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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Meredith Hillard~

It didn't take Meredith long to reach the arrival platform along with the rest of the students. Most had gotten over the initial shock of the situation, some starting to talk quietly among themselves in the process. Meredith herself, was humming the same pleasant tune from earlier as she marched down the railway, with the bonesaw still slung across her shoulders, seemingly not caring that she was about to walk back into the school with it. As the group finally made their way to the platform, Meredith turned to face the students again as she hopped up off the tracks.

"Alrighty! Here we are, Herculean academy!" She said, spinning on her heels as she said it. "If everyone could just waiiiit here for a bit, that'd be great! Feel free to mingle, chat, converse, make out or do whatever else you silly little humans do in your spare time! The Vice Principal will probably be here shortly, and we'll move things along then!"

With that, she left the students to mingle, and talk so that they could get to know one another, before she spotted Dorian in the distance, walking up to the doctor with a friendly smile. "Heya there Dorian!" She gave him a friendly smile. "How are the injured students doing?" She said, sticking out a hand for a handshake. Well, sticking the bonesaw out for a handshake as if that was perfectly acceptable, having it slowly morph back into her actual hand as she waited for him to shake it.

~Alexis Sinclair~

“Definitely. Right behind you.”

Alexis Grinned, following right after Graham, briefly turning and waving bye to the girl named 'Olivia', that was supposed to be escorting her. She was't two. She could walk perfectly fine on her own. She quickly caught up with Graham, casually walking alongside him in the process, following the other students to the school. Honestly, she was a bit surprised he did actually have her back on the tram. She had expected him to remain quiet, if not outright tell the truth. Whatever the case though, she was feeling in a much better mood now, and it was showing.

"Thanks for having my back there." She said, giving him a grin. "You really aren't so bad, Graham." She continued, still walking with her hands in her pockets. She didn't know what much else to say at that point. Being 'Friendly' was all kind of new to her. Being a shut-in gamer who just so happened to have some skill with hacking computers, made her social skills a bit less than zero. "So, uh, yeah. If you ever need anything, I'll help ya." She somewhat awkwardly continued, turning her head slightly away from the other kid.

By now, they had reached the platform with the rest of the students. Meredith said something about them staying put until the Vice Principal gets there. She had no objection to that, though now she wanted to find Kitty and see how she was doing. It didn't take her long to find the other girl, who currently seemed to be talking to another girl and asking her to sign a cast. Crap...did she break her arm? Alexis felt...a bit terrible about that, since she had technically been the cause of it.

"Kitty!" She called out, giving the other girl a wave as she walked up. "Oh, hey, you got cast! Can I sign it?" She asked, giving the object a little poke.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ogo
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Ogo oop

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

~Graham Turner~

”So yeah guys, welcome to Herculean Academy. Now all that’s left to do is set up roommates.”

Big Tony belted that one back to the group. The group broke out into murmurs as students discussed their living arrangements with those around them. The group had expanded as they spilled out of the train. Many looked unfamiliar to Graham. It made sense. Who could expect a man to learn this many faces in less than an hour?

Still, Graham found himself anxious at the thought of living with someone else. He was an only child, never actually having to share a room. He didn’t think he’d mind though. It could be fun. Anything could be an adventure if you put your mind to it.

He was about to speak up, starting an auction with only one item: the pleasure of being his rooming companion, when Alexis caught up to him.

"Thanks for having my back there. You really aren't so bad, Graham. So, uh, yeah. If you ever need anything, I’ll help ya.

Graham laughed again and unconsciously scratched the back of his head.

Honestly, he hadn’t planned on saying anything. And if he would have thought, he very well might have spilled the beans. But it just so happened that instincts kicked in over logic. Or rather, his loyalty beat out his honesty. Go figure.

“Hey, don’t worry about about it. What are friends for?”

Graham puffed out his cheeks and pulled the most ‘serious’ face he could manage.

”Oh. Yeah. That’s your punishment for dragging me into that. We’re friends now. Whether you like it or not.

Then the platform came into view. Then they were on the platform. Given the order to stay put, Graham couldn’t find much of a reason to argue. His options for escaping were to either head further into the unknown facility, or retreat back into the tunnels, into the dark unknown. If he was going to be completely lost, he’d much rather be able to see his toes, if need be.

Alexis must have spotted their short, injured friend. That or she saw an actual kitten. She veered off, and Graham followed like a lost puppy. Follow the leader, Mr. Turner.

And then there was Kitty. And the sleeping shortie. And glass-girl.

He really had to figure out some names.

"Oh, hey, you got cast! Can I sign it?"

Graham noticed the cast. And…

Pokemon Stickers.

“Whoa! Those are awesome, haha! I want some...where’d you get ‘em?! And I call next!”

He couldn’t help himself. He was a kid at heart. Well, even more of a kid. Oh well. Act young, be young. He was fairly certain that the elderly said that. Somewhere, at least. After his moment of nerdy weakness, he turned his attention to the other two.

“Oh, heya! Sorry about yelling at ya’ll. The name’s Graham. Nice to meetcha.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nightmare Bunny
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Nightmare Bunny An Organized Magical Girl

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Dorian Lost

When Dorian saw Meredith appear with a horde of students in tow, he had to take a deep breath to prepare himself. He was already starting to shrink into himself, as if that would save him from this encounter.

He hated dealing with Meredith. God, why couldn't there be any normal faculty members? And the worst thing was that he and Meredith always ended up working together, because she was a biology teacher and he was the school nurse.

Briefly, he imagined how much better his life would be if Meredith had decided to become an English teacher instead. That train of thought had to be abandoned fairly quickly, however, because as soon as she saw him, Meredith made a beeline for him. Well, fuck. He didn't swear too much --after all, he did work with children-- but... Fuck.

"Heya there Dorian!" said Meredith. "How are the injured students doing?"

"They're doing fine," he snapped, prickly as always. "No thanks to you, you psycho. What the hell was up with stopping the train? You should have known that students were going to get hurt! Didn't you think that actually, you know, going to the compartment to break up the fight would have been better? You'd probably have ended up scaring them into submission anyway!"

He took a deep breath to calm himself. Talking to Meredith always got him agitated… but to be fair, talking to pretty much anyone was enough to get him agitated. When they heard he was a nurse, people always expected Dorian to have good bedside manner.

