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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

> This still open/accepting people? I believe so lol
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

> > Finally done with history. > > > > CS COMPLETE. > > > Finally done with history. > > > > CS COMPLETE. > > Awe she's so cute! Thank you :o I tried. *hairflips*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

> Haha. Indeed. xD Part of the reason I chose Henry and Gaomon was because I knew that Gaomon would be at opposition with a few of the other Digimon that are already presented here. However, so long as Henry is one of the team, he will have no choice but to put up with them. It will be quite interesting to see how that works out. xD It made me want to have picked my other Digimon that is super bossy, richy rich type and boss the Digidestined around xD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

>I can already tell Leormon and Gaomon won't get along xD He's not the only one. I can tell you right now that Daigo (and by extension Elecmon) find their way of doing things to be cowardly and despicable in their eyes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Horrid
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### **Human CS** **Name:** Alika Hale **Gender:** Male **Age:** 15 **Nationality:** Hawaiian **Appearance:** Alika is a bald young boy, with sun-baked brown skin and the body of a boy who spends his time in the waves very often. He usually wears a grey long-sleeve shirt and brown shorts, with a pair of scuffed black running shoes and white socks. He usually lugs around a small blue backpack and wears a blue baseball cap with the bill turned towards his back. **Personality:** A carefree spirit, a kid in pursuit of fun and laughter. Alika is not one to dwell on the bad parts of life, always one to look for the silver lining and keep his mind on the bright side. Some would call this repression, but Alika simply knows it as living. Slow to trust and make friends, but when made he is quick to jump to their aid, sometimes to his own detriment. Self-sacrifice and putting one's problems aside are the mark of true friendship, anyway. The introduction of a Digital Monster into his life may have been the greatest moment of his life, a friend to stay by his side without question. Even though he has such a dangerous creature at his side through his trials, he believes in the idea of talking things out first and teamwork after, should things go sour. He is quiet, not for a lack of courage, but a need to speak only when he has something to say. He believes his words to be sage advice when he utters them, and becomes irate when he is overlooked or swept aside when offering ideas or advice. **Brief History:** Alika was a boy who lived without much, so when the family finally got a computer, it was the coolest thing for him since sliced bread. A big, CRT-bound junker of a machine and it was the most fascinating thing to him at the time. It became his life, playing games and writing stories in his spare time, he couldn't be happier. His life consisted of school, surf, sport and then the computer. It was a routine that he built and wouldn't give up for anything. Then one day, Alika's father came home with the big announcement that he had finally got a big promotion, and that promotion would require them to move to the U.S. The move was hard, but exciting. On one hand, he had to leave behind so many friends and relatives, but on the other, there was all new friends to be made and new sights to see. Arriving was easy, as was unpacking. They were in a bigger house, in a nicer neighborhood, Alika had even got a bigger, faster computer. Life was alright, going through school was much of the same as he made new friends and did average in class. Surfing was a bit harder when the beach was so far away, but it wasn't hard to go to a public pool for a swim. Sport here was different, but he took up a liking for football and hockey which his friends played rather fanatically. The only thing that hadn't changed was his free-time, until the day that he got that strange email from an unknown sender. Sceptical, Alika opened it with a cautious mind and low hopes, but was taken aback when he found that within lied... an egg. An egg popped out of his screen and straight into his lap. An egg that soon hatched into a creature. A creature that named itself Pinamon. He was all manners of confused, as were the rest of his family but the creature's mischievous nature and passion for making him smile caused it to grow on him. Slowly, he spent less and less time on his computer, and more with Pinamon, playing games and reading to her and eating alongside her. It was better than he could have imagined. And then she digivolved. Falcomon was even more fun, able to run and jump and climb, only spurring him on to play more and more, to perform better and better. Faye was the perfect companion, and even if she was a bit of a troublemaker at times, she still had the intention of fun at heart. Even though she may have been a digital monster, its like she shared his views and morals. **Digivice Colour:** Purple and Black ### **Digimon CS** **Name:** Falcomon **Nickname:** Faye **Gender:** Female **Picture:** [Falcomon!](http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/digimon/images/6/6b/Falcomon_%282006_anime%29_b.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20131005100442) Appearance-wise there is a bit of difference from the standard, she looks to be slightly more feminine than her standard forms. Long eyelashes, higher-pitched voice and a feminine body shape are not out of the question. Overall not TOO different, but its noticeable. **Attribute:** Vaccine **Type:** Bird **Specials/Attacks:** _Falco Rush:_ Unleashes an attack from a powerful leg. _Wind Blade:_ Flaps wings to create a wind that is capable of cutting. _Scratch Smash:_ Lashes out with her wing claws. _Shadow Screen:_ Uses ninjutsu to confuse the enemy and disappear. _Shuririnken:_ Throws a barrage of ninja stars at the target. **Personality: ** A troublemaker, a prankster but still a good soul. She is never one to back down from a fight, but would rather taunt and tease that openly express violence. Whereas Alika is a weaver of kind words and praise, Faye tells it as it is. Calling it how she sees it can often lead to conflict, but for the most part it just spurs her on in the pursuit of being an annoyance. She avoids fighting too often, due to Alika's avoidance to fighting. She can be very friendly, and very welcoming but it the most accommodating to her partner. She still doesn't pass up a chance to swipe something or trip someone up for a laugh, being driven a bit by personal interest as well as by her friendship with Alika. But above all, Faye is able to be serious when its needed and can become terrifyingly protective when push comes to shove, bordering on devotion. **Evolution Line:** _Puwamon_ (Fresh) _Pinamon_ (In-Training) _Falcomon_ (Rookie) _Peckmon_ (Champion) _Karatenmon_ (Ultimate) _Ravemon_ (Mega)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Now i don't see into the mind of the GM, but considering the olympos XII are part of the plot line haivng one of them as your partner might be iffy >_>
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Horrid
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Oh wow how did I miss that, changing now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Horrid
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Fixed, hopefully.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 12 days ago

