"Select your character. Remember, you can't go back later."
In Summary
Reboot is a multiverse RP with a focus on adventuring. You play as yourself, mixed with a fictional character. It's loosely based on Return to the Multiverse by Kalamadea and grandsword.
It's about 3 AM, and for some reason you're still browsing the internet. You're tired, bored, and not thinking straight. Clicking links randomly has led you to a sketchy-ass website that looks like it was made in the 80's. The only thing of interest on it is a single download link for an executable called "Reboot.exe." Apparently, judging by the mediocre description, it's some kinda fan game. Due to your lack of sleep, your common sense is just low enough to download it. When it finally finishes, the program opens up automatically and displays a simple title screen, completely white with only two pieces of text. The title, Reboot, and a "New Player" option. You hit enter, and you're greeted with a character select screen that is massive. So many, many characters to choose from. There's even a "Create Character" button! After selecting one of these, though, your fatigue catches up with you, and you pass out on your keyboard.
Important Info
So, In this RP you are a "Player" who has been sucked into the internet by "Eddy Gadd" one of the first people to be sucked into the multiverse. He informs you that the reason you have been sucked into the internet is to defeat Eden. Eden was a program built to keep balance in the multiverse and protect the Crucible of Worlds, a powerful relic that was the key to starting up the multiverse. In the end Eden became to powerful and aware, and broke the Crucible into pieces, scattering it across the multiverse. Now, Eden wants to reshape the multiverse to its whims, corrupting and deleting anyone or anything that gets in its way. Some heroes have already fallen to Eden, so it's up to you and your band of Player Characters to find the pieces of the Crucible, and destroy Eden, before the entire Multiverse is so twisted and mangled, no one can fix it.
Current Roster
Cirno/@Kafka Komedy = Cirka
Jack Noir/@Duthguy = Dan Noir
Magicka Wizard/@Scarifar = Leander Xenovia
Link/@TearfulResonant = Carmen Tear
Kirby/@Cuccoruler = Cia Nilfton
Nero/@Penultimate_Pi = Alexander
Eve/@Rune_Alchemist = Alexis
Jacket/@Camerch = Alton Clef
@Chronothesis = Niolon
Negi/@robo27 = Hayate
Sgt. Ria Carius/@Avalant = Katherine
Waiting List
Free, for now.