Beta Team

Members: Negasonic,
Spirit Box,
BlinkLocation: the Lab -> Elevator Room -> Mutant Underground Hideout / Hallway #2
Skills: Mediumship,
Casper didn't really know what to say - nothing seemed appropriate. He could have cracked some sort of joke or maybe he might have had the realization that no matter what happened, he would still be able to talk to Glimpse any time he wanted to. He didn't know how to comfort James, having no idea what had happened. James seemed to have force healed Glimpse, like he was the mutant version of Baby Yoda.
"It's probably for the best," Ben said, breaking the silence even though only Casper could hear him.
"There's only room for one snarky bitch in the afterlife - me." "Kurt, it is good to see you," Colossus said softly, picking up his old teammate gingerly. It might have been the shock or maybe it was from all of the drugs Sinister and Shaw had pumped through Nightcrawler's system, but he didn't seem to be able to move at the moment. Even in his steel form, he could still feel the fuzziness of the blue elf's fur - though a fair portion of it was matted with blood.
"Everyone out, move it then - Glimpse, why don't you hold onto that bomb?" Negasonic said, trying her best to look expressionless but she couldn't help but be a little bit happy that Glimpse was okay. She pretended to be tough as nails, but she was a marshmallow at her core.
"I'll blow this place. Glimpse can flag down one of the teleporters, get the mutants out of here." Casper bit his lip slightly.
"James?" he said quietly, putting a hand on his shoulder.
"Do you... Never mind, I'm going to help you walk out of here, okay? You can lean on me, I don't use Axe body spray or anything so I don't smell awful like my brother does." James head was still fuzzy but the mention of the other mutants drew his attention away from his hands and to the door. He was so fixated on a teammate dying, he left them behind with... Casper. Casper was here. Casper was someone he knew. He disentangled himself from Glimpse hug, trying really, really hard not to get more blood on her. There was already so much blood. Why did people have so much blood? He couldn't help pressing his hand against where the stab wound had been, just to ground himself a little. She was okay, everyone was okay. He took a shakey breath and he pushed to his feet, using Casper as leverage when his legs shook.
"Thank you." He croaked out, words difficult right now. Though, he fixated on the axe comment. Jack used Axe? Scentless stuff was better.
"Axe is gross. Tell him to try something better." James muttered, taking Casper's offer to lean on him as he walked slowly out of the lab.
Luna nodded at James, a confirmation that yes, they had to go and yes, she was okay. Thanks to him. She managed to get to her feet, grabbing the bomb as Negasonic instructed and nodded.
"On it," she agreed and looked back at Colossus who had picked up Nightcrawler.
"You got him okay?" she asked before turning and headed for the door with the others. She would enjoy a conversation with the X-Men mutant later on. The rapid change of dying and then being thrown back into the mission gave Luna a bit of a head rush and she had to keep her focused narrowed. One foot at a time. It was good that James's healing capabilities was more advanced or she wasn't sure she would be able to walk right now, especially from all the blood loss. She made it for the hallway, following behind James and Casper to the main chamber.
"Da, Miss Braddock," Colossus confirmed. He moved towards the front of the group, not because he felt an urgent need to leave or that he had some sense of self importance, but because he was the most combat capable member with Negasonic hanging behind to blow up the lab. Glimpse had nearly died and James had exhausted his reserves healing her. Casper was... well, Casper.
Casper continued to support James, hearing some loud noises that must have been from another group's fight.
"What body spray should I tell him to get?" he asked James, hoping it would keep his mind off of everything that had just happened. He would have offered him some drugs, that always helped him to focus on something else, but he didn't have any on him thanks to Jack. It wasn't too long before they emerged into the circular room, seeing the victimized mutants still there.
There was then a gigantic
!!!BOOM!!! as Negasonic did what she did best - demolitions. She emerged from the smoke and rubble a moment later, looking like she just crawled out of hell.
"Lab is dead." "Its so extra. Just use deodorant like a normal person." James muttered. The shock was wearing off, the exhaustion turning his muscles weak and he had to lean a little more on Casper. Apparently, pushing himself like that was exhausting even if he hadn't done anything other than piece Glimpse back together. The thought of her sent a spike of panic through him. What if someone else hurt and he didnt see? What if someone else was bleeding out and he missed it? He made a quick head count, to tired to jump at the explosion and only satisfied once he saw Negasonic come back.
"At least these guys are behaving. James sighed. James rested his head on Casper's shoulder.