Haha. Yeah, right. As if.

Dorian wasn't that kind of nurse. He didn't pamper people, okay? In fact, in terms of bedside manner, Dorian was more like the nurse they called in to get the patient who was frantically trying to protest his upcoming enema to sit down, shut up, and take it like a man.

He sighed. "Whatever. Never mind. Give me a second."

The health and safety speech, right. He'd better give it before the Vice President showed up. To be honest, though, there wasn't much to say except--

"Right!" hollered Dorian. He'd gotten used to speaking loudly and forcefully: it was hard to get the attention of a small horde of teenagers otherwise. "Pay attention, kids, 'cause you aren't hearing this again until next year. Some of you might know me as Anaesthesia-- yeah, don't call me that. I'm not a superhero anymore, okay? My name is Dorian Lost, and I'm your school nurse. You can call me 'Mr. Dorian' or 'sir', and nothing else. Got that? Great. Now, my office is on the second floor of the main school building, so that's where you go if you need to be patched up. Do not cause grievous bodily harm to your fellow students, or you'll be the one who pays for their medical bills."

The thought made him wince. It wasn't like this speech actually stopped anyone from 'causing grievous bodily harm', ever. But he tried every time.

"If you or a friend is injured in any way, please come to my office to get teacher supervision before you attempt to heal yourself. We've all seen what happens when healing powers go wrong. Anyway, that's all, get back to talking or whatever it is you munchkins like doing."

Well, that was him done. Now all that was left was for Vice President Nina to show up, and then he'd be free to his office.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Classified
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Classified Classified Information

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Aspen Archer

"Here you go! Oh, uh, if it hurts too much, you don't have to sign if you don't want to!" Kitty said making Aspen smile. She concentrated on the marker and lifted it out of Kitty's hands and brought it closer to the her cast. Aspen stopped, the pen hovering just above, she looked at the signatures already there. Choosing a clear spot Aspen concentrated on the marker as it slowly but neatly signed her name, she was careful not to write over the other names and creatures, she still had yet to find out about.

As she was about to ask she heard another voice call out to Kitty. Aspen remembered that her name was Alexis, she was kind of hard to forget."Kitty! Oh, hey, you got cast! Can I sign it?". Aspen watched as she lightly poked the cast, looking back up again she saw that Alexis was soon followed by the other guy from the tram who she remembered was named Graham,“Whoa! Those are awesome, haha! I want some...where’d you get ‘em?! And I call next! Oh, heya! Sorry about yelling at ya’ll. The name’s Graham. Nice to meetcha.”

Aspen focused on the marker again and floated it over to Alexis so she could sign Kitty's cast next. She had realised the cast had been to help her broken arm but she wondered why people signed it. There were still so many things that she didn't know or understand, Aspen had many questions to ask and things to find out but for now she had to focus on this academy and introducing herself to the other new students including Graham. "It is nice to meet you also," she replied politely. "My name is Aspen."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Nightmare Bunny
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Nightmare Bunny An Organized Magical Girl

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kitty Lee

Kitty stared in surprise as Aspen levitated the marker out of Kitty's hands and started to sign her name on the cast. That… was super cool.

And then she heard a familiar voice.

"Kitty!" Alexis called, waving. "Oh, hey, you got a cast! Can I sign it?"

Not too far behind her was Graham, who looked rather cheerful. He seemed to have zeroed in on her cast… and the Pokemon stickers in particular. “Whoa! Those are awesome, haha! I want some...where’d you get ‘em?! And I call next!” he said. “Oh, heya! Sorry about yelling at ya’ll. The name’s Graham. Nice to meetcha.”
Kitty beamed. She'd been wondering when they'd show up!

“Alexis! Graham!” she practically sang. “How are you? I missed you guys! Oh, wait, did I miss a lot? I got carted off—what happened? What took you guys so long! Fill me in!”

She hummed happily, smoothing out her skirt with her good hand. “Oh, and the Pokemon stickers came from Mr. Dorian, who’s, uh, over there. With that lady. He's kind of scary, though. And of course you can sign my cast! I was about to ask you to, actually.”

Looking over, she noticed that Mr. Dorian actually looked somewhat harassed, but she couldn't really tell whether he really was feeling annoyed, or whether that was just his default expression.

"It is nice to meet you also," said Aspen. "My name is Aspen."

Oh, wait. Remembering her manners, Kitty gestured to Aspen. "Yup, this is Aspen!" she chirped. "My new friend! Oh, and this is Cheol!" She gestured to the boy with a wide sweep of her arm. "He's my other new friend!"

Just then, Dorian started yelling, and Kitty fell silent. The health-and-safety speech… was actually shorter than she expected. Not that she was complaining, of course.

"...If you or a friend is injured in any way, please come to my office to get teacher supervision before you attempt to heal yourself. We've all seen what happens when healing powers go wrong. Anyway, that's all, get back to talking or whatever it is you munchkins like doing."

He fell silent, having finished.

Kitty did a twirl. "Anyway! So what's big? What's new? Oh, yeah, and what happened with that girl? The one who was being mean? I'm pretty sure I dripped blood on her shirt, actually."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Paul Ray

Paul walked along with the newbies, watching them mingle and talk with eachother. "Good, they seem to have already become friends. Those bonds will be tested while they are here and if they aren't strong enough, that will spell their doom. The world of the superheroes isn't just all fun and dandy, it has its cruel side as well, a side they will unavoidably face one way or another..." Paul thought, his eyes fell on the ground, a pained look starting to form on his face.

"Alrighty! Here we are, Herculean academy!" Meredith suddenly announced, making Paul flinch and look up. They had arrived on the platform and most of the students had already climbed up, leaving him alone on the tracks. Paul scratched his head, slightly embarassed and also climbed up the platform. "If everyone could just waiiiit here for a bit, that'd be great! Feel free to mingle, chat, converse, make out or do whatever else you silly little humans do in your spare time! The Vice Principal will probably be here shortly, and we'll move things along then!"

Paul looked around, searching for the school's nurse. Mr. Dorian every year gave his 'health and safety speech' to the new students right after they had gotten off the train and so he was bound to do the same this year, moreso than before actually considering a train was almost de-railed, with a couple of students getting hurt, one seriously injured at that. "Oh right...Um.." Paul scanned the platform, "She's got to be somewhere around here..." he mumbled. "There" he thought when he found Kitty and her friends and started walking towards the small group.

