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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 17 days ago

Ravi King

Ravi found himself constantly tipping into the throttle of his "2000 BMW Z3 Roadster", just to listen to the engine's song and quickly became annoyed by other cars on the road that kept getting in his way.  From acceleration to braking to cornering, his blue colored rocket produced enough G-forces when in 4th gear to train astronauts for their next space mission.

Despite his mother warnings to drive slowly and safely, Ravi stayed right on the edge of speeding, he knew this $9000 car like the back of his hand, while there is plenty of power on tap at any engine speed, this engine is happiest when it is pushed hard. And push hard he did, clocking in at just 80mph for the past 50 miles, and not once did he let up or take a break. Ravi had been driving non stop for the past 2 days, 2 hours had been spent getting to Red Lake, the other 46 hours was used preparing for the trip, despite the fact that sleep nagged at him at every passing moment, the constant purr of his cars engine kept him wide awake, and the thought of drifting into a ravine helped also.

Ravi was soon lost in his own thoughts, and barely missed the sign welcoming him into Red Lake, and reminding him to visit the small towns river. His thoughts quickly drew him back home, back to Brooklyn. His old life in the city was nice, but he was done with that, and to be honest he did not miss it one bit. As he rolled down his window and smoothly slid his car into 3rd, 2nd, and quickly into 1st as he started to enter he residential area of the town. The car's roaring engine could be heard from blocks away, clearly giving away that he had arrived. Ravi passed by Burke's Auto & Repair Shop, making a mental note to return in search for a job. Ravi drove around town, gazing at the Red Lake Cafe as he did, just to get his bearings before he drove along a road that led to the Red Lake River.

Parking in the parking lot not to far from the river. Ravi exited his car, immediately missing the soothing purr of its engine, and stretched his arms and legs, enjoying cleaner Pennsylvania air.

"Not a bad spot to set up camp before going into town." Ravi mumble to himself sleepily before opening his trunk and laying in the back, he was gone in seconds.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Damo021
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Miranda Burke.

Location: Vanessa's Diner.

Interacting with: Kimberly @Anima, Vanessa @BeautifulSnow, Alyysa @Meiyuki, Riley @Nallore and Avalon @smarty0114


When Kim waved at Riley and herself, Miri felt a bit of relief within her that Kim at least seemed to be okay as she apologized to the blonde and spoke of how she caught Kim of guard as she took a seat, So it was the kiss on the cheek, she couldn't tell if she liked it or not but wouldn't push on it, She liked the girl but didn't want to scare her friend away. "It's really good to see you to Kim, I didn't mean to catch you off guard like that, I was worried." She places her hand on Kim's shoulder. " You have nothing to be sorry about okay, I am always here if you need me girl" She smiled as she let the girl get into her fish and chips. The smell making Miri more hungry.

As the girls start mingling again and more customers coming in, Riley took of, saying something about getting her car to go and pick up the RV for tomorrow, was she going to take the girls on a little road trip to get the RV? sure sounded like it and sounded fun reason to get out into the fresh air more. Soon enough though Vanessa had come back from making her chicken salad sandwich and she was looking forward to biting into that and was still blushed a little with a smile at the woman as she then handed over the tea, It was amazing how Ri some how noticed Miri crushing over Nessa. Immediately while the others were talking, Miri had pulled out some money to pay for her meal and drink while Vanessa was of serving another customer that had arrived.

Taking the pen and paper that Vanessa had given her, Miri wrote down on it while the others were mingling, She wrote: 'For you, then wrote her personal cell number down followed by Miri and a couple of kisses, She even wrote a P.S keep the change' underneath before placing the money on top of the paper together with the pen a little further over the side of the counter for Nessa to pick up once she was back behind the counter. Soon enough Miri tucked into her sandwich, enjoying and savouring the taste, Nessa really was good at making something simple taste so good, It was not long after that Riley had returned honking her horn to get the girls attention, Fortunately Miri was only having a sandwich and not a fall blown meal or something and was able to drink down her tea once it was cool enough. luckily she didn't have to eat her food to fast and really enjoyed it.

Finishing up Miri joined with the other girls as they were heading out, She went over to Vanessa for a moment and smiled at the beautiful woman in front of her. " Thank you for the lunch, It was really great..." She blushed a little. "I left you a little something on the counter with the money, See you later" She couldn't help but smile at Nessa for a second before following the other girls outside. "Hey Ri, can I tag along hun?" Miri called out.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Riley Walker

Location: Jake's Café
Interacting With: @Anima's Kimberly Thatcher, @Meiyuki's Alyssa Paige@Damo021's Miranda Burke &@smarty0114's Avalon Jones

Riley watched as Kim, Alyssa, and Avalon all got into her car she smiled at her group of friends and then shortly after that Miranda came up to the car and smiled at her friend and nodded. "Of course you can lovely get inside!" Riley said with a bright smile, once Miranda had gotten into her car Riley pulled out of Jake's café she saw another pretty expensive car drive by as it parked where she had just left. The drive was about fifteen minutes outside of town, the RV belonged to the William Ryder an older man who was a good friend to her mother and father. As Riley parked the car outside of the driveway of William's house Riley got out her feet landing in the rock driveway she looked to her group of friends and smiled at them. "Shouldn't take long i'm leaving the car here and i'll be back for it when the trip is done." Riley said as she headed up towards the front porch and knocked on the door.

