Timestamp: FLASHBACK, Immediately after the pep rally
Main: Decky
Sides: Danny, Sonny, small appearance by Lacey @LovelyComplex
TW: Small mentions of abuse
Main: Decky
Sides: Danny, Sonny, small appearance by Lacey @LovelyComplex
TW: Small mentions of abuse

Roaring down the road with his brother clinging to his back, Decky escaped from the school for the day but not from the events of it. His mind was swirling with thoughts of light eyes, curly hair, and curves hugged nicely by tight denim. Now, after actually attending the pep rally for just another glimpse at the girl who he finally realized his interest for, his mind was also on the rapid pace of her practice-roughened hands, and just what else those hands could do. Mostly, to him. Decky has been frustrated on different levels his entire life, but sexually was not often an issue for the gearhead. However, the more he thought about it the more Decky realized that he hadn’t hooked up with anyone since early summer, having stopped his own thing with Rye and pushed him and AJ together midway through, once he found out that the toxic twink had returned and latched his claws back into his boy after their breakup. That was his own choice, of course, and he’d honestly been more focused on the drugs and partying with AJ and the others to focus on finding someone for a night. He’d planned to get laid at the end of summer bash, but then there was the incident between Rye and Ronnell that really ruined the party mood and had them all going home early, AJ taking Rye home so the smaller boy had someone to cry himself to sleep with.
So, sex hadn’t been on his mind too much recently. Which, for someone who’s been active for as long as he’s been doing drugs, is a stunning realization to come to. It’s also a realization that had unlocked the floodgates, and now Decky couldn’t stop thinking about it. He knew one person who he really wanted to talk to about it, and ironically that person was also the last one he’d slept with, back when he visited him a few weeks into summer break. Apologizing mentally to his brother ahead of time, Decky called for his attention over their headset.
“Boychik,” He spoke up, feeling his brother come to from where he’d zoned out against Decky’s back. The smaller boy squeezed his middle in reply and Decky continued, now assured he had his attention. “Get my phone and put Sunshine on a video chat for me, will ya?”
“It’s dangerous ta do that while ridin’,” His little brother admonished while Decky scoffed in response. Still, he didn’t miss a beat as he slid Decky’s phone out of his front pocket and leaned back a bit in order to pull up the contact info of Sonny Cernis. When he found it, right at the top under favorites, he hit the videochat button and pressed himself against his brother’s back so he could remain stable as he stretched his arms past him as much as possible, trying to allow the older boy visual of the call screen. My Sunshine showed across the top of the screen and Sonny’s contact photo took up the rest as it rang in both their headsets, and he felt Decky look down at the picture he’d taken of the other boy when they’d met up this summer. “Please remember that I’m here this time.”
“Turn your volume down if ya ain’t wanna hear us, brat.”
“What?” Danny asked with an annoyed tinge to his voice, unaware of his brother’s goading smirk beneath his own helmet. “And listen ta nothin’ just ‘cause ya wanna talk sexy with Sunshine? Why do I gotta suffer either way?”
“Talk sexy?” Decky whispered in a strained tone, resisting the urge to turn around and stare Danny down. “Please don’t say shit like that, Boychik.”
“You’ve really got no idea just how much I’ve had to hear ya say that I wish I could bleach from my brai-” The static over the line changed as Sonny finally answered the call, his scowl already sliding off of his face as he took sight of his lover’s helmet.
“Callin’ durin’ a ride? Must be desperate,” Sonny teased the other dark haired boy before acknowledging the one that he knew was holding the phone steady for Decky. “Hey Lil’ Boa, how ya doin’?”
“I’m good, Sonny! Please remember I’m here!”
“Turn your volume down if ya ain’t wanna hear us-”
“Ya both suck!”
“I mean yeah, we do.”
Little siblings never win, even when that big brother wasn’t blood. Especially not when it’s two-on-one.
“Anyways, Mob, what’s up? Ain’t like ya ta call mid-ride unless somethin’s on your mind, but if it was serious ya wouldn’t’a gotten on the bike before callin’ in the first place.”
Sonny knew Decky well. Hell, Sonny knew Decky best out of anyone, and has known him longer than anyone. Mordechai Oren Boaz and Sonny Orpheus Cernis officially met at age 5 on their first day of kindergarten, but they had been aware of each other for as long as they could remember. The first time they saw each other, they were two kids locked in their rooms in their separate houses, faces tear streaked and struck red. Both boys, as if pulled by some string of fate, made their way over to their windows and threw open their tattered curtains to stare morosely at the only view they had: The side of the house next door. Imagine their shock when an equally battered child was staring back at them.
It started with a few hesitant waves through their respective windows, ever fearful of their parents walking in and getting angry at the un-approved interaction. Slowly, it morphed into silly faces and window-fog drawings, then showing each other whatever meager possessions they had in their rooms through their sealed windows. Sonny had dragged his older sister Lacey to the window one day, and Mordechai’s world expanded once more. Mordechai once held Danny up to the window after he’d been born, and could literally see the moment the other boy opened a spot in his heart for the baby. Lacey had by all accounts been the Boaz brothers’ first ever authority figure. Before even Phil the mechanic, Rey Rey of the Trip S, and Mr. Beau had become solidified as providers in his worldview, Lacey Cernis had seen two broken boys that had gained the absolute attention of her otherwise mute and empty eyed brother and decided she would do what she could to raise them, too. It had been her intense coaxing and coaching that had Sonny ready to talk and introduce himself the day he and Mordechai finally met in person, and later the reason for such a foul mouth as he’d learned to speak from her, though she would never admit it.
