Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VarionusNW
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VarionusNW Nobody In Particular

Member Seen 2 mos ago


The old bus shuddered as it made its way down the sand-coated road, with no stopping point in sight. The sweltering heat made you almost regret your decision, but with the promise of cool air, comfortable conditions, and dueling at the end of your journey, you simply waited. The chatter of other students on the bus made it almost impossible to think, though you tried, as you had an important decision to make. Which structure deck did you want? around 3 weeks ago, at the entrance exams, you were told that you wouldn't be able to bring your own cards, and would instead have to earn the cards you wanted. You would be able to choose a structure/starter deck to start with, and would earn points to buy more structure decks, cards, and packs.

At some point, you noticed a massive skyscraper, which looked extremely out of place here, in the middle of the desert. This was the Duel Tower. You could here the other new students cheering around you as the bus came to screeching halt in front of the school. Your group is stopped at the door by a staff member of some description.

"Follow the blue line on the wall to Arena B. You will pick up a duel disk and a deck there, as well as an optional pack of cards, and then we will commence your placement duels." The staff member stepped aside, letting your journey truly begin.

Steven Ryte

Steven got of the bus, throwing a quick curse at the sweltering head. After the directions were given, Steven stepped into the air conditioned building as fast as he could. As he did, he could hear the collective sigh of relief from the others who were on the bus. Looking around, the blue line diverged at a point, leading to both a staircase, and a hall of elevators. Considering that Steven was in one of the first groups to arrive, the elevators weren't particularly crowded, and therefore, he had no reason to touch the painful trek that those stairs would contain.

Steven heard a loud ding as the elevator doors slid open, revealing the 11th floor, which split into the 2 Arenas, which themselves split into 2 sections. Right as he exited the elevator door, he looked to his left, seeing a teacher standing in front of a rack of structure decks, each of them in factory new condition.

"Alright, students, pick a deck, and if you want a pack as well, just ask me for it." The teacher said, monotone, bored, and in a way that sounded practiced, as if he had done this 1,000 times before. Steven's eyes scanned the decks before he found the perfect deck.

"Geargia Rampage." Steven said, without a second thought. One or two of the students behind him let out a chuckle, as if his choice was immediately inferior to the choice they have yet to make. "No Pack. That would just be a waste of points." Steven looked blankly at the teacher as he was grabbing the deck. The teacher didn't say a word, he just looked bored, ready for this event to be over. He handed Steven his deck, and a standard issue Ryte brand duel disk.

"Your free to wait around for the next 20 minutes or so. Once your group has their decks and everything, we will reveal the duels, and have you duel, I guess." At this point, the teacher sounded uninterested and defeated. Steven walked away from the depressing teacher without a second thought, and made his way to the seating around the Arena. He took his place in the stands, and started pulling his deck from its box.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Satoshi Kyou
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Satoshi Kyou The Knight of The Frozen Lance

Member Seen 15 days ago

Hayato heard the bus stop and tried to get off the bus as fast as he could. He hated traveling by car or by bus and was happy to finally get off, wondering what the inside of the building was like. He walked into the building, following someone else who had already entered the building before him. Hayato took the elevator up to the 11th floor with him and quietly waited for the other person to get his deck and duel disk before making a move of his own.

Looking at the uninterested person handing over the deck and the duel disk, he walked towards the teacher and simply told him "Just give me the samurai warlords deck and a return of the duelist pack." The boy quickly received his deck after a long sigh of the teacher. They were opening the deck and replacing one of the cards with another, saying that the card that was in the structure deck was forbidden and needed a replacement. Hayato nodded as he received his deck, pack and duel disk and walked off to the arena and took a seat next to the person he followed. He started staring at the duel disk wondering how to use it "Hmm... My parents had never let me use one of these... How does this even work...?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Michelle made an effort to endure the sweltering heat. It was only an inconvenience in the journey, albeit a very uncomfortable one. She had made her decision to come to this Duel Academy, and she was not about to let a mere temperature ruin it for her. That being said, though, once the bus finally stopped and directions were given, Michelle went ahead of most of the others into the building, where it was thankfully air-conditioned. Michelle then began following the blue line as instructed and went into the elevator. A short period of time passed as she waited for the elevator to take her to their intended floor.