There was a bark at the door as a wiener dog started barking an older man who was rather pudgy looking opened it and smiled at Riley. "Hey there Riley, i'm assuming your here for the RV?" Riley smiled softly and nodded towards him. "Yep we are." Riley said as the old man reached over and handed Riley the set of keys to the RV. "Make sure shes filled up when your done with her." He said Riley smiled and nodded as she took the keys and handed him her own set of keys. "And you make sure my ride is safe here." Riley said as she gave him a quick hug and turned around and headed for the RV.

Riley waved towards the four girls and smiled at them. "Got what we came here for, lets head back to my place." Riley said with a smile as she unlocked the RV, and the girls got in Riley pulled out of the driveway and drove back towards town parking the RV in front of her house. "Thanks for coming you guys, and i'll see you all tomorrow." Riley said with a smile.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

It is finally the day of the trip, everyone should have already packed up their things and gathered up their camping gear all of you should be excited for the trip right? Some may have not wanted to come some of you may have already signed up for the trip. However little did everyone know that tonight would be the night of the full moon. Of course there was a little mess up on the calendar it is actually today. Tonight is the night of the werewolves where they go out and howl and hunt for the night. The wolf attacks on the livestock around and outside of farms near Red Lake still have continued. There is however one little problem someone from Vanessa's past being the culprit of the recent farm attacks has decided to show up close by the campsite of course no one knows this yet and well he is going to be targeting people tonight..

Riley had spent most of the day shopping at Lamb's Market pretty much spending a weeks worth of pay from working with her father at the BnB, she had spent the time packing up the RV with her camping gear. She had just finished up packing the last bit of her own things into the compartments outside of the RV and leaned herself up against the RV as she took out her phone and sent out a massive text to all of her friends who were actually going on the trip.

'Hey yo you guys text me now or meet up at my place for the trip! We will leave once everyone is here and cant wait to see you all and hang out love you all! <3 Riley :)'

Riley looked over at her father who had came out to see her daughter one last time and smiled to her as he pulled her into a hug, shortly after Riley's mother came out as well and gave her daughter another loving hug. "I hope you have fun sweetie and if you have any problems out there just come straight home okay?" Riley's mother asked with a smile, she remembered hearing about the recent wolf attacks on the farms outside of town and she wanted to make sure that her daughter and friends were actually going to be safe.

Riley smiled as she returned the hug and sighed slightly they all worried about her way to much which actually started to annoy her, but she was happy to be out of the house and be with her friends. "I'll let you know mom okay?" Riley said with a smile as both of her parents nodded as they headed back into the Bed and Breakfast that was their home. Riley watched them go back inside as she leaned herself up against the RV and started to play around on her phone waiting patiently for everyone to come.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The Twins

Interacting with: Sheryl, Riley @Nallore
Location:home then the bnb

Both twins are standing at home with blank expression while Sheryl talks to them. "well boys time for that trip huh? You know what that means before you leave" Sheryl holds out her hand and the twins place money into it. They have to pay her to be able to leave. Really the payment thing started when they both turned down the idea of being models. Will they ever admit that....no. They hate the situation enough.
"good boys now run along and don't trouble your dear parents any longer" both twins nod before grabbing their duffle bags filled with stuff and heading out. Thankfully Phil wasn't around just yet so they only had to put up with Sheryl.

Aron pulls out his phone and let's Riley know through text that they would meet her at her place before they start running.
It takes them a good 20 minutes to run up to Riley and wave at her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Location: The Café
Interacting with: Zach @Undine (via text)

Business was getting a little slow now with all of the people leaving for the big trip. Sophie had, as usual, decided to stay home and work just like she has every year before. In a few hours, night would fall, and Sophie expected nothing less than the people going to get drunk and rowdy. A thought a Charlie hitting on some poor girl crept into Sophie's mind. No doubt he was going to get drunk and get lucky sometime during the trip; he always does and Sophie doubted that he couldn't last more than a day without having sex with some poor, foolish girl. The thought of that made Sophie cringe with disgust. Thank God she was staying home. She'd much rather stay and work overtime than to be stuck with him.

Since business was slow, Sophie decided to take a quick break. She headed to the back and pulled out her phone.

To: Zach
So today's the big day, huh? Have fun and be careful, OK? Don't run into any werewolves while you're gone! Lol ;) See you in a few days! Be safe!

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The rest of the day had been good for Cassandra, dragging the boys along simply to ensure they didn't go home for a few hours more, she brought a lot of snacks and supplies she thought were necessary for the trip, always going with excess, but figuring they would somehow eat it all.

She was just struggling to shove a packet of chips into her backpack when her aunt said she should get going. Hurriedly shoving the chips in, Cassandra buckled the bag up as best she could, throwing it over one shoulder she grabbed her guitar case as well, and the small duffle of clothes, giving her Aunt an one armed hugged, she hurried out.

Laden as she was, Cassandra grabbed the keys to the small, clearly old but well looked after car, and shoved everything into the tight back seat, before leaping into the front seat. Hurriedly sending a message to Riley that she was on her way, Cassandra started the car up with a little bit of a loud engine, with soothed as it warmed.

It didn't take long to get to Riley's, and Cassandra began to extract the backpack of food, bulging that it was a wonder it didn't simply burst, her duffle bag and guitar. Trying to pull it all out, Casaandra ended up usin too much force and when it came out, she stumbled back and fell onto her butt.

Blushing perfusely, she scrambled up and glanced about.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Meiyuki
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Meiyuki I eat cute things

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

A collab. feat. @Nallore and @Anima

"The Sleepover"

Feat Alyssa, Riley, and Kimberly




Before Kimberly could respond to Avalon's response, she heard Riley's car horn telling them to get a move on. Stealing a look outside - then back to the strange woman who radiated ... Strange - she finished up what remained of her plate. She wiped her mouth with a nearby napkin.

