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Current Pretend this is actually something cool that I have to say.
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Statuses are sometimes the most relatable things ever- until they talk about kneecaps
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Building a guide to engaging roleplay! Need people to interview. If you want to, PM me! Input would be a great help! :)
1 yr ago


⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : 432302

My name is Bailey, Agent, Trip or 43. I am versatile in roleplay topics, though I prefer to do almost anything in the fantasy realm. I'd be willing to rp with anybody, as long as you have enough patience to deal with my awkward personality and sometimes poor grammar. My PMs are open to discussing rps.

Please note that I have not existed or roleplayed for almost half a year so I will be struggling for a little while until I pick my abilities back up! I will try my best, so feel free to PM me as said above!

I talk too much sometimes, sorry

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The brown wolf sighed, stood, and padded off to find somebody more entertaining to interact with. Shade was on her own now, as far as he was concerned. He was no longer going to help her unless he was ordered to. But he got to the ship and Kissimi wasn't there. He officially had no idea where his human was.

Skywalker followed Obiwan, shooting the wolf a scowl. That dog had been stalling for somebody, most likely Shade.
Banned for overestimating the power of a birb.
The brown wolf padded over to Obiwan before sitting and tilting his head in confusion. He flicked an ear, tail swiping across the ground. He no longer appeared as worried. Yeah, uh, Jedi, I’m a wolf. I have no idea what you mean.
"Yeah, I get that, Master. But-" The brown wolf cut him off, barking only a single time. He nuzzled Skywalker's hand, getting the Jedi to jerk back, and made a sound that sounded a bit like "mom." "No, I don't know the dog."
Skywalker remained quietly for another moment before sighing. "She hasn't said anything. She was in no shape to-" He stopped as he saw the brown wolf approaching him. While this decision from the wolf was against Shade's wishes, Brown knew that without a distraction, getting back to the med bay before the pair would be impossible, by all standards. He whined, tilting his head and pawing at the ground, looking around everywhere except at Megara as if he was looking for somebody. For Kissimi, in this case, even though he knew exactly where his human would be.

Jaden Cassia

Jaden returned to the present, still thinking about the flashback. It had shaken him, to say the least, but he wasn't quite disturbed by it. He looked up as somebody approached him, an employee of his that had also been at the party. "Somebody saved the key-holder. Possibly the woman you have been looking for. She just got employed by the key-holder," The employee, nameless to Jaden, told him. Jaden nodded. "What were her main features?"

"Black face mask. Wearing full black. Light skin. Dark hair. Medically trained. Most likely combat trained as well. Probably American, Army veteran. Heavily armed." Jaden nodded and shooed the employee away.

With the image of the investor's daughter in his head, he took out his phone and scrolled through his contacts. He still had her number, which he had forgotten to delete after he had broken up with her, though the breakup was a story for another time. She was still saved in her phone as "🖤Basalisk Russ🖤" as a reminder of what he was going up against. Russ would use his old emotions at any chance she got, and she would not fail; she never failed with him. Of course, he had failed her; that's what she had manipulated him into thinking. He still thought that, even after a year of telling himself it was the other way around and even torturing her to the brink of death and leaving her with a scar that she refused to accept.

In Jaden's mind, Basalisk Russ was a manipulator and a liar. She was also a Blackheart, a fact that petrified him. He relished in thoughts of finally killing her for a while before sighing and shaking his head.

He hesitated then hit call.

Whisper Bea

Whisper's phone rang. She frowned, perplexed as to who could be calling her. She had no calls scheduled. She removed the phone from her pocket, studying the screen. An unknown called ID, unknown number, and a potential spam alert. Near the center of her screen was a "report number?" button in bright red. Her X(hang up/reject) and A(answer/accept) buttons remained in their usual place at the lower corners of the screen. Many claimed her phone was set up strangely, but she liked the setup. She knew it was a blocked number due to the "unknown number" but was not completely sure how the call still got through. Most likely a contact that she had forgotten to delete.

Huh. I guess I have to answer it, She thought, holding up a hand for a moment of quiet as she answered.


"Hello, Russ." A cold voice, most likely nearby. Possibly even the shooter himself.

"Who is this?" Confusion; not many people knew her alias in Nightlight City(far fewer knew her name at all) unless they'd known her in her first life. That narrowed down who it was.

"I'm surprised the amazing Basalisk Russ does not recognize my voice. You know who I am." And she did. It was the one and only Jaden Cassia, her old nemisis and ex-boyfriend(a story for another time); she hated him with a burning passion that now sparked in her eyes.

"Cassia?" Annoyance. She distinctly disliked whoever "Cassia" was.

"Right on point. Come outside. Let us speak in the presence of each other, just us, on our lonesome. Like old times." Right. Old times had been so long ago Whisper hardly remembered them. That had been before she'd been essentially drafted into the CIA's undercover operations, where she had chosen to stay after that.

"No, thanks, I'd rather not." Surprisingly polite.

"You scared of me?" Taunting her.

"No. Just fine where I am is all." There was a note of fear in her voice. Almost indetectable, but there.

"You're scared." He clearly wanted her to get mad at him. She didn't give him that satisfaction.

"Why would I be?" A challenge, though she sounded unmoved for the most part.

"Bee was shot tonight. You saved her life."

"Yeah, is there a problem with this fact?" Passive aggression. A last resort for her.

"Yes, actually. I wanted that key." At which point Whisper put the phone on speaker.

"So you're the one who shot her?" Investigative.

"Me? No, no. I would never. But I have friends who would." A scoff. Sarcasm, almost.

"Like who? Your little pet Damian Ryder?" An obvious dig to get whoever was on the other end of the phone to say who'd shot Bee, and a point where Whisper glanced at Zi.

"Spot on, actually. I'm impressed, Russ. You've gotten better." Clearly fake. Damian Ryder hadn’t even been there, Whisper knew that; he was her contact too.

"And you've gotten lazier. What's the point of calling me, Cassia?" Weary of the conversation.

"Oh, I just wanted to congradulate you for getting the job as Bee's bodyguard. And to tell you to never interfere in my projects again." So he was nearby. That narrowed down his location options, at least for Whisper.

"No promises, Jaden Cassia." The choice to use his full name hadn't appeared difficult, but it had been. This would tell him that she had put the phone on speaker.

The caller spoke with a laugh now, as if taunting Whisper. "Be vigilant, Basalisk Russ. I will get that key somehow."

The caller hung up. Whisper pocketed the phone and started pacing as she muttered obcenities under her breath. This was worse than she had thought. Bee and Zi would have questions, and she would answer them to a point. She had to protect the key, no matter the cost.

Her hands checked over her weaponry by default: her daggers at her hips, pistol near her back pocket, dagger up her left sleeve. The only place she left untouched was her ankles and lower legs. She had weapons there too, but didn't exactly want Zi knowing all her hiding places. She also skipped over the pistols she kept looped in her bra straps, those a new feature her hands were not yet used to checking. She had started keeping them there after she'd been captured. After this, she pocketed her hands, still pacing. The check had taken all of thirty seconds, perhaps even fewer.
The wolf looked at her with a blank expression. He understood none of her words, not sharing the same connection with her as he did with Kissimi. He could understand every word Kissimi said, and remember words said by others for her, but he had no way of knowing what others meant unless Kissimi repeated them. He figured she was saying something along the lines of "it'll be okay" but he really didn't care. He then looked at the two arguing Jedi, tilting his head with a whine of pure bewilderment.
Banned because what. the. heck-
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