Name: Megaera Kastrati
Age: 23

Height: 6’1
Weight:198 Ibs
Likes: Shooting ranges, Warsaw pact weapons, Pike Security PMC, wrestling, fights, conflicts, anything that gets the blood pumping really, beautiful men, fighting uppity dirt farmers, heavy metal, instability in rich foreign nations in need of security, money money money, ancient literature, Sun Tzu, booze (it takes the edge off of the boredom), guys brave enough to take a swing at him, Guns and Ammo (magazine), soldiers of fortune (only if they’re for hire or working with Pike-or really cute), anyone who manages to make his job slightly interesting, current affairs, political manifestos, history (particularly of the troubled regions of the world), gyms, working out, doing unto others, trashy schlocky actions novels and movies, collecting knives, using knives, martial arts.
Dislikes: Being blind in one eye, regulations on arms shipments, the monotony of working as a bouncer, the lack of his sort of “excitement” in the city, being terminally bored, increasing scrutiny on PMCs, uppity dirt-farmers who are way better shots then they should be, bears, moose, rival PMCs, a sudden outbreak of peace, the song “Truffle Butter” (ENOUGH ALREADY), being bumped into by dancers, the lack of brawls to break up and finally, students trying to sneak in who aren’t even smart enough to make his job mildly interesting for a few seconds. Anyone he thinks is “soft”.
Party Trick: Field-stripping an AK-47.
Quotes: “Y’know. I was the token dick enthusiast in my unit too. Nice to know some things never change.”
“Peace is our profession! Mass murder is just a nice hobby.”
“Teamwork is essential -- it gives the enemy other people to shoot at.”
“Remember kiddies, when you pull the pin, Mr. Grenade stops being your friend.”
“Killing for peace is like whoring for virginity. Warm feeling-and you get paid well!”
“Come on! At least go for the eyes! Break a bottle! Try to shank me! You’re just….going to let us kick you out huh? Feh. Goddamn lightweight.”
"Live" and "Hero" are mutually exclusive terms. Life would be a hell of alot more exciting if more of these drunken idiots were interested in being heroes. Don’t even get normal idiots into that here. I almost miss the goddamn dirt-farmers.”
“Good God, I need a stiff drink.”
"Division of labor. You tell me your life’s ambition and your dreams, and I laugh at them."
“The rest of these guys? As dumb as a bag of hammers, but they work cheap. Me? I’m what you call “just desperate enough.”
“Goldfish. I’m working with retarded goldfish.”
“That’s right, run away! Go crawl home and do coke off your mother’s back, like you did when Sammy wouldn’t touch your special place!.....Didn’t even try to throw one punch. The hell do you have to say to people to get a fight in this town?”
“Oh. That little thing in whateverstan? Yeah. I was there. Most fun I’ve had with my pants on.”
“Hey, merc work is good work-challenging, you get outside alot, make good drinking buddies, work with cute guys...promise ya you’ll never go hungry. Someone always wants someone else dead!”
“What do I want? I wanna enjoy every moment. I wanna fight, and eat good food. I wanna fight, and drink fine wine. I wanna fight, and sleep with beautiful men. Hell, I wanna fight with beautiful men! That's what it means to live.”
“If something happens to me, I want you all to know the truth. If they say Pike Security fought valiantly, I want you all to know we fought retarded.“
“Oi! The hell you got against mercs? That whole murder for profit thing? Yeah well, like you’re perfect.”
“Well folks, that concludes the list of reasons this city makes me need a goddamn drink, which for the record did not work. Either this booze is broken or this city is just too damn sobering.”
Profession: Bouncer at Club LUSH. Living off of his built-up savings from his mercenary ventures with Pike Security. He typically works weekends and a few weeknights at Club Lush. He does do some freelance work around the city-everyone always needs someone else beat to kingdom come or otherwise liberated from their teeth.
Personality: Megaera Kastrati is a man with many loves-the love of good food, fine wine and your typical creature comforts, but more then that, he is a man in love with the taste of blood in his mouth, the feeling of a fist hitting his jaw, and the feeling returning that strike tenfold. In short, he is a man who is in love or at the very least, lust with violence. He likes to fight, he likes to brawl, he likes to get down and dirty and be in danger of losing some teeth. It’s the quickest way to earn his respect-and even his love, if you’re scrappy and male enough. In short, he likes activities and people who, in his terminology “have balls” or at least “moxy”.
His work as a mercenary also ensures he has a somewhat...unique view of morality. Violence isn’t just a tool in the box of possible solutions-it’s the go to solution, it’s the prefered outcome, the one that results in the most good, or at least, the most fun….and really, is there a difference? He’s flippant, disrespectful, blunt and almost completely honest about his thoughts when it comes to other people-he’ll beat you half to death and call it good fun, but he’ll almost never lie to you, in sum. He expresses affection through insults-and only rarely does he go “soft” on someone-and typically only when he’s got it bad.
Kastrati likes to move-likes to “feel the burn”-running laps around the block, running a military course, hiking into the wilderness, or lighting off illegal explosives in the dead of night-it’s all fair game to him. He finds Shine City irredeemably boring-and he’s been trying desperately to find a way to entertain himself. Perhaps as a result of this, his feelings on anyone he perceives as “soft” are quite sour-and he is still somewhat bitter about being taking out of active service after being blinded in one eye, though he retains his loyalty to Pike Security regardless. Needless to say, he only respects the law as much as he needs to in order to stay out of a jail cell.
History: War is in the Kastrati families very veins-throughout the history of the family, their blood has been spilled on just about any frontline and for any cause you care to name. They’ve fought for capitalism, they’ve fought for communism, they’ve fought for peace, they’ve fought for conquest, they’ve fought to defend governments and to overthrow them-there are few places and even fewer causes in the world that haven’t seen Kastrati blood spilled in their name. This generation of this bloody, war-hungry family has been no exception.
Nemo Kastrati, Megaera’s father, has been the driving force in the family in this century-having turned the family hobby into an organized, profitable profession. Pike Security. A private military contractor that’s been deployed to hot spots the world over, to guard and conquer, defend and destroy. In short, Nemo Kastrati has done his family proud.
Megaera, as one might imagine, was just as eager and willing as his father was to add his own glory to the family name. From a young age, he trained, learned and observed, waiting for the moment he could join his father in the family profession. Indeed, in many ways this was the only option available to the young Kastrati-as one might imagine the family of a soldier of fortune is often on the move as contracts and security agreements take them to nations all over the globe. Regardless of his options or reasons however, Megaera joined up, officially, with Pike Security the very day he reached the age of majority.
The next few years of his life are, in his (slightly twisted) view, the best of his life. Moving from conflict to conflict, nation to nation, job to job and, in his words; “Seeing new places, meeting interesting people and then blowing them up.” Morally dubious as many of Pike Security’s jobs were, Megaera proved himself to be enthusiastically loyal, an able combatant and a bold soldier-contracts he signed didn’t just buy a gun, but his loyalty, a fact that spoke well of Pike Security.
As one might expect however, someone who enjoys combat and the “rush” that comes with it does not make the most pragmatic, logical soldier. During a particularly “bold” (stupid) move during pitched combat, Megaera was badly injured and lost sight in one of his eyes, compromising his abilities as a soldier-and giving his now-worried father a long-awaited reason to send him back to their home country on “leave”. Having lost his dream career, and seeing little other option, Megaera took a job at Club Lush and began the slow process of invading his liver with copious amounts of booze.