Gamma Team

Members: Sapphire,
MagikLocation: Hallway #4 -> Throne Room -> Limbo -> Throne Room
Skills: Disease Manipulation, Survival, Enhanced Accuracy,
Perception, Ice Attacks, Medical Knowledge
"Guess it's just the four of us," Havok commented, standing in hallway #4 with the rest of his group. No one had explored this hallway yet. He did feel a little better knowing that Feedback had decided to stay behind, as she wasn't in the emotional or physical state to handle a threat like this. She was just a kid - yet unlike Sunshine and Magik, she didn't have any skills for combat. If someone came at her, he doubted she could defend herself.
Magik produced her glowing Soulsword.
"Let's go slay the dragon." She then walked down the hallway without a second thought. Sunshine stared after her for a moment, her cheeks bright red before she hands started to glow green, surrounded by a sort of mist. She didn't expect to see Sinister again, not after what she had done to him. It was probably foolish and naive of her, yet she was young. She hadn't fought an immortal geneticist before with insane powers.
"We can kill these people, right?" Sunshine asked.
"Veil isn't here to say no..." "I'm here to tell you no," Sapphire somewhat snapped at Sunshine, a bit annoyed that she even thought about that sort of thing. She might be many things, but Sapphire did have some standards as to what it was that they could or couldn't do. From what she heard they couldn't exactly kill Sinister anyway if they ran into him, but still. No matter how much it seemed like someone deserved it, it wasn't something to be taken lightly, and no one deserved to die.
"Be careful where we're going, and no killing! Do not ask about that again, got it?" With those last words, she followed along after Magik, hoping that she understood the whole,
don't kill anyone thing too. She would stop her from killing someone if she had to, but she just hoped that she didn't have to.
Magik turned back to look at Sunshine, giving her a bit of a wink.
"Da, no killing." Sunshine smirked slightly in return, giving Magik a bit of a nod. If the adults here didn't have the common sense to kill nazis, then she and Magik would just have to do it. Captain America killed nazis all the time, right? It was
righteous. It was
patriotic, even.
"You've never seen more fatherly, Sapphire," Havok teased her.
"Have you considered picking up dad jokes as a side hobby? Or practiced saying I'm not mad, I'm disappointed into the mirror?" The teens stopped in front of the first door of the hallway, Sunshine opening it up slowly. It looked like a mixture between a study and a throne room. There were various books and texts open on a magnificent ebony desk. A grand chair with scarlet furnishings looked more fit for a king than for use in an office. Diagrams and medical images were pinned to the wall, most of them with subject names noted on them. Havok grimaced, spotting
S. Summers and
J. Grey on a few X-ray print-outs. Sinister was obsessed with the union of Cyclops and Phoenix, that was no secret.
Sunshine could hardly read, but the images were enough to enrage her. She didn't need to be able to comprehend the words to know that these were records of harm done to mutants.
"So is this like.... the lair within the lair?" Sunshine commented. By the throne of sorts was a monitor, showing a live feed of various places in Sinister's lair.
She shot a bit of a glare towards the girls, as if to say something along the lines of
Try something and I will stop you whether you want me to or not. It was going to be her only warning to them, and she turned her glare on Havok this time regarding dad jokes.
"How about you shut up Havok," she said as they entered the room. She saw his facial expression and glanced over towards the medical images, and she totally understood that it would probably be insanely weird considering Sinister was obsessed or something with his brother. However, something caused her to stop, and she looked around the room slightly, she had an uneasy feeling creeping up on her that would not go away.
"...We're being watched," she said to the others, and she was more then ready to start throwing ice around if something tried to attack them.
"He has his Marauders," Magik explained.
"Not all of them unwilling slaves." She wasn't alarmed at the thought of facing Sinister or his minions, despite having been made forcibly into a Hound herself. The medicine Sapphire had given her earlier was keeping her mind clear and focused.
"I don't hear or see anyone," Sunshine pointed out.