Not a single actual word was spoken between the two for more than two years, but the day both doors slammed on their backs for school, the boys walked up to each other and grinned, bright and pure.
Even when they began to hang out with the other Southie kids, including Decky’s eventual quartet, it was always Decky and Sunshine. They were like a single soul split into two bodies and they fought like vipers whenever you tried to separate them. In fact, Sonny had to be the final push that allowed Decky to sever his chains to Gravette and move south to find his uncles and a better life. If the ornery boy had instead chosen to be selfish and asked Decky to stay, Decky simply would have, no questions asked. However, if there was one thing Sonny always wanted more than Decky, it was for Decky to be safe and happy, and he was more than willing to suffer a bit for the sake of that chance.
So, it was no surprise that Sonny was aware of Decky’s turmoil without the other boy having said anything, right down to the level of urgency. That also meant that Decky was free to jump right in, as Sunshine had heard him talk about the topic on his mind multiple times.
"She's hot as fuck Sunshine! How ain't I realize that? And how ain't I notice she was interested first? It's so fuckin’ obvious now!"
“Pause,” Sonny demanded before Decky went off completely. “We talkin’ ‘bout JJ?”
“Yeah,” Decky responded, ignoring Danny’s interested hum crackling over their headset. His younger brother was obviously listening, which had him rolling his eyes. Kid couldn’t complain if he didn’t take the steps to protect his own ears. “Who the fuck else?”
“With you, ya whore? Don’t make me laugh,” Sonny laughed anyway, well aware of the face Decky was pulling behind his blackened visor at the remark. “Don’t be a lil’ bitch, continue.”
“She slid across my desk this mornin’ durin’ some chaos and somethin’ just fuckin’ clicked, Shine,” Decky did not whine like a child, but he was pretty damn close. “Like, everythin’ she’s said ta me since I found her in that music room Sophomore year, the way PJ’s so extra violent whenever I’m around JJ. I thought it was just ‘cause it was her sister but I’m thinkin’ it’s ‘cause she already knew-”
“Well, yeah. If I knew from here then there’s no doubt this girl’s twin sister was aware,” Sonny cut in, raising his eyebrow at Decky as the boy looked down quickly at the screen and then did a shocked double take as he registered the corner captain’s words. “What? Wasn’t my job ta tell ya what you’re feelin’.”
“Uh, yeah, it kinda was for this!” Decky bitched while Danny lost control of his calm and started laughing recklessly, making Decky tilt his head back in frustration and bonk the younger boy’s helmet with his own to make him stop. “What the fuck, Sunshine?”
“Mob, ya talked about her like…every other video call that we’ve had for I don’t even know how long.”
“She was my friend’s sister-”
“Don’t be an idiot, I know ya ain’t one,” Sonny admonished, making Decky go silent while he reigned him in. “Now back ta the point, that bein’ that ya now know that ya like the lil’ drummer girl.”
“Right, and me not knowin’ for so long-”
“You've always been like that when it mattered, Mob-"
"No! Not with you! We always knew-"
"That's different ya know it, jackass. Calm down, fuck," Sonny leaned back in the plastic lawnchair that he used at his desk, the flimsy back legs bending dangerously as all his weight went onto them. He pulled a blunt from the keyboard tray and lit it slowly, forcing Decky to sit in silence until he had chilled out a bit. Then, he made sure the gearhead was looking down at the phone when he gave him a salacious grin. "Or better yet, fuck her,” Danny made a disgusted noise of protest behind Decky and Sonny simply shrugged, taking another hit before clarifying- as if he needed to- his meaning. “In the good way, y'know? Like, actually fuck her, I think it would do ya both a world’a good."
“Sonnyyyyy, gross!” Danny voiced, knowing Sonny could hear him just as clearly as Decky. “Why d’ya gotta be so vulgar?”
“It’s part’a my charm,” He deadpanned back to the younger teen as he ashed his blunt, finally letting his chair fall back forward until all four legs were back on the ground. “We told ya ta turn your volume off, baby boy.”
“Fine! I will,” Danny pouted, pulling the phone to the side and flipping up his visor for a second just so Sonny could see the look on his face before flipping it back down again. He put one gloved finger up to the buttons on the side of his helmet, hovering over the minus button as his covered eyes looked at his brother figure through the screen. “Love ya, talk ta ya later.”
Sonny visibly melted at the words, a warm smile overtaking the teasing one on his face as he told the boy with genuine care, “Love ya too, kiddo, talk soon.” Once Danny had turned his volume down and returned the phone center to Decky’s front, Sonny took another hit and addressed his lover in crisis. “Seriously though, ya gonna try an’ get with her now? You’re not one ta avoid somethin’ or someone ya want.”
“This feels different, Sunshine,” Decky said seriously as he pulled off the freeway and took the turn towards Dom’s. They had a few more precious minutes to speak, and Decky needed to get this out. Sonny stared silently at him, blunt momentarily forgotten between his fingers. “I mean yeah, I’m definitely gonna, but there’s somethin’ about this. I don’t wanna fuck it up, and I’ve never cared ‘bout bein’ a fuck up before.”
