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So tired, sleep why do you spurn me?!
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Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.

Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!

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James Kingston

Location: The Hospital
Skills: N/A

James met Sapphire’s glare with a confused one. He still wasn’t really sure why she decided to dislike him immediately; as far as he was aware, he hadn’t done anything specific to upset her outside of giving her the honest truth. He hadn’t voiced any of his prior opinions specifically to avoid upsetting her but apparently he couldn’t even do that right. He’d have to think a little more on that. Making enemies out of the people he was going to be working with was the last thing he wanted to do but apparently the good doctor made a judgement about him. He couldn’t resist a soft sigh at the thought but that wasn’t something to be considering right now.

“That’s niffy.” James commented on her ice slide, following it quickly to the car and holding open the door for everyone else to plie in first. If the police showed up, he felt confident he could eat a few bullets without straining the Underground’s thinly spread resources already. As long as someone was willing to dig the metal out of him of course. Hopefully, Sapphire’s commitment to the Hippocratic Oath applied to more than enemies. He looked at the unconscious blaster and bit back another sigh. He;d seen what the man could do to support pillars. Hopefully, they wouldn’t have to find out what he could do to a van going 75 down a highway.


Health: 2700/2700
Mana: 3300/3550(+450)

“Well, this should be exciting. Instill Tenacity.” Aura shined a faint rainbow hue for a few moments before returning to normal. That would give her a bit more to eat hits with. Area monsters that spawned in retaliation to farm parties were normally a bit tougher than their level suggested so it wouldn’t hurt to keep Aura well defended.

“Enfeeble.” A sickly green wisp slithered around the Treant, cutting it’s strength a little. Hopefully, the combo of Buffs and debuffs would help keep Aura from needing too much healing next round. “Alright, keep an eye out. We don’t have a lot to go on so watch your step. It might be able to manipulate the plants around us if it’s anything like other games. We don’t want to get ambushed by adds.” She kept her wand at the ready, the Weaken Magic spell on the tip of her tongue if it tried to do something outside of the expected physical attacks. She stuck close to River, wanting to feed off that wonderful battery of magic she was used to.

Level 17 (Uncommon)
Health: 12,239/15,000
Mana: 7,000/7,000

The Treant barely responded as the Stunned debuff ticked upwards from 5 seconds to 20 seconds, its mouth going slack and eyes dimming momentarily. The purple fog seeping out of its mouth whirled around everyone coming in melee range but dissipated far too quickly to have any real effect. Inside the still Treant, the Shadows writhed furiously as their giggling sharpened into a shrill scream. Two of the blue orbs were being ripped to shreds by the other shadows and massive bolt of blue energy blasts out of the yawning abyss. The energy barely dimmed as Willow caught the spell with her own but its still slammed directly into Aura’s shield, massively damaging the Paladin. A notification popped up on her dashboard, warning of a 25% reduction in all equipped item durability.

The Treant stirred after the assault, blinking its eyes and howling in anger. The roots writhing in it’s legs pushed themselves into the ground and the Treant settled into the spot. A tiny green emblem reading Ingrain appeared beneath the Monster’s health bar, timed at 2 minutes, and suddenly its health shot up by 1000. More shadows poured out from its mouth, one for each player, and rose above each player. They took on the silhouette of children, giggling and dancing around the players before all but the one in front of willow vanished. The shadow giggled and said in a sing song voice, You’re it!.

Prome’s crafting went quickly and efficiently, his smithing skill high enough to knock out the required steel in almost no time at all. Ten steel bars sat in his inventory after little more than ten minutes with plenty of time to spare on his purchased smithy spot.

“No. You just got the pampered slimeball.” The detective replied, breaking just about every road law as she sped down the road. “For holidays, the Princess releases most of the guard from their duties and fills in for the shifts. I’m sure you don’t need me to spell out the rest.” The car came to a hard stop in front of the front gates and detective Foster yanked open the doors and stomped off, clearly expecting them to follow.

The campus buzzed with activity although the energetic, joyous revelry had since faded. More and more campus guard appeared with and even a few members of the Royal guard made an appearance. Rides and stalls were being shut down in sections, announcements over the loudspeaker claiming damage to several of the event’s power lines were too much of a fire hazard and that everything should be operation come the next sunset.