Here's what I have as of now. I was going to use Laylamon/Lilithmon as my mega but it's cool. I couldn't decide on an ultimate state and put off posting this so it's my fault. I'm just going to have to figure something else out XD _____________________________________________ **Human CS** _Name:_ Annaliese Kaufmann _Gender:_ Female _Age:_ 13 _Nationality:_ German _Appearance:_ ![](http://dalian.7thstyle.com/2011/12/fate-zero-ep10-pre-release-002-614x345.jpg "enter image title here") _Personality:_ At home, Annaliese is a well-mannered yet submissive girl who wouldn’t dare say anything that is out of line with her adoptive parents’ wishes. She almost never smiles and when she does, it has nothing to do with any of the people there. Typically, if she does, it will have to do with her Digimon. At school her personality does a 180. She speaks what she wants, when she wants. To the other students at least. Nothing that could possibly get her in trouble with her parents or teachers. When she lived at the Orphanage the school children with parents treated her and some of the others with ridicule and poorly treated the. Due to this Anna developed a more aggressive personality with others that were not figures of authority. That being said, she enjoys time outside of the home and allots just enough time for her to finish her chores at home before needing to "sleep". She figures her parents believe that she is in a number of extracurriculars when she shows up home late and would rather deal with the idiots of society than the idiot parents and servants at home. Her interpersonal relationships are good or bad. If people are nice to start, Annaliese has a tendency to be nice to them. If people are mean to her to start, she tends to respond negatively to them. For the most part, when it comes to Annaliese it mostly has to do with her first impression. _Brief History:_ Annaliese has lived a mostly poor life. As an Orphan from birth, she spent the first of her years in an Orphanage in Berlin. Her mother, who died in childbirth due to several complications, had enough time to name her child before she passed away. Apparently, she had no relatives and the father had been missing for months. When Annaliese was about eight, she was adopted by a well-to-do family. Her adoptive parents, the Kaufmann's, thought that she should act in a more proper way than she was. This didn't sit well with Annaliese making her want to act out and rebel against her parents. Of course, her rebellious attitude didn't help other's opinion of here when her digimon partner, Moonmon digivolved into Tinkermon instead of Lunamon as is the expected outcome of Moonmon. From this point on, whenever she acted against her adoptive parent's will, they reacted harshly turning her home life into a submissive mockery of living. Her Digimon has done it's best to help her out in these times, but there is only so much that can be done. Digivice Colour: Black and White **Digimon CS** _Name:_ Tinkermon Nickname: (optional) _Gender:_ Female _Picture:_ ![](http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/digimon/images/e/e7/Tinkermon_b.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20111222051722 "enter image title here") _Attribute:_ Virus _Type:_ Fairy _Specials Attacks:_ Speedy Nightmare: A rapid flourish of attacks from Tinkermon’s spears. Faerie Dust: A small torrent of dust pelts and confuses the enemy. Youthful Burst: Using it's eternal youth as power, this fairy darts off with a burst of speed causing a powerful speed based attack. _Personality:_ Tinkermon is a bit complex. Typically, she is a nice character who likes helping out Annaliese. Then there are times when Annaliese is frustrated with her home-life that Tinkermon becomes a mischievous pixie, intent on pranking the adoptive parents of the girl and servants of the house just to bring a smile to Annaliese's face. When it comes to people that are not Annaliese that she doesn't know, she tends to just roam around Annaliese and be sort of quiet. Other times she has a desire to be a little mischief-maker and pranks random strangers. Most of the time, it depends on her mood though Annaliese's word tends to also be a discerning factor. _Evolution line:_ Baby: YukimiBotamon In-Training: Moonmon Rookie: Tinkermon Champion: Witchmon Ultimate: Mavenmon Mega: Lilithmon
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RBYDark
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RBYDark Demigod of Spite

