Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Since the invention of the computer, humanity has been in almost constant contact with the mysterious beings known as Digimon. Whether a Digimon materialised in the real world to cause some form of havoc or a group of human children were sent to the Digital World, the place in which these Digimon originated from, to deal with some problem that Digimon seemingly couldn't deal with alone, the Digimon had always been there. At first, stories of the Digital World and the monsters that inhabited it were dismissed as stories, fantasies of young children or perhaps some hoax created on the internet. But then, one day, something happened which caused the truth about Digimon to finally be revealed to the world: in the year 2030, a large tear appeared in the sky, with images of a strange, wild reality shown within. From this tear, the Digimon Aegiomon and several other Digimon came down to Earth to request... a mutual peace between worlds. He claimed that he was a servant of a group of powerful Digimon known as the Olympos XIII, who shared names with the gods of Roman times and apparently ruled the thirteen layers of the Digital World, and that he had been sent down by the Olympos XIII's leader, Jupitermon, to tell humans more about their home land and aim to build a more stable relationship between worlds. Since then, more and more Digimon have been coming to the human world and now, it has come about that every human child has a Digimon partner. They are given a Digiegg once they reach age of ten, and they must raise it and care for it until the human reaches age 25, in which the Digimon will most likely be able to stay in their Champion form permanently, whereas before they could only change for short periods of time before devolving back to Rookie. Once this happens, it will be asked that the Digimon be sent back to the Digital World. Why this is is unknown by the humans, but Aegiomon has stated this must be the way. Now, in the year 2091, things has been going well for humanity. Thanks to the Digimon, they have far more advanced technology and the world has actually been more at peace than ever before. After all, if we can get along so well with creatures so different from us, we should easily be able to get on with each other. However, one day, something occurs which changes the whole balance of society: a flash of white light envelopes all of Earth, and when it clears, all the Digimon are gone, and no one is able to get in contact with Aegiomon or anyone in the Digital World. Everyone is at a loss. Well, maybe that's not entirely true: not all the Digimon are gone. A very few select human children, all around the world, still have their partners. They don't know why. They also don't know why they keep receiving mysterious emails from someone called EBE. At first, they dismiss them as spam and refuse to open them. However, when the emails keep coming, they eventually gave in and finally click on them. Doing so causes them get sucked into the computer and end up in a mysterious reality between the Digital World and the Human World, known as the Digital Quartz. Here, they meet the sender of the emails, a Digimon known as EBEmon who claims he stationed in the Quartz by Jupitermon in order to keep an eye on the area, as even the Olympos XIII are unsure of the Quartz's origin. However, when the light appeared, he himself lost contact with the Digital World, and now he has called these humans in order to help him open a pathway to the Digital World so they can solve the mystery of the missing Digimon. --- ### How This Game Will Play Out I plan for this game to start after the Digimon have already disappeared, with each character's opening post happening just before our characters decide to cave in and click on the email. Uniquely enough, the first 'arc' of this roleplay, will take place in the Digimon Quartz rather than the Digital World itself as they search for a way into the Digital World, with the characters establishing their personalities, relationships with their Digimon and having them build relationships with each other. Remember, these characters are from all around the world so it's very likely they don't know each other. I'm hoping to get at least five or six people besides myself and a friend I have decided to invite, so that's round about seven or eight. I myself will be playing a human character and their partner, as well as EBEmon, Aegiomon and probably most of the other residents of the Digital World unless some specifically asks to play those characters. If anyone has any suggestions about anything to add to the plot or subplots, feel free to express those. I'm always open for new ideas and anything that could improve this story. Now, for a few rules: 1. I'm fairly chilled about writing standards, though considering this is in the Casual RP section, expectations of writing here are consistent with those use generally throughout Casual RPs. I at least want to be able to understand what you've written. 2. I'm also not too picky about how long your posts are. I'd prefer not one or two or three sentence long posts, but a reasonably short paragraph is fine too. 3. Please try and get along with one another. I want this to fairly relaxed and fun environment and I want us to all get along. 4. As with all RPs, no God-modding or Power-playing. While I don't expect character deaths to be much of a thing in this RP, at least not with the human characters, if you want to kill someone else's character, please run it by them first and don't make your characters too OP, at least not early on. 5. Let's try and keep this PG13. Mild swearing and violence is fine, but no over-excessive gore and no sexual content. 6. If I ask you to leave, please respect my wishes as the GM. I have also appointed my friend Digizel, who will be joining us, as the Co-GM, so please respect his wishes as well. It probably won't come to this though, as both of us are reasonably laid-back. 7. I allow fan-made Digimon. Even if you don't have a picture of them, I'll still accept it if you give a detailed enough description of their form. 8. As said previously, I want this to be a fun, so I hope are you all able to enjoy this game. Finally, I'm going to post the character sheet here so that anyone interested can make a character and post it and work on it here instead of cluttering up the OOC when the board is made. I'll check over your sheet and if it's fine, you'll be good to go you can post it in the character section once the board is made. ### Character Sheet **Human CS** Name: (please put your character's given first and their surname last, even if your character is Japanese or Korean or comes from any country that puts their surname first) Gender: Age: (I'm allowing ages ten to eighteen, though please note if you character is below age twelve, it's likely that their Digimon has no reached rookie level, so please keep this in mind) Nationality: Appearance: (feel free to use either descriptions or pictures, I'm not too picky) Personality: Brief History: Digivice Colour: (the digivice has two colours so pick any you like) **Digimon CS** Name: (of their rookie form) Nickname: (optional) Gender: Picture: (put a picture of your digimon here. If your digimon deviates from normal appearance like with different colours and you don't have a picture to represent, just put that in a sentence next to the picture) Attribute: (virus, data or vaccine) Type: (e.g. beast, bird, mammal) Specials Attacks: (of their rookie form, please list their name and a brief description on them) Personality: Evolution line: (format like this: baby -> in-training -> rookie -> champion -> ultimate -> mega. For now, don't list ascended mega forms or corrupted evolutions or alternate evolution branches, as I'm not sure if I'm going to use that just yet. We'll see.) --- EDIT: This game is now CLOSED. We are not accepted any more players into the game. The main board is now up, with OOC already and my introduction IC post in progress. It can be found [here](http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/75663/posts/ooc).
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RBYDark
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RBYDark Demigod of Spite

