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8 yrs ago
So tired, sleep why do you spurn me?!
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Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.

Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!

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James Kingston

Location: Outside -> First Floor: Entranceway
Skills: N/A

James let Sunshine go with a wave but he decided to sit outside for a while. It was cold but he didn’t let it bother him; the snow was pleasant to watch and it made the world look wonderful again. After the incident with Sunshine and Max in the comic shop, the world seemed so hectic, so dangerous and dark. They saved who they could, hide those they couldn’t, tried to keep some semblance of normalcy for their team. James felt oddly pensive as he watched the snow fall, an alien feeling in his chest. Worry and frustration boiled up and then was gone, just a hollow in his chest. James hadn’t quite felt anything like it before, at least not in this reality, and he frowned. Contemplating the beauty of snow wasn’t his thing. He wouldn’t even have noticed something like that.

He shook his head, feeling a little more normal as he shoved that thought out of his head, and jogged back inside. Sunshine probably still felt terrible but at least it was controlled. He couldn’t ask for anything more than that, much less do anything about it. Identifying issues was one thing; solving them a whole other deal. James could patch up someone’s body but the mind was a whole other mess and frankly, one he didn’t want to try and figure out. He didn’t need anyone trying to turn that on him after all.

James paused in the entranceway, originally planning on heading to the dinning room for food before figuring out what he missed in the past week. Something felt… off. Like a sudden pressure against his mind. As quick as it came, it disappeared and instead Luna spoke in his head. James looked around, poking his head into the training room and then into the dinning room trying to find them.

“Luna, what are you doing?” James responded, concerned. He felt his skin crawl at the sudden invasion and he actively attempted to push down any stray thoughts even as worry bubbled up. “Is everything okay?”

Artemis “Arty” Harrington

Location: Knight Bus: Carriage 2 -> Dumbledor’s Office

Arty drowned out the rest of the chatter in the carriage, focusing entirely on the voices booming in his head. He cradled his arm carefully so the jostling of the carriage wouldn’t irritate the injury any further as he slowly unwound the various things bouncing around behind his eyes. Voice by voice, he shoved them out. It was a slow, draining process. Arty had always struggled getting this back under control but once he had it, normally he was okay. He let out a sigh of relief as the last voice quieted down and it was just him in his own head. He slumped against his brother just as the carriage came to a stop and he filled out with the rest of the group.

He stayed quiet as they headed into the castle. He felt drained and honestly, just wanted to see Madam Pomfrey and head to bed. He was so excited to lead the first years but now he just hoped Penny would handle it on her own tonight. He was glad Georgina hadn’t ignored them for the carriage ride and he sent her a weary smile and a wave with his good hand. He patted his pockets and sighed again. He left all his candy in his luggage with his robes and he wouldn’t get his stuff until he got to the dorms.

Arty was expecting questions about the train ride, detention for what everyone did, or something but being invited into a secretary society by Dumbledore of all wizards hadn’t even been in the realm of possibility. It was interesting but he was nervous. He didn’t mind most of these people but one person stood out. Paige Atwell, Death Eater born and bred. He shifted away from her a little. He didn’t necessarily have any experiences with her but the others seemed to think poorly of her and he was inclined to trust his friend’s judgement. And as a muggleborn, anyone with close ties to Death Eaters made him nervous.

But Dumbledore thought she was a good pick. He chewed nervously on some candy, juggling the handful of licorice snap he’d excitedly snatched up at the offer. He wasn’t one to turn down good candy. It would just be rude. He hummed appreciatively at the taste but silently agreed with Mary.

“I’d totally join if I didn’t have a ton on my plate too, Professor. If it’s considered a class, maybe we could swap it out with another one?” Arty asked hopefully, giving his best puppy dog eyes. “Maybe one of our current electives or like, maybe even… Astronomy or History of Magic?” Arty would absolutely not mention they were his least favorite classes and thus also, his worst grades. If he could swap out for something interesting, maybe it’d make up for the terrible first day.

Time: 2:21 - The Forest

Time: 3:41 - Exam Staging Grounds

Varis demanded to be carried again, not at all interested in stumbling his way through the forest. He’d have the boy let him down before they broke the treeline but until then, it gave him some time to think. The boy in the skull had mentioned a lot of things that left him confused. Yvaine was certainly a name he would have remembered and he’d barely been involved in the Marivaldi job. Even if he had a large role in the Lord’s death, Varis certainly didn’t feel any guilt about crippling the second weakest family further. In his opinion, the entire family reflected poorly on vampire kind. He certainly wouldn’t be upset to see them all wiped out.

However, the illusion brought up a far more important issue that he’d taken for granted. The boy’s affinity might become a problem in the future and while he was decently convinced the world would have to end before the boy turned against him, the tiniest seed of doubt had been planted. Ryner’s plan would leave him vulnerable to such a thing and now Varis was reconsidering after having his ear sliced in half. Varis was silent and pensive the entire way back, considering his options.

The path back was easy and straightforward enough with two mages on the lookout. As expected, Varis demanded to be put down as soon as the treeline was visible to the mages. He clutched Aaron’s arm tightly again and tried not to stumble. As soon as the vampires crossed the forest edge, their vision returned and they’d see the clearing they originally set up at.