“Rejections only matter if real feelin’ is involved, Mob,” Sonny spouted as if that wasn’t rather deep coming from someone like him. Despite being pixels on a screen right now angled towards a dark visored helmet, Sonny managed to make direct eye contact with Decky. “You’re scared ‘cause you’re seein’ more than a night with this girl, yeah? More than what ya had with Rye, or your hookups there, or any’a the others back here aside from me. Right?”
“…What’re ya sayin’, Sunshine?” Decky asked stiltedly, keeping his eyes on the road as if that would protect him from Sonny’s knowing gaze.
“Oh, ya need me ta be blunter than that? By all means,” Sonny grabbed his phone off of the desk and brought it close to his face, giving Decky the clearest view of his stop fucking around face that he’s had all ride. “All these thoughts flyin’ through your head, all these scenes you’re playin’ out, is the one that freaks ya out the most ‘cause you’re able ta imagine introducin’ me and her one day? Is it that you’re thinkin’ long term with her instead’a just whose bed y’all are gonna break?”
“Yeah, I fuckin’ thought so,” Sonny put his phone back down in its standing position before leaning back triumphantly with his arms crossed. He once again let the silence sit, forcing Decky to think about his words, to keep paying attention for his next ones. He wasn’t smiling anymore, his face was serious and his tone was even more so, though the words were laced with warmth. “You’ve got my permission, Decky.”
Decky almost swerved off the road in surprise, both at Sonny’s words and at his use of Decky instead of Mob. He was serious. The bike wobbled only a moment as Danny’s arms and legs tightened at his sides before he regained control and composure, doing his best to keep his eyes on the road and not stare down at his phone in disbelief.
Decky and Sonny never once had a defined label for what their relationship was, they were just always them, and that had always worked out just fine. Outside of each other, there was nothing romantic about any of the entanglements they had, and there had never been a conversation on what would happen if such things suddenly developed because much like everything else in the two boys’ lives, they simply already knew each other too well. Sonny had scared off plenty of perspectives before that Decky simply hadn’t been interested in back, but this was different. If Sonny had shut Decky down right there, if he’d been selfish and told the boy that he wouldn’t accept the girl that had his eye, then Decky would have proceeded to wear shin-guards the next day and let JJ down as gently as he knew how, well aware that PJ would kill him if he tried to one night stand her twin. Sonny and Decky would always be a package deal, no matter the distance that life puts between them.
Yet Sonny was once again showing his selfless side when it came to Decky, a stunning difference from his typical aggressive and possessive nature with the other boy, and it left Decky with an incredibly simple question for him.
“Why?” He asked Sonny, glancing down to see a raised eyebrow from his lover. There were a lot of things that he meant by that, and Sonny understood them all. Why do I suddenly like someone like this? Why is she like you, the way I feel about her? Why are you accepting my wanting her without meeting her? Instead, since the other boy already understood the unspoken words, Decky asked another question. “What makes her different?”
“I don’t have your answers for that, Mob, only mine,” Sonny spoke softly now that he could see Decky’s receptiveness, no longer needing to bulldoze through his thick skull. “For me? I like the way ya light up when ya talk about her,” He shrugged, looking away from the camera as if it could hide his blush from the other side of his coin. Sonny didn’t do sappy often, and when he did he couldn’t get away without heat rising to his face in embarrassment. Let him say some of the most raunchy and nasty things with a straight face and not so much as a twitch of an eye, but sincerity was a weakness, a vulnerability, and it wasn’t something he showed often. “S’nice, y’know? Ta see someone else put that look on your face, means I get ta stare at it more often.”
“Don’t tell me you’re fallin’ for her on my word alone, Bashful,” Decky teased, unintentionally mimicking JJ’s name for him from this morning as he regained his footing in the conversation, now that Sonny was slacking his tight grip on the reigns. He cleared his throat of any lingering emotion that was constricting it at Sonny’s admission. He hadn’t realized he made such obvious faces, but he loved the way Sonny knew him in ways he himself couldn’t.
“You’ve shown me a picture before,” Sonny combatted, his crossed arms tensing defiantly and cheeks still red. “And no, I’m not, shut the fuck up. I’m just tellin’ ya that it’s okay. I like what I’ve heard, and what I’ve seen ain’t bad either, honestly. ‘Sides, it’s not like me and her have ta have anythin’ goin’ on between us just ‘cause y’all got somethin’. We just gotta meet properly and shit so there ain’t no confusion.”
“We’re gettin’ ahead’a ourselves, I ain’t even hit on her yet let alone asked her out and gotten a yes,” Decky brought up just as he pulled into the parking lot of the garage. Danny hopped off the back once Decky put down the kickstand, handing Decky the phone and leaving his helmet on the back of the bike before running away without another word. He stuck his tongue out at Decky from the door before disappearing inside when he saw his big brother was watching him to make sure he got in safely. With the privacy of his helmet still containing their conversation, the older boy continued. “She could hate me when I start flirtin’.”
“Mob, I’ve listened ta ya talk about this girl for so long that if ya don’t manage ta pull her then I’m gonna come down there myself, grip ya by your blue balls, and yell in your face about just how pathetic you’re bein’.”
“Don’t threaten me with a good time.”
