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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by GhostReaper
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Maddox Kept toiling as he sat in his chair, leaning it back as he crossed his arms in front of his chest. He kind of just grunted a bit as his cousin spoke some before he smirked and let out a small chukkle "When have you ever known me to do things the easy way" he said smiling at his cousin as they were slowly joined by more people. Though as that Dani girl commented on how he sent her sense of smell into overdrive he sniffed him with a bit of an confused state. Reaching up all he could smell was he deodorant "The fuck she talking about" he mumbled, though he heard something wholly unnatural. His cousin was flirting. He almost felt like he should have to document this date, but his attention got pulled away.

Soon more people were coming, first some kind who wore all white, with white hair. A bit of a contrast to Maddox, who mostly wore black, but more then that the kid looked like some kind of rich entitled asshole. Some one he hoped to have as little interaction with as possible. He didn't linger to long as someone sat to the other side of him and he turned his head to look at the girl. "Dios Mio" was all that he could say as he saw the girl in the red dress that was sitting next to him. He let his chair fall to the ground as he put on his most charming smile. "Eres Hermosa" He said smiling to her "Hello, I'm Maddox. Mechanic, mutant, and all around mothers nightmare." He said to her as he tended to zone out the world around him, when a cute girl was involved.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wintergrey
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Wintergrey Lunatik

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Jack Ashbourne

Jack nodded his goodbye to her, "I'll see you at the banquet." He left soon after her and headed straight towards his room. As he was about to enter, someone was just leaving his room. Probably his roommate. He had spiked up hair and a terribly colored suit. Jack shook his head half not believing someone would choose to where that over the school tux. Pushing open the door he strode over to his suitcase and quickly lay out his own suit. Yeah that would look good. Match well with his- was that a burn? Yes it was, there was a bloody hole in his jacket. Jesus Christ, did he have a single piece of clothing that didnt have burn marks?

Shaking his head Jack grabbed the jacket and tossed it to the side. After changing into his suit he looked himself up and down in the mirror. It would have to do without the jacket. He certainly wasn't going to wear the school's uniform. They would probably make him pay a fine if he burned through it. Besides if he got cold, he could always heat himself up with a little fire. Whether it was from creating some fire to keep his hands warm, or just heating up his core temperature, he just had to make sure he kept it in check. There was a lot more people here then last time.

Arriving at the banquet Jack stood in the entrance for a moment, scanning his environment. A couple tables, some people, and- something smelled delicious. Breathing in deeply through his nose, his belly began to growl. He put a hand to his stomach to stop the rumbling and moved his way towards the table. The sooner he sat down, the sooner food would be brought out. He hoped. Finding a card with his name he pulled out his chair and noticed the person sitting next to him. He was white. He was all white. Like a snowcone. Or a ghost. Was he a ghost?! That would be awesome if he was a ghost. Do ghost eat? Maybe it just falls through him. If he could even pick it his food. Actually being a ghost would suck.

Astrid Renn

Astrid gave a spin in the mirror. Her dress twirled around her legs. She smiled glad that the dress looked good on her and as she tried to step back, it caught under her shoes. Momentum worked its magic against her and she collapsed in a pile of silk. Letting out a huff she muttered, "It's too long. Great." Shrugging to herself she struggled to her knees using the desk to get up. Looking back over herself in the mirror she said, "Or I'm too short..." The dress was extremely nice, she had no idea how she'd gotten it. She had been glaring over the school dress when there was a knock at her dorm room. Instead of finding someone she had found this amazing dress. If she was going to have a stalker couldn't they at least get her size right?

Exiting the dorms with her dress dragging behind her, she quickly made her way to the banquet. All the while she was conscious of people coming up behind her and accidentally stepping on the dress. One lankly kid had gotten extremely close, but she had whipped around and glared at him until he moved around her, somewhat more hurriedly. Arriving at the banquet, she quickly moved into her seat. Glancing down the table she saw the man she had met earlier. The one who had been staring at the door. Now he was staring at the extremely white kid next to him. Giggling slightly she looked away before he caught her staring at him staring.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kaalee
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Kaalee That Single Moment Between Clarity / and Insanity

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Valentina watched as others sat down, before the man next to her started speaking. Valentina didn't speak Spanish nearly as well as she did English but she knew a few phrases. She used to be friends with the Spanish Ambassador's son when they were still in Russia. She couldn't speak it fluently but a few words, here and there. This was one phrase she was familiar with.
"Gracias, you're not so bad yourself." Valentina giving him a cursory once over, with a small smirk on her lips. He was attractive, in a very American way, but not anything to lose her head over. Then again, it was very hard to lose her head.
"I'm Valentina, but most call me Val'a. Mutant, Princess, and the girl of your dreams." Valentina said, before her smirk fully developed, leaning in as to tell him a secret.
"Just try to keep those dreams PG, you never know who's listening." She whispered in his ear before leaning back into her seat, observing as Jack came to the table. She winked at him before glancing around the room again, seeing if they would serve dinner soon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cinderella Man
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Cinderella Man shall become the wings of Rebellion

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

After escaping the awkward conver-situation with that boy, Florence scuttled off to be by herself and sort of catch her breath. Re-calibrate herself, y'know? She wandered about the institute aimlessly, looking for her room even though she'd known earlier where it was. She raised both of her fists and knocked them against the sides of her head, grunting furiously. "Stupid, stupid. Mobshi hwaga-nayo!" She shouted to herself, mumbling in fragmented Korean as she continued to wander about whilst looking for her room.

Eventually she wandered into the area that she figured was the dorm and quickly recalled where she assumed her room was. Unfortunately for her, what she found wasn't exactly... what she was looking for. Darting out of the room she'd slipped into with her face bright red and her mind startlingly alert all of a sudden. "Sorry!" Florence announced loudly, before peeking back and forth between rooms in the area before finally finding where she'd left her stuff.

"What's this?" She found a dress that was hung in the room that was about her size, very cute. Red trim, black fabric. Classy indeed. "Momma taught me to never turn down a free article of clothing." Florence changed into the garment, wiggling around a bit to become accustomed to the fit. After lounging about for a bit, the banquet she heard about crossed her mind. Looking at the time on her phone, she realized that she was missing it and quickly began rushing out of her room and down to where the banquet was being held. Without thinking much about the idea of assigned seats or anything along those lines, Florence sat down at the seat nearest to her as quickly as possible.

"..Annyeong." She waved politely to the others at the table.
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