"He's super dramatic, if he was watching us he would have come out by now. Besides, I hit him with a bunch of nasty diseases... There's no way Sinister is up and moving already." "...Yeah, there's no one here Sapphire," Havok agreed.
"It's just us in here." "Oh don't you dare try and make me feel paranoid!" Sapphire snapped at him, clearly getting more then a little annoyed with him as frost started emanating from her hands and she started glancing around the room, trying to find just who was watching them. Clearly everyone else was blind as a bat or something, and eventually, she noticed that the shadows by the throne thing were totally off.
"Got you," she muttered, before she sent a blast of ice flying that way. Unfortunately, her attack didn't hurt her target, however it did
reveal her target. Standing there having been protected by a force field was none other then Sinister himself.
"Told you I wasn't crazy," she mumbled under her breath.
"Bravo, bravo," Sinister clapped, smirking as he looked at the group. He seemed to be entirely healed, despite Sunshine gravely injuring him earlier that day. He was even dressed in a new outfit of a similar style to his previous one, signifying him as one of the X-Men's most formidable foes.
"And here I thought you were simply a pretty face.... How good of you to bring Illyana back to me." "She's not going anywhere with you, you nazi piece of shit!" Sunshine declared, stepping in front of Magik protectively. She didn't care that Magik's sword looked incredibly intimidating. She liked talking with her and unlike Leighton and Max, Magik didn't make her feel like inferior street trash. She felt like a person. And there was no way that she was going to let Sinister take away a member of her new family from her.
"I can make sure the disease sticks this time," Sunshine threatened.
"Okay, you were right," Havok mumbled, sending off a blast at Sinister but it just hit Sinister's force field harmlessly.
"Do try harder than that, Mr. Summers." "How about you shut the hell up?" Sapphire said towards Sinister as she sent more ice flying at him. Unlike everyone else, she actually managed to get past his force fields and ice managed to cut up his face a little bit, but it didn't do much. Her next attack didn't do any damage at all as it more or less was just a glorified snowball that ended up hitting him.
"...This guy is super annoying," she muttered under her breath, looking right at him still.
"Manners maketh the mutant, Miss Clarke," Sinister chastised.
"I am certain a boy in Hawaii would agree with me." His eyes flashed knowingly.
Illyana Rasputina wasn't about to listen to his monologue. Using her Soulsword, she created one of her stepping disc portals, reappearing above Sinister. She landed on his back, sending the formidable mutant to the ground from the sudden attack.
"Let's take this outside," Magik then threatened. She created yet another portal, dragging the entire group through. They weren't in Sinister's lair anymore - he was cut off from anyone who might have tried to aid him, any of his Marauders or equipment or escape routes. Fire and brimstone surrounded them.
"This is Limbo - where I rule." Havok, the younger sibling of one of the X-Men, was no stranger to sudden changes of scenery like this. He sent off a blast at Sinister, only for Sinister to telekinetically deflect it, striking a boulder of pure obsidian. Sunshine, meanwhile, was a bit overwhelmed. They were in
hell as far as she could tell. The closest she had ever gotten to this was the fallout in New York after the Chitauri Invasion. Or maybe the flames of her apartment complex in D.C. as it burned down. She could see what looked like vultures circling ahead and she gulped slightly.
But she hated Sinister way more than she was terrified of this place.
Sunshine stood her ground, whipping up a stomach flu as she threw it at Sinister. Her secondary mutation kicked in, allowing her aim to be perfect. Sinister failed to deflect the condensed green misty orb, the disease hitting him and starting to spread throughout his body. He looked a bit green himself, about to vomit everywhere. The geneticist couldn't focus enough to send out an attack at the moment - his guard was down. Now was the moment to strike, before he managed to recover and return fire of his own.
"Whoa..." she managed to say as the world shifted and they were definitely not in that lab or lair or whatever it was anymore. Her blood ran cold (a bit ironic) when Sinister mentioned something and she was about to send more ice at him, but he ended up sending her flying backwards with his telekinesis, knocking her to the ground.