Getting out of the elevator, Michelle went over to the seemingly uninterested teacher who explained about the decks and packs. Looking over the choices, Michelle eventually said, "The Knights of Light structure deck, and the Duelist Genesis pack." After the cards and Duel Disk was handed to her, Michelle went off into.the stands and took a seat, then opened her box and pack of cards and started looking through them. The pack contained only cards useless to her current structure deck, but perhaps they could become useful in time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Megan gave a sigh of relief as the bus finally came to a stop at their destination. She jostled a little to push out ahead and quickly made her way to the blessedly air conditioned building ahead of them. All the while of course while following the blue line. Luckily due to her expediency she had gotten on the elevator without too many people crowding it. She found this whole thing very interesting, this should a lot of fun, and with any luck she would even get better at dueling. Megan looked at the decks uncertainly, the teacher's monotone drawl not helping her at all.

Shrugging she simply grabbed one that looked interesting and said, "I'll take this Warrior's Triumph pack, that's all thanks." The teacher didn't even look at her so she simply grabbed the pack as well a duel disk and retreated to a corner. Megan eagerly opened the pack and pursued the contents, this looked kinda cool, she could see how some of the cards worked together. She set the deck down and began fiddling with the duel disk, Megan had used one before of course but she wanted to make sure she knew how everything worked on it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ciphra
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Ciphra The Blind Seer

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Yin had slept basically the entire ride to the tower and waking up as the bus screeched to a halt she finally saw the tower. One could definitely say it did not disappoint to say the least. Slowly standing and walking leisurely off the bus and starting for the tower Yin rubbed her eyes in an attempt to wake up fully as she finally entered the tower. It was much cooler than outside, which was nice, but seeing as Yin was just wearing a nice, yet casual, chinese dress, it's not like the heat was an unbearable factor to her.

Once she had followed the blue line just as those before her Yin came across the same lame guy handing out decks and duel disks. Yin decided to ponder for a moment though because she decided the deck should represent her, and that's when it caught her eye. "I'll take that Dragon's Roar off your hands now, but no pack will be necessary at this time." This pointed out one of the other things about Yin though. She had been trying to act more normal towards people, trying to drop the superiority act, or the 'I have more power than you because of who I am' routine. She just had quite mastered it yet.

As she slid on her duel disk and then slid her deck out of the box, which she tossed over her shoulder as it had no purpose now, and began to shuffle before sliding the deck into her duel disk. She was ready for action, and she had faith that her deck was what she needed and that it would guide her. After all she had seen the one card she needed that had told her everything. Plus unlike some of the people here she actually knew wat she was doing. She was here to advance herself and prove herself, not learn the basics.

Once she had gotten to the arena Yin took a place near the back to observe. She saw some of the others ahd made their way here as well. Of course she could socialize, though where would she begin? Now that she was here it occurred to her that she hadn't really met a lot of people that didn't work for her family, or owned a big corporation, or were politically important. Where on earth did she go from here? Well there was just one more thing that the young girl from China would have to have faith would work out in the end.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Having slept through quite literally the entire bus ride, Haas was one of the last people off the bus, mostly because the driver had the decency to shake the lazy kid awake from his rather nice dream. Something about an entire open grassy field made out of spaghetti. Quickly rushing out of the bus after thanking the driver, Haas smiled as he overlooked the Duel Tower, wiping a bead of sweat from his brow. "Alright! Dueling World, here I come!" he cheered himself on with in his head as he joined the masses to get inside, listening to the instructions, then following the Blue Line down to Arena B.

Feeling energetic after his nap, Haas opted to take the stairs, making a spiraling run down them, sticking to the right side. Despite how many damn floors he had to climb, Haas was still ready to begin, maintaining a jogging pace as he entered the arena. Poking his head up above the crowd on occasion, Haas was excited more than anything. Not being able to use his own deck meant that maybe he could find new ways to think outside the box. Though he wasn't quite sure why people started laughing when some guy picked his deck. Not like he picked something absolutely garbage. Besides, Haas was a firm believer in that funny little saying that people used when they pulled the card that they wanted...something about high-fiving the sky? No, that'd be stupid. Let's Rev It Up? No...he'd have to remember it later.

