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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Sure! Anyone wanna volunteer for the recap? I'm afraid I can't due to having to work constantly and currently running three threads
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Personally, I just don't understand what's going on well enough to trust myself to make a recap of it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tabitha
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hmm. I'll try. I'll get some stuff wrong

Guilt, Belle, and Aquintis are at the fortress.

Miff and Cinia are selling stuff.

Clark and Thass are inside the hotel while Vistra has walked inside.

Alice and Zarr are talking.

That's all I know.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tabitha
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Tabitha Birthday is on June 10th!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Waiting for @Cuccoruler to reply to Aquintis then I'll play Vistra again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by LHG100
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LHG100 Irreverent and Salty!

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Uhhh, hi there! Cucco said in some other thread he'd love it if I joined him here, and this seems interesting, so why not?

I'm not sure what kind of guy I want, but I know I wanna be a techier guy, since I'm really into sci-fi and such, heheh.

My current attempt:

Appearance: Very tall, (Six foot eight or so), and well-built. His muscles are unnaturally swelled, and his face is usually hidden by his bullet-proof, armored helmet. He always carries a large flamethrower, heavy weight mainly being carried by his suits' simplistic assistance motors. His suit is gunmetal gray, with two simple glass 'eye-holes', and a little antenna on it. Also has huge boots, to kick people really hard with. Blue eyes, no hair, (Naturally ginger, surprisingly.) slightly green-tinted skin.

Name: Dwayne 'Matches' Cannon

Gender: Male

Alignment: Mercenary (prefers heroic jobs, though)

Race: Somewhat mutated Human

Personality: Quite mechanically inclined, having built his 'Power Suit' and Flamethrower by himself. Has a bit of a fire fetish, and has a love of really bad puns. He trash-talks plenty in combat, yet is polite enough outside. Doesn't want to lose a job and all. He's not the type of merc to do ANY job, highly preferring to just do 'productive' things like killing gang members or terrorists, or villains, that sort of job. If it involves killing complete innocents he would REFUSE to do it, and would likely try to kill the sicko who attempted to get him to do it. While in transit somewhere, he commonly hums (or quietly sings) his favorite musics, if he's alone anyway.

'Powers': Heavily armored (Pretty much bulletproof, somewhat explosive resistant, highly heat resistant) heavy lifting suit, custom made, and has replacement parts in secret stashes around the city. Extremely durable flamethrower, two-handled, and hard to carry around even in the suit. Normals could never realistically hold it, it should honestly be on a tank or something. Has a multi-mode nozzle, one mode that turns the stream into a huge cone, another making it further-reaching yet less wide, and one that turns it into a highly concentrated hose, for when one thing REALLY needs to be burned. Oh, and his helmet has a decent radio system in it.

Abilities: Being strong, he'll probably beat the tar out of anyone who isn't comparably strong (or much more skilled) very easily. He could probably be able to crack a normal skull in one, solid punch, with his armor on. He's not trained at all though, which suits him since he doesn't get that close normally, even with his flamethrower. He's the sort of Merc to do a job slowly and steadily, trudging through the enemy and thoroughly turning them into beef jerky before moving on to the next guy.

History: He's about thirty two years old, and was born already mutated a bit, the magical energies (and scientific ones) he's been exposed to over the years likely turning him into the brute he is now. His father was a city mechanic, and sadly died in an accident on the job a short while ago. His mother also died early in his life, he doesn't even really remember her. It doesn't stop him at all though, he accepted it pretty quick. He's seen all sorts of shit, he's taken jobs against cultists, gangers, serial killers, other merc's, no-name mad scientists, and others.

And chocalate layer cake. (I KNEW I forgot something, sorry!)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

two things, 1 Read the rules please, and second keep the cursing to a minimum if you can, after you do those two you will be accepted
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LHG100
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LHG100 Irreverent and Salty!

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sorry about the cursing, I'm just used to it at this point, heheh. Oh, and the other thing. how could I forget that?

Anyway, yeah, just suggest how I should introduce myself and let's do this. I can post generally once a day.

nothings going against me right? and is he good?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Twice a day would be better but we can work with that I guess, anyways you are accepted now, but from now on when he curses use !@#? or something please, anyways you can come in through causing chaos or something if you like, Many people are currently in the farmers market anyways

also I'm going to bed, I will see you guys tomorrow!

p.s. I'm a girl btw
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LHG100
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LHG100 Irreverent and Salty!