A mage that had been waiting made a short hand signal and Ryner walked briskly down the way, her face kept into a serene smile even as her eyes sparkled with laughter as she looked over Varis who kept his expression politely neutral even as he vibrated with fury. She stopped in front of the four and her smile turned far more genuine.

“Welcome back, Count Varis, Mr. Samael. I see your mages returned you in one piece.” Ryner greeted them. “Congratulations Aaron, Max. You passed your first practical exam. Head over to the tent to turn in any challenge tokens you’ve received and then we have cars to take you back to your dorm. Class tomorrow has been cancelled for first years so you may have a day to recuperate so please take the rest of the evening to relax.”
Sunshine and James

Location: Aboveground
Skills: N/A

If Ben wasn't already dead, James would have killed him on the spot. He had a shiny new arsenal of awful ways of hurting people and he could have taken Ben's pain tolerance out for a spin. Instead, he shot Ben a pissed off look and bit back a comment as Sunshine bolted. Sunshine clearly had some major emotional baggage that needed addressing, Casper was sick with hopefully boring more than a cold but who knew besides the one person he just pissed off, and he felt the need to casually set the whole situation on fire. James regretted asking for Casper to try this. Not because he disliked Ben but the whole situation clearly stabbed Sunshine somewhere vulnerable and he felt responsible for that now.

"Okay, let's not do that again, Ben. Sweetheart, why don't you go relax? I'm going to see if I can get her to calm down enough to reverse it." James suggested as he started after Sunshine, pausing to give him a kiss on the cheek. He looked at Jack apologetically. "Give me some time with her alone. I don't know what's going on but since it's clearly aimed at you, you're probably the last one she'll open up to." James rushed out of the training room after Sunshine. He really hoped he could figure it out. She shouldn't have to deal with whatever it was alone.

It took him almost no time at all and his heart broke at the sight. He made his way over, making sure she would be aware he was there. "Hey, can I sit? I don't have food but I have hugs and distractions."

"I dunno, can you?" Sunshine mumbled. She rubbed her eyes on the back of her arm, trying to keep the tears from pooling up. She viewed James like a brother, but she still didn't want him to see her cry. It was hopeless to keep that a secret, but still, she had to try for the sake of her pride. "You can," she then added, a bit too quickly - as if she had been worried that her initial knee jerk reaction was going to scare him off. "Not that I need you to or anything..."

James sat with a quite huff of laughter, settling down next to Sunshine. "Thankfully, I still have functioning legs." He was quiet for a moment before continuing. He didn't want her thinking he expected her to open up to him so he'd have to chose his words carefully. "I know you don't need me. You're strong enough to stand on your own two feet; you did it before here and if you absolutely had to, you could do it again. But that doesn't mean you have to. I'm here if you want help making this suck any less."

"I definitely couldn't do it. Fuck, half of us just came back from Magneto wiping the floor with us in an alternate reality and all I could do when I came back was find somewhere to cry." James sighed. "Everything's a mess right now and pretending it isn't, like half of us are doing, is just going to hurt more." James shook his head, lifting an arm so she could get a hug if she wanted. "Anything you want to get off your chest? I'll take it to my grave if you want."

She looked at him suspiciously. She was taking his promise of keeping the secret to the grave seriously. An idea then occurred to her. She was hellenistic. There was one promise that could never be broken, one that even the gods had to abide by. "Swear on the river Styx not to tell," she requested. If he made that promise, then.... then she supposed she could tell him. It wasn't like telling him would hurt or change anything. She knew for sure now that what had happened to her had been real. She hadn't been imagining her sudden transformation into a six year old kid. She hadn't just dreamt that her father's real identity was Jacques Theriot. "It's, like, the biggest thing you can swear on. You can't break it or... I dunno, I think you die or something."

"That serious, huh?" James asked. The name ringed some bells but to be honest, he really had no idea what he was swearing on or why it was so important. Normally, he'd dismiss the idea, agree, and move on but considering he was dragged into an alternate dimension to fight for his life against a witch recently, he wasn't so skeptical now. "Then of course, I swear on the river Styx not to tell anyone without your permission. A thought occurred to James as he made the promise and he frowned. "Will I still die if I'm mind controlled or something? I'm not 100% certain I can promise that."

"I have no idea," Sunshine admitted. "It might be a best effort thing." A lot of her beliefs were rather simple. She hadn't been raised in a community that worshipped the Greek gods. Everything she knew about them had been from old VHS tapes at public libraries, usually stuffy documentaries that didn't go into much depth or detail. She had watched them, searching for clues about her father or maybe just some way to feel connected to him, since all her mother told her was that he was Greek. It then occurred to her, her heart sinking, that that had been a lie. She wasn't Greek. Her father hadn't been. If Jack were really her father...

Her pain fluctuated between sorrow and anger. "I met my dad. In the... whatever that was."

"The other world was meant to make every mutant happy." James said, the last part of that catching in his throat for a second. He didn't want to acknowledge that piece of information so he ignored how it made him feel. Sunshine needed him here and now. There'd be time for aggressive compartmentalization later. "Is it who it was that made you upset or just the fact you had a life with him there?"

