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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Android 26 seems pretty complete, one question though. In the bio he says he has an unactivated ability to draw power from the surrounding area. What kind of power are we talking about first of all and what are the sources for this power? Other than that question the character seems fine.

Basically when I came up with that I assumed if he was damaged it would be in battle so therefor the energy he absorbed would be leftover energy from attacks that had been launched against the enemy target. Basically, he would draw on spare energy. It's against his programming to steal energy from living beings.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Seems legit, that explanation sets aside any qualms I had before so should be good to go.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

My character...

Draining Field is a fun ability in DB Xenoverse, and thats basically what Void Shield is, just with a name change.

Void Siphon is a way for her to beat regenerating world busters like Cell / buu / ext since she can't just hit them with a giant energy blast and vaporize them.

With no numbers, its hard to say what the rate of her abilities / her drains would be.

if she was a Majin, she probably wouldn't change much, besides losing the metal weakness and gaining the rubbery body and candy beam, making her more powerful. the idea behind that weakness was to make her a threat to the big bads, but a Mr. Satan would beat her pretty soundly or somehting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Agent M


He stands at six feet and three inches tall. His body is very athletically built and he wears a black fedora hat and a smart suit, which are all the common dress code of the men in black

Age: Unknown, but looks to be in his early thirties.

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Personality: Agent M is very loyal to the Men in Black organization and will follow their orders with almost no problem whatsoever. He is very brave and doesn't fear death. He is incredible tenacious and will never go down without a fight. He has no qualms killing if he deems it necessary. Agent M is incredibly smart and even though he is extremely powerful he prefers to use strategy over just brute strnegth, brute strnegth makes more dead men than victorious ones. Finally he is willing fight for what he believes in and he sticks to his guns even in the face of horrible danger.

Bio: Agent M's past before he became a member of the Men in Black is kept a secret, but what is known is that of their many agents he was one of the best. The Men in Black was an organization that was created as a defense against alien threats and to protect earth by any means necessary. They tried to create superhumans with the energy capabilities to go up against powerful aliens and defeat them. How they accomplished this was by collecting the DNA of incredibly powerful aliens and replicating the genetic code that gave the race its great powers and turned it into a formula that would give a human this power.

But there was a side-effect, only a small number of test subject's bodies would take the serum without suffering terrible sickness and possibly dying. Agent M was one of the lucky ones and after passes the test, he was put into intense training in fighting and increased gravity to build up his physical body. Once he got to a certain age Agent M was sent out to protect the world from all threats no matter how violent they are.

Aura Color: Black

Preferred Fighting Style: His fighting style is very balanced.

Signature Combat Techniques:

Magic Materialization: He uses this technique to create his guns and boomerangs

Gun Blast: He can charge up energy in his firearms and fire off powerful blast of energy at his opponents.

Black Hammer: Agent M charges up black energy in his fist and he slams against his opponents and the force of the blow send them flying for hundreds of feet. This technique can be used to smash through solid stone and blow apart metal.

Boomerang Bomb: By charging up a boomerang with explosive energy Agent M can toss the weapon and when it hits his opponent then it explodes.

Eraser Cannon: Agent M uses his energy to create an extremely powerful beam of black energy. This is basically his version of the Kamehameha wave.

Bullet Fists: He hits his opponents with insanely fast punches and tries to pound them into the ground with an onslaught of punches.

Telekinesis: He can move stuff with his mind and use this power to hit his enemies with a powerful blast of force.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

My character...

Draining Field is a fun ability in DB Xenoverse, and thats basically what Void Shield is, just with a name change.

Void Siphon is a way for her to beat regenerating world busters like Cell / buu / ext since she can't just hit them with a giant energy blast and vaporize them.

With no numbers, its hard to say what the rate of her abilities / her drains would be.

if she was a Majin, she probably wouldn't change much, besides losing the metal weakness and gaining the rubbery body and candy beam, making her more powerful. the idea behind that weakness was to make her a threat to the big bads, but a Mr. Satan would beat her pretty soundly or somehting.

Yes Drain Field is a good ability in DB Xenoverse, it also only creates a barrier in front of the person, not around them like your Void Shield, meaning that it is possible to shoot around the Field Drain barrier if you're smart enough. So what you are saying here is that as a Majin she would retain pretty much all the same abilities and then some, which is not what I had in mind and I would be even less likely to approve in that event. Now I can see what you were trying for here and certainly you wouldn't be able to single-handedly take on a lot of the tougher villains that will appear; however, think of it like this, your character, as she stands, has a rather large advantage over most of the other player characters which easily creates an imbalance during the roleplay. The character does not seem fun to fight in a normal battle, nor fun to take advantage of because of her weakness to silver and iron.

Also that whole 'fade from existence' part is just plain ridiculous for a player character to have. So I have to stand my ground here as the GM and still say not approved. I don't like not approving characters with obviously some good thought put into them but a GM has gotta do what a GM has gotta do.