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

As we already share another rp, I'll understand if you'd rather have fresh faces but I'd like to express my interest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

> As we already share another rp, I'll understand if you'd rather have fresh faces but I'd like to express my interest. Oh no, I don't mind at all. Please. Any interest at all is fine with me.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Expressing my interest as well. Been a while since I've done anything with Digimon so this should prove interesting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

This looks well thought through and promising :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

> Expressing my interest as well. Been a while since I've done anything with Digimon so this should prove interesting. --- > This looks well thought through and promising :) Nice to have both your interests. X3
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

### **_Human CS_** **Name:** Daigo Kumon **Gender:** Male **Age:** 16 **Nationality:** Japanese **Appearance:** ![](http://th00.deviantart.net/fs70/200H/f/2014/050/d/5/kaito_kumon__kamen_rider_baron____render_by_azizkeybackspace-d7750wf.png) **Personality:** Only the strong deserve to survive, or at least that's what Daigo believes. This belief stems from a personal observation he made one day. Throughout history, the world has been ruled by the strong, with the weak being kept firmly under their thumbs. He also observed that there are too kinds of strength in the world: strength gained through one's birth, and the rare occasion of strength that is attained by reaching out and taking it for oneself. It is this belief that drives Daigo to do the things he does and say the things he says, no matter how harsh or cruel it makes him appear to be. This obviously makes it rather difficult for others to get along with him, but if they endure his attitude for long enough, they will discover a person with a surprisingly kind heart buried beneath his seemingly strength-obsessed exterior. **Brief History:** Daigo grew up in a rural neighborhood, a small town where everyone knew one another by name. People there were always kind and friendly, not a speck of cruelty to be found. Of course, good things never last, and neither did this. One day, when Daigo was 9 years old, some big corporate types showed up and soon after, everyone was forced to move out of their homes. Daigo didn't understand it at the time, but the corporation had essentially bought up the land so that they could build some big headquarters there to expand their business. Forced to watch his childhood home be torn down, Daigo had an epiphany that day. He realized that only those with strength ever seemed to have power, and that they always used it to trample over the weak. The realization angered him, enough so that from that day forward, he began to seek strength and power for himself so that he could never be trampled over again like before. With such determination, Daigo managed to achieve a fairly well-off lifestyle, but it wasn't enough. In the back of his mind, he wanted to become stronger than that corporation so that he completely destroy it. Of course, such power was completely out of reach for a kid. Through this time, his partner digimon had managed to temper much of his anger. Then the emails started coming. Daigo ignored them at first, certain they were a waste of time. But finally, after being fed up with receiving them, he clicked on one believing that a response would finally make them stop. **Digivice Colour:** Red and Gold --- ### **_Digimon CS_** **Name:** Elecmon **Nickname:** (optional) **Gender:** Male **Picture:** ![](http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090818072553/zombiepugs/images/5/53/Elecmon.gif) **Attribute:** Data **Type:** Mammal **Specials Attacks:** Super Thunder Strike (Shoot electric bolts from its tails), Body Attack (Smacks foes with its electrically charged tails), Lightning Knife (Stealthily releases three knives of electricity) **Personality:** Strong and loyal for the most part, Elecmon generally keeps to himself unless he's offering some nugget of wisdom. He sticks with Daigo loyally, believing that it is his duty to be Daigo's friend so that the boy won't be completely alone in a world he believes is very much still following the law of survival of the fittest. **Evolution Line:** Punimon - Tsunomon - Elecmon - Leomon - GrapLeomon - BanchoLeomon
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

