Fae Mintfree

Location: Train Hallway
Fae felt a tinge of guilt when the trolley witch, rather than responding with anger or annoyance, responded instead with understanding of her actions and the harsh insults she'd thrown at the older woman. If the trolley witch had gotten mad, at least Fae could've marked her down in her head as an adversary and continued her tangent, but she didn't, which made Fae pause, unsure what to say. When Mary suggested that cursing out the authority figure probably wouldn't end with the best results, Fae decided she'd heed the advice and not say anything more - after all, Mary
was the smartest person in all of Hogwarts. So she watched with a slight frown as the elderly woman continued down the hall, and once she was a decent distance away, Fae's smirk came back to her lips as she leaned in, bringing her face closer to Maddy and Flame.
"Well that blows. Shovin', swearin', and threatenin' happen to be some of my favorite things!" she whispered as she felt the light weight of Felix taken off of her shoulders, brought back into the snug embrace of his owner. She had intended it to be a quiet side remark, but when the words came out of her mouth, they sounded much louder than she intended, ringing throughout the hallway. In fact, they seemed louder than she thought whispers actually could be. Her eyes widened at the surprise of her volume, pursing her lips.
"WHAT-" she began to ask in what she attempted to be a normal voice, only for it to come out thunderous. It caused her to stop once again, a wicked smile crossing her face as she turned back to Ismelda.
"WELL WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! PISS OFF YA EMO!" she shouted. She could feel the raw power rumbling up her throat, projecting into the room, amplified by the seemingly sourceless magic. It felt like she was a roaring lion, and she knew it sounded like it too. Even so, the girl didn't seem fazed in the slightest. She had to give the girl props for guts. When she failed to get a reaction out of Ismelda, Fae turned back to Maddy, shrugging her shoulders.
"Nah, not right now. But don't be surprised if you hear me boastin' about it in the common room later," she said, brushing off the offer to talk over the events that had just unfolded. Instead, her wicked grin turned into a more wholesome, somewhat dorky smile of excitement. She stepped forward, enveloping Madalyne in a massive bear hug that was almost tight enough to hurt, but not quite. She'd inherited what she called 'the perfect hug' from her father.
"Fuckin' a, Mads, it's good to see ya! Sorry I couldn't write much this summer. Been workin' on commissions with m'pops." she said, her voice still booming, and right next to Maddy's ear, for that matter. After a few seconds, she pulled away from the hug, leaving a hand on the girl's shoulder.
"Did Mary tell you how broken up I was about you leaving me alone on the platform?" she asked, before raising her other hand dramatically to her forehead, acting faint.
"The ultimate betrayal!" she said, her voice making a mocking attempt at faux sadness. Her face straightened out, however, when Madalyn grouped Flame and Ismelda together, telling them they best go. Fae looked over to Flame, placing a hand on Elizabeth's shoulder, before turning back to Maddy.
"Oh, no need to get all prefect-ey on Flame here. She may be a snake, but she's one o' the good ones." Fae stated, emphasizing what she intended to be a compliment with a soft squeeze of Flame's shoulder.