Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

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"Well, Mao, I might have actually shared some with you if you didn't just take it and scarf it down instantly." The Rabbit gave him the stink eye and a slight pouty face before turning to Mao. "You went and blew it after I tried setting you up too Mao-Chan. Don't scare him too much too soon." Seriously, it's like this Mosquito Girl wanted to push everyone away from her or something. "Anyhow," Usami confindently added, "Kyosuke-san doesn't need a knife, Ryuko-san. If someone threatens him, I'll show them the fearsome power of Rab-Jit-Su! Or Bun-Fu! Maybe Usa-Kwon-Do! And, I guess if all else fails I can pull out Muay-Thai." Really, that sounded like the only real martial art in the list.

The Rabbit-Girl made her way over to Kyosuke and hugged him, disregarding all personal space or bubbly parts of her body. "We're friends now, Kyosuke-san. We won't let anyone eat you. Or kill you. Can't promise you won't get kidnapped, but you won't die or anything from it. We'll save you!" Definitely not the most reassuring thing. . . But it was what it was and she was trying with her bunny brain to help.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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"That was you? I could've died, y'know! He might've killed me 'cause I couldn't run away! Aren't you supposed to be protecting me?!"

Oh, spoiler alert. He was complaining just like she thought he would. Ugh. She had half a mind to shoot him again...on purpose this time.

"And another thing! I'm not some... some stupid 'bloodbag' or whatever! I'm human! My name is Kyosuke! Kyosuke Keita! It's uhhh.. nice to... meet you..."

"Yeah, yeah, I'll try to remember that Blood-" before she could finish her sentence though, Ryūko tugged on one of her antennae as she passed. That instantly shut the little bug up of any snarky or otherwise sarcastic comments. Her sentence ended in a noise that could only be defined as a 'squee', not saying anything at all while Ryuko foiled her dastardly plan to make this guys life a living hell.

At least the dragonewt didn't continuously pull on it. That might be bad...for her image at least. For now, she simply reached up and ran a hand over her antennae, rubbing it softly as the monkey said something. Something about them being a bunch of prudes.

....well, considering she stole the swimsuits of everyone at a pool once.

A prude she was not. That was hilarious, watching all the humans run around.

Also I got five hundred yen saying Misa-san tries to drain Kyo-chan within the week, da."

"Waaah? I bet his blood is all nasty and fatty. Probably just full of junk food." She huffed, looking up at the human who was now standing. Still, she was likely going to bite him at least once. Probably more. For now though, she had enough. Usami went and cuddled with the human, and she'd let them...have that.


That tail of Usami's looked...so very tuggable. She had yet to do that. The rabbit seemed so very protective of it. She wondered what would happen if she did pull it? Well, now is a good time as any!

"Yeah yeah, save ya. Sure. Only because it's my job, bloodbag." Silently, while Usami waited for Kyouske's reply, she moved behind the rabbit...grabbed her tail, and pulled.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Usami's eyes went from purely happy, to purely terrifying. Someone touched, no, pulled something they ougth not have. The Ten-Tale Tail. With over ten tales of people pulling it, then hopelessly being sent flying across the room. Of course, most of them were made up, but only most. For a second or two she pulled Kyosuke closer to her, burying his arm into her chest before releasing the boy and twisting towards whoever was pulling her tail. Her leg swiftly raised towards the sky, into whoever's face delivering a swift, terrible sounding wallop to their face. Usami's face resembled that of a soulless beast as the hit was given, swiftly returnin to normal as she realized what had just happened. "Misa-chan!?" The rabbit questioned as she worried for the mosquito-girl's well being. "I'm so-so-so-so-so-so-so-so-so-so-so-so sorry!" She moved in closer to assist the girl however it was she ended up. "I thought everyone knew what happened when you pulled my tail! It's muscle trained to happend, I'm so sorry!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

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in hindsight.

It was a terrible, horrible, absolutely stupid idea.

She knew it too, but she couldn't just not. That was a thing with the little mosquito. Even if she knew something was a terrible, horrible, downright stupid idea, she had to do it anyways. Especially if it involved messing with someone, it was even more difficult to resist. Really, by now the little bug maybe should have learned her lesson. She had been injured more often than her victim with her shenanigans, but she just couldn't help it.

Usami's leg met her face with enough force to send the bug flying backwards. She flew...and slammed right into Mao head first, sending knocking both of them to the floor quite easily, and having Misa land on top of the monkey.

"I thought everyone knew what happened when you pulled my tail! It's muscle trained to happend, I'm so sorry!"

"N-no..." Misa replied with a groan. She really shouldn't have done that, but eh. Hindsight was 20/20, and she was too busy counting the number of stars on the ceiling to reply properly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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Having virtually no time to react Mao offered up a yelped of pain and surprise as he found himself face first with the back of Misa's head. The monkeyman offered up a pained groan as he lay sprawled out on the floor, having a bystander made victim of the antics of his coworker. 'Well, at least now I know what happens when ya tug her tail...' He mused before reaching up to rub his surprisingly unbroken nose.

Mao had heard rumors from others that worked for MON about what happened to those that tugged on Usami's tail. He'd never bothered to see whether or not the rumors held true, though it was more from the unspoken rule between those with tails wherein the appendages where off limits unless otherwise specified. Mao didn't have the opportunity to dwell on the subject of Usami's tail for very long, his attention was instead directed to the currently dazed Misa laying on top of him. He frowned, not necessarily disturbed by the notion of a woman laying on him as he was by said woman's exoskeleton digging into his ribs. "Smooth, bug brain, real smooth, da." He grumbled before he slowly sat up.

The monkeyman started to lift Misa off of himself when a mischievous idea crossed his mind. Misa had broken the tail rule AND gotten him caught in the cross fire, that meant a bit of payback was in order, "Hey, Kyo-chan, wanna see a neat trick?" he purred to the human, a devious expression worming it's way onto his face. Not bothering to wait for an answer Mao wrapped one arm around Misa's stomach in anticipation for the fight to come and brought his free hand just inches away from the bug-girl's antennae, "Whenever she starts getting all uppity on ya, alls ya gotta do is this, da!" He chirped before pinching Misa's antennae together.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jurassic Weeb
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Jurassic Weeb Iris's Indomitable Thief

Banned Seen 9 mos ago

Ryūko was, at first, concerned about Usagi. But when she saw what had happened to Misa-chan and Chimp Roshi, she literally began rolling on the floor laughing out loud. "Oh God, my sides!" the dragonewt managed to gasp. "Helluva show, Usagi-cham! And I didn't even have to pay for it!" It took her some time to recover, and by the time she stood up the young lady had tears in her eyes.

"Take heed, Kyo-san," she managed to get out. "Never touch Usagi-chan's tail. Considering you're a human, she'd probably break your neck and do the extraspecies mob a favor. And we don't want that, right Chimp Roshi?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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"Smooth, bug brain, real smooth, da."

"Can it...ya monkey." Not that it was likely an insult to Mao, but it made her feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Ugh, she was never doing that again. Lesson learned - no more pulling on Usami's tail. Not gonna happen again. Even she didn't want to take a chance and getting something broken. Uurgh. Her head was going to be hurting for like, a week. The mosquito sat up, getting off of Mao as he did the same. She was still a little dizzy, so she simply sat on the floor.

"Hey, Kyo-chan, wanna see a neat trick?"

Oh great, that sounded bad for her.

"Whenever she starts getting all uppity on ya, alls ya gotta do is this, da!"

oh no. She knew what was coming before he even finished. She attempted to flee, but it was in vain. Before she could get to her feet, The chimp grabbed her antennae, and pressed them together. A small squeal escaped the mosquito's lips, though thankfully Mao didn't hold them there for long and as soon as he let go, she pulled away and put some distance between herself and the evil monkey man, holding both of her antennae to the top of her head, massaging them gently as she gave Mao a glare that could probably freeze fire.

"That wasn't funny!" She whined, a small pout forming on her lips as she spoke. "Y-you know my antennae are sensitive! I didn't know Usami didn't like having her tail pulled!" Okay...maybe a small lie. She knew it somewhat - at least, she had been told not too and she now knew why. Not that any of them would ever really believe her or care anyways.

"W-whatever, I'm...gonna go take a shower..." The mosquito grumbled, the small girl giving an annoyed huff, before storming off.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Turboshitter
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Turboshitter Ubiquitous. Mendacious. Polyglottal.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

MON Safehouse

Kyosuke was gonna say something to her, but then bunny boobies. Bunny boobies all over the place. In his face, everywhere. At first he tried to fight it, but then he just sort of gave in and let it happen when he realized there was no way he was strong enough to break her bear hug. Besides, hugs were nice (especially this one heheheheh...). He couldn't think of anything else he needed more after today.

MON... MON isn't bad, he thought. I mean they were a little scary, but they seemed like they were just ordinary people. Besides, Usami was nice, and everyone had been nothing but friendly to him so far (except for Misa of course). Maybe he was wrong for being so afraid of them.

Then he felt Usami's grip become crushing as he looked up and saw her eyes had become murderous. That was chilling enough on its own, but then she dropped him and kicked Misa so hard she bowled over Mao and sent the two of them sprawling on the floor. All for just touching her tail. Stay afraid, Kyosuke. Stay very afraid.

The next hour passed without too much fuss (now that Misa had left the room anyway), and Kyosuke ate quietly, pitching his introduction as a series of mumbles inbetween bites.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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His revenge on Misa having been completed, Mao decided that the best way to wile away the time was to get to know the human that would be living with him and the rest of his teammates. Well, get to know him and finally complete the damned rubick's cube that had been thwarting his every effort to solve it for the last week. Even now as Mao listened the Kyosuke's half hearted attempts to introduce himself properly the monkey man continued to twist and turn the puzzle toy, alternating it between his hands and feet as he saw fit. "You really aren't much for conversation, are ya?" Mao inquired with a lopsided smile, "I guess I can't really blame ya though, da. We're pretty much strangers to one another after all.".

He clenched his eyes shut in thought and scratched his chin for a moment, tail swaying back and forth a few times before he clapped his hands together, "Alright, I got it, da. We'll go around the room and introduce eachother all proper like, and you can ask us any question that flies through yer head when we're done. That should help break the ice, right, da?". Yet again he didn't bother to wait for an answer, instead in an impressive display of acrobatics Mao leapt from his seated position and flipped in midair with a flourish before he landed on one hand nearly halfway across the room. The action by the monkeyman was meant to take Kyosuke by surprise and hopefully impress the human. "I think i'll go ahead and start! Like I said earlier, my name's Mao, da. Mao Xie if ya wanna get all proper. As you can so clearly see by my rugged good looks, i'm a Monkeyman. Well, I mean, that's not technically what my kind are called, but I much prefer "Monkeyman" over "Vanara" or whatever else people wanna call us.", Mao explained with a shrug, an action that was somewhat awkward given his current positioning.

Mao sank down to the floor and rolled himself into a seated position before he continued again, all the while continuing his twisting of the rubick's cube clenched in his feet, "I was born in a temple in tibet, raised by both my folks and the monks that let us stay there, did a bit of hopping around on the asian mainland for a bit before I worked my way further east and eventually managed to hop over to japan, da. Got picked up by MON after what I will continue to refer to as a totally worthwhile party regardless of what the higher ups and animal control says.". Once more the rubick's cube found it's way into Mao's hands as he raised a brow at the others in the room, "So, that's my introduction done, who's next?".
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jurassic Weeb
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Jurassic Weeb Iris's Indomitable Thief

Banned Seen 9 mos ago

Ryūko decided to speak up. "My name is Ryūko, and I'm an alcoholic," she joked. "Jay-kay! Ryūko Drake, dragonewt. Resident weapon specialist. My father is an American Ryu-jin, and my mother is a Japanese dragonewt of the mainstream variety.

"I got picked up by MON after I got caught buying from Night Parade." She said it as if it were no big deal, like stealing a single lollipop from a candy store. "So sue me, I love my guns. And manga. And anime." She abruptly drew a revolver. "Also, if you even think of touching my guns, my games, my anime, or my manga without permission, Kyo-san..." Her face had taken on a yandere quality. "I'm not allowed to kill you, but you may lose a few fingers."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 1 mo ago

"I don't think you're allowed to harm him like that either Ryuko-San." Usami said with a bit of a worried face. Ryuko was definitely a weird one, but she was still a teammate and friend and the Rabbit needed to trust that she really wouldn't do that. . . Right? Still, it was time to introduce herself. . . Again. "Right, so. . . As I mentioned earlier, my name is Usami Usagi. It's fun to say isn't it?" She said bubbly as could be, even after the incident with Misa earlier. She ponderd exactly what she was wanting to say for a few seconds before continuing. "Let's see. Umm, I'm a Were-Rabbit like I mentioned earlier. I'm with MON because they asked me nicely if I would want to join because I was so skilled with multiple Martial Arts." Partially true, the real story was that she wacked an old man too hard for touching her tail. Luckily, the old man was a trained martial artist so he took the hit directly with little damage. They told her she could help them or be deported. Of course, she heard what she wanted to hear.

"I'll always help you if you need it. The same goes for everyone." She gave a halfway angry side glance at Mao before adding the next part. "Unless you take my carrots without asking. That deserves a severe penalty." Then switched back to her happy-go-lucky face she always wore. If nothing else was clear to Kyosuke at this point, it should be that you would want to be on the bunny's good side. Luckily, he should have figured out by now the way to stay there as it isn't too hard. "Oh, and if you ever want to nap on my lap you have my permission." She nodded a few times with a confident smile.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Turboshitter
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Turboshitter Ubiquitous. Mendacious. Polyglottal.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

MON Safehouse

"That's... that's cool," he said as politely as he could to Mao. "I... don't think I wanna know about that though. No offense."

Kyosuke resisted the urge to roll his eyes and sigh when Ryūko explained her ancestry. Great. The American Dragon. That explained all the guns waaaay too well.

Weird that her dad would be a Ryuu-jin and her mom would be a European dragonewt though, he thought idly to himself. You'd think it'd be the other way around.

Speaking of the guns, Kyosuke nodded his head vigorously as he had apparently tripped a very serious relationship flag with Ryūko (or maybe it was a death flag). He was starting to get a feel for the way things worked around here. Stay away from Usami's carrots, Misa's sugar and Ryūko's possessions in general, don't touch fluffy/scaly/hairy tail, and never ask about the things Mao may have done before MON. On each of these things, he had been warned.

"So, ummm..." he started. He wasn't sure why he was introducing himself now too, but maybe it was just because it felt like the polite thing to do. "My name is Kyosuke Keita. I'm uhhh... I'm 19 years old, I go to Tokyo University... I don't know why I'm saying this since you probably already read my dossier or whatever the government does with that information these days..."

He gulped.

"I... I don't have much experience with extraspecies, sorry. I grew up in a little town called Morioh and I've pretty much spent the last three years holed up in my dorm, and I am in... way over my head here. Sorry. I don't really know what to do or what to think... thank you for saving my life, of course. I mean uhhh... I guess what I'm trying to say is..."

Kyosuke, gulped, fidgeting.