"We're getting them out next, right? I need a fucking shower." Luna looked over the mutants as well, happy to see that other than being shaken from being trapped in a lab, that they were all right. She heard noises from the other hallways the rest of the Underground went down and hoped they were fairing well. She heard the great bomb, confirmation that Negasonic had done her job and done it well by the looks of her when she emerged. Luna shut her eyes and tried reaching out to Magik and Blink. She was having zero luck with Magik but on the third push managed to link with Blink.
When your hands are free, we have a group of mutants who could use a portal out of here. Luna breathed out, relieved she got her message across and looked at the others.
"I contacted Blink so hopefully she will be here soon." "I don't know about a fucking shower, but Jackie's apartment has a shower shower in it," Casper offered up. His brother had an office/apartment in D.C., since he ran a business as a private investigator. Unlike the rest of the Morlocks, Jack actually had a place to call home beyond the sewers. And from what he had seen of the new Mutant Underground hideout, it didn't strike him as the sort of place with running water. Though the more he thought about it, the more the idea of a hot steamy shower was enticing.
Blink then popped on through a portal.
"Alright, portal to base coming up," she said, throwing a portal out that opened up in the Mutant Underground hideout.
"Quickly if you can, I have to go send someone else to the Savage Land." James chuckled weakly at the joke but nodded his understanding to Blink.
"Let's get going then. I feel like I've been hit by a truck." James said, stumbling through the portal. There were others who could get them settled. James really just needed to be anywhere but here; he needed the blood off and he needed to put some space between him and everything that just happened. The jokes were helpful but some physical separation would be nice.
"Thank you for helping me. Just let me know if I'm too heavy or something." James offered Casper a weary smile.
"Colossus, do you know where we're setting these guys up?" "Nyet. I believe dining room will do for now." Casper went through the portal with James, supporting him as best as he could.
"I think we can stay here," he told him softly.
"You've done enough today." Luna looked over at James and Capser, listening into their conversation while she waited for Blink.
"I could give you the key card to my hotel as well if you need it but Casper's idea might work," she noted. When she had first arrived in D.C. she had gotten a hotel room and had it paid up for a month. She was going to have to work free for her father for awhile. Blink showed and Luna looked at the mutants.
"Don't worry, it's safe on the other side and there will be a few people on the other side to greet you, give you some food and shelter until we all get out of here," Luna encouraged them. She wouldn't be leaving with the others though, she would be setting off the bomb in this very room once everyone else had done the task of destroying their hallways and saving mutants. Although, she very much wished she could shower as well and get this blood soaked t-shirt off.
"Shut up - you have a hotel?" Negasonic said instantly. She supposed that it made sense. Glimpse wasn't like anyone else in the Mutant Underground - she didn't need to be there. She didn't have to wonder about where she was going to sleep or what she was going to eat. Negasonic wouldn't have been surprised if Glimpse announced that she had been an intern for the Avengers at one point.
"Language, Negasonic," Colossus scolded, as the freed mutants slowly made their way through the portal, appearing in the dining room. They'd have to figure out what to do with all of them later, as they still needed to finish trashing this facility and ensuring that Sinister and Shaw couldn't hurt another mutant soul like this again.
"Kurt, I will return for you - rest, please," he pleaded to his friend, going through the portal and lying Nightcrawler down on the table, before reentering where the others were.
"You three, in or out, what's it going to be?" Blink asked Glimpse, Negasonic, and Colossus. She was holding the portal to the Mutant Underground hideout open for now, but she really needed to get back to the others in her group.
"Stay safe, please." James said to the group staying behind with Blink. He was more than a little uneasy letting Glimpse out of his sight but Casper's offer of a shower really kept his attention. He waved at them and then turned his attention back to Casper.
"Let's find Feedback. She can take care of these guys. Hopefully, that offer of a shower is still valid." Luna nodded at Negasonic.
"When I first arrived I didn't come to the Underground right away. I had to meet up with the professor and then get my barrings of the task I was given as well as the city," she explained. Luna looked at Blink.
"I believe we are staying. I have a bomb made to blow up the main area here once we are all out of her. I'll need your assistance then so we can get out of here quickly but we still have to finish destroying some of the other rooms," Luna informed Blink. She looked at Colossus who returned and gave James a reassuring smile before he and Casper disappeared. Back to work.
"Then come on, we've got Riptide to handle," Blink told Glimpse. She opened a portal and ran on through it, leaving it open for Glimpse to follow her as well.
"Negasonic and I will destroy other rooms and hallways," Colossus told Glimpse.
"Go. Help others."