He arrived right at the moment when the girl did a twirl, spinning around herself. "Hey, carefull with that arm" he said jokingly. "I believe we met eachother earlier, albeit the situation wasn't what you would call ideal. My name's Paul" he said, introducing himself to not only Kitty, but her frieds. "By the way, let me see that cast for a moment..." he told Kitty. He proceeded to touch the cast with his left hand and suddenly, a dim, green light would start be emitted from it. Kitty would start feeling a slight burning sensation creeping up her arm. "There, all better now" he said and took his hands off the cast. "What i did just now was to imbue the cast with the healing properties of the earth. You should have felt something like a slight burning feeling. This should speed up the healing considerably.

"I also greatly strengthened the cast. This way, even if something happens and the arm is in danger, the cast will protect it from most blunt forces" he told her. "Oh yeah, let me sign it as well!" he added. Paul opened his hand and a solid, metal inkless pen grew from the floor and flew right into it. He grabbed it and signed her cast - Paolo Marchelo Ray. When he finished, he threw the pen lightly at Kitty and faced everyone else, "A piece of advice, don't mess with her" he said, pointing discreetly at Meredith. "Everything she said back at the train, and i mean literally everything, is true. She has done... things you wouldn't even want to dream of, lest see them" he paused, looking at their faces. "And i can attest to the fact that what she hates above everything is someone lying straight to her face..." he said that while looking at Alexis and Graham.

"Well, that's about it. Ciao" he told them and walked off towards the main building. "...and welcome to Herculean Academy!" he said loudly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

- Cheol Akiyama -

Starring Vice Principal Nina Smith!

When Aspen returned his smile, Cheol felt a genuine relief flow over him. Okay, seemed like she wasn't upset with him at all, just a little shy. What was even more surprising was, when he and Kitty made their way over to the platform, Aspen actually spoke. And of course, it was Kitty who was able to get her to break her silence.

Forgot teleportation. Kitty's real superpower was her optimism.

It was then that the rest of the group from back on train arrived, led by Meredith, who Cheol had dubbed the very literal teacher from hell. Surprisingly, she hadn't eaten or mutilated anyone from the last time he saw the group, so that was a plus.

Two of the students, a girl with headphones and the boy who had woken Cheol up, approached. Apparently, they knew Kitty, and the three began to talk amongst themselves, with Kitty being nice enough to introduce Cheol and Aspen to them.

Cheol waved at the duo, particularly the glasses boy, Graham, who apologised for walking him up earlier.

"No sweat," Cheol said with a shrug. "Actually, I'm pretty thankful. Wouldn't want to sleep in on the first day of superhero school, after all." He grinned, somewhat nervously. "Err, nice to meet you all. I hope, err..." He felt the colour rise in his cheeks. "I hope we can all get along."

He might have continued to talk had there not been a sudden intervention in the form of one of the other students shouting out and pointing to something. Cheol turned his head towards the source of their excitement and noted a strange orb of light floating a few feet away from the rest of the group.

"What...?" he started, before suddenly there was a powerful white flash that practically blinded him for a few seconds, as well as probably blinding anyone else in the near vicinity. Cheol gave a snarl of pain, clutching his face in agony until the burning sensation died down. When he regained his sight, turning his gaze back to where the ball of light had been, he found it was gone and now, in its place, there was a tall, red-haired woman, holding a staff and dressed in clothes Cheol only thought people in fantasy RPGs wore.

The woman smiled at the children. "Welcome," she said. "Welcome all." She stretched out her arms as if she were about to embrace them. "I am Vice Principal Nina Smith. I have been waiting for your arrival." She put her arms down and glanced at Meredith, smile still in place. "I trust that everyone is in reasonably good condition? You did take a lot longer than expected."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Tony Hart

As Tony got on top of the platform he smiled happily. He was home again! Boy had he missed his dorm, it had been his home for 3 years. With that thought he flinched. He hadn't seen his family in three years, had they forgotten about him? His mother, his father, his two younger sisters? They had to look so different now, so much more grown up. Living alone wasn't exactly a fiesta or anything, Hart had spent many of his nights lonely. Maybe this year would be different? They did say that he was going to receive a roommate. They also said it was going to be one of the freshmen, he wondered who it was going to be. At least he wasn't going to be stuck with Sam. To say it in a manly way, Sam scared the panties off of him. Tony had enough demons in his head to deal with, he didn't want to deal with an actual demon.

The young superhero was still struggling with the fact that he wasn't all human. Sure, he had human feelings, thoughts, dreams, but he was different. No he wasn't human, he was half freaking robot. He had super strength, speed, a healing factor, things that made him inhuman. It redefined everything that he was. Tony could tell you anything known by man, if it was on the internet he could find it, but there was so much that he didn't know. Tony didn't know who made him who he was. Tony didn't know why he was made who he was. For someone who always gave off this cool, laid-back persona, Tony sure had a shit-ton of internal problems.

So Tony did the only thing he could think to do. He shut down his thoughts, he would save the thoughts and the worrying for later. Right now he needed to deal with the 'here and now.' Hart was a group forming: Kitty, Alexis, Graham, Aspen, and Paul. Tony sauntered over to the group. He wanted to get to know his classmates, friends were always better than enemies. Plus he wanted to make sure they were all okay, some of them seemed to have gotten hurt pretty bad. Seeing Kitty's cast confirmed that her arm was indeed broken like his scan had suggested.

"Hey guys, how's everyone feeling? I'm assuming Dorian treated you well?"

Tony noticed that multiple names had been scrawled on Kitty's cast. He grinned, and extended his index finger. What looked to be a pen tip poked out of the skin right underneath the nail, it was a handy trick.

"Can I sign your cast?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by SrslyAnArtist
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SrslyAnArtist Badass Bitch / Struggling to live

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Scorpio McRae

Scorpio Yawned as he shouldered his pack, walking towards the building. He took it in and scanned the crowd of people, supposedly like him, with powers beyond the norm. He noticed a group of people and decide to show some courage by walking towards them at an almost nonchalant pace. He reached them and saw that one girl had a cast with many names written on it. he stopped a few feet from everyone and cleared his throat with a rusty growl.

