Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

I'm sorry, but I'm not changing that detail. I feel water is workable, especially for the more defensive nature of a Mayonite Paladin, and also makes sense for Mayon domain as a Moon Goddess, as opposed to lightning.

If you want to make a Mayonite Paladin, that's how a Mayonite Paladin would work. Even if you do use a smaller shield they're still going to have water-based enchantments, most likely on the shield as opposed to anything else.

Edit: Since you edited while I was posting, Ice does work.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Scrapula
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Fieri "Diamond-Tail" Angharad

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Race: Naga (attempting to transition to another race through magical means)

Class: Artificer

Personality: Fieri Angharad is haughty and opinionated, and almost religiously believes in the superiority of magic over all other things. Fieri Angharad has spent decades working in a secluded university, away from all humanoid contact, and is exactly as desperate for affection as that implies. Beneath a thick veneer of contempt, Fieri Angharad is close to a child in terms of practical experience and romance. For some odd reason, Fieri "Diamond-Tail" Angharad insists that everyone refers to her by her full name, nickname and all. Thanks to a hostile environment outside of her birthplace and an inability to cope with it, Fieri is ashamed of her current state of being, and is seeking to change it as soon as possible. Due to this, Fieri gets flustered if her most prominent physical traits are exposed or accentuated.

Equipment: Fieri Angharad is equipped with a variety of self-made magical tools. The weapons underneath are poor-quality, but the enchantments on them are made with love. Fieri's arsenal is as follows.
  • Staff of the Diamond-Tail: a university-provided magical focus, that allows Fieri to store and release large amounts of mana. In effect, it is a battery, for intensive magical works. Thanks to the wonderful efforts of the university's engineers, this staff is also capable of drawing mana from ambient sources. In broad daylight or in the light of a full moon, the Staff of the Diamond-Tail regenerates mana very slowly. The staff is also quite sturdy and hurts to be hit with. It is currently filled with several days' worth of stored mana.
  • Knife of Lacerations: A standard household bread knife, enchanted to unleash a blast of concussive force exactly the size of its blade on impact. It's useful against unarmored, unexpecting targets, but nearly worthless against armor.
  • Bag of Holding: Fieri's thesis project. This is a simple leather satchel, enchanted to magically shrink down anything placed within it. Even thought it is about the size of a traveller's pack, its carrying capacity is about the size of a shipping crate.
  • Mana Battery Kit: The mainstay of Fieri's repertoire, this is one of the only things that cannot be made by an artificer. With this advanced piece of magitechnology, one can handily replicate the effects of the university's staffs in a smaller and less powerful form. The kit takes any stone, metal nugget, or gemstone and fills it with mana. These mana-filled minerals can then be inserted into an artificed object to make them usable for non-mages. The more valuable and conductive the material used, the more mana the resulting battery can contain.

Abilities: Fieri's magical powers are based around utilizing mana in its raw and pure form. These abilities are relatively expensive to use mana-wise, but can also draw from her staff's reserves.
  • Mana Bolt: Fieri is capable of projecting a bolt of pure mana at her opponent. The bolt is relatively effective against uncovered flesh, and causes moderate to severe burns on contact. Against large amounts of mana, the bolt reacts violently and explosively.
  • Miasma: Fieri is capable of venting large amounts of vaporized mana into the surrounding area at once. The mana, while not strictly toxic, is almost unbearably hot and temporarily interferes with any sources of magic. Prolonged exposure to Miasma results in severe nausea and disorientation. Fieri is not immune to the Miasma's effects.
  • Artifice: The gross sum of Fieri's life and Fieri's true calling, this is what Fieri is best at. With a generous amount of mana, a targeted object, and some imagination, Fieri can enchant anything. The more valuable the object is, the easier it is to enchant. It takes half an hour to a day of concentrated work for an Artificing to be completed, and the resulting object must be charged with mana to function properly. What Fieri can enchant is limited only by her scientific knowledge and imagination-- if she can logically conceive of a way to make a ring capable of teleporting its wearer, Fieri can enchant one to do it. Researching and developing new enchantments takes time, mana, and plenty of test subjects.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OwO
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OwO what's this?