### Human CS **Name:** Alison Walsh **Gender:** Female **Age:** 14 **Nationality:** English **Appearance: ** [Here as the picture's pretty large.](http://api.ning.com/files/JYC2mJd5NlHJPsVSE7*lz6uTP*EsADwl5tzxYT179mtlkdpcIbEebQ3uzOHaIx0SLoTLyPWMq6WP7YgmOlp27j9fhnFOAswa/AnimeGirlSmile.jpg) **Personality:** One word that people may use to describe Alison upon first meeting her is 'bratty'. She's very childish and self-centred, with a tendency to get upset, irritable or throw a tantrum if someone says the slightest thing against her or does something that isn't to her liking. If you offend her, expect her to sulk and give you the silent treatment, all the while insisting that you haven't offended her in the slightest. She'll never be honest with her feelings, even when they are incredibly obvious, which they usually are. However, her feelings are the only thing she _won't_ be honest about. Everything else? She'll never sugar-coat it, always giving the blunt truth. She holds honesty as one of the highest traits in a person and even the thought of telling a lie or someone else telling a lie will make her anxious or agitated. She'll often keep her distance from strangers, never being the first to start a conversation with them and never making eye-contact, at least not at first. Once she gets more comfortable with others, she'll relax a little and those who managed to befriend may find her to be far less abrasive than most. **Brief History:** Up until this point, Alison's life has been fairly standard for the most part. She lives in London and has had to put up with a lot of flack from teachers and other students alike due to her being paired with a Virus-type Digimon, due to a wide-spread misconception that children who have Virus-type partner are somehow 'bad children' and will grow up to either be criminals or failures if something is not done about them immediately. As her brother Josh also has a Virus-type partner, a Commandramon, she used to get in a lot fights with other students in attempt to defend herself, her partner and her brother from these accusations. Alison's parents divorced about two years ago and Alison is almost completely convinced that she's to blame for her father leaving, as she feels he probably couldn't stand all the trouble she kept getting into at school. Her father has told her over and over that this is not the case and that he and her mother just 'weren't working out', but Alison isn't so convinced. Her mother now had a new boyfriend who Alison, while she doesn't hate him, she tries to avoid being around when he's in the house, often going off the park with Phascomon and waiting until he goes away before coming home. She likes that he makes her mother happy, but feels that he's trying to take her dad's place. And she doesn't like that. She doesn't like that one bit. **Digivice Colour:** Lavender with dark purple ### Digimon CS **Name:** Phascomon **Gender:** Female **Picture:** ![](http://dma.wtw-x.net/DMA/DigimonStands/Bandai/Phascomon.jpg) **Attribute:** Virus **Type:** Demon Beast **Specials Attacks:** Eucaly Claw - Attacks with its sharp claws containing paralyzing venom. Evil Snore - Emits sleep waves from its sleepy-looking eyes. **Personality:** In contrast to Alison's rude demeanour, Phascomon is a sweetheart. She never shouts, never gets angry - well, almost never - and is almost always polite. She had tendency to apologise for tamer's behaviour and is one of the people willing to tell Alison when she's being out of line, though not in a rude or bold way, more in a gentle, "Now Alison, don't you think that was a little mean?" She loves Alison to pieces, but she's fully aware of her flaws and seems to have taken it upon herself to act as a conscience-figure of sorts. However, she's not always there to help her tamer out as Phascomon is, well... very lazy. She had tendency to fall asleep at random times and can usually be found either perched on her partner's shoulder or in her arms when she's resting. She can also wake up just as quickly, though, as Alison was quick to find out, she can be quite a heavy sleeper. **Evolution line:** Conomon -> Kokomon -> **Phascomon** -> Porcupamon -> Astamon -> Belphemon" ": when I say Belphemon, I mean as in Belphemon Rage Mode, though as she had no sleep mode form, we shall simply refer to her as Belphemon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