“Next video call better come with an actual story and not just pinin’ and self-doubt,” Sonny proceeded while ignoring Decky’s response with practiced ease. He wasn’t kidding about that demand either, he would absolutely hang up in Decky’s face if the ex-gang member called him blubbering about the girl he couldn’t even bother trying to ask out first. This was different, this was the Conversation phone call. Now, it was time for action. “Seriously dude, go ta work and think about it, but don’t overthink it like you’re doin’ now.”
“I live ta please,” He drawled as he finally hit his blunt again, dragging slowly to reignite the dead parts of the cherry and looking Decky in the eyes now that the other boy had flipped up his visor. “Just be you, asshole, ain’t no one worth bein’ with if they don’t wanna be with that.”
“Thanks, Sunshine,” Decky responded sincerely as he heard the distant noise of a door slamming from Sonny’s side of the audio, failing to suppress his amused smile as the grumpy boy’s scowl came back full force now that his older sister was also in the apartment. “I gotta get ta work, tell Lace I said hi.”
“Yeah, sure,” Sonny rolled his eyes, leaning back in the flimsy chair and yelling, “Lace! Mob says you’re still a bitch!”
“No I didn’t!” Decky yelled in protest, hoping it would reach the girl over her brother’s shitty phone speaker. “No the fuck I didn’t!” He glared at a smirking Sunshine before hissing, “Don’t take me down with ya, asshole.”
Sonny’s head tilted as he listened to Lacey’s response, Decky barely able to hear more than her annoyed tone over the phone. When his lover rolled his eyes at whatever she said, Decky setted back down onto his bike seat, knowing that it would be a moment before he was brought back into the conversation and hoping it didn’t make him late to work. He couldn’t just hang up in case Lacey wanted to talk directly to him, she’d be so upset.
“Dishes ain’t done ‘cause I ain’t fuckin’ do ‘em yet, whaddya mean?...No I said I was fuckin’ gettin’ ta them, don’t do that bullshit where ya put ‘em away all angrily, I fuckin’ got it, bitch, stop!...I’ll do ‘em when I feel like it! I just got home when Mob called…” The look on Sonny’s face told Decky that Sonny’s older sister was making her way from the kitchen in their little one bedroom apartment to the living room where Sonny resided, and Decky finally saw her form appear right behind Sonny, who turned to once again cuss her out after he snubbed out his blunt. “Did I say ya could be a fuckin’ part’a this convo, the fuc- LACE!” Lacey shoved Sonny out of his seat with a hand to his face and Decky let the laugh he’d been holding in fly free, doubling over his bike at the irate look on his lover’s face while his older sister simply took the phone and leveled it to her own.
“Go do the FUCKIN’ DISHES,” Lacey yelled at her now hovering little brother, who slunk off towards the kitchen with grumbled curses and a middle finger held high to his sister. When she was sure he’d started his chore, she turned back to the screen, to Decky, and smiled. “Heyo babe. I hope you found a better fuck out there in that ritzy city of yours! Maybe find yourself a nepo girl and knock her up. I wouldn’t mind a big ass pool where I can just sunbathe all day, drink pina coladas and get caught in the rain. No care in the world. Just Lacey and the sun. Matter of fact… HEY BITCH.” She calls out to Sonny again, who looks back from his place at the kitchen sink on the other end of the apartment. “You move there and go find a catch to share. Let’s go fishin’. I’d like to retire ONE DAY.”
While Decky couldn’t hear Sonny’s reply, he could absolutely hear his ire and read the rude gestures he could see the other boy tossing at his sister in the background.
“Y’all know you’re always welcome down here for a visit,” Decky offered, trying not to get too hopeful at Lacey’s words that were likely meant strictly to barb at Sonny more than any actual plan to come down to Beverly Hills. He knew she was just teasing them both and keeping it lighthearted in her own way. But he thought about all the paperwork in his uncle Hirsch’s filing cabinet, the slightly older boy having done all the organization needed for Decky to easily present his income and stability to the bank for a loan. He’d also said he padded it for extra insurance, but Decky wasn’t quite sure what exactly that entailed. Regardless, Decky was on the fast track for having his own home for he and his brother before he even graduated this year. One perk of already being of legal age while still in school. “Hell, I’m tryin’a get that house soon, and y’all know there’ll always be room for ya.”
Decky checked the time on his phone and sighed. “Sorry Lace, I gotta get ta work. I’ll try and call ya soon, okay?”
When they’d said their goodbyes, Decky finally swung off of his bike and shoved his phone into his pocket as he hustled to the door his brother had entered earlier. He almost bowled Hirsch over on the way in, stopping just short of the intelligence gatherer as the older man stood in his way. He raised an eyebrow at his uncle in question and Hirsch nodded silently to the office, making his way in and closing the door quietly when Decky followed. The younger shifted anxiously for only a moment before the other events of his morning filtered in and his shoulders slumped forward, exhausted before he even asked. His uncle always updated him on exactly how much he knew the younger could handle at the time.
“Fine, but I’m punchin’ in first.”
So, sex hadn’t been on his mind too much recently. Which, for someone who’s been active for as long as he’s been doing drugs, is a stunning realization to come to. It’s also a realization that had unlocked the floodgates, and now Decky couldn’t stop thinking about it. He knew one person who he really wanted to talk to about it, and ironically that person was also the last one he’d slept with, back when he visited him a few weeks into summer break. Apologizing mentally to his brother ahead of time, Decky called for his attention over their headset.