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alright cool, I don't really care about gender, no offence. And nah, I just meant 'once a day' as like a minimum, honestly I have so much time on my hands I could do like eight, heheh.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LHG100
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LHG100 Irreverent and Salty!

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Erm, Tabitha, mind suggesting how I should go about this? I'm still reading up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gareth

Gareth KingKlutz

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Ok, so I think we could go around and just say what our characters are doing. and then decide on plot ideas once we have established what everyone is doing 'right now'.

Anyway my characters:

Miff is at the farmers market with Cinia, and is currently talking to Alice.

Farad is still at the Tavern, waiting for his partner in action roleplayer midcube to reply to his p.m ... -___-

Clark is still at the hotel with Thass.

BobbySlik is at the edge of the destruction of the first big fight where Miff and Cinia and a bunch of others had to deal with Lucien and aliens.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

If any of your have plot ideas let me know
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

If you want plot, you need conflict. At first I thought Cataclysm was supposed to be the big bad guy, and go around punching everyone in the dick until we all ganged up on him. Of course, the reveal of his true motives removes him as a likely candidate for a villain, and removes most of the conflict in the roleplay.

A 'Big Bad' is the easiest way to generate conflict. This could come in the form of an organisation, a large amount of mooks with a couple of actually dangerous folk. A single or group of highly powerful beings (usually more powerful than the characters in order to encourage creative table-turning and cooperation), or perhaps a single entity. It could also be an invading army, perhaps a legion of demons and perhaps an alien military seeking to conquer earth.

Their goals could range from taking over the world, to resurrecting an ancient God, to wiping out all superhumans, to isolating this reality from all other realities. They can be sympathetic (if they are, some players may even join them) as long as their means and ends are controversial enough to make them a Bad Guy.

Once players have something to fight, a story can be crafted from there. You could go gritty, force them to make sacrifices to take down the greater threat. Go lighthearted, with great explosions and thrilling heroics saving the day. But a starting point needs to be created, and I would recommend something Big and Bad as the easiest route.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

If you want plot, you need conflict. At first I thought Cataclysm was supposed to be the big bad guy, and go around punching everyone in the dick until we all ganged up on him. Of course, the reveal of his true motives removes him as a likely candidate for a villain, and removes most of the conflict in the roleplay.

A 'Big Bad' is the easiest way to generate conflict. This could come in the form of an organisation, a large amount of mooks with a couple of actually dangerous folk. A single or group of highly powerful beings (usually more powerful than the characters in order to encourage creative table-turning and cooperation), or perhaps a single entity. It could also be an invading army, perhaps a legion of demons and perhaps an alien military seeking to conquer earth.

Their goals could range from taking over the world, to resurrecting an ancient God, to wiping out all superhumans, to isolating this reality from all other realities. They can be sympathetic (if they are, some players may even join them) as long as their means and ends are controversial enough to make them a Bad Guy.

Once players have something to fight, a story can be crafted from there. You could go gritty, force them to make sacrifices to take down the greater threat. Go lighthearted, with great explosions and thrilling heroics saving the day. But a starting point needs to be created, and I would recommend something Big and Bad as the easiest route.

That's what I got going on Cuccoruler's other roleplay.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

hmmm in the way of a big bad villian I do have Zera, he's basically and evil aqua man and he has an army
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The polar ice caps contain enough mass when molten too flood the majority of the Earth's landmasses. This would quite probably result in the death of 80% of the world's human population. So Zera could rather effectively wipe out most of humanity without ever leaving his house, forcing the heroes to go find and stop him.

Alternatively, you could have him do all kinds of other evil stuff. Such as collecting magical artifacts (dragon balls/keyblades/halos/whatever) which will somehow grant him the power to end the world, or do something else really evil. Give it a cool Sea theme. Maybe he'll find whatever sunk Atlantis, and use it on the rest of the world.