Getting up from her seat, she watched as Alyssa went over and introduced herself to the new face. It was surprising. Though Alyssa was the sweetest, passionate talker with herself and Riley, Kimberly didn't think she'd walk up to someone she didn't know and carry on a conversation - albeit brief. Whatever the case, she was a wee bit proud of her. Poking and prodding to socialize could go a long way it seems.

When she was done, Kimberly waited until she walked by and made her way out to Riley's car with her. Before she walked out the door, Kimberly looked back and waved at Vanessa. "Delicious as always! I'll spread the word," she said. "Catch you later Miri!"

As the two walked out Jake's, Kimberly gave Alyssa a little nudge. "I think Avalon's got front seat. Wanna ride back with me?"

"Sure thing." Alyssa made her way over to the waiting car and opened the door, gesturing she grinned. "Ladies first, and I hate the middle seat."

Kimberly dipped her head as she gave her 'the look'. "Why thank you," she said as she slid into the car. She gave Riley a pat on the back. "The Ri mobile! We meet yet again." Looking over at Alyssa, she nodded towards herself. "Come on, Lyssa. We got an RV to nab."

Alyssa climbed in behind her. "I hope this isn't a kidnapping, you've roped me into some crazy stuff, and one of these days I'll refuse...maybe." She grinned as she shut the door behind her. "To adventure! Or whatever really."

Kimberly winked. "To adventure," she said. Looking out the window, she rose an eyebrow. "Oh my god. Miri's coming too? Full house, Ri!"

Riley's house the night before the trip

Riley came into her room seeing both Alyssa and Kim in her room and smiled as she held a large bowl of popcorn she sat down on the floor sliding the bowl over to her two best friends and looked at the two of them. Shortly after they had gotten the RV Riley suggested that they had a sleepover just for fun. "So what should we do tonight?" Riley asked with a smile.

"I dunno." Alyssa offered from her seat on a small cushion. "We could watch a movie, listen to some music and get dancing, go out and teepee the neighborhood." She added the last bit with a grin.

"Maybe some truth or dare? We haven't done that in awhile I guess." Alyssa stretched her arms into the air, something she did while thinking. "I'm down for anything really."

Already dressed in her pajamas - really baggy AVA t-shirt and pajama shorts - Kimberly laid on her stomach. Listening to Alyssa's suggestions, she rubbed her legs together and shrugged. "I'm kinda open for anything too. Truth and Dare sounds fun. Nothing risque though, hmmm?"

Feeling her phone vibrate, she took it from the inside of her shorts and stole a glance. "Oh my god, Morgan!" she said. Her face lit up. "My other half has a new friend! You two know Morgan. Definitely not outgoing, but I still love her."

Riley grabbed a handful of popcorn and looked over towards Alyssa and smiled playfully. "Truth or Dare sounds more like fun to me honestly." She said winking playfully then turned to look at Kim. "Give me details whos Morg hanging out with?" Riley asked.

"Truth or Dare it is then." Alyssa said with a grin. She nabbed her own handful of popcorn. "I wish I had a twin. Instead I got stuck with a little shorty that's cuter and smarter than me." She laughed a bit at that. "Details though."

"Okay T&D after the juicy dets then!" Putting her phone away, Kimberly leaned against her arms. "So, supposedly there's a new girl in town. Alex? So, Morgan doesn't usually make friends. Like, she's not shy. She's just not outgoing. Well, she is but not like us? She's eccentric." Sighing, she took out her phone again. She opened Facebook. "Someone posted a video of them doing a duet. It's. So. Good. Check it!"

Kimberly played the video as she showed her besties.

Riley leaned over Kim's shoulder as she took out her phone seeing the video and listened to the music that Morgan and the new girl Alexandria started to play. She was surpised at how good it was she looked over towards Kim and smiled. "Well i'm glad that Morgan finally has a person to play her music with, they both arent half bad looking either." Riley said as she gently ruffled Kim's hair playfully.

Scoffing playfully, Kimberly nodded. "Don't look nor sound bad at all."

Alyssa leaned on Kimberly a little as she watched. "That's really good actually." She grinned. "Riley, you're starting to sound like grandpa Paige. He keeps asking me when I'll bring home a girl so he can get some eye candy."

Making a shocked expression, she looked at Riley. "Lyssa? Did you just compare Riley to an old dude? Lyssa...!"

"Yup." She joined Kim on the floor, stretching out on her own stomach. "I'm glad Morg's finally got a music buddy. Why wasn't I born with talent?" She laughed. "Oh well, I'll stick to running and training I guess."

Still trying to wipe the smirk off her face, Kimberly was very much aware that Alyssa laid out right next to her. "I'm glad too though. I've been ... worried about her. She's really only talkative with me. Maybe some folks at school but still..." Giving Alyssa 'the look', she shoulder nudged her. "You are talented, missy! Your strong, your cardio's freakin' crazy, and you know how to tumble. Um, fight. That."

Riley looked between the two of them for a moment. "Is Morgan going on the trip as well Kim, or is she sticking out of this one like last year?" Riley asked as she grabbed another handful of popcorn and got up to move over to her mini fridge she had in her room and tossed the two girls some soda. "So should we get on with Truth or Dare?"

Blushing a little at the praise she'd received Alyssa looked up to Riley and grabbed the soda. "Thanks!" She rolled over onto her back, staying as close to Kimmy as she could without being conspicuous. "I'll start us off. Hmm...Kimmy! Truth or Dare?"