**Name:** Nonna Anatolyevna Ivanova **Gender:** Female **Age:** 16 **Nationality:** Russian **Appearance:** ![](http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_MgfBNd2e4us/SPtoG2SgJgI/AAAAAAAABnM/nY5RAFJHLos/s400/first+squad.jpg) **Personality: ** Due to her upbringing, Nonna is well mannered, but rather closed off to most. She seems downright cold most of the time, but under the ice is a heart. Normal people and their problems don’t interest her the slightest, but if you have something special or even unique about you, she just might come talk to you. Her friends she considers family and will do much for them, but if you get on her bad side, you’ll find out why Stalingrad still strikes fear to the hearts of Germans to this day. Her biggest flaw would be her pride. In her free time, she likes to equally engage both her body and her mind. A bit 'damaged' by her family's social status, she is slightly above the amusement of the 'peasants', choosing a bit eccentric - and expensive - hobbies. **Brief History: ** Nonna comes from a relatively wealthy family owning a chain of fashion stores. She suspects that their wealth might have come from the days back when Mafia was a thing, but she doesn’t dig deeper, perfectly content with it. In fact she took up some time to study the culture, which led to the unforeseen side effect of Pawnchessmon picking up the slang. Her father always had a lot of goals for her to reach, and she could never shake the feeling that he always wanted a son instead. However she was able to meet the expectations put into her and eventually even set higher goals for herself. Nonna become determined to succeed in everything she set her mind to. And on the top of that list was one day leading the family company. as such, she started attending business academy. **Digivice Colour: **Mainly black with dark crimson trim **Trivia: ** - She is disgusted by everything evolutionary lower than a fish, and downright scared of spiders and worms. - Her major hobbies are chess and fencing. She even owns a small collection of swords. - Nonna always keeps her hands and mouth busy. She is yet to be seen without a chewing gum. - When zoning out or affected by emotions, she tends to slip back to russian. - Voice actor: Emily Marie Neves --- **Name:** Pawnchessmon (Black) **Gender:** Feminine **Picture:** ![](http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/digimon/images/4/45/PawnChessmon_%28Black%29_b.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110408221215) **Attribute:** Virus **Type:** Puppet **Specials Attacks:** - Pawn Spear: Stabs with her spear. - Pawn Buckler: Charges with her buckler held up. - Pawn Lightning: Fires a shockwave with a lightning fast strike. - Vpered!: Pawnchessmon’s first move is made at double its normal speed. - En passant: Pawnchessmon can catch an enemy that is just entering the battle by surprise and cripple them. - Promotion: Pawnchessmon gains mega-class power for a single strike, provided she is located behind the target’s back. This depletes her power completely and resets her into a Fresh if the target is Champion or Ultimate, or to a Digi-Egg if the target is a Mega. **Personality:** Pawnchessmon is fiercely loyal to Nonna, considering her the King piece. She never leaves her side, taking it upon herself to act as her Byki (bodyguard). Like her digidestined, she is fixated on moving up in the world, as is her nature as a pawn piece. To those ranking the same or below her though, she is rather kind and tries to be a good example. **Evolution line:** Metalkoromon -> Kapurimon -> Pawnchessmon (Black) -> Knightchessmon (Black) -> Rookchessmon (Black) -> Queenchessmon **Trivia:** - She calls Nonna ‘Pakhan’, which was the highest rank in Russian mafia - Pawnchessmon isn’t able to relax, always standing in attention and alert even in sleep.