Get creative. Find a way to involve other characters' personal story arcs if you can. Get the villains involved, either as rivals or allies of Aquilus. Make sure the heroes have enough power to have agency, and enough freedom to determine their own plan of approach.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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Name: Shiro Hibochi
Alias: "Warp Spider"

Gender: Male

Age: 27

Alignment: Antihero

Cold and determined, Shiro is prepared to achieve his goals by any means necessary. He will sacrifice innocents and even destroy entire cities, all for the greater good. As long as the threat is big enough, he will readily justify anything.

[Absolute Teleportation]
Shiro was born with the ability to warp space, teleporting him instantly to any location he could picture in his mind's eye. Over the years, he has perfected this ability. He can teleport anything he can see, create stable portals, and even move between different dimensions at will. This has lead to him developing a number of techniques that vastly increase the combat potential of his ability.

The essence of life, or 'soul', disrupts Shiro's power. As such, he cannot teleport anything that's 'alive' or inhabited by a 'soul', such as undead. Certain highly advanced technology is also protected against his powers, as forcefields and certain specific protective measures negate his power. Any sentient play character robot is assumed to have such a defensive method, preventing Shiro from instantly killing them. Magically imbued objects can also be resistant or immune.

[Absolute Eye]
Using portals over his eye, Shiro is able to expand his vision greatly. He uses his left eye to see through walls, from multiple angles at once, and to gain great insight into the world around him. He effectively has 360 degree vision while active, as well as being able to perceive details impossible to see from afar, and to watch situations from afar. He's trained to be able to see in this way, allowing his brain to keep up with the amount of information he receives.

There's a certain dimension where time moves so slowly that it nearly stands still. Ten years here is one second there. In this location Shiro keeps a variety of weapons, as well as projectiles mid-movement and useful toys. He can call upon these weapons in combat, instantly switching them out for whatever is useful for the situation. He further uses the sudden appearance of projectiles to surprise foes from unexpected angles.

Using his powers, Shiro can remove part of an object. Using this, he can instantly destroy almost any inanimate object, no matter how tough or resilient. The weaknesses stated above are the only exceptions to this power. He further must be able to see the material in order to destroy it.

Peak human physical condition combined with expertise in several martial arts makes Shiro a dangerous close combat fighter even without his powers. He's an expert marksman and swordsman, incredibly resilient, and capable of resisting pain.

His main weapon of choice is a katana built from nanotube glass, a material stronger than steel and lighter than titanium. It's also sharp enough to cut through steel, and capable of resisting incredibly high temperatures. This blade is equipped with a high-powered battery and electrodes, allowing it to electrocute anyone it strikes with the press of a button.

His armour is Dragonscale, a prototype armour suit developed to completely replace Kevlar. It uses tiny fibers and nanotube design to become far more sturdy than kevlar, and uses a 'scale' design to absorb the impact of bullets. Standard weapons can't pierce it, and even grenades won't kill him unless pressed to his face. Only heavy AT rifles can pierce the armour outright, although it offers significantly reduced protection against melee weaponry.

He further has a variety of guns, weapons and gadgets stored in the Arsenal. Any weapon he has ever acquired can be accessed at any time, giving him an almost limitless variety in weaponry.

When he was merely a child, Shiro's parents were murdered by a supervillain known as Scourge. When Shiro's powers manifested, he was taken in by a military organization that wanted to turn him into a human weapon. Upon reaching the age of 18, however, Shiro decided the organization was corrupt. Nobody knows what he saw that sparked his hatred for the organization, but he hunted down and killed every single member he could find. He then proceeded to kill the Scourge. But his hatred of 'evil' could never be purged, even with his vengeance sated. He continued to slaughter villains and evildoers. A criminal caught by the Warp Spider will never see the inside of a jail cell. Currently, Shiro is hunting down Cataclysm.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

OK so its accepted if you make a few changes, one throughout the bio it says Jayce, instead of Shiro, if you name him Jayce I'm gonna have to figure out what to do with my Jayce, cause they will have the same name, for the most part though, fix the name thing and your good.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

And today we learned that being consistent with names is my kryptonite.

Sorry, editing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

And today we learned that being consistent with names is my kryptonite.

Sorry, editing.

It happens to the best of us don't worry!
Post it to the character page, I'm considering setting off either a fish people attack event with Zera, or Calamity going absolutely crazy and destroying few skycrapers before he's thrown into the rural area. which do you think I should choose?
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