“Boychik,” He spoke up, feeling his brother come to from where he’d zoned out against Decky’s back. The smaller boy squeezed his middle in reply and Decky continued, now assured he had his attention. “Get my phone and put Sunshine on a video chat for me, will ya?”
“It’s dangerous ta do that while ridin’,” His little brother admonished while Decky scoffed in response. Still, he didn’t miss a beat as he slid Decky’s phone out of his front pocket and leaned back a bit in order to pull up the contact info of Sonny Cernis. When he found it, right at the top under favorites, he hit the videochat button and pressed himself against his brother’s back so he could remain stable as he stretched his arms past him as much as possible, trying to allow the older boy visual of the call screen. My Sunshine showed across the top of the screen and Sonny’s contact photo took up the rest as it rang in both their headsets, and he felt Decky look down at the picture he’d taken of the other boy when they’d met up this summer. “Please remember that I’m here this time.”
“Turn your volume down if ya ain’t wanna hear us, brat.”
“What?” Danny asked with an annoyed tinge to his voice, unaware of his brother’s goading smirk beneath his own helmet. “And listen ta nothin’ just ‘cause ya wanna talk sexy with Sunshine? Why do I gotta suffer either way?”
“Talk sexy?” Decky whispered in a strained tone, resisting the urge to turn around and stare Danny down. “Please don’t say shit like that, Boychik.”
“You’ve really got no idea just how much I’ve had to hear ya say that I wish I could bleach from my brai-” The static over the line changed as Sonny finally answered the call, his scowl already sliding off of his face as he took sight of his lover’s helmet.
“Callin’ durin’ a ride? Must be desperate,” Sonny teased the other dark haired boy before acknowledging the one that he knew was holding the phone steady for Decky. “Hey Lil’ Boa, how ya doin’?”
“I’m good, Sonny! Please remember I’m here!”
“Turn your volume down if ya ain’t wanna hear us-”
“Ya both suck!”
“I mean yeah, we do.”
Little siblings never win, even when that big brother wasn’t blood. Especially not when it’s two-on-one.
“Anyways, Mob, what’s up? Ain’t like ya ta call mid-ride unless somethin’s on your mind, but if it was serious ya wouldn’t’a gotten on the bike before callin’ in the first place.”
Sonny knew Decky well. Hell, Sonny knew Decky best out of anyone, and has known him longer than anyone. Mordechai Oren Boaz and Sonny Orpheus Cernis officially met at age 5 on their first day of kindergarten, but they had been aware of each other for as long as they could remember. The first time they saw each other, they were two kids locked in their rooms in their separate houses, faces tear streaked and struck red. Both boys, as if pulled by some string of fate, made their way over to their windows and threw open their tattered curtains to stare morosely at the only view they had: The side of the house next door. Imagine their shock when an equally battered child was staring back at them.
It started with a few hesitant waves through their respective windows, ever fearful of their parents walking in and getting angry at the un-approved interaction. Slowly, it morphed into silly faces and window-fog drawings, then showing each other whatever meager possessions they had in their rooms through their sealed windows. Sonny had dragged his older sister Lacey to the window one day, and Mordechai’s world expanded once more. Mordechai once held Danny up to the window after he’d been born, and could literally see the moment the other boy opened a spot in his heart for the baby. Lacey had by all accounts been the Boaz brothers’ first ever authority figure. Before even Phil the mechanic, Rey Rey of the Trip S, and Mr. Beau had become solidified as providers in his worldview, Lacey Cernis had seen two broken boys that had gained the absolute attention of her otherwise mute and empty eyed brother and decided she would do what she could to raise them, too. It had been her intense coaxing and coaching that had Sonny ready to talk and introduce himself the day he and Mordechai finally met in person, and later the reason for such a foul mouth as he’d learned to speak from her, though she would never admit it.
Not a single actual word was spoken between the two for more than two years, but the day both doors slammed on their backs for school, the boys walked up to each other and grinned, bright and pure.
“‘M Sonny!”
“‘M Mordechai, Danny calls me Decky.”
“Danny your broth…er?” Sonny had asked excitedly, his grin widening when Decky nodded, and the boys began walking side by side while talking a mile a minute. By the time they’d gotten to the school, it was like their communication had always been verbal, and you would never know that they’d been unable to even touch before that day.
The first time someone pushed Sonny down on the asphalt that counted as their playground, Decky jumped at the kid so hard they both hit the ground, and Decky didn't stop punching until a teacher tore him away. In the office when the Administration was demanding answers, all Decky would say is, "He hurt my Sunshine."
When they were alone again, Sonny had started grinning like a lunatic, prompting Decky to ask, "What?"
"Your in…initials are M.O.B"
Decky blinks. "So?"
"Ya fight like a mob guy on tv, all f-fast ‘n’ rough," Sonny giggled, grabbing the other boy's bloody knuckles. "And ya called me Su-Sunshine. I'm gonna call ya Mob." The boy declares, clearly satisfied. Decky gave him a soft smile.
"Yeah, a’right."
“‘M Mordechai, Danny calls me Decky.”
“Danny your broth…er?” Sonny had asked excitedly, his grin widening when Decky nodded, and the boys began walking side by side while talking a mile a minute. By the time they’d gotten to the school, it was like their communication had always been verbal, and you would never know that they’d been unable to even touch before that day.
