Saints And Sinners is the small bar with an entrance from the alleyway it shares with the Ivy View Apartments, and is a neutral territory that is most often occupied by the Supernatural and Humans, though Hunters have been known to pass through. They tend to...cause issue, however. Run by a man living with he Sin of Wrath and his Seraphim guide-Who would not be there if not for his Virtue of Patience- the bar is open 24/7 and also has food, so often times there will be families of Supernaturals in there as one of the few safe spots in the city.
Warded to its limit by Darnies upon his arrival, the bar is now safer than ever, and can even boast a drink for any creature to indulge in.

OWNER: Name: Akseli (Ahk-Seh-Lee)
Age: 28
Race: Human

Sin: Wrath
ANGEL: Name: Aharon (Ah-Hah-Rown)(Meaning: Light Bringer)
Apparent Age: 28
Race: Seraphim

Viture: Patience