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Forsythe - Wow, I really love your character already. Having a somewhat snobbish and ambitious rich girl on the team will certainly prove interesting. She's accepted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Can I join in? I love digimon omg lol
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Well. I will put this CS here just incase if you are or arent accepting. I will also finish it when I come home from school. ------- _**Human CS**_ ![enter image description here]( http://static.tumblr.com/96bb5f8176aa63b5f1391a5d07024d64/zsunxbb/Gzin0pd4j/tumblr_static_anime_girl_render_by_feary_bad_day-d5sdgxk.png "enter image title here") **Name:** Taeyeon Jung **Gender:** Female **Age:** 16 **Nationality:** Korean **Personality:** Taeyeon is a sweet, kind girl who gets nervous and clumsy next to new people. At times she could have a bit of a temper, which girl dosen't? But that only happens when someone tries to be mean with her or actually bully her. She loves to read books. Around friends, Tae could be outgoing and fun, also really protective of her friends and family, she could get mad easily if one of them is threatened or in danger. Taeyeon is also the girly girl who loves the light colors and loves to dress all fashionable. At times people call her a nerd because of how she spends most of her time in the library or when she usually doesn't go out to socialize. Its not because she doesn't want to but it's the reason that she doesn't want people to be laughing at her. Yes, she had friends but those accepted her for who she was. A sweet, kind girly girl who likes fashion and books and shy around new people, especially boys. **Brief History:** Taeyeon was born in south korea, she was born from a kpop star and a teacher at highschool. Her mother was the Kpop star and her father was the highschool teacher. They were both very loving to their daughter and gave them everything she wanted. Oh and they were also so strict with her. They barely let her have friends because all they wanted for her daughter was to just be in the school, studying her butt off so she could be something good in the future. But put all that aside. Taeyeon grew up to be a very mature young lady, beautiful too! Taeyeon recieved a digi egg, containing her first digimon, Yuramon. Both of them became the bestest friends! They do everything together! Yuramon talked too! A few days later, her digimon evolved into the in-training Tanemon. Because of all the loves that her tamer has given her. As the weeks go by..her digimon evolved into Palmon. And since there, they were both bestfriends with different personalities. Taeyeon was the quiet shy one, while Palmon was the outgoing and talkative and brave. **Digivice Colour:** Green with Pink. _**Digimon CS**_ **Name:** Palmon **Gender:** Female ![enter image description here](http://33.media.tumblr.com/8d58f096b4ba4b44629702f8f429563b/tumblr_mfcgsufDSJ1rgsahdo3_250.gif "enter image title here") **Attribute:** Data **Type:** Plant/Vegetation **Specials Attacks:** 1. Poison Ivy: Entangles the opponent in ivy laced with a powerful toxin, completely paralyzing them. 1. Plant Shock: Showers the opponent in a wave of leaves. 1. Root Breaker: Drains energy from foe. **Personality:** Palmon can be very talkative, but only if she wishes to speak to you. She may seem cold trying to avoid speaking to you or others but that's when her past came in to play. In actuality she's warm and can be very helpful. She is a very laid back digimon who is pretty slow to catch onto things. She is very friendly and is often found talking with everyone because she hates being alone. **Evolution line:** 1. Yuramon 1. Tanemon 1. Palmon 1. Togemon 1. Lilymon 1. Rosemon
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

