's foot. Luckily, the girl stepped out of the way of the creature and its claws. Another creature was walking away from the two dragging the rabbit. He figured that these creatures were going to be a problem. He walked towards Summer and Meirin, keeping an eye on both creatures.

"We need to deal with these quickly and get to Lyn. People are coming for her."

He held his arms out and clenched his hands into fists. Water was pulled from the air and formed bubbles around the heads of the creatures. He hoped to either force them to flee, or, if they didn't, distract them long enough to have either Summer or Meirin deal with them.

Darius Jura Catacombs

Darius looked at the group that had gathered as he made his way through the catacombs. He was not impressed. None of them looked like they were capable of fighting other than the one who set up the mission, or Ssarak. When they came upon the corpse of a Ridge Hound, Darius cursed under his breath. Where there was one, there were so many more. He drew his sword and got ready for the inevitable fight, angry at the fact that he was left alone with all of the ones that were not skilled in fighting.

When the ridge hounds started charging towards the group, Darius threw a blast of wind at the feet of the ones in the front, he then started exploding motes of air all around the ridge hounds in loud pops to disorient them. When one of the clawed at the pale girl and drew blood. He swung his sword at the ridge hound as it fought with the girl's demon, hoping to take it by surprise.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Meirin Kurenai

Looking at the creature closer, those things were not badgers. At least nothing like what she saw in the books. Actually they appeared to be Paich, vicious mole-like monsters that dig underneath their prey and drug it below. She heard Leith also say something about people coming after Lyn. "Dammit. Than these things are a distraction!" Meirin wanted to just leave and head towards Lyn, but she knew that the Paich would be able to catch up to them, even digging underground. They would constantly stop them unless all three of the students can somehow fly towards Lyn, but even then that might just make the little monsters go to her instead. No, as much as Meirin wanted to avoid doing so, she needed to fight off these creatures.

Leith used his magic to make a bubble of water around a few of the Paich. This allowed Meirin to figure out where they were, so she started to preform a weaving spell. "Summer, watch your feet! Those things come out from below!" Once Meirin was finished with her spell, she shot a blast of wind at one of the piach. Against a normal person this blast of wind would be enough to knock them over, even stopping arrows in their track. But against something smaller and lighter, like the paich, it would be enough to blow them into the air, which was right where Meirin wanted them. If the little monsters were out of their element then Meirin would have no trouble skewering them through their soft underbellies, or even just smashing them through their reinforced shells. She was certain her fists were much harder than their hides.

Myrn Vaan'Atisha

"Aaaaraaa!" Myrn blitzed pasted Colette and her pet demon right into the Ridge Hound horde. She sprung fast, slicing one ridge hound from shoulder to leg, using the momentum of her jump to add cutting force. She had jumped far enough that she was able to plant her feet against the wall, which she used to spring herself back to the front line, putting her body between the ridge hounds and Colette. "Colette, don't be stupid! Running right into a whole group of them like that... See if your little bat demon can pull some coffins on top of them, that ought to crush them!" Myrn returned to the fray, never staying still. She was purposely trying to get the attention of as many Ridge Hounds as she can, using her superior agility and situation awareness to deftly avoid their attacks, parrying those that she can't dodge. And because some were stunned by Darius's air bombs, it was easy for Myrn to read their movements. Though this also meant that she couldn't really fight them, and was hoping that the others could take out the Ridge Hounds while she distracts them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 18 min ago

Lyn's Hunt

Group 1: NiteMare

Annabeth’s attempt to latch onto the nitemare’s mind worked perfectly. However, gaining intel was another matter altogether and without understanding about the nitemare’s inner workings, it was difficult. The animal’s mind was like water and when a psychomancer dipped in, it sent ripples across the surface. Too hard and the images, thoughts and more were nearly impossible to read. Too soft, she would merely get a reflect and nothing more. However, the nitemare could easily perceive the images given to it.

So focused on its task at hand, the brute plowed in without thinking. Its reward was pain and a clash with an unexpected source. A sting raced across its shadowy skin as it gave a wounded cry and hastened its pace. Black blood oozed out of its wound causing a smell of sulfur to mingle with the fog’s misty scent. Another experience of pain met the stallion when it exited the Nox. Alaira’s act was a success but hadn’t as much effect as she was likely counting on, slicing the upper meat of the foreleg causing the horse’s side to crumble to a hunched position. Its running ceased abruptly.

However, it wasn’t going down without a fight and while it was wounded, it could still move about. Its whip like tail immediately lashed out and slashed toward its side, aiming for Alaira. The blade sharp enough to cut through leather armor without much effort and even dent metal, through cutting was another matter. While its tail slashed out at Alaira, the animal’s legs struggled to get back up and move.


Lyn’s heart jumped into her throat, threatening to choke her, as she tried to move. Her body was shaking and trembling all over, trying to get her mind to do what she wanted. However, it failed to understand her words. Instead it stayed fast into the ground like the very ground was holding her. Her lungs seemed unable to use the air settling in her chest and weighed her down, her mind unable to register anything. Annabeth and Alaira seemed to utter something to calm her and about a nitemare, but she barely heard it through her terror. Then suddenly, it dissipated.