The first time someone pushed Sonny down on the asphalt that counted as their playground, Decky jumped at the kid so hard they both hit the ground, and Decky didn't stop punching until a teacher tore him away. In the office when the Administration was demanding answers, all Decky would say is, "He hurt my Sunshine."
When they were alone again, Sonny had started grinning like a lunatic, prompting Decky to ask, "What?"
"Your in…initials are M.O.B"
Decky blinks. "So?"
"Ya fight like a mob guy on tv, all f-fast ‘n’ rough," Sonny giggled, grabbing the other boy's bloody knuckles. "And ya called me Su-Sunshine. I'm gonna call ya Mob." The boy declares, clearly satisfied. Decky gave him a soft smile.
"Yeah, a’right."
Even when they began to hang out with the other Southie kids, including Decky’s eventual quartet, it was always Decky and Sunshine. They were like a single soul split into two bodies and they fought like vipers whenever you tried to separate them. In fact, Sonny had to be the final push that allowed Decky to sever his chains to Gravette and move south to find his uncles and a better life. If the ornery boy had instead chosen to be selfish and asked Decky to stay, Decky simply would have, no questions asked. However, if there was one thing Sonny always wanted more than Decky, it was for Decky to be safe and happy, and he was more than willing to suffer a bit for the sake of that chance.
So, it was no surprise that Sonny was aware of Decky’s turmoil without the other boy having said anything, right down to the level of urgency. That also meant that Decky was free to jump right in, as Sunshine had heard him talk about the topic on his mind multiple times.
"She's hot as fuck Sunshine! How ain't I realize that? And how ain't I notice she was interested first? It's so fuckin’ obvious now!"
“Pause,” Sonny demanded before Decky went off completely. “We talkin’ ‘bout JJ?”
“Yeah,” Decky responded, ignoring Danny’s interested hum crackling over their headset. His younger brother was obviously listening, which had him rolling his eyes. Kid couldn’t complain if he didn’t take the steps to protect his own ears. “Who the fuck else?”
“With you, ya whore? Don’t make me laugh,” Sonny laughed anyway, well aware of the face Decky was pulling behind his blackened visor at the remark. “Don’t be a lil’ bitch, continue.”
“She slid across my desk this mornin’ durin’ some chaos and somethin’ just fuckin’ clicked, Shine,” Decky did not whine like a child, but he was pretty damn close. “Like, everythin’ she’s said ta me since I found her in that music room Sophomore year, the way PJ’s so extra violent whenever I’m around JJ. I thought it was just ‘cause it was her sister but I’m thinkin’ it’s ‘cause she already knew-”
“Well, yeah. If I knew from here then there’s no doubt this girl’s twin sister was aware,” Sonny cut in, raising his eyebrow at Decky as the boy looked down quickly at the screen and then did a shocked double take as he registered the corner captain’s words. “What? Wasn’t my job ta tell ya what you’re feelin’.”
“Uh, yeah, it kinda was for this!” Decky bitched while Danny lost control of his calm and started laughing recklessly, making Decky tilt his head back in frustration and bonk the younger boy’s helmet with his own to make him stop. “What the fuck, Sunshine?”
“Mob, ya talked about her like…every other video call that we’ve had for I don’t even know how long.”
“She was my friend’s sister-”
“Don’t be an idiot, I know ya ain’t one,” Sonny admonished, making Decky go silent while he reigned him in. “Now back ta the point, that bein’ that ya now know that ya like the lil’ drummer girl.”
“Right, and me not knowin’ for so long-”
“You've always been like that when it mattered, Mob-"
"No! Not with you! We always knew-"
"That's different ya know it, jackass. Calm down, fuck," Sonny leaned back in the plastic lawnchair that he used at his desk, the flimsy back legs bending dangerously as all his weight went onto them. He pulled a blunt from the keyboard tray and lit it slowly, forcing Decky to sit in silence until he had chilled out a bit. Then, he made sure the gearhead was looking down at the phone when he gave him a salacious grin. "Or better yet, fuck her,” Danny made a disgusted noise of protest behind Decky and Sonny simply shrugged, taking another hit before clarifying- as if he needed to- his meaning. “In the good way, y'know? Like, actually fuck her, I think it would do ya both a world’a good."
“Sonnyyyyy, gross!” Danny voiced, knowing Sonny could hear him just as clearly as Decky. “Why d’ya gotta be so vulgar?”
“It’s part’a my charm,” He deadpanned back to the younger teen as he ashed his blunt, finally letting his chair fall back forward until all four legs were back on the ground. “We told ya ta turn your volume off, baby boy.”
“Fine! I will,” Danny pouted, pulling the phone to the side and flipping up his visor for a second just so Sonny could see the look on his face before flipping it back down again. He put one gloved finger up to the buttons on the side of his helmet, hovering over the minus button as his covered eyes looked at his brother figure through the screen. “Love ya, talk ta ya later.”
Sonny visibly melted at the words, a warm smile overtaking the teasing one on his face as he told the boy with genuine care, “Love ya too, kiddo, talk soon.” Once Danny had turned his volume down and returned the phone center to Decky’s front, Sonny took another hit and addressed his lover in crisis. “Seriously though, ya gonna try an’ get with her now? You’re not one ta avoid somethin’ or someone ya want.”
