Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
Avatar of Morose

Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 day ago

Washington D.C.: September 10th, 2020 - 1:50 PM

The Training Room - Shaw Industries...

"They've commandeered a submarine. If the Scarlet Witch assists their speed, they should arrive at the harbor in thirty minutes," Sage reported.

Emma observed the scene, her face expressionless as Max impaled Anastasia's foot with a metal rod. They had world class medical facilities on hand, complete with blood samples from Wolverine to allow for accelerated healing. "I'll collect you both when you've finished your session," she told Max and Leighton. Both of them seemed to be more or less engaged at the moment, so she smiled before leaving the room. She had Legion to attend to, after all.

The metal rod dislodged itself from Anastasia's foot, flying into Polaris' hand. "You need to focus - substance over style," she recommended to Max. "Once you've mastered the basics, then you can pull things out of hats. Unless you meant to impale her foot on a rod? Then well done."

Magneto had no desire at all to work with Max and Leighton. Leighton's powers were rather weak - he had seen better ice manipulators in his time, one named Iceman came to mind. And just as his favorite daughter had indicated, Max lacked control. "Since there are four of you present, the remainder of this training session will be team sparring." Magneto then glided over to the north and south walls, plastering a white flag on the northern and a black flag on the southern.

He then used his control over metal to etch a line across the middle of the room, a horrible scrapping noise accompanying the action - like fingers on a chalkboard. "The team to retrieve the other's flag and cross the line with it will be the victor."

"What're the teams?" Polaris asked.

"Polaris, you'll be paired with... Leighton," Magneto decided. "Anastasia, you have the boy."

Polaris shrugged, before stepping over to the southern side of the room. She and Leighton would be the black team, Anastasia and Max the white.

The Raft - Location Classified...

Wanda rolled her eyes slightly at Jinx, seeing his failed attempts at knocking the guards down. With a bit of a red shockwave she sent the guards flying, sending them into the wall. "Let's get out of here already." More guards would doubtlessly come to accost them if they spent a second more out in the open. The Three in One let go of each other, their eyes still that brilliant uncanny blue.

"We're ready," they announced, having obtained the information on how to pilot the submarine. They walked in unison over to the sub, heading through the open door and they took over the cockpit, so to speak. Phoebe was using her telepathy to control those up in the control booth, getting things on that end ready to go for their escape. Sophie and Esme were busy with the controls on the sub itself. "Wanda, close the door," Sophie and Esme said in unison.

Making sure that Jinx was on board, Wanda then closed the door they had entered through, securing the sub. A moment later, Esme's controlled operators raised a gigantic wall in front of the submarine, before opening up the "air lock." Water flooded in, submerging the sub, and the Three in One then fired up the engines as fast as possible, shooting the craft out of the Raft.

"If you wouldn't mind giving us an assist in speed," the Three in One requested. Esme was now piloting solo, while Sophie and Phoebe were attempting to figure out their geographic location.

New Mutant Underground Hideout...

There was a loud gust of wind near the entrance to the Underground, and another gust whirled by Waverly, going in and out of rooms, all she'd see would be a glimpse of silver rushing around. Suddenly the silver blur raced right towards her and came to a full screeching stop. Standing in front of her with a silver leather jacket, goggles, and pulling earbuds out of his ears that were connected to a Walkman, was none other than Quicksilver. "Hey there, where is everyone or is it just you?" he asked her as he moved the goggles onto being on the top of his head. He also pulled out what she'd be able to see was a Twinkie as he opened up the wrapper and started eating it. Thinking for a moment, he pulled another one out of his pocket and held it out to her, "Want one? Anyway, any idea where Veil is? I got asked to play messenger pigeon for Xavier since the last time I did that worked out sooooooo well. But that's besides the point, I was supposed to tell her that Xavier is going to be coming by later... Is it just you here?"

The Cherry Bomb - Sinister's Lair...

Blink closed off her portals once everyone going on the mission had come through to the basement of the Cherry Bomb. The basement was furnished like an elegant study lounge in a wealthy manor, the sort of place where fine literature was read and correspondence was written in a manner befitting Downton Abbey. Sunshine pulled the trick book on the bookcase again, causing the bookshelves to part mechanically to reveal an elevator. It took three trips for everyone to get down.

Just as before, the elevator opened up in a circular room with seven hallways splitting off from it. With the hallway directly across from the elevator being 1, and the hallways numbered clockwise after that, the hallways had already been investigated by the following:

  • #1 - Jack was trapped in the Music Room at the end of this hallway.
  • #2 - Sunshine had gone down this hallway, only to be caught by Mister Sinister and abducted.
  • #3 - Jack and Sunshine were imprisoned in cages in Sinister's laboratory at the end of this hallway.
  • #4 - Glimpse briefly went down this hallway, yet explored no rooms.
  • #5 - Leighton, Max, and Havok spoke to the astral projection of Emma Frost in the Wardrobe Suite at the end of this hallway.
  • #6 - Callie had been trapped in the Mechanic's Garage in this hallway, only to escape by driving a car through the door.
  • #7 - Veil, Glimpse, and Callie fought Sabretooth in this hallway.

The Mutant Underground was unable to learn more in their scouting mission. The missing information includes the training and sleeping quarters of the Hounds, the medical facility, and Sinister's "office." Using the information they already had, hallways #1, #5, and #6 are least likely to be significant.

The decor of the hallways was largely the same - stolen artwork, historical artifacts, suspended organs and limbs in glass jars...

Case details are included below. You are required to make at least one response per case. If your turn is up and you have not responded within 24 hours, you will be skipped. I will be starting off the cases shortly.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
Avatar of BlueSky44

BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Gamma Team

Members: Sapphire, Havok, Sunshine, Magik
Location: Hallway #4 -> Throne Room -> Limbo -> Throne Room
Skills: Disease Manipulation, Survival, Enhanced Accuracy, Perception, Ice Attacks, Medical Knowledge
"Guess it's just the four of us," Havok commented, standing in hallway #4 with the rest of his group. No one had explored this hallway yet. He did feel a little better knowing that Feedback had decided to stay behind, as she wasn't in the emotional or physical state to handle a threat like this. She was just a kid - yet unlike Sunshine and Magik, she didn't have any skills for combat. If someone came at her, he doubted she could defend herself.

Magik produced her glowing Soulsword. "Let's go slay the dragon." She then walked down the hallway without a second thought. Sunshine stared after her for a moment, her cheeks bright red before she hands started to glow green, surrounded by a sort of mist. She didn't expect to see Sinister again, not after what she had done to him. It was probably foolish and naive of her, yet she was young. She hadn't fought an immortal geneticist before with insane powers.

"We can kill these people, right?" Sunshine asked. "Veil isn't here to say no..."

"I'm here to tell you no," Sapphire somewhat snapped at Sunshine, a bit annoyed that she even thought about that sort of thing. She might be many things, but Sapphire did have some standards as to what it was that they could or couldn't do. From what she heard they couldn't exactly kill Sinister anyway if they ran into him, but still. No matter how much it seemed like someone deserved it, it wasn't something to be taken lightly, and no one deserved to die. "Be careful where we're going, and no killing! Do not ask about that again, got it?" With those last words, she followed along after Magik, hoping that she understood the whole, don't kill anyone thing too. She would stop her from killing someone if she had to, but she just hoped that she didn't have to.

Magik turned back to look at Sunshine, giving her a bit of a wink. "Da, no killing." Sunshine smirked slightly in return, giving Magik a bit of a nod. If the adults here didn't have the common sense to kill nazis, then she and Magik would just have to do it. Captain America killed nazis all the time, right? It was righteous. It was patriotic, even.

"You've never seen more fatherly, Sapphire," Havok teased her. "Have you considered picking up dad jokes as a side hobby? Or practiced saying I'm not mad, I'm disappointed into the mirror?"

The teens stopped in front of the first door of the hallway, Sunshine opening it up slowly. It looked like a mixture between a study and a throne room. There were various books and texts open on a magnificent ebony desk. A grand chair with scarlet furnishings looked more fit for a king than for use in an office. Diagrams and medical images were pinned to the wall, most of them with subject names noted on them. Havok grimaced, spotting S. Summers and J. Grey on a few X-ray print-outs. Sinister was obsessed with the union of Cyclops and Phoenix, that was no secret.

Sunshine could hardly read, but the images were enough to enrage her. She didn't need to be able to comprehend the words to know that these were records of harm done to mutants. "So is this like.... the lair within the lair?" Sunshine commented. By the throne of sorts was a monitor, showing a live feed of various places in Sinister's lair.

She shot a bit of a glare towards the girls, as if to say something along the lines of Try something and I will stop you whether you want me to or not. It was going to be her only warning to them, and she turned her glare on Havok this time regarding dad jokes. "How about you shut up Havok," she said as they entered the room. She saw his facial expression and glanced over towards the medical images, and she totally understood that it would probably be insanely weird considering Sinister was obsessed or something with his brother. However, something caused her to stop, and she looked around the room slightly, she had an uneasy feeling creeping up on her that would not go away. "...We're being watched," she said to the others, and she was more then ready to start throwing ice around if something tried to attack them.

"He has his Marauders," Magik explained. "Not all of them unwilling slaves." She wasn't alarmed at the thought of facing Sinister or his minions, despite having been made forcibly into a Hound herself. The medicine Sapphire had given her earlier was keeping her mind clear and focused.

"I don't hear or see anyone," Sunshine pointed out. "He's super dramatic, if he was watching us he would have come out by now. Besides, I hit him with a bunch of nasty diseases... There's no way Sinister is up and moving already."

"...Yeah, there's no one here Sapphire," Havok agreed. "It's just us in here."

"Oh don't you dare try and make me feel paranoid!" Sapphire snapped at him, clearly getting more then a little annoyed with him as frost started emanating from her hands and she started glancing around the room, trying to find just who was watching them. Clearly everyone else was blind as a bat or something, and eventually, she noticed that the shadows by the throne thing were totally off. "Got you," she muttered, before she sent a blast of ice flying that way. Unfortunately, her attack didn't hurt her target, however it did reveal her target. Standing there having been protected by a force field was none other then Sinister himself. "Told you I wasn't crazy," she mumbled under her breath.

"Bravo, bravo," Sinister clapped, smirking as he looked at the group. He seemed to be entirely healed, despite Sunshine gravely injuring him earlier that day. He was even dressed in a new outfit of a similar style to his previous one, signifying him as one of the X-Men's most formidable foes. "And here I thought you were simply a pretty face.... How good of you to bring Illyana back to me."

"She's not going anywhere with you, you nazi piece of shit!" Sunshine declared, stepping in front of Magik protectively. She didn't care that Magik's sword looked incredibly intimidating. She liked talking with her and unlike Leighton and Max, Magik didn't make her feel like inferior street trash. She felt like a person. And there was no way that she was going to let Sinister take away a member of her new family from her. "I can make sure the disease sticks this time," Sunshine threatened.

"Okay, you were right," Havok mumbled, sending off a blast at Sinister but it just hit Sinister's force field harmlessly.

"Do try harder than that, Mr. Summers."

"How about you shut the hell up?" Sapphire said towards Sinister as she sent more ice flying at him. Unlike everyone else, she actually managed to get past his force fields and ice managed to cut up his face a little bit, but it didn't do much. Her next attack didn't do any damage at all as it more or less was just a glorified snowball that ended up hitting him. "...This guy is super annoying," she muttered under her breath, looking right at him still.

"Manners maketh the mutant, Miss Clarke," Sinister chastised. "I am certain a boy in Hawaii would agree with me." His eyes flashed knowingly.

Illyana Rasputina wasn't about to listen to his monologue. Using her Soulsword, she created one of her stepping disc portals, reappearing above Sinister. She landed on his back, sending the formidable mutant to the ground from the sudden attack. "Let's take this outside," Magik then threatened. She created yet another portal, dragging the entire group through. They weren't in Sinister's lair anymore - he was cut off from anyone who might have tried to aid him, any of his Marauders or equipment or escape routes. Fire and brimstone surrounded them.

"This is Limbo - where I rule."

Havok, the younger sibling of one of the X-Men, was no stranger to sudden changes of scenery like this. He sent off a blast at Sinister, only for Sinister to telekinetically deflect it, striking a boulder of pure obsidian. Sunshine, meanwhile, was a bit overwhelmed. They were in hell as far as she could tell. The closest she had ever gotten to this was the fallout in New York after the Chitauri Invasion. Or maybe the flames of her apartment complex in D.C. as it burned down. She could see what looked like vultures circling ahead and she gulped slightly.

But she hated Sinister way more than she was terrified of this place.

Sunshine stood her ground, whipping up a stomach flu as she threw it at Sinister. Her secondary mutation kicked in, allowing her aim to be perfect. Sinister failed to deflect the condensed green misty orb, the disease hitting him and starting to spread throughout his body. He looked a bit green himself, about to vomit everywhere. The geneticist couldn't focus enough to send out an attack at the moment - his guard was down. Now was the moment to strike, before he managed to recover and return fire of his own.

"Whoa..." she managed to say as the world shifted and they were definitely not in that lab or lair or whatever it was anymore. Her blood ran cold (a bit ironic) when Sinister mentioned something and she was about to send more ice at him, but he ended up sending her flying backwards with his telekinesis, knocking her to the ground. "Okay, that's it!" she snapped as she got up and raised her hand over her head, a large shard of ice materializing out of thin air. Throwing it like a javelin, it ran straight through Sinister, and there was a lot of blood coming from the injury.

Sinister staggered backwards for a moment, yet his wound healed rapidly before their eyes. As a master geneticist, the primary object of his experiments was himself. He smiled at Sapphire as the only trace remaining of the injury was the tear in his clothing and the accompanying blood stains. "You should be afraid. I'm a god." He wasn't unnerved to be in Limbo. Perhaps that itself was suspicious. He then sent large blasts of concussive force at the four mutants, sending the teenagers flying backwards yet missing Sapphire and Havok.

"I grew up in Hell. I'm not afraid of anything but myself," Magik snarled, coming back up to her feet. Her pupils went white as she began to chant in an infernal tongue. "Occidere eum. Occidere eum. Occidere eum. Occidere eum. Occidere eum." Massive gashes then appeared on Sinister's body, the blood from his wounds a thick blast substance rather than a rich red. Sunshine complemented Magik's sorcery, throwing clouds of influenza at Sinister and her aim was true. Sinister's vision was blurring, he was bleeding deeply, and Havok sent a blast at him that Sinister narrowly managed to deflect with his force fields.

"...How the hell is he still alive?" Sunshine asked, shocked as Sinister's wounds were visibly healing yet again. She had heard stories about only one mutant before with that sort of healing factor - Wolverine. He was something of a legend, especially to the homeless mutants living on the streets in DC.

"He's got regenerative healing, and last I checked he's immortal, so makes things a little bit difficult to be able to keep him down," Sapphire pointed out before she sent shards flying at Sinister, only for them to come flying right back at her, she tried to create a shield out of ice, but wasn't able to do so in time before the shards reached her, and luckily didn't hit her. She sent another shard flying, and once more slammed one straight into his stomach, and it was now sticking out of him.

"So what are we going to do, then?" Havok asked. He struggled for a moment, before sending off another destructive blast at Sinister, sending the geneticist flying backwards. He was hoping that Sinister was one of those immortals who could be killed - that Sinister's immortality was an immunity to natural causes of death. That would be nice and convenient for them. But then again, they weren't supposed to kill Sinister. They'd need to come up with a way to contain him - it was their only option. "Can we just leave him here, maybe?" Havok shouted.

"No," Magik told Havok, offering no explanation. This was her realm that she ruled. She wasn't going to allow Sinister to remain here. She had brought them to Limbo in order to cut him off from his resources.

His clothing was in tatters, yet Sinister laughed. "Go on, darling," he said, using his power of mind control over Sapphire. "Kill your friends."

"What? No!" Havok's eyes widened, realizing that Sinister must have taken control of Sapphire somehow. He was really irritated with the seemingly limitless list of powers that the geneticist had acquired. He sent off a haphazard blast at Sinister, trying to stop him from controlling Sapphire's mind, yet Sinister threw up a force field with ease.

"Leave her alone!!!" Sunshine screamed at Sinister, running at him and trying to tackle him to the ground. It was a stupid move, but she hadn't been taught to fight. She fought based on pure emotion. Sinister deflected her telekinetically like he was brushing away a fly, sending Sunshine flying into the air. Magik created a stepping disc portal right below Sunshine, allowing the young mutant to fall through and safely emerge on the ground.

Sapphire smirked slightly, "Time to have some fun," she said before turning on Havok and sending shards of ice slamming into him. They missed vital organs, but they were embedded in his chest and probably were going to hurt like hell, before she instantly sent another round of shards towards Magik, but missed her. "Now why can't you all hold still and make this a little bit easier?"