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: Fieri "Diamond-Tail" Angharad

So, they're trying to turn into a Guy and their name is Fieri...

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Scrapula
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Scrapula>

So, they're trying to turn into a Guy and their name is Fieri...

Sure, let's go with that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Boomrocker
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Boomrocker I don't use contractions

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Edit: Since you edited while I was posting, Ice does work.

Very well. An icy spear it is. Is there anything else that requires alteration before approval?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

@Boomrocker: I'll look at it tommorrow. Too late for me to approve anything write now as I have a policy of not declining or approving bios after midnight.

@Scrapula: I'm sending a PM to you, as this is my exception to that rule.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

My only objection, which is incredibly minor and probably not of any big significance, is that it's an icy spear, and I already claimed the ice domain as my power.

So yeah, nothing major.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Until an edit is made, @Boomrocker's bio will not receive another review.

@Scrapula: In light of the edits she's fine, accepted.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Boomrocker
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Boomrocker I don't use contractions

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Amendment made to add ice powers to Guardian.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Is it instantaneous on piercing any target?

Also first dungeon:

Name: The Prison-Castle of the Mad King Haldric
Brief History: Outside the forest of Pelenn, on the edge of the great plains of Velt, there lies ruined walls and a damaged tower, which is the only sign of this dungeon's presence. Legend(and scattered historical records) say that this is in fact the entrance to the castle of the paranoid King Gregori Fel Haldric the Second, who deeply believed that nearly everyone around him plotted his death. He commissioned an underground castle, filled with all kinds of traps, in the belief that it would protect him from harm. While he did not realize it, the castle was much like a prison for the Mad King as well. Its deep darkness drove him to deeper and deeper madness. Even his closest servants and family fell deeply under suspicion. Soon enough, his wife and her children feared that Haldric was so deeply changed he would turn on them and order their deaths, and with the aid of the servants fled. Some believe that this blood runs in the Lord of Ithillin, but there is no clear proof of this matter. King Haldric cursed his family and the servants who aided them, and the servants who did not flee faced execution. Haldric's madness grew more and more, until not a single living soul remained within the Prison-Castle but the Mad King himself. He sought how to guard his life against any and all attempts on it. Who now knows if he succeeded? The Prison-Castle, however, lies in ruins. The Mad King kept much treasure deep below, much of it of great value. It seems that some new residents have entered after the king's apparent death.
Layout Summary: The Mad King's Prison-Castle goes down six levels, each a spiral of tunnels and traps. The final level holds the Mad King's great horde of treasure, and is also believed to be the resting place of Haldric himself.
Threats(Enemies, Traps, etc): Giant Rats-dog-sized rats that are not so threatening, goblins, mindless undead, and... something at the very bottom of the Castle. Various traps, from pitfalls to crushing walls.

Confirmed date for starting the RP is tomorrow, unless something comes up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Boomrocker
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Boomrocker I don't use contractions

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Is it instantaneous on piercing any target?

No. It takes at least a few seconds for the actual chill to occur. It is a gradual freeze and requires constant contact.

EDIT: Character has been amended with this information.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Okay, freezing them solid upon stabbing would be too much, but this is almost too little, honestly. Um... hm. It's just that for a target that would survive a solid stabbing like that, it seems like having to stand there and wait for the ability to work and make sure that the spear stays in them wouldn't be as useful?

Maybe the ice should be an enhancer instead.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Boomrocker
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Boomrocker I don't use contractions

Member Seen 1 mo ago

We should just start the game and flesh out the details during role play. This nitpicking has already created significant delays.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Scrapula
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

That's a weirdly dramatic place to start the RP. You'd think storming a relatively-recent king's prison/dungeon filled with traps and untold treasures would be set towards the end.

I love the idea, this just seems like a bit of a high note.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

@Boomrocker: I know I've probably over-analyzed things previously and the whole paladin thing was a mistake since he is pretty different, but I was trying to suggesting alter the enchantment so it's more effective without being overpowered. I don't know, ice spikes on the spear or ejecting shards of ice into injuries caused by the spear.