Sunshine hadn't known the purpose behind the other world - that it hadn't been random, everything that occurred there. The Scarlet Witch apparently decided that Sunshine would be happy if she were reunited with her father and turned into a six year old girl. She didn't consider the logical follow up to that - that Jack must have been happy to be with his daughter, otherwise that wouldn't have happened. No, it just made her hurt all the more, knowing that something designed to make her happy instead brought her more suffering. "My dad was Jack," she said quietly, not answering James' questions further.

That clarified everything. With Sunshine's abandonment and trust issues, the outburst was far more reasonable. "Wow. Jack's a great dude; I bet he was a great dad too." James said, matching her volume. Memories of his dad still alive in the other world came back to him; the auto shop still going strong, finding someone else to settle down with, supporting him when he opened his own shop on the otherwise of the country. His eyes burned with tears before he blinked them away. "Which means you were also a great daughter, huh? The woman with power over all of reality chose you because she thought you would make Jack the happiest parent in all of existence. Maybe you should consider getting closer with him."

Sunshine looked away from James, directing her gaze towards the sky instead. It was easier to talk without looking at him - it was like no one could hear what she said that way, as if her words just melted away into the air. "If... If the Scarlet Witch wanted to make me happy, I would've wanted my real dad. If Jack isn't my real dad, then I still don't know who my dad is and why he abandoned me... And if Jack is my real dad, he's such a nice person that the only reason he'd abandon a freaking baby would be... if the baby was a monster."

"I'm very certain Jack isn't your father. He would have been what ten when you were born? I'm going to err on the side of nope on that end." James denied the second part. He frowned as he thought about what to say to the first or if he should even offer anything. "You aren't a monster. We have no way of knowing why your dad did something stupid but I'm sorry it happened. If we ever find him, I'll hold him down for you." James said.

She nodded again. "Whatever, it's not like I know how old Jack is anyways... We don't even know if that's his real face. He could actually be the Zodiac Killer or something," Sunshine mumbled. She seemed to have calmed down though, the anger, sorrow, and just tension leaving her. Instead, she looked almost hollow - like when a grieving widow finally accepts that their loved one was gone and nothing could change that.

James chuckled at that, wrapping his arm around her shoulders and pulling her close. "Thank you for telling me, Sunshine." James said quietly.

Artemis Harrington and Apollo Harrington

Location: Knight Bus: Middle Back -> Carriage 2
Magic: Legilimency, Charms

Apollo rolled his eyes at Tonks as she cheered on for the Knight Bus. It wasn't so much that he didn't enjoy the excitement, rather that so much had already happened just moments before that he was unable to understand how anyone could possibly be cheering at a time like this. As the bus continued to rock and sway, tossing its patrons to and fro, Apollo remained seated and clinging for dear life. He could hear the hisses of pain coming from his twin further down the bus, though it was much more difficult to see as everyone was flailing about.

If he wasn’t hurt and upset, this would be right up Arty’s alley. It was like a rollercoaster but way more dangerous and he could totally get behind that. But right now for the first and probably last time in his life, he’d wished they just waited. The bus ride wasn’t getting any easier with the constant stretching and swerving, the little joints resonating in his broken wrist drawing out a hiss of pain every time. Though, he whimpered as the last lurch slammed his wrist into the side of his chair and he doubled over around the wrist, rocking in the seat as he bit down on his lip to keep from crying. Everything got loud after that, so many different snatches of conversation swimming around him and it felt like he was suffocating.

As soon as the bus halted Apollo removed his wand from where he had stashed it and flourished it towards his feet. "Finite Incantatem" A brilliant blueish white light shown from the wand and then faded as he tried to move his ankles and then his feet. Chuffed that it had worked he doubled over on the spell, casting it behind him as he made his way over towards his twin brother in rather a hurry. "Bloody hell what happened to you? You alright mate?" He was now kneeling before Artemis, wand hand on his shoulder, the other outstretched asking to see his injured limb.

Arty barely registered people moving around, overwhelmed by the noise of the bus and the background noise in his head. He looked up at his brother and opened his mouth, trying to get words out that felt like molasses in his throat, but nothing came out. He offered his wrist out gingerly, the broken wrist discolored and lumpy. Arty just shrugged helplessly.

Apollo sucked in air through clenched teeth as he looked at Arties wrist. It definitely didn't look good, and unfortunately healing wasn't one of his main academic focuses. "Its probably best we let Madame Pomfrey take a look at this. Until then I can offer a splint to help ease the pain and keep it straight. Ferula" He removed his wand arm from Artemis's shoulder and pointed his wand at his wrist. Banadages began to conjure out the tip as the wrapped around the wound and tightened. Two wooden beams placed above and below the injury to keep it safe and straightened until a professional could look at it. "How's that?"

Arty watched with apprehension as his twin conjured a splint. He braced himself for the pain, hissing reflexively as the bandages wound themselves around the break and the wooden beams. It hurt, nothing could stop that, but it felt better than it did before. Arty gave a little sigh of relief and gave his brother a weak smile. He looked around for Mary with a frown.

