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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 3 days ago

They look A-okay to me.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Ok, just doing a player count...


Are you three still with us?

Apperance: "Give me a fuckin' break."

Name: Kikuchiyo

Age: 17

Reputation: Kikuchiyo strikes most as a gruff and serious person; brutally honest and not one for keeping his feelings to himself. Seemingly stoic, nearly nothing appears to be able to make him laugh, cry, or really express any emotion beyond mild annoyance. Even so, he appears to have something of a hair-trigger temper, and is very quick to resort to violence to solve his problems. That is not to say that he isn't intelligent, and he is surprisingly cunning for someone with such a brutish demeanor.

History: Originally a teenage punk from the streets of Tokyo, the boy who would become Kikuchiyo was mortally wounded in a motorcycle brawl, and abandoned to die on the street by his comrades. A vacationing vampire noble took pity on the boy as he lay dying, and sought to end his suffering. Even so, Kikuchiyo fought to his last breath, punching the vampire in the face with what remained of his strength. Impressed by his willpower, the noble instead turned the boy, making him into her servant. Since then, he has acted as her agent in a variety of political assignments. His rough upbringing, status as a "turned" vampire, and young age bring many to underestimate him.

Secrets: Kikuchiyo has been trained in transformation magic by his sire, and his strength and regenerative abilities are both extreme by vampire standards. He is essentially his sire's plant in the Vampire Academy, reporting back to her on his findings. His stoic nature is a facade, hiding his constant, surging, primal bloodlust that is barely kept in check.

Your CS was accepted a while ago, are you still interested in playing?

@Aspen Wren@duskshine749

Welcome! You've both been accepted and can put your CSes in the CS tab now. You can start IC wherever you wish, there's a city to explore, teacher demonstrations to see, and people to talk with! My PC, Maple, is currently dragging Luna's PC Colette to the teachers demos if you'd like to run into them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Just curious, what timezone is everyone all in? I'm in the EST timezone, it's currently almost 2 in the morning
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

It's 1 am for me right now, I'm an hour behind you. I also know Luna's on the same time as me.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Diabolic
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Diabolic Seeker of knowledge

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I wanna play still for sure, I am just really busy finishing up this math course, it was a summer one lol.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Satsuki
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I shall try to create a cs within the night. I hope it will be something that you will all enjoy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Satsuki
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Aisly Verona Withers

Age: 19

Reputation: She is known as a doll, showing little expression and doing exactly as she is told. Her Grandfather dotes on her, generally treating her as a princess, meaning none have gotten within arms reach of her. On top of this, she is from a rather large but secluded area near the Yorkshire Dales. Leaving those that have had the privilege of speaking with her are in the single digits, and they found her rather cold.

History:A long lived linage of vampires, The withers have been about for roughly 700 years. Their crimson history has steadily been forgiven over the last two centuries thanks to the actions of the acting head of the home, Lord Lucan. The grandfather of Aisly, he has worked to wash his blood stained family crest going as far as to donate large sums of personal wealth to the betterment of Man. Prior to Lucan, both the former lords treated any who stepped onto their lands as enemies and not only killed them but made examples of them, skulls can still be found in the walls around the estate.

Lord Lucan aside, her father Ingram is a relevant face in the world of entertainment acting as a rather powerful producer, and her mother Lynette works as a director. The reason that this is important means they are never home, and Lucan may dote on his granddaughter her social circle is only her butler and body guard, who also acted as her instructors. It was a jarring shock for her when she found that she was going to be moving to an academy, she had believed that she had some how angered her grand father.

Her being sent to the academy is actually an idea to ensure that his grand daughter would be able to garner both contacts and influence. Grooming her to be a proper educated and informed head of the house, this would make sure that the Withers would be be able to be seen as the noble home that it has become.

Secrets:Her natural inclination for illusion and frost tends to lead her to create a small fairy to speak with. While nothing impressive her fairy friend is generally her subconscious need to voice her concerns, at times she will even have small spats with it.[/i]
She has almost no experience with any technology outside of a television.

Feel free to inform me of grammatical errors or anything that fails to match up with the story.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Demetri Gio

Age: 17

Reputation:Born a natural vampire into an aristocratic family Demetri is ignorant of human customs. Yet at the same time possessing all of the social etiquette of vampires. This makes him an oddity. The thought of conversing to a human disturbs him. Why would one care to converse with ones food is one of the many social foax pas he simply chooses not to partake in. Drinking blood is as common to Demetri as drinking milk is to a human infant.

Demetri is a expert tactian and can out think an average person ten moves ahead. Even to the point where if the opportunity presents itself he can use his thought process to take advantage of three dimensional space. The down side is Demetri will over analyze a problem to the point where the situation will be resolved before he chooses to act.

History: Demetri was taken care of from birth by his parents and a handful of servants. He was tought of vampire customs and his family lineage. This was a blind spot that his parents saw getting bigger each day. They tried to reason with him that blending in to humans was necessary skill. He had to conform to there dress and learn there mannerisms. He father had indulged him for far too long.

"It is time to leave here Demetri. You will learn of your powers and the ways of humans." His father was insistant.

"No." Demetri sat in his chair the only other piece of furniture in his room. His head tilted to the side and rested against his right hand. His patented far off stare looked through his father.

Father had become impatient. "You will go. I have made arrangements. You will learn of humans and your power. This you will do. No failure on this shall I tolerate. It is time."

No reply did Demetri give. None was needed. Father had said what will happen. He sate as the time approached and the servants gathered his clothes. In the chair unmoving even his eyes were fixed. As the day came the servants placed him in a travel coffin and placed it on the train. Demetri bumped, bounced, and was jostled the enitre trip. Until a knock on the lid gave the clear to come out.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Markofkri@Satsuki I like your characters and am very interested to see how this will play out. ^.^
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

My question is do I PM @lunaand @Vesuvius00 with the secret?

