A few hours later...
Sonomachi City - Dangeki Cosplay Café

A couple walked through the streets of the City's downtown, already bathed in red hues by the early evening. After a little while, they stopped in front of a neat looking building, the words [Dangeki Cosplay Café Club] were written in a charming signboard that hang out from it's eave.
"Is this the place?" The girl asked the man.
"Yes, it's. Dangeki Cosplay Café Club, on the outside it might look like just one more place for the otaku creeps who live on this city gather around, but in truth it's a Hunters' Association independent joint, run by a number of Chasers, both human and Liner Youkai." The man answered in a matter of fact way as he dropped his cigarette on the ground and stepped on it.
"Yeah, whatever you say, old man. We're just here to do our job anyway, though I think that the real creep here is you." The girl said right before pushing the shop's door open. As expected there were no customers inside at this hour and the staff was either doing small jobs or just slacking around, not that the girl cared for it, by any means.
"Moshi Moshi! Is miss Shiina Gamai somewhere around here? We got a message from Akane Chikage of the Red Cloud Music Store for her." The girl said as she made her way to the counter and sat on one of the fancy looking chairs. "Also, I'd like a café au lait and a strawberry shortcake, please."
"Are you seriously going to stop to eat, we're the middle of work. Do you understand that?" The man said, slightly irritated.
"Yeah, what can I do if I'm hungry? I'm a developing girl you know, my body needs plenty of energy to grow in the proper way." The girl said, ignoring the man. "Plus the smell of this place is just delicious" The girl said as she waited for her order.
"I'll handle it."
In a blur, the girl's desired treats were present in front of her. During normal working hours, such work accuracy wouldn't be so easily seen due to the amount of human customers that visited at that time. But under the cover of darkness, the perfect and elegant maid known only as Shiina Gamai was able to exude her powers a bit more freely. It certianly made late night helpings all the more easier.
"Is there anything else I can assist you with young Mistress?" she asked with a polite tone and neutral expression. "If I may inquire about your message perhaps?"
"She told us to warn you about something bad on the other side. She wasn't too specific, however, she just said that it was like the calm before a storm and that you would know it." The girl said before digging in her treats.
The vampire Youkai allowed a frown to cross her face before simply nodding in acceptance. A message like that from the Soul Stone buyer did not bode well for anyone. It was enough to give Shiina reason to believe that a number of Chasers would have to become involved in this particular case.
"Please inform her then to contact any Chasers near her area and direct them towards the cafe."
"There' more, actually." The man said as the girl was occupied eating. "Miss Chikage also told us to tell you that you should begin by investigating the biker gang know as Yellow Jackets. They are unusually active these last few weeks and their leader, Suzumebachi seem to know of something."
To this, Shiina raised an eye. The Yellow Jackets? Gangs and grouplings of Youkai causing trouble weren't unheard of but the Chasers had usually dealt with the problem before they became any sort of relevant threat to the human world.
"Understood," she said to the main, as diligent as ever. "Before I forget, would you like something yourself, young Master? Some refreshements?"
"I'm alright, I'm not like those cre..." The man began talking before the girl elbowed him in the gut.
"Look at her yes, you idiot. If you value your life don't finish that sentence." The girl said as she motioned her partner to look at Shiina's eyes. The vampire maid was furious for almost being called a creep,though it was kept concealed for the sake of appearance, but the man was too oblivious to notice.
"Aside from the delicate comments from our friend here, I take it that this is all you have to discuss with me young Mistress? Allow me to call forth our allies then," the maid said with a graceful bow before speeding off to the back of the cafe.
Hidden from the eyes of commonfolk was a wide assortment of rooms and other goodies reserved for the Chasers. But for now, Shiina dashed over to installed PA system and began to play a pre-recorded set of sounds. Only the trained ears of a Chaser could distinguish the noise from the regular dronings of the night atmosphere. Done with her task, the vampiric maid moved back to her position at the front counter.
Now it was time to wait for the others.