Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Double
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Or better yet you could have him die and be a dual wielder.

In other words exactly what I've already done with Cyrus. <_< xD
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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I was literally thinking the same thing but I think most with double blades would have a kind of situation like that since it takes the death of another to even have the chance for them to get a double blade.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Double
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Maybe, but I'm pretty sure Cyrus/Ren is the only case where the character in question was the one who did the killing of said friend before obtaining said friend's Keyblade so I should at least have that going for me. ^_^
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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That is very true. Gosh, Cyrus's backstory gets to me every time >.< I feel all sad and I just think "I wanna give him a hug" and then I think..."He probably wouldn't like that" XD
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Double
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In that case then my intention was a success. Cyrus is basically supposed to be a semi-deconstruction of how Keyblade Wielders work, with a bit of "War Is Hell" and "Child Soldier" thrown into the mix.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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Yeah, that is kind of how I see him. Bellasiel half part faith and trust, the other half pixie ...wait I have that wrong...XD

No, but seriously she is wise and calmly collected with a trusting heart that makes her worry and care for the people around her. She just wants peace for everyone and though she doesn't agree with most sides of the war she truly knows little about, she wants the people she can protect to be protected so that they never have to feel the suffering that fighting has caused but sometimes the only way to protect the ones you care about is through fighting. It is way she decided to go with Arthal because stopping the fighting keeps her world safe.

It is her trusting heart that gives her the power to sync with others but it is also what is dangerous for her because she has to take the good with the bad when she does.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Double
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Part of my own philosophy for Cyrus was taken from something Eraqus said at the start of Birth By Sleep:

"Remember, there are no winners―only truths, for when equal powers clash, their nature is revealed."

So there you have it, the source I used as the inspiration for Cyrus' speech about "revealing the true self through battle."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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I've never gotten to play Birth By Sleep but I understood what Cyrus meant by "revealing the true self through battle"

You can tell a lot about a person by the way they move or react. An underhanded person would use underhanded tricks in battle. Someone who is calculating with have a quicker reaction time because they will be prepared for all. People that are brash will be the same in battle. Those that wish to protect will be more likely to rush into battle or be spontaneous which can make them hard to read or make them not fear death if another is able to live.

That is how Bellasiel viewed his speech which is why she didn't step in. Cyrus needs to see who Arthal is in his own way and judge his worth.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Double
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You should definitely play Birth By Sleep when you get the chance. I'm not just saying that because I love gushing about it (OK maybe I do just a tiny bit) but it's my favorite game in the series for a reason. It's story is admittedly kind of meh at times, but oh my god the gameplay mechanics are friggin' awesome! Best battle system I've ever played with, really badass attack animations (Shot Locks and Command Styles are just amazing to look at and you feel like such a bad ass when you kill bosses with them).

But yes, you hit the nail on the head with your observation.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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I want to play all of them eventually. I have only played most of the first game and all of Chain of Memories. I can't wait to be able to play all of them, I really love Disney and the story line seems really unique and wonderful. This is why I said if anything I do doesn't really follow is incorrect on magic to let me know cause I haven't played much. I just couldn't resist being a part.

Yeah, I am a really observant person thus that kind of carries on into Bellasiel
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arty Fox
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Originally I had planned for either Mac or Cheese to be dual wielders, but I couldn't decide/bring myself to kill one of them off ;-;
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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@Arty Fox

Lol I thought the same for Bellasiel but couldn't think of a second character plus I liked the keyblade I chose so yeah XD
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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@Xan the G Your approved.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Double
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For a 100+ year old elf he certainly seems to have no idea just who it is he's dealing with. Oh well, maybe he doesn't care, but he certainly will before this is over.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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@Double Well he doesn't know your character.
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@Apollosarcher Odd, considering the reputation he's supposed to have. But okay, whatever works for you. I figured he at least heard all the stories. *shrug*
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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@Double Well they haven't been out elf burrow long.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Double
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@Apollosarcher I feel the need to point out that Cyrus put up a Reflect. You know, the spell that bounces all magic back at the caster? That Faith spell should be reflecting right back at Arthal.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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He used faith around Cyrus, not at him. Using it to blind him rather than hurt him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Double
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Well, he... um... okay fine, ya got me with your loophole. <_<
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