"Okay, that's it!" she snapped as she got up and raised her hand over her head, a large shard of ice materializing out of thin air. Throwing it like a javelin, it ran straight through Sinister, and there was a lot of blood coming from the injury.
Sinister staggered backwards for a moment, yet his wound healed rapidly before their eyes. As a master geneticist, the primary object of his experiments was
himself. He smiled at Sapphire as the only trace remaining of the injury was the tear in his clothing and the accompanying blood stains.
"You should be afraid. I'm a god." He wasn't unnerved to be in Limbo. Perhaps that itself was suspicious. He then sent large blasts of concussive force at the four mutants, sending the teenagers flying backwards yet missing Sapphire and Havok.
"I grew up in Hell. I'm not afraid of anything but myself," Magik snarled, coming back up to her feet. Her pupils went white as she began to chant in an infernal tongue.
"Occidere eum. Occidere eum. Occidere eum. Occidere eum. Occidere eum." Massive gashes then appeared on Sinister's body, the blood from his wounds a thick blast substance rather than a rich red. Sunshine complemented Magik's sorcery, throwing clouds of influenza at Sinister and her aim was true. Sinister's vision was blurring, he was bleeding deeply, and Havok sent a blast at him that Sinister narrowly managed to deflect with his force fields.
"...How the hell is he still alive?" Sunshine asked, shocked as Sinister's wounds were visibly healing yet again. She had heard stories about only one mutant before with that sort of healing factor - Wolverine. He was something of a legend, especially to the homeless mutants living on the streets in DC.
"He's got regenerative healing, and last I checked he's immortal, so makes things a little bit difficult to be able to keep him down," Sapphire pointed out before she sent shards flying at Sinister, only for them to come flying right back at her, she tried to create a shield out of ice, but wasn't able to do so in time before the shards reached her, and luckily didn't hit her. She sent another shard flying, and once more slammed one straight into his stomach, and it was now sticking out of him.
"So what are we going to do, then?" Havok asked. He struggled for a moment, before sending off another destructive blast at Sinister, sending the geneticist flying backwards. He was hoping that Sinister was one of those immortals who could be killed - that Sinister's immortality was an immunity to natural causes of death. That would be nice and convenient for them. But then again, they weren't supposed to kill Sinister. They'd need to come up with a way to contain him - it was their only option.
"Can we just leave him here, maybe?" Havok shouted.
"No," Magik told Havok, offering no explanation. This was her realm that she ruled. She wasn't going to allow Sinister to remain here. She had brought them to Limbo in order to cut him off from his resources.
His clothing was in tatters, yet Sinister laughed.
"Go on, darling," he said, using his power of mind control over Sapphire.
"Kill your friends." "What? No!" Havok's eyes widened, realizing that Sinister must have taken control of Sapphire somehow. He was really irritated with the seemingly limitless list of powers that the geneticist had acquired. He sent off a haphazard blast at Sinister, trying to stop him from controlling Sapphire's mind, yet Sinister threw up a force field with ease.
"Leave her alone!!!" Sunshine screamed at Sinister, running at him and trying to tackle him to the ground. It was a stupid move, but she hadn't been taught to fight. She fought based on pure emotion. Sinister deflected her telekinetically like he was brushing away a fly, sending Sunshine flying into the air. Magik created a stepping disc portal right below Sunshine, allowing the young mutant to fall through and safely emerge on the ground.
Sapphire smirked slightly,
"Time to have some fun," she said before turning on Havok and sending shards of ice slamming into him. They missed vital organs, but they were embedded in his chest and probably were going to hurt like hell, before she instantly sent another round of shards towards Magik, but missed her.
"Now why can't you all hold still and make this a little bit easier?" Havok fell to the ground, trying to remember if it was better to pull the shards out of his chest or leave them in. He ended up deciding to leave them in, even as the ice was melting due to the immense heat of Limbo. The entire realm smelled like sulfur, stinging the insides of his nose. He wasn't an expert on fighting mind control, but he knew one thing that would anger Sapphire like nothing else - maybe even enough for her to break free of Sinister's control.