Apollo followed his brother’s gaze, glancing around only to notice that both Mary and Georgina were missing, all the while Madalyne was missing a tooth. He shrugged and wrapped his arm underneath Artie’s, using himself to support his brother’s weight and lift them both up. "You know prefects, jumping towards the orders of a House Head before the drop of a sickle. Best we get ourselves going too, wouldn't want to keep Dumbledoor waiting of all people."

Arty nodded, letting his brother support his weight as he stood. The voices in his head were growing louder, almost painfully so, and he clung harder to Apollo as they walked out of the Knight Bus. There were just so many voices, so many people, so many things going on, it was so much. Too much! He knew he should be doing better; he was a prefect just like Mary so he should be hopping to it too but he couldn’t focus past the sound in his head. He shut his eyes as he tried to focus, trusting Apollo to keep him stable.

It wasn’t difficult to understand what was happening here. Apollo had been through these fits himself and the damage caused by both the Knight Bus and the attack on the Hogwarts Express was clearly stress enough to allow their Legilimency classes to slip. There wasn't much Apollo could do except to take his brother out of the bus as quickly as possible and to a less dense area. "Make way Make Way! Got a prefect that got banged up real good here! Move aside the lot of you." He hurried his way through the students, taking them down to the lower decks where he spotted Georgina.

He wasn't quite sure what was said or done to have her sitting alone in the bus, but all he could do was offer her an apologetic smile as he nodded towards Arties wrist and continued on his way out. "Alright make way people! Banged up prefect coming through! Thanks!" Once they were outside he noticed McGonagall standing there, her firm face plastered as usual behind her glasses. "Sorry it took a bit madame, Artie here seems to of broken his wrist something fowl, perhaps you could take a look at it before we head off?"

McGonagall’s stern face softened. “Of course, Mr. Harrington.” She pulled out her wand and whispered an incantation as she tapped Artemis’ wrist, a plaster cast appearing to keep it from being injured further. “After speaking with the Headmaster, Madam Pomfrey will mend his wrist.”

Arty was so focused on trying to keep the voices in his head from getting louder, he startled when the plaster cast appeared around his wrist. He jerked back instinctively but after some inspection, nodded at the Professor’s instructions and mustered up a smile as best he could with everything pressing inside his head.

"Thank you again. C'mon Artie let's get in the carriage." He offered her a warm smile as he made his was towards the first carriage when he heard Mary tell them Paige had gone into that one."Blimey, thanks Mary. That would've been a long ride for sure. Though I can't say I ever really know what the headmasters thinking." With that the twins entered into the second carriage, guiding Artie into a corner furthest from the door.

Artemis Harrington and Apollo Harrington

Location: Knight Bus: Middle Back -> Carriage 2
Magic: Legilimency, Charms

Apollo rolled his eyes at Tonks as she cheered on for the Knight Bus. It wasn't so much that he didn't enjoy the excitement, rather that so much had already happened just moments before that he was unable to understand how anyone could possibly be cheering at a time like this. As the bus continued to rock and sway, tossing its patrons to and fro, Apollo remained seated and clinging for dear life. He could hear the hisses of pain coming from his twin further down the bus, though it was much more difficult to see as everyone was flailing about.

If he wasn’t hurt and upset, this would be right up Arty’s alley. It was like a rollercoaster but way more dangerous and he could totally get behind that. But right now for the first and probably last time in his life, he’d wished they just waited. The bus ride wasn’t getting any easier with the constant stretching and swerving, the little joints resonating in his broken wrist drawing out a hiss of pain every time. Though, he whimpered as the last lurch slammed his wrist into the side of his chair and he doubled over around the wrist, rocking in the seat as he bit down on his lip to keep from crying. Everything got loud after that, so many different snatches of conversation swimming around him and it felt like he was suffocating.

As soon as the bus halted Apollo removed his wand from where he had stashed it and flourished it towards his feet. "Finite Incantatem" A brilliant blueish white light shown from the wand and then faded as he tried to move his ankles and then his feet. Chuffed that it had worked he doubled over on the spell, casting it behind him as he made his way over towards his twin brother in rather a hurry. "Bloody hell what happened to you? You alright mate?" He was now kneeling before Artemis, wand hand on his shoulder, the other outstretched asking to see his injured limb.

Arty barely registered people moving around, overwhelmed by the noise of the bus and the background noise in his head. He looked up at his brother and opened his mouth, trying to get words out that felt like molasses in his throat, but nothing came out. He offered his wrist out gingerly, the broken wrist discolored and lumpy. Arty just shrugged helplessly.

Apollo sucked in air through clenched teeth as he looked at Arties wrist. It definitely didn't look good, and unfortunately healing wasn't one of his main academic focuses. "Its probably best we let Madame Pomfrey take a look at this. Until then I can offer a splint to help ease the pain and keep it straight. Ferula" He removed his wand arm from Artemis's shoulder and pointed his wand at his wrist. Banadages began to conjure out the tip as the wrapped around the wound and tightened. Two wooden beams placed above and below the injury to keep it safe and straightened until a professional could look at it. "How's that?"

Arty watched with apprehension as his twin conjured a splint. He braced himself for the pain, hissing reflexively as the bandages wound themselves around the break and the wooden beams. It hurt, nothing could stop that, but it felt better than it did before. Arty gave a little sigh of relief and gave his brother a weak smile. He looked around for Mary with a frown.

Apollo followed his brother’s gaze, glancing around only to notice that both Mary and Georgina were missing, all the while Madalyne was missing a tooth. He shrugged and wrapped his arm underneath Artie’s, using himself to support his brother’s weight and lift them both up. "You know prefects, jumping towards the orders of a House Head before the drop of a sickle. Best we get ourselves going too, wouldn't want to keep Dumbledoor waiting of all people."

Arty nodded, letting his brother support his weight as he stood. The voices in his head were growing louder, almost painfully so, and he clung harder to Apollo as they walked out of the Knight Bus. There were just so many voices, so many people, so many things going on, it was so much. Too much! He knew he should be doing better; he was a prefect just like Mary so he should be hopping to it too but he couldn’t focus past the sound in his head. He shut his eyes as he tried to focus, trusting Apollo to keep him stable.

It wasn’t difficult to understand what was happening here. Apollo had been through these fits himself and the damage caused by both the Knight Bus and the attack on the Hogwarts Express was clearly stress enough to allow their Legilimency classes to slip. There wasn't much Apollo could do except to take his brother out of the bus as quickly as possible and to a less dense area. "Make way Make Way! Got a prefect that got banged up real good here! Move aside the lot of you." He hurried his way through the students, taking them down to the lower decks where he spotted Georgina.

He wasn't quite sure what was said or done to have her sitting alone in the bus, but all he could do was offer her an apologetic smile as he nodded towards Arties wrist and continued on his way out. "Alright make way people! Banged up prefect coming through! Thanks!" Once they were outside he noticed McGonagall standing there, her firm face plastered as usual behind her glasses. "Sorry it took a bit madame, Artie here seems to of broken his wrist something fowl, perhaps you could take a look at it before we head off?"

McGonagall’s stern face softened. “Of course, Mr. Harrington.” She pulled out her wand and whispered an incantation as she tapped Artemis’ wrist, a plaster cast appearing to keep it from being injured further. “After speaking with the Headmaster, Madam Pomfrey will mend his wrist.”

Arty was so focused on trying to keep the voices in his head from getting louder, he startled when the plaster cast appeared around his wrist. He jerked back instinctively but after some inspection, nodded at the Professor’s instructions and mustered up a smile as best he could with everything pressing inside his head.

"Thank you again. C'mon Artie let's get in the carriage." He offered her a warm smile as he made his was towards the first carriage when he heard Mary tell them Paige had gone into that one."Blimey, thanks Mary. That would've been a long ride for sure. Though I can't say I ever really know what the headmasters thinking." With that the twins entered into the second carriage, guiding Artie into a corner furthest from the door.

Time: 2:11 - The Forest

James Kingston

Location: Training Room
Skills: N/A

James should have expected that, honestly. He didn’t know why telling Sunshine no wouldn’t end up in someone getting sick. He grimaced at his sneezing boyfriend and groaned internally. No, he knew why he did it. He let someone else take the fall so he wouldn’t lose whatever credibility he’d gained with Sunshine. If he wasn;t the one telling her no, it wouldn’t be necessarily viewed as his fault and then he might still have an open pathway to hold reasonable―well, as reasonable as you could get―conversation with her. When the hell did he start doing that?

He focused on Sunshine, watching how she looked at Jack as her tantrum evolved. That was something to consider but right now, he needed her to calm down a little. Just enough to figure out what she gave Casper and prevent her from throwing anymore at anyone else. His heart went out to her; he remembered how she felt she finally found a place to stay and Erg must have been a father figure for her. He could understand how much it must hurt to hear she could have him back. He’d been tempted to ask Casper about his own dad, at least to say goodbye, and sometimes he still felt the tug. He didn’t think he’d ever go through with it but he could empathize with her at least.

He wanted to check on Casper. He looked over at his boyfriend apologetically. He knew getting Sunshine to take back whatever she did would be the better solution so he looked at Jack and jerked his head over at Casper while he walked over to Sunshine, making sure to leave her some space so she didn’t feel trapped. “Hey, why don’t you undo whatever you did to Casper and let’s take a walk outside? I feel like I haven’t seen you in a week.”

Artemis “Arty” Harrington

Location: Knight Bus: Middle Back

“Breathing is for blee―” Artie’s screaming cut off the rest of his half hearted retort as the Knight Bus lurched forward and sent Artie tumbling to the ground, unprepared for the sudden movement. A little warning would have been nice, a please take your seats before we toss you around like a bunch of gits, or literally anything but pain replaced the irritation as he broke his hand broke his fall awkwardly and shockwaves of pain ricchoched up his arm. Artie couldn’t stop the yelp that escaped him as he rolled off it quickly and brought it to his chest, a whimper escaping his clenched teeth when he brought his wrist carefully to his chest. He braved a glanced down at it and swallowed back a wave of nausea. It was… lumpy and bruised and twisted in a way he was pretty sure it shouldn’t be. This bus driver was a barking tosser.

Artie carefully slumped back into his seat, little making groans of pain as the movement of the bus accidently jostled his wrist. He curled himself up as tightly as he could, staring miserably where his brother had abandoned him for some random people. Georgina saw someone die and her Uncle get cursed, Apollo got attacked and now Artie had this image of himself dying in his head, Georgina was avoiding them, Apollo left them, and his wrist hurt so much. Artie was miserable and he felt his words getting stuck in his throat as everything overwhelmed him. He could feel the tears prickling at the corner of his eyes but he couldn’t stop his mind from wandering, latching onto Mary’s concern.

The connection was made without Artie even being aware of it, words not coming across it but brief flashes of memory and emotion. Death Eaters and cold terror. Georgina’s revelation and concern. Fear for Apollo curled in a ball, fear of the sleeping charm, fear of the memory removal. Hurt at Georgina avoiding him, them. His wrist in pain. Hurt at his brother not even checking on him. Frustration that the words won’t come out. Artie just sat there quietly, wishing the day would be over.

Uncertainty wasn’t a familiar feeling to Varis and it ate at him from the inside out. He tried to yank his hand off the skull but it wouldn’t move. It chewed its way up his arm and into his stomach where it boiled and bubbled away like acid. He felt simultaneously like vomiting and eating everything in sight and there was no end. He felt dirty and unwanted and unworthy of everything in his life. He knew he didn’t deserve it. He’d still be home, he’d still have a brother, he’d still be doing what he loved.

Varis snatched his hand back as the scene changed. A statue of Landar Starag dominated the marble room, smoke curling out of the censer in one hand and scroll in the other. Otherwise the room was empty, only a few black slabs contrasting the white marble. The names of Landar Starag and his immediate family were carved into them. A small oak box sat on the bench in the middle of the room, a cloth laid out under it. Inside, two hauntingly familiar blades rested. They were curved and sharp and had a symbol on their hilts that was unfamiliar. A bow with a snake carved along its length rested next to it along with a quiver of arrows.

The sound of rain pounding against the roof nearly covered the cold, empty laughter from the entryway. Aaron leaned against the wall next to the door, arms crossed and Dawn on his hip. He reached up, one hand toying idly with half a gold coin hanging from a chain around his neck, though his glassy black eyes bored into Varis’; an unsettling sight from a mage who usually kept his gaze on the floor.

“Got bored of looking too much like yourself? Wanted to relive the glory days, huh?” Aaron waved at the statue. “I have to say, it’s entertaining to watch you look down your nose at everyone when you still can’t bear to look in the mirror. Or… maybe a little sad. You’ve only worn this one for a century. Wait, not even that!” Aaron laughed again, the sound bouncing off the walls. “Though I suppose I can understand. No one stays pretty for long drenched in the blood of the ones they love.”

Varis took a step back as if he’d been slapped. The difference between the boy’s normally docile behavior and this thing wearing his image was… jarring, even if half the things spewing out of his mouth were utter gibberish. Yet, he couldn’t help the twist of guilt in his chest at the accusation though Varis couldn’t ever remember loving anyone, much less getting his hands dirty with their blood. Regardless, no mage was going to speak to him like that and get away with it.

“How dare you.” Varis snapped, stepping towards Aaron. “You watch your tone, you insolent brat. Who exactly do you think you are?”

The image of Aaron only laughed again, shoulders quaking as the room filled with the sound. One hand fell lazily onto Dawn’s pommel, but he looked no more tense than before. “Who am I?” He laughed again, though his gaze remained cold. “Who are you, to presume to ask? My pedigree may well be longer than yours by now!”

Aaron squinted at Varis for a moment. “Do you even know anymore? Or have you tucked that away too, deep down and calcified over alongside the hunger and the inside of that lovely box?” He tapped his chin for a moment, but shook his head. “No, no, that can’t be where you hid it. You dredge that up every time your tie’s crooked. Honestly, I do a better job of coping with failure than you do.”

“What nonsense are you speaking?” Varis demanded. “Your lineage only commands respect because you're the lapdogs of the Noilas. If it hadn’t been for them, vampires would have wiped the lot of you out ages ago and what did manage to survive would be nothing but slaves for us to feed on. I don’t presume anything.” He took another step towards Aaron, fists curling into balls. Something inside him felt uneasy, trying to twist and turn and pull away but Varis wasn’t going to let some mage talk down to him, pedigree be damned.

“I am the heir to the Sinnenodel family and head of the third oldest bloodline of them. If you know what’s good for you boy,” Varis spat as he continued stomping towards Aaron. “You’ll remember your place before I am forced to remind you myself!”

“Please, Master, remind me,” Aaron mocked, spreading his arms and performing a theatrical bow that brought him nearly nose-to-nose with Varis. “I have often wondered what trick you must have up your sleeve to feel safe grinding this under your heel.” Without warning, a concentrated beam of sunlight shot out from one of Aaron’s palms, slicing Varis’ left ear almost perfectly in half and setting the surrounding hair on fire.

“Look at that!” He exclaimed gleefully, flicking the hair away from his own left ear to reveal his scar. “Now we match!”

Varis had all intentions of cutting off whatever snide remark the boy was going to make but he screamed. His ear burned and he stumbled backwards, eyes wide in horror and fear, and he tripped over the bench, snatching up the cloth from under the box and trying desperately to pat out the fire. His back hit the statue’s foot and he trembled as he stared at Aaron. Varis was terrified, even more than when his Lady sent her summons. She, at the very least, had to keep him alive.

Aaron did not.

“What is wrong with you?” Varis sputtered weakly. “Attacking a vampire will have consequences, whether I walk out of here or not!”

“Oh, but it never does, does it?” Aaron cooed, putting on a face of absolutely false sympathy. His eyes glittered with amusement. “Not for anyone who matters, anyway. Besides, if you’re going after people just for a little sunlight burn, I should be at the bottom of your list.”

He shook his head. “You know if you blew the whistle on her you could probably escape before she got to you, right? Or… okay, maybe fifty-fifty. But that’s not what you want.” Aaron shrugged, sighing blissfully. “Far be it from me to judge. I know very well the appeal of soaking up the pain in silence. It shuts up that voice in the back of your head for a little while when you know you’re getting what you deserve.”

“That’s… That’s not true.” Varis’ voice was smaller than he cared for but he pushed on anyway. “I have plans. I know what I’m doing! A century of pain is nothing compared to an eternity of satisfaction!” And while he did sincerely believe that, Varis’ excuses felt flimsy even to his own ears. This terrifying fake was just trying to mess with him, rile him up so he couldn’t figure out the challenge. That was it. It was all a lie!

But the swirling doubt and guilt in his stomach knew the truth in Aaron’s words.

“I’ve done nothing to deserve any of this!” Varis argued. “I’ve only done what I’ve needed to. My family got what they deserved. Any self respecting vampire would do the same and maybe if you ever grew a backbone, you’d do it too!”

“If I grow a backbone, it won't be my mother and siblings under the knife,” Aaron corrected, wagging a finger at Varis like a misbehaving child. “That you can pretend you don’t face a reckoning is an admirable performance, I'll give you that. But don't kid yourself. The truth is in everything you do. It's not the scars that keep you away from the mirror; you're afraid if you look you'll see the ones you betrayed, see the shock on Ramelvik’s face and that look in Yvaine’s eyes. You're scared that if you utter a kind word it’ll end in a shower of blood and screaming, just like it always does. So you slap them all away. Stars only know you couldn't do much more than that.”

Aaron chuckled coldly, but when he looked back, all pretense of humour was gone, leaving only a piercing, vicious glare behind. “You know the truth. Your skin fits you like a cheap suit and you wish you could be free of it; but it's unbecoming to hate yourself, so, like everything else, you make others do it for you.”

Varis could only gape as Aaron’s words stirred something awful inside him. He couldn’t stop the tears if he tried and the sobs wracked his body as he tried to push himself further away and shut everything out. He had no idea why it hurt so much. He had no idea who Yvaine even was. He didn’t even like that filthy Marivaldi! Varis hadn’t even done much work! The Lord was already forgetting meals; Varis just gave him a tiny push. There was absolutely no explanation for why he felt like screaming and crying and shutting down all at the same time, there was no explanation for this bone-deep sorrow he felt, no explanation for the tears and the pain.

Varis' frustration rose as he struggled with emotions he couldn’t call his own. It rose in equal measure to everything else and he glared at Aaron through the blood running from his solid black eyes. Varis was cornered; escape was clearly not an option and Varis needed an outlet for everything churning inside him. He was an animal pushed back onto a corner so he fell back on his favored coping mechanism. “Of course it won’t be your family under the blade.” Venom dripped from his words as he spat them through the tears. “It’ll be Ryner and the Queen and Nox because they’re the ones who threw you away like the garbage you are. I know Ryner coddles you and professes her care for you but it’s a lie. You’re a pathetic excuse for Starag. Could you imagine how Landar would feel if he could see you right now? He’d probably ask to execute you himself.”

Aaron was quiet for a moment, pensive, before shaking his head. “Am I meant to be shocked? None of that is exactly news to me,” he replied, a bit of melancholy sneaking into his formerly sharp tone. “They’ve made all that very clear, as have you. Why repeat yourself? It's not like you to waste your energy.”

“Because it works and you aren’t worth the energy to think of something new. If the old way works, why bother changing it?” Varis snapped. He much preferred the boy this way than before. Apparently, he was still little Aaron on the inside. The magic just gave him a bit of confidence and that made Varis feel much better. Tearing people down was something that made him feel better and he had quite a bit to unload on this clone. “Do you know what I first thought when I opened that letter? Right before I made you kneel in front of the entire student body and those pet bodyguards of Ryner’s? I saw your name and thought to myself, “Oh that’s the game.” Ryner herself specifically planned this for you, boy. Planned to watch you break and bend just to see how far you’ll snap.” Varis struggled to his feet, one hand still clapped over his ear and the other holding onto Landar for support. The tears were still flowing freely but at least the trembling had stopped.

“You know, I asked her when she first came to me about this why you. You were the last male heir and I had no idea why she would jeopardize centuries of work.” Varis laughed, although it came out more hysterical than genuine. “Apparently, they already have plans! Whichever of your vapid relatives that serves Alder is set to get pregnant soon enough. I wonder, will they even let you keep your name?”

Aaron was characteristically composed when Varis resumed his tirade, though with each new secret that surfaced, his expression ticked more and more from carefully neutral to openly mortified. He went pale, chest heaving as his breathing grew ragged. His grip on Dawn tightened until his knuckles were white, and tears shone in his glassy black eyes.

“I…” he gasped weakly, taking a moment to find his voice. “I fucking knew it.”

He paused only long enough for a sharp inhale, shifting anxiously on his feet as tears began to fall. “I thought—I tried to convince myself that it was some kind of slick political move, but I knew it couldn’t be. But Dora? I— they told me she was infertile! Sun and stars, what lengths did they go to just to safely dispose of me?!”

His hands rose to the sides of his head, eyes wide as the terrible realization dawned on him. “Aaron Martoch…” he murmured, voice trembling along with the rest of his body. He shook his head violently, straightening with rage shining through his burgeoning panic attack.

“I was fucking perfect! he screamed, voice tearing through the room and bouncing off the walls. “I crossed every T and dotted every I they told me to, I knelt on stones for days and bit my tongue when they beat me, hurled myself at Lucan until I was half-dead, all for them! Because I loved them!” Tears flowed freely, but anger clearly dominated him. “But perfect isn’t good enough!”

He made a beeline for Varis, absolute murder in his eyes, but just as he neared enough for a blow, he stopped, mere inches from the Count’s face. “Perfect isn’t good enough for you, not good enough for the Queen, not good enough for Ryner, and most of all, perfect isn’t good enough for this bastard— looking— down on me!” He drew back his arm, but rather than striking Varis, he turned, accenting each word with a powerful left hook to the Landar statue’s jaw.

The bones in Aaron’s fingers cracked and popped against the stone, blood staining the marble, before he finally stopped. Shoulders heaving, when he looked back at Varis his face bore only a few specks of blood and a look of somber determination. “And at the end of it all, I won’t even get to come back here, will I?”

Aaron straightened, stepping back. In one smooth motion he drew his blade, jaw set even as his breath grew ragged. The point of the blade settled under Varis’ chin.

“So why draw this shit out any longer if the destination’s the same?”

Faster than Varis would expect, Aaron drew back for what looked like a killing blow; but rather than deliver it, he drew the edge across his own throat, cutting almost to the bone until blood spewed out like a putrid fountain and he collapsed, Dawn clattering to the floor. The body laid there a moment, its face a picture of emptiness, before it faded away. The coin around its neck dropped to the floor with a metallic ting, unguarded.

Varis gaped at the sight. Frankly, he’d been concerned for a second until the clone started punching the statue. He wiped the blood that sprayed on his face off with his hand, bringing some up to his mouth to taste while he contemplated the coin. He’d forgotten that this was a challenge. He felt raw and vulnerable and he just wanted out.

At least the boy did the deed himself. Varis was very close to walking out and finding someone to do it for him.

Varis gagged and coughed violently as the searing spiciness of the boy’s blood made his mouth feel on fire. If this was how suicide made the boy feel, he’d have to make sure he was well away from it if he ever tried. Varis snatched up the coin as he coughed and the clearing snapped back into view, only the lingering feeling of tears and the ghost of burn on his tongue remaining. Varis stared down at the coin for a few contemplative moments. All those things the clone spouted had been... odd. He barely understood half of it but it had hurt in a way he’d never hurt before. He turned and looked at the skull.

Unlike the other challenge where he’d been filled with rage, this one left him feeling empty. He put the coin in his pocket and checked his ear, sighing in relief when he found it whole again. He placed his hand on the skull again, flinching but he’d never admit it. Nothing happened so he picked it up and turned it over a few times. It was well made and frankly, Varis would normally keep something like this for him home. One of the wings had an empty spot. Perhaps he’d ask Ryner for the name of the artist who made it.

Varis made his way back to the others with the skull in hand. He looked over the others. The mages clearly decided to sulk in silence the entire time. Varis didn’t particularly care if the boy made nice with Eris’ pet, he didn’t need anything from him after all, but he should have at least made some overtures. Varis made a mental note to speak with him about it later. But the mages were nothing but a blip on his radar when he caught sight of Eris. No purposely cultivated air of ease, no flippant smile, no charming demeanor. His carefully maintained facade had been dropped and the real vampire was out to play.

How interesting.

“Now that we’re finished with this unpleasant business, it’s time we’re away.” Varis handed his mage his half of the coin and returned the one he’d taken from the boy. They would indeed be having a conversation when they returned to his dorm, absently brushing feeling his ear. “Figure out what to do with those, boy. I doubt they’re meant to stay in two pieces. And now that you’ll receive full marks, we can finally quit this horrid forest. I for one am looking forward to a relaxing rest of my evening. Would you care to join, Eris?”
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