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8 yrs ago
So tired, sleep why do you spurn me?!
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Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.

Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!

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Varis watched the mage’s little display upon his return with some skepticism but that wasn’t much of a concern of his. If the boy was anything to go by, he was just embarrassed and Eris hadn’t trained his mage well enough to remember it wasn’t his place to feel those sorts of things. Varis clicked his tongue in disapproval. Eris was playing far too nicely with this boy but considering his curious indulgences of his other mage, the competent one whatever her name was, Varis couldn’t say he was surprised. Perhaps he had some odd method that produced mages of that other one’s ability. If that was the case, Varis might consider lending the boy over to Eris for training every now and then. Speaking of training...

“You may stand.” Varis told the kneeling mage. “When we are out of this ordeal, remind me to have you contact Malek. I don’t feel like hearing nails on a chalkboard but I do need something from my vault.” Varis sent Eris an inquisitive look when he returned, all bubbling confidence as usual. Whatever his mage told him must have put him in a good mood so Varis would let it slide for now.

“No better time than the present I suppose.” Varis agreed with Eris and stretched his hand out in tandem with the other, vanishing as his hand made contact.

Interacting with: @Obscene Symphony @Scribe of Thoth [Hero]

Artemis “Arty” Harrington

Location: Knight Bus: Middle Back

“No kidding, Mads.” Artie groaned as he flopped onto the hugging that was going on while adamantly ignoring the Snyde gang. There would never be a hug pile that Artie wasn’t going to be involved in in this group. “And even after the Death Eater was taken care of, the sneak-o-scope was still trilling! I’m just happy to say good riddance to the train this year. Hopefully, this was the most bad eventful this year will be.” Artie chatted, gesturing with one hand as he did. His hand pressed against the pocket where the memory was. No need to freak out over everything now. He had to get this to Doubledore, help Penny with the first years, and then maybe he could convince Georgina to hang out with him in the common room for a bit. And bring tissues. This felt like a tissue night. He suppressed an involuntary shudder. His ears perked up at the mention of Georgina.

“She probably just needs some chill time; she went through a lot just now.” Artie explained, his words a little slurred from how his cheek was squashed as he hugged. “She’ll come find us when she feels more under control. Don’t want to make her feel too overwhelmed, you know?” He left out the part where she said she’d see them on the bus. If she hadn’t come up here, she probably needed sometime. Most of the time, she’d seek them out but sometimes she just had to get through some of it by herself. So instead of hunting her down like he wanted to, he pulled out his wand and focused on that bubbly feeling he got when he first met Mr. Hopkinson.

“Expecto Patronum.” He murmured, unable to keep the smile off his face as the golden retriever spun out of his wand and pranced around excitedly. With a swish, he sent it off to Georgina, just to let her know they were there for her even if she needed some time to herself.
James Kingston

Location: Training Room
Skills: N/A

James didn’t need to hear Ben’s side of the conversation to guess what that comment meant and he just sent Casper a fond eye roll but James had asked more out of curiosity than expectation. He expected a no or one of his boyfriend’s adorable attempts to sidestep that because he knew how Casper was about this. He expected maybe a later at best but he had definitely not been expecting an immediate demonstration. It took James a few moments to process what he was seeing, Casper glowing the same color as Ben and Ben looking so happy he would explode. He couldn’t hold back the little rush of pride at Casper but he did stop himself from wrapping him up in a hug. James wasn’t sure how much concentration, a lot from the look of it, and he didn’t want to run the risk of hurting Casper if he was interrupted. Instead, he decided to focus his attention on the now visible ghost.

“Shit, you guys can do it!” James walked up to Ben and poked his arm, letting out an impressed whistle when his finger made contact without passing through. “It’s nice to finally meet you face to face, battlefield meetings notwithstanding.” James shook his head with a laugh, socking Ben in the arm for the language. “So, does it feel any different or is it just the same but now you can chill with us?”

Then, James heard Sunshine’s comment. Oh shit. James really wasn’t sure how to handle that particular idea but he was sure Casper wouldn’t be down for summoning Erg back. God only knows what Erg would have to say about everything after he’d been murdered. James didn’t know him well but the man was… passionate about his cause and frankly, James thought that limiting an extremist influence right now was probably a good idea. James decided he’d let Casper field that one and back him up once Casper explained it. Was James a coward for hiding from a difficult situation behind him? Maybe. Probably…. Definitely but James would make it up to him somehow.

Time: 2:01 - The Forest

Artemis “Arty” Harrington

Location: Compartment 3 -> Knight Bus: Middle Back.

“And that’s why it’s bloody awful! They’re so cute! why does everyone sacrifice them?” Artie complained. He quite disliked chess of any type. Muggle chess was just plain boring and once the thrill of the wizarding gimmick wore off, it was just as dull. “I like Exploding Snaps better. No choosing sacrifices, no bloody death eaters, no awful brothers who can’t. Keep. His. Head. To. Himself. Just plain fun with an exciting pop you’re never quite ready for!” Arty stated definitively, poking his sibling in the cheek with his finger with every punctuation. He watched as the Knight bus popped up and frowned at it. He hadn’t been prepared for this and he really didn’t want to lug Apollo’s body around. Because there wasn’t anyway that couldn’t be seen horribly. He was about to work the counter charm when he realized his brother was stirring out of his catatonic state.

“Well, there he is! Rise and shine, it’s a beautiful day!” Arty said in a sing song, pushing his brother up into a sitting position. “I’m going to get our luggage onto our newer, radder, totally not you-know-who infested ride! Stay right here for now please.” He patted Apollo on the head like a child with a laugh, an outlet for the relief bubbling up and threatening to overwhelm him at his brother moving around again, and whipped his wand around with an outrageous flourish, just calming his motions as he cast. Apollo’s luggage lifted obediently and he gave them a little pat too and marched them around where Mary mentioned. He repeated the process with his own luggage and returned to get his brother.

“Come on Georgina! We got a rad spot right in the back, the view is great!” Artie beamed at her. “I’ve never been on the Knight Bus though. I’m so excited!” If Artie wasn’t insisting on fussing over Apollo, it was practically guaranteed he’d be bouncing in place and then zipping all over it and pestering the driver with questions.
James Kingston

Location: Training Room
Skills: N/A

He let her cry, automatically running his fingers through his hair like he did when Casper was in the same position. He knew Sunshine well enough that she wouldn’t cry in front of people just because she was hungry; she’d lived on the streets long enough to have developed a tough exterior but if that was her story, he wouldn’t push. He’d let her come to him if she wanted. He knew how stubborn she would get if he tried to pry. “Then we’ll see if we can get you more to eat once everythings settled down, how about that?” James suggested quietly as he listened to Veil.

“Good luck guys. Stay safe.” He said as Veil took the team. He was… more than a little worried about her choices. Luna and Callie would be fine but Sapphire and Waverly were emotionally compromised. He wanted to push for Veil to choose other people but she was stressed as it was. He just hoped and prayed to anyone that was listening that Max would keep his mouth… shut was pushing it so civil at the very least and Leighton wouldn’t escalate with Sapphire. This whole situation was a shit show and a half. Maybe he should get some medical supplies setup in a car in case the whole thing devolves into a fight.

“So now we’re on the lookout for a flamboyant Canadian? Let’s cross our fingers it isn’t Max 2.0.” James shook his head. “Maybe I’ll just write a report about the other world fiasco. That way she can read it when she isn’t as overwhelmed.” James frowned as he thought about it and something clicked in his head. “Hey Ben? Can you still do that whole… materialization thing you did when we fought Magneto and Polaris? That was really useful and we could use you in the whole getting this place put back together. Or was that you, babes? A combination? Though, uh, I’m sorry about the whole Eldritch Horror comment.” JAmes apologized sheepishly.

Varis could only blink at how Max spoke back to Eris. He couldn't imagine a mage having the audacity to speak to him like that. Varis already considered the nonsense spewing out of the boy’s mouth and still decided this was the course of action he wanted to take. He gave Max an unimpressed look―He would have to talk to Eris about how he was going to handle this clear breach of proper conduct―but didn’t interfere. If he stepped in, he was undermining Eris’ authority and although the mage’s behavior was completely out of line, it fell to Eris’ to correct him. If he let it pass without a proper punishment however...

“No, you weren’t.” Varis replied absently as he considered the coin for a moment. He picked it up out of the boy’s hand and examined it. It didn’t seem like anything special but at least it wasn’t another crest. He pocketed it, though it took him a second because of the oversized gloves. He leveled his unimpressed stare at his own mage now as he finished considering everything the boy said. He pointed at the ground, not quite able to snap, but he was sure the boy would get the point anyway. “Eris, still your mage’s hand a moment. Now that we’ve confirmed you only need one person in the skull to clear a portion, perhaps his familiarity with himself will illuminate more than what the boy inevitably missed. ” Varis turned back to the boy, tone sharp. “That is a pathetic excuse of a report. This clearing, was it the one we were standing in or was it another? Were you able to recognize it and if not, what other details did you notice? Was fighting the only option or did you fall back on the only skill the Noilas bothered to invest decent resources in? Did you sustain extensive injuries and where? Show us.”

Interacting with: @Obscene Symphony @Scribe of Thoth [Hero]

@Versa Hey I haven't heard anything in a while and the discord disappeared? Are we still moving forward with this?

Artemis “Arty” Harrington

Location: Compartment 3

“Thanks.” Artie said as he took the memory carefully and he slipped it into his robe’s pocket. No one was touching that without someone he knew they could trust being present. Otherwise, it was his and his alone. Artie was… tempted to lose it so no one else had to see what was still in his head but he knew that was probably a bad idea. Instead, he turned his attention to his still sleeping brother, carefully picking up Apollo and adjusting him so he was stretched out along one bench with his head in Artie’s lap. Artie made sure he kept a firm grip on his wand as he guarded his brother. He’d let the mental connection fall away after he first put him under so he could focus on everything around them.

“Apollo didn’t… trust your Uncle.” Artie revealed hesitantly. “But they got the death eater, right? If your Uncle was in on it, or any of the Aurors for that matter, why would they expose the other one? Wouldn’t they just cover it up or something?” They were in over their heads with this and he wasn’t sure he liked how fixated his best friend was on this still. He was half a second away from casting the Hardening Charm on the trolley door to keep anyone from leaving… or getting in for that matter. He didn’t want Georgina running off. He wouldn’t abandon Apollo like that and he didn’t like that left her without him to back her up. Not that Mary wouldn’t probably follow her in a heartbeat but… she was always there for him. He should always be there for her.

Time: 1:46 - The Forest

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