Snaggin a soda, Kimberly winked at Riley. "Actually, she's coming this year. I think she'll be driving up with Alex though. She didn't really tell me too much," Kimberly said. She opened the soda and took a drink. Ginger beer was the shizzam. Getting the first question, Kimberly pursed her lips. "Truth!"

"Hmm..." Alyssa thought for a moment. "Who took your first kiss?" Alyssa was sure to be a little jealous, but it was tough coming up with questions, why'd she suggest this game? Was she a masochist?"

Thinking about it, Kimberly nodded her head back and forth. She was sure there was an ulterior motive behind the question. "Honestly? The only kisses I've had were on the cheek," she said. "You know how I dated that one guy way back in the day? He was kind of gross. Didn't do anything."

Kimberly took a sip from her soda again. "Riley! Truth or dare?"

Riley sat down and opened up her can of coke and took a sip of it looking at Kimmy for a moment as she told her truth and remembered the guy very well. "It was Mark or something right? Yeah he was really ugly and fat, I dont know why you let him ask you out." Riley said with a laugh as she sipped her soda and thought for a moment before answering. "Dare."

"Right. Him. Agh. He wasn't fat! He was just ... gross. I don't know. I was young!" Thinking about a dare, Kimberly pursed her lips. It wasn't an easy task at all. She hated coming up with dares. "Hmm ... okay! Call up your crush and tell them your crushin' hard. Go! Too cruel?"

Riley bit her lower lip and instantly turned a bright red at Kim's dare and looked over at her two best friends, she rubbed the back of her neck slightly. "Uhm both of them are here right now.." Riley said softly and then looked at her two best friends.

Alyssa perked up grinning. "Like in the BnB? You gotta just run up and hug them or something! That would be funny!" She sat up laughing a little. "Do it!"

Riley was really red at this point looking at them they were her best friends and she wasnt sure if they felt the same way. "Uhm they are both in this right now." Riley said rather quietly as she started to avoid eye contact with the two of them.

Biting her lip, Kimberly stared intently at Riley's face. She looked at Alyssa. "I ... don't think Ri means, like, the guests," she said. "Um, Do their names begin with a A and a K?"

Alyssa's eyes widened. "Huh? Us? What?" To say Alyssa was dumbfounded would be an understatement, she'd never had someone have a crush on her. Never had a girlfriend, and certainly never had both happen at the same time. "But uh? We're um...I...uh...I...Thanks?"

"I'm sorry, I'm...happy I guess, but I don't know what to say?" Alyssa covered her face which was now beat red.

Riley nodded slightly at Kim to answer her own question she quickly turned around her heart was beating heavily. "Just.. forget what I just said, its stupid.." Riley said as she stood up and headed towards the bathroom. "I'll be back in a bit.."

Still a little dumbstruck, Kimberly had no idea whatsoever that Riley swung for the same team. She always thought she was straight. Maybe a little curious? God, she didn't know. Even Kimberly was questioning her view on things. She wanted to come out, but she couldn't. Not yet.

When Riley got to her feet and made her way to the bathroom, Kimberly looked at her. "Riley wait!" Putting her soda on a nearby table, she hopped to her feet. Quickly closing the distance to Riley, she turned her around and brought her back to the circle. "Sorry ... it just took me by surprise. Come on. Sit down. I'm sorry. That was a really stupid question!"

Riley was turned around and faced Kim fighting back her own tears she started to feel slightly awkward she wasnt sure what to say or do even. Riley looked right into Kim's eyes for a few seconds and nodded slowly as she started to head back to her room and sat down on her bed looking at Kim and then Alyssa. "Its stupid for me to have even answered that, the two of you are my best friends.." Riley said as she bit her lower lip and sighed slightly.

Settling next to Riley, Kimberly comforted her as she stole a glance at Alyssa. She frowned. "The very best of friends, Ri Ri," she said. "What you just said ain't going to change that. Though I'm flattered. I sure bet Alyssa is too, right Lys?"

"Right!" Alyssa had finally gotten herself back together. It was time to comfort her best friend, that she could at least understand. "No way in hell I would've gone for that dare, the balls girl, the balls." She laughed as she mimed herself holding what would have indeed been a very large set of testicles.

"This doesn't change anything ok?" She took a quick glance at Kimmy. "We're still thick as thieves and all that ok?"

Riley looked between both Alyssa and Kim she smiled at the two of them, she was happy that it didnt change anything between their friendship. She laughed softly at Alyssa's comment as she wrapped her arms around both of her friends and sighed softly. "Thanks you guys." Riley said with a smile and looked over towards the clock seeing that it was getting rather late now. "Lets just call it a night now."

Giving Riley a gentle squeeze, Kimberly walked over to her bag. "Right after I brush my pearly whites." Pointing her toothbrush at Riley, she rose an eyebrow. "As my way of saying sorry, I will make you the purfect smore. It'll be gooey, yummy goodness. That's a promise you can take to the bank."

Alyssa stood and toss on her small jacket. Her pajamas where her yoga pants and workout shirt already. "I'm gonna run off some of this nervous energy and I'll be right back." She grinned at Riley. "I've got quite the surprise packed for the trip, no spoilers, but I promise you'll love it."

She slipped out the backdoor and headed down the trail. By the time she arrived back her mind was calm and happy again.

Kimberly was up early as she helped Riley pack up the RV as well as do some shopping. Picking up special smore ingredients while they were at the store, Kimberly was dead set on making things right by Riley. This is why she never suggested truth and dare. She asked really crappy questions instead of fun ones. She was such a buzzkill.