I don't want people shifting their abilities around after the RP starts unless they come to me first, and I want your final(to start with) ability set to be in the bio when I start the RP. If you think that this is all nitpicking I'm sorry, but it's my stance as a GM. I want your abilities to be useful and I don't want people changing and editing things after their bio's accepted without talking to me about it first.

Judging your bio has not done anything to delay the RP. It will be starting today, relatively soon if everything goes as intended.

@Scrapula: As I have it planned it's not actually as challenging as it sounds. I do have some late-game dungeon ideas that are quite a bit more impressive and dangerous.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Scrapula
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I'm interested in seeing how it can get much more impressive than the Labyrinth-Prison Of The Monster King, Friend To All Skeletons, R.O.U.S, Goblins, and Spooky Boojims. For a starter, I'd usually expect clearing out a mineshaft or cave.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

King Haldric's Prison-Castle isn't nearly that impressive. ^^; He has a few goblins hanging around in the ruins, some giant rats, and some mindless undead. He's been dead, insofar as anyone knows, for a long time, and the castle's pretty much a worn down ruin because he probably wasn't well-liked in his time with all the insane paranoia. The things living in it moved in long after his death, and not all the traps still work. Some still do though.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Boomrocker
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Boomrocker I don't use contractions

Member Seen 1 mo ago

@Boomrocker: I know I've probably over-analyzed things previously and the whole paladin thing was a mistake since he is pretty different, but I was trying to suggesting alter the enchantment so it's more effective without being overpowered. I don't know, ice spikes on the spear or ejecting shards of ice into injuries caused by the spear.

I don't want people shifting their abilities around after the RP starts unless they come to me first, and I want your final(to start with) ability set to be in the bio when I start the RP. If you think that this is all nitpicking I'm sorry, but it's my stance as a GM. I want your abilities to be useful and I don't want people changing and editing things after their bio's accepted without talking to me about it first.

Judging your bio has not done anything to delay the RP. It will be starting today, relatively soon if everything goes as intended.

Perhaps adding an enchantment to the shield that freezes weapons that impact it, making them brittle and causing them to shatter until they unfreeze (which would only take a minute or so). At the same time, the icy enchantment on the spear is maintained and duplicated on the arming sword. That way it adds to the defensive flavour of the character, slowing down enemies and opening them up for a riposte.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Sorry this took so long. ^^;

  • Name: Alicia Bonaventura
  • Age: 16
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Hundi
  • Class: Knight
  • Appearance: So hey, Vita drew this for me. Eyes are green, hair is black, and she's a bit pale. Armour is nice and shiney, as she polishes it every day.
  • Personality: Alicia is a starry-eyed idealist, and an outspoken believer in the tenants of justice, honour and goodness. She's a bit sheltered, however, and her experience with the outside world is somewhat lacking, leading her to be kind of a gullible ditz. She is honest to a fault; not only is she incapable of lying (often being a bit too brutally honest at times), but she doesn't seem to understand the concept of lying itself and assumes anyone speaking to her is being one hundred percent genuine no matter what they say.
  • Brief Backstory: A member of Hundi aristocracy, Alicia spent most of her life in the lap of luxury. Whilst there were ample training facilities and teachers available to her, she hasn't really experienced much of life or combat outside her family's home. She recently turned 16, however, and thus has been sent out on a quest to prove herself; hopefully she'll be able to adapt to real combat quickly enough.
  • Equipment: An ornate and well taken care of suit of armour, a shield, and a non-magical (albeit incredibly sharp) sword.
  • Abilities: Alicia is a well trained warrior, instructed by the best teachers available in the art of sword and shield fighting. Unfortunately, all the combat she has seen thus far has been in a controlled environment, against teachers who didn't want to hurt her too much out of fear of losing their jobs. She's competant at least, but the last thing she expects is dirty fighting.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

@Boomrocker: That seems like a good start, write it up and we'll see how it goes.

@Rin: Accepted.
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