"Sorry to interrupt, mates. But, uh, I'm new here, and I was wondering if some of ye would be so kind a to help me with everything." He gave a smile, even though he was nervous. he slung his pack across his chest, the hardy denim stained green, white and orange. The Irish colors.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Alexis Sinclair~

Alexis grinned as Aspen floated the marker over to her. She was going to sign her name as big as she possibly could onto Kitty's cast. Like, big enough to probably take up half of it. Why? Well, why not? It's not like no one told her she couldn't. Not yet, and even if someone did then she would do it anyways.

“Alexis! Graham! How are you? I missed you guys! Oh, wait, did I miss a lot? I got carted off—what happened? What took you guys so long! Fill me in!”

Alexis listened to Kitty as she spoke, signing her cast in the process, in big, neat cursive letters. It would probably be surprising to most that she had anywhere near good - some might say, elegant penmanship. The letters were big, exactly like she wanted, taking up most of the cast in the process. She focused on her 'artwork', seemingly engrossed in signing it as best as she could while everyone else continued talking.

"Anyway! So what's big? What's new? Oh, yeah, and what happened with that girl? The one who was being mean? I'm pretty sure I dripped blood on her shirt, actually."

Alexis rolled her eyes. Who cared? She wasn't here, that was all that really mattered. Still, ignoring Kitty would probably be a bit rude.

"No idea." She replied, still working on her signature. "We were told to come back separately. I came back with Graham, and some chick named Olivia escorted the other one back. That teacher over there is an idiot for letting us off so easily. I mean, come on."

With that, she finished her signature, taking a step back with a grin as she looked at her work of art. It took up almost half of the cast, despite the other signatures already on it. With a laugh, she stuffed her hands back into her pockets. "There! All done!"

Soon, another student - he said his name was Paul - walked up and did something to the cast. Something about imbuing it with the 'healing properties of earth'. Whatever that was. He said it'd make the arm heal faster though, so that was good, if he was telling the truth. He then warned them about that teacher - Meredith, causing Aleixs to scoff a bit. That teacher was probably going to be the easiest one to fool. She looked to be nothing but a childish...creature that couldn't tell if someone was lying to their face. Whatever, though, if the older kids were afraid of her then she'd just have to ignore them. Before she could say anything else, however, he had left.

"Man, what a noob." Alexis sighed, obviously finding the Paul guy boring. "Well, anyways, sure, nice too meet ya guys. I'm Alexis." She introduced herself to Aspen and Cheol.

Before she could say anything else, however, a bright flash was emitted from some sort of...crystal ball, being replaced by a woman claiming to be the VP. She seemed entirely too friendly.

She immediately didn't like her, though she stayed quiet as the woman spoke.

~Meredith Hillard~

"They're doing fine, No thanks to you, you psycho. What the hell was up with stopping the train? You should have known that students were going to get hurt! Didn't you think that actually, you know, going to the compartment to break up the fight would have been better? You'd probably have ended up scaring them into submission anyway!"

Meredith visibly pouted, faking being hurt by his words. She placed a hand over her heart and gave a little gasp as he berated her with insults. Dorian was always a fun one to mess with, if only because he was such an easy man to irritate and make angry. Really, if he acted more civil she would probably leave him alone more. Not that he ever should probably know that. Even if he did, he probably didn't have the self control to anyways.

"Well excuuuuuse me Prince. Sorry for doing my job~" She giggled, clasping her hands behind her back with a smile. "Really though, I couldn't let those students fight any more. Stopping the train was the most logical conclusion. It ended the fighting and prevented further injuries that could have been worse, if the two students continued to fighting. The two fighting were ones with some rather powerful abilities, and could have easily gotten out of hand if we left them unchecked. But then again, I suppose you'd just rather them kill each other and save you the work~" She giggled, finally silencing herself as she looked at the students as Dorian gave his speech.

Meredith remained silent, waiting for the VP to show up - going back to her previous seat on a bench after pushing a student off of it. She pulled a celery stick from seemingly nowhere and went back to doing...whatever it was she normally did. That was, until the VP decided to make her appearance with all the flash and pomp one might expect.

"Welcome, Welcome all. I am Vice Principal Nina Smith. I have been waiting for your arrival. I trust that everyone is in reasonably good condition? You did take a lot longer than expected."

"Nofing Dorian anf I coulfn't handlf." She spoke, mouth full of the vegetable. "Tere waf a fight, I stopped it cush I'm aweshum." She finally swallowed the vegetable, hopping up and standing on the back of the bench with almost unnatural balance, looking right at the Vice Principal. Somehow, the bench didn't fall over..."Ahem. A few students decided to have a little duel on the tram. No one was seriously injured, though someone broke their arm from some teleportation cuffs." She re-iterated with a mouth that wasn't full of food right now. "But other than that, nothing serious."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Nightmare Bunny
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Nightmare Bunny An Organized Magical Girl

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Dorian Lost

"Well excuuuuuse me Prince. Sorry for doing my job~" said Meredith, as irritatingly as always. Dorian gritted his teeth. "Really though, I couldn't let those students fight any more. Stopping the train was the most logical conclusion. It ended the fighting and prevented further injuries that could have been worse, if the two students continued to fighting. The two fighting were ones with some rather powerful abilities, and could have easily gotten out of hand if we left them unchecked. But then again, I suppose you'd just rather them kill each other and save you the work~"

Dorian spluttered. "That isn't what I meant!" he snapped. What the hell? Of course he wouldn't have rather they'd killed each other! Despite his reputation, Dorian actually sort of liked the students. He just didn't like having to deal with them. "You could have stopped the fight just by showing up. The two who were fighting were new, so you'd have scared the crap out of them just by making an appearance--"

There was a bright flash of light, and Dorian fell silent. Well, that was the VP, then.

"Welcome, Welcome all. I am Vice Principal Nina Smith. I have been waiting for your arrival," said the Vice President. "I trust that everyone is in reasonably good condition? You did take a lot longer than expected."

"Nofing Dorian anf I coulfn't handlf." said Meredith, with her mouth full of celery. Dorian grimaced. Ew. "Tere waf a fight, I stopped it cush I'm aweshum. Ahem. A few students decided to have a little duel on the tram. No one was seriously injured, though someone broke their arm from some teleportation cuffs. But other than that, nothing serious."