Let me end on a lighter note by saying I thought the Adaptive Regenerative Essence was a cool idea, being able to temporarily boost one's defenses against a particularly annoying skill to help in a quick rematch. A nice idea that added a bit of strategy to the character since it was only temporary and not a permanent defensive boost.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Archmage MC>

Yes Drain Field is a good ability in DB Xenoverse, it also only creates a barrier in front of the person, not around them like your Void Shield, meaning that it is possible to shoot around the Field Drain barrier if you're smart enough. So what you are saying here is that as a Majin she would retain pretty much all the same abilities and then some, which is not what I had in mind and I would be even less likely to approve in that event. Now I can see what you were trying for here and certainly you wouldn't be able to single-handedly take on a lot of the tougher villains that will appear; however, think of it like this, your character, as she stands, has a rather large advantage over most of the other player characters which easily creates an imbalance during the roleplay. The character does not seem fun to fight in a normal battle, nor fun to take advantage of because of her weakness to silver and iron.

Also that whole 'fade from existence' part is just plain ridiculous for a player character to have. So I have to stand my ground here as the GM and still say not approved. I don't like not approving characters with obviously some good thought put into them but a GM has gotta do what a GM has gotta do.

Let me end on a lighter note by saying I thought the Adaptive Regenerative Essence was a cool idea, being able to temporarily boost one's defenses against a particularly annoying skill to help in a quick rematch. A nice idea that added a bit of strategy to the character since it was only temporary and not a permanent defensive boost.

Ya know, I could point out the fact that Guldo can stop time, and is known as one of the worst DBZ characters even though he has such a completely broken ability. Same with Captain Ginyu, who could just keep swapping bodies until he stole Beerus's body or Whis's body or something. I can swap Void Shield to act exactly like draining field, though I think I was thinking of Super 17's version of draining field from BT3 where it was a sphere, but you had to time it or something. Oh well.

And how would you have her deal with a regenerating enemy when she can't blast them into oblivion? DBZ is so weird to balance for, because everyone is broken in one way or another. Babidi should've never lost for example because he can teleport people, but yeah, he was super easy to take down so... its kinda weird to say what is and what isn't broken when it comes to DBZ.

And of course, anyone over a power level of 20k can blow up a planet, so at that point things get weird when it comes to balance when anyone can just force everyone into space.

And Majins are pretty much broken due to their undefined weird magical powers where your imagination is what they can do, so yeah.

TDLR: what would you do with all of that? / how would you make a physical attacker that can not ki blast in a world of planet busters?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


I'm just Gonna scrap Bea. Dunno why, but as a character She's just not sitting well with me. No idea why...but that's usually a bad sign.

Already got another character in mind though, so she'll be up soon~ xP
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


I'm just Gonna scrap Bea. Dunno why, but as a character She's just not sitting well with me. No idea why...but that's usually a bad sign.

Already got another character in mind though, so she'll be up soon~ xP

Well good luck on your creation then, will look forward to it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Now I can't decide between my original Idea, or trying to make a human.

Oh well, either way she'll be up this afternoon sometime after I get some more sleep.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

finished my CS
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Weird Tales

Well to be honest I was not really sure what to make of your character. The abilities for the most part are fine, but the back story is a little wonky. I mean, its one thing to recreate a body into an android but splicing DNA and creating essentially a superhuman formula is a bit much. When Dr. Gero created Cell it was from the ground up with DNA after all so the body could actually grow up and incorporate the various race powers. Also I have a bit of a thing against not capitalizing in a character sheet after a colon mark, doesn't look very good so that could be fixed. Overall the character just doesn't seem a good fit for a Dragon Ball roleplay and along with a few spelling errors I'm going to have to not approve this character.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Weird Tales

Well to be honest I was not really sure what to make of your character. The abilities for the most part are fine, but the back story is a little wonky. I mean, its one thing to recreate a body into an android but splicing DNA and creating essentially a superhuman formula is a bit much. When Dr. Gero created Cell it was from the ground up with DNA after all so the body could actually grow up and incorporate the various race powers. Also I have a bit of a thing against not capitalizing in a character sheet after a colon mark, doesn't look very good so that could be fixed. Overall the character just doesn't seem a good fit for a Dragon Ball roleplay and along with a few spelling errors I'm going to have to not approve this character.

The back story was a way of explaining a human being with great powers since humans in dbz are not very strong. I wanted to create a character with a mysterious feel to him and that would wear a smart suit. I'll try to fix up the grammar but I really want to use this character.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by IceHeart>

The back story was a way of explaining a human being with great powers since humans in dbz are not very strong. I wanted to create a character with a mysterious feel to him and that would wear a smart suit. I'll try to fix up the grammar but I really want to use this character

Well in the end my biggest complaint was certainly grammar issues, so as long as you can fix that up I'll probably approve, which it looks like in the CS you have already done so good job there. Ya, if you can keep your grammar I'll accept your character. Oh and, just saying but ya missed a period at the end of this quote. Forgive me but I tend to notice things like this pretty easily, heh.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Weird Tales>

Well in the end my biggest complaint was certainly grammar issues, so as long as you can fix that up I'll probably approve, which it looks like in the CS you have already done so good job there. Ya, if you can keep your grammar I'll accept your character. Oh and, just saying but ya missed a period at the end of this quote. Forgive me but I tend to notice things like this pretty easily, heh.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sabotage
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Sabotage Glorious Kaiser