The trio were escorted into the administrative building and straight into the Princess’ office with some practiced ducking of the royal guard. Ryner herself was speaking with another member of the guard, dismissing the obsidian clad man with a few sharp words and turned her attention to the fourth coming in unannounced. The armored vampire stared suspiciously at the group but hurried out after Ryner cleared her throat expectantly.

“These three were at the scene, Ryner. Grumpy cat here said it was Mr. Samuel who interacted with the body. Don’t think they had anything to do with this mess but thought you’d take someone’s head off if your sister’s lap dogs go their teeth in them..”

“Thank you, Abigail. I’ll handle them from here. I’ll be at the scene in a moment.” Abigail nodded and, after reviewing the photo Salem took and quickly dismissing it, was out the door. The Princess looked over her students solemnly for a few moments and gestured for them to take a seat in the two chairs in front of her desk.

“I’m sorry that you saw what you did. It must have been a horrific discovery but he situation is being handled as we speak. In the meantime, may I offer you a drink? It may be a while until you’re released. If you wish to discuss what you encountered, then I am more than happy to hear but it is understandable if you don’t wish to do so. If you wish to forget about the previous events, I have a wide variety of historical texts here I find serve as an excellent distraction from the unpleasant and horrific.” As she spoke, Ryner pulled out a few bottles of sparkling water and blood along side a few glasses. She moved her own chair around the desk, setting it next to the other two so everyone could sit.

Interacting with @WeepingLiberty

“You want me to what?” Dennis blinked a few times at the vampire, disbelief ringing in every word. “You want me to keep an eye on things? I… I don’t think I’ve ever had anyone ask me to be invlved in this. Its always “Get the fuck out of my head” or “We don’t need some freak han-.” Dennis shut up quickly, the color draining from his face as he gripped Amaris’ arm tightly.

“Someone’s dead. Holy fuck, Eris was next to a dead body?!” Dennis whispered, horrified. “There… there are three dead bodies… That’s…”

Interacting with: @ReusableSword

“Do you hear or see anything around the body or in the immediate vicinity?: The emergency responder on the line asked. However, there was a soft thud behind Victor and a woman laughing softly as she leaned on one of the conditioning units. The woman wore a smug smirk, covered in dried blood that coated her face and neck. The green and silver remnants of the dress she wore clung to her in tatters but blood decorated it just as thoroughly.

“I thought I may have more time enjoying the show but I guess it’s time to have more fun. I’m glad, the thrill of an easy hunt was wearing off.” She shoved off the appliance and closed the distance, a challenge in her eye. Her stance was relaxed but it was clear she was ready for a fight.

Please delete! Thank you so much, sorry for the trouble.

“Holy fuck, that’s cool.” Willow stared at River’s new form in awe. If she hadn’t decided to try out a support class, maybe she would have picked up shifter. No, she wouldn’t have. She would have picked up Marauder like always and she would have loved every second of it but still, it's nice to dream. “We’ll let you two dig. Everyone else, keep an eye out and call out anything that looks suspicious."

Aura would manage to catch up with the group after their first dig, joining their expedition in time to take down the twelve remaining Baby Blues guarding the other nearby nodes.

As Willow topped off the party’s mana and health from the one Baby Blue that managed to get off a seed shot, the forest suddenly went silent. No birds sang, no insects rustled, no creatures scurried through the underbrush. A bitter wind swept through the forest for a brief moment yet even the leaves stayed silent as they shook. Everything stilled after that. Tension in the air mounted slowly, as if the trees themselves waited with bated breath.

The cries of the slain Baby Blues broke the silence. It took a straining ear to catch it, the cries weakened as if distant and out of reach, and yet pale orbs the same colors as the slain creatures hovered where they once lived. Twas clear the sound originated from them but they did not move not did they have a status bar. They only wept for their lives stolen carelessly.

The frigid cold returned and deep shadows trailed in its wake. The shadows danced around the party, each one giggling as they circled like predators before the feast. The crying sounded more desperate and the orbs seemed to quiver, finally moving. They drifted up the trees away from the shadows but once they did, the giggling stopped and the screaming began. The shadows lept from the ground and rows of gnashing teeth tore the orbs to shreds and swallowed them before they slunk to the ground once more.