"Yeah," he said, rolling his eyes. "Meredith stopped the fight by pulling the emergency breaks. Because that was just a brilliant idea, wasn't it?"

He sighed. Whatever. Let it go, he told himself, trying to ignore the fact that the soundtrack of Frozen had started playing in his head. Let it go, Dorian. Professionalism, professionalism... "Anyway, like Meredith said, one girl broke her arm because the anti-teleportation cuffs she was wearing stopped her from breaking her fall when the train stopped, and another ended up with some glass stuck in her hands. I patched them up just fine, so they'll be alright."


Kitty Lee

"There! All done!" said Alexis.

Wow, Alexis's handwriting was so pretty. Kitty leaned in close for a better look. It was nice, she thought briefly, that all her friends seemed to get along. Cheol looked a little nervous, and Aspen was as quiet as usual, but everyone seemed to be getting on okay.

Just as she did a twirl, a vaguely familiar-looking older boy walked up. "Hey, careful with that arm," he said. "I believe we met each other earlier, albeit the situation wasn't what you would call ideal. My name's Paul."

Kitty blinked at him, trying to place his face. When at last she made the connection, her face broke into a smile. "Oh!" she said. "I remember you!" He'd been the one who'd been kneeling beside her when she got knocked over by the train stopping, right? Yup, she definitely remembered him. "Thank you so much for helping me out earlier!"

Before she could say much else, however, he was asking to see her cast. Kitty offered it to him, and was slightly surprised to see it start to glow with a green light. Her arm started to prickle with an itchy-hot sensation that left her longing to scratch at the skin underneath, but she resisted. Even if she didn't, the cast was in the way anyway. What the heck?

Then he signed it. Paul --she was sure someone had said that was his name-- said something about the 'healing powers of the earth' and then ran off, but not before giving them some advice about the pretty, mature-looking and possibly monstrous teacher over by Mr. Dorian. She hated people who lied to her face? Well, okay then.

Kitty was pretty sure she didn't remember anyone lying to that teacher, but maybe something had happened while she was with Mr. Dorian. Well, she'd follow that advice, then. Probably.

"Uh. Thank you!" she called after him as he walked off.

Alexis, however, didn't seem to be particularly thrilled by Paul's advice. "Man, what a noob," she sighed, sounding vaguely bored. "Well, anyways, sure, nice too meet ya guys. I'm Alexis."

A noob? Kitty winced. Wow, that was harsh. She wondered what exactly Alexis had against this guy, but before she really had a chance to contemplate it, even more people started walking up. Wow, the people at this school sure were friendly.

"Hey guys, how's everyone feeling? I'm assuming Dorian treated you well?" said the first one, an older boy who Kitty immediately recognized as the one who had carried her off the train. "Can I sign your cast?"

He extended his finger, and a pen-tip emerged from his skin. Kitty gaped at it, and wordlessly offered him her cast to sign. "Woah," she said. "That is super cool!"

"Sorry to interrupt, mates," said the second boy. "But, uh, I'm new here, and I was wondering if some of ye would be so kind a to help me with everything."

"I'm new too!" said Kitty with a smile. "My name's Kitty! Sorry, I can't help you with anything because I don't really know what's going on! But, uh, I'm sure someone will be able to do something?"

There was a powerful white flash, and Kitty winced, shielding her eyes with her good hand. All of a sudden there was a woman standing before them, dressed in robes that looked like they came straight out of a video game. Wow. Well, she certainly had a great sense of style. Also, that had been an awesome entrance. "Welcome," she said. "Welcome all. I am Vice Principal Nina Smith. I have been waiting for your arrival. I trust that everyone is in reasonably good condition? You did take a lot longer than expected."

"Nofing Dorian anf I coulfn't handlf. Tere waf a fight, I stopped it cush I'm aweshum." said the mature-looking pretty teacher. She was talking with her mouth full-- definitely not as mature as she looked. "Ahem. A few students decided to have a little duel on the tram. No one was seriously injured, though someone broke their arm from some teleportation cuffs. Other than that, nothing serious."

By that point, the teachers seemed to have degenerated into having their own little discussion, so Kitty abruptly stopped listening. If 'Vice President Nina Smith' said something that seemed important, then yeah, she'd go back to listening... but for now, since there seemed to be nothing big happening, she instead focused her attention on playing with her hair.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ogo
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Ogo oop

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

~Graham Turner~

Welp. That’s uh...yep. A floating pen. Glassgi-err... Aspen signed her name. A floating pen. Things just had to be weird, didn’t they? Oh well. Graham was in a damn fine mood. Things like this? Just made things interesting, really. The boy wouldn’t notice at the time just how quickly he was adjusting to the whole shebang. But who does, when in the moment?

Cast or no cast, Kitty seemed rather upbeat. Graham was pretty surprised. That was a helluva quick response time, but the cast was there. Arguing with his eyes would get him nowhere fast. She pointed out Mr. Dorian, a guy hanging out with the monster, as the source of Pokemon stickers. He starting plotting out a way to earn some stickers. There was a Donphan sticker with his name on it somewhere.

Then the teleporter introduced Aspen and Cheol to him. Graham kept smiling. The day kept getting better. When Cheol mentioned getting along, Graham gave him a thumbs up.

“It’s gonna happen. Destined to, my man. We’re all newbies, here, yeah? We’ve gotta stick together.”

Graham beamed to the group. People were awesome. This place was awesome. Life was awesome, man. Alexis had just finished signing her name, rather large and neat surprisingly, and Graham was just about to take the pen. He must mark his place forever on the girl’s Metapod arm.

And then there was smughead. One of the upperclassmen from the tram. The one that had detained Monstro 2. He cut in, grabbing Kitty’s cast, saying something about the earth and introducing himself a Paul. Then he signed it.

Not cool, bro. Cutting in line? At a cast signing? Might as well kick ‘em in the teeth.

Then Paul deemed it fit to lecture them about Meredith. Graham didn’t miss the slight. Talking about lying while looking right at Alexis and him? The boy felt his good mood start to crumble. The hell was this guy? What did he know? He wasn’t on the tram to start with. Was he?

Graham couldn’t remember, but he noted Paul’s face and mentally added a frowny face. Jerky smughead. The boy wasn’t sure what the hell a smughead was, but he found it felt oddly appropriate. Alexis might have agreed, having called the guy a ‘noob’ as he walked away. This cat...she knew how it was.

