@Renny I'm glad I could help you, even if unintentional! I don't think any method of thinking about characters is the best, as it comes to us how it comes. Some see the face before the name or the attitude before the appearance--what matters is that they're seeing something. Your decision to focus on your character as a Ranger before the person they were before isn't wrong. Like I said, we're all most excited about something; in some cases it's the powers themselves, and for others its how the characters themselves will be tested. And as to what you said about not digging deep until you post with them, that's perfectly fine. The creative process for building characters can and will sometimes differ from others, no shame in it.
The most I know of my character's desire to be a Ranger is not out of fun or some sense of justice, but just desperation. She wants to free everyone and then return to her life as before, but how ProPro handles the story progression and how she interacts with other characters will either encourage her to consider them a team, or just think of all this as a temporary occupation, until they've pushed the enemy back far enough that she can walk away and trust everyone else to finish it. She can be more social with the group or more antisocial, depending on the mannerisms and habits of each. Basically, characters--people--they evolve, and it's exciting to get back into a group style roleplay after so long doing 1x1's.
So, should I get accepted, and should my personal hype not die before this starts, I'm eager to see how things unfold and what the decisions will be for my character.