"I'M SORRY!" he said, unexpectedly prostrating himself with a bow that took him from full seiza to "forehead on ground" in an instant. "THANKYOUFORHAVINGMEANDPLEASETAKEGOODCAREOFME!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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Mao listened intently as Kyosuke explained his own origins, all the while he politely bit his tongue to keep from fussing about how monotonous the average human's life seemed to be in comparison to that of the extra species. The gratitude was nice, though Mao knew full well that he'd done nothing to help in the fight earlier, he still took it upon himself to bask in the warm fuzzy feeling in his gut. At least, he enjoyed it until he found himself jolting back from Kyosuke's rather impressive and admittedly uncomfortable display as he continued to voice his gratitude.

The monkey man stood and walked over to the human, his face was an unreadable slab as he crouched down. Mao's hand raised high into the air before it came down and swiftly delivered a light pop to the back of Kyosuke's head, "Don't be dumb, da." Mao stated in a surprisingly calm tone, "Ya don't need to apologize for staying here Kyo-chan. I like to speak for everyone- well, me and Usami at least, when I say that you're our friend now. Friends watch each other's backs. S'only natural that we'd take care of you.". Mao's trademark grin returned to his face as he seized Kyosuke under his arms and lifted the human clear off of the floor almost no effort, "Now let's get down to the Q&A part of this little meet and greet!" he dropped propped Kyosuke back onto his feet and lept back a bit, "So are there any questions you wanna ask us, or are we free to bombard you with questions. Any question is game!".

He leaned in a bit towards Kyosuke with a suggestive look on his face, "Oh, and between you and me, I think Usami's even more "friendly" with you than I am, da." he half whispered jokingly whilst waggling his eyebrows. His message having been said, Mao decided it would be in his best interest to position himself so that Kyosuke would act like a barrier in case Usami took offense to his statement. He may have only been teasing, however it was hard to tell what could set some on off, and Mao wasn't really all that willing to risk being in the wererabbit's sights if he happened to anger her by mistake.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 1 mo ago

"I'm as friendly to him as I am to everyone else." Usami started with a slight pout to her face, "Misa-chan gets upset when I hug her and Ryuko-san is always play with her games or guns and she's not very into being interrupted." Then her eyes lowered slightly as she looked Mao right in his, "I'm also not a big fan of monkies that don't know how to not steal precious carrots. . ." That pretty much summed that up. She turned her vision back to Kyosuke and smiled slightly. "But I'll admit the Kyosuke-san is kind of cute. You know, in that lost puppy kind of way." She meant no ill in her words but it still wasn't something a person probably wanted to hear. "But, like Mao said ask any question I'll ask to the best of my abilities."

At this point she looked out towards where the shower would have been. "I wonder how much longer Misa-chan will be." The Bunny blinked a little bit deciding to introduce Misa for her. "Well, you remember Misa-chan right?" She asked, having the student remember the girl from earlier. "Her full name is Misa Kito. She's not exactly the friendliest, but she is a good girl. When she's not tugging on someone's tail. . . Just watch out, she likes to pull pranks on everyone though I think they have a tendency to backfire on her." The Rabbit-Girl couldn't help but snicker remembering one of the many times that happened.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

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Misa sat in the bath, resting her arms on the edge of it, and her chin on top of them. Uuuugh, it felt soooo goood. The water was just the right temperature as she soaked herself in it She was glad the bath was big enough to account for extra species people, otherwise she might have trouble getting comfortable. Mostly her sometimes troublesome abdomen. Ugh, like, why was that even a thing? It made wearing clothes and other things difficult sometimes.

...well, no use in complaining about it.

Honestly, she was feeling a little down. She made a rather horrible impression on the human probably, which wasn't her intention. Well, not really. It was just a bit of harmless little fun, and Usami didn't seem too upset by the fact that she had pulled her tail...did she? She had trouble reading people sometimes, so maybe she was. She knew that monkey was a complete jerk though. Her poor little antennae.


Not like she cared in the long run, really. Whatever though, she should probably get out of the bath. So with that thought, she stood, grabbed a towel and wrapped it around herself and headed out of the room. Those idiots were probably up to something, and she wanted to get in on whatever it was, so she left the bath, conveniently forgetting to drain the water.

