Went hard on the Techs and Astechs so decided they deserved a fresh post. I shall add some text in a bit to add some depth to them.
Edit 1: Added some notes for the characters, will write it up properly soon.
Edit 2: Mech Tech mostly done, 5 Astechs to go.
Edit 3: Mech Tech done, 5 Astechs in progress.
Edit 1: Added some notes for the characters, will write it up properly soon.
Edit 2: Mech Tech mostly done, 5 Astechs to go.
Edit 3: Mech Tech done, 5 Astechs in progress.
Name: Benedito Davids
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Crew Position: Mech Tech
Rank: Sergeant
Nationality: Horatius, Marian Hegemony

Biographical History:
A veteran pirate and reluctant participant in the Third Succession War, Benedito Davids, is the mech tech responsible for keeping Ziska's BattleMech running in good order.
Davids is a native of Horatius, a medium sized planet of the Marian Hegemony, known largely for a faltering arms manufacturing facility. Raised on dreams of a burgeoning empire destined for greatness, once, once Davids would admit he truly believed in the words of a modern-day Caesar. The son of a bandit. The son of a long line of bandits. Thanks to the Imperator himself, Marius O'Reilly, and the particulars of life in a Bandit Kingdom, Davids is intimately familiar with how grim life in the Inner Sphere and the Periphery can be.
A quick hand with any tool, Davids followed the expected path of any enterprising youth in the Marian Hegemony and joined up with a Marian pirate crew. The "starfarers" as they called themselves were a mixed lot. They were gentleman thieves, cutthroat murders, failed nobles, and impoverished farmers. Wretched scum to most of the Inner Sphere, Davids recalls with some pride that they had morals enough among themselves. The band of pirates had few illusions of what life was really like or where it would lead them.
Working as an astech to a grizzled pirate mech tech, Davids learned to patch BattleMechs together with minimal parts, little time, and few workable tools. Even know, years later, few mech techs are as ingenious as Davids when it comes to figuring out how to jury-rig a BattleMech or salvage parts from a burned out husk. With the retirement of his mentor, Davids eventually secured a place as a full mech tech. Claiming a share and half of all plunder the pirates acquired, Davids did well, and sent substantial funds back to his family in the Marian Hegemony.
Carrying a growing reputation among the roving pirates of the Marian Hegemony, Davids was offered an intriguing opportunity to join the crew of a Marian privateer, the legendary or equal parts infamous, John van Rheenen, more often known as Twice-Hanged John. No mere pirate, Twice-Hanged John was commanded resources far beyond a lowly pirate and was rumored to be held in great esteem by the Imperator.
Serving under Twice-Hanged John, Davids raided across the Periphery, crossing swords with the Magistracy Armed Forces more times than he could count, and managing to live with only some moderate bruising. Branching out, the pirates launched a series of raids targeting the Free Worlds League. While successful at first, following a strong military response from the Free Worlds League military, Davids found himself fighting a losing battle against forces of the Free Worlds League Military. Captured by the 2nd Marik Militia, nicknamed The Fates, Davids found himself a prisoner of the FWL, along with some fifty other pirates.
Desperate for competent mech techs as a result of an unfortunate air lock malfunction, the Mariks presented Davids with a rare proposition. Deeply pragmatic, the commanding officer of the Ridge Riders, the main strike unit of the Fates, Lieutenant Colonel Barton "Black Bart" Burton offered Davids a pardon if he joined the Ridge Raiders and the 2nd Marik Militia as a mech tech. Happy to avoid the hangman's noose, in contrast to the majority of the survivors of Twice-Hanged John's crew, Davids accepted without a second thought. After all, all pirates understand the value of survival.
Attached to the Ridge Riders, Davids participated in the disastrous raid on the Lyran world of Algorab in 3020. Certain the fates had once again betrayed him, he watched over half of the 2nd Marik Militia perish on Algorab V. In the end only the Ridge Riders and Second's command staff made it off planet alive. Three years of bitter rebuilding followed. The 2nd Marik Militia were now reduced to two full companies of green recruits and a recon battalion with barely more experience to count on.
When the unit was transferred to the Capellan front in 3024, Davids could see the doom the unit was destined for and he deserted as soon as the unit made planetfall. Adopting a civilian identity, Davids worked his way through a string of dubious mercenary companies and made his way to Galatea. There he was personally hired by Ziska, who claimed the now grizzled mech tech as her senior technician.
Davids is a taciturn mech technician, prone to long bouts of melancholy. A man of many memories and obvious regrets, he is a soul certain of his own damnation. Unlike many a scoundrel racing headfirst towards their own death in hopes of redemption, Davids is instead merely resigned to the fact that most of the people in the Inner Sphere would prefer to see him hanged if they knew his full past.
He is shaped by most of a lifetime of piracy, more than two decades spent raiding planets scattered across the stars. A harsh disciplinarian, Davids is unafraid to use carefully employed brutality and even in his middle years he is a leader convinced of the importance of absolute obedience. Aware of the consequences of failure, he endeavors to run a tight ship. Calm, cool, and capable of great violence, should it be needed, he is a quietly intimidating figure on the DropShip. Like Ziska, there is a touch of the wilderness of the Periphery on him and the pair easily fall into the unspoken, sometimes strange, and decidedly unfamiliar (to most of the crew) habits of periphery pirates.
Woe be it to anyone found in dereliction of their duty, regardless of rank, as Davids has little patience when faced with behavior that threatens the current venture. Although he is generally satisfied with Ziska and her conduct as an officer, he is known to engage in loud screaming matches with his nominal superior when he determines she is becoming too relaxed.
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Crew Position: Mech Tech
Rank: Sergeant
Nationality: Horatius, Marian Hegemony