With everything done, and waiting for the others to arrive, Kimberly was checking her bags again to make sure she didn't forget anything. She made a checklist when she left home for the sleep over. Everything on the list was in her bag. It was time to relax and chill.

With Riley still outside, she checked for one last thing before she'd head out. The trip was finally about to start.

Alyssa had gotten up at the crack of dawn, like always. She took off for her morning run. It was a touch chilly in the early morning light, but she didn't mind. Her morning run was like a meditative experience for her, her thoughts dissolving into the back ground of the sure rhythm of her soles slapping the pavement. Riley had said she was crushing on her and Kimmy. Kimmy was gay. Kimmy was her girlfriend now. That was easy enough right?

She stopped by her house to bid her little sister Emily farewell before taking off on the trip. She also grabbed a shower and changed into yet another ensemble composed of, you guessed it, yoga pants and a workout top. Alyssa relaxed as she walked back to Riley's place and the waiting RV. By the time she'd arrived the sun was well over the trees and Riley was waiting outside. "You ready? I sure am."

She headed inside to gather her things.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vannesa Von Strong

Location: Her apartment, then Riley's B&B

Interaction with: Miranda by text @Damo021 and with Riley + parents first by text then at the BnB @Nallore


Vanessa woke up early, yesterday had been a great day at the dinner and later that night after closing it up, she had placed a board behind the window that she was gone for the weekend. Now she was packing her stuff for the trip. She didn't need much and would be done in a bit. She grabbed her phone of the charger and looked at the paper that fell on the ground.. It was the small piece of paper that Miranda had written for her, with the phone number of the girl.

Vanessa picked it up, she had not texted the girl yet but she knew that she would. So she better did it now or she would really forget it and Miranda sure had grown into a awesome young women. She just started a text when she received one from Riley. She smiled and first texted her back.

'Don't shock me with your sudden texting Sis~! Anyways, I will be there in a bit. Will drive with my own car though so if you need extra space, you got it ;) X V.

Once she hit send, she went back to her text for Miranda.

'Morning Miranda, thank you for your number. I like those rosy cheeks on you, so.. Don't forget to take them with you on the trip Xx Vanessa.'

Before she would send this text, she checked it first like three times and then hit the send button. Damn.. Did she really just do a attempt on flirting with Miranda? She smiled and shove her phone into the pocket of her short. Vanessa had gone for a nice summer outfit and wore her curly hair loose. She grabbed the tent she had and smiled. She owned a family tent which meant that if people would forget theirs, she could place at least three others in hers. She then checked everything one last time and then plugged in her earphones and putted some music on her mp3 player and walked downstairs with everything at once.

Her car stood in front of the dinner and she placed the things down before opening the door. Inside she could be as strong as she actually was but outside she couldn't. Everyone would think that she was weird as she had a very normaly body build. She filled her car with the things she took along and then sat down, she woke the thing up and drove to Rileys place.

It was a five minute drive and so she parked in front of the BnB and got out of her car. ''Good morning!'' she said to Sarah and smiled. Vanessa and Sarah, Rileys mom, had been friends ever since they met. Vanessa hugged Sarah and then shook Seth's hand. ''Don't worry Sarah, I will look after them and I got enough experience with camping in the wild nature'' she said. She raised a hand and placed it above her eyes to have a better look at the RV. She then looked at Riley, Alyssa and Kimberly and smiled. ''Riley, are you sick? It's before 10 am and you are up!'' she said, joking a little. Riley, and everyone else, could see the tattoo she had and always hided carefully now for the first time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
Avatar of Lord Zee

Lord Zee I lost the game

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Location: Billy's House
Time: 4:00pm
Interacting through text With: Riley @Nallore, Charlie@Smarty0114

After his nap yesterday, which lasted until about six, Billy had an uneventful night. The only thing he did was sit at his desk and stare blankly at the wall behind it. That went on for about a good couple of hours before his parents brought him some food and told him that they were going to go bring Emily home the next day. The funeral would be someday next week, probably Tuesday, at the latest Wednesday. Billy, with red eyes, simply nodded his approval. His mom gave him a hug in return and he hugged her back tightly.

After that, he stayed up until around two am before falling into a nightmare. All he could remember when he woke up was the snarling of fangs and cold red eyes. He did not sleep well after that.

He woke up around twelve, drained and tired. Up until four, he repeated the process of sitting at his desk and staring blankly at the wall. Then, his phone vibrated on his desk. He hesitated, did someone already know? Were they already sending him condolences? He opened the phone, and frowned.

That was right, the trip was today. He scanned the room until he found where his bags were, already packed and ready to go. The trip to the lake was something he always looked forward too but now, he had no will to go.

To: Riley
Hey Riley, I'm not going to be able to make it this year. Sorry for the short notice but something came up. Hope you guys have fun!

He hit send and then scrolled till he found Charlie's name. He should probably tell him what was going on. Then he realized, that it was a bad idea. He knew Charlie, and he would come straight to his house if he knew what happened. Billy knew he could not tell him, not yet. He would wait till he got back from the trip, why ruin Charlie's happiness for a him? It was extremely selfish and Billy could not bring himself to tell him that.

To: Charlie
Hey bud, I've already told Riley but I'm not going on the trip this year. Something came up family wise and I'm needed here. I just thought I would let you know beforehand but I guess it's sorta short notice. Anyways! Have a fun time and remember, No glove, no love!