Havok fell to the ground, trying to remember if it was better to pull the shards out of his chest or leave them in. He ended up deciding to leave them in, even as the ice was melting due to the immense heat of Limbo. The entire realm smelled like sulfur, stinging the insides of his nose. He wasn't an expert on fighting mind control, but he knew one thing that would anger Sapphire like nothing else - maybe even enough for her to break free of Sinister's control. "DEMETRIA!" he screamed, shouting Sapphire's real name.

Sinister laughed. "That isn't going to work," he chastised, about to hit him with concussive force yet Havok managed to roll more or less out of the way in the nick of time.

"He's an idiot," Magik told Sunshine. "Distract Sinister. My Soulsword can free souls of possession." She didn't know if hitting Sapphire with her Soulsword would work, but it was worth a shot. It only harmed magical beings, so there was no risk of hurting Sapphire either.

Sunshine nodded, making the biggest ball of the common cold that she could muster, before flinging it at Sinister. "Hey stupid!" she taunted, even as his force field kept the disease bomb from hitting him. Sunshine's heart skipped a beat as Sinister turned his attention on her. "Yo mama's so fat the press thought she was the Blob!" It was the only thing she could think of - it felt like an eternity, watching the master geneticist.

"...Are you insulting me?"

"Shut the hell up Alex," she responded, but she didn't turn to look at him. In her mind, given his injuries, she didn't see him as a threat, and considering the fact that Sunshine had resorted to trying to throw insults at Sinister, that left one person as a potential threat: Magik. She sent a few bits of ice flying at Magik, but her attacks missed, and now she was getting more then a bit annoyed. There was suddenly a large rush of cold air around her that slammed into Magik, freezing her in place and turning her into a human popsicle. "That's a little bit better."

Havok groaned, dragging himself up to his feet slowly. He didn't even have time to comprehend the pain from the chest wounds that Sapphire had given him. He was still breathing, so that was just going to have to be enough at the moment. With Magik frozen and Sunshine reverting to playground level taunts, he turned his powers on Magik. He sent a large blast of energy at her, shattering the ice around her and sending the Sorceress Supreme of Limbo to the ground. Yet Magik's eyes were glowing and she reignited her Soulsword, coming up to her feet.

Sinister then threw a boulder at Magik, knocking the mutant to the ground again.

"He has SUPER STRENGTH?!" Sunshine complained. As much as she didn't want to die, this was getting insane in her opinion. How could one person have so many powers? "That's just not fair!"

Sapphire put a hand to her head, stumbling backwards slightly as her mind finally cleared and she looked over at Havok. "Call me Demetria again and I will beat you to a pulp," she muttered as she raced over to him and looked over his injuries real quick. "...Sorry about that... But you'll be fine, you'll need some bandages and some pain killers probably since you can be a bit of a sissy, but that's about it, luckily I missed vital organs so that's something..." She then turned her attention towards Sinister and tried instead of using ice shards, she tried to freeze him like she had done to Magik, but failed at it. "Damn it..."

"Yeah, you're definitely back to normal," Havok mumbled. If Sapphire hadn't insulted him while apologizing to him - and threatened him - in the same breath, he would have been concerned that Sinister was still controlling her. He gave it everything he had, sending another blast at Sinister. The geneticist didn't have a chance to put up a shield or deflect it, as Sinister was flung backwards into one of the boulders from the raw power of Havok.

Magik nodded at Sunshine, throwing a portal at the girl's feet. Sunshine fell through the portal and emerged behind Sinister, reaching forwards to infect him with the strongest disease she could think of. He must have sensed her or heard her behind him, as before Sunshine could even conjure up a migraine for him, Sinister grabbed her by the throat, raising her up off the ground as he choked her. "I'm tired of these games. Return us to Earth or she dies."

Sapphire more or less froze in place, looking over at Sinister and Sunshine, her brain was working over time to try and figure out what she could do to get out of this situation. Problem was, every single idea that came into her mind didn't exactly end well in any scenario. "...This is a Kobayashi Maru scenario and I don't like it..." she muttered so only Havok could really hear her as she referenced the unwinnable scenario from Star Trek. Figuring she had nothing really she raised her hands up slightly, "Alright, fine, you win, feel better? I'm still not even sure how we even got here to be honest. But sure, I'd be perfectly fine with us getting back to Earth..." she said out loud towards Sinister.

Green tendrils of smoke crept out from Sunshine to Sinister, wrapping around him as the villain was soon covered in hives. He was forced to release Sunshine, who fell through a portal Magik had created and then emerged next to Havok, Sapphire, and Magik. "Captain America said to never negotiate with nazis - I saw it on TV in Juvi once."

"...So, let's get back to kicking some nazi ass then?" Havok suggested. "Unless the Star Trek nerd has another idea?" Sinister was already healing rapidly from the hives, his complexion almost entirely restored. Havok managed to buy them some time, sending off another energy blast that Sinister tried to stop with a force field, only for Havok's might to overwhelm him and cause him to take the blast head on.

"Says the guy who understood that reference, so whose the real nerd here Havok? I'm gonna say you," she retorted, before looking over at Sinister, thinking about it. She then surrounded the area with a cold air and managed to freeze Sinister, turning him into a popsicle. "Think you can send him some place colder? So that it'll take a while for him to thaw out hopefully." she asked Magik.

Magik thought for a moment, before creating a portal beneath Sinister's feet. The popsicle of a scientist fell on through, emerging in Antartica. "There," she said simply, before making a portal back to Sinister's lair, back to the throne room that they had initially encountered him in. She stepped on through, leaving it open for the other three to follow her. They hadn't had a chance to look through this room and then properly trash it.

Havok stepped on through the portal, as did Sunshine, but something was bothering him. "...Sinister is known for having clones of himself... Was that even the real one?" he asked, clutching his chest with his hands to stop the bleeding.

"...I'll be honest, knowing our luck probably not... That probably wasn't really him, and knowing what I know about him odds are he's sitting back watching everything that is going on with a bowl of popcorn and laughing... Let's see what we can find here, but be careful... And next time I say that we are being watched, just go along with it and don't assume I'm being paranoid." she said as she stepped through the portal.

Havok took a seat on the throne, feeling incredibly exhausted from the use of his powers and his injuries. He just rolled his eyes at Sapphire, too tired to come up with another witty reply for her. He'd mess with her later and then they'd be even again. During all of this, he hadn't even thought again about his girlfriend, Lorna, and how terribly he had been worried about her earlier today.

"Um, Sapphire? Is this important?" Sunshine asked, having found a file labeled CHIMERA PROJECT. She looked down a bit sheepishly. "...I don't know how to read..." she then said quietly, not wanting to broadcast that information. She was just guessing that this file might be something they'd want to recover from all of this, rather than just blindly burn. Magik was having fun taking the various gruesome photographs on the walls and burning them, summoning small portions of hellfire to do her work.

"Destroy it, no file or whatever is even worth saving around here if you ask me. So just tear it to shreds," she responded to Sunshine before going over to Havok. "Hey you doing alright? And once again, sorry for attacking you earlier... But you should be alright, just it'll be sore for a little while... I can see about using my powers to stop the bleeding, but then you'd probably feel insanely cold so not sure that would be much better."

Sunshine nodded, ripping up the file to shreds. It was kinda fun and calming for her, destroying the paper and letting the little pieces drift to the ground. They had just fought an insanely overpowered villain in Limbo - this was a sweet break for her. Her throat was aching where Sinister had crushed it and her body was aching all over as well from numerous other injuries sustained in combat.

Havok chuckled slightly at Sapphire's remarks. "The cold never bothered me anyways. Freeze it up, Elsa."

"Then don't complain about it ever, also don't call me Elsa," she responded, before frost emanated from her hand again, and she used that to more or less stop the bleeding to ensure that he wasn't going to bleed out on them. If they found a medical area, maybe she'd be able to do a better job at patching him up. "Come on, can't let the kids have all the fun in trashing this place."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
Avatar of Framing A Moose

Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Waverley Watts - Feedback

Location: Mutant Underground HQ
Skills: Pop Culture Knowledge

Waverley watched with eyes that were both relieved and ashamed as the rest of the Mutant Underground left, their portals closing behind them. And then, it was silent. Waverley was by herself, left with only the company of her own breath and the distant scurrying of rats somewhere in the base. She let out a heavy sigh as she turned around, preparing to head back to her room to...well, she wasn't actually sure what she'd do. But before she could start up the stairs, a new sound entered the base, an unnatural rushing of wind. Waverley whipped her head around in alarm, looking for any signs of intrusion. Instead what she saw, for only a split second, was a silver blur speeding throughout the complex. She raised her rebar defensively in front of her, preparing herself for whatever was to come. Whatever it was came barreling towards her, and her body tensed up, bracing herself. Then it stopped, revealing a silver-haired man, young-looking despite the pigmentation of his locks. Given this peculiar trait as well as his overall fashion sense, it didn't take long for Waverley to identify him. She lowered her rebar, eyes wide with surprise, with her eyebrows scrunched together.

"Uh...yeah, you just missed her. She and the others are out on a mission." She said, her voice shaky, unsure what to do as the famous hero held out a Hostess treat for her. She felt like one of those kids in those commercials where the renowned athlete gets on one knee and gives the kid some sort of treat. Those existed, right? Waverley couldn't seem to figure out if they were actually a thing, or if her panicking brain pulled it out of thin air. Needless to say, she took the Twinkie, though she wasn't particularly hungry, so she simply held it and let her arm swing limply to her side. After a few seconds she managed to gather herself enough to continue. "You're Quicksilver. You're a member of the X-Men. You're dating-" Instead of finishing her sentence, Waverley instead just straightened her somewhat slouching form up, eyes, now even wider, darting away from Quicksilver and around the room. Was she there?

The logical part of her brain was telling her that there was no reason that she would be there. Just because the two were a couple didn't mean that they went everywhere together. But the rest of her brain was kicked up into overdrive at the possibility, however slight, that she might meet her biggest celebrity crush, right above young Joan Jett - THE Guinevere Stark. The woman who she had a poster of taped to the wall, the woman who had inspired her to buy a $20 t-shirt emblazoned with the words Future Stark originally meant for fanatics of her father, the woman who had been the lock screen for Waverley's phone for her entire senior year. It was enough to keep Waverley from completely processing Quicksilver's words for a solid fifteen seconds, before her eyes shot back to him.

"Wait, you said Xavier is coming here. You mean Professor Xavier? Of the X-Men? He's coming here?!" Waverley asked, her voice filled with disbelief. Everything had been weird and twisted since she joined the Underground, but this was a whole new kettle of fish. For once, the surprises coming her way weren't awful. If she weren't so frozen by shock, she'd smile. "Why would he do that?"
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
Avatar of FantasyChic

FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Leighton Brooks and Anastasia Reinhardt

Location: Shaw Industries - The Training Room
Skills Ice Manipulation (Leighton), Morality Manipulation and Telekniesis (Anastasia)

Ana had expected the boy to retaliate in some form. But she did not expect to have her foot impaled by the very rod sent to attack him. She would give him points for flair, but he would, of course, have to perish now. So really, what did that grant him? Before she could exact her revenge, Emma had left and Magneto took up the role of trainer. And put her on the idiot's team! He did that on purpose, she was sure of it.

It didn't matter really. She would be able to take the two of them without him. She used her moral manipulation to enter Max's mind, sending a chilling fear deep into his subconscious. It was a fear unlike anything he would know and it would cause him to flee in terror. "Well, it seems my partner is too scared to even try, so I will take you both on." She paid little mind to Leighton, even if she was Emma's niece, her ice powers were nothing to scoff at. Instead, she focused her attention on Polaris, sending the girl flying back with a telekinetic push. It did the job, but Polaris was able to catch herself.

Leighton, aware of what was now going on, figured the pale bitch did something to Max. Leighton attempted to freeze Ana in place, but instead, she was only able to form ice around her hands. Well, never to look a gift horse in the mouth, she ran up and tried to punch Ana, but her arc was wide. "Brave, but foolish." Ana then took that opportunity to deck Leighton back.

But Leighton ducked and rolled, narrowly missing Ana's hit. "Did anyone ever tell you you talk to much bitch?" Leighton then sent an ice blast directly at Ana, but Ana side-stepped it, but it came close. Ana had underestimated the girl. With proper training, she could be formidable. "Yes, but they are no longer with us. I would watch my tongue very closely, if I were you, Emma's niece or not."
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Maximillian Gray

Location:Shaw Industries: Training Room
Skills: Conjuration-New Outfit

She was right, and he hated that. He needed more focus, more training, and that was exactly what he was aiming to get out of this whole ordeal. He wanted to hear their sides of the story, especially Polaris' seeing as how she was also a former member of the Underground. There was hardly anytime to think in the split moments before Ana's impaling, but then again theres hardly ever time to think in the real world so he may as well gets used to it. No sooner did Magneto announce their teams than did Ana turn coat and infest Max's mind with a primordial fear that seeped deep into his bones. There was no target, no known tangible source to lash back at for this fear was more set off like paranoia. A deep rooted idea that his life was coming to an end.

Max's legs moved faster than his mind, running in a random direction until he hit a wall and was cornered by nothing more than his fear and psyche. Ofcourse Ana didn't know his skillset. And how could she? He barely knew his skillset. This was fight or flight, and there was no where left to run. Like a cornered beast his eyes began to glow bright and ominous, as he began to chant shakily, words he never knew he knew. A deep seeded spell that was being cast from pure emotion and meant for the sole purpose of keeping him from whatever harm may come his way. The familiar hues of purples, blues, pinks, and black began to swirl and overtake the area he was in. Climbing high onto the ceiling and unleashing a scent throughout the room that smelled of blueberries. Max sat atop a colossal bedtime bear care bear, gripping the curled fur tightly as he sat on its shoulder. This bear would be the perfect defense for him until he could get back into a right mental state. It had no mind, no metal, and was far too large today freeze. The carebear let out a dreadful
Carebear stare that glared at the other four in the room.

Peter Jackson Bernard

Location: Submarine

Jinx hurried himself inside the submarine, glad for the Three in Ones quick work on closing the door and getting everything set up for them. With the exception of their barking orders, there was a bit of an awkward silence between Wanda and Peter. He wanted to compliment her on her fighting style and use of powers, wanted to make some witty remark between friendship,flattery and flirting about how he misses having her as a teacher and that her absence has made his skills wane. He wanted her to realise just how sorry he was for the comment he made back on the raft but...he knew that you couldnt tell someone how they felt. He may not of meant for that to be his intention, but that doesnt mean it isnt what happened. He made sure to step aside from where she was and walked down the halls of their new vessel.

Their very small...thin...halls. clearly PJ had not thought this through during that split second of decision he forgot to account for his fear of inclosed small spaces. Suuure elevators were fine, they were quick and opened up and hed step out immediately as the doors opened but this. This was a tin can in the bottom of the ocean surrounded by immense pressure that could collapse and kill them all. Or perhaps they would run out of air and suffocate without ever having been found. Or maybe- no he needed to keep his mind busy away from such thoughts. Jinx began to pace the halls back and forth back and forth until deciding to rummage through the kitchen or any storage facility they may have had in order to find something to eat. There were several sandwiches there and he began to stress eat each and every one. Chewing faster and faster as his leg bounced on the seat wondering how much time had passed and how much longer till they made it up to the surface.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
Avatar of KazAlkemi

KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Beta Team

Members: Negasonic, Spirit Box, Colossus, Glimpse, Caduceus
Location: Hallway #3 -> the Lab
Skills: Mediumship, Telepathy, Perception, Mechanical Engineering, Enhanced Speed, Mechanical Engineering, Strategy, Healing Factor
Due to the destructive capabilities of Negasonic, Colossus, and Glimpse, they had been assigned to destroy Sinister's laboratory. Sunshine and Jack had been trapped in it earlier, escaping out of hallway #3. And while those two had destroyed Sinister's mutant DNA library, there were captive mutants in the lab itself and a plethora of research items that needed to be taken care of. For once, Negasonic wasn't on her phone, the device stashed away in her back pocket.

"Are you good, man?" Ben asked Casper softly, as the group stared down the hallway. Some of the fragile specimens and heirlooms had been smashed in the fighting earlier, formaldehyde staining the ground.

"... I mean, that weird ghost is gone, so that's good?" Casper shrugged. He at least had the sense to keep his voice down, even as he talked to his ghostly best friend. Shaw's spirit had vanished after Casper went through Blink's portal. It had taken a few minutes for Ben to reappear after the teleportation too.

"Be careful, I doubt he'll stay gone long... And watch out for murderous nazis," Ben added.

"Yeah, wouldn't want to nazi that coming."

Colossus ignored Casper's ramblings. He was in his metallic form, prepared for anything that might come his way. He saw it as his duty to protect these people, no matter the cost. Negasonic was his ward, the others were newfound friends. "Stay ready," Colossus reminded everyone. "Do not fight battles you cannot win."

"Like one against Sinister?" Negasonic asked with an eye roll.

