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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


As Misa's antennae was pulled for a third time that day, a small squee noise left her lips as she jumped slightly from the touch, allowing Kyo the room he needed to get out from under her. Seriously! Why was it alright to pull on her antennae and not pull on anyone elses' stuff? If they quit, she might just have half a mind to be nicer to all of them! didn't they understand the words 'sensitive'?! Meh, whatever. That was just her life. Get stuck with the idiots who she didn't like, and who didn't like her.

She rubbed her abused antennae with a hand, and proceeded to glare at everyone present. Ugh, maybe she should just let the mob kill these guys.

...meh, no, that'd just be stupid.

"Don't Misa-Chan and Kyosuke-Kun look cute together? You two get along so well."

"Well, I won't deny that they'd make an interesting pair, da. I'd ship it. What do ya think Ryu? OTP material? What would we even call this pairing, da? I'm drawing a blank here."

...Then again, working for the mob probably paid better and she could take care of the idiots that pissed her off. She didn't have anything nearby to throw, so she settled on the next best thing. Hovering slight above the ground, and appearing very annoyed.

"Oi! What makes you think I like this bloodbag?!" Misa shouted, eyes going a bit wide at even the suggestion. She pointed a claw to Kyouske. "The only thing he's good for is stinkin' up the house with his stench!" Another arm was halfway stretched out, her hand balled up into a little fist, attempting to appear slightly threatening towards the rest of them, though chances were that failed. "I bet he even tastes nasty! Probably full of nothing but junk food and artificial yuck stuff. He's not even comfortable to sit on! He's the lowest of lowest human!"

with all of her gesturing, hovering, and shouting, she conveniently forgot to hold up her towel and with each word it loosed slightly, before falling off of her completely. The towel fell to the floor, revealing her naked form to the entire house, though she seemed entirely unfazed by it. It did seem to calm her down, though, just a bit.

"And-and...ah goddamn it! I don't even care. Do what you idiots want. I'm gonna...gah, I need some fresh air. Breathing the same air as you morons is making my brain cells commit." With that, she landed, grabbed the towel and threw it over her shoulder, not even bothering in the slightest attempt to cover herself in front of Kyouske. Though she did stop to give the human one last glare as she did so.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jurassic Weeb
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Jurassic Weeb Iris's Indomitable Thief

Banned Seen 9 mos ago

Ryūko thought about Mao's words seriously, ignoring the "Ryu" nickname she'd just been dubbed with. She was about to speak when Misa began her rant. Unlike a normal girl, she didn't seem to mind the bloodsucker's towel falling away. When she left though, she made up her mind. "Definitely a tsundere, Mao-san," she said. The dragonewt gave a thumbs-up. "Definitely OTP Material!"

She turned her attention back to Kyosuke. "Sorry about that, Kyo-san," she apologized. "Misa's a little touchy on the subject of romance, it seems. "But don't worry. She's just an angry, little, blood-sucking bitch." She paused for a moment, raising her voice. "Sorry, Misa! I meant 'sugar-sucking bitch'!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Turboshitter
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Turboshitter Ubiquitous. Mendacious. Polyglottal.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

MON Safehouse

Kyosuke ignored Ryūko and Mao's jokes and stared at Misa as she flittered away, subconsciously shrinking back a few inches like a cornered animal. It was like he thought. He wasn't welcome here.

The venom with which she'd said the word "human" filled his heart with dread, and a rising anxiety began to take hold. It was true that he'd had similar thoughts himself, unknowingly placing himself and MON in different categories. "Human" and "extraspecies". "Man"... and "monster". He would admit that. He wasn't so conceited as to think that deep down he wasn't the least bit prejudiced.

But wasn't that just simple logic? In fact, it was biology! Extraspecies shared many traits in common with humans. In fact they were more closely related to humans genetically than apes, despite their bizarre morphology. It could easily be said that the difference between humans and extraspecies was like the difference between humans and Homo erectus. But a 1% difference meant a world of change in genomic chemistry. Humans and extraspecies were different species. Related, yes, but...

But they're still not human, the fearful voice in the back of his head said. And they think it too. They're only just pretending they don't. That to them you're nothing more than a filthy human.

No, you're wrong! They... they're good people!

Are they? You heard it from them directly. They all joined MON after getting picked up for breaking the law.

He screwed his eyes shut as he mentally debated with himself, all the while retreating further and further inward as his outer self tried its best to look non-threatening and disappear entirely. He wanted to leave. He wanted to run away from all this. But there was nowhere he could go.

The phone rang, breaking Kyosuke out of his trance. It immediately went to speaker.

"Ya ho! Smith here, everybody!" The coordinator's voice rang loud and clear. "We've finished packing our scaly friends into their new prison cells, so I want you girls to come on down to the detention center and help us question him and his cronies. I'll meet you there in an hour, okayyyy? Oh, and you better be treating Kyo-chan nicely! That goes for you too, Misa-chan! Alright, toodles!"

Kyosuke felt a cold shiver run up his spine. Smith wanted him to go back and talk to those guys? The ones who had tried to kill him just a few hours ago?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Usami laughed a little, but was slightly confused. Ship it? OT. . .P? Material? Whatever could they mean by that? As confused as she was, it was a necessity to voice it. She needed an answer or she might overheat her brain. "What do you all mean by OTP material? I just meant they look like a brother and his little sister? I mean, that's what brothers and sisters do. . . Bicker, argue and make fun of each other." Kyosuke though. . . Looked like he was trying to become a buddist monk or something. Seriously, he looked like he was deep in thought about something. Hopefully, it was nothing to worry about.

Then there was Smith-San on the phone. Usami could think of very little reason to actually have them all come down there. . . Unless Smith-san needed them to give a little. . . Intimidation. Still, Kyosuke didn't seem so well. He looked like he was about to jump out of his skin. Ok, maybe it didn't seem so bad. . . But the boy obviously didn't like it so much. Obviously, this called for drastic measures. Whenever Usami was feeling scared, her mother or older sister would always hold her arm or hand. . . The Rabbit's mind was made up.

"Kyosuke-san." Usami said as she walked up to the boy. She had a gentle smile on her face as she grabbed his hand. "It's okay, Kyosuke-san. I'll be right there with you! They won't be able to hurt you if I'm there. . . And handcuffed, but you get the point!" She dropped his hand and put her arm around his unknowingly, pulling him into her chest. "I'll be right next to you the entire time." If nothing else, she had a look of innocence across her face the entire time. "The others will be there too. So you'll be perfectly safe."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Mao gave a somewhat awkward chuckle after Misa had left the room and Ryūko gave her approval of the idea. Once again he was left wondering if he'd taken his jeering a bit further than he'd meant to, 'Guess that's two apology cakes i'm bakin' later, da.'. Mao would have to question the flavor of the other cake later though, right now it seemed as though Smith was interested in bringing everyone in. The monkeyman's head slumped as he realized that, yet again, Smith was referring to everyone as 'girls'. "Y'know, just once i'd like it if she'd add "and Mao" when she addressed everyone. I'd settle for "girl's and monkey" really, da." He mused aloud before he processed everything that the agent had said prior.

Smith was bringing them in to question the folks who had attacked Kyosuke and the others earlier in the morning. She'd neglected to use the word 'interrogate', as that held the possible implications of threats and actions involving bodily harm. Well, more like promises given the nature of some of the members of the team. Mao himself generally preferred not to get violent outside of necessity, but from what he'd heard, those overgrown salamanders had tried to harm his friends. For that he was more than willing to make an exception to his 'do no harm' rule.

Another thought caused an irritable sounding chittering to emanate from Mao's throat. They'd done more than try to harm his friends, they'd tried to kill them. Mao's fur started to rise and ruffle a bit at the thought, his mouth curved upwards, lips pulled back tightly over his gums as his eyes scrunched and his nostrils flared. This was not the standard Mao smile. It more closely resembled a snarl, with all four of the large canine teeth in his mouth on display. Realizing that Kyosuke was still sitting in the room, the Vanara patted his fur down and plastered on a more benign expression in an attempt to avoid freaking out the human further "If we're gonna be sittin' in that boring questioning room again then i'm gonna go get my one of my handpans. Need something to do while i'm there, da. Also my bo staff, seems like this is gonna be one of those questioning sessions. I should probably pack a few snacks too, Misa may try to drink one of the poor bastards if they piss her off any further...", he trailed off as he got up and started leaving the room to collect the necessary supplies.

About half way out he stopped and turned to Kyosuke, his usual happy expression having returned once more "Usami-san's right though, we'll be there the entire time to make sure nothin' happens to ya, da.". With that being said, Mao disappeared down the hall "I wonder which handpan I should bring, da. Gotta be one of the small ones, don't wan't Smith to fuss at me some more...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Turboshitter
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Turboshitter Ubiquitous. Mendacious. Polyglottal.

Member Seen 5 mos ago


After much discussion and arguing along the way, Kyosuke and the gang headed off to visit the processing and new arrivals unit of Labyrinthine, the special prison compound designed to house extraspecies criminals. The facility itself was on the smaller side as far as prisons go, due to the fact that not only are there fewer extraspecies than there humans when you compare the relative size of populations, but that most extraspecies criminals aren't Japanese natives, and thus must be deported to be processed by their own country's justice system. However, with the rise of Hyakki Yagyo in recent months, space had been filling up.