At least that was over and he could get to signing his frie-

Captain Large-And-In-Charge strolled over. He asked how everyone was, then out of his FREAKING FINGER popped out a PEN. wut. wha...WHAT? WHAT?! Graham would accept magic. He would accept teleporting. Heck, he would even accept horrors from beyond the realm of human understanding. But PENS in FINGERS? NO! STOP! JUST NO! There is a line that should never be crossed. Well, he asked to sign the cast. And he did. Alright. Cool. DON’T RESPECT THE LAWS OF LINES. Graham sighed angrily in his head. It’s just a cast, man. It didn’t ma-

He signed right by a Donphan.

Oh hell naw.

“Sorry to interrupt, mate…” a voice started. Graham was floored. Another one? He gripped his pen tightly, waiting for Tony to move. As soon as he did, Graham snuck in and quickly plopped down his full name in his usual small and tight script. Beside a Beedrill. Thanks Tony.

But his worry seemed to be for naught. The newcomer was just as lost as the rest of them. Another newbie. Graham turned, smiling that smile of his. New party member! Graham laughed to himself, but quickly stopped. He didn’t want the new guy to think he was laughing at him.

“Welcome to the party, dude! Just stick around, we’ll probably find out what to do soon.”

Graham finished the same way he started: with a grin. His mood had already recovered. Life was good again.

Then there a flash. Some flashy woman flashed them some flashy words. Graham couldn’t exactly pick out what it was. His headache had begun to take root, starting by ringing a cowbell in his ears. Thanks for that, brain. Really appreciate it. Again. She began to chat with some of the teachers. He supposed whatever she wanted to say must not have been that important. He gazed about the group. Go figure. The ‘Loser Trio’, as Princess Probably-Wears-A-Diaper, had so graciously labeled Alexis, Kitty, and him, looked like it was going to gain some friends.

Not too shabby for some Losers.
5x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Meant to post in OOC -_-'
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 5 days ago

Sam followed the others into the school and he was amazed by the sight. It was an interesting school and when they were greeted by the vice president Sam was almost tempted to ask about food, but he kept himself from asking such a question. He would find food on his own and after the introductions were over, Sam went to find a place to put his things. Once he found the dorms he placed his stuff on his bed and then went to find a dinning hall if there was any.

He heard his stomach growling and he felt hunger begin to set in. Sam quickly went on a from one part of the school to the next in his search. Eventually he found the kitchens and started taking as much food as he could carry and quickly made an escape hoping that no one would catch him. He quickly began scarf the food and eat it as quick as possible. He met a few of the other students as he walked by gluttonously eating the taken food.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ogo
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

~Reginald Wagner~






It came.

The train rushed forward, charging at speeds it ought not hit. The passenger beast tried it’s damnedest to hold onto the tracks, but it was for naught. It rocked, once. Twice. A horrible screech flooded the air, the sound of brakes grinding into nothingness, desperately trying to perform their job. It rocked the third time. It had had enough. The train, for the smallest moment, had become a bird, a plane...no...a burning wreckage. It left the tracks, and collided with the wall of the tunnel, stopping instantly. Brakes, eat your heart out. But the rest of it kept on it’s path, trying to drive through the train.

It succeeded.

The first car lie split in two, it’s passengers either gone or going. The second car had met with it’s fate as well. And the third. Something exploded. One of the passengers, a young super possessing some form of Fire control if Reginald had to guess, had in his final moments, met with extreme emotions. And that fed the fire. The tunnel collapsed around the wreckage, an impromptu tomb.

All those lives, snuffed out in just a handful of seconds…

Then he was no longer watching the train from an impossible angle. He was sitting at his desk, hands holding his pulsing temples, surrounded by wadded up papers. It was too much. It was the first day, the day the students were to arrive, and as usual, the daydreams were terrible. Always terrible. Always…

It had been the twelfth vision he had had that morning. They were constant. One after another. He had thought the last had hit him...even started to write a little to occupy the thoughts, but he had only hit the interlude. The last one had been one of the worst outcomes. But the familiar question, one he hated to ask himself for he had no answer, rose to the lips of his mind. Would that be his reality? Was that the world in which he lived? Or would it be another?

Drained both mentally and physically, Reginald could hardly find his legs. He didn’t want to. He’d much rather just collapse into a dull nothingness. His thoughts flew to the third drawer down on the right in his fancy mahogany desk. Just one or two might be able to…

The tall man rose, slowly, letting his balance come to him. He looked down at the mess, and without thinking, starting picking up all of the wads. Three, then throw in the bin. Three, then bin. It had to be three. Two would not suffice, and four would break it. Break...what? Reginald wasn’t sure. He didn’t care to find out. Were the walls of this world so thin that such an act would tear them down, Wagner refused to be the one to poke the first hole. Let one of the others do it.

Three, then bin.

Three, then bin.


A growing sound from outdoors alerted the man. He binned the paper with a grimace. Was that enough to throw it off? Please no… He squatted by the bin, pulling the wads out. Three, then floor. Three, then floor. Once the last had left his hand, he stood, walked to the window and looked out. He saw students forming on the platform...but he hadn’t saw the train. Had he seen this version before? He couldn’t be sure. The lines were...blurry as of late. He saw the nurse, Lost and Meredith discussing something. Then Schmidt joined the fray. Nobody looked particularly banged up. There didn’t seem to be any rescue teams forming.

Wagner closed his eyes, suppressing tears. He hadn’t seen this outcome. He liked it much better than the others. He pleaded with the nothingness, begged for this to be what he saw when he opened his eyes.

So he tested the waters. One eye slowly opened, eyelashes pulling back the curtains to the world.

And there the same scene stood, a painting formed by the world.

Reginald smiled an uneasy smile. Then turned and returned to the bin.

Three, then bin.

Three, then bin.

Three, then bin.

The commotion outside had picked up a bit, students obviously glad to stretch their legs and get to know the ones around them. It hadn’t surprised him. New supers were usually always ecstatic to meet others like them.