A calm, soothing sensation touched her mind, quelling that fear striking out at her. Slowly Lyn’s breathing grew from rapid and erratic to placid and steady. Her muscles relaxed and took on a more fluid posture while she gripped a pair of her daggers lazily. She was still aware of the fear trying to claw its way back in as well as the nitemare bearing down on her. However, she wasn’t scared of it. It didn’t look like an unbeatable monster from her deepest, darkest nightmares coming to trample her. Lyn took a deep breath then widened her stance, putting her daggers upright in a defensive posture. Her waist twisted at the middle with her right nearest the beast charging at her, her left back and ready for a counter attack should she need it. The blades were pressed against her wrists so she could slice and move without risking the points getting lodged.

The youngest girl’s head peered upright when Annabeth spoke about Alaira taking her away. Lyn immediately shook her head no just as the brunette reached for her bow. Annabeth let loose an arrow which seemed to pass right through the nitemare just at the moment it teleported. However, there was a loud shriek that cried otherwise. Annabeth’s arrow had managed to nick the animal’s flank just before it had managed to dematerialize completely. A small pop echoed in the meadow.

Before Lyn could comment on its disappearance , Alaira ‘s hands wrapped about her waist then firmly plop her onto Samson. A cry to get way sent a shiver down the teenager’s back, which was subdued by the calming spell. Then with a sharp smack, she hit his flank. Samson reared upward as he gave a protesting snort, his hooves pawing the the air when he took off. His feet moved hard against the thick ground in his bolt forward. It was so sudden that Lyn instantly pulled her arms about Annabeth’s waist just to keep from falling off. Her front pressed tightly, the calming effect still in play, and tried not to fall off the moving mass underneath her. She dared to peer around to spot Alaira quickly take her place just when the horse re-emerged.

Group 2: Harpy

The Harpy tugged and smacked Althalus about. Her tail dragged from his weight, the end hooked about his ankle, while she flapped her wings across the warm drafts within the forest. The other Harpies were getting impatient with their sister , their feathers ruffled in annoyance. Promptly five of them scattered off the tree branch and into the air, giving a burst of wind to lift them higher. Their figures darted shadows over the ground in their pursuit after Althalus. One of them reached the man, his back and whatever exposed shin would likely torn to shit, before the others and extended her claws to snare his arms. If she got them, she would jerk the other way in an attempt to pull the man apart.


Ellys hated Djarkel. It was new, her body tense and unsettled by new surroundings so eerily different from her homeland. Her hair was a messed and unkempt after several months of traveling, even her tail was numb to the dull aching floating into the muscles. In her hand was a bone spear held close to her chest while she stared into the open meadow. It was hard to believe at first, even when she was prepared by the mysterious deity. As she spotted the nitemare’s targets, the evidence was right before her eyes. A child, human in appearance, and scented like Naga was currently in the meadow where she seemed to carry out the ritual common to Naga of her age.

It angered Ellys to see their rites stained by such filth. The child itself was a freak in the natural order and didn’t desire to live out her pitiful life any longer than she already had. The Naga tightened her fingers about her weapon and for a brief moment, considered tossing it while the bitch half breed human was occupied. It would’ve ended the child’s life so easily. When the thoughts passed by, Ellys lost her chance when the girl was tossed on horse, the beast smacked into motion shortly after.

Inhaling sharply, Ellys realized she wasn’t from Mackendrick, Slade and the three others. Detesting she was force to turn away her chance for purifying the bloodline, she needed to seek the cause or her actions would’ve been in vain. She started to edge back to their location, a rattling of bushes betraying her location, when she emerged on their conversation. Ellys showed no signs of encouragement or distaste, through her tail twitched in impatience. Her ears caught the mention of the protectors being injured while she flicked out a tongue. Her body stiffened on scenting Mar’s scent and hissed, softly, a statement her unwanted travel companions would know the subject of. Mainly since her hand went to the dagger looped in her belt.

”She’s close…”

Her head turned into the direction, ignoring the five, then started to slither into the direction. She quieter now. Each movement made a purpose and hushed the trembling leaves in her passing. Her eyes closed to absorb the heat signals radiating off the scene when she approached the place Mar, Althalus and Enzuis were supposed to have been. Several others were flocking around while Mar’s mate was quickly hauled away. Pathetic, Ellys’ lip curled in loathing at the display and noted his weakness showing. She leaned through the cover as she watched Mar struggle with the wild harpies. Their claws ripping the mother’s flesh to bits, trailing blood in increasing amounts while she gradually declined their numbers.

Ellys was more than willing to wait for the Harpies to finish their job.

In her mind, one method was just as easy as the other. It didn’t help she didn’t fully trust this deity and his motives, her mind preferring to keep to their traditions rather than break them unless necessary. With any luck Mar would enter malice then do the very job for her.


Mar screamed when the claws found her back.