James eyed the various broken items littering the floor. He couldn't imagine what it must have been like being stuck down here surrounded by all these... oddities. Art was fine and all but this took it to a new level of awkward. He laughed quietly at Negasonic's sarcasam and refocused on the job after a concerned glance at Casper but it seemed he was good for now. "So the breaking stuff part seems easy but what are we doing with people we rescue? Keep them with us and hopefully safe?"

"I would say try and focus on setting the lab up to be destroyed. If we come across anyone, we can kind of try to group everyone together so we can all leave at once. I'll see if I can see how many are inside this lab," Luna said and shut her eyes for a moment. It would be good to know if there were any captives or villains on the other side. Unfortunately there was some kind of telepathic block. Luna flinched from the pain of trying to look into the room and shook her head, frowning. "Sinister's put a block over this room. I can't get past it. We're going in blind," she said frustrated. Anything could be on the other side of that door and if Sinister put a block on the room, she wouldn't be surprised if there were mutant guards on the other side of that door.

For once, Casper had a good idea. "... Ben can go and scout ahead - Sinister probably isn't trying to keep out ghosts," he offered. "Ben, do you mind?" he then asked, looking at his ghostly friend. Ben was currently standing a little bit behind Glimpse.

"I mean, it's not like I can die again, so... Why not..." Ben said with a shrug, walking through the door to the lab. A few moments later, Ben walked back through the door and flashed Casper a not at all ironic thumbs up. "No one evil's there. Just about eleven mutants in cages. They all look...off."

"Off how?" Casper asked, though he had a feeling he already knew.

"...Kinda the way you look sometimes, no offense."

"Ben says there's eleven drugged up mutants in cages in there, no one else," Casper informed the group. "So I think it's safe to enter, as long as you don't taunt them with pills or anything... Speaking of which..." he then reached into his pockets, only to sigh - there weren't any pills there. He wanted a hit right now, not because he was freaked out or scared, but because he was addicted.

"...Let us go rescue our mutant brothers and sisters, da?" Colossus told the others, stepping forward and opening the door to the lab, before heading inside himself. Some of the vials had been smashed. A freezer containing DNA samples had been completely trashed. Two of the cages were ajar, indicating escaped mutants.

Casper's ability was so useful. It sucked that it made him miserable though. He followed Colossus through, looking around at everything. There was already a bit of damage there but way too much was intact. He eyed the room critically. They had two jobs, rescue and destroy. The others definitely had the destroy part on lockdown so James decided it was probably best for him to focus on the other part. He considered the cages, locks in worn out condition, and looked around for something to help bust them open. Getting these guys out of blasting range would let their heavy hitters go wild without fear of injury.

"Hey Casper, you think you could help me keep these guys out of the way for a second? Imma gonna break the locks and send them.your way okay? James asked even as he picked up a computer monitor. It wasn't much but it would get the job done. Beggars cant be choosers after all. He took a few moments to check the locks. Weakest at the top so a straight down smash should get the job done.

"Okay guys, I'm going to start breaking you out of here. Once I get the door opened, go ahead and run over to Casper, that guys there." James pointed Casper out and then he lifted the monitor and slammed in on the locks. He managed to break five of the open. "Okay, let's go. Over to Casper quick as you can."

Luna heard the relay from Casper about his ghost friend Ben. At least they wouldn't be going in blind then. She didn't like the idea of drugged up mutants being released, look how well that happened last time but they didn't have many options and then needed to get all of them out. Preferably alive. Luna followed in after Casper and Colossus, she stepped out of the way for James and Negasonic and surveyed the room, seeing what the rest of them saw. "We need to destroy any computer hard drives as well. He may have things already backed up but limiting his resources would be ideal." Luna checked around but it seemed the only monitor had just been destroyed by James. Not entirely bad but not ideal for her original thought either. Luna moved off, letting Casper and James look after the mutants and started scanning the area for items to use in bomb making. She had forgotten Negasonic was a living bomb but they could use it here or in the lobby so Negasonic wasn't caught in a possible blow back. As she worked, she scanned the lab, glancing at all the vials and odd things but didn't see anything that would trigger her suspicion.

Colossus ripped the doors off of the remaining cages, freeing the rest of the captured mutants. They all seemed relatively harmless, most of them too drugged up to really notice what was going on. A few of them were coherent though, practically running out of the cages as soon as Colossus and James had freed them. Casper was by no means the sort of savior they expected to be running to - he looked like a homeless piece of trash. "Da, go to garbage man," Colossus told them, a slight smile on his metallic face as he directed the mutants to Casper.

"Wow, he actually said something funny - it's a miracle," Negasonic quipped. She went up to the hard drive that had been connected to the monitor James grabbed, charging up her own powers ever so slightly and exploding the piece of machinery into nothingness. "Are you blowing this place up or am I, Princess?" she asked Glimpse.

"Okay, yay, we're escaping, we're calm, we're following me! And I am not at all offended by being called garbage man by a nice, shiny Russian ex X-Men," Casper narrated. He started walking backwards, as if he was some sort of tour guide. All of the mutants followed him warily to the exit of the lab, well all except for one. There was one last mutant being held prisoner inside of this laboratory. Glimpse would be able to detect a faint psychic signature - Nightcrawler was stashed away in here somewhere.

"We're going to get everyone down this hallway and then we're going to teleport you home," Casper promised, leading the mutants out of the lab and into the hallway like some sort of demented Pied Piper.

"You're talking to them like they're kids and you're escorting them out in a fire drill," Ben pointed out.

"Shut up, Ben. No one asked you."

"Just saying..."

James put down the computer monitor and looked around. With all the mutants safetly out of the lab, all that was left to do was destroy the lab. The rest of the hall didn't have any doors so they'd probably just meet up with the rest of the team once they were in the clear. "Unless you need me here, I'll head back with the Casper and the others. I doubt I'll be useful blowing things up." He said. "If things start getting loud, I don't want him to be on his own if they panic." James waited for some sort of confirmation before he rushed off.

Luna stood up with her makeshift lab created bomb in hand and looked around as the others finished freeing the mutants. "Hold on, there's one more," Luna stated. She looked at Negasonic when she asked who was blowing up the lab, the Princess comment didn't bother her any. She had heard worse. "Take care of this lab, we'll save the bomb for the lobby when we are all leaving and detonate it once we were are safely out," Luna said. Luna focused back on the last mutant. She sighed. "This one is very drugged up, like Vulcan and Magik were. I'm going to go try binding him so we can get him out," she noted. Luna walked over to the cage that was behind the DNA freezer. She attempted to bind him but was completely blocked. "Colossus, could I get a hand over here?" She started to look around the area to find something that could be used to either tie up Nightcrawler or knock him out.

Colossus nodded, walking over to Glimpse. "Please, step back," he requested, not wanting to get Glimpse hurt. Despite his tease of Casper, he tried to operate respectfully whenever possible - even in interactions with Deadpool. He peered into the cage, seeing Nightcrawler in an almost feral state. He didn't look like he was in any shape to escape, so Colossus pried open the cage and went to hit Kurt over the head to knock him out, only for Nightcrawler to vanish in a poof of smoke. The lights in the lab then went out.

"Great, hide and go seek with Kurt," Negasonic said dryly, listening in the dark to try to pinpoint Nightcrawler's location.

"I never enjoyed night time raids," Luna mused. The lights had shut off, thanks to Nighcrawler's escape, making things increasingly difficult. Luna tried to pinpoint him telepathically but he was moving too quickly. She switched tactics and tried to combat speed with speed. She managed to catch up with him but he quickly responded by kicking her below the belt. Whoever said, woman getting kicked downstairs was a daft cow. Luna buckled and a string of beautiful British known curses flooded out of her. "Bloody wanker kicked me in the fanny! You better hope I don't get my hands on you!" Luna shouted into the room.

"Nightcrawler, you are X-Man. Stop this," Colossus implored the teleporting mutant.

"DUCK!" Negasonic screamed all of the sudden, before she let off a gigantic blast of energy. The detonation caused a small crater to form in the center of the laboratory, all of the pieces of equipment near Negasonic being flung backwards. Nightcrawler had been thrown back into one of the cages by the sheer force, hitting his head hard. If there was a time for Glimpse to try her psychic voodoo, it was now.

Out in the hallway, Casper couldn't help but be relieved that there weren't more doors to check. Each door they had to open felt like stepping into a new dungeon in a video game. "Did that feel too easy to you?" Casper couldn't help but ask James. They had made it back to the circular room from before, where the elevator was located. None of the other teams had returned and they'd have the easiest time evacuating the imprisoned mutants with a teleporter like Magik or Blink. Of course, they could always take the elevator back up, but the streets weren't an option due to the anti-mutant riots.

"Like... We got our asses kicked with just Vulcan at the hospital... Shouldn't there be like... twenty Vulcans here?"

"Now that you mention it, you're right. Everything we've done as a group has been challenging. Why isn't this? James looked back down the hall with a frown. He tilted his head for a second as he looked at the now dark doorway to the lab. "Well, I think we just found our problem. I'm almost 100 percent sure those lights were on when I left. We really should have figured out a way to communicate between everyone, huh? Something to remember next time." James was torn between going back down the hall and checking on the others and staying here. Veil was right that everyone should stay with their group and leaving Casper would leave him to defend ten drugged out mutants by himself. "Do you think Ben would be against poking his nose in there again? We shouldn't split up and we definitely shouldn't leave these guys by themselves."

"You should probably tell him that I can hear him, he just can't hear me," Ben pointed out to Casper. "Be back in a sec. Try not to get yourself killed, will ya?" Ben scolded, before he ran into the darkness and vanished.

"Ben is scouting ahead," Casper told James, before eyeing the mutants they'd rescued. They seemed to be pretty harmless, though one of them was sneezing flames and another was slowly drifting towards the ceiling, like a helium balloon being released from the grip of a small child. Their power sets were odd and varied, but Casper noticed that they all were offensive powers. Sinister and Shaw weren't putting just anyone through the Hound project - just those that would make good fighters. It made Casper feel a little bit relieved, figuring that he and James wouldn't have to worry about being turned into Hounds. Feedback would probably be safe too.

Ben then reappeared, running down the hallway towards them. "There's a freaking blue demon in there!!!" Ben screamed, clearly panicked despite already being dead.

"Uh, so Ben has... well, just bad news. Apparently they're fighting a demon?" Casper said, puzzled before something clicked. He had spent his early childhood at Xavier's School. "...Nightcrawler... They're fighting Nightcrawler..."

"Well, that's a problem." James said as the sound of something exploding came down the hallway. Negasonic clearly joined the fight. He hesitated for a second. How did they deal with someone that could teleport? He must have some sort of limit so if they could outlast him, maybe use the darkness to pull out Glimpse and Negasonic so Colossus was the biggest threat, or they could trick him, force him to teleport and be prepared when he tried to attack someone from behind. James foot tapped, caught between going to jump in and help and stay here with Casper and... he eyed the others warily. They seemed way too out of it present any real sort of problem so worse comes to worse he could always just poke his head in to make sure everyone was okay after Negasonic blasted the room.

"I'm going to check on them to see how they're doing. Just want to make sure no one needs to get put back together yet." James told Casper, bolting down the hallway and sticking his head in the dark room. He peered into the dimness and saw everyone was still standing at the very least. Nightcrawler seemed stunned for the moment, throwing the need for his plan out the door. He gave Casper a hesitant thumbs up.

Luna was still in a bit of pain, having to crouch over some to keep from the sharp pain that would occur when she moved. She would have taken over being punch in the boobs over the fanny any day. She managed to duck at Negasonic's yell, breathing through the sharp change and saw that Nightcrawler was out. She attempted to bind him, twice but failed both times. "I can't keep him bound. Colossus do you want to try carrying him out of here now that he's out? Hopefully he'll be knocked out enough from Negasonic's blast so we can all get out of this bloody place." The British accent was heavy on Luna's voice from the pain, frustration and annoyance.

Unfortunately, Nightcrawler was merely stunned - not unconscious. He teleported to another location in the room, the scent of sulfur left behind in his wake.

"Careful - do not allow him to grab you. Nightcrawler will kill you," Colossus warned. There were some things burning due to Negasonic's blast, providing them all with a little bit of light in the room. It was just enough light for Colossus, Negasonic, and James to watch with horror as Nightcrawler appeared behind Glimpse. He had run her through with his sword. Neither of them were healers, but Colossus had seen a lot in his lifetime. Glimpse would be lucky to survive that injury.

Whoever said horrible things happen in slow motion was a fucking liar. One second, Glimpse was talking to Colossus and the next, Nightcrawler stood behind her with a blade running though her. James felt the wind rush out of his lungs. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from the on the blade. Someone was screaming. He realized his legs were moving and he was charging Nightcrawler, lashing out ineffectively in a poor attempt to move the mutant. Someone was screaming. He grabbed the sword. James noted his hands were shaking but he pulled it out anyways. He hit his knees and pressed against the wound, trying desperately to staunch the flow of blood. Someone was scre―

Oh. He was screaming.

Blood welled around his fingers no matter how desperately he pressed against it. His own blood pounded in his ears, refusing to settle in the familiar manner when he tried these things. What if it didn’t work? What if he couldn’t fix this? What if someone died in his hands? He couldn’t stop shaking, he couldn’t stop screaming, begging for this to work. Slowly, he felt his heartbeat match and the blood started to slow. She didn’t have much time.

Luna was looking at Colossus when she felt a rather odd sensation. Her peripheral vision darkened, her eyes focused directly in front of her at Colossus's metal body. The fire light danced over his form, casting beautiful shadows that Luna seemed to get lost in. And then everything snapped back and she felt as if her body were on fire. Luna looked down, shock settling over her as she saw the point of a sword sticking out of her abdomen. Her fingers fluttered around the sword, confirming it was real before she dropped to her knees. She tried to speak, a panic settling over her but no words emerged. Only a wet, gurgling sound as blood filled her mouth and spilled over her chin. Perhaps being kicked in the fanny, wasn't so bad.

Luna heard screaming but it was faint, as if she were underwater. Come to think of it, chocking on her own blood as she was, was similar to how she felt when she was drowning all those years ago. Some things were vastly different but shock had a funny way of telling the body something different, if only for the mind to cope. She felt someone slam into her back and suddenly the sword disappeared and an intense pressure was pressed against her open wound. Her hands fluttered again, trying to help but she felt rather cold and weak. She reached out, trying to speak again but her mind brushed up against James and she found it easier to speak that way.

Take me home, to my father. Please. It was a simple request, if not the plea of a small child but is that not what we all are when standing on death's doorstep. Children waiting to go home. Luna lifted her hand and groped her neck, fingers slipping down a gold chain. Take this. If they couldn't take her body, the least they could do was return her locket to her family.

“No. No. NO! NO!” James thought back at her, although he may have screamed it. It was hard to tell anymore. A wetness spread across the back of his hands, catching the weak light flickering around the room. His world shrunk to nothing more than the color of blood and an encroaching silence that filled him with dread and despair. He heard her slipping, the dull beating of his own heart slowly coming to a halt in tandem with hers. He couldn’t breath, he couldn’t speak, he couldn’t think.

He was consumed by the stillness.

No. Everything in him rebelled against he frigid emptiness. He pushed, he screamed, he struggled against it with everything he had, everything she had, for what felt like an eternity before... A weak thump. He felt his own heart tremble and he pushed himself harder than he ever had, pushed himself further than he ever could, pushed himself as far and fast as possible, grabbing that single thread that kept her here and pulled. He gasped as the silence roared into a cacophony and everything came rushing back: the crackling of the flames, the feeling of blood on his palms and tears on his face, the pain of the floor biting into his knees. The sensation of life slammed into him like a train and all he could do was stare as he felt a heart start again and flesh slowly knit together.

Luna's world eventually fell silent, her eyes closed and her limbs went limp. There was a comfort in the nothingness that seemed to pull Luna closer. She didn't fear death, death was apart of living and she always knew she would go in a fight. That's how she wanted to go. The nothingness revolted and she was thrown back to the living. Her heart beat and her lungs filled and the pain returned. She gasped, her eyes opening and she looked blindly around the room until things focused back. Then the pain was gone, the feeling of warmth spreading around her left and was replaced with the cold of the blood that now soaked her shirt. She looked up at James who was still compared to her movements. She didn't know what to say, thank you seemed hollow when your life was just saved. Luna pushed herself up, ignoring the head rush and hugged James.

Ben was staring at Glimpse, dumbfounded. For a brief moment, her spirit had been about to cross over to the other side. He didn't wish this plane of existence on anyone - it was cold, empty, and harsh. Casper was the only thing that made it bearable, as he continued to evolve and change unlike the dead. The dead could never move on. Casper ran into the room, leaving the liberated mutants in the circular chamber in the center. "Is.... Is everyone okay?" he stammered out.

"I... I am so sorry..." Nightcrawler stammered, stumbling backwards. "Please... forgive me, fraulein..."