Then they vanished. They sunk into the soft grass and moss and a creaking resounded through the forest. A tree, towering ten feet above the tallest of them shuddered violently as it’s branches warped and tore as they fused into hulking arms. It’s roots tore themselves from the ground and the mammoth creature rose on four legs made of writhing roots. From inside, the faint sound of giggling and screaming mingled until a face formed in the center of the tree. Beady, blue eyes sunk into the bark and a cavernous mouth grinned maniacally at the group, a purple vapor seeping out.. A chorus of giggling shadows rang out every time the creature gnashed its teeth and it eyed the party momentarily before it charged, a long back tongue licking at its bark.

Level 17 (Uncommon)
Health: 15,000/15,000
Mana: 7,000/7,000

A blacksmith facility was attached to Bidthorn’s smithery. For a simple silver, an adventurer could gain access to the forge all day to come and go as they please. Otherwise, it was 4 copper an hour. Approaching one of the anvils would automatically prompt an adventurer to choose their option and input the amount of time they wished to use the forge. The only other rule was attached to the wall the facility shared with the shop in massive iron lettering that must have taken months to make:

The guard blinked at the cloth presented to him. “For fuck’s… I’ll take that.” The guard snapped as he snatched the evidence away from Max. “As for the picture, keep it open and on hand if you don’t want your device immediately confiscated. In the meantime, don’t move.” The guard quickly set about clearing the lingering group away and the ballroom was emptying quickly as the staff diverted the students back towards the central campus. The sirens reached their crescendo as three campus police vehicles whipped around the corner, followed closely by an ambulance. A few mages seemed to pull themselves out of the shadows of the wall and vampire guards showed up on foot terrifyingly quickly. One bat fluttered around the scene. Most of the people here were in plains clothes and more than one mage was sent away when it was apparent they were intoxicated.

The area was quickly tapped off. The bat circling the scene plummeted in front of the boys and nearly hit the pavement, shifting back into her bipedal form in the blink of an eye. She was short and squat, a terse looking woman dressed in a shirt, shorts, and some mismatched sneakers. The guard caught the woman up to speed on what the trio had already discussed but she dismissed him with a wave of her hand. “Imbecile.” The woman grumbled, her voice raspy, but that was all the effort she put into the man she shooed away.

She turned her eyes on the three. Gears were whirring in her head as she took them in, head tilting from side to side. “Detective Abigail Foster. I’d say a pleasure to meet you but its not. Assuming that cop out of a guard had anything right, you stumbled across a body, took a picture of some sort of rune, tampered with evidence, and then got help. Sound about right? I’m thinkin’ it does. Normally, we could just take a statement,check out some security footage, and send you off because frankly I don’t think any of you have the balls to pull a stunt like this but since you have technically messed with our crime scene and we don’t have a camera back here, even I can’t hand wave your stupidity away. Gotta take you in, question you some more, and then let the Princess decide how she wants to handle the lot of you. Questions can wait til we’re in the car.”

She lead them over to one of the campus vehicles, a brief back and forth between its original driver and her resulting in the keys in her hand and a slinking off vampire, and practically stuffed them in the back seat of the car. Once the car started up and she pulled away from the curb did she speak again. “You’ve got about ten minutes until we reach the holding area. Speak now or forever keep your peace.”

Interacting with @WeepingLiberty

“Well, I’ve never really been to a dance like this so honestly, it kind of was? Never had the chance the other Revels or more like I never really gave myself the chan-” The music went silent and in the middle of the ballroom was calmly explaining that accidental damage done to the smoke detectors required the event be ended early and that all attendees are required to vacate the premise but can continue to enjoy the other events of the Revel.

“Oh, that’s too bad. I wonder if…” Dennis trailed off, his attention seemingly elsewhere as he stood and offered his hand to help Amaris out of her chair. “Hm, something seems to be going on outside the ballroom? There are sirens blaring? And…” Dennis gasped. “Eris Samuel, his mage, and the Astorio mage are all being escorted away! I wonder if they caused the damage?”