I'll express my interest here. Now to my character.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Digizel
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Digizel The Knight of Bui / Challenge me if you dare! >3

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I think I'll wait a little bit more before deciding on a character I'd like to use. I'd like to see who would be best to interact with the rest of the group. Heck, if we have too many people interested, I might just consider playing a support role rather than a Digidestined role
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jester Acharis
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Jester Acharis Overlord

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

My interest. You has it. > I think I'll wait a little bit more before deciding on a character I'd like to use. I'd like to see who would be best to interact with the rest of the group. Also, this. Having a wide range of personalities is interesting, so I'll likely go for an archetype that's not already in use.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Mhmm interested as well xD Question, will you implement Digidestined Crests or not?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RBYDark
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RBYDark Demigod of Spite

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Well, with Silver, we'll have 8 total.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RBYDark
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RBYDark Demigod of Spite

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

**Human CS** Name: Nathan Foxe Gender: Male Age: 17 Nationality: American Appearance: Nathan's about 6 feet tall, with a slightly heavy build, a little bit of scruff on his chin, and light brown skin. His face seems slightly uneven somehow, and his nose is a bit crooked to the left. The two items he wears everywhere are a golden clock pendant (which he must wind frequently or it'll stop keeping time) and a loose purple zip-up hoodie, with black on the edges of the sleeves, the shoulders and the hood, and around the bottom hem. Before he and Gazimon ended up in the Quartz, though, he was also wearing blue jeans, white socks, grey sneakers, black gloves, and a plain blue t-shirt. Traits typically harder to make out are that his eyes are grey, his hair is short and black, and he has a surgical scar on his abdomen. Personality: Though generally cheerful, Nathan tends to hide beneath his hood and gets upset if anyone tries removing it. He prefers keeping people at arm's length both through mannerisms and refusal to talk about himself. He's a bit self-conscious and quick to back down, preferring to instead walk away instead of causing an argument. When stealth fails, he will make a 180 and instead go for the most audacious option possible. He believes that anyone in danger deserves protection, no matter how they've treated him in the past; do not mistake it for an unwillingness to kill, not if it comes down to his or their life. Though not the brightest, he tries making up for it with hard work and enthusiasm. He believes in giving any task his all, no matter how trivial it might be. Brief History: Originally born and raised in Rome, NY, Nathan lived fairly well with his parents and two brothers for the majority of his life. When he received an egg containing a Zurumon, it was treated as a brand-new family member (though Nathan had to share with his brothers). Despite the reputation of virus-types, Nathan and his brothers were quite willing to fight to defend Zurumon (later Pagumon), and they were fine fighting unfairly. As such, few incidents arose. However, an incident in 9th grade resulted in torment unlike that he'd ever known before and eventually left him in the hospital for. His parents afterwards sent him to live with his aunt and uncle in Yonkers to finish his schooling in peace, with the advice that, this time, he keep his head low. Pagumon, having been his digimon, left with him without any hesitation and to the dismay of the rest of the family. Upon arrival, Nathan effectively shut himself off from everyone else, barely passing classes and not talking to anyone. Naturally, his aunt and uncle worried for his sake, with them each trying everything they could think of to get him to smile. What finally seemed to get him back out of it was Pagumon digivolving into Gazimon. He couldn't just keep sinking down and abandon his digimon. What happened next was almost a complete 180 - he pulled his grades up, he got employment as a fry cook at a local diner, he began accompanying his uncle on monthly hunting trips (a thing that left Gazimon uncomfortable so it stayed with his aunt and tended to darn socks and mend clothing for her), though he was never quite so open or fearless as he had been before. When he received an unknown email, he initially freaked and refused to check his inbox for a month. It was only Gazimon's gentle insistence that helped him get past that and carry back on with his life, doing his best to be perfectly fine. Digivice Colour: Violet and blue **Digimon CS** Name: Gazimon Nickname: It does respond to 'Kitten' or 'Buck'. Nathan's aunt had owned rabbits as a child and was happy to have another. Gender: None according to itself. If one wishes to assign gender pronouns, it will tolerate them. Picture: ![enter image description here](http://wikimon.net/images/9/96/Gazimon.gif "enter image title here") Its colors do seem washed out, almost white, in comparison to other Gazimon. Attribute: Virus Type: Beast Specials Attacks: - Electric Stun Blast: Creates a black gas from its mouth that can stun enemies - Pitfall: Uses its claws to dig a pitfall under its enemies Personality: Thoughtful, cordial to a fault, and constantly worried, Gazimon always holds back. It absolutely hates fighting, and every death of a digimon is a great dismay. It's quite aloof from others, and if it initiates a conversation, it can be seen as a sign that something has gone horribly wrong. It is incredibly rare to ever see it smile. Most of its time is spent observing and learning from its surroundings and those in them. If attention is placed on it, it will do his best to shift focus to elsewhere. Its specialties lie mostly on distraction and disarming and it is well aware of this; despite that, it worries it may be seen as a 'cheater' for relying on such techniques. It's fairly soft-spoken, even in the upper levels, as though afraid its voice might frighten people. Evolution line: Zurumon > Pagumon > Gazimon > Fangmon > Extyrannomon > Deathmon
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