James barely registered it as Glimpse hugged him. He couldn't look away from the blood coating his hands. Nightcrawler's apology, Casper's arrival, it was all just static in his head. Glimpse's last words, the crushing feeling of his heart stopping in tandem with hers, the burn in his lungs. It all lingered. The stickiness on his hands kept him there in that moment, even as he felt the woman that was dying in front of him breath again. He couldn't stop shaking, he couldn't stop crying. He felt like he lost something, like it took something.

"Please." James said quietly, not really sure what he was asking for.

Luna looked over James's shoulder, seeing Casper walk in. She could feel James shaking and his tears start to fall on the top half of her shirt. Good thing she had worn a darker colour, if it had been white there would be no point in wearing a shirt anymore. Luna pulled back, looking at James when he said please. She wasn't sure what he was referring to but it could be a whole matter of things in reference to what the two of them had just gone through. She glanced down, seeing his blood covered hands. Her blood coated his hands and she swallowed. She looked around for something that could help wipe his hands clean but there was nothing beyond her shirt, which was covered and his. Nighcrawler started speaking, asking for damned forgiveness. Luna looked over at the mutant. "Don't ask me that now. Not now," she growled out him. Later maybe but right now, hell bloody no. She looked back at James. "We need to get out of here. We can deal after but right now we have to go to the other mutants." Luna was in a bit of shock herself but all she knew to do was to keep moving forward.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Online

Alpha Team

Members: Blink, Veil, Spark Plug, Stretch, Moonwalker
Location: Hallway #2 -> Sabretooth's Room -> Malice's Room / Arclight's Room
Skills: Invisible Energy Manipulation, Perception, Weather Manipulation, Electricity Manipulation, Hand to Hand Combat, Dreamwalking, Perception, Empathy, Enhanced Strength
Veil cloaked her group the minute they set foot in the hallway. They were able to see each other, yet no one else would be able to see them. It had been this or preemptive protective shields. Yet her reasoning had been that if no one could see them, their odds of detection were that much lower and hopefully, force fields wouldn't be needed. The gruesome fixtures lining the hallway were still unnerving, just as much as they had been the first time. "I didn't go down this hallway earlier - Spark Plug, Stretch, did either of you?" Veil asked, her voice a low whisper.

There were about five doors off of this hallway, all of them identical, made of a dark ebony wood. No one else seemed to be around, but this place was a deceptive maze. However, Veil found herself drawn to the first door, walking forward towards it in what was a trance almost. She set her hand down on the knob, about to open it only for Blink to smack her hand away.

"This place is messing with your mind," Blink said.

Callie took a moment as her eyes stared at the door for a moment and shook her head"I went down the one on the right I think." Callie said, it still made her feel uncomfortable that they were all back here again, she noticed Veil making her way towards one of the doors. "Don't enter the rooms, they will close and lock behind you trust me. He also has the room filled with all the stuff to make you happy and stuff in order to keep you there." Callie warned them.

"Like that for you maybe. I was locked in a music room of sorts, then ended up in his lab area with Sunshine," Jack said with a slight shrug towards Callie. He still hadn't mentioned to Veil or anyone else (aside from Glimpse sort of by accident when he had a breakdown) about his relation to Sinister, and he figured now was probably not the best time to actually mention it. Knowing his luck it would probably pop up eventually. "I didn't go down this hallway at all, so no idea... Who wants to pick a door to look behind?"

Cayden looked around the place, kind of fascinated with the sophistication of it. And to think, all of this was underground. He followed his group down the second hallway, leaving the others behind as they made their way. He watched Veil walk towards a door and was surprised when Blink smacked her hand away. Weren't they supposed to be looking in these rooms for people? Callie spoke up and it made a bit more sense to Cayden now. "Maybe I'll check this one then," Cayden said, since he felt absolutely no pull to it. He walked over to it and turned the handle to open it up. Inside, the room contained a very large, very angry Sabretooth. Cayden blinked. "Do you think I could just close this door and all would be fine?" he whispered.

Sabretooth sniffed the air, looking straight at where the invisible team was. All of his senses were enhanced, causing him to hear Moonwalker's fretful whisper. "Like hell it would be!" Sabretooth growled, swiping at the air with his claws. Veil instinctively dropped the cloaking, throwing up a force field instead, narrowly saving Moonwalker's face from being mauled.

"He heals, so try to knock him out!" Veil announced to her team, not even bothering to be quiet. Sabretooth was throwing his full body weight against her force field, ramming at it in a brute force attempt to get through to them. It was holding for now, but they couldn't rely on it to hold forever. Veil could only endure so much. Each time Sabretooth hit against her force field, she felt the power and might ripple through her body, a direct challenge of his brawn up against her powers. "Spark Plug, I'm going to let the shield down on the count of three. One... two... three!"

"Well look what dragged the kitty back in." Callie said seeing Sabertooth who had been in the room there most likely waiting for them once Cayden opened the door. She took a slight step back when Sabertooth launched himself at the forcefield and started to beat against it, looking over at Veil and nodded. "On it." Callie said the moment Veil dropped the shield she used her power. She was expecting lightening to shoot out of her hands, only for a heavy gust of wind to come out which more or less gave Sabertooth a pretty poofy hairdo like he had been hit with an hairdryer.

"...Well totally thought that Sabretooth needed his fur hit with a hair dryer," Jack commented with a small laugh. The force field was down though, and Sabretooth knew that they were there, so hopefully they could just smack him around a few times to hopefully do something. He sent his fist slamming into Sabretooth's jaw, but he figured that hadn't done much. "So... Any other ideas?"

Cayden looked at Veil gratefully when she saved his face from being clawed off. He was making to many risks with his face. He grinned at the puffy looking lion hair but the battle was no laughing matter. Callie's attack hadn't worked as intended and Jack's was a good effort. At least he could throw a far punch. Cayden could always rush him but he didn't like the look of those claws. "I have an idea," Cayden said. He looked at Sabretooth intently and found himself inside his mind a moment later. Once inside, Cayden discovered that Sabretooth had the strange obsession with red meat, Canada and plotting to kill Wolverine. Cayden shrugged and melded all three elements together to create an ideal daydream for the fluffy lion. The dream contained the mountainesque landscape of Banff, Canada with a spread of various rare meats and Wolverine simply waiting to fight Sabretooth when he was ready. "Distracted, you could try physically knocking him out or I can try pushing this further," Cayden offered.

"I can send him to the Savage Land - Vulcan might enjoy the company," Blink instantly offered. She started to create a portal, only for Veil to shake her head.

"We're in this place, practically blind. We need information before we send him down the trash chute... Moonwalker, is there any chance you can pull out what Sabretooth knows about this place?" she asked. She didn't know how Moonwalker's powers worked precisely, but he was influencing Sabretooth's mind. Maybe he would be able to tell them who else was around or even where in this facility they should be looking for captured mutants. Nightcrawler was someone she was hoping they'd find - he was a victim in all of this. "Also... Wind manipulation? That's a new one," she added, glancing at Spark Plug.

"Shush or i'll taser you." Callie said looking over at Jack for a moment before smirking, she wasn't expecting a new power to emerge at all which was a nice little change. She watched Sabertooth go into some kind of trance made by Moonwalker, it looked like he was out of it for the time being. She entered the room now, and started to search around, before spotting a laptop and quickly snatched it up Callie saw Sabertooth in pretty much a banana hammock, which made her cringe seeing him with a plate of red meat. "Oookay didn't need to see that.." Callie said as she pressed a key, and instantly had access to the entire laptop.

"Well he's certainly a really dumb person he didn't even put a password in it." Callie said, before going into the files and started to see some of Sabertooth's mission reports, even a map of the entire facility. Which she instantly took a picture of it, sending Veil a picture of Sinister's lair. "It has a bunch of Saber's mission reports, want me to fry the rest?" Callie asked looking to the others.

"I have been tasered before, so is that really supposed to be a threat to me? Cause it isn't considering the fact that you just acted like a glorified hair dryer to freaking Sabretooth..." Jack said with a bit of a laugh, shaking his head slightly as he looked over at her. A moment of thought though, as a everyone else seemed to be paying more attention to the big furball caused him to think back to the notebook he'd found while in Sinister's lab the first time around. He decided to take the moment to actually look and see what was in it. Flipping through it, he saw that it seemed like a logbook of sorts detailing the experiments done with the Hounds and Shaw Industries' involvement with it. Another thought crossed his mind, and it caused him to remember his conversation with Glimpse, how despite the fact that Sinister's relation to him was more of his problem, since Sinister showed up though, well he had to admit that she had a point. It was more of the Underground's problem entirely. Slipping the notebook back into his pocket, he looked over at Veil. "Uh, hey Veil? There is something that I learned earlier that I really wish I hadn't learned about and I figured that now might be a time to mention it... But um... Sinister's my dad." He figured he was better off just more or less saying it right out loud as opposed to anything else.

"Sure thing boss," Cayden said in response to Veil's request. He dove back into Sabretooth's dream and slowly transitioned it to Sabretooth being in the lab, surrounded by precious red meat still but was speaking with Sinister. Cayden made his fake Sinister give Sabretooth a mission, to finally kill Wolverine but he wanted people to go with him, who would he select out of the fine group of mutants they had. Sabretooth gave a full list of the mutants in Sinister's employ, including Nightcrawler, Magik and Vulcan. Cayden relayed all of this information to Veil as it came to him.

A lot was coming at Veil all at once. "Spark Plug, take photos of those mission reports, text them to me, and then fry it," she decided. That was the easy one. Moonwalker's relay of the names of Sinister's Hounds was also relatively easy to stomach, given that Sapphire had helped Magik and they had abandoned Vulcan in the Savage Land. Now, Jack mentioning that his father was Sinister? That wasn't something she had seen coming at all. She flickered in and out of view for a moment, her mutation temporarily acting up as a manifestation of sheer stress. She wished that Jack had told her that information way sooner - and a small part of her was a bit annoyed. They now had children of Mister Sinister, Professor X, and Captain Britain on the team... And yet they still could barely afford to get by. It also threatened to turn their team into something more like the X-Men - able to help with the large and scary villains, yet unable to help out the underdogs, the mutants fearing for their lives each and every day.

She resolved to just take a deep breath, before exhaling forcefully. "Is he tracking you? Does he know where the hideout is?" she asked Jack.

Callie looked at Jack for a moment when he said that Sinister was actually his father was pretty surprising, and seeing Veil flicker slightly as well from the little bomb drop. "So Creepy Uncle Lester is your dad? That really sucks." Callie said, and looked towards Veil and nodded as she started to take pictures of Sabertooth's mission reports, and anything else that was relevant to, and sent the information dump to Veil's phone. Getting up from where she had been sitting she held out her hand, as a bolt of lightening hit the laptop frying it, for good while looking between Jack, Veil and Cayden.

"Yeah yeah he is... As for him tracking me I have no freaking clue. I never know what he's doing, and I just found out that my dad was Sinister... Since my brain never made the connection. The guy I was talking to at the bar? That was him in his less creepy form, and I still didn't know then. He knew that we were there the instant we walked in, he always knows everything, or at least thinks he does. I don't know what to do or anything like that..." Jack said, shaking his head slightly. At this point he half expected to get kicked out of the Underground, since at this point he was a liability (at least in his mind) to the safety of the Underground and everyone there all things considering.

After Cayden gave Veil his bit of information, they were a bit bombarded with Jack's information and it seemed all of them were a bit shocked. Even Cayden was but he was desperately trying not to loose control over Sabretooth. That would be a bad. While the others, namely Veil, were busy digesting Jack's new information, Cayden focused on actually putting Sabretooth to sleep. This wasn't normal for Cayden to do but if he could get him into a dream cycle, it would be a deeper sleep and hopefully they would be able to back out with the information needed and leave the sleeping lion be. Cayden started to hum the song, 'When The Lion Sleeps Tonight', slipping it into Sabretooth's dream which caused him to slowly drift off into a deep, REM sleep cycle. The process was very taxing on Cayden's ability but when the job was done, Cayden took a knee and breathed deeply to try and get his energy back. "I put the lion to sleep," Cayden said softly, hoping the others would soften their tones as well.

Veil nodded at Cayden, before making a spur of the moment decision. "Alright. Here's what we'll do. Before we leave this place, you're going to shed all of your clothes and possessions that you have on you. Spark Plug will tase you before hand, frying any trackers that might be embedded into your skin. It'll suck, but it'll make sure that you're safe and that he won't have anything planted on you before we portal you back to base." Fortunately for them, no one else had popped up. She pulled out her phone and peered at the pictures Callie had sent ahead to her. "The rest of this hallway seems to be personal quarters for the Marauders - let's check the rest of these rooms, incapacitate them, and then move on."

"Want me to portal him now?" Blink asked, looking at the sleeping beauty.

Veil gave her a nod. "Go ahead." Scarcely a minute passed before Blink opened up another portal to the Savage Land and awkwardly shoved Sabretooth on through. When he woke up, he wouldn't know where he was - and ideally, he wouldn't know that it had been the Mutant Underground that attacked him.

Callie looked at Veil giving a suggestion, and she gave a slight nod while looking over at Jack, who seemed to be a pretty cool guy so far as far as she could tell anyway. "Sounds good to me then." Callie said, while looking at Jack before watching Blink sending Sabertooth off to the Savage Lands. She started to head back down the hallway once more eventually finding another door only to find it as a vacant room, only a desk and what looked like a diary. She picked it up, and started to open it, before letting out a groan and held her head slightly and dropped the diary feeling someone entering her mind.

Jack nodded his head slightly towards Veil, "Alright, that is fine with me, makes sense and honestly would do the same thing in your shoes... Also makes me think that I should probably go back to my office at some point to make sure there isn't anything there either... Knowing my dad, it wouldn't surprise me, always had to be the smartest person in the room and know everything about everyone when he walks into a place." After Sabretooth disappeared to the Savage Lands, Jack followed Callie into the room she went into, and saw that she picked up the diary. He pulled her slightly away from it, glancing around the room as he did so and he tossed the diary back to where it had been. "You need to be careful Spark Plug, since think about it. I get it, the diary might be helpful, but don't you think it's a bit fishy that there is nothing in the room except for the diary?"

Veil nodded in agreement with Jack, standing with him and Spark Plug. "Fry it, please - I've seen the second Harry Potter movie and you don't want to end up like Ginny Weasley," she quipped. She had small force fields ready in her hands, prepared for a massive explosion or something. "Jack, feel free to hide behind me."

Cayden stretched himself out, standing as they had left the room. He was glad to see Sabretooth gone and proud that he was able to help with it. They had gotten some good information and whatever Spark Plug found on his computer would prove to be useful. Cayden walked down the hallway and followed the others. Jack, Veil, and Callie went into one room so Cayden kept moving down the hallway to the next. As soon as he opened the door he knew it was a bad idea. Another bad guy was waiting for him and she threw her power at him which Cayden managed to miss as the blast hit the wall and took a chunk of it with her. "I'm not opening anymore doors," Cayden stated. He put his head down and charged at Arclight, using his power and strength to take her down but she countered, using his momentum against him to push him off of her and somehow flip him around so he was face down and she pressed her heel into his spine. Cayden grunted but attempted to swing his arm around to grab onto her ankle and pull her off of him. He managed to connect and pulled. Arclight came off but she rolled and got to her feet, coming out of unscathed but Cayden was just happy to not have a heel in his spine anymore. He pushed himself up to his feet and prepared for the next attack.

"Give up - you won't be able to defeat me," Arclight warned him. "Or don't - I'm having fun." She shot a wave of tremors off into the ground at Moonwalker's feet, causing the other mutant to lose his balance. She then took advantage of the situation, rushing at Cayden and elbowing him in the face. Three of Cayden's teeth went flying out of his mouth from the raw force.

"You might want to invest in a dental plan," Blink quipped, having rushed over to Cayden after hearing the large crash from the destruction of the wall.

"Aww, how cute, your girlfriend is here to save the day!" Arclight taunted.

Blink gave Moonwalker a side eye. "I can do way better than him."

Meanwhile Callie stumbled backwards slightly when she managed to get the presence out of her mind, rubbing her head slightly while looking over her shoulder towards Jack. "Yeah something is in that diary and I totally don't want to end up like Ginny either." Callie said remembering seeing the movie as well many years ago, she held out her hand and tried to shoot some lightening at the diary, but didn't. She did it again and it was all on fire now as well. Taking a moment looking over at the others, she didn't see Cayden or Blink with them which wasn't good. "Wheres Moonwalker and Blink?" Callie asked.

"Yup, and let me tell you, this sort of thing is probably not something you want to mess with at all, considering the fact that we are in Sinister's lair..." he said to Callie. He was just now going to stop referring to Sinister as his father, since if he did that would be accepting the fact, and he did not want to do that at all. His brain was still in denial about it. Suddenly, he felt a major headache of his own, but he more or less shrugged it off as stress over that whole idea or something. Poking his head out into the hallway, he saw the commotion caused by Cayden opening up another door, and he went fully back into the room. "Well, seems like someone decided to go charging ahead, which I thought the rest of us decided was probably not a good idea considering what happened last time people went off by themselves and started walking through the doors, but someone doesn't seem to have gotten the memo."