He hadn’t...but he had saw them before he met them. He had saw them win, achieve victory and glory. He had also watched them lose, losing their lives in the process. Some of the ones he would have never guessed were the ones who begged and pleaded the most pathetically. He was rather numb when they had found him, coming out of one of those relentless spells, sprawled out by (not on) on his bed, wearing nothing but his skivvies and clutching a bottle so tightly, it might burst in his hands. He had known they were coming, obviously. As to who it would be...well, that differed. He was either to die, to be recruited, or to be ignored. There were other options, but those were the most frequent.

His truth turned out to be the second.

Reginald shuddered. He didn’t like thinking about the past. The future was bad enough. When he started delving into things that had happened…

The mans hand shot to the drawer. He produced a key from somewhere. He always did, not that he was ever absolutely positive where it had come from. His hands trembled, but he managed to get the key in the lock, turning it.

He pulled the drawer open. Laying there was freedom in a brown paper bag. Peace in a bottle. Liquid relief. He couldn’t hold himself anymore. He shakingly brought the paper bag out of the drawer, along with a small glass. He sat back into his brown, comfy high-backed chair. He laid the glass out and reached into the bag, unscrewing the cap. He tipped the bag, allowing the dark, amber river to flow into the glass. He watched the lake fill, and when he was certain it would take no more without overflowing, he ceased, screwed on the cap, and returned the bag to it’s home.

He stared at the drink for a moment. Then his hand closed around it.

“Un, deux, trois.”

Bottoms up. The glass hit his lips, and Wagner threw his head back. Over the lips, past the gums, watch out stomach, here it comes. He winced. He always did. Then he opened his mouth and drew in some air in a gasp. The burn was awful. But the burn was also much better than those visions.

Those damned visions…
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SrslyAnArtist
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SrslyAnArtist Badass Bitch / Struggling to live

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Scorpio McRae

Scorpio grinned. Everyone here seemed to be pretty friendly, so far anyways. For all he knew, there could be some real assholes out there, he just hadn't had the displeasure of meeting one yet. Then was a powerful, white flash and Scorpio hissed, shielding his eyes with his arm. When he uncovered his eyes, there was a woman standing before them, dressed in robes that looked like they came straight out of a video game.

"Welcome," she said. "Welcome all. I am Vice Principal Nina Smith. I have been waiting for your arrival. I trust that everyone is in reasonably good condition? You did take a lot longer than expected."

"Nofing Dorian anf I coulfn't handlf. Tere waf a fight, I stopped it cush I'm aweshum." Said the mature-looking pretty teacher. She was talking with her mouth full. Not very mature in my opinion, Scorpio thought to himself.

"Ahem. A few students decided to have a little duel on the tram. No one was seriously injured, though someone broke their arm from some teleportation cuffs. Other than that, nothing serious." He lost interest in what they were doing after that and turned to Graham.

"Me name's Scorpio. Scorpio McRae, but ye can call me Scor if ye like."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Classified
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Classified Classified Information

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Aspen Archer

"Yup, this is Aspen! My new friend!" Aspen's stomach fluttered, butterflied in her stomach as her mother had said, the nervous feeling was caused by this new sitaution she was placed in, she had never been someone's friend before, what did it require her to do, what would she have to say and behave like.

"If you or a friend is injured in any way, please come to my office to get teacher supervision before you attempt to heal yourself. We've all seen what happens when healing powers go wrong. Anyway, that's all, get back to talking or whatever it is you munchkins like doing." said Dorian, Aspen listening intently. If friends were injured she would have to help them and take them to Dorian. It was times like these that she hated herself, she was academically intelligent but when it came to the simple things she was clueless.

When she had snapped out of her thoughts, she had realsied that so many people now began to approach Kitty because of her cast, they all seemed to want to sign it, regardless of how well they knew her, it was a strange thing to Aspen. She had bandages on her hands yet no one signed them.

A bright light appeared, Aspen's hands shot up to her face to shield her eyes, as she was unable to clench her hand they really did act like shields.

Welcome, Welcome all. I am Vice Principal Nina Smith. I have been waiting for your arrival. I trust that everyone is in reasonably good condition? You did take a lot longer than expected," said a tall red haired woman. Nina Smith, the name seemeed oddly familar to Aspen but she couldn't remember why. The lack of food, loss of blood, trauma and drama made Aspen just about able to talk to her new...friends, thinking was too much exertion.

Dr. Isaac Archer

Isaac was back inside the school building, he wondered if Reginald knew the new students had arrived. Reginald always seemed a bit distracted whenever Isaac found the chance to talk to him. Isaac closed his eyes and ended up outside Reginald's room. With a cheeky grin on his face Isaac knocked twice on the door, out of all the teachers Reginald was the one he got on the best with as most of the teachers were much younger than himself and playing a prank on Reginald was his ultimate goal. He always saw it coming and Isaac was determined to get him one day.

Not waiting to hear a 'come in', Isaac opened the door and stopped, looking at Reginald his smile dropped into a look of pity as he watched his friend drink in the middle of the day. Issac's look was not one of surprise but instead of disappointment. He didn't know the true extent of his collegues' lives but he knew the man in front of him was troubled and left it at that.

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Ogo
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Ogo oop

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

~Reginald Wagner~

A squeak proceeded the good Dr. Archer into the dark office. Wagner had the lights turned off and the blinds pulled, a fiend of the night trapped, desperately trying to avoid the burning sun and its tendrils of pain. He had just finished his third drink, and placed the small glass on his desk, not a hint of surprise touching his face. He met Dr. Archer’s disapproving look with a mischievous grin.


“Well, how do you like that? Hemingway enjoys a drink or two before noon, and he’s celebrated by millions. Reginald Wagner has a shot, and all he’s treated to is the disappointed scorn of his oldest and closest beloved colleague.”

He ended with a humorless laugh, his gaze lingering on the old man’s for just a moment before dropping to the glass. He was quiet for a moment, his smile fading to pure defeat.

“I suppose the cat’s out of the bag, then. You’ve caught me at my worst, my friend. I suppose I must seem quite the cliche. Oh, what is it that Poe was oft to say about the monkey on his back? ‘I have absolutely no pleasure in the stimulants in which I sometimes so madly indulge. It has not been in the pursuit of pleasure that I have periled life and reputation and reason. It has been the desperate attempt to escape from torturing memories, from a sense of insupportable loneliness and…”

A dread of some strange impending doom. Wagner left the last bit out, trailing off into silence.

