She could hear voices and the supportive hold of someone keeping her up. Time passed, but what is time in Nowhere? Time is nothing. A burden; that's what she was. How could she be so selfish? Must wake up and lift the weight off of this poor person! Can't wake up. It was a cold hard surface. It offered no comfort nor warmth. Not quite sure how she had gotten to where she was currently sitting, the first object that hazed into view was her amulet dangling from a shiny chain. The essence was just about full by now. 'How long had I been out?', she questioned herself internally. It must've been rather extensive given the amount of energy she had refueled both to her own physical body and within the glass compartment of her power source.
A cool atmosphere constantly radiated at her left side which could not be felt on the other. Wondering what the source of the temperature change was, she slowly turned her head. It was none other than Hakuren, the Ice King. Jasper began to involuntarily shudder, not quite sure if it was from the chilly sensations naturally emanating from him or because of the sudden alarm and fear she felt from him being so close. The cause was more than likely, both. His presence intimidates and mocks her without him even doing a thing. She'd perceived him as 'that type' from their very first meeting and ever since, her perception had been proven correct over and over again. Because of this, a true unease always resonates in her whenever he comes into the picture.
Suddenly she didn't feel as cold anymore as she began to get all anxious, her eyes still focused on just his hand, she dared not look at his face. But she was most certainly hoping he was asleep.
Badump. Badump. Badump. The beating of her heart pulsed in the back of her hearing capacity, speeding up at every passing second. Heat warmed her skin up, clashing with his icy climate and as a result condensation formed on the surface of her arm; mixing with the few driblets of sweat that had already begun to form there.
'Please be asleep. Please be asleep. Please be asleep.' The chanting prayer replayed in her mind like a broken record, her entire confidence counting on the omniscient ones to grant it. Cautiously, she tilted her body to the opposite side from where he sat as she initiated her escape. Her back was sliding along the rocky terrain of the cave surface as she now proceeded to add some bum scooching action away from the hopefully slumbering Haku, but her actions, which had merely started, was immediately frozen(pun intended) when the male spoke up.
“Thanks for the heal, Bear-chan~” he spoke mildly.
“You did me a favor twice. I’m indebted to you. Would you like another light one in return? I was as gentlemanly as possible the first time, but I can definitely give you some ~special service~ now that we’re in the dark and out of danger.”His tone opened up as a solid appreciation and gratification for what she had done for him during the battles they had fought, but eventually the casual tone sunk lower into a grey zone that she had never heard before. It was the adult section... *cough*. Terms like flirt, make-out, or sex were laughably non-existent in her unexposed brain. So innocent and pure, almost as clean as slate as she had been born with. This time she finally forced herself to make eye contact with him, swallowing her saliva dryly before responding to his 'special' offer. "Uh-ahem..wh-what k-k-k-kind of service?" she questioned faintheartedly.
"How are you holding up?"As usual, the savior she could always count on no matter what the situation. Whether it be in the arena or a damp cave beside a
creeper person she wasn't at all comfortable with, Harper had always been the one to swoop in and save her day. Almost coughing as she realized she hadn't been breathing normally the entire time she had found out who was sitting beside her, Jasper breathed a handful of much needed oxygen while the two boys exchanged words. She couldn't believe how focused she had been on getting away from him that she hadn't even taken the time to actually survey the area to find that at some point in her unconsciousness, the two groups had reunited without her even knowing it. Glancing around, she was glad to see that everyone had made it and were alive, maybe not in their best condition, but they were still fully functioning.
"RAWRRRR!!!"Before she even had time to react, the guides were skittering around gathering all the humans and herding them into the protected area behind two giant boulders. Surprisingly everyone seemed to have made it, but her judgement was quickly slashed by a red 'X' when not far from where they were currently taking cover lay a mass of pink hair; it could only belong to one person, Lesley. Her eyes widened in alarm as she took one step toward him, but thought otherwise. Hands snaking up to cover her mouth in case the dragon picked up on the whisper, "Oh my g-". Laughter and comments of disbelief tied with an overjoyed relaxing of nerves interrupted her panic. But the impromptu flip in aura only served to make the poor albino freak out even more. Looking side to side in unnerving confusion, her search ended smack dab on the origin of the amusement; it was a fluffy puffball, otherwise known as the dragon.
Shock. That's all it was. That's all that sparked into her brain. A peep, not a single peep of giggling escaped her throat. 'What the... it's the cutest thing I've ever seen... that can't be the dragon.. bu-buh-but the roar. That couldn't have been from...' Jasper was shaking her head rapidly, her suspicions were validated as she watched the little creature attempt to growl at them, but only managing to look even more adorable than it already was.