Cayden spat blood out onto the floor and ran a tongue over his missing teeth. That was not a good look. Hopefully James was good at regrowing bone. James was going to give him hell for ruining his work. He looked over at Blink when she joined him. "Is that comment for before or after loosing my teeth?" He looked back at Arclight. "Right, cause you're just going to let us walk out of here." No, she wouldn't and Cayden opened up this can of worms so he was going to do everything he could to close it up. He attempted to enter her mind but it was like a steel trap. Brute force it was. He channeled his cousin, Thunderbird and ran forward, picking up as much speed as he could before he laid out a mother of a heavy strike. It would have beautiful, if he had connected but Arclight was proficient in being the defense as well as the offense. He was close to her though and pulled his arm back, using the moment to land an uppercut. It was not his finest work and she seemed completely fine from the whole ordeal. Still, Cayden wasn't going to give up and readied himself for another attack.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 day ago

Washington D.C.: September 10th, 2020 - 2:00 PM

The Training Room - Shaw Industries...

Polaris was quickly becoming irritated with Ana's posturing. Her headpiece prevented Anastasia from shifting her own morals, as it was made from the same metal that comprised her father's helmet. The telekinetic shove was decent, yet her control over magnetism had allowed Polaris to stop herself before she got hurt. For a moment, she just watched as Leighton tried her best to hit Anastasia - and as Anastasia somehow wasn't able to hit Leighton.

Yet her jaw dropped as she saw the giant CareBear guardian that Max summoned - he really was just as unhinged as her half-sister, with only about half of her control. Polaris couldn't feel an ounce of metal on the thing and she didn't doubt that the CareBear would be able to crush her under its limbs. Besides, the entire room smelled like blueberries now and she hated blueberries. "What the fuck? Are you kidding me?"

Her father was glaring at Max, seeing him hiding on top of the soft, furry creature. "Do you think this is a joke - that we are something to be laughed at?" he scolded. "Do you think it is amusing that every day, thousands of mutant brothers and sisters are murdered... and yet here you are, blessed beyond reason, given the honor of fighting to create a homeland, with powerful gifts over creation... AND YOU WASTE THEM ON A DAMN STUFFED TOY?!" Magneto screamed. Magnetic rays then exploded from his hands, hitting the giant CareBear monstrosity and barely missing Max. Max's guardian was on fire from the impact and Magneto used his powers to tear the doors of the training room open, flinging them wildly behind him without any care as he stormed out of the facility.

The door was about to hit Leighton and crush her, when Polaris managed to stop it at the last second.

"Do you want me to let Emma know you've finished the session?" Sage asked calmly, as if they hadn't just seen Magneto throw a temper tantrum. "Or if you'd like, I need a small team to go pick up our runaways."

Somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean...

"We're in the Atlantic," Sophie mused, looking over maps and radar a little more carefully. "With Wanda's assist, we're about..."

"Fifty minutes from D.C.," Phoebe concluded. "Jinx, we have better food at home," she scolded him telepathically, mentally finding him pacing the halls and gorging himself on sandwiches in the kitchen now. She wrinkled her nose in disgust. Humans, in her experience, often failed to understand the importance of fine dining.

Wanda was staring out one of the viewing windows contemplatively. The entire submarine was surrounded with her mystical red energies, manipulating the probabilities in order to decrease their travel time. Once they arrived in D.C., she was going to take a plane and head to Wundagore Mountain. To do what needed to be done, she was going to need more strength, more focus and discipline. She was going to win her brother back.

New Mutant Underground Hideout...

"Don't call me Quicksilver please, since that's kind of what my father still calls me, and it does not bring with it too many happy memories along with it... Call me Pietro," he said to her shaking his head slightly as he ate another Twinkie. Almost like he carried a bunch of them around for some weird reason. "Also, I'm not dating anyone. I'm going to marry Guin Stark though, major difference there." with those words, he raced over to a nearby couch and sat on it, well, more of laid on it and put his feet up on the armrest. "Yeah he's coming. Partially because he wants to talk to Veil about everything that's going on or whatever here... And to pay his respects to one of the Morlocks that died... Something like that or whatever.... So kid, what's your name?"

The Cherry Bomb - Sinister's Lair...

Another round of cases here. When you finish your objective, head back to the circular room with the elevator - Blink or Magik will provide transport back to the Underground.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Beta Team

Members: Negasonic, Spirit Box, Colossus, Glimpse, Caduceus, Blink
Location: the Lab -> Elevator Room -> Mutant Underground Hideout / Hallway #2
Skills: Mediumship, Telepathy
Casper didn't really know what to say - nothing seemed appropriate. He could have cracked some sort of joke or maybe he might have had the realization that no matter what happened, he would still be able to talk to Glimpse any time he wanted to. He didn't know how to comfort James, having no idea what had happened. James seemed to have force healed Glimpse, like he was the mutant version of Baby Yoda. "It's probably for the best," Ben said, breaking the silence even though only Casper could hear him. "There's only room for one snarky bitch in the afterlife - me."

"Kurt, it is good to see you," Colossus said softly, picking up his old teammate gingerly. It might have been the shock or maybe it was from all of the drugs Sinister and Shaw had pumped through Nightcrawler's system, but he didn't seem to be able to move at the moment. Even in his steel form, he could still feel the fuzziness of the blue elf's fur - though a fair portion of it was matted with blood.

"Everyone out, move it then - Glimpse, why don't you hold onto that bomb?" Negasonic said, trying her best to look expressionless but she couldn't help but be a little bit happy that Glimpse was okay. She pretended to be tough as nails, but she was a marshmallow at her core. "I'll blow this place. Glimpse can flag down one of the teleporters, get the mutants out of here."

Casper bit his lip slightly. "James?" he said quietly, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Do you... Never mind, I'm going to help you walk out of here, okay? You can lean on me, I don't use Axe body spray or anything so I don't smell awful like my brother does."

James head was still fuzzy but the mention of the other mutants drew his attention away from his hands and to the door. He was so fixated on a teammate dying, he left them behind with... Casper. Casper was here. Casper was someone he knew. He disentangled himself from Glimpse hug, trying really, really hard not to get more blood on her. There was already so much blood. Why did people have so much blood? He couldn't help pressing his hand against where the stab wound had been, just to ground himself a little. She was okay, everyone was okay. He took a shakey breath and he pushed to his feet, using Casper as leverage when his legs shook.

"Thank you." He croaked out, words difficult right now. Though, he fixated on the axe comment. Jack used Axe? Scentless stuff was better. "Axe is gross. Tell him to try something better." James muttered, taking Casper's offer to lean on him as he walked slowly out of the lab.

Luna nodded at James, a confirmation that yes, they had to go and yes, she was okay. Thanks to him. She managed to get to her feet, grabbing the bomb as Negasonic instructed and nodded. "On it," she agreed and looked back at Colossus who had picked up Nightcrawler. "You got him okay?" she asked before turning and headed for the door with the others. She would enjoy a conversation with the X-Men mutant later on. The rapid change of dying and then being thrown back into the mission gave Luna a bit of a head rush and she had to keep her focused narrowed. One foot at a time. It was good that James's healing capabilities was more advanced or she wasn't sure she would be able to walk right now, especially from all the blood loss. She made it for the hallway, following behind James and Casper to the main chamber.

"Da, Miss Braddock," Colossus confirmed. He moved towards the front of the group, not because he felt an urgent need to leave or that he had some sense of self importance, but because he was the most combat capable member with Negasonic hanging behind to blow up the lab. Glimpse had nearly died and James had exhausted his reserves healing her. Casper was... well, Casper.

Casper continued to support James, hearing some loud noises that must have been from another group's fight. "What body spray should I tell him to get?" he asked James, hoping it would keep his mind off of everything that had just happened. He would have offered him some drugs, that always helped him to focus on something else, but he didn't have any on him thanks to Jack. It wasn't too long before they emerged into the circular room, seeing the victimized mutants still there.

There was then a gigantic !!!BOOM!!! as Negasonic did what she did best - demolitions. She emerged from the smoke and rubble a moment later, looking like she just crawled out of hell. "Lab is dead."

"Its so extra. Just use deodorant like a normal person." James muttered. The shock was wearing off, the exhaustion turning his muscles weak and he had to lean a little more on Casper. Apparently, pushing himself like that was exhausting even if he hadn't done anything other than piece Glimpse back together. The thought of her sent a spike of panic through him. What if someone else hurt and he didnt see? What if someone else was bleeding out and he missed it? He made a quick head count, to tired to jump at the explosion and only satisfied once he saw Negasonic come back.

"At least these guys are behaving. James sighed. James rested his head on Casper's shoulder. "We're getting them out next, right? I need a fucking shower."

Luna looked over the mutants as well, happy to see that other than being shaken from being trapped in a lab, that they were all right. She heard noises from the other hallways the rest of the Underground went down and hoped they were fairing well. She heard the great bomb, confirmation that Negasonic had done her job and done it well by the looks of her when she emerged. Luna shut her eyes and tried reaching out to Magik and Blink. She was having zero luck with Magik but on the third push managed to link with Blink. When your hands are free, we have a group of mutants who could use a portal out of here. Luna breathed out, relieved she got her message across and looked at the others. "I contacted Blink so hopefully she will be here soon."

"I don't know about a fucking shower, but Jackie's apartment has a shower shower in it," Casper offered up. His brother had an office/apartment in D.C., since he ran a business as a private investigator. Unlike the rest of the Morlocks, Jack actually had a place to call home beyond the sewers. And from what he had seen of the new Mutant Underground hideout, it didn't strike him as the sort of place with running water. Though the more he thought about it, the more the idea of a hot steamy shower was enticing.

Blink then popped on through a portal. "Alright, portal to base coming up," she said, throwing a portal out that opened up in the Mutant Underground hideout. "Quickly if you can, I have to go send someone else to the Savage Land."

James chuckled weakly at the joke but nodded his understanding to Blink. "Let's get going then. I feel like I've been hit by a truck." James said, stumbling through the portal. There were others who could get them settled. James really just needed to be anywhere but here; he needed the blood off and he needed to put some space between him and everything that just happened. The jokes were helpful but some physical separation would be nice.

"Thank you for helping me. Just let me know if I'm too heavy or something." James offered Casper a weary smile. "Colossus, do you know where we're setting these guys up?"

"Nyet. I believe dining room will do for now."

Casper went through the portal with James, supporting him as best as he could. "I think we can stay here," he told him softly. "You've done enough today."

Luna looked over at James and Capser, listening into their conversation while she waited for Blink. "I could give you the key card to my hotel as well if you need it but Casper's idea might work," she noted. When she had first arrived in D.C. she had gotten a hotel room and had it paid up for a month. She was going to have to work free for her father for awhile. Blink showed and Luna looked at the mutants. "Don't worry, it's safe on the other side and there will be a few people on the other side to greet you, give you some food and shelter until we all get out of here," Luna encouraged them. She wouldn't be leaving with the others though, she would be setting off the bomb in this very room once everyone else had done the task of destroying their hallways and saving mutants. Although, she very much wished she could shower as well and get this blood soaked t-shirt off.

"Shut up - you have a hotel?" Negasonic said instantly. She supposed that it made sense. Glimpse wasn't like anyone else in the Mutant Underground - she didn't need to be there. She didn't have to wonder about where she was going to sleep or what she was going to eat. Negasonic wouldn't have been surprised if Glimpse announced that she had been an intern for the Avengers at one point.

"Language, Negasonic," Colossus scolded, as the freed mutants slowly made their way through the portal, appearing in the dining room. They'd have to figure out what to do with all of them later, as they still needed to finish trashing this facility and ensuring that Sinister and Shaw couldn't hurt another mutant soul like this again. "Kurt, I will return for you - rest, please," he pleaded to his friend, going through the portal and lying Nightcrawler down on the table, before reentering where the others were.

"You three, in or out, what's it going to be?" Blink asked Glimpse, Negasonic, and Colossus. She was holding the portal to the Mutant Underground hideout open for now, but she really needed to get back to the others in her group.

"Stay safe, please." James said to the group staying behind with Blink. He was more than a little uneasy letting Glimpse out of his sight but Casper's offer of a shower really kept his attention. He waved at them and then turned his attention back to Casper. "Let's find Feedback. She can take care of these guys. Hopefully, that offer of a shower is still valid."

Luna nodded at Negasonic. "When I first arrived I didn't come to the Underground right away. I had to meet up with the professor and then get my barrings of the task I was given as well as the city," she explained. Luna looked at Blink. "I believe we are staying. I have a bomb made to blow up the main area here once we are all out of her. I'll need your assistance then so we can get out of here quickly but we still have to finish destroying some of the other rooms," Luna informed Blink. She looked at Colossus who returned and gave James a reassuring smile before he and Casper disappeared. Back to work.

"Then come on, we've got Riptide to handle," Blink told Glimpse. She opened a portal and ran on through it, leaving it open for Glimpse to follow her as well.

"Negasonic and I will destroy other rooms and hallways," Colossus told Glimpse. "Go. Help others."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Maximillian Gray

Location:Shaw Industries: Training Room
Skills: Conjuration-Fire New Outfit

Max sat atop the care bear, knees up towards his face and one hand covering his eyes and the other gripped tightly. His knees buckled in fear as he stared out through the gaps between his fingers, seeing Polaris and Magnetos outbursts but not quite hearing or understanding what it is they were saying. Bright violet lights flashed towards his guardian Tibbers and began to set it aflame. He scurried back an inch in fear as his eyes continuously glowed as he began to chant in a shakily voice. "singi metatnulov!" The flames swirled into a vortex before snuffing out of the carebear leaving the scent of singed polyester hair to begin to mask the blueberries. In his fear he only knew to lash out to the one who harmed him, to the one who would attack him. "Retni aretec eammalf" Max's hand thrust forward as did his bears in unison, a wave of fire pouring out and tunneling it's way towards Magneto into the hallway he exited from.

There was the sound of metal squeaking as it bent out of sight. Most likely blocking the flames from reaching their intended target. He sat there for a moment, breathing heavily from the rush of adrenaline that still fueled his body, feeling no pain or exhaustion only fear. His eyes caught the sight of Polaris wielding the metal door near Leighton. At first his mind tried to tell him she was almost hurt, that he needed to snap out of it. And he tried to force his own sense of will out but Ana's influence shoved him back in and hid him away beneath fear. Now all he could think of is how Polaris could weaponize the metal slab. Launching it at him in a fit of rage just like her father.

Peter Jackson Bernard

Location: Submarine

Jinx continued to pace the length of the ship as he finished the last of the sandwiches. He waited to hear back from the girls only to find out it would be almost an hour until they reached land. Luck did not appear to be on their side. He sat back down and his legs began to shake in place, impatiently waiting till the moment they finally reached land and left this small forsaken shell of a ship. His hand reached down to instinctively twirl the ring on his finger but it found no purchase. Jinx looked down at his hands in horror as he realised that they removed his mothers ring from him and it was now locked away in The Raft. "Those bastards! They have something of mine and I want it back. This wont be the last that stupid glorified prison sees the last of me."

Anger now fueling him, he took to one of the portholes and looked out onto the expanse of water. "I cannot wait till we get back onto land. Not only so we can leave this tin can but I need to blow off some steam. I see a lot of unlucky normies in my future and quite possibly a few deaths." He cracked his neck, followed by his knuckles as he stared out the window. These people were going to pay for what they had done, first normies, then this S.H.E.I.L.D. bullshit, and finally the X-men for harming Wanda. There would be a path of terror left in his wake and no one would stop him.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Waverley Watts - Feedback

Location: Mutant Underground HQ

"Right..." she said in response to Pietro's declaration of his engagement, a very light tone of disappointment detectable in her voice. The news sounded vaguely familiar to Waverley, and she suspected she'd seen it on the cover of some magazine somewhere along the line, but it was still a little disheartening. Sounded like she had a Dream Wedding folder to delete next time she was back home. The feeling disappointment didn't last long, however, being pushed to the back of her mind as another gust of wind whirled in the room, and the silver-haired man disappeared from where he had been standing. Waverley tensed up, looking around, finding him stretched out on top of one of their couches. The guy was fast. And not just in terms of running. The way he talked overwhelmed Waverley, who was still stunned that she was in the presence of a celebrity.

"Um...Waverley..." she answered as she walked towards him, tentatively taking a seat in a beat up old arm chair beside the couch. As soon as she spoke, she remembered the existence of her 'superhero' name. She opened her mouth to correct herself, but she didn't. After everything that happened, she wasn't sure it felt right. "Just Waverley," she said instead, offering a pleasant smile to Pietro. At that moment, she heard a quiet noise from the dining room, and twisted her head towards it instinctively. She couldn't tell for sure, but it didn't sound any different to her than the other rat activity that the bunker seemed to be home to. So she shrugged it off, turning back to face the speedster.

