The powerful always fear the weak rising to contest them and such was as much the case with Uzushiogakure and the Alliance of three. As the remote Uzushiogakure began to tamper with powers which ought be left alone, Leaf, Stone, and Mist sent spies to live in their midst.
Unaware, the shinobi of Whirlpool continued their work, using their mastery of fuinjutsu, they harnessed the power of not one, but two tailed beasts giving them access to a power which could scare any man, be they kage or otherwise. However their power was short lived as Leaf, Mist, and Stone grew leery of Whirlpool's actions and drew together in an alliance. While rough around the edges, the alliance managed first to isolate Whirlpool, before mustering their strongest forces: The ANBU, Explosion Corps, and Seven Swordsman respectively. Once gathered, the insurrection began, spearheaded by the Kage themselves, left in their wake were only the desecrated ruins of a village and a fragmented people.
The knowledge of Uzushiogakure's work was rendered lost, but the alliance was yet to be placated. First each village took claim of a region: Stone the North; Leaf the East; and Mist to the West. Therein they established bases within their regions, allowing them access to the remains of Whirlpool. From there they could guide its people and make certain that no vestiges of their work survived.
As the alliance's purpose becomes less clear, so too does its stability slowly wear away. Nonetheless, the alliance has yet to break, having survived a year. It is at this point that our story begins, namely with the deployment of new shinobi to their respective territories as a show of trust in their fellow men. While the front is dangerous, their encampments plagued by the rogue shinobi who remain after Whirlpool's demise.
While some seasoned shinobi remain on the front lines, most have retreated to their village's territories to be utilized, allegedly, for more pressing matters. As such, genin and chuunin primarily man the outposts of the fallen Whirlpool.
With much time, and thus many tribulations ahead, who is to say whom is friend or foe and who is to say that Whirlpool's destruction was ever justified at all? Or perhaps the question is, what did the people of Uzushiogakure truly do to earn such a violent response?
Regardless, with rogues and vagabonds aplenty and reinforcements few, it falls upon the shoulders of the young and untested to deal with the consequences of their villages' actions. How will you bear that responsibility?
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