"DEMETRIA!" he screamed, shouting Sapphire's real name.
Sinister laughed.
"That isn't going to work," he chastised, about to hit him with concussive force yet Havok managed to roll more or less out of the way in the nick of time.
"He's an idiot," Magik told Sunshine.
"Distract Sinister. My Soulsword can free souls of possession." She didn't know if hitting Sapphire with her Soulsword would work, but it was worth a shot. It only harmed magical beings, so there was no risk of hurting Sapphire either.
Sunshine nodded, making the biggest ball of the common cold that she could muster, before flinging it at Sinister.
"Hey stupid!" she taunted, even as his force field kept the disease bomb from hitting him. Sunshine's heart skipped a beat as Sinister turned his attention on her.
"Yo mama's so fat the press thought she was the Blob!" It was the only thing she could think of - it felt like an eternity, watching the master geneticist.
"...Are you insulting me?" "Shut the hell up Alex," she responded, but she didn't turn to look at him. In her mind, given his injuries, she didn't see him as a threat, and considering the fact that Sunshine had resorted to trying to throw insults at Sinister, that left one person as a potential threat: Magik. She sent a few bits of ice flying at Magik, but her attacks missed, and now she was getting more then a bit annoyed. There was suddenly a large rush of cold air around her that slammed into Magik, freezing her in place and turning her into a human popsicle.
"That's a little bit better." Havok groaned, dragging himself up to his feet slowly. He didn't even have time to comprehend the pain from the chest wounds that Sapphire had given him. He was still breathing, so that was just going to have to be enough at the moment. With Magik frozen and Sunshine reverting to playground level taunts, he turned his powers on Magik. He sent a large blast of energy at her, shattering the ice around her and sending the Sorceress Supreme of Limbo to the ground. Yet Magik's eyes were glowing and she reignited her Soulsword, coming up to her feet.
Sinister then threw a
boulder at Magik, knocking the mutant to the ground again.
"He has SUPER STRENGTH?!" Sunshine complained. As much as she didn't want to die, this was getting insane in her opinion. How could one person have so many powers?
"That's just not fair!" Sapphire put a hand to her head, stumbling backwards slightly as her mind finally cleared and she looked over at Havok.
"Call me Demetria again and I will beat you to a pulp," she muttered as she raced over to him and looked over his injuries real quick.
"...Sorry about that... But you'll be fine, you'll need some bandages and some pain killers probably since you can be a bit of a sissy, but that's about it, luckily I missed vital organs so that's something..." She then turned her attention towards Sinister and tried instead of using ice shards, she tried to freeze him like she had done to Magik, but failed at it.
"Damn it..." "Yeah, you're definitely back to normal," Havok mumbled. If Sapphire hadn't insulted him while apologizing to him - and threatened him - in the same breath, he would have been concerned that Sinister was still controlling her. He gave it everything he had, sending another blast at Sinister. The geneticist didn't have a chance to put up a shield or deflect it, as Sinister was flung backwards into one of the boulders from the raw power of Havok.
Magik nodded at Sunshine, throwing a portal at the girl's feet. Sunshine fell through the portal and emerged behind Sinister, reaching forwards to infect him with the strongest disease she could think of. He must have sensed her or heard her behind him, as before Sunshine could even conjure up a migraine for him, Sinister grabbed her by the throat, raising her up off the ground as he choked her.
"I'm tired of these games. Return us to Earth or she dies." Sapphire more or less froze in place, looking over at Sinister and Sunshine, her brain was working over time to try and figure out what she could do to get out of this situation. Problem was, every single idea that came into her mind didn't exactly end well in any scenario.