He smiled at that one, then placed his phone back on his desk. His stomach gave a soft growl, he was hungry. It was probably time to take a shower and get around anyways. He couldn't be like this forever, no, he needed some fresh air.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zhaliora
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Zhaliora Fallen Angel

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Patricia Isaac

Location: Pat's apartment then Riley's B&B

@Nallore Seth and Sarah

It was late morning and Pat was still up and about, at least barely. Today was an awful day for her. Not only was she drunk off her arse, but today was her birthday. The proud day she turns 30. Less than a year ago she thought she would be married by her 30th birthday. That was her plan at least. Married to the man of her life.

She took another swig from her bottle. "Alone on my birthday.....woo..fucking...hoo..." She wondered what her mother would say to her now. Probably something in the lines of told you so. I told you that man was no good. I told you he'd break your heart. "Well thank you mom!" she shouted into the air with a slurred voice.

Pat started sobbing as she was feeling lonely. She just wanted someone to love, someone to share her life with. Pat groaned as the alcohol was doing it's dirty work on her body. She was feeling quite bad, sick. She had never been this drunk before.

She was also hungry, like, really hungry. She knew that she would not be able to make anything herself and got up from her seat and walked out the door on stumbling legs. She started walking towards the closest place where she could pick up some food while being dressed in her casual clothes.

As Pat walked she grew more and more sober as her legs started carrying her. It did not remove her headache or dizziness though, and her hunger grew further. "Riley's.....that'll have to do...the kids should be out for their trip now anyway..." she said to no one particular.

"Shit..." The kids were still here... Well, too late now... She smiled at the teens before slowly opening the doors "Hai Sarah, Seth. Would you mind making me some of your delicious breakfast? Anything will do, as long as extra strong coffee is included." Pat had a haggard look about her as she sat down and held her head in her hands. She wanted this day to be other with already, but she had work to do. School was soon going to start again. This was her last week of free time before she had to start working again.

Soon it was time for meetings with staff, new employees, new rules, learning new textbooks and more. While she did look forwards to it, this bit of time off had been nice as well. Pat turned her gaze towards the teens and smiled softly. It was nice being young...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Riley Walker

Interacting With:@Zhaliora's Patricia (Riley's parents) @Lord Zee's Billy (Via Text)@BeautifulSnow's Vanessa @Meiyuki's Alyssa @Anima's Kimberly & @BlackPanther's The Twins

Riley looked over towards Kimberly she was happy and grateful that she helped out and they were still friends even after the confession that she had told both Kimberly and Alyssa last night. Then Alyssa came over finally after her usual daily morning run she couldn't help but grin she quickly nodded at Alyssa and gave Kimberly and Alyssa a loving hug. "Of course I always look forward to our trip every year and looks like we have a lot of people coming this year." Riley said as she felt her phone vibrate and reached out for it to see that it was a text from Billy she was surprised that he wasn't going to be going this year and texted him back.

"I hope that everything is alright and if you need to talk to me you got my number, and I totally understand."

Riley then hit send and looked towards the two girls. "Well looks like that Billy isn't coming this year sadly." Riley said and then caught movement in the corner of her eye and saw that the Brooks twins were there and smiled at the two of them. "Well good morning you guys how are the two of you doing?" Riley asked with a smile. Then shortly after that Riley saw Cassandra and smiled to her friend and went over quickly to help her gather her things and pulled her into a hug as well. "Good morning Cass!" She saw her friend with her guitar and knew that her friend would most likely playing some music for everyone.

Then came Vanessa she didn't even realize that she was in the house Riley had spent the last hour shopping and putting things up into the RV, she was wearing a rather cute she also could see a tattoo which she had never seen Vanessa have before and started to wonder where she actually had gotten it and when and quickly approached her friend and pulled her into a hug. Riley laughed softly and shook her head at Vanessa's comment. "Well I had to get up early so all of these little munchkins could eat. When did you get a tattoo never thought you would be the kind of person to get one?" Riley asked with a laugh. Then she saw Miss. Isaac who looked like she was slightly drunk and stumbled into the BnB

Sarah was about to finish her own breakfast and get ready for her shift at work at the hospital she saw Riley's teacher coming in and then looked at her and then Seth. "I'll let you deal with this hun I gotta go now." Sarah said with a soft smile and kissed Seth on the cheek. Seth smiled and nodded as he looked to Patricia and nodded towards her. "Sure thing Pat one breakfast coming up." Seth said as he quickly went to work on making Patricia her breakfast.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Meiyuki
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Meiyuki I eat cute things

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Alyssa Paige

Location: Riley's House
Interacting with: @Nallore Riley, @Blackpanther Brooks twins, @BeautifulSnow Vanessa, and @Anima Kimberly.

Alyssa briefly hugged Riley and lingered over her hug with Kimmy a touch. Grinning she began checking her bag to ensure everything was ready. She had a brilliant plan. Last year she spotted a tree that would be perfect to hang a swing from, and swing into the water. The damn thing was huge though. So she'd scraped together some cash to get one of those grappling crossbow thingys she was always seeing hunters use. With that she should be able to climb up there relatively easily and get a rope tied off.

Her little sister Emily thought it was stupid, and that she'd break her neck. Alyssa thought it would be fun though, her little addition to the annual celebration. She had more to celebrate this year than most. She was going into her senior year, with most of the bullies graduating ahead of her, she'd placed at nationals for track last year and was looking to go farther this year, and she had a girlfriend now.

She turned to Riley and Kimmy lightly blushing. "I packed a tent this year, It was a little crowded in the RV last year. It uh...has room for two if anyone wants to join me under the stars." She turned away from them before turning completely red.

Alyssa's grin was near unassailable at this point, in this moment at least. She listened to the conversations going on around her, her friends happily chatting with one another. Vanessa evidently had a tattoo, that was cool. "You didn't know Riley? Vanessa's in a gang now, it's pretty hardcore stuff." She joked grinning.

She spotted Aron and Gage jogging up. "Looking good you two, I was worried you might get a little soft without me around." She walked over towards them and gave each of them a playful shoulder punch. "You excited yet?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Anima
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kimberly Thatcher

Location: Riley's RV
Interacting with: Alyssa @Meiyuki, Riley @Nallore, Gage and Aron @BlackPanther

Seeing Alyssa finally returned from her morning run, Kimberly smiled at her. She wanted to go along with. Get her workout in. She was already feeling the withdrawal from not sticking to her routine, but she didn't want to leave Riley doing all the work. Especially not after their little game of Truth & Dare last night. It hurt that she didn't tell Riley about Alyssa and herself. It wasn't that she didn't want to tell her. Kimberly just didn't want it getting out yet. Loose lips sank ships. She could imagine her parents hearing about it. It would be Hell on Earth.

Finally done checking her bags, she returned Alyssa's hug. Hearing her comment about the tent, Kimberly gave her the briefest of winks. "Dibs," she said. "Unless you wanted to bunk with someone else?"

Turning back to Riley, she placed a hand on her shoulder. "Hey. Thanks for setting all this up. Lots of work," she said. "It'll be fun this year. I can feel it. It'll be different too. I don't know why, but I got this feeling."

Catching someone out the corner of her eye, Kimberly pointed towards her favorite twins. "Gotta go say hi!" Walking towards Gage and Aron, Kimberly noticed Alyssa was already talking to them. Giving her an ever so subtle shoulder bump, she beamed up at Aron. "Oh my god! Aron!" Pulling her favorite male bestie into her arms, she soon enough let go. She waved at Gage. "Heya. You two excited to get moving? Live it up before that terrible thing called school starts. By the way! Aron. Morgan's coming! I was so surprised when I got the text."

She looked at the three. A brown eyebrow arched up. "This ain't going to turn into a bro brawl will it?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Cassandra smiled at Riley, but was notified someone had seen her fall back. "Morning, Riley!" She said, trying to sound easy and like she hadn't just failed at getting something out the car. "Thanks for the help" Cassandra returned the hug, and managed to put her backpack on over one shoulder without further embarrassment.

She heard Alyssa speak about a tent, and cursed herself. She'd left her tent back home, probably in the utility closet, and sighed. She hoped it would be warm enough to simply sleep outside without a tent. She had her sleeping bag, and there was sure to be a fire if it was cool. Cassandra loved to simply be outdoors, and being in the RV, with everyone else, would just make her feel uneasy.

Plus she sleep talked sometimes, and she didn't want to accidentally reveal hidden attractions. Setting her stuff down so she didn't have to carry it while they waited to go. She wanted to go greet Aron and Gage, but they seemed to already have others doing so. She knew she should try and interact with everyone, but it wasn't easy. She sighed, and instead knelt to check that the backpack wasn't about to spew food everywhere.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The Twins

Interacting with: @Anima Kim, @Meiyuki Alyssa, @Nallore Riley (not in that order)

The twins nod to Riley. "great thanks" they both look at each other before looking back to talk more to Riley, but her attention was pulled away by others. They both put down their duffle bags, finding that they are already fed up with carrying them.

They focus is quickly pulled to Alyssa who they roll their eyes at. "soft us? Never.....as for excited. Of course." Aron pairs the statement with a grin before turning to his best friend. "Hey!"
While the two hug Gage looks over at Alyssa and shrugs. The embrace ends and Aron beams at Kim. "Morgan no way that's awesome"

The two look at each other at the mention of a bro fight and shake their heads. "No bro fights this year" he chuckles. Aron gives an eye roll.

"because I would totally kick his ass" the two seem in really good moods. They really are excited, it's easy to tell by their smiles and restlessness.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by lydyn
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lydyn Meow!~

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Location: Red Lake Camp Site
Interacting With: No One
Date: August 2nd, 10 AM

It had only been a week since she had moved into the area. She had actually straight-up bought an abandoned house on the edge of town that no one had lived in for ages. Of course it needed some touching up to do, but surprising it had stood the test of time for being an older house - at least enough that it had passed code in order for her to buy and live in it. Honestly, it wasn't so bad and she spent the first week setting up her utilities, internet, all the adulting that needed to be done to get it all running. She even made sure her gaming desktop had been set up properly in her bedroom, decor sprawled across the rooms (as much as she owned) and went about carving some sigils into the doorways. For a moment, Gloria wondered if she'd be seen as the creepy witch lady on the outskirts of town. 'Damn, didn't think of that,' she thought to herself, groaning softly.

There was no helping it now. Instead, she had decided to take a nice relaxing walk up to the Red Lake, a landmark that had given the town it's namesake. While yes, she heard of the wolf attacks, she felt unusually confident that she would be just fine. It may have been an old tradition for witches to believe in werewolves and vampires, but bringing a bit of wolfsbane definitely made her feel more at ease, even though the attacks were probably more just packs of wolves getting hungry. She reached up to pull back her orange dyed hair into a makeshift ponytail before letting it all go, falling to her shoulders.