> Well, with Silver, we'll have 8 total. Holy crap! I go to have a little nap and when I come back, there are loads of people! Seriously, guys, I never expected so many people to be interested so quickly. X3 And certainly, anyone who asked to join while I was away, you can as this is still open. > Question, will you implement Digidestined Crests or not? Hmm, good question. I'm not entirely sure if the Crests would fit in this kind of setting. The thing about the Crests is that, in Adventure, the Digital World was more a fantastical place so the Crests made sense in that setting. This roleplay takes a little more inspiration from Tamers and therefore it's more sci-fi. So probably not, though that does beg the question how we're going to get each Digimon to Ultimate form. EDIT: RBY you're accepted. Love the character. My only gripe is that we now have two Zurumon/Pagumon's in the group, but seeing as our Digimon are likely to spend much time in their baby or in-training form, I don't mind really too much. Although I might change my CS if I can think of a baby and in-training form more suitable for Phascomon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

> **Human CS** > > Name: Nathan Foxe > > Gender: Male > > Age: 17 > > Nationality: American > > Appearance: Nathan's about 6 feet tall, with a slightly heavy build, a little bit of scruff on his chin, and light brown skin. His face seems slightly uneven somehow, and his nose is a bit crooked to the left. The two items he wears everywhere are a golden clock pendant (which he must wind frequently or it'll stop keeping time) and a loose purple zip-up hoodie, with black on the edges of the sleeves, the shoulders and the hood, and around the bottom hem. Before he and Gazimon ended up in the Quartz, though, he was also wearing blue jeans, white socks, grey sneakers, black gloves, and a plain blue t-shirt. Traits typically harder to make out are that his eyes are grey, his hair is short and black, and he has a surgical scar on his abdomen. > > Personality: Though generally cheerful, Nathan tends to hide beneath his hood and gets upset if anyone tries removing it. He prefers keeping people at arm's length both through mannerisms and refusal to talk about himself. He's a bit self-conscious and quick to back down, preferring to instead walk away instead of causing an argument. When stealth fails, he will make a 180 and instead go for the most audacious option possible. He believes that anyone in danger deserves protection, no matter how they've treated him in the past; do not mistake it for an unwillingness to kill, not if it comes down to his or their life. Though not the brightest, he tries making up for it with hard work and enthusiasm. He believes in giving any task his all, no matter how trivial it might be. > > Brief History: Originally born and raised in Rome, NY, Nathan lived fairly well with his parents and two brothers for the majority of his life. When he received an egg containing a Zurumon, it was treated as a brand-new family member (though Nathan had to share with his brothers). Despite the reputation of virus-types, Nathan and his brothers were quite willing to fight to defend Zurumon (later Pagumon), and they were fine fighting unfairly. As such, few incidents arose. However, an incident in 9th grade resulted in torment unlike that he'd ever known before and eventually left him in the hospital for. His parents afterwards sent him to live with his aunt and uncle in Yonkers to finish his schooling in peace, with the advice that, this time, he keep his head low. Pagumon, having been his digimon, left with him without any hesitation and to the dismay of the rest of the family. Upon arrival, Nathan effectively shut himself off from everyone else, barely passing classes and not talking to