Smith was waiting for them at the door.

"Ya-ho! Ready to beat the snot out of these idiots until they tell us what we wanna know?" she said as she pumped her fist in the air. The guard sighed.

"Smith-san, if you're going to illegally ignore our prisoner's human rights no matter what we say, could you at least have the decency not to shout about it? Opening the door now."

The security guard swiped his ID in the electronic lock, and the door opened with a ka-chunk! Smith just smiled and waved at the guard.

"It'll be fine, it'll be fine! I promise we won't hurt 'em too bad!"

The door swung shut behind them, closing them in. Smith took a few steps forward.

"Now let's see, if what they told me up front is correct, our idiots should be in cell..."

Smith stopped, her sentence trailing off as she saw what had happened to the first of their prisoners. He'd been hanged with a bedsheet in his own prison cell.

"Oi oi, this isn't funny," Smith said, her voice actually shaking slightly. "Usually it takes a lot longer than that to make people crack inside a jail cell. What the hell happened?!"

It was the same situation in every other cell too. Second verse same as the first. Third, fourth and fifth too. All had hung themselves or used some implement of their own choosing to kill themselves inside their cells. Smith reached for her gun.

"Be on the lookout, girls. Something's not right here. These men couldn't have just all decided to commit suicide at the same time. Someone killed them and tried to make it look like an accident, and they're probably still here."

There was a clanging noise down the hall, like a metal bucket had been dropped.

"Over there!" Smith yelled.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 28 days ago

The mysterious assailant pondered, eyeing her hands before breathing deep once, twice, even a grand total of three times. She used to be one of the money wizards of the gang. Not a hitman, or hitwoman as it was the case. Kairo was a real slavedriver. She thought to herself. Her abilities should make this a cakewalk. Only that perp, Saul, was left. A little guilt tripping, and some hypnosis, and it would be all done soon. She weighed the gun in her gloves. Yeah. She would hypnotize the lizard brain, hand it over, and watch him blow his brains out. Or something. All under the noses of the negligent guards.

But, everything was going too well. She could feel it. Someone, or something would interfere.

She didn't really expect it had been a discarded bucket of all things.

Cursing, she got her left foot out of the bucket, but the damage had been done. She had been heard. Reinforcements were in the way, guns unslung as they hurried towards her position, as her good hearing could attest.

"Pwned by a bucket. What a n00b you are, Arle." She muttered to herself, before breaking in a sprint, her mind triggering a pain reaction, and as such she reckoned in a loud shrill voice.

"YOU WILL NEVER CATCH ME ALIVE MONFAGS! THIS ISN'T OVER!" She added, before sprinting. A small, window-like space from a ventilation shaft. The Greater Devil spread her wings, and jumped with all her might. The exit was so close... she could almost taste it.


Her rather curvy rear had to object. Maybe she shouldn't have eaten all those blueberry jam filled pastries. Her legs and spade tail flailed comically, as her backside was exposed for everyone else to see. She was done for.

"Et tu, mah booty?" She weakly said, lamenting her situation and how things had turned out.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Mao found himself at a bit of a loss as to what was going on right now: He'd come to the detention center alongside the others with the express intention of using a group of overgrown lizards to find out whether or not he could break his record for how many blows with a bō staff he could dole out before he got tired. Instead he was faced with a group of hanged lizards and a minor heart attack from being startled by the bucket. "I'm on it, da!" Mao barked before tear assing down the hall Smith had pointed to like the impulsive fool he was.

Mao ran on his hands and feet, the staff wrapped in his tail bounced about wildly as he went. Upon reaching the end of the hall Mao came to an abrupt stop, the squeaking of his sneakers muffled only by the sound of his voice as he rather plainly went "The fuck?". He wasn't sure what he'd expected, but it was definitely not an ass sticking out of a window. He stood and stared for a minute, though whether he was focused on the plushness of the rear before him, the tail wiggling about frantically, or the sheer absurdity of the entire package before him was up for debate. He turned to look down the hall, then back to the rear, then shrugged, "Welp, this is definitely a new one, da." he said as he calmly set down his staff.