Member Seen 5 mos ago

You're still accepting characters, right?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

At the moment yet though I'm probably gonna close this soon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sabotage
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Sabotage Glorious Kaiser

Member Seen 5 mos ago

I'll make a character sometime tonight then. I know somebody else who's also interested, so I suppose that's two more.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I'm going to wait a day or two more then I think I'll start.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

It's really quiet in here
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Age: 784 (Biologically).
38. (Closest estimate physically).
Race: ⅓ Namekian, ⅓ Cyborg, ⅓ Demon.
Gender: Male.
Personality: Though usually quite calm focused, Neris tends to be quite a laid back individual with a carefree attitude which may sometimes cause him to appear as arrogant or lazy. Adding onto that, Neris tends to be quite independent and self-confident; doesn't like to work with other people, but may if he believes that it will work in his favor. His thoughts lay somewhere almost sadistic, giving him enjoyment for things like death and destruction, and just doing things as he pleases. Not to be confused with a baby who gets everything that he wants, as Neris has experienced denial on multiple occasions, but this does not stop him from going at things head on. Years of doing so have gave him the skills of accurate decisions with very little timing. Quick thinking is a trait Neris obtains, allowing him to act fast in the heat of a situation. Some have pegged him as bipolar, seeing how from one moment Neris can be so collected, by the next he comes off as blood thirsty. This is part of his manifesting from negative occurrences. It's as if Neris feeds off of this negativity, which is what gives him the enjoyment for certain terrible things.

Bio: As far as heritage goes, that is all unknown to Neris. He did not share the love most would with their family, though his ideals were far off from that anyway. In a world where a rumors of a growing threat was coming, Neris wasn't just about to let that smash him down. Never did he have a trainer, and at very young age he began going against his limits. Neris wanted to be the master in all aspects. Relying on one thing was the way to be killed, so in every way he could, Neris started working up his power level to obtain all that he could, and so it rose quickly. Al though he fought for his own ideals, these could be considered ignorant, which introduced him into thievery, and doing whatever he wanted to. Neris believes in strong will, one that can conquer anything. Through his process of slowly evolving into something more evil than he was, he corrupted himself, and there was no one there to change him back. Anyone by his side during this long span was quickly disregarded when he was finished with them. As of now, Neris mainly travels the universe, still waiting for the ongoing threat to soon burst, doing what he pleases, and seeing what he can.

Aura Color: Neon Orange.
Preferred Fighting Style: Balanced.

Signature Combat Techniques:

Telekinesis: The ability to move objects regardless of the mass with his brain power, and manipulate their movement with his mind.

Kamehameha: A focus of Ki in the palm of the hands to release a pressurized energy that fires a beam with large scale damage capabilities.

Galick Gun: Very similar to the Kamehameha, but with a different form and slightly more powerful. This move takes up more Ki energy.

Destructo Disc: An ability that allows the user to create a razor sharp disk of Ki, traveling at high speeds for immense cutting power, but tends to lack accuracy.

Masenko: Also similar to both Galick Gun and Kamehameha, but of a lower scale, mostly used in defense opportunities. The user fires a large blast of energy out from their palms, typically to block another Ki blast.

Photon Bomber: Charges up an energy sphere in his hand before firing a large, circular blast of Ki at an enemy to inflict large explosive damage.

Wolf Fang Fist: This technique involves a combo attack of both clawing and smacking your opponent in rapid succession, then giving your opponent a final strike, knocking them back to mimic that of a wolf.

Dragonthrow: This technique is when the user grabs someone by their feet, leg, arms, or antenna, and begins to make a spiraling motion above their head with the rest of their body. After momentum is built and speed has reached maximum potential, the victim is let loose and sent flying in any random direction at high speeds for maximum damage.

Dragon Fist: An incredibly fast punch with a devastating force. The user launches himself straight forward to an opponent at high speeds with his arm out straight towards their chest. Impact will likely cause a breakthrough of the mid section, tearing a wound straight through the chest of the target.

Mach Kick: A series of rapid kicks in quick succession rained on top of a target. This multiple kicking process is for a fast, and powerful striking technique.

Perfect Barrier: Aura exiting the body rapidly can form a large sphere that acts as an energy shield around the user. This is capable of fending off large attacks unscatched in the process. Neris may release this energy at once, causing a Ki blast in all directions to knock over his opponent, and/or catch them off guard.

Flight: The ability to defy gravity and obviously fly. Quick, and in any direction Neris pleases.

I would have preferred you put it in the OOC for my approval before posting in the character thread. Keep that in mind. Race doesn't really make any sense, the demon part at least as demons are different species, plus the fact that Namekians reproduce asexually so there is no chance of cross-breeding. I'd change it to just Namekian/Cyborg. Now for the move list, it really just feels like you took a bunch of moves from the series and slapped them together, not necessarily bad but why on earth would you have Kamehameha and Galick Gun? Also no real need to include flight, if you didn't have that ability, now that would be something of note. Fix the sheet up a bit then I'll probably approve.
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