Biographical History:
A veteran pirate and reluctant participant in the Third Succession War, Benedito Davids, is the mech tech responsible for keeping Ziska's BattleMech running in good order.
Davids is a native of Horatius, a medium sized planet of the Marian Hegemony, known largely for a faltering arms manufacturing facility. Raised on dreams of a burgeoning empire destined for greatness, once, once Davids would admit he truly believed in the words of a modern-day Caesar. The son of a bandit. The son of a long line of bandits. Thanks to the Imperator himself, Marius O'Reilly, and the particulars of life in a Bandit Kingdom, Davids is intimately familiar with how grim life in the Inner Sphere and the Periphery can be.
A quick hand with any tool, Davids followed the expected path of any enterprising youth in the Marian Hegemony and joined up with a Marian pirate crew. The "starfarers" as they called themselves were a mixed lot. They were gentleman thieves, cutthroat murders, failed nobles, and impoverished farmers. Wretched scum to most of the Inner Sphere, Davids recalls with some pride that they had morals enough among themselves. The band of pirates had few illusions of what life was really like or where it would lead them.
Working as an astech to a grizzled pirate mech tech, Davids learned to patch BattleMechs together with minimal parts, little time, and few workable tools. Even know, years later, few mech techs are as ingenious as Davids when it comes to figuring out how to jury-rig a BattleMech or salvage parts from a burned out husk. With the retirement of his mentor, Davids eventually secured a place as a full mech tech. Claiming a share and half of all plunder the pirates acquired, Davids did well, and sent substantial funds back to his family in the Marian Hegemony.
Carrying a growing reputation among the roving pirates of the Marian Hegemony, Davids was offered an intriguing opportunity to join the crew of a Marian privateer, the legendary or equal parts infamous, John van Rheenen, more often known as Twice-Hanged John. No mere pirate, Twice-Hanged John was commanded resources far beyond a lowly pirate and was rumored to be held in great esteem by the Imperator.
Serving under Twice-Hanged John, Davids raided across the Periphery, crossing swords with the Magistracy Armed Forces more times than he could count, and managing to live with only some moderate bruising. Branching out, the pirates launched a series of raids targeting the Free Worlds League. While successful at first, following a strong military response from the Free Worlds League military, Davids found himself fighting a losing battle against forces of the Free Worlds League Military. Captured by the 2nd Marik Militia, nicknamed The Fates, Davids found himself a prisoner of the FWL, along with some fifty other pirates.
Desperate for competent mech techs as a result of an unfortunate air lock malfunction, the Mariks presented Davids with a rare proposition. Deeply pragmatic, the commanding officer of the Ridge Riders, the main strike unit of the Fates, Lieutenant Colonel Barton "Black Bart" Burton offered Davids a pardon if he joined the Ridge Raiders and the 2nd Marik Militia as a mech tech. Happy to avoid the hangman's noose, in contrast to the majority of the survivors of Twice-Hanged John's crew, Davids accepted without a second thought. After all, all pirates understand the value of survival.
Attached to the Ridge Riders, Davids participated in the disastrous raid on the Lyran world of Algorab in 3020. Certain the fates had once again betrayed him, he watched over half of the 2nd Marik Militia perish on Algorab V. In the end only the Ridge Riders and Second's command staff made it off planet alive. Three years of bitter rebuilding followed. The 2nd Marik Militia were now reduced to two full companies of green recruits and a recon battalion with barely more experience to count on.