The monkey man lept up and firmly grabbed the figure by it's back legs, "You might wanna suck in your gut.". After planting both of his feet on the wall to brace himself Mao gave a sharp tug that resulted in the strange woman being pulled free with a soft 'pop' and her being sent sprawling onto the floor. Being that Mao didn't have the wherewithal to let go he too was sent sprawling onto the floor. A pained groan escaped the extraspecies, "Oh man, ow. I think I landed on my keys.". He continued to lay there and stare at the ceiling, not caring to do much more at the moment besides tighten his grip a bit to make sure his captive didn't get a foot free to go kicking him in the head. After a few seconds of this Mao finally decided to pipe up "I got 'em guys! Someone bring the cuffs so I can get off this floor. It's uncomfortable.".
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Misa was definitely not looking forward to the trip to the fun lockup. Named simple because that's what she thought it was for - locking up the fun people. She had never been there before, of course, and she new what jails were used for. Locking up bad guys. Not that she particularly cared about that. She just hoped she never got put into a cell or something. She'd probably die of boredom.

just like these poor chuckleheads.

"Well at least that means less work for us." Misa yawned as she observed the ones hanging in their cells, somewhat bored that she was being forced into coming here. Well, that was until there was a rather loud clanging noise down the hallway. Someone she could mess with, maybe? The one Miss Smith said did this stuff? Before she could comment further, Mao was already bounding off down the hallway after the source of the noise.

Well, she was curious as to what it was, but the monkey was already leagues ahead of her.

With a flap of her wings and a small annoyed sounding buzz, her feet left the ground, speeding down the hallway towards the source of the noise...only to find Mao and some lady sprawled on the floor. She blinked a few times, a bit surprised at the sight, though she didn't do anything to immediately help Mao.

"I got 'em guys! Someone bring the cuffs so I can get off this floor. It's uncomfortable."

"Maybe if ya wouldn't have been an idiot and tried to cop a feel of the lady you wouldn't have ended up on the floor." Misa huffed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Usami chased down the corridor a bit behind Mao. She'd have gone full speed, but she didn't feel like crashing right into anyone or anything like a wall. She was fast but sometimes control in these small corridors could be tricky. A small lesson about physics aside, Usami say what caused the commotion. . . A demon girl? Well, it wasn't the first time she'd ran into one of these. . . Still, the girl needed to be cuffed as Mao-san suggested. Misa didn't seem too interested in it, so Usami turned around quickly and grabbed some cuffs from approaching enforcement members. "Here you are, Mao-San." She started to move to cuff the girl, and noticed that her current position left just a bit to the imagination. Being a gentleman for some reason, the monkey was looking up at the ceiling. Well, she thought a little more of the monkey. . . Only a little. . . He still hasn't paid her back yet for the goods he's pilfered.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Turboshitter
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Turboshitter Ubiquitous. Mendacious. Polyglottal.

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Kyosuke watched as they apprehended their suspect. A Greater Devil. He'd heard they could use magic and hypnosis to make people do whatever they wanted. So... that's how those men died. They were controlled against their will and forced to kill themselves inside their own cells. Even for criminals, that was too cruel! And... it was because of him...

Kyosuke felt a spark of indignation well up inside him.

"Usami-san, can I have the handcuffs?" he asked.

"What?!" Smith exclaimed. "Kyo-chan, you can't-"

"Smith-san!" Kyosuke blurted. "I... I want to do this myself. Sorry."

He walked ahead, taking the handcuffs. Slowly approaching Mao and the upside down butt, he wordlessly slapped the cuffs on her, then actually slapped her in the face.

"How could you do this!?" he asked, his voice wavering. "They... well they weren't innocent, but they didn't have to die! You people are all psychos!"

He was on the verge of tears. This was wrong. This was all wrong.

"Oi, we got a live one over here!" Smith yelled from the direction of Saul's cell.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Mao jolted back (or at least attempted to given the fact that there was a floor currently beneath him) and gave Misa an exaggerated look of shock and indignation. Said look hardly stemmed from the accusation in and of itself, after all, he made very little effort to hide the fact that he was an unrepentant little deviant whenever it suited him in his pursuit of all things fun. No, Mao was much more offended at the accusation that he would do something so...so...obvious! He'd just started to fix his mouth to ask what sort of entry level casual Misa had taken him to be when the others came to lend a hand- literally in the case of Kyosuke.

After he released his grip on the she-devil's legs Mao got up to try and comfort the human but was interrupted halfway through an attempt to pat him on the back by the sound of Smith shouting. He shook his head and offered up a small sigh as it actually started to dawn on him just how troublesome this day was going to be. "Usami-san, ya mind staying with the kid and our new friend here? I'm gonna go see what all the hubbub's about, da.". Mao moved around the group and scooped up his staff, then proceeded to lightly poke at Misa with it, not unlike a shepherd attempting to get a stubborn sheep to move where he wanted it to go, "You're coming with me, da." he said bluntly.
The action would almost certainly serve to rile up the mosquito girl as much as it would prompt her to move but Mao persisted all the same, knowing full well how mean spirited she could be at times. "Best get her focus offa' Kyo-chan now before she does something to upset him further." He mused as he continued with his persistent prodding.
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