Regardless, Haas approached the bored-man when it was his turn and gave each structure deck a look over before smiling broadly, holding up his choice. "Zen and Punishment it is then! Thank you very much sir, and I hope you have a nice day." he says with a pleasant tone, before turning on his heel. "Oh, and no pack please." He added, taking his duel disk and strapping it onto his arm, before taking a seat. Opening his box and fiddling with his disk, Haas readied himself for the duels. Looking over his shoulder at someone with a black ponytail, who seemed to be having some trouble. Leaning back to where his bangs were hanging free, Haas says: "Well, you slip your arm into that sleeve there...and then when you're ready to duel, there's a little trigger on the bottom that activates it.", still looking at them from an upside-down angle. Offering an outstretched hand with his duel disk already attached for a handshake, he says: "I'm Haas."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Ammokkx
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Ammokkx ShaDObA TaNOsHiI

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

The tires grinding against the inconsistent, barren landscape before the group of kids was barely audible through all of the loud talking some of the ones did, who knew each other before they enrolled. The loud chatter didn't bother Ethel, who sat properly straight with both of her hands resting on her lap, looking out the window with an almost robotic gaze. She didn't seem to mind the heat compared to almost everyone else, even though she was sweating as much as any other. The hoodie she wore had it's... Well, hood resting comfortable on blue strands of hair belonging to the girl. A lone skyscraper came into view after quite a while of driving, many cheering for the fact there was something in sight. The bus came to a halt a few more minutes after that, everyone eager to get out. Ethel rose from her own seat, using one of the chairs in front of her for support in standing up. Most people had already poured out of the bus, some only remaining to check if they didn't leave anything behind. One particular person caught Ethel's eye, a sleeping boy. Odd how someone could sleep through that racket and heat, but he did...

The schoolgirl stopped pondering soon enough and made her way down and out of the bus herself. The driver had opened the storage for where all luggage was held and students were fumbling to get their bags and suitcases out of there. Ethel waited until the crowd cleared and took her own travelling suitcase out, a pink and yellow flower pattern painted on it. It was also equipped with wheels that wouldn't get stuck in the sand, because of Ethel's weak physique she couldn't exactly carry her luggage all the way into and up the building. She extended the handle and made her way into the building, following behind most other students. Some went with the stairs and most with the elevator which the bluenette managed to just squeeze into as well. The numbers representing the floors they passed started to count... 1... 2...

Eventually the elevator Ethel was on reached it's destination, floor eleven. Because she got in late the girl was one of the first to step out of the elevator, analyzing everyone who had arrived here a few moments before. Some students were already gathered before a teacher who was standing in front of a rack with structure decks and card packs. The cards you'd be getting were dependant on what you chose at the beginning and you weren't allowed to bring your own... Ethel spotted a spot where people left their luggage temporarily, as it'd just get in the way while dueling. The girl delicately rolled her own suitcase near the pile, pressed the handle back into the casing and walked over to the place where everyone was choosing decks. She arrived after a few had already been claimed, then looked over at the remaining ones. A Genex deck caught the girl's eye, but just as she was about to speak up another person, a boy with a loud voice, claimed it. The normally static expression of Ethel changed a little, with a slight downcast of her eyes showing disappointment at not being able to pick it. Genex was the deck she used to learn how to duel and now she wasn't going to be able to use it.

Ethel made a second scan off all the card packs and structure decks, the monotone of the teacher explaining and handing out being muted out over the chatter in the background. Another deck stood out to Ethel. "Justice Counter-Attack!". A robot stood on the cover, stark white and powerful looking. "I... Want Justice Counter-Attack..." the quiet voice rang out. Several people stopped chattering for a moment to let it sink in what she just picked, and some shooting her strange glances. The bluenette was starting to wonder if she did something wrong, but the teacher was already heading over to get it for her. "Card pack?" He asked as he picked it up off of the shelf. Ethel hadn't thought that far ahead yet. There were five possible choices, all lined up. She blurted out "Hidden Arsenal Five" as more of a reflex than an actual choice, but she wouldn't be able to take it back now. Following the teacher's instructions she got her deck, card pack and duel disk and was told to head over to the arena.

Ethel had taken a seat at the top-most row and in the corner, far away from everyone else. She was looking through the cards included in the structure deck, which all seemed to focus on getting rid of light monsters. Once she was able to get a proper glance at every card the girl started shuffling her new deck. The box which came with it she'd already thrown into a nearby trash bin and the academy licensed duel disk she was going to have to use was sitting next to her on another chair. Ethel had never used one of those before. All of the education before this point was done on a table so the device was foreign to her. She'd read about them, yes, but never actually saw one. It looked heavy. After she was done shuffling, she put the cards down next to her for a second. Ethel hadn't looked into her card pack yet, she'd be leaving that for after the placement duels. The duel disk was picked up and put on the girl's arm, her accidentally pressing a button with her thumb which caused the safety strap to wrap itself around her arm. She flinched, but didn't jump. A few blinks signaled Ethel's surprise though it disappeared as fast as it came. Slotting her new deck into the holder and the extra deck into the provided slot Ethel glanced around the room again, scanning the students she was on the bus with a few moments ago once more.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 3 mos ago

A desert and a crowded bus, with no air conditioning is not what is normally seen as hell, but to Vincent it definitely was hell being on a bus full of obnoxious people, with them talking and yelling about being generally rowdy while they were on that long tedious bus journey. All that noise on the bus was nearly enough to drive Vincent to madness but he managed to repress out crying, by reminding himself of what was to be at the end of the trail, and there it came into view. A grand skyscraper that looked as though it touched the heavens themselves was positioned quite startlingly in the middle of a desert without rhyme nor reason. Well probably a reason but Vincent couldn't remember what. Vincent probably should of looked around the bus more but he was to busy trying to keep away from people so he could have his peace and comfort.

The bus had stopped in front of the Duel Tower and Vincent stood up stretching his aching legs, it hurt a little to stand but feeling slow returned. He went to leave his seat to get off the bus but was blocked by the people rushing to be first. "Damn it." Vincent murmured under his breath, receiving a odd look from a stranger as they went to get off the bus. After a majority of the people had gotten of off the bus and the chances of being stuck in the middle of a herd of people had decreased tremendously. Vincent walked off the bus. He was very glad to actually be in open space again, and breathing fresh, although dust filled air, which was much better then the musty air of the bus.

People where already grabbing their luggage from the compartment in the bus and running off towards the Duel tower with smiles on their face's or was it just the rush to get to the air conditioning? Either way Vincent was one of the last ones getting his luggage from the bus, he dragged out his large campers backpack and hauled it onto his shoulders even though it was a heavy burden on his them, it was easier to move around then a suitcase. Vincent began his Walk up to the front door of the Duel Tower, his mind racing with possibility of what structure deck to take, if they all weren't taken already. Vincent shook off that last thought, their would probably be more then enough variety right? Yea they most probably would be since it was a big school it could afford variety. Even so, it did make Vincent quicken his pace.

Upon walking inside of the Duel Tower, he was greeted by one of the staff members who told him the directions of where to go "Just follow the blue line on the wall to Arena B. You will pick up a duel disk and a deck there, and then we will commence your placement duels." The Staff member had said, which kinda annoyed Vincent a little because that meant even more walking with his heavy backpack. Vincent quickly rushed for the stairs, as it seemed the elevator was still ascending at the time.

Now going up 10 flights of stairs is no easy task for someone who's only relatively fit, now combine that with the added burden of carrying a heavy rucksack and the end result is a worn out Vincent whom had after a few minutes running up those flights of stairs like his life depended on it, was panting heavily as he approached the card table, still carrying his backpack.

