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8 yrs ago
So tired, sleep why do you spurn me?!
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Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.

Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!

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It wasn’t the cold Beatrix felt first but rather the creeping doom that slithered into her chest, the feeling of the inevitable collapse of the body and the mind, the very real awareness of her and her companions’ mortality. The cold came second, piercing through her armor, and she shivered a litte. Her country was warm and welcoming, nothing like this bitter chill. It set her on edge.

The events on the table did little more than worsen her concern. Something felt decided unnatural in the air and Beatrix gripped the hilt of her sword. Her eyes darted around, looking for some sort of danger, but she found nothing. She felt the goosebumps down her spine and tsked at herself. Her grip relaxed but she remained alert.

“What exactly is this Butcher of Seven Fields?” Beatrix echoed Cyterius’s question. It was not a name familiar to her but it was ominous nonetheless. She imagined a person with that title knew their way around a sword at the very least.

“Raise the alarm one way or the other. Danger is a guaranteed; I can feel it on the wind.” Beatrix replied. She was loathe to let someone leave lest this threat be waiting for their group to split but information was sorely needed. Unless S’vennia know more than just danger. Beatrix strapped on her shield.

“For those of whom I walk with and for I who walk with them.” She murmured as she finished strapping it on. Nothing happened for a moment but the shield began to pulse a soft white, the creeping doom fading away into a blazing resolve. Those near her would feel it as well, the bite of the chill and the crushing aura fading a little.

“We should strive not to break ranks too quickly. Something or someone very clearly has the advantage but we do need eyes. While he checks the outposts, the rest of us should rally the troops. What was the plan i the event of an attack and have all the soldiers been notified?” Beatrix followed up.

The next evening brought cloudy skies that dripped when least convenient. The freshman class, especially most mages, thrummed with excitement despite this and energetic murmurs rippled through the student body as they made their ways to their respective classes. Already a few rumors made their way around the school about the arrest last night, some saying the girl offended the Marivaldi, others suggesting the mage was caught breeding with a Noila mage.

Most of the extra guard was missing coming the new night. A few still wandered the grounds, eyes inspecting the student body. They moved with purpose, seemingly looking for something, but they didn’t stop anyone.

The next evening brought cloudy skies that dripped when least convenient. The freshman class, especially most mages, thrummed with excitement despite this and energetic murmurs rippled through the student body as they made their ways to their respective classes. Already a few rumors made their way around the school about the arrest last night, some saying the girl offended the Marivaldi, others suggesting the mage was caught breeding with a Noila mage.

Most of the extra guard was missing coming the new night. A few still wandered the grounds, eyes inspecting the student body. They moved with purpose, seemingly looking for something, but they didn’t stop anyone. Students avoided them at all costs.


Health: 800/2700
Mana: 1150/3550(+450)

The explosions quieted and the earth stilled. The breath between one blast and the lack of another was eerily still, in Willow’s mind at least, and the pounding of her heart overwhelmed her. Her wand finally still, her knees gave out and Willow gulped in air. The battlefield seemed to spin as everything ground to a halt. She sighed and struggled back to her feet, pulling up the status screen she’d dropped to check on everyone.

‘Prome, 1HP damn. Okay, a few heals should bring everyone up…’ Willow’s finger paused as she checked people off. She closed the menu, looked around for a familiar figure amongst the crowd, and opened the menu again. That wasn’t right. Karuu wasn’t on her screen anymore. She closed it one more time and opened it again. And again. And again. Her movements became more and more frantic as something chewed away inside her chest. She closed it one last time. A glitch, that’s all it was. Just a nasty glitch. It had only been out a month or so. There were bound to be some issues.

She’d just meet up with the rest of the group. That’s all. Get people healed up, get everyone put back together, and then they’d meet up with Karuu in town. That’s all. He probably just got split and the party monitoring system was probably just glitching. Everything’s fine.

It took her a few minutes but Cecila’s redeeming glow caught her eye and she hustled to her. Her heart sank when she couldn’t find Karuu but she was relieved to see everyone else. They’d meet up with Karuu in town, thats all. He’s in town.

“Okay, lets get everyone all picked up. Healing Beam for Prome, Restore vitality for everyone else.” Willow whipped the spells out as the group moved. Her eyesight sharpened drastically but she had eyes for only one thing where Karuu definitely was.

  • Discover a glitch in the party monitoring system.
  • Find party
  • Cast healing Beam on Prome. + 611 HP
  • Cast Restore Vitality on group. + 386 HP

Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. Like clockwork, Charlie rolled out of bed and killed his alarm with one fluid motion. He rolled his neck and stretched as he rocked back on his heels a few times, clearing the sleep from his eyes. He glanced over to his dorm mate, noting that his alarm setting was low enough to leave the other undisturbed, and spent a few minutes making his bed in the dim light of his phone screen. He switched into the running clothes he laid out last night and neatly deposited his dirty pajamas into the laundry hamper. He popped in his headphones, synced them up, and set off for his morning run with Queen burning away the last of his lingering fatigue.

When his father first started him on this, the morning run was the bane of his existence. Why in the world would any sane person subject themselves to this? It took him almost a year for the utter loathing to fade as he ran. It was peaceful this early, only a handful of people out at the hour. He learned to love it, to have this time to just exist, no missions, no motives, no expectations. He could breathe.