Hard talons drew hot, wet, and sticky blood from the tender flesh as the tunic shredded easily under the attack. There was a loud rip while Mar’s fingers tightened about her weapon and her forearm tendons tensed, causing her vitamancy to surge into the femur bone. It lengthened in seconds into a spear. The pole white, flawless with the end sharpened into a diamond like point. The balance was ideal and allowed her to jerk her body around on her tail, her other hand braced for the spear’s harmless end to butt against her palm. Mar’s eyes reddened in anger at the sudden attack. Her back was stinging from where the Harpy had landed her attack and bled well enough to stain the tunic’s outward edges.

The one that was attacking her immediately found a blade buried in her own back when Althalus threw it. It wedged into the lower back and the bitch let out a furious snarl, the bird like creature retracting from her earlier prey. Her talons furled in a twitching spasm, her head leaned in for a hiss. Mar reacted with her own warning and then thrusted out the spear, trying to clip the creature’s wings. Immediately seeing the movement the harpy’s claw reached out to scratch the blade on contact. The Naga jerked higher when the harpy snagged her weapon. Her head whipped forward and smacked into the skull, making a loud creak, forcing the harpy to crumble.

Her skin crawled causing her head to tilt up higher, spotting the remaining five edging closer. Mar let out another hiss only to receive a small giggle from the filthy crow shit hovering near her. It was pure luck Mar had requested inoculation against the possible diseased animals running around and through there was likely to be an infect spawning, she had little time to treat it. Her body lowered like a snake battening down for the storm when all five launched themselves from the branches and swarmed her.

The first victim was nearest harpy as Mar’s point rip through the middle and tossed her about, catching another in the right side. They both screeched until they were silenced by a tree. Only one got up, the other’s body almost took Mar’s weapon from her hand. In a reflex, Mar’s tail leased out to seize a tail from the dead Harpy then swipe it back to the left. It missed. The remaining four quickly scattered, one that had been stalking Althalus earlier had her attention drawn to the fight. Another harpy used her tail like a whip causing it to wrap around Mar’s throat and constrict. Air rapidly caught off in her windpipe causing her fingers to tighten again, the weapon altering forms. This time it became a dagger.

Mar severed the tail tip with a quick, well practiced move Althalus had taught her. Thick, green blood squirted from the wound and plastered against her own red stains adding to her mucky mess. The Naga was breathing hard. Her throat raw and hurt, unable to stand when her body fell to the ground. That’s when the last three counter attacked. Claws dug into dig their own marks into the female’s flesh, one from the back, and two from the sides leaving deep gashes.

Again, Mar through fast then snatch up her dagger to alter it into shield, swapping at them with the spiked face. Most were too too quick but she managed to clip one and sent it spiraling down into the tree causing Mar to smirk in pleasure. It was a short lived one since she back was relite by additional claws scratching down across the center.

Group 3: Cosh

The one nearest E’nasha lounged just as Keri twisted to face the Alpha within the tree, his jaws flashed several canines and rushed her.

On the other hand, the Alpha eyed Keri up and down for a moment, its body thumped loudly on its landing down. It snarled again and huffed, his chest huffing heavily in aggression. Quickly the beast darted to the right, making a fast, half hearted snap at Keri’s foot. However, before she could stab it should she attempt it, the brute instantly slapped its hand like paw against the ground to alter its path to the left. Then it shot its maw toward her upper right torso whether she moved or not, intending on ripping out a few ribs in the process.

Group 4: Paich

Mei’s shurik nicked the male Paich, the creature’s hard armor bounced it off as it drew a thin, small line. The creature squeaked in pain then abruptly borrowed back into the ground as the throwing star sank into the grass a few feet away. He didn’t like being hurt and even less when he was trying to get a meal. His front feet clawed and scrambled around toward the pair, making it seem to Summer like Mei had managed to kill it.

The female perked then chattered in rage at Mei’s attempt to kill its mate. She raised her hunches in a threatening posture as pounces forward then back a few times, watching Leith speak to the two girls. Suddenly the creature’s head was submerged in water. It clogged its eyes, mouth and ears causing her to shake her head a bit as her claws reached to pry it off.

Mei’s next attack started off normally, but when her foot moved for the last weave, it abruptly dropped into a pit hole. The hole itself was several inches deep causing the foot to go up to its ankle in a fast movement. It wouldn’t break it but the pain would be enough to snap her focus and when she almost completed the spell the movement was off by too much. Instead of a wind gush able to deflect arrows tossing the female into the air, it was a gust that managed to knock the female on her back. It exposed her soft underbelly as she wiggled her limbs helpless in the air, clawing and trying to shift her balance upright.

Meanwhile her mate sensed the mage’s movements and went into serious action. As Leith focused on the water bubble, he would feel the ground underneath him soft and sink. It started to pull him into what seemed to be a shallow pit trap or quicksand, but there was no water. The action should’ve been enough to break his focus and release the bubble around the female, allowing her to breath. In moments his legs would be buried up to his knees and still going, the loose dirt hindering his movements. If he didn’t attempt to get help, then Leith might be breathing through dirt really soon.
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