“Thank you, Benjamin.” Ryner accepted the cloth gratefully, dabbing away the blood from her eyes. “But I think it’s about time I leave you to acclimate to your new home. It’s been a pleasure getting to know you. If you ever need help or have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me. Even if it’s just a friendly ear, I’ll do my best to help.” Ryner said her goodbyes as she made her way back outside.
James Kingston

Location: The Hospital
Skills: Accelerated Healing Factor

James watched in horror as the blasts seared Cayden’s face. The screaming tore at his ears but he forced himself to focus on Vulcan. As much as he itched to help Cayden, Vulcun was clearly in his element and anyone turning their backs on him may as well sign their own death warrant. Casper’s stunt confused James more than anything honestly. Was Casper’s secret code name Legion or was the man impersonating his own brother? Either way, James was not particularly confident that it would make much of a…

Vulcan was down, clutching at his chest and Waverly was standing above him with a needle in her hand. Sapphire was going on about some medical term and demanding Aspirin but that hit the back burner. In his opinion, they should just fucking tell the hospital employees in the hospital attached to the hospital gift shop and then get out of town. There’s no way the cops aren’t already half way here with this shit show going on. They needed to get a move on and they needed to get that move on yesterday. Not that he voiced that. He probably didn’t need any more reason for her to dislike him as it was.

But all of that was secondary. Cayden’s screaming forced itseld back to the forefront of his mind. He hadn’t realized he’d made his way over to him already but he hit his knees as fast as he could. “I got you. Give me a second and I’ll take the pain away. Hold on to me, here we go.” James moved Cayen’s hands away from his face, guiding them to hold his wrists as James tried to sync up with Cayden. His heart was pounding in his ears,adding an extra edge to the cacophony spitting his head apart. It made it difficult to focus but he pushed through, watching the burns heal seamlessly across his face with a sigh of relief. He stood, offering Cayden a helping hand up.

“Hey Feedback, any chance you can figure out how far away the cops are?” James asked.
James Kingston

Location: The Hospital
Skills: Kickboxing

“Oh for fucks sake. Can we please catch a break?” James muttered as they whipped around the stairwell in time to see Vulcan just beating the ever living daylights out of Colossus. If the metal giant couldn’t handle himself against the deranged mutant, James had very little faith they could do much about it. A little voice in his head suggested they just bolt, the odds were out of their favor, but James shook his head. There was a hospital full of people that the mutant could turn his eyes on if he got bored and he’d probably just show up at the Mutant Underground ready to finish his last mission if they didn’t deal with it now.

James spotted the register in the hallway and snatched it up with all intents of slamming it down over Vulcan’s head but with the extra weight, James wasn’t nearly as quiet as he’d like to be. Vulcan definitely noticed, his hand wrapping around James throat and squeezing. In another situation, it might be a bit more welcomed but James struggled against the hold for a few moments, panic setting in. He struggled instinctively against the hold for a moment, hands scrabbling uselessly against Vulcan’s arm, before he regained control of himself and managed to yank himself out of the other mutant’s hold with a gasp. The rush of oxygen burned slightly but it was more than welcome. Hopefully, the distraction would give the others some time to get a few hits in.

"Technically, anytime you pay for physical labor, one could argue that you've rented a body. Choosing a laborer is primarily based on their physical capacity, assuming this isn't a task that demands a beast of burden, and you are far more likely to hire a Roegadyn in peak condition than a lalafell in peak condition to haul sacks of gyshal greens. Although, I suppose renting a body doesn't explicitly exclude beasts of burden either. They also have bodies. I wonder if that does count." Kajin frowned thoughtfully as he considered the idea, tapping his foot as he thought. It was more of a habit than an yuh thing else; a question posed around him had him immediately reaching for a response, conditioned from an early age in a family that enjoyed playful arguments. However, now was not the time for that and he beamed at Kikipu. "Thank you very much for the information. Next time you're in Ul'dah, send me a letter and I'll buy you lunch!"

"Onwards to Tilman and…" Kajin frowned and stopped, trying to remember the miqo'te's name but he was drawing a blank. "And our promiscuous kitten. He's probably gotten a tick more information and if not…" Kajin sneered at the idea of the auctioneer telling him no. He twirled his staff cheerily as he made his way where the auctioneer and the miqo’te disappeared to after his little stunt. He waved at Lyveva and the miqo’te Seeker who accompanied them from Ul’dah. “Let’s not laze about like gil turtles at the zenith. Listen up. I’m going to pop in, see how the kitten’s doing, and then adjust accordingly! If you hear a few thumps, come in quickly. You’ll only have a fraction of a bell to find what we need.” Kajin barely waited a moment before opening the door, with a little more effort than he’d care to admit, and blinked at the scene inside.

“Does he have what we need yet?” Kajin asked the miqo’te. “Deed, swindler, inventory of goods, record of sales, etc? And lets keep note of any of that he doesn’t have. May as well get in good with the Blade after this debacle.”
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