As his soundtrack wound down, he made his way back to the dorm. He showered and dried off in his usual twelve minutes, went through his hygiene routine in five, and was dressed in the school uniform in three. Double checking his tie, he checked the clock and nodded. At this rate, he should be approximately twenty minutes early. Perfect.

Once the announcement was made and odd texts received, a little lightbulb clicked in his head. If he could secure a ticket to the guard through this mystery person, he could use this time to win some favor moving forward! Responding to the text about the raffle, he typed out a single word in response.

James Kingston

Location: The Morlock Tunnels
Skills: N/A

“Whoa, whoa. I never said I’m leaving.” James put his hands up and back away a step. “My uncle’s a purifier sympathizer. I go home and he’ll probably just hand me over. Just wasn’t really expecting,” James gestured widely. “This today. You know, wake up, explore, hit the gym, a little work. That’s what I expected. Not to cross the police and piss off half my family but I guess that's life. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger and all that.” James shrugged.

“I don’t know anything about this stuff. I’ve ignored it for as long as I could.” James admitted sheepishly. “My power isn’t very obvious so it was easy just to skate by. Not a lot of people notice fast healing unless its big and I made sure to run my tests far away from people.” Now that he thought about it, he was kinda awful. These were technically his people, people who were suffering, and he just hid with those that wanted him locked up or worse. All while people lived hidden away, just struggling to get by.

“I don’t have a lot in the way of powers but I have a dual degree in electrical and mechanical engineering. I’ll help out in whatever way I can as thanks.” James promised.
James Kingston

Location: The Sewers
Skills: N/A

Okay, this situation was far more optimal than what he expected when Sushine started smoking and Grey literally caught fire. He didn’t particularly want to fight down in the sewers with some unknown group of people, especially ones that offered room and board considering he was on the run now. Oh.

The realization of the consequences of his actions hit him like a ton of bricks and it took a lot to keep himself from vomiting. What would his family say about this? Well actually most of them could go to hell but his father would have been royally disappointed. This is what he got for sticking his nose in other people’s business. Shoulda kept his head down and kept on walking. What was he going to do now? What did being on the run even mean? Would the purifiers and their ilk be hunting him like the others now?

‘Stop panicking. Bad time, bad time.’ He thought to himself. “Uh, I don’t really have a “mutant” name. You know, didn’t expect all…” He gestured at everything around them. “Still kinda thinking I’m going to wake up and it’ll have been a bad dream, not gonna lie.”
@blazeflame13 Hey, these seem fun to rp! Wanna exchange discord names so we can talk easier?

Varis sat as long as he dare, flipping absently through the names and pictures of those in treaty law. The Noila’s methods successfully stripped the Starags of their independence. The boy’s natural dependance on orders would normally please Varis. Servants like that instinctively followed whatever order they received and could almost always handle their tasks without supervision. But it was the stubborn streak in him that made Varis wonder if they could pull this off without more... direct methods. Five centuries of conditioning wove the two together and Varis would have to break that absurd pride before anything else. Maybe if he looked back far enough, Varis could find something to sully the Starag name. It may not even need be true.

Varis sighed. But he didn’t have access to his or his Lady’s archives right now so he would have to wait until a break. He would have to keep with his Spellman plan. That would, at the very least, prime the mage to break. Of course, the Spellman’s intensity may well have the opposite effect but Varis hasn’t had the time to find a smaller flame to soften the boy yet. Hopefully, the Spellman would be all he needed but Varis would nose around tomorrow. He never kept all his eggs in one basket and he wasn’t about to start now. He returned his attention to the folder and his brows shot up at one picture. Lilie Dionne.

He flipped through the rest, looking for another Lilie. It hadn’t occurred to him to find her while the boy was panicking over everything else. Would have been an excellent time to demonstrate how his actions brought others under their gaze. Oh well, missed opportunities. He spent a few moments and committed her name to heart. There would always be another opportunity,

At last he stood, retreating inside before the sun peeked over the horizon. Varis almost went to bed, only to remember the items left on his desk. He went to retrieve them, noting the lack of papers on the boy’s desk. That wouldn't do. Varis pulled out a pad and pen, writing the line the mage was expected to copy on top, and then laid them neatly on the boy’s desk. He would lock them away starting tomorrow. A punishment shouldn’t be rushed after all.

His phone chirped. A quick glance at the notification told him a branch member’s birthday was approaching and it wasn’t one of those he could ignore. Varis sat at his desk, quickly composing an email to one of his mage’s to send an appropriate gift and one of the stock letters he keeps at home. Another piece of business in his email caught his eye and he moved onto to that and another one after that, catching up on all the responsibilities he put aside that evening. As one thing turned into two, three, four, the hours slipped by and Varis nodded off in his chair, a partially completed event reminder open on his phone.

The Red Hand

Interacting with: @WeepingLiberty

“Your concerns are not my responsibility. If you have an issue, submit them through the appropriate channels. I will assume this Getsuga is a creature in your care and for your peace of mind, it will be evaluated immediately by my personal mage. I will make note of your continued refusal to comply with the investigations orders as well. Return to your quarters immediately otherwise you will be charged with obstruction of justice as the mage’s accomplice.” Nox ended the conversation, turning on her heel and sending guards to escort the Countess to the Astorio dorm. She muttered something to Lucan, who immediately put his phone to his ear, and went inside.
@Letter BeeNice! Updated then!
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