"So Pietro," she began, her voice sounding uncertain as she spoke. But as she continued to speak, her words picked up speed, a geeky joy rising to the surface. "Are you, like, in the business for a superhero name? Because I could totally help you with that. In fact, what do you think about this: Mercury. It has a double meaning, because it's the name of the Roman God of travel, but it's also the name of a metallic colored element! Like your hair! Get it?" The way she spoke did little to hide the pride she felt at coming up with the name, making her nerdy delight obvious.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
Avatar of FantasyChic

FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Leighton Brooks and Anastasia Reinhardt

Location: Shaw Industries - The Training Room
Skills N/A

As the two girls fought, Max had apparently created an abomination known as a CareBear in his uncontrollable fear. Ana held in a laugh. She hadn't quite expected it to go that route, but she was impressed with the results. And, she had to admit, the boy's powers were extraordinary. It was just a shame he was such an idiot. She pitied the poor sod who would be paired with him. And then she remembered that the raven-haired girl, Leighton, was.

Leighton stopped fighting to watch Max. Training or no, her friend was on the brink of panic and Magneto wasn't helping matters. Before she could go and calm him down, Magneto launched into a tirade the likes of which she had not seen. While the man's words were true, it wasn't Max's fault. Magneto was pushing buttons that didn't need to be pushed. Leighton began to walk over there as Magneto stormed off, ripping the door off. Leighton saw it moments before as the door was thrown directly at her.

And then it stopped.

Leighton could only stare in disbelief that she had come perilously close to death. The door would have crushed her and it was mere inches from her face. "That could have killed me...." Max had seemed to notice, but he had taken care of the bear problem and was still terrified. She turned back to Polaris.

Ana rolled her eyes at Magneto's little hissy fit, but even she grew concerned that the man, while upset at Max, almost killed Leighton. The girl, at least, showed some promise. "I think training is done for the day." Leighton took a shaky breath. "I'll go, but could I just...get a minute." Plus, she wanted Max to calm down some. She wouldn't leave him here and he was in no state to do anything.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
Avatar of BlueSky44

BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Gamma Team

Members: Sapphire, Havok, Sunshine, Magik
Location: Throne Room ->> Hallway #7 -> Mutant Underground Hideout
Skills: Disease Manipulation, Enhanced Accuracy, Medical Knowledge, Ice Attacks, Cryokinesis, Hand to Hand Combat
Sinister's throne room was utterly and thoroughly trashed. Sunshine was giggling slightly, enjoying the pure mess that they had made around it. The only way it would have been better would have been having some paints to throw everywhere. Although, she had discovered that shredded documents and files made for excellent makeshift confetti. Magik had even found a sharpie and drew all over a portrait of Mister Sinister, putting some rather graphic images near his mouth. "That's so nasty," Sunshine observed. "And that stuff dripping, is that...?"

Magik nodded, a devilish smirk on her face. "Yup."

"And then that is...?"

"Exactly what it looks like," Magik was positively beaming, admiring her artwork. Havok had been taking more of a traditional approach to trashing the room - he was letting off explosive blasts of energy, Hula-Hooping his hips in order to trigger them. The only thing still standing in the room was the throne itself. He glanced up at the artwork Sunshine and Magik were admiring, only to let out a hearty laugh himself.

"Okay, you have to admit it, that's kinda funny," he mentioned to Sapphire, elbowing her lightly. He then winced from the pain. The ice had stopped the bleeding, but the wounds were still there, deep.

"Really Havok? Encouraging them?" Sapphire said with a small laugh, shaking her head. "Stop drawing dicks, we've got other things to do." With those last words, she headed out of the room, figuring the three children would follow her.

"She reminds me of some of the demons of Limbo," Magik mused, before giving Sunshine a wink as she dragged her new friend out of the room. Havok shook his head at the two girls, wondering which one would qualify as the bad influence on the other. Was it the R rated Russian girl with weird Satanic vibes? Or was it the PG-13 street rat with an eating disorder? Only time would tell. In the circular hallway that they passed through, the freed mutants were waiting from the laboratory for someone to transport them. As they then continued on to investigate hallway #7, Sunshine was able to hear Glimpse's voice drifting out of the hallway the laboratory was in.

In hallway #7, there were numerous doors. Unlike the rooms before that had lacked labels, these ones had glass windows with labels etched into them - SURGERY was the nearest door. The others indicated their various functions, seemingly constituting a medical wing. Magik flinched slightly, spotting one labeled as QUARANTINE. She had spent some time in that room. The memories were only unpleasant.

"Hey Sapphire," Sunshine called out, having a question. "Do vaccines really cause autism?"

"No vaccines do not cause autism Sunshine, that is just a bunch of people being idiots in thinking that," she said, before opening up the door labeled as Surgery. Inside, it looked like a standard operating room, and walking inside, she started looking around to see what was there. Eventually she grabbed a few items and walked over to the operating table, and looked over at Havok. "Alright Havok, considering how bad those injuries of yours are, you need to actually be patched up and not with ice. So get over here, sit down and take off your shirt do that I can do that. Magik, Sunshine, you both can start trashing the room or look through what is even in here."

"Well you already trashed Havok," Sunshine said with a mischievous smile. Magik however went over to the cabinets and started dumping all of the pill bottles out onto the ground, making what could only be described as a drug addict's dream. It was a pity that Casper wasn't there at the moment, he would have been in heaven.

Havok rolled his eyes. "I think I'm being bullied," he said, before he hopped up onto the table and took off his shirt, throwing it at Sapphire. "Don't tell Lorna. She'll kill you."

"With how often you have said that to me in the past few days you'd think we were actually a thing or something. Since you've said that to me like, 5 times now, I wouldn't be surprised if at this rate you told her something and then she showed up and tried to kill me, I mean really," she said with an eye roll towards him, tossing his shirt to the side, but shot a glare in Sunshine's direction, clearly getting more then a little annoyed. It took her a few minutes, but she managed to patch up his injuries for the moment so he was better off then he was with ice stopping him from bleeding out. "Alright, so put your damn shirt back on, we've got more important things to do right now," she said, tossing his shirt back at him. "And don't do something stupid."

"You mean like fight Mister Sinister in hell with two kids and an icy bitch?" Havok teased her. He then pulled his shirt back on, though it had a few gaping holes in the chest area from Sapphire's ice daggers in Limbo. For the moment, things were relatively quiet, with the two girls trashing the surgery room they were in quite effectively.

"Wow you are so nice aren't you Havok? Anyway, do you think you need pain killers? Since I don't think you should be high on pain meds, so don't be a baby and cry if you're hurting, the pain will keep you awake and hopefully make you want to finish this mission a lot quicker then before. Alright, if you two are done destroying the room, let's see about checking out the other ones, alright?" she said, looking over at Sunshine and Magik with those last words, before she went and headed back towards the hallway.

"... I actually wouldn't have minded some Advil," Havok called out after her, before jumping off of the table and he headed after Sapphire. Magik took the moment to draw a pentagram on the wall, before Sunshine grabbed her by the arm and dragged her out of the room, only for them to come face to face with the final member of the Marauders - Lady Mastermind.

"Oh hell no, not you again!" Sapphire said instantly, her hands started having frost emanating from them again as she more or less glared at the woman who appeared in front of them. She remembered her alright. Namely the fact that she had been a thorn in her side years ago back when she was with X-Factor.

"Oh hello there Demetria, it is lovely to see you again, clearly you are getting into lots of trouble again aren't you? Never thought you'd do the hero thing again after your little adventures in space," she responded with a bit of a laugh.

"How about you shut up and get the hell out of my way? And stop popping up everywhere!" she said, before sending ice daggers at her, and somewhat skewering her somewhat, causing Lady Mastermind to stumble backwards slightly.

"You clearly have not changed in a few years."

"I take it you two know each other?" Havok commented.

"Shut up, it's time to fight, not talk!" Sunshine snapped. She had been enjoying destroying things recklessly and now she got to try to hurt someone. Anyone who said that revenge didn't feel good was a liar. She had loved beating up Sinister after Erg's death and now she was going to beat up this chick. She clearly had something to do with it, so Sunshine assumed she was another Nazi racist that needed to die for her sins. She lobbed a gigantic ball of swine flu at Lady Mastermind, enough to send the villain down to the ground in pain.

Magik frowned, cutting Lady Mastermind with her Soulsword and the marauder vanished. It had just been an illusion. "Where are you?" she murmured, Soulsword at the ready.

"I met her when I was working with X-Factor, the bitch is a major thorn in the side and honestly should just be gone already!" Sapphire said, before she moved farther down the hallway. The others weren't able to notice a damn thing, but Sapphire did considering it all revolved around her for the moment. She heard someone by her, and turned to look and see what looked like an exact duplicate of herself standing there, smirking slightly. When she glanced down at her own hands, she saw that she now seemed to resemble Wyngarde. "...I hate illusions," she managed to say, but because of the illusions, the others weren't able to hear that.

"Found the bitch, honestly, just give up Wyngarde!" the illusion said with a bit of a smirk, before it sent shards of ice flying at her, but she managed to miss in her attacks. Then it was like being dragged along with the illusion entirely as Sapphire found herself slamming her foot into her duplicate with enough force to slam her into the wall.

"Well you clearly don't know me at all now do you? If I gave up so easily, then I wouldn't have bothered with everything that happened with Serval now would I?"

"Mind if I borrow that? I never miss," Sunshine explained to Magik quickly. Magik raised an eyebrow, before she nodded and handed the Soulsword over to her fellow mutant. It was surprisingly both heavy and light in Sunshine's hands, as she aimed at what she thought was Wyngarde. She didn't know if she was looking at an illusion and Magik hadn't told her that the sword couldn't hurt Wyndgarde, just vanish her illusions. It really was only meant to hurt magical beings.

Sunshine threw the sword, hitting Wyndgarde in the face with it - and the illusion was dispelled, revealing Sapphire. The Soulsword went straight through her harmlessly, with Magik opening a portal in its path and allowing her to grab her weapon with ease.

"Illusionists are annoying... Especially considering the fact that her illusions can actually kill us. Think she managed to drown someone when in reality they were on dry land or something... Should I be concerned that you instantly threw a sword at me?" Sapphire asked Sunshine, looking over at her. "Anyway, we knock her out, she can't create anymore illusions."

There was suddenly the sound of almost a growl really from behind them farther down the hallway, whirling around Sapphire let out a sigh. "You have got to be kidding me! Again with the freaking dinosaurs? Well at least it isn't the freaking T-Rex again... Though not sure if those raptors are much better..." she said, as 4 Velociraptors came into view, and instantly charged at the group. Sapphire got slammed into the wall as one of the raptors bit her arm, causing a deep gash to form on her. Another one charged at Sunshine and slammed it's tail into her, knocking her down, and another one did the exact same thing to Magik. The one that attacked Havok seemed to be having the worst luck, and missed him entirely.

"Yay, I've always wanted to experience Jurassic Park," Havok muttered. He tried to send a blast of energy off at one of the raptors, only for it to tackle him to the ground. Magik ran the beast through with the Soulsword and it vanished, whereas the blade didn't harm Havok at all. "...What the hell is that?"

"My Soulsword," Magik answered, not explaining her weapon at all.

Sunshine got back up to her feet, touching the nearest raptor and it let out a pitiful screech as hives and boils erupted all over its body, as it collapsed feebly to the ground and died. "Where is she?" she asked, looking around for Lady Mastermind so she could do that to an actual living, breathing thing.

"No idea," Sapphire said, before she instantly got knocked down by the raptor by her and fell to the ground as the dinosaur pounced on her. She managed to create a dagger out of ice that she held up just in time for the raptor to pounce on her and sunk its teeth into her neck. Despite the pain, she stabbed with her ice dagger and managed to kill the thing and it fell limp and it rolled off of her, however there was quite a bit of blood on the ground, and there was a lot of blood on her neck from the teeth marks that the raptor had caused, and the injuries were still bleeding. "...We need to find Wyngarde," Sapphire managed to more or less cough out, but she wasn't getting up from the floor. The remaining raptor pounced on Magik with enough force to knock her to the ground, and it was using its claws to slash at her arms, causing deep gashes to appear.

Magik was seething due to the gashes she had accumulated, trying to grab her Soulsword to slay the raptor but it had fallen just out of reach. Havok tried to blast it off of her, but his injuries were making it difficult for him to get an energetic blast off.

Seeing that she was one of the last ones standing, Sunshine peered around the room. She couldn't tell where Wyndgarde was. But she knew where her friends were. Taking a deep breath, she summoned the nastiest bout of stomach flu that she could and Sunshine flung it forward, careful not to hit Sapphire or the others. If Wyndgarde was anywhere in front of her, she'd be liable to keel over and start to vomit.

The illusions instantly dissipated, and Lady Mastermind appeared in front of them, the illusions dropping as she started coughing and hacking, before she did vomit slightly off to the side. She tried to send an illusion of sorts back up, but it didn't seem to be working. Sapphire laughed slightly, managing to more or less lean herself up against a wall as she looked at Wyngarde, putting one of her hands to the bite marks on her throat which were still bleeding heavily. "Looks like you're out of tricks Wyngarde... Then again, it didn't take much to knock you and your sister out years ago now was it?"

"Silence," Lady Mastermind snapped in between her coughing and hacking fits. She tried to do another illusion, and once again she failed.

Even though Lady Mastermind hadn't created another illusion, Sunshine was still pissed. Mastermind worked for the people that killed Erg, she was positive of it. It hadn't been a coincidence that a sentinel and purifiers had been sent down into the Morlock Tunnels. It was all Lady Mastermind's fault that Erg died! "You're going to pay, bitch!" Sunshine half screamed, half growled as she ran at Lady Mastermind and roughly shoved her. Thanks to the nasty flu she had already given her, the Marauder went down easily and Sunshine climbed on top of her, pummeling her face in as best as she could. Her technique was sloppy and it was more like she was smacking Lady Mastermind around, but she didn't care. All Sunshine could see was Erg sacrificing himself for the Morlocks.

Sapphire managed to get herself up off of the ground, but she was definitely unsteady on her feet as she did so, and she stumbled slightly towards Sunshine and pulled her off of Wyngarde, who by now was knocked out from the illness in combination with the illness that Sunshine had caused, and Sunshine's attacking her. "She's not worth the trouble Sunshine... She never is, trust me on that one," Sapphire said to her, pulling her away still using her one free hand, as her other one was still being used to try and slow the bleeding down on her neck.

"Why the hell does she get to live and Erg...?" Sunshine asked, tears welling up in her eyes. "It's fucked up!"

"Sometimes things don't make sense... And yeah, it's fucked up, that's the way the world works, a lot of things happen that no one wants to and that don't seem like they should have happened, and that seem to happen for no reason... I honestly still think all of that is bullshit, but it's something that happens all the time... And I wish that stuff like that didn't..."

"The only way to bring balance is to kill her," Magik added seriously. "This is the way."

Sunshine nodded, finding herself in agreement with the other new mutant. "Exactly! She has to pay. A life for a life! And freaking Sinister came back anyways so if he can't pay, and Shaw the Nazi isn't around, then she's going to be the one to pay for Erg!"

"No," Sapphire snapped at them both, before she started coughing and the blood from her neck was still not really stopping. "I can't believe I'm defending her, but no, no killing, transport her somewhere else, but you are not killing her, got it?" she was more then a little annoyed with the two of them, and the area they were in started to drop in temperature somewhat.

"Yeah, listen to your mother!" Havok scolded the two kids.

"....Can you transport her to the bottom of the ocean?" Sunshine mumbled to Magik.

"A volcano might be fun," Magik suggested.

Sapphire rolled her eyes slightly at Havok's comments, before figuring out an idea. "Send her where Blink sent Vulcan, send her off to the Savage Lands, it's far away from here and she won't be able to cause trouble," she said, before eventually she had to go lean up against a wall as her legs were starting to give out due to blood loss at this point.

Magik nodded, opening a portal and shoving Lady Mastermind on through to the Savage Land. She didn't completely follow Sapphire's directions however, as she ensured her portal was a good twenty feet up in the air, hoping that Lady Mastermind would hit a bunch of tree branches on the way down. "You need to heal," she told Sapphire dryly, opening a portal to the Mutant Underground. "Come on," she said, as she, Havok, and Sunshine awkwardly half carried Sapphire on through. The portal then shut behind them.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Online

Alpha Team

Members: Blink, Veil, Spark Plug, Stretch, Moonwalker, Glimpse
Location: Arclight's Room -> Hallway #2 -> Riptide's Room
Skills: Invisible Energy Manipulation, Enhanced Strength, Advanced Hand to Hand Combat, Dreamwalking, Electricity Manipulation, Weather Manipulation, Elasticity, Hand to Hand Combat, Telepathy
Arclight spit onto the ground, sweating and grinning at Cayden. It wasn't often that she found someone able to play rough like her - Sabretooth was pretty much the only sparring partner she had among the Marauders. "Where you from, kid?" she asked, ignoring Blink's presence. The purple haired green eyed mutant hadn't done anything to her quite yet, and until Blink demonstrated a power worth her time, Cayden would be her focus.