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Well, looking up available Ultimates/Megas, maybe a few ideas? - Mistymon->Cherubimon (Dark)/Lordknightmon - Bastemon->Ancientsphinxmon/Kuzuhamon/Blackmegagargomon - Neodevimon->Daemon
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Horrid
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I would be happy change my Mega. Its no problem at all! I was thinking of instead going maybe with Dracmon or a more female Falcomon/Ravemon. Up to you, really. I'll still play the personality the same. :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Digi, you're accepted, and I probably will do as you asked about linking the CSs. I'll think on it. Paige, you're accepted too, though I noted something on your CS that your character kept her Digimon a secret from her parents. You might want to change that as Digimon are known throughout the world and parents know their child will one day receive one. Just a note. Horrid, you're accepted too and thank you Forsythe for telling him that. Yeah, if you'd have had one of the Olympos XII as your Digimon's Mega, I would have asked you to change it. Thank you for changing it by the way. Also, the fact you have Lillithmon as a partner makes me feel even more at ease with having Belphemon XD Also, I noted that I never specified how Digieggs are recieved. They usually come by email sent to the kid's email account - or their parent's if the kid doesn't have one - and upon clicking the email, the egg will come out of the computer. If the family doesn't have a computer - and I know that some families don't - it will be sent to the government veer computer who will then be asked to send the egg to the child. Anyone who has put anything to the contrary might want to tweak their bios just a tad. Sorry I didn't mention this earlier. I apologise.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RBYDark
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RBYDark Demigod of Spite

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

In that case, I should add that Neodevimon can digivolve into Lilithmon, as can Bastemon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 12 days ago

> I would be happy change my Mega. Its no problem at all! I was thinking of instead going maybe with Dracmon or a more female Falcomon/Ravemon. Up to you, really. I'll still play the personality the same. :) If you want to that would great, if not, then I still am probably doing a custom Ultimate with a friend anyhow so I could probably manage something else if not. > In that case, I should add that Neodevimon can digivolve into Lilithmon, as can Bastemon. I still feel Beastmon/Bastemon/Persiamon is a weird Ultimate for Laylamon/Lilithmon
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Horrid
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

> > I would be happy change my Mega. Its no problem at all! I was thinking of instead going maybe with Dracmon or a more female Falcomon/Ravemon. Up to you, really. I'll still play the personality the same. :) > > If you want to that would great, if not, then I still am probably doing a custom Ultimate with a friend anyhow so I could probably manage something else if not. > > > In that case, I should add that Neodevimon can digivolve into Lilithmon, as can Bastemon. > > I still feel Beastmon/Bastemon/Persiamon is a weird Ultimate for Laylamon/Lilithmon You take Lilithmon, I'll get on that female Ravemon game. Is Falcomon > Peckmon > Karatenmon >Ravemon is cool with the big cheese?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 12 days ago

> You take Lilithmon, I'll get on that female Ravemon game. Is Falcomon > Peckmon > Karatenmon >Ravemon is cool with the big cheese? Ok, thank you. I'll add that much in now then.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Sure, Falcomon and it's line that you mentioned are fine.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RBYDark
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RBYDark Demigod of Spite

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Well, glad that all worked out
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

I am starting to dig the sin crest idea xD It doesn't exactly go against 'fixing one's issues' either. From the top of what i could see: Daigo - envy Nonna - pride Annalise - wrath Phascomon - sloth http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_deadly_sins http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mortal_sin#Mortal_sins come on, the choices are plenty xD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

So many people. This is gonna be fun c:
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