The morning sun began to rise through the park. Dew covered the grass. A light breeze snaked through Jamie's hair. It was cold. Not cold enough for the breath that Jamie exhaled to be visible, but cold enough for Jamie's skin to sting ever so slightly. This was quite typical for this time of day. It was very early. Jamie liked to take walks early in the morning. He liked the fresh air, and there were very few people around. Less noise. More peace.
Jamie took a seat at one of the many benches in the park and relaxed back. He enjoyed hearing the tranquil chirping of birds and the quiet whispers of the wind through the foliage of the trees. This felt like the perfect place to him. He just sat there for a while. Every now and then someone would walk by, but the silence went undisturbed for quite a while.
Jamie jumped slightly when he noticed a man sit beside him, which was very odd. There were dozens of benches in this park, all vacant, except the one Jamie was on. Why couldn't the man just sit in one of the many others? The man wore a very expensive-looking black suit, and a pair of sunglasses - which, again, was odd, considering the fact the sun had barely risen. The man himself looked as if he were in his late 30s or so. He paid little attention to Jamie and stared straight forward.
Jamie did not say anything at first, but after a short while he decided to speak up. "Can... I help you?" Jamie asked.
"James Rolando Marchetti," the man said, turning to face Jamie. It wasn't a question as much as an exclamation. He paused a moment. "Sorry, I hear you prefer Jamie."
Jamie peered at him. "How do you know my name?" He'd never seen this man before, and nobody knew his middle name. The hairs on Jamie's neck stood on end.
"I have my ways," the man chuckled.
"Who are you?" Jamie replied, his tone assertive and direct.
"It doesn't matter who I am," the man spoke in a hushed tone. "Take this. Read it carefully." The man reached in to the inside of his suit jacket and pulled out an envelope, handing it to Jamie before standing up from the bench and turning to face Jamie directly.. "If you're smart you'll follow the instructions inside. Wait until you get home to open it. The information is... sensitive. Please destroy it when you have read it in it's entirety."
Jamie peered at the envelope for a moment. "Why are you doing this? Who do you work for?"
"You'll find out soon enough." The man smiled as he began to walk away. "There's a storm coming, kid, and you're not prepared. Be smart. Follow the instructions in the envelope, or you might not be around for much longer."
Jamie entered his apartment still bemused at what had happened at the park. The man had known him, almost on a personal level - yet they had never met. Jamie didn't like it. It made him feel like someone knew about his powers. Surely that was not a good thing. He entered the kitchen and placed the envelope that the man had given him down on the counter.
The envelope included two things; a plane ticket, and a letter.
First of all, Jamie inspected the planet ticket. First class. To Haiti, strangely enough. It was definitely authentic. The flight was in five hours. Jamie put the ticket down on the counter for a moment and picked up the letter that was attached to it, reading it closely.
'Jamie. You don't know me, but I know you. I know it's hard to trust someone you don't know, but I'm asking you to just read this letter and give me a chance. The government has targeted you. That blood test you took last month was taken by every teenager in the country. It was looking for people like you. Special people. You're not the only one. There are hundreds, if not thousands. I'm giving you a choice. Stay where you are now, and die, or be taken away to live out your days as a lab rat - or, alternatively, leave your home, get on that plane and do not look back.'
'You will never be able to have the life that you have planned now, but I can offer you a new life. A life where you can be a part of the downfall of the government's genocide of people like you and I. Your powers are a gift, I can help you use them for good.If you decide to take that ticket, know that a lot of hard work and danger will be coming your way. But ask yourself - is that not better than death? I hope to see you in Haiti. Look for a man holding a sign saying 'Smith Family' when you arrive there. He will take you to your new home, should you choose to take the flight.
'Regards, -W.V.'
'P.S.: If you have family, it's best that they don't know where you're going.'
He peered at it for a moment, extremely sceptical. He knew that something sinister was going on, but he did not know who to believe. Was the government truly after him? Or was it these people that had dark intentions? He wasn't sure. Either way, he was certain that he was in trouble. This couldn't be some elaborate prank or joke, because none of his friends knew of his powers, and that man in black seemed to be the real deal.
Jamie headed up to his room and began to pack a suitcase of his clothes and personal belongings. He wasn't sure whether he was going to take the flight, but he packed nonetheless. His clothes were simple and he had very little else he needed to take with him, so it didn't take long. After he was done, he was just left sitting on his bed, his mind furiously working away to try and make a decision.
Eventually, with scarcely an hour until the plane's boarding time, Jamie decided. He would go. He liked to pretend that he didn't fear death. But he did. He feared for his life. He feared for his family's life. He would risk it. He believed the letter. He believed the government were on to him. He would take the plane, and hope for the best. If it was not real, and these people were his enemy, it was probably already too late anyway.
After burning the letter, he picked up his suitcase and made his way to the airport. He had been here to travel to Italy with his family several times, so he knew the routine. He checked his bags in and headed to the waiting room for his plane. He thought about his grandparents, and how they would worry about him when he was gone. He needed to speak to his grandma one last time. He took out his phone and slowly dialled in his grantparents' number. It was too late to drive down to her bungalow, so a call would have to do. He didn't want to worry her either, so he needed to keep it simple. It rang twice, then she picked up.
"Grandma?" Jamie spoke, his voice not showing the shakiness he felt inside.
"Yes, my dear?" His grandmother replied in her thick Italian accent.
Almost a minute of silence followed, Jamie struggling to find the words to say 'goodbye', without somehow alerting her of his intentions. His grandmother was old and weary, he knew she didn't have long left. This flight to Haiti seemed like a one way trip, and if he ever came back he doubted that she would still be alive. He wanted to go and see her in person, but he knew he couldn't.
"What is it, James?" She continued, concern clearly showing in her voice.
"Love you, grandma."
"Oh, I love you too, dear."
Jamie hung up, and almost simultaneously, the plane arrived.