A Dragon's Laugh was the next thing on the list and most of them had already started on trying to figure out what they could do to achieve it. Tickling and a round of tag where they purposely fell and hurt themselves was suggested. Cringing, her own thoughts mocked her as she knew that she was probably capable of falling even without it being planned out and on purpose. In fact, that part was probably an automatic given.
Inadi was taking the situation into his own hands as he neared the puffball which was currently curled up among the coral hued mound of Lesley's head. Tickling it was. A quick and easy choice. Probably one of the most common and well-known ways in entertaining children. It's an act so universally recognized, it would be a reasonable prediction that Nowhere applied to this understanding. Unfortunately, his plans didn't look to be turning out as they'd all hoped as the baby cloud dodged the lad's every effort to grab him/her.
“Alright you little pest! No more mister nice guy! You are going to get tickled at that is final!”Jasper gasped and instantaneously flushed red in the cheeks(of the face guys. let us not get too overly perverted.. ahem) upon seeing what he had accidentally
groped grabbed. It was the pink haired man's butt cheek! All of the witnesses expressions almost paired his perfectly as the
disturbed boy got up, wiped his
infected hand on his spear, and tried to unsuccessfully mesh back with the onlookers.
“First, no one is to tell him that anything happened. No need to give him ideas. Second, let's go with Haku's idea. Surely there has to be a game the dragon would like to play.”'Wow. He handles situations so calmly' she observed, yet his red face and far-off voice gave his discomfort away.
"Inadi and Lesley sitting in a tree~ Just messing, Inadi, don't worry."
"Inadi, I'm sure that's not the plan."Jasper would never even comment on the scenario that just played out. That sort of stuff is very unsettling to her, especially when the person who had made the
muchwanted mistake was a straight male.
While Inadi dealt with poky comments, the poor baby wasn't really in the mood for any more of their shenanigans as it began to
sniffle. Jasper hated to see anyone cry and she began to wave her hands frantically, "Oh no, no, no. Nuu baby dragon. Don't cry," she scuttled towards it, but she was too late. Rain clouds began to appear within the weather free confines of the cave and simultaneous with it's first outcry, was a flash of lighting followed by a down pour of water and even some snowflakes. The light atmosphere turned sour pretty quickly after that. Harper re-initiated plan B as he offered to begin a game of tag. Meanwhile, a drenched Riley was marching towards her with a grumpy look plastered to her face with Inadi chuckling along at her annoyance. Stepping aside, she didn't want to get in the way of anyone who wasn't in a pleasant state, her peripheral vision catching Harper perform a tumble a little ways from where she stood. Miraculously, it stopped bawling and floated for Inadi and right in front of her eyes, her friends were sent flying down from the toddler's 'magic' words. Inadi's yelps of pain were echoing within the stony hollow and her healing senses perked up immediately.
Running to where the pile of humans were flung, he was already shouting by then with his injured arm fully exposed. The blood and marred flesh caused her to falter in her steps, but this was her duty. Healing was the only thing she was good for in this whole entire trip and she wasn't going to fail them. Crouching down beside him, it looked even worse up close, in fact, it looked brutal. Jasper couldn't help but turn her head away as tears began to well up in the corners of her eyes; sympathizing his condition. She couldn't even begin to imagine how much pain he had felt as he fell, bouncing against the ground until he screeched to a halt. Taking a few calming breaths, she returned her gaze back on his arm, not placing one finger anywhere near it. Gently placing a palm softly to his back to calm him down a bit, she tried to diagnose how much her healing power could do to such severe lacerations.
Wiping her moistened cheeks, her tears were glowing, yet she didn't notice because her eyes were already closed. Trembling hands outstretched, hovering inches from his gashed arm, slowly but surely, peaceful wisps of airy, transparent plumes seeped out from her palm and crawled over his cuts smoothly. It licked at his open wounds, treating it as if it were a porcelain vase on the verge of shattering. If Jasper's eyes had been open, the rips in the skin and flesh were beginning to decrease in size, but by the time she finished, the overall health of his injury wasn't at its full potential. Of course it was ten times better than before, but it still required time to heal completely. Her essence was depleted millimeters off of half way point. 'I'm getting better at healing...' she thought.
"I agree, we should get some rest. I think enough damage has been done for today and I'm sure the baby wouldn't be too happy about being disturbed again." Turning to Inadi, she smiled weakly, "I hope that helps.." Jasper stood up and she took a spot near Lesley just in case the dragon decided to wake up and leave. They couldn't let it get away. A Dragon's Laugh was what they needed and this fluffball was probably the easiest candidate they'd ever stumble upon.