“This feels different, Sunshine,” Decky said seriously as he pulled off the freeway and took the turn towards Dom’s. They had a few more precious minutes to speak, and Decky needed to get this out. Sonny stared silently at him, blunt momentarily forgotten between his fingers. “I mean yeah, I’m definitely gonna, but there’s somethin’ about this. I don’t wanna fuck it up, and I’ve never cared ‘bout bein’ a fuck up before.”
“Rejections only matter if real feelin’ is involved, Mob,” Sonny spouted as if that wasn’t rather deep coming from someone like him. Despite being pixels on a screen right now angled towards a dark visored helmet, Sonny managed to make direct eye contact with Decky. “You’re scared ‘cause you’re seein’ more than a night with this girl, yeah? More than what ya had with Rye, or your hookups there, or any’a the others back here aside from me. Right?”
“…What’re ya sayin’, Sunshine?” Decky asked stiltedly, keeping his eyes on the road as if that would protect him from Sonny’s knowing gaze.
“Oh, ya need me ta be blunter than that? By all means,” Sonny grabbed his phone off of the desk and brought it close to his face, giving Decky the clearest view of his stop fucking around face that he’s had all ride. “All these thoughts flyin’ through your head, all these scenes you’re playin’ out, is the one that freaks ya out the most ‘cause you’re able ta imagine introducin’ me and her one day? Is it that you’re thinkin’ long term with her instead’a just whose bed y’all are gonna break?”
“Yeah, I fuckin’ thought so,” Sonny put his phone back down in its standing position before leaning back triumphantly with his arms crossed. He once again let the silence sit, forcing Decky to think about his words, to keep paying attention for his next ones. He wasn’t smiling anymore, his face was serious and his tone was even more so, though the words were laced with warmth. “You’ve got my permission, Decky.”
Decky almost swerved off the road in surprise, both at Sonny’s words and at his use of Decky instead of Mob. He was serious. The bike wobbled only a moment as Danny’s arms and legs tightened at his sides before he regained control and composure, doing his best to keep his eyes on the road and not stare down at his phone in disbelief.
Decky and Sonny never once had a defined label for what their relationship was, they were just always them, and that had always worked out just fine. Outside of each other, there was nothing romantic about any of the entanglements they had, and there had never been a conversation on what would happen if such things suddenly developed because much like everything else in the two boys’ lives, they simply already knew each other too well. Sonny had scared off plenty of perspectives before that Decky simply hadn’t been interested in back, but this was different. If Sonny had shut Decky down right there, if he’d been selfish and told the boy that he wouldn’t accept the girl that had his eye, then Decky would have proceeded to wear shin-guards the next day and let JJ down as gently as he knew how, well aware that PJ would kill him if he tried to one night stand her twin. Sonny and Decky would always be a package deal, no matter the distance that life puts between them.
Yet Sonny was once again showing his selfless side when it came to Decky, a stunning difference from his typical aggressive and possessive nature with the other boy, and it left Decky with an incredibly simple question for him.
“Why?” He asked Sonny, glancing down to see a raised eyebrow from his lover. There were a lot of things that he meant by that, and Sonny understood them all. Why do I suddenly like someone like this? Why is she like you, the way I feel about her? Why are you accepting my wanting her without meeting her? Instead, since the other boy already understood the unspoken words, Decky asked another question. “What makes her different?”
“I don’t have your answers for that, Mob, only mine,” Sonny spoke softly now that he could see Decky’s receptiveness, no longer needing to bulldoze through his thick skull. “For me? I like the way ya light up when ya talk about her,” He shrugged, looking away from the camera as if it could hide his blush from the other side of his coin. Sonny didn’t do sappy often, and when he did he couldn’t get away without heat rising to his face in embarrassment. Let him say some of the most raunchy and nasty things with a straight face and not so much as a twitch of an eye, but sincerity was a weakness, a vulnerability, and it wasn’t something he showed often. “S’nice, y’know? Ta see someone else put that look on your face, means I get ta stare at it more often.”
“Don’t tell me you’re fallin’ for her on my word alone, Bashful,” Decky teased, unintentionally mimicking JJ’s name for him from this morning as he regained his footing in the conversation, now that Sonny was slacking his tight grip on the reigns. He cleared his throat of any lingering emotion that was constricting it at Sonny’s admission. He hadn’t realized he made such obvious faces, but he loved the way Sonny knew him in ways he himself couldn’t.
“You’ve shown me a picture before,” Sonny combatted, his crossed arms tensing defiantly and cheeks still red. “And no, I’m not, shut the fuck up. I’m just tellin’ ya that it’s okay. I like what I’ve heard, and what I’ve seen ain’t bad either, honestly. ‘Sides, it’s not like me and her have ta have anythin’ goin’ on between us just ‘cause y’all got somethin’. We just gotta meet properly and shit so there ain’t no confusion.”
“We’re gettin’ ahead’a ourselves, I ain’t even hit on her yet let alone asked her out and gotten a yes,” Decky brought up just as he pulled into the parking lot of the garage. Danny hopped off the back once Decky put down the kickstand, handing Decky the phone and leaving his helmet on the back of the bike before running away without another word. He stuck his tongue out at Decky from the door before disappearing inside when he saw his big brother was watching him to make sure he got in safely. With the privacy of his helmet still containing their conversation, the older boy continued. “She could hate me when I start flirtin’.”