"Her full name is Misa Kito. She's not exactly the friendliest, but she is a good girl. When she's not tugging on someone's tail. . . Just watch out, she likes to pull pranks on everyone though I think they have a tendency to backfire on her."

"Lies. My pranks are one hundred percent foolproof." Misa said, walking into the room.

with only a towel wrapped around her, not seeming to care at all.

"Eh? What's up with the bloodbag? He begging for some of your carrots or something Usami?" Misa continued...deciding that Kyouske made a comfortable seat, and sitting her towel-wrapped form on Kyouske's back.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jurassic Weeb
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Jurassic Weeb Iris's Indomitable Thief

Banned Seen 9 mos ago

Ryūko kept quiet until Misa came in dressed only in a towel. She frowned upon the bloodsucker using Kyo-san as a chair, but couldn't bring herself to say anything about it. "Your pranks aren't all that great, Misa," she said flatly. "Annoying? Yes. Foolproof? Hell no." She stood, and tugged the Vamp Mosquito's antennae again. "Now, please be kinder to Kyo-san. You have no right to use him as a chair." She chuckled. "Well, unless he has a thing for bug girls. Then you can use him as a throne of sorts."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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Mao offered a slightly sheepish chuckle in response to the pointed look he got from Usami. It seemed the wererabbit wasn't planning on letting the carrot incident go anytime soon. 'I should probably get around to paying her back for those carrots one of these days. Maybe make her a carrot cake too, that should definitely get me back in her good graces. Wait, how exactly is carrot cake made again? Are the carrots diced or pureed?' He mused just as Misa entered the room in a towel. Having long since gotten a feel for how his roommates behaved the monkeyman didn't even blink as she decided to use the human as an impromptu seat. He did however offer up a sly grin and yet another eyebrow waggle to Kyosuke, "It now seems that two of my coworkers are takin' a shine to you, da. Oi, Usami-san, ya might have some competition for Kyo-chan's affections, Misa's already skipped right to the mounting stage~".

He crouched low to get eye to eye with Kyosuke, "Just so ya know, it's considered illegal for monsters and humans to pursue a romantic relationship, at least for now anyway, but hey, I won't say anything if you don't, da. After all, what sort of friend would I be if I all up and drove a wedge in my new bro's romantic endeavors?". The monkeyman rolled over onto his back and arched upwards in a dramatic fashion, placing one hand onto his chest whilst pointing the other towards the sky "Even though it pains me as a MON agent to allow a violation of the Cultural Exchange Bill to take place before my very eyes, I simply cannot bring myself to end the romance that may blossom between those dearest to me, no matter how forbidden their union may be, da!". The raised hand clenched into a fist and trembled, "Though I know well that my heart shall ache with the burden of this dark secret I shall persevere! I shall allow dear Kyo-chan to indulge in his monster fetish for as long as he wishes! On my honor as a monk(ey) I swear this, da!" he half shouted.

The dramatic display ended just as abruptly as it began, with Mao casually rolling back into a seated position, "Such is the way of what you humans refer to as the "bro code", right?"
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Turboshitter
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Turboshitter Ubiquitous. Mendacious. Polyglottal.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Kyosuke blushed (thankfully with his face still pressed to the ground) when Usami said he was "cute". Did... did that mean she liked him? He didn't really have much experience with dating or anything like that, but that had to count as flirting, didn't it? Even if she did say he looked like a lost puppy.

Come on man, hold your horses before you get too excited. She is an extraspecies...

Dude who cares? A really hot older girl just said she thinks you're cute. I think that kind of transcends cultural borders a bit. Besides, Usami seems nice... as long you don't touch her tail, otherwise she'll kick you so hard she'll snap your neck like a pretzel stick.

Well that sobering thought kind of ruined his mood. Kyosuke cursed his brain, wishing he hadn't even thought about that last part.

