Name: Cirka
Gender: Male
Character: Cirno
Personality: Cirka knows he's the strongest. He's confident to the point of cockiness and narcissism. This can get him into trouble, especially with his naivety and lack of common sense. He's not dumb per say, just a little foolish. He's tactless and honest to a fault, and hates lying or owing things to people. He's kinda self-centered, and can hurt people without realizing. Not that he doesn't care, he's just looking inward, not out.
- Danmaku: Cirka has the ability to generate energy bullets. Though they are weak, and don't travel very fast, they are ridiculously easy to make. Most of the time Cirka just spams the shit outta them, since he's able to make about a hundred at a time.
- Cold Manipulation: Being the ice fairy, Cirka is able to reduce the kinetic energy in atoms. This generally manifests as ice generation, though if he's feeling particularly vicious, he can freeze an enemy to death from the inside. This also means he is weak to heat, and immune to cold, and it's kinda chilly around him. Bring a coat. The range is about 6m
- The Strongest: Being The Strongest fairy, Cirka has super strength- about the top of human physical perfection. Also, one doesn't get hit with Danmaku all day and not develop a resistance, so Cirka gets a slight bonus resistance towards energy based projectiles, such as plasma or laser.
- Flight: Like all 2hu's, Cirka can fly.
- Fairy Physiology: Most fairies are weaker than humans. Even the strongest fairy is only about 4'5" and is only 3/4 as durable as your average human. Luckily, they have Accelerated Healing, so it kinda balances out.
- Popslice: A wooden broadsword that says "よたい" on it. It is unbreakable, even though it's made of wood.
Don't worry, he's not all pixel-y like that.

He doesn't have the other swords. Not yet, at least.