"...This is a Kobayashi Maru scenario and I don't like it..." she muttered so only Havok could really hear her as she referenced the unwinnable scenario from Star Trek. Figuring she had nothing really she raised her hands up slightly,
"Alright, fine, you win, feel better? I'm still not even sure how we even got here to be honest. But sure, I'd be perfectly fine with us getting back to Earth..." she said out loud towards Sinister.
Green tendrils of smoke crept out from Sunshine to Sinister, wrapping around him as the villain was soon covered in hives. He was forced to release Sunshine, who fell through a portal Magik had created and then emerged next to Havok, Sapphire, and Magik.
"Captain America said to never negotiate with nazis - I saw it on TV in Juvi once." "...So, let's get back to kicking some nazi ass then?" Havok suggested.
"Unless the Star Trek nerd has another idea?" Sinister was already healing rapidly from the hives, his complexion almost entirely restored. Havok managed to buy them some time, sending off another energy blast that Sinister tried to stop with a force field, only for Havok's might to overwhelm him and cause him to take the blast head on.
"Says the guy who understood that reference, so whose the real nerd here Havok? I'm gonna say you," she retorted, before looking over at Sinister, thinking about it. She then surrounded the area with a cold air and managed to freeze Sinister, turning him into a popsicle.
"Think you can send him some place colder? So that it'll take a while for him to thaw out hopefully." she asked Magik.
Magik thought for a moment, before creating a portal beneath Sinister's feet. The popsicle of a scientist fell on through, emerging in Antartica.
"There," she said simply, before making a portal back to Sinister's lair, back to the throne room that they had initially encountered him in. She stepped on through, leaving it open for the other three to follow her. They hadn't had a chance to look through this room and then properly trash it.
Havok stepped on through the portal, as did Sunshine, but something was bothering him.
"...Sinister is known for having clones of himself... Was that even the real one?" he asked, clutching his chest with his hands to stop the bleeding.
"...I'll be honest, knowing our luck probably not... That probably wasn't really him, and knowing what I know about him odds are he's sitting back watching everything that is going on with a bowl of popcorn and laughing... Let's see what we can find here, but be careful... And next time I say that we are being watched, just go along with it and don't assume I'm being paranoid." she said as she stepped through the portal.
Havok took a seat on the throne, feeling incredibly exhausted from the use of his powers and his injuries. He just rolled his eyes at Sapphire, too tired to come up with another witty reply for her. He'd mess with her later and then they'd be even again. During all of this, he hadn't even thought again about his girlfriend, Lorna, and how terribly he had been worried about her earlier today.
"Um, Sapphire? Is this important?" Sunshine asked, having found a file labeled
CHIMERA PROJECT. She looked down a bit sheepishly.
"...I don't know how to read..." she then said quietly, not wanting to broadcast that information. She was just guessing that this file might be something they'd want to recover from all of this, rather than just blindly burn. Magik was having fun taking the various gruesome photographs on the walls and burning them, summoning small portions of hellfire to do her work.
"Destroy it, no file or whatever is even worth saving around here if you ask me. So just tear it to shreds," she responded to Sunshine before going over to Havok.
"Hey you doing alright? And once again, sorry for attacking you earlier... But you should be alright, just it'll be sore for a little while... I can see about using my powers to stop the bleeding, but then you'd probably feel insanely cold so not sure that would be much better." Sunshine nodded, ripping up the file to shreds. It was kinda fun and calming for her, destroying the paper and letting the little pieces drift to the ground. They had just fought an insanely overpowered villain in Limbo - this was a sweet break for her. Her throat was aching where Sinister had crushed it and her body was aching all over as well from numerous other injuries sustained in combat.
Havok chuckled slightly at Sapphire's remarks.
"The cold never bothered me anyways. Freeze it up, Elsa." "Then don't complain about it ever, also don't call me Elsa," she responded, before frost emanated from her hand again, and she used that to more or less stop the bleeding to ensure that he wasn't going to bleed out on them. If they found a medical area, maybe she'd be able to do a better job at patching him up.
"Come on, can't let the kids have all the fun in trashing this place."