Vincent's eyes glanced across the rack behind the teacher running the table, looking at all the packs on offer, his eyes momentarily settled on a Spell book Structure deck, but he decided to not go for it, since someone already chirped up behind him for that Structure deck, Vincent's eyes then caught a Ghostrick deck of some kind, but he shrugged that off because his eyes had caught a black and white box in the corner, its name was slightly obscured but Vincent could just about make it out. "I would like Dragons Collide please" Vincent said loudly to the teacher who was handing the structure decks. The teacher looked at him to see whom had said it, before turning around to grab the box, and motioning him to come forward to grab the box, "Card pack?" The teacher asked in a almost monotone voice. Vincent just glanced at the other the card packs and just said one that sounded cool to him. "I'll take Judgement of Light, if that's not to much to ask." Vincent responded, the teacher turned around and grabbed the card pack as well as a academy duel disk. Both of which Vincent took gratefully before looking around for a place to sit down.

It took a few moments to spot a place to rest and a little while to get there but in the end Vincent was sat down with his Structure deck, his card pack, and his Academy given duel disk. and his heavy backpack was off his shoulders giving them some well deserved rest, sliding open Dragons Collide, Vincent placed the card to the side as he had a ganders through the cards he had chosen. His deck seemed to be based around using Light and Deck cards in tandem with each other, it seemed like a fun and interest deck to play. Vincent threw away the box as it wasn't needed anymore, before setting on putting on his duel disk ready for the placement duels. It was a little lighter then it looked but only by a little. Vincent slotted his cards into place in the deck slot, and observed the crowds waiting for the time when the placement duels began.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by OwO
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OwO what's this?

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Rattle, rumble, bump-bump. The bus rolled on and on. During the bus ride, Clementine was, well, insufferable. She accounted for at least 60% of the noise in the bus with her constant jokes and conversations to everyone near her. The more noise the bus made, the more noise Clementine made to be heard. It was like a torture no man should have to endure.

The sweltering heat was beginning to get to her. Towards the end of the trip, her loud voice slowly managed to quiet. This was the second trial, according to Clementine's imagination.

Finally, the bus stopped. Clementine looked out the window and saw the large tower. It was much bigger than anything back home. It was quite amazing. Clementine, being quite close to the front, ended up getting off the bus near last. From there, the bus driver opened up a large compartment and began to pull out bags for the students. Everyone got their bags, with Clementine being almost last (again).

Her bag was unnaturally small. It was only a small handbag. Some students had brought giant suitcases, but Clementine brought barely anything along with her. With her bag, she followed another man who seemed to also be near last. He seemed to know what he was doing.

She followed him to the large elevator which carried the students up and continued to follow him. The new students were all picking out what decks to use, and a pack (if they chose that they wanted it). Clementine, being the intrepid listener she was, didn't know what was even going on. She panicked and did nothing. She did nothing for a rather long time and ended up being the last person to choose their deck. There were only two decks left. One appeared to be a super edgy deck, the only light coming from it was the holographic lines on it, and the other one was had a god-damn Gellenduo on it. Being the intrepid and intelligent duelist that she was, Clementine chose the deck with the sweet-ass Gellenduo on it.

"That one!" Clementine said, her finger pointing to it. The teacher sighed, and handed the one with Gellenduo on it to Clementine. "And any pack?" He said, to which Clementine replied "I have something I want, so Megabox Megatin Megathing 2014!". The man sighed once again, and handed her the pack along with a dueling disk. Clementine was excited. She may get it. She ran off to a secluded corner in the room to open her pack, her hands trembling with excitement.

A look of defeat crossed her face as she didn't get it. She needed it. It was the greatest card in the game. She sighed as she put the cards from the booster pack into her collection. "I guess I'll just use straight vanilla." She said while putting the deck she had gotten into her dueling disk.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VarionusNW
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VarionusNW Nobody In Particular

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Steven sat alone, shuffling through the deck of cards, reading, memorizing, and thinking up combos with every card. Soon, all of the students from the bus had arrived, taking their decks and their seats. Some of the students who had brought luggage had set it in the far corner of the Arena, out of the way, but still a bit annyoing. 'Why didn't they just have it delivered?' Steven though to himself, immediately realizing that most other people didn't have the money to have their luggage privately delivered through a desert.