"Unbelievable, why is it the villains always focus on the men?" Blink muttered, rolling her eyes. She threw a portal out beneath Arclight's feet, intending to send Arclight in a loop of dropping for all eternity, but the Marauder managed to dart out of the way at the last second. Arclight then kicked Blink in the stomach, Blink absorbing most of the hit as she rolled backwards and popped back up to her feet. "...You got a plan?" she asked Moonwalker.

Veil concentrated, becoming invisible before Spark Plug and Jack. They seemed to have the creepy room with the odd book covered - and the place was giving her a headache, as unbeknownst to her the psychic entity Malice tried and failed to enter her mind as well. Moonwalker however, judging from the loud crashes and bangs, definitely needed her help. With Sabretooth already sent off to the Savage Land, her money was on one of the Marauders they had encountered before. She crept out into the hallway and carefully made her way into the room Moonwalker and Blink were fighting in, spying Arclight from before. Picking up one of the bricks that had come loose from the wall being destroyed, the brick would seemingly vanish before Moonwalker's eyes as Veil crept over to Arclight. She smashed the brick over Arclight's head, causing the formidable mutant to stumble slightly.

"Who the fuck was that?" Arclight growled, swerving around the room looking for her foe. "Lemme guess - an invisible piece of shit coward? Huh?"

"A res up in Arizona," Cayden answered politely. "Came East to see how the other half lives. Did you know you have a shortage on Doritos here? It's a shame really." Cayden was rooting for Blink's portal to work but Arclight was very quick on her feet, almost feline like. Cayden was noticing a pattern here, well, a made up one. He shrugged at Blink. "I keep distracting her with my charm and you save the day? That's usually how the comics work isn't it?" He was about to charge again when he watched a brick float before becoming invisible. He tried to keep his face neutral as he knew who had done that. The brick was thrown as was evident by Arclight's sway then turning around to yell at air. Cayden took the rare opportunity and rushed forward. He didn't care if he was attacking her with her back turned, she probably wouldn't show him the same courtesy. He lined up to land another heavy strike and missed her head but landed it on her shoulder blade to cause a bit of damage. Cayden quickly shifted, shoving his shoulder into the middle of her spine and ran her towards the wall and pinned her against the brick. "Okay, now would be good! Oh, I never asked, where are you from?" he asked Arclight.

With the only thing in the room the diary burnt now, she watched as Veil disappeared and followed shortly behind seeing the hole in the wall and stood just outside of the room. Raising an eyebrow hearing Cayden casually talking to Arclight, she held out her hand as a bolt of lightening shot out from her hand, sadly missing her target completely leaving a nasty scorch mark on the wall nearby, and stared at the mutant. "Consider that as a warning shot. And you are kind of outnumbered now as well to." Callie said while looking at Cayden. "And it looks like you are completely flirting with her or something." Callie said while looking at Blink.

"How about enough talking and more actually hitting? Honestly who does warning shots anymore?" Jack said as he stepped out into the hallway and looked at the chaos that was continuing around him. He wound up his fist, before it went flying, stretching out over to Arclight and slamming into her face, managing to knock the Marauder out cold. When his arm shot back, Jack almost sort of dusted his fist off slightly and looked at the others. "So, now that that is taken care of let's get going."

Blink opened a portal to the Atlantic Ocean, grabbing the various notebooks and the computer in the room and dropping them on through, letting the ocean claim then. She then closed the portal and sighed slightly, looking at the unconscious Arclight. She was beginning to feel bad for those in the Savage Land, even as she opened up a portal and pushed the mutant on through. "I feel like we're setting them up for a really weird Gilligan's Island spin-off."

"Come on, we still have two rooms to investigate in this hallway," Veil told her team, heading out of Arclight's room. "One of these has to be Riptide's... And the other one... I have no clue, unless you guys ran into a Marauder I don't know about."

Cayden managed a grin from Callie's tease. "Not in the least Spark, don't worry," Cayden joked. He was relieved the spark she sent didn't hit him, as well as Stretch's stretchy arm and fist. He felt Arclight go limp against him when she was knocked out cold and he sighed before stepping back and she slumped to the ground. Next thing he knew, everything in the room disappeared, along with Arclight thanks to Blink. "So I'll take up the rear and not open anymore doors. Sorry boss," Cayden said sheepishly to Veil before following the group.

"Yeah you totally were." Callie said shaking her head slightly as she watched Blink sending Arclight away as well into the Savage Lands with the number of people that they have sent there already. "Well at least they will have some company, and it would totally be a funny spin off of Gilligan's Island." Callie turned and started to leave Arclight's room, she found the next room and opened the door seeing Riptide again, letting out a cry in pain as several shurikens were thrown at her and embedding themselves into her skin. Holding out her hand, and the room started to rain heavily, seeing that it was something completely different this time. She tried to electrocute Riptide, only for it to somehow miss him completely.

"Wow we just keep having the worst luck now don't we? I'm all for not opening up any of the other doors if that's alright with the rest of you considering how things have been going," Jack said, before his right arm stretched out and slammed into Riptide's chest, knocking him somewhat off balanced, and when his right arm snapped back he sent his other arm flying to do a follow up hit, punching him and causing him to stumble even more. Unfortunately, he hadn't been able to knock the guy over. "Stand down if you want to make this a little bit easier on yourself. Or not, it's entirely up to you, but knowing you all, you probably won't surrender, and then we just beat you down and knock you out. Which is a perfectly valid option in my mind."

"Be right back, Glimpse needs me," Blink announced suddenly, diving through a portal without another word of explanation.

Veil nodded slightly, hoping that the others were having an easier time of things. They had barely managed to beat Arclight, with Sabretooth surprisingly being handled relatively easily. Both of them were now contributing to increasing the population of the Savage Land, an idea that Veil was certain they'd eventually come to regret but she couldn't think that far ahead at the moment. "Until Blink gets back, Moonwalker do your thing, the rest of us will knock his HP down like we're playing Pokémon," Veil ordered. She could see Riptide start to regain his balance and spin again, his shurikens about to go flying but she was prepared for this.

Rather than make a force field for everyone, she created a bubble of sorts around Riptide, containing the flying sharp objects as they fell to the floor upon striking the force field. It was taking all of her concentration and she was hoping that she'd be able to keep him contained for a while, at least long enough to tire him out or keep him from sprouting more of those horrible shurikens from his body. It was disgusting.

She gave her teammates a discrete nod about a minute later, throwing down the force field so they could attack Riptide and take him by surprise, hopefully.

Cayden nodded in agreement with Jack, opening more doors seemed like a bad idea but at least this time Cayden waited for more people to be with him. He looked at Veil when she spoke to him. "My thing... Oh! Right." Cayden focused on the sharp star throwing man and entered his mind. It took quite a bit of time, way more push than Sabretooth's did but he managed to lock on Riptide and give him a daydream. He couldn't quite determine what sort of daydream would be best but he was getting an image of tornadoes so he conjured one up in the middle of a wide open field. "Okay," Cayden said, the only word he felt comfortable saying.

Callie watched as Blink disappeared to go and help out Glimpse for whatever reason the other team needed help with and nodded, she winced slightly with the shuriken's still in her. She didn't want to pull them all out just yet, Callie nodded towards Veil the moment she dropped her forcefield Callie held out her hand and fired off another bolt of lightening at Riptide landing a good hit on him.

Jack shook his head slightly as it seemed like Cayden forgot what his own powers were for a moment. That was just a bit weird, but also wasn't all too surprising considering that it was Cayden after all. He didn't know the guy all too well, but from what he knew, the guy could tend to keep his heads in the clouds for a little bit. Seeing Callie shock Riptide, he followed it up with a punch of his own, sure it wasn't as cool of epic as shooting lightning at someone, but it was the best he could do as he landed a somewhat solid punch on Riptide.

Veil then placed a force field around Riptide, letting out a slight sigh of relief. "Now we just need to hold him until Blink gets here, then down the hatch to the Savage Land he goes," she told the others. They had Riptide locked in a daydream, and both Spark Plug and Jack had managed to do a decent amount of damage to him.

A portal then appeared in the middle of the room, as Blink and Glimpse hopped on through. "Sorry I'm late. They were taking forever," she said with a slight eye roll. "So, you ready for a portal?" she asked, opening up one to the Savage Land. "If one of you wouldn't mind shoving him on through," she added, as Veil lowered the force field around Riptide.

Callie watched Jack as he gave Riptide another pretty good punch to the face, and with him in a daydream by Moonwalker a few seconds later Blink came back with Glimpse as well giving her a friendly smile. "I wouldn't mind giving him the good old 'This is Sparta' kick." Callie said as she casually walked up to him once Veil lowered the forcefield and gave him a really hard kick, pushing him through the portal. "Later, hope you enjoy your company as well." Callie said, waving goodbye once the portal closed she started to search around the room eventually finding Riptide's laptop but seeing the battery was dead, hoping to get some info off of it and tried to give it a little jolt. Only for it to end up getting fried and dropped it on the ground now. "Oops." She said shrugging a little bit as she looked over to the others.

"...Usually you don't want to fry any sort of electronic device that might hold useful info on it, just saying there are better ways to charge it if that's what the problem was," Jack said towards her, more then a bit annoyed at that. He waved slightly as Blink returned with Glimpse in tow, and he walked into Riptide's room to see if there was anything that Callie might have missed. Poking around slightly, his mind went to a few different cases that he's worked on, and one thing stuck out. Usually people tended to pry up floorboards and stash stuff underneath of them, so carefully scanning the floor, he eventually found a loose floorboard and pried it up. "Bingo," he said as he pulled out a flashdrive, some fake passports, and $1000 dollars in cash. "Wow, this is a bit of a stash..."

Cayden felt relaxed once his mind was free from Riptides and he looked over at Blink and Glimpse when they returned. His eyes widened, staring at Glimpse. "What the heck happened to you?" Not only was there a hole in her shirt but it was covered in blood that didn't look like it had fully dried yet.

"Got stabbed, it didn't take. We saved about eleven mutants, including an X-Men. Colossus took Kurt back to the underground while James and Casper have gone to your office Jack, to get cleaned up," Luna summed up. She looked over at Jack, watching him pry open the floorboard and saw the money. It was a good sum that would allow the underground to get some food and possibly help James get power running. Luna would offer her assistance to James if he wanted it in that department. "How are things here?"

"Let's take the papers you found, Spark Plug, and the stash Jack found," Veil requested. It was a little too easy to feel overwhelmed in this situation, but Glimpse indicated that the lab had been handled. The Hounds had been rescued.

"Close but not quite - unless James and Casper got a car, I sent them back to the Underground. Colossus and Negasonic are still here, destroying things," Blink contradicted Glimpse. "If everyone is ready, I think we've got all the Marauders taken care of. I can make a portal back for the rest of us and grab them."

Callie looked over towards Jack and shrugged slightly. "Well the mission was to also destroy all their stuff, and it wasn't my intention to fry the damn thing." Callie said, shrugging a little bit before picking up the fried laptop again. "If it isn't completely fried maybe we can take salvage some info from it." They had Sabertooths mission reports, so maybe there was something else that they could find out where he had been going as well. "I'm ready to go back home whenever you all are ready to."

"Eh, if Casper wants to head to my office later I'll take him there... Probably need to go through more then a few things there to see if there are any bugs or whatever planted there, wouldn't surprise me... Also reminder according to Veil as a precaution I should be zapped Spark Plug soooo yeah... Need to be electrocuted before I go anywhere near the Underground," Jack reminded her, glancing over towards Glimpse. A part of him really wanted to question out loud how Glimpse had managed to miss a few things based on the fact that Blink was correcting her, but he didn't say anything about it.

"All I know is that was what Casper suggested. Wasn't sure if they would hang around or find a way to get there on their own," Luna said. She knew Colossus had returned, just said that he had taken Kurt back to the Underground since he had carried the mutant through the portal. It was a summary of events after all. She looked around the room a bit before looking at Blink. "Once everyone is clear I will blow the main room."

Cayden nodded along with the information given and the information corrected. At least they knew of one group that was safe. "So are we ready to blow this popsicle stand?" Cayden asked cheerily. "How many more hallways do we have to check?" He remembered there being several but he wasn't sure how many each group had to check or if it was a go as you can kind of thing.

"Glimpse, can you do a quick psychic sweep, make sure no one is left in the building? And tell Colossus and Negasonic to come here?" Veil requested. Once they were all together, Blink could send them all home (once Callie tased Jack) and they could begin to debrief everything that had happened. She knew they ought to save the cash Jack found for an emergency, but Veil was thinking about sending Magik or Blink out to buy some pizzas and beer with it. They needed to celebrate.

Callie looked over towards Jack, since he has been asking so much to be tasered by her. "If your heart stops or something, just remember you asked for it, so don't blame me." Callie said as she held out her hand, and zapped Jack, making sure it hurt as well to. Whether or not there was any kind of tech that was on him it was most likely fried now at this point. "Any tech should be fried on him now." Callie said looking at the others.

"Reminding you what Veil said and asking for it are two different things!" Jack said with an eye roll, before he tensed up slightly from her zapping him. It hadn't been the first time he'd been electrocuted sadly, and he doubted that it would be the last, but it hopefully would fix any fears that Veil had of Sinister having any sort of physical tracker on him. His hair stood up a little bit from the shock and he patted it back down slightly. "Alright, let's get the hell out of here."

Cayden watched with fasination as Spark Plug tasered Jack and shook his head, wondering if she had enjoyed doing it. "Can't say I've seen that before," he noted. No one seemed to answer him on if they had to check down any other hallways so Cayden assumed knowing. Maybe Colossus and Negasonic had taken care of the rest of the hallways.

Luna nodded and shut her eyes, she did four scans of the building but could only sense Negasonic and Colossus. She then reached out to those two, finding Colossus's mind to be opened and asked for him and Negasonic to join them in the second hallway per Veil's request. "No one else seems to be in the building other than us. I got Colossus, they should be on their way," Luna told Veil. She watched Jack get tasered and was glad James wasn't here to see that. She wasn't sure how he would react to it, even though it was needed and voluntary.

Veil winced slightly as Spark Plug was more than a little bit enthusiastic about shocking Jack - sure, he was pretty cute but Veil hadn't found him to be particularly annoying yet. Of course, she hadn't had much time to think about people beyond as a leader. She didn't even know what her opinion of Jack was outside of all of this. "Thank god," she couldn't help but say with a sigh, as Glimpse indicated that they had somehow pulled this all off. The last thing they needed to go was blow the place up as best as they could and then get the hell out of there.

It wasn't too long before Colossus and Negasonic showed up, with Blink creating a portal back to the Mutant Underground. "Blow the place up," Veil then told Glimpse, giving her the go-ahead. Everyone went through the portal first, emerging on the other side and looking like they had gone through hell. Glimpse and Blink were the last ones out, leaving behind the deadly payload.

In downtown D.C., the Cherry Bomb suddenly collapsed in on itself, prompting screams of fear from nearby pedestrians taking part in Stryker's March for Humanity...
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 day ago

Washington D.C.: September 10th, 2020 - 2:15 PM

The Training Room - Shaw Industries...

"They're being pursued," Sage announced, her voice emotionless to everything going on. "I'd recommend leaving sooner rather than later if you wish to prevent them from being captured."

Polaris, however, had a lot more empathy and compassion for the new mutants. Leighton seemed particularly scared, which she could hardly blame her for. She wasn't a fool - she knew exactly what sort of person Magneto was. She hated her father, working with him purely for the betterment of mutants. Her time at the Mutant Underground had taught her that the only way mutants could survive would be if they had a land of their own, no matter the cost.

"Hey, kid..." Polaris began, not really certain what she was going to say. "If you're going to stick around here, you need to know that these people aren't your friends. They're dangerous. They aren't going to go easy on you and they aren't going to have your back. The only one you can trust here is yourself. If you can do that and you want to build Genosha, then stay - if not, you should leave while you still can. Before you know too much."

Somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean...

Jinx's ranting had broken Wanda's concentration for a moment, her eyes snapping open furiously. It was like seeing a snake right before the strike, venom coating their fangs. "You are so pathetic, especially considering now is not the time to be sitting there eating whatever food you've found. Honestly, you'd think that this was your first ever prison escape. Not to mention are you seriously freaking out over something at the Raft? This is why you never bring anything you don't want to lose on any sort of mission. That is literally the first thing you learn! And I'm all for revenge, but seriously grow up since you are not in any position to freaking go on a revenge spree!"

"If you two are going to fight, could you at least keep it down? Some of us are trying to pilot a submarine," Sophie snapped telepathically into everyone's minds.