When the unit was transferred to the Capellan front in 3024, Davids could see the doom the unit was destined for and he deserted as soon as the unit made planetfall. Adopting a civilian identity, Davids worked his way through a string of dubious mercenary companies and made his way to Galatea. There he was personally hired by Ziska, who claimed the now grizzled mech tech as her senior technician.
Davids is a taciturn mech technician, prone to long bouts of melancholy. A man of many memories and obvious regrets, he is a soul certain of his own damnation. Unlike many a scoundrel racing headfirst towards their own death in hopes of redemption, Davids is instead merely resigned to the fact that most of the people in the Inner Sphere would prefer to see him hanged if they knew his full past.
He is shaped by most of a lifetime of piracy, more than two decades spent raiding planets scattered across the stars. A harsh disciplinarian, Davids is unafraid to use carefully employed brutality and even in his middle years he is a leader convinced of the importance of absolute obedience. Aware of the consequences of failure, he endeavors to run a tight ship. Calm, cool, and capable of great violence, should it be needed, he is a quietly intimidating figure on the DropShip. Like Ziska, there is a touch of the wilderness of the Periphery on him and the pair easily fall into the unspoken, sometimes strange, and decidedly unfamiliar (to most of the crew) habits of periphery pirates.
Woe be it to anyone found in dereliction of their duty, regardless of rank, as Davids has little patience when faced with behavior that threatens the current venture. Although he is generally satisfied with Ziska and her conduct as an officer, he is known to engage in loud screaming matches with his nominal superior when he determines she is becoming too relaxed.
Name: Anica Kesi
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Crew Position: Astech
Rank: Corporal
Nationality: New Delphi, New Delphi Compact

Biographical History:
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Crew Position: Astech
Rank: Corporal
Nationality: New Delphi, New Delphi Compact

Biographical History:
Name: Asuga Sunther
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Crew Position: Astech
Rank: Corporal
Nationality: Chakachamna, Federated Suns

Biographical History:
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Crew Position: Astech
Rank: Corporal
Nationality: Chakachamna, Federated Suns

Biographical History:
Name: Virginia Kan
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Crew Position: Astech
Rank: Corporal
Nationality: Prix, Capellan Confederation

Biographical History:
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Crew Position: Astech
Rank: Corporal
Nationality: Prix, Capellan Confederation

Biographical History:
Name: Magnus Licht
Nickname/Callsign: Snarl
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Crew Position: Astech
Rank: Corporal
Nationality: Wotan, Lyran Commonwealth

Biographical History:
Nickname/Callsign: Snarl
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Crew Position: Astech
Rank: Corporal
Nationality: Wotan, Lyran Commonwealth

Biographical History:
Name: Yuliana Minhas
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Crew Position:
Rank: Corporal
Nationality: Drask's Den, Oberon Confederation

Biographical History:
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Crew Position:
Rank: Corporal
Nationality: Drask's Den, Oberon Confederation

Biographical History: