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8 yrs ago
So tired, sleep why do you spurn me?!
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Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.

Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!

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James Kingston

Location: Outside Casper and Jack’s room -> Training Room
Skills: N/A

“I’m less afraid of him dropping something in here and more afraid of that he’ll just start plucking us from our beds, honestly. He can find anyone as long as he has a little information on them and his teleportation magic in Wanda’s fantasy was powerful. He found Casper in New Orleans while we were in New York and then he dropped us right outside like it was nothing. Since we have no way of defending ourselves against that, maintaining a working relationship with him may not be a horrible idea especially if it buys us time to figure out a defense.” James explained. He sent a thankful smile to Cayden for the date. “But we have bigger fish to fry, though I’m not convinced it’s coincidence we have a Hellfire related issue and Max reached out at the same time.”He chuckled at Casper’s comment and pressed a kiss to his cheek.

“That’s fair babes. I only really pay attention because of system maintenance but I think the last date I remember is the 10th? Or the 9th but I think the 10th is right.” Which means that they lost around a week and James very much intended to figure out what exactly went on those days. He didn’t like walking around with a giant hole in his memory filled with an entire other life. His head prickled uncomfortably at the thought, the panic starting to press at his temples again. He squeezed Casper’s hand a little tighter.

The scene that met them in the training room made James tense, hand going instinctively where a gun should be as he scanned the room. Veil was standing in the middle of the room with her eyes shut and a finger held out and Sunshine was watching her, sobbing. He forced himself to relax and bolted to Sunshine, immediately wrapping her in a hug even though he knew he’d probably get hit for startling her. “Hey, hey. What’s going on? DO you need to get out of here?” James asked her softly.

“We’ve only completed one of these and already I’m sick of this place.” Varis snapped, his hands still tucked firmly in his pockets. Clones? Poorly made if the boy’s description could be trusted. Even the Salem brat with his quarter of a brain could figure out anything remotely resembling ‘cheery’ on Varis was about as far from his personality as possible. Add in weapons and feeding and it sounded like he was painted like an Astorio.

“Remind me to have a word about the accuracy of these with Ryner on top of every other insult I’ve suffered tonight.” Varis instructed. Incompitent illusion mages. Weapons and happiness. Clearly, they’re far too wrapped up in their own asses to realize Varis had neither of those. The thought vanished as something he thought wouldn’t happen until he had to look at the Princess’ smug face again.

He could see.

He would absolutely never admit it but it nearly moved him to tears. He blinked, even the little bit of light provided by the moon and stars alone too much for his sensitive eyes, and he squinted as the skull shone in response to his own image resisting where the boy had complacently vanished moments before. Well, at least they got that right. Like he’d submit to some unintelligent piece of human anatomy. Although, humans were idiots by nature so perhaps that it was only a fraction of one was better.

Varis startled at Eris and… Alder-something. Varis’ attention was snatched away before he could bother insulting the mage or consider the riddle they were presented with when the boy sighed. Varis wanted to strangle him considering they were no longer alone and he reflexively snatched the boy’s hand away from his head and yanked him down to his level, whispering furiously.. “Do. Not. You are an Sinnendodel mage and a Starag. We have been through one challenge. Remember when you look weak, you make me look weak.”

Varis remembered he wasn’t wearing gloves and immediately took the glove off the boy’s hand. “I’ll be taking these as well since your mistake in the last challenge cost me mine.” Varis lied coolly, only betrayed by the trembling of his hands that stilled in one as he slipped it on. It was… a size or two big but it would get the job done. He held out the newly gloved hand for the other one before he turned back to Eris.

“No. We weren’t given a coin at any time. It probably has something to do with the “simple way” to get out of this inane challenge.” Varis said. “If we’re going to have a contest of strength, I’ll have no choice but to sit this out. I have no interest in indulging Ryner a chance to provoke me into breaking my family’s traditions. However... “ VAris looked at Aaron and gestured at the skull. “We have a willing test subject. Go touch it, boy. We’ll watch.”

Interacting with: @Obscene Symphony @Scribe of Thoth [Hero]

James Kingston

Location: The Mutant Underground, Outside Jack and Casper’s Room

Skills: N/A

“I know, Casper. It’s good that he has a big brother who cares so much, huh?” James said, mentally agreeing to meeting Max before the connection frayed. He’d have a private conversation with Veil over that. He wasn’t going to do anything without discussing the problem with her but Max was a problem. His ability to do these things in conjunction with the power he displayed in the other world worried James and staying on friendly terms with him was important. He’d rather not have someone else start teleporting things and people into the new hideout.

“Come on. Let’s walk and talk.” James said as he followed Jack. “The rat wasn’t a death threat. He meant to send a chocolate cake but Max’s control over his abilities have always been… tentative at best. Generally being prepared for a worse case scenario is best while in his vicinity.” James sighed as he explained. “He means well, he really does, but an optimistic attitude and a heart of gold don’t count for much when the consequences of your actions worsen the situation. That being said, he’s far more powerful now that he used to be and if I know Max, he’ll try running before he can walk again. Hopefully, I’m wrong.” Something occurred to him and he turned to Casper.

“Do you know what the date is? I’m not sure when the Prin- I mean, Wanda brought us back.” James corrected himself, a bit of the old world slipping out.

Artemis “Arty” Harrington

Location: Compartment 3

Artie watched Mary like a hawk. It wasn’t he didn’t trust her but they’d only been taught theories and memory magic of any kind was a tricky bit of magic. He wouldn’t let go of his twin through the entire process, even as Mary pulled the memory out. He kept deathly still, his wand pressed between his hand and the spot he was holding his brother after putting him under the Bewitched Sleep. He was terrified to move, catching himself holding his breath, as he prayed to every God and Goddess his parents spun stories in hopes that something would make sure this worked.

He couldn’t help his thoughts flitting back to his own death. It was… unnerving. It felt like a nightmare but seeing it come from his own twin’s mind was horrific. The fanged blade flashed in his mind and he couldn’t suppress the shudder that ran through him. What was Chimera? Was it a spell? Was it a group like the death eaters? And why were they tied up and being killed? Why did Apollo get this in his head? Artie felt overwhelmed suddenly and curled around his brother protectively. He wouldn’t let anyone break his spell on Apollo until they got to school. Everyone knew Dumbledore was the only wizard you-know-who feared. The headmaster would know what to do. Apollo would be safe for now.

Time: 1:31 - The Forest

Varis sent the boy the most unamused look he could muster. The boy watched him, a prestigious member of the vampiric community, digging in the dirt, being flung around like a half dead mage in an Astorio fighting ring, and then the audacity to ask him if he was okay. Varis designed not to dignify the question with a response. But if he had decided to it probably would go along the lines of are you on fucking drugs? Because no. Varis was not okay. He’d been demeaned and disrespected by the second highest authority in the land in a public setting and then subsequently forced to work like the very things vampiric society used to do labor. And he was apparently filthy, considering the patch of whatever was on his arm when he went to brush something itching him off. Frankly, Varis could count the number of times he wanted to break the Sinnenodel tradition of nonviolence and he still could, there would just be an extra finger up after the night was over.

“So you mean to tell me that after everything I just suffered, we were awarded the symbol of the most incompitent house in all vampiric history and then pointed onwards?” Varis bit out past clenched teeth. If that wasn’t a slap in the face, Varis didn’t know what was. At the very least, it could have been his own. The challenge was duplicitous enough. Varis followed the arm he was holding onto and took the medallion from Aaron. He tracked the design with his thumb, his other had resuming its original place on Aaron’s arm. Absolutely absurd.

His chest felt tight. His entire body felt taut, on edge, boarding on painful. He could feel the slight tremor in his hands and his arms. Normally, it’d be fear. Loss of control was a major problem. He build networks that brought older vampires to their knees and hand them groveling at his feet, indebted others to him so they needed what he had, blackmailed others so they couldn’t turn on him. Normally, he’d briefly acknowledge that. But now and here, Varis wasn’t afraid.

He was furious.

“Aaron.” He spoke calmly, collected and serene, a sudden change from his previous demeanor. “Face me in the direction of whichever tree you didn’t open.” When the boy obliged, Varis took off his jacket properly and handed it off to him. “Your job for now is to shake off as much of the dirt as you can. Keep your eyes on the jacket. Do not look away from it no matter what you hear, do you understand me?” Varis didn’t bother waiting. He tossed the medallion up for a second, getting a feel for its weight.

The medallion whipped through the air, a crack blasting form it as Varis sent it flying at the tree. The medallion slammed into the door, the metal screeching when the medallion punctured it, and embedded itself halfway out the tree on the other side. Varis’ composure broke and he bared his fangs instinctively as he followed the sound of the medallion flying and slammed into the metal door, wood around it snapping and crackling in protest as he pushed his fingers into the tree. He gripped the sides of the door and pulled as hard as he could. It gave after a few tugs with a sickening screech and Varis hurled it towards the tree next to them. He smirked at the satisfying crack of it burying into the other tree and Varis stalked into the other hallowed out interior. Inside this one was nothing but Varis didn’t care. He tore at the inside, leaving massive gouges in it and littering the trunk with holes. Eventually, he felt the medallion brush against him and he yanked it out where it was buried into the wood. He traced it again with his thumb and sighed loudly, feeling a little better now that one of Ryner’s insufferable traps was in pieces.

Varis cocked his head as he tried to get a grip on his surroundings, a little disoriented now that he wasn’t possessed with an all consuming rage. His ears were ringing softly and he still felt taut and on edge but it wasn’t anywhere near as intense as before. He collected his thoughts, trying to figure out how to get back without calling for the fool, and he wrinkled his nose. The boy had asked to put him down earlier which meant he was probably tired which meant… Varis shuddered. Mortal biology was disgusting. Varis focused on his senses, dulling the others and sharpening his sense of smell. It was cold, which muted everything, but the boy wasn’t far. Varis sniffed the air for a moment and there it was. The faint acridity among the overwhelming smells of nature.

Varis wouldn’t admit he stumbled on his way back but eventually he managed to clamp onto the boy, letting his senses fade back to normal, and held his arm out. “If you’re done boy, help me get this back on and we’ll be on our way. I’m quite ready to quit this place as quickly as possible.”

Interacting with: @Obscene Symphony

@Versa Okay, Legends are added and complete! You want to look them over before I move the sheet?
James Kingston

Location: The Mutant Underground, Outside Jack and Casper’s Room

Skills: N/A

James stared at the rat for a long while, even as Waverly picked it up. He knew Max didn’t mean it as anything. It probably was supposed to be a chocolate cake. It just meant… Fuck. Max tasted power in the other universe and now he wanted to branch out in this one. Technically, Max still remembered all that training, all that experience, from the other world. James knew because he did too even if he wished he didn’t. Before this stint with the Underground, James wouldn’t have considered himself particularly superstitious but staring at that rat dangling from Waverly’s hand, James felt like it was an omen of things to come.


On one hand, I’m relieved to hear that. I fucking hate telepaths. On the other hand, you pulled a warehouse fire. A dead rat just appeared in front of me. And Casper. And Jack. And Waverly who believes… Actually, nope. Not going there. But I appreciate the sentiment all the same. Kind of nostalgic, huh? James sent back mentally. He frowned, that voice in the back of his head growing a little bit louder. He really would hate to miss this opportunity. “Listen. Things are… hectic around here. The mission to distract Magneto and Polaris and them went… went really bad, Max. And almost everyone involved in that mission is standing in this building. Why don’t you call me tomorrow at sunrise? You know I’m normally up for a jog and we’ll have more privacy. Maybe we can talk about meeting up face to face considering… considering the bullshit we went through together? I still owe you for finding Casper in the other world when you were bone dead tired anyway and I’d love a chance to repay that.” James turned his attention back to the group around him. Waverly needed to get rid of that rather than handing it over to Sunshine but he really didn’t need her knowing where it came from.

“It’s not Fred. I’m not certain that rat existed up until just now honestly. It was apparently supposed to be chocolate cake, warehouse fire style.” James explained, hoping Jack and Casper would get the message and understand his hesitancy to discuss the issue directly. He grimaced at Waverly’s question about Jack’s child. “That’s...probably something we should explain later. The situation is delicate right now and Veil needs to know how to plan accordingly.” James thunked his head against Casper’s shoulder with a groan. “All I wanted was a little while to cuddle. No rest for the wicked, huh babes?” He grumbled into his boyfriend’s shoulder before going to hunt down Veil but he paused before pulling his boyfriend along. “Did you two want some time to talk alone about… everything? I can handle catching Veil up alone if you guys need.”
@Versa Okay, I've edited the combat affinity and magic affinity section. Is that more along the lines of what you were looking for?

Edit: I kept the specific styles in combat as a reference for me when I actually write combat out if that's okay.
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