Although drawn to the dramatic from time to time, Reginald did consider Dr. Archer a friend. He respected the man, both as a physicist and as an educator, and saw him as a mentor of sorts, what with his having been with the Academy a bit longer than the futureseer.

But that look…

Damn that look. Damn the scorn. Damn the fool that dare question I. Who can understand the burden placed upon these tired shoulders? He cursed to see all. Why if one wanted to ease that, to experience a bit of relief, than who can truly deny him that?

No. No, those were not his thoughts. The alcohol was already spreading it’s poison to his mind. How queer... he had expected the warm embrace of numb stupidity, but not this quickly. Then it dawned on him that he had yet to eat that day. He had been awoken by a sudden vision...which lead into another. It truly had been an eventful morning already.

Wagner rose to his feet and crossed to the window with all of the stability and confidence of a man ten years his junior and three shots less drunk. He split the blinds and gazed at the platform below, covered in bright, young faces. Silence hung for a moment more. Then he broke it.

“She’s down there, is she not? Your granddaughter, I mean...?”

Wagner didn’t wait for an answer. Of course she was. He had seen her plainly enough to know. He was heading down a trail that he would normally never pursue. Maybe it was the alcohol, maybe another force, but Wagner had to talk. Those eyes, those goddamn accusing eyes...He felt as if he had no other choice than explain himself.

He almost did. But something stopped him. Ask Wagner a thousand times and he’d still swear that he didn’t know what stopped him. The urge just vanished. Completely. The man turned, leaning back on the windowsill. Another smile split his lips.

“Oh never mind. Where are my manners? By all means, Doctor, do come in. Might I offer you a drink?”

The thin man offered one hand to the glass upon his desk. Tired, bloodshot eyes met Isaac’s. His grin did not meet his eyes.


~Graham Turner~

“Me name’s Scorpio. Scorpio McRae, but ye can call me Scor if ye like.”

Graham liked the guy already. His accent was just awesome. Or maybe he himself was the one with the accent now? Where even was this school? Was he still in America?

...Did it matter? What could he do even if he did know? Flap his arms and fly home, guided by nothing more than the North Star and his own intuition? Graham mentally shrugged. Gone was that question and all that which it meant. Now he was just focused on the people at hand. He took a bit of a survey.

Aspen looked a bit worn out. But she seemed nice. And she moved things with her mind. Always a plus. Well…always might be pushing it a bit. An hour ago and he wouldn’t even believe what he was thinking at the moment. But encountering Eldritch Horrors did do a pretty good job at broadening one’s mind.

Scor was...Scottish? No, that sounded a bit more...Irish? Do Irish people have an accent? Suddenly, Graham’s lack of knowledge on world culture hit him. He’d ask Scor sometime. Preferably somewhere more private, that way he could minimize the number of people calling him out for being a dumbass.

Alexis seemed...oddly interested in the VP. He was definitely picking up some harsh vibes emanating from her. Did she know the woman? Well, why else would she have that look. You don’t just have that deep a dislike for someone without having met them. Add another thing to the list of questions.

Kitty was, well, in her own little world. She seemed content with just playing with her hair. He couldn’t blame her. Most everyone silenced after what’s-her-name showed up.

The tension was getting to him.

Cheol looked a bit pained. He uh, well, poor kid had a perfect( i.e. horrible) angle with which to catch the flash. Not cool, Big Mama. Don’t pick on Cheol. Well, maybe it wasn’t picking on, persay, but it was close enough.

Tony, the line-cutting, sticker-hijacking scumlord, looked like he had been around the block a few times if ya catch my drift. Maybe he knew what they needed to do? After all, the adults seemed pretty distracted amongst themselves.


More important questions.

Where the hell was he going to sleep?!

They weren’t going to force them all on the train everyday...would they?!!

“Toooony, ol’ buddy, ol’ pal.” Graham started, turning to the human swiss army knife. “What’s the uh...whole sleeping situation around these parts? Do we just pick a bush? Or are we all in a big ol’ room, Full Metal Jacket style? If we need tents, I think I’m shit outta luck. Actually, if we need anything, I’m shit outta luck.”

He cut himself off after noticing he was starting to ramble. And just slinging curse words. Rude, dude, don’t be crude. Hey Jude, you like a prude? I’m in the mood, then she cooed. Graham blinked. Weird time for one of Mama Turner’s favorite phrases to hit his mind.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by SrslyAnArtist
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SrslyAnArtist Badass Bitch / Struggling to live

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Scorpio McRae

“Toooony, ol’ buddy, ol’ pal.” Graham turned to the human Swiss army knife. “What’s the uh...whole sleeping situation around these parts? Do we just pick a bush? Or are we all in a big ol’ room, Full Metal Jacket style? If we need tents, I think I’m shit outta luck. Actually, if we need anything, I’m shit outta luck.”

Scorpio grinned. He liked this kid already, the way he rambled him reminded him of his little sister Valerica when she was on a roll.

"I might have a lot of stuff in me pack, but ye can bet I sure as feck didn't bring anything like what this guy," he jerked his head at Graham playfully. "Is talking about. Camping I can do, just not without gear." He dropped his pack and rolled his shoulders with a groan. That backpack may be small, but the way he packed everything made it possible to carry a lot.

"Bloody hell, that thing starts to really hurt after a few thousand miles," He grimaced when his shoulder cracked. "Ay, mate, what's your name? And what kind of powers do ye have? I've never met anyone else with powers til now." He asked Graham as he bent down to open his pack and pull out a titanium chain with a black scorpion on it. it was a gift from Ivan for his sixteenth birthday, before he died a few months later. He always kept it with him. He clipped it on and rotated the scorpion so the clap of the chain was in the back. Then he closed the pack and stood up, slinging it across his chest again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 5 days ago

Sam listened to the vice president give her speech and he felt his stomach growl. He was hungry and was hoping for some kind of dinner soon.

"So when do we eat?" he asked the vice president curious to hear an answer. Right now his mind was on one thing and that was to eat something. When would they get to the feasting or hell even a dinner. He was glad to be at school, but he wouldn't be able to focus unless he dealt with his hunger. If he didn't have any real food then he would have to eat inorganic stuff.

"I think dinner is in order right?" he continued to ask and hoped that the vice president would answer him telling him that it was time to eat
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