Before her was a carefully, almost obsessively drawn circle, with runic symbols carved into the dirt at twelve equally spaced intervals on the inside of it. Truly, it was a bit amazing she was able to keep the wind from blowing all her hard work away, but somehow it endured. Gloria had even picked a spot free from grass, weeds, and flowers as she sat on a blanket she had brought, cross-legged. In her hands she held a red leather journal and a pen, watching the sun for a few moments before seeming to study the circle and making a few notes in the book. Really, even as far as most Wiccans went, it was only a guess as to why she was taking notes on a magical circle. Of course, she knew perfectly well why she was doing it and seemed totally focused on it - though whenever the camping group got there, they'd still notice she wasn't exactly unapproachable either.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Meiyuki
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Meiyuki I eat cute things

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Alyssa Paige

Location: Riley's House
Interacting with: @Nallore Riley, @Blackpanther Brooks twins, @BeautifulSnow Vanessa, and @Anima Kimberly.

"Yes please, no more brofights, I don't really wanna have to break another one of those up." She laughed a little looking between the two. "If you have to fight, fight me, I've been out a sparring partner for awhile anyway." She added with a small wink.

Alyssa turned to Gage. "You up to be my spotter again this year? I'm looking to break records, my times have been dropping for the 10k and hundred meter like crazy." She grinned patting her abdomen. "Gonna have to get serious about weight training before the season starts though."

She turned over to Cassandra who was another member of the Red Lake track team and called out. "Isn't that right Cass!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 17 days ago

Ravi King

Location: Red Lake Camp Site then Red Lake Cafe

Interacting with: @Ace of Flames01's Sophie

Ravi wished he could shut out the terrible sounds. It was not just the fierce wind, which was shrieking through the ship’s rigging; nor was it just the mountainous waves, which were thundering against the sides of the vessel, making her every timber creak and groan. No, far worse to Ravi were the shouts of those on the boats, the captain and his crew, as they struggled to keep the ship afloat as it slowly sunk.

Ravi woke up with a start, bolting upright so quickly
that he unwittingly smashed his forehead into the roof of his cars trunk.

Ravi exhaled slowly as he crawled out of his hatchback and stood alone in the parking lot, gazing at the rivers lazy motions. He did not fear large bodies of water, he could swim even, but he always had dreams like those, it always seemed to come when something bad was going to happen.

He quickly shook off the feeling of dread and uncertainty out of his mind and dragged himself over to the right side of his car were he opened the back door. Reaching inside, he pulled out a black duffle bad filled with his belongings and searched for a change of clothes, which comprised of a thick black and white checkered flannel, a grey undershirt, slim fit blue jeans, and gray and white striped high-top Vans.

Ravi nonchalantly stripped out of his old clothes, and changed into his new outfit, using the side mirror to fix his hair to the best of his ability, his mind wandered back to the dream, trying solve its mysteries. He quickly cursed himself under his breath.

"New place, lets try not to mess thing up to quickly." Ravi mumbled to himself despondently and closed the back door and entered the driver seat of his car. He was instantly comforted, feeling as if he was in his element. Ravi slide the key into the ignition and turned it, causing the engine to roar to life, the song it played soothed him and as he slide into 1st gear, he soon forgot about the dream, the only thing on his mind was food. He needed a good breakfast soon.

Ravi drove through town, minding the speed limit this time. The roar of his cars engine again alerted the towns people to his arrival, but Ravi was not self-conscious about it, he was an outsider anyway, he would act like one. As he drove through town he remembered passing a Cafe the day before, which was what he needed at the moment. He quickly traced his steps back and found it, a small building that read "Red Lake Cafe".

Ravi parked and turned off the ignition, feeling a twinge of regret as he did so. With car keys in hand, Ravi walking into the cafe, surprised to find the place mostly empty, except for one girl who apparently worked there, he found her also surprisingly pretty. She was the first person he had actually seen in this town, and to be honest, he was not disappointed. Ravi took his seat at the counter and greeted her with a genuine smile.

"Good morning, I'm new in town, hope I'm in the right place, looking for good food." Ravi said placing his keys on the counter as he did so.

Start a conversation: Check.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Location: The Café
Interacting with: Ravi @LokiLeo789

Sophie was startled by the sudden, loud roar of a car engine and nearly dropped her phone. A few minutes later, she heard the chimes on the door, informing her that there was a customer. "I guess break time is over..." She thought then hurriedly put her phone away then put on her apron and tied up her hair into a messy bun as she rushed over to greet the new guest. She soon, however, came screeching to a halt and nearly running into the guest in the process. "Eep! Sorry! I nearly ran into you! " She said apologetically and took a step back, then looked up to make eye contact with him. He was extremely tall, even for some guys, to where it was actually intimidating. " Ah... Um.. G-go ahead and take a seat wherever you like. The café is pretty empty right now so it shouldn't really matter where you sit." She told him, slightly embarrassed and nervous for nearly headbutting the tall man.

However, when he smiled at her, she relaxed a bit. He wasn't angry... That's good. Upon further examination of him, Sophie learned that he didn't seem like the kind of person to get angry that easily, nor did he actually look all that indimdating. Quite the contrary, actually. Aside from his great height, he was actually kind of good looking and friendly. "I thought so. I've never seen you here before. What brings you to our quaint little town of Red Lake? Just passing through or on vacation? Though I don't think you'll find much here that would be considered vacation worthy." Sophie replied to him with a friendly and inviting, yet gentle, smile as she follow him behind the corner and handed him a menu. She thenbrought him a glass of water and placed it on the counter in front of him. Sophie pulled out her note pad and pen. "So, would you like to start out with something to drink besides the water? Or should I give you a few minutes to look over the menu and decide everything? " She asked.
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