Then something heavy plopped down on top of him and almost turned his seiza into full-on prone position. Kyosuke grunted under the weight. It felt soft in some areas but hard and scratchy in others, and while he had the vague sensation of a wet towel on his back, the mass was far too heavy to be human. Unless...

Kyosuke smiled weakly where no one could see it. No, that was impossible. Sure the lump on top of him was warm, soft, and had the general characteristics of Misa Kito, but there was no way she was actually sitting on top of him right now. There was no way he was being used as a human chair by a naked stranger he'd just met.

The blood-filled sack that made up Misa's ancillary thorax uncurled on his left side and touched the ground, and Kyosuke groaned. She'd done it. She'd really gone and sat on him while he was bowing. How embarrassing...

That was it. Kyosuke had had it. First he'd gotten shot by her by mistake, then she wouldn't even apologize or call him by name, and now she was using him as a stool like this was some sort of fucked up BDSM roleplay. This damn mosquito girl...

"Get... OFF ME!" Kyosuke yelled as he bucked and forced Misa off his back. She went tumbling to the floor. Kyosuke got up and pointed a finger at her.

"I can't believe you! You think that just because you're stronger than me means you can boss me around however you want?! Well I'm not your fucking chair! I mean, how disrespectful can you be? You're supposed to be working for me! How about you start acting like it by apologizing?"

... is what he would've said, if Kyosuke was a braver man. Or a stronger one, for that matter. As it was, simply throwing her off his back was something his stringy little muscles just wouldn't allow. Not that he would have anyway even if he could. He was too afraid of getting impaled by that giant natural syringe she probably used to suck people dry like Cell from Dragonball Z.

So instead, all he offered was a feeble "please... get off of me...". It was almost a relief when Ryūko tugged at Misa's antennae again. The moment the bug girl started squirming Kyosuke was freed out from under the oppressive weight of her ass (phatness status pending) and he got up, his face thoroughly red.

Mao started mouthing off about the bro code and all Kyosuke could think to do was glare at him. Why didn't you help? the look seemed to say.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Usami couldn't help but laugh at Kyosuke's situation. Misa either liked him, or thought he made an excellent chair. Usami almost wanted to try herself, but she was definitely much too heavy for him if he was having trouble with Misa. Really, her brain hadn't really processed what Mao said until after the incident. "Wait, why would I have a challenger for Kyosuke's affections?" Usami asked. She, personally didn't harbor anything like love or anything, well, romantic love at least. She hardly knew the feeling of romantic love but she definitely knew the familial variety. It's what she considered everyone there.

Regardless, Usami shook off the boring subject herself to bring up her next thought. "Don't Misa-Chan and Kyosuke-Kun look cute together? You two get along so well." The Rabbit was obviously getting the wrong idea, though it was kind of funny overall. She also probably should have mentioned that she meant they were cute, like a brother and sister. . . But her little bunny brain didn't think that far ahead.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Doing his damnedest to avoid looking at the glare that Kyosuke was shooting at him, Mao chose to instead stare incredulously at Usami after having heard what she'd said. Given the kind of person that Usami was, Mao should have known that the implications he was sending her way might possibly fall on deaf ears. Really, the wererabbit was so innocent at times that was down right paradoxical given her appearance and penchant for ignoring personal space outright. The monkeyman leaned forward and clenched at his heart, making a soft 'hnnng' sound before he rose from the floor. "Well, I won't deny that they'd make an interesting pair, da. I'd ship it.".

Mao had half a mind to point out how quickly the relationship between the two would likely delve into Dom/Sub territory, however he chose to remain silent on the matter. Lewd joke lost their luster if relied upon to heavily after all, and Mao would be damned if he allowed himself to become a one trick pony. Instead Mao turned to Ryūko and gestured at Misa and Kyosuke with his tail, "What do ya think Ryu? OTP material? What would we even call this pairing, da? I'm drawing a blank here.".
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