“Mob, I’ve listened ta ya talk about this girl for so long that if ya don’t manage ta pull her then I’m gonna come down there myself, grip ya by your blue balls, and yell in your face about just how pathetic you’re bein’.”
“Don’t threaten me with a good time.”
“Next video call better come with an actual story and not just pinin’ and self-doubt,” Sonny proceeded while ignoring Decky’s response with practiced ease. He wasn’t kidding about that demand either, he would absolutely hang up in Decky’s face if the ex-gang member called him blubbering about the girl he couldn’t even bother trying to ask out first. This was different, this was the Conversation phone call. Now, it was time for action. “Seriously dude, go ta work and think about it, but don’t overthink it like you’re doin’ now.”
“I live ta please,” He drawled as he finally hit his blunt again, dragging slowly to reignite the dead parts of the cherry and looking Decky in the eyes now that the other boy had flipped up his visor. “Just be you, asshole, ain’t no one worth bein’ with if they don’t wanna be with that.”
“Thanks, Sunshine,” Decky responded sincerely as he heard the distant noise of a door slamming from Sonny’s side of the audio, failing to suppress his amused smile as the grumpy boy’s scowl came back full force now that his older sister was also in the apartment. “I gotta get ta work, tell Lace I said hi.”
“Yeah, sure,” Sonny rolled his eyes, leaning back in the flimsy chair and yelling, “Lace! Mob says you’re still a bitch!”
“No I didn’t!” Decky yelled in protest, hoping it would reach the girl over her brother’s shitty phone speaker. “No the fuck I didn’t!” He glared at a smirking Sunshine before hissing, “Don’t take me down with ya, asshole.”
Sonny’s head tilted as he listened to Lacey’s response, Decky barely able to hear more than her annoyed tone over the phone. When his lover rolled his eyes at whatever she said, Decky setted back down onto his bike seat, knowing that it would be a moment before he was brought back into the conversation and hoping it didn’t make him late to work. He couldn’t just hang up in case Lacey wanted to talk directly to him, she’d be so upset.
“Dishes ain’t done ‘cause I ain’t fuckin’ do ‘em yet, whaddya mean?...No I said I was fuckin’ gettin’ ta them, don’t do that bullshit where ya put ‘em away all angrily, I fuckin’ got it, bitch, stop!...I’ll do ‘em when I feel like it! I just got home when Mob called…” The look on Sonny’s face told Decky that Sonny’s older sister was making her way from the kitchen in their little one bedroom apartment to the living room where Sonny resided, and Decky finally saw her form appear right behind Sonny, who turned to once again cuss her out after he snubbed out his blunt. “Did I say ya could be a fuckin’ part’a this convo, the fuc- LACE!” Lacey shoved Sonny out of his seat with a hand to his face and Decky let the laugh he’d been holding in fly free, doubling over his bike at the irate look on his lover’s face while his older sister simply took the phone and leveled it to her own.
“Go do the FUCKIN’ DISHES,” Lacey yelled at her now hovering little brother, who slunk off towards the kitchen with grumbled curses and a middle finger held high to his sister. When she was sure he’d started his chore, she turned back to the screen, to Decky, and smiled. “Heyo babe. I hope you found a better fuck out there in that ritzy city of yours! Maybe find yourself a nepo girl and knock her up. I wouldn’t mind a big ass pool where I can just sunbathe all day, drink pina coladas and get caught in the rain. No care in the world. Just Lacey and the sun. Matter of fact… HEY BITCH.” She calls out to Sonny again, who looks back from his place at the kitchen sink on the other end of the apartment. “You move there and go find a catch to share. Let’s go fishin’. I’d like to retire ONE DAY.”
While Decky couldn’t hear Sonny’s reply, he could absolutely hear his ire and read the rude gestures he could see the other boy tossing at his sister in the background.
“Y’all know you’re always welcome down here for a visit,” Decky offered, trying not to get too hopeful at Lacey’s words that were likely meant strictly to barb at Sonny more than any actual plan to come down to Beverly Hills. He knew she was just teasing them both and keeping it lighthearted in her own way. But he thought about all the paperwork in his uncle Hirsch’s filing cabinet, the slightly older boy having done all the organization needed for Decky to easily present his income and stability to the bank for a loan. He’d also said he padded it for extra insurance, but Decky wasn’t quite sure what exactly that entailed. Regardless, Decky was on the fast track for having his own home for he and his brother before he even graduated this year. One perk of already being of legal age while still in school. “Hell, I’m tryin’a get that house soon, and y’all know there’ll always be room for ya.”
Decky checked the time on his phone and sighed. “Sorry Lace, I gotta get ta work. I’ll try and call ya soon, okay?”
When they’d said their goodbyes, Decky finally swung off of his bike and shoved his phone into his pocket as he hustled to the door his brother had entered earlier. He almost bowled Hirsch over on the way in, stopping just short of the intelligence gatherer as the older man stood in his way. He raised an eyebrow at his uncle in question and Hirsch nodded silently to the office, making his way in and closing the door quietly when Decky followed. The younger shifted anxiously for only a moment before the other events of his morning filtered in and his shoulders slumped forward, exhausted before he even asked. His uncle always updated him on exactly how much he knew the younger could handle at the time.
“Fine, but I’m punchin’ in first.”