Suddenly, the intercom turned on, and a set of 4 screens, which hung from the ceiling, 1 visable from each direction, lit up with the words "PLACEMENT DUELS" in bold letters. "Hello students, I am the Headmaster of the school, you may call me Headmaster Preccon. Today, you will have to duel with all of your ability, in order to place in a dorm you are truly worthy of. Though, don't worry about winning or losing, focus on how well you play. Play well, do well, place well. That is the focus of today. Anyway, here are the placement duels, in order of time." As the listed duels came up, pictures of the duelists appeared beside their names.

Steven looked at the duels listed. He was in the third set of duels. Great. He didn't really pay attention to his opponent's name or face. He didn't care. The Headmaster's voice picked back up, after the last duel scrolled off the screen, returning to the boring "PLACEMENT DUELS" screen. "The duels will begin in 10 minutes. Duelists for the first round, you may take your places, greet your opponent's and whatnot. Good Luck students, let the heart of the cards be with you" The old headmaster's voice was no longer audible, and the chatter of students picked up.

Steven looked at the Arena, specifically at arena B1. From where he exited the elevator, he was sitting on the right side of the room, facing the left. He was sort of in the middle of the stands, just about at the line between B1 and B2. B1 was closer to the elevator, and was towards the left of steven's vision, while B2 was on the right of it. The way the arenas were set up, both duelists would be visible from the side, allowing for a more complete view of the field than looking at it from behind one of the duelists could allow for. In the middle of B1, a large "B1" was painted it white on the ground, to help distinguish the arenas. B2 had the same treatment, but with a large "B2" instead, of course.

Steven sat back, and waited for the duels to begin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Megan eagerly looked up from her cards at the sound of someone talking over speakers to see several TVs with the large bold words, "Placement Duels". Curious to see this she watched screens display the duels- and gave a sigh of relief. Perfect, she wasn't starting things off and she didn't have to end things with a bang either. Megan looked at the screen again, Arena B1 against someone named Haas. Well that sounded alright, Megan figured she'd head to B1 just to be prepared and to watch the duel that came before her. That and she really needed to look at her deck some more, the amount of cards was slightly overwhelming for her.

Still viewing through her cards Megan slowly began walking towards B1, maybe she could get some ideas when she watched the duel, or better yet someone would sit next to her that could help her out. Though her steps were a little shaky and she wasn't paying enough attention around her to take note of any other duelists, honestly just the thought of dueling with so many spectators, what if she did terrible? What if she misplayed something obvious? Even worse the voice had said play well, which meant that even if she won she still might not do well. All these thoughts raced through Megan's head as she found a seat in arena B1, in fact she was even beginning to feel a little queasy, so many people watching, waiting for her to fail...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ammokkx
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Ammokkx ShaDObA TaNOsHiI

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Ethel waited patiently for the announcement to come, which wasn't exactly hard to do since it came only a minute or three after she'd finished slotting her deck into the provided duel disk. The bulky thing was rather heavy on her arm, but she seemed to be able to lift it without much trouble. The bluenette looked at the screens hanging from the ceiling, which lit up to show the "Placement Duels" screen. Almost immediately after the principal finished speaking pictures of people flashed across the screen, showing who was up against who. Ethel noticed her own in the second round. She'd lowered her hood in the picture, showing her light blue hair in full instead of half-covered. The girl was up against a rather feminine looking boy, who seemed to be a bit taller judging from the picture. Curiosity got the best of Ethel as her eyes darted across the screen to see who else went up against who.

Ethel's eye caught a glimpse of the sleeping boy on the bus earlier... Did he make it after all? She looked around the room, trying to find the boy. They were helping another guy, attaching their duel disk much like how Ethel had accidentally discovered it herself. How nice of that person. Wasn't the boy he'd been helping supposed to go up and duel someone else though? Ethel curved her lips softly upwards in content, then focused back towards the arenas. On A field two girls had already taken their place and raised their duel disks, about to start dueling. Ethel looked with anticipation at the battle that was about to happen. She'd never seen a live duel before, so she was actually a little excited at the thought which was mirrored in her eyes opening slightly, being more full than their usual half-open mechanical gaze.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Vincent had only been seated for a few minutes checking through all of the cards he had in his deck multiple times before the announcement for who would be dueling who, it was announced by the headmaster of the school, it seemed he would be fighting a girl of some kind. From his experiences looks can be very deceiving but the main question was what kind of deck would she be packing. "Better not be a Satellarknight deck" he thought while looking watching the first two females enter the B1 arena for their placement duels, you could tell that both of them wanted to win with how they where using their decks to the best extent they could muster. Even if they had just received them. If Vincent was to say what he liked most about what he had seen, it was the fact that the monsters where projected in front of his eyes, it looked so realistic but match ended with the one with the fairy deck being triumphant.

Vincent stood up walking his way down to arena B2 in preparation for his match, his dual disk and deck already on his wrist. he wanted to the duel to start and be over with quickly but that doesn't mean it would be devoid of fun. He could see it now, light and dark in near perfect balance. Oh boy was he getting pumped for his match against the light blue haired girl and get the first use out of this Chaos deck. He really couldn't wait.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by OwO
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OwO what's this?

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Smiling once it was his turn, having literally slept through the waiting period. Not because he was bored, but that he was already tired from the stairs, and figured a power-nap would make sure he was at 100% for the duel. Though he did feel somewhat bad that Hayato lost, since by the law of being annoyingly happy and optimistic, Hayato was already the first friend he had here. Whether he liked it or not.

Duel, Megan VS Haas, Clash of Gears and Swords!

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ammokkx
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Ammokkx ShaDObA TaNOsHiI

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Ethel watched on as the two duels in both arenas unfolded. The first to finish was that of the one in arena B2, where she was supposed to go and duel in a little bit. Much later the second duel ended an actually much the same way, one of the two duelists had surrendered their match... The girl double checked her belongings, seeing if the deck was properly secured and the duel disk hadn't been turned on by accident. The girl made her way off of the audience seats and onto the hallway where the duelists go through to reach the arena.

Vincent had watched the second duel from just outside of the arena while he was in preperation for his own duel agains the light blue haired girl, he honestly did not know what to expect from her. Once the match in the arena had ended, he waited for the two duelists in arena to vacate the arena for his match, to bring to close the first round. Double checking his Duel disk, he walked out onto the arena taking a position in one of the player designated zones.

A minute or two after Vincent had taken his spot, a thin and rather pale skinned girl calmly walked onto the designated zone she was supposed to occupy. Ehtel didn't say anything much of anything, really. All she was really doing was drilling holes into Vincent with her cold, mechanical stare. The bluenette took her eyes off of the opponent for a bit and looked at her duel disk, observing every provided slot in order to not get confused later on.

Vincent noticed his opponent staring at him but decided to ignore it, it was probably nerves after all but he couldn't help but feel like this might be a sort of deterrent by his opponent to put him off his game. Well the crowd was already doing that slightly and his opponent was only one girl, not like she could kill him or anything, hopefully he was right, right?

Ethel stretched out her arm, two additional monster and S/T slots revealing themselves from inside the device on her arm. It startled her slightly that seemed to work, but she didn't show it. Holding it out in front of her in the "Ready" position, Ethel waited on her opponent's signal to start.

Vincent decided to copy his opponent by activating his duel disk, and watched as it unfolded almost gracefully in front of his eyes, this is what would project his monsters. "Alright are you ready?" he asked.


Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ostarion
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Ostarion The Skeleton King

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Venwyn Ael

Sat far in the backline of the B2 spectator seats was a mysterious boy. The mysterious boy doing mysterious...things. Well, not really mysterious things. Dressed in a ninja-like garb, the boy was simply sorting through his equipment. Duel Disk, Deck, booster pack. His wispy presence had kept him distant from all of the other students, so much so that they probably wouldn't have been able to recall seeing him on the bus ride - assuming he even used the bus to get here. He probably did use the bus though.

I mean, he wasn't quite going to reach the academy any other way. Still, that wasn't quite important right now.

Several minutes prior...

Despite being such a crowded area before, the room which split into the different arenas was now almost completely empty. Most of the students had picked their Decks and packs (assuming they wanted any) and had already made their way to the various arenas to watch the duels as they unfold, save for a small group of students that weren't too interested in the whole deal. The depressed teacher still remained at the rack though, and would probably wait there for some time; there was always the odd student who had to come in late, and this time was no exception. There was a burst of smoke in one of the corners of the room, and as it dissipated it revealed the mysterious boy - Venwyn Ael. How he had managed to get in like that was a complete mystery. It managed to spook the small group of students, but the teacher was completely unfazed by the entrance; he had seen it all before. Instead, he urged the boy to hurry up and pick a deck.

"Are you going to take a Deck, or...?" His voice trailed off.

However, all the Decks were gone. The wave of students had already taken them. Venwyn was about to comment on the fact, before the teacher sluggishly reached under the booster pack table, pulling out a medium-sized box. The contents of it was a combination of spider webs, actual spiders, and a single, dusty Deck. However, Venwyn was quickly able to discern exactly what Deck that was.


Ignoring the legged-demons and their silk traps, Venwyn reached for the Ghostrick Deck almost immediately. The teacher, still unimpressed by the ordeal, continued to clue Venwyn through the process.

"Booster Pack?"

"...Primal Origin." He said, reaching for the pack as he saw it.

"Duel Disk?"

"...Yeah." Venwyn replied, reaching for the duel disk in turn.

"Excellent." The teacher said, brimming with sarcasm. Of course, Venwyn didn't quite pick up on it, and simply bowed, disappearing in a puff of smoke as quickly as he had arrived.

The teacher pinched the bridge of his nose. These kids were getting weirder each year.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VarionusNW
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VarionusNW Nobody In Particular

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The third duel had just ended. Venwyn had ceased sorting his duel equipment long ago in order to watch the duel. The boy had assessed and watched the moves, plays and monsters, although it didn't really engage him. The highlight of the duel was definitely the anger that one of the duelists were subjected to over the loss. Venwyn hoped that his opponent wouldn't be like that, but then again, it would give him something to take amusement in. Speaking of which, the fourth announcement sounded, calling both Venwyn and Steven to make their way to the B1 duel arena. Following his past methods of getting around the school, the young duelist disappeared in a puff of smoke, leaving the wrapper from opening his card pack behind.

It seemed as though Venwyn had arrived first. He took the time to quickly look over his pack. There were some interesting cards which Venwyn hadn't seen before, but the Ghostrick cards stood out in particular to him, and the boy updated his Deck accordingly. Placing the structure deck in the duel disk, Venwyn awaited Steven's arrival.

Steven had watched the other duels, completely unimpressed by the results. He sighed, placing his duel disk on his arm, as he readied himself for his duel. He knew it would be annoying, given the rather low power level of the decks, but it was also necessary. Steven did not want to get stuck in a dorm that was completely below his skill level.

As Steven stood up, he saw that his opponent had arrived first. This Venwyn character looked ridiculous. Steven almost laughed at him, but decided to hold it back, so that he didn't look like an asshole. As he walked towards arena B1, he took one last look through the deck of cards, and placed it into the duel disk. He made his way to one side of B1, taking his place, and activating the duel disk.

"Hello," Steven said, without even looking at his odd opponent. "Let's get this over with quickly, shall we?"

"Fair enough," Venwyn replied, activating his duel disk in response. He outstretched his arm as the device came to life, unfolding and setting itself with a few clicks.

"Want to go first?" He asked.

"Sure" Steven drew his hand of 5 cards as the duel began.

((Collab post with Ostarion.))
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Satoshi Kyou
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Satoshi Kyou The Knight of The Frozen Lance

Member Seen 15 days ago

Hayato just finished one last conversation with Clementine and decided to look for the young man he talked to earlier.
Finding him ready to take a nap merely tapping his shoulder to make sure he doesn't nod of. Before Hayato said anything he took out his now opened card pack "Did i catch you at the wrong time? Wait... What was your name again?" Hayato scratched his head, struggling to find a new subject to talk about.
Hayato never had a chance to talk to other people other than his parents, and decided to say the first thing that came up in his head "Using a duel disk for the first time is interesting..." Hayato paused for a couple seconds and remembered the moments he was attacked "but terrifying at the same time..." Hayato took off his Duel Disk to inspect it a little more "wouldn't you agree?" he said attempting to put a card on his now disabled duel disk to see what it would look like if it wasn't on
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