"We have a problem," Esme's voice then interjected. "Submarine in pursuit. Jinx, if you wouldn't mind taking care of it..." she requested. The submarine they were on had a little gunner station of sorts, where Jinx would be able to aim and fire their weapons at the sub in pursuit. The telepaths had already confirmed it came from the Raft.

The Entranceway - Mutant Underground Hideout...

Pietro raised an eyebrow slightly at Waverly's clear disappointment, and it was clear that he was a bit annoyed with her obviously not being too happy that he was marrying Guin. However, his attention turned to the name she suggested, and he shook his head. "I might use Quicksilver again, just not right now since I'm trying to differentiate myself from what I did with the Brotherhood... Mercury actually is taken by another hero. A bit of an asshole know-it-all who works for Serval last I checked. I seriously don't like the guy, but thanks for trying with the suggestion at least."

Casper emerged into the room with James, supporting his fellow mutant. He stopped in his tracks once he saw Quicksilver casually lying on the couch, talking with Feedback. He had heard that Quicksilver wasn't with the Brotherhood anymore - he was a member of the X-Men. It made his blood run cold. He knew this place was affiliated with his father, but to see one of his father's current lackeys... "If Father sent you, you can go tell him to stick his shiny, cue ball of a head up his ass," he stammered.

"...Wow never thought I'd hear someone make a comment like that about him," Pietro said, not being able to help but laugh at Casper's comment. "I don't really care much for him either, especially since I get stuck being messenger pigeon."

He took a deep breath, trying to keep himself calm. He could see shapes flickering in his peripheral vision - hopefully not that horrid ghost from before that had attacked Ben. "What's the message? Is it him telling me that I'm a screw up? That I'm wasting my potential? Is he inviting me to another mausoleum because that worked out so fucking well the first time? Well he can go to hell - I'm pretty sure he's butt buddies with Satan anyways!" Casper snapped, getting a bit worked up.

"Calm down, dude. Quicksilver could snap your neck without you even being able to insult him first..." Ben pointed out.

"...Actually it was more of to tell Veil that he was coming by."

Casper's face instantly paled until he was whiter than a sheet. "...Wh-what?"

The Dining Room - Mutant Underground Hideout...

The rescued mutants were all more or less huddled in here, eating whatever food they could find. A majority of them were extremely malnourished, their bones plainly visible, making them look like poorly disguised skeletons. But despite their numbers, they were relatively quiet, sending nervous glances all over the room. Nightcrawler was lying on the table, curled up on his side as he muttered prayers under his breath quietly.

"Kurt? Can you hear me?" Colossus asked gently, heading over to his old friend. Blink had gone over to some of the younger escaped mutants, attempting to communicate with them as well, to figure out their names and if they had any family they could bring them back on home to. Negasonic was blinking her eyes rapidly, hiding tears from the awful, heartbreaking scene in front of them.

"I'm going to go find the rest of the losers," she said, before walking quickly out of the room.

Veil took a few more deep breaths, concentrating on her breathing. They had gotten through that mission - they had done the impossible. They had destroyed Sinister's lab and freed these mutants, yet the victory felt hollow somehow. Sinister would just start all of this again - she felt it deep in her soul. "Jack, I'm going with you to your office to check it for bugs. On our way back, we'll be buying ten pizzas and a few cases of beer with some of the money you found," Veil told him quietly. "Maybe some ice cream too, for the kids."

It wasn't particularly late in the day, but she was beat. She didn't have the energy to make calls about sending these mutants onward in the Underground, to see if Atlanta or Maryland could possibly take them. All she could think about was getting her people fed, hopefully enjoying a light buzz, and then sleeping for about a week straight. She certainly didn't want to report to Xavier what had happened just yet. "Moonwalker... Could you go make sure that James sees to the injured? Have him take those with grave injuries, the rest that can do a natural heal, ask Sapphire to see to."

Medical (Room 10, Second Floor) - Mutant Underground Hideout...

Sunshine fell out of Magik's portal, landing roughly on the hardwood floor. One of the pieces of wood near her was rotting and had she fallen just a few inches to the right, she might have ended up going through the floor and down into the main level of their hideout. "I still think we should have dumped the bitch in a volcano," she grumbled, angry at the thought of Lady Mastermind getting away with all of it in the Savage Land.

"Look, kid, we'll have time to be an edgelord later," Havok interjected. "Right now, we need to stop Sapphire from bleeding out. We'd be without an Elsa. And we can't have that happen, not when the Hellfire Club has a baby ice girl."

Magik furrowed her eyebrows, staring at Havok like he was speaking a foreign tongue. "What's an Elsa?" she asked him. Between her imprisonment in Limbo by Belasco as a child and her abduction by the Hellfire Club, she hadn't been able to watch the latest Disney movies.

They hardly had any medical supplies here, but Havok managed to find a roll of gauze. That hopefully would be enough until they could find James and have him work his magic on Sapphire. He shook his head slightly at Magik, doing his best to carefully patch up Sapphire without aggravating his own injuries. He didn't want to admit it, but it was probably for the best that one of their new members was a healer. "Just go look it up on YouTube," he told Magik dismissively.

"Don't do it, you'll get the songs stuck in your head," Sunshine warned her. She had grown up on the streets and spent time in juvi, yet even that hadn't been enough to protect her from Let It Go. She twitched her fingers, thinking about how they had let Sinister and Lady Mastermind live. She'd have to find a way to permanently kill Sinister. No one could really be immortal, she was certain of it. "...You're not dying, are you?" she then asked Sapphire suspiciously.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 7 hrs ago


Location: Mutant Underground HQ - Medical
Skills N/A

Sapphire was partially out of it, as the pain in her neck was really starting to get to her at this point. She heard the comment from Magik regarding her needing healing, and she definitely couldn't argue with that. It was something that really needed to be addressed at the moment, especially considering the fact that it was near impossible to treat your own injuries when you couldn't see them. There was also the fact that she doubted that Havok would hold a mirror up for her to try and stitch up her injuries. "Stop calling me Elsa," she managed to croak out, her voice was incredibly hoarse at this point as she sat down, more of collapsing really somewhat.

She waited patiently somewhat as Havok wrapped her neck with a bandage, "You should learn how to treat injuries quicker, might make you more useful in bad situations," she managed to mutter, with a small smirk at him. Hearing Sunshine's question, Sapphire thought about what to say in response. "No, not at the moment anyway... Though he's right, blood loss is a serious thing that can lead to death if you aren't careful..." she said to her, figuring that was the best explanation for her.

Jack Theriot

Location: Mutant Underground HQ - Dining Room -> Entranceway
Skills N/A

Jack nodded his head slightly when Veil made her comment about going with him back to his office. "Alright, that works for me, we can head there in a little bit... Probably going to ask Casper if he wants to tag along, since from what Glimpse said he was wanting to take off that way anyway. Not all too surprising, but yeah, I'm going to go see about finding Casper, I'll be back in a few minutes probably... Possibly with Casper in tow," he said, and with those last words, he waved slightly, before heading out of the room and towards the main entrance way.

Walking over, he noticed the obvious silver haired man in the area talking to Casper, James and Waverly (and probably Ben even if he couldn't see him) and wondered what the hell Quicksilver was doing there. Also how the hell did he know how to find the Underground? Well, that didn't matter all too much at the moment, as Jack walked over to his brother, he still wanted to ask about what it was that Casper had struck his leg out at and kicked. "Uh, Casper, sorry for interrupting, but was wondering if you wanted to head out to my office, since I was thinking of heading out that way for a little while..."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Waverley Watts - Feedback

Location: Mutant Underground HQ (Entranceway -> Dining Room Entrance)
Skills: Pop Culture Knowledge (Failed), Radio Wave Interpretation and Manipulation

"Ah...that blows. Why are all the best superhero names taken?" Waverley asked, her dorky grin curving down into a slight frown as she heard the news about Mercury. As she asked the question, however, she heard footsteps coming from the dining room. She turned her head to see James, the messiah she'd seen do the healing the children the day before, leaning against the scraggly man who could theoretically talk to ghosts as the two of them entered the room. Waverley straightened up in her seat, worriedly looking to James in search of injuries, but despite his visible weakness, she saw none. She was about to ask about what had happened, but then Casper caught sight of Pietro and went into a frenzy. He made some comment about his father, and it sounded like Pietro knew exactly who he was talking about. Did that mean that Casper's father was one of the X-Men? Which one? Waverley scrolled through the X-Men she knew in her head. With the boy's relative youth, it could've really been any number of the older ones - except Professor X, of course, with the whole paralyzed-lower-half thing. She didn't expect he was capable of having any little Xlings with his handicap.

As the discussion got more heated, primarily from Casper's end, Waverley began to squirm in her seat, unsure of what to do in the middle of such an exchange. Hearing voices from the kitchen, she ceased the opportunity to leave, getting up from her seat and briskly walking to the dining room, passing by a familiar man whom Waverley hadn't officially met. Once she got to the dining room, she leaned against the door frame, peering inside for any other members of the Mutant Underground. She found some, but her attention was immediately pulled off of them when she caught sight of the other inhabitants of the room: people of nothing more than skin and bone, and a blue-furred man on their table. Waveley could feel her stomach churn, pity for the poor mutants welling up inside of her. She couldn't stop her mind as it immediately turned to memories of Gollum from Lord of the Rings, with his thin, frail form and arched back. She felt guilty, but they reminded her of him as they devoured any scrap of food that they laid their eyes on. She swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat as she looked back up to Veil.

"Quicksilver from the X-Men is here. He says that Professor X is going to be stopping by sometime soon," Waverley said, disbelief still in her voice as she said the X-Men leader's name. Her eyes flicked back to the saved prisoners as a hint of worry entered her eyes. With a pair of furrowed eyebrows, she reached out her mind towards them, feeling around the victims for any signal they might be sending out. It didn't take her long to find them: a signal coming from every single one of them, each one feeling like a marionette string leading to an unknown, far off place. Waverley stood up straight, pushing herself off the door frame with wide, panicked eyes. "Fuck, they're being tracked!" she exclaimed. Her look of panic froze on her face as she entered a pseudo-trance, her eyes staring off into space. She reached out to the signals, unsure on how to approach them at first. She prodded at the signals, trying to figure out what exactly she needed to change to get her desired effect. After she had, she got to work. Her first attempt proved less than successful, but when she tried again, she managed to edit the signal enough give off the message that the group was nine blocks away from where they actually were. Waverley, figuring that was far enough, pushed her influence over the radio waves to the source of the signals, overloading the tracking devices in the rescues. Her tense shoulders relaxed as she let out a deep sigh, the fear fading from her face as she dropped out of her trance-like state. "Okay, we should be good. I managed to edit the signal and fry the transmitter. Whoever's on the other end is going to think that they were a ways away from here when their trackers died."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Maximillian Gray

Location:Shaw Industries: Training Room
Skills: New Outfit

It took some time, but after watching his friend almost get flattened by a rogue door, Max's inner psyche finally won out over the tug of war. Two sides of him clashing, his want to be good and heroic, and the more destructive side of him that Ana had pulled out to the forefront. The blast of fire and previous struggles were enough to finally kick this psychic assualt on him and rid himself of the fear and anger. His eyes cleared up, screaming softened into harsh breathes as the adrenaline still coursed through his veins. There was an emptiness to his chest where the fear still clung but now it was replaced by sharp cold breathes, shallow and painful. His eyes darted over towards Ana, anger and hatred filling him. He wanted to make her feel the way he did, wanted to have her world turned upside down and let her know only fear and anguish. But there were more pressing matters at hand.

Max did nothing to dismiss the sentinel of a carebear and jumped off of it in an attempt to levitate as he'd done before when Ana tossed him out the window. He plummeted and fast, his cape swishing in the air as he tried to control his powers and get the spell just right. Moments before hitting the ground there was a hard jostle and his hands were held to his side much like Iron Man when he lands his suit. He levitated for a few moments before finally releasing the spell and landing on his feet. Max quickly ran towards Leighton, worry in his eyes. "Are you ok? You're not hurt are you?" He looked towards the scorched hallway with unhinged doors and warped metal frames. He did that He so desperately wanted Magneto dead in that instant and he didnt know how to feel if he had succeeded. His gaze turned back to Leighton, eyes shaking and fists clenched.

Peter Jackson Bernard

Location: Submarine > Guns!!!

"I'm sorry did I break your brooding and concentration?" Jinxs' hostility began to rise the longer he was inside this sardine can of death. He knew Wanda was being testy and he was beginning to see why Pietro left. No, that wasn't right nor was it fair. He left because some X-Men hussy brainwashed him into a marriage. Blegh. "I wasnt exactly planning on my teammate betraying us and letting us get captured. But hey what'll ya do ya know? Anyways it's called stress eating and if you really cared youd know that I am terrified of small spaces and I really dont like being stuck in one FOR AN HOUR! But ey what do I know right? You just focus on getting us out of here faster and I'll go man the guns and shake these half pints off of us capiche?" Flecks of pink danced around his finger tips as he became more and more upset, finally turning on his heel and making his way to the guns of the ship.

Once inside Jinx whistled at the weaponry and how fun it would be to finally get to let off some steam. Torpedoes were on a bucket list of weapons hed love to play with and now was his chance. A large Cheshire grin stapled itself onto his face as he sat in the gun seat and placed his hands onto the controls. Turning the nobs and firing off the first shot. It was a direct hit and the explosion was beautiful. He marveled at it for a moment as he yelled back to the team letting him know they've been hit. Unfortunately for him the next two shots missed the ship and he just wished he had telepathy so that theyd know this was their first and final warning. As Hawkeye senior pointed out earlier they had to be threatening so ofcourse he had to hit first to let them know they're not messing about.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Luna Braddock - Glimpse

Location: Mutant Underground HQ - Dining Room-- Washington D.C.

Luna looked down at her bloodied shirt and ran fingers over it. It was still wet and she could still feel the phantom pain of the sword sliding through her body. Thinking of it now was so surreal, did it even happen? She looked up when Veil started talking to Moonwalker about finding James and Sapphire to help with any healing. James, she needed to talk to him but she also needed to talk to Kurt. And a shower. Did she ever want a shower. ”If anyone needs assistance, I have first aid experience,” Luna offered, speaking to both Moonwalker and Veil. Unfortunately, the shower would have to wait and besides that, she would have to ask Veil if she could return to her hotel in order to do that and it didn’t seem appropriate at the moment. Not with all the people they just rescued needing assistance.
She looked over at Waverley when she started to freak out, saying the mutants they had just brought here were being tracked. Her eyes widened and she took a step forward, that was not what they needed right now. Seconds seemed like minutes but Waverley, coming out of her blitzed out state seemed to say she messed with the trackers and the transmitter. ”Perhaps we need to set up a watch. I’m not sure how sentimental Sinister is when it comes to his experiments but one can not be to careful,” Luna noted and looked at Veil for her take on the situation.

Cayden Proudstar - Moonwalker

Location: Mutant Underground HQ - Dining Room ---> Enteranceway-- Washington D.C.

As Moonwalker seemed to be more on the Marauders killing side of things, he hadn’t come across any of the mutants that had been trapped, so seeing them now was a bit of a shock. He looked them all over, taking each one in. He didn’t want to forget those faces, he didn’t want to forget what those people had done. Cayden was staring, thinking of the kids he knew back home when Veil’s voice pulled him back to reality. Help, right. ”On it,” Cayden said and marched off to find James. Sapphire didn’t seem to be around, come to think of it everyone in that group didn’t seem to be around. Where were they?
Cayden found James with Casper and Quicksilver. Cayden walked forward, standing next to Casper and frowned, temporarily forgetting his original task. ”Are you lost?” he blatantly asked Quicksilver. Cayden knew all about the Brotherhood and just what they thought about mutants and human interaction. What was this creature even doing in their home, how did he find it. Cayden's fingers twitched as he glared at the silver-haired man. Unfortunately, Cayden had no idea Quicksilver had turned over to the good side.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Callie Johnson

Location: Washington DC, the Mutant Underground HQ - Dining Room

Once they were back in the Underground Callie went and sat down on one of the chairs in the dining room, and leaned back a little bit as she started to relax somewhat. Her eyes scanning the room seeing the group of Mutants that they had managed to save from Sinister earlier, she couldn't imagine what they all had gone through. She did experience the little Hound high earlier, which she didn't want to experience again either right now. She turned her attention over towards Veil saying that she was going to go with Jack for bugs in Jack's apartment.

"Would you like me to go with to?" Callie asked, she wasn't sure if Veil wanted her to go or remain here and watch over everything while Jack and Veil were out. And the thought of some pizza and beers didn't sound like a bad idea either they all could use some after everything that had gone on during the day. When she heard Waverly's voice coming in Callie turned to look at her, when she mentioned trackers on the mutants that they managed to rescue in the first place didn't sit well with her. Callie didn't mind having someone be on watch for the moment, but Waverly did manage to make the signal appear somewhere else from what she said.
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