anyone. Naturally, his aunt and uncle worried for his sake, with them each trying everything they could think of to get him to smile. > > What finally seemed to get him back out of it was Pagumon digivolving into Gazimon. He couldn't just keep sinking down and abandon his digimon. What happened next was almost a complete 180 - he pulled his grades up, he got employment as a fry cook at a local diner, he began accompanying his uncle on monthly hunting trips (a thing that left Gazimon uncomfortable so it stayed with his aunt and tended to darn socks and mend clothing for her), though he was never quite so open or fearless as he had been before. When he received an unknown email, he initially freaked and refused to check his inbox for a month. It was only Gazimon's gentle insistence that helped him get past that and carry back on with his life, doing his best to be perfectly fine. > > Digivice Colour: Violet and blue > > **Digimon CS** > > Name: Gazimon > > Nickname: It does respond to 'Kitten' or 'Buck'. Nathan's aunt had owned rabbits as a child and was happy to have another. > > Gender: None according to itself. If one wishes to assign gender pronouns, it will tolerate them. > > Picture: ![enter image description here](http://wikimon.net/images/9/96/Gazimon.gif "enter image title here") Its colors do seem washed out, almost white, in comparison to other Gazimon. > > Attribute: Virus > > Type: Beast > > Specials Attacks: > > - Electric Stun Blast: Creates a black gas from its mouth that can stun enemies > - Pitfall: Uses its claws to dig a pitfall under its enemies > > Personality: Thoughtful, cordial to a fault, and constantly worried, Gazimon always holds back. It absolutely hates fighting, and every death of a digimon is a great dismay. It's quite aloof from others, and if it initiates a conversation, it can be seen as a sign that something has gone horribly wrong. It is incredibly rare to ever see it smile. Most of its time is spent observing and learning from its surroundings and those in them. If attention is placed on it, it will do his best to shift focus to elsewhere. Its specialties lie mostly on distraction and disarming and it is well aware of this; despite that, it worries it may be seen as a 'cheater' for relying on such techniques. It's fairly soft-spoken, even in the upper levels, as though afraid its voice might frighten people. > > Evolution line: Zurumon > Pagumon > Gazimon > Fangmon > Extyrannomon > Deathmon Darn I was going to do Gazimon >.< Mhmm then I might do Leormon instead. > > Well, with Silver, we'll have 8 total. > > Holy crap! I go to have a little nap and when I come back, there are loads of people! Seriously, guys, I never expected so many people to be interested so quickly. X3 And certainly, anyone who asked to join while I was away, you can as this is still open. > > > Question, will you implement Digidestined Crests or not? > > Hmm, good question. I'm not entirely sure if the Crests would fit in this kind of setting. The thing about the Crests is that, in Adventure, the Digital World was more a fantastical place so the Crests made sense in that setting. This roleplay takes a little more inspiration from Tamers and therefore it's more sci-fi. So probably not, though that does beg the question how we're going to get each Digimon to Ultimate form. > > EDIT: RBY you're accepted. Love the character. My only gripe is that we now have two Zurumon/Pagumon's in the group, but seeing as our Digimon are likely to spend much time in their baby or in-training form, I don't mind really too much. Although I might change my CS if I can think of a baby and in-training form more suitable for Phascomon. I was just wondering, since I always enjoyed how a Digidestined represented a trait xD
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