Can I add the character please?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Markofkri PM the secret to all the GMs and you only need one more of us to accept your CS before you can move it to the CS tab.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Satsuki
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I hope I will garner favor with the other gm's soon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Markofkri PM the secret to all the GMs and you only need one more of us to accept your CS before you can move it to the CS tab.

Ok thank you.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Pudding
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Pudding Queen Of Yaoi

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'd like to join~

*Is going to PM the true secrets to GMs soon*

Veraachi 'Vera' Vermicelli

Age: Her age of death was recorded at age seventeen, although she died many, years ago.

Reputation: Vera is rather flighty and hyperactive, some say it's due to her type of blood that runs through those blue veins of hers. It's known that she has a keen eye for fashion and appear as or seem very affectionate and or friendly although she never get's too close to her so called friends, seeming fake or 'human'. People know of her aristocratic background and that she is somewhat of a daddy's girl, there are rumors that she has at one point fallen in love with a werewolf. They had a falling out and now she is considering love in other areas... People also say that she drained him of his blood to make herself more powerful, it's not clear what is true and what is mere hearsay.
At time's she can be found reading up on archaeology, nobody knows why, it just appears to be a keen interest of hers, not that she herself know's why.
"They're just dumb rocks in the ground, like ya'know? I dunno why I find them, like, so interesting..."

History: Born in a not so modern time, Veraachi was the only daughter of a high classed family known as the Vermicelli. It was unsure to many as to how they obtained their riches but the ends certainly justify the means of course. She grew up in her mansion with nobody but her many servants and father. Veraachi was not a cruel girl by any means, she was lovely to everyone and anybody she interacted with, so the hate she received by so many others was a very foreign concept to her, as she never did anything remotely awful.

Being isolated majority of her time, she would enter the family library and read up on random topics to broaden her understanding of the would around her, due to her father never letting her leave more than the mansions courtyard, she fell in love with the fashion of her time, asking a few maids to teach her how to sew and become more ladylike. The main reason she would go to the library was because her father would be in their at during outlandish hours of the evening, she was told it was because he worked so much during the night when not on break, he had to sleep during the day so he was well rested for the next time he would work. Veraachi was never told what his occupation was, nor where he conducted his work, but she enjoyed reading with him in the library at night, a glass of red wine in his hand, Veraachi sitting on his lap.

During one evening, Veraachi's father called her to his study, he instructed her to be her best dressed for an elegant party that would be held to celebrate his recent findings and that many other aristocratic families would be attended the ball. Their children included...
Overwhelmed with excitement and anticipation of the event, she spent a miraculous amount of time sewing the perfect gown for the party and to hopefully woo some of the young men attending that night. The night of the party, Veraachi and her father were introduced like royalty and their home looked as if a palace had been built on top of it, everything was so grand, spectacular, everything a princess would be accustomed to. The duo walked out from behind a rather large red curtain and met their guests, they were greeted with many cheers, glass clinging and the occasional look from someone from the opposite gender making a glance at their beautiful attire.

It had been a few minutes and Veraachi had mingled and associated with a few of the other children at the party although they were radically different from what she was like, their was one boy who stood out from the rest. One boy whom she couldn't keep her eyes off... Tall, pale, long silver hair. He was stunning in all his glory and Veraachi took the chance to go and meet with him, she had never been afraid of anything before, so why let fear stop her now? Marching over to meet him, she tapped him on the shoulder, he turned around and greeted her with a smile. He greeted her with a warm smile, which for some reason, still felt cold and distant, as if he were dead or not really there at all. The two hit it off, they waltzed and conversed about many topics, he was both beautiful and wise. Taking her on to the balcony, they viewed the courtyard, the moon hung high behind some dark clouds, it was almost full, not spectacular, but still beautiful in it's own right. Placing her hand over the railing, he placed his over hers, cold, lifeless almost... They looked at each other and the two drew closer. Staring into each others eyes.
An enraged man ripped the love scene right out of their palms, it was her father, fulled with rage he cursed the man she had fallen in love with, calling him nothing but a mangy mutt and to never touch his daughter again. Tears filled her eyes, her father banished her to her room. She stayed there for the remainder of the night.

The next time she had seen her father, they were riding in a carriage together. At first, they were silent. But he began to talk.
"Veraachi... I'm sorry... But I have to tell you something really important about your father and his work. Also... About yourself..." Before he could say anymore, there was an explosion, the horses in front neighed with fright and and kicked a storm, they got loose from their reigns and fled into the dark woods of the night. Their carriage tipped to one side... Veraachi blanked out... She could hear very faint words before she fully lost consciousness. "Veraachi... My precious daughter, I must turn you into something darker than the night, brand you with a cruse worse than death itself, but I do it out of love for you, so that you may continue to live on and find that love of yours... Forgive me... Vera..."

- She is stronger than she appears
- Proficient in Blood Magic
- Has terrible memory issues
- Can come off as a bit dopey or rash
- Seems to be searching for something
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Lucius Cypher Crosses fingers for acceptance.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Satsuki
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Satsuki Main Tank

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I am guessing I should look for another rp. I had such hopes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Satsuki You're not out yet! I don't know what the other two GMs are up to...

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 3 days ago

@Satsuki Looks good to me.

@Pudding I don't think I ever got your secret PM. Also, no new students should have any proficiency with any magic. Physical strength is fine, most new vampires don't have a good grasp of that, but magic isn't something you can just "Talent" yourself into.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Satsuki
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Should I post in the IC?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aspen Wren

Aspen Wren

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'm ready for this to get rolling.
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