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8 yrs ago
So tired, sleep why do you spurn me?!
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Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.

Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!

Most Recent Posts

January 7th - 8:45pm

A few dorms opened and vampires and mages both slipped out into the evening snow with various reactions. A fewsimmediately dove into the piling up snow, initiating snowball fights with whoever was unfortunate enough to be nearby. Others grumbled and ran, getting out of the way of these crazed lunatics on their way to the library or their new hall to wait somewhere warm. Soon enough, the night would be filled with the sound of laughter and movement, breaking the snow’s silence as the Academy began to wake.

“Good evening, Benjamin. Welcome back to the Academy. I hope you enjoyed your break and are back, eager to learn.” Ryner greeted him, the same warm smile she’d given Lilie now on him. “Funnily enough, I just finished a conversation with Lilie. What are the odds? Vampire or not, I still don’t much care for the weather. I’d assumed you’d all still be comfortable in your blankets for another fifteen minutes or so.”

Maddie slammed her hand on her alarm as it shrieked again. She peered at the time and sighed into her pillow as she burrowed deeper into her covers. Only forty five minutes until class. She groaned as she pushed herself up, the warmth of her cocoon flooding out as the blankets shifted, and she gasped, dropping hastily back into bed. Oh damn, it was cold! And it was only getting colder as the night went on. During the summer, it was pleasant but winter at night? Atrocious.

Still, she forced herself out of bed and bolted into her closet, throwing on the comfiest, heaviest clothes she could find. Hat? Check. Sweater and coat? Check. Extra warm pants? Absolutely. Wool socks? A must. It took her longer than she cared for to bindle herself up, arms not even in the sleeves of her coat but rather tucked in tightly beneath it. She tugged up her hood and zipped it up all the way past her chin before she dared to trot out in search of some breakfast.

She creaked open her door and slipped out in the common area. Amaris was already up and about, pleased as she could be. Maddie pouted childishly at the injustice. Here she was freezing her butt off and Amaris was lounging in the common area like it was nothing. Maybe she could get Amaris to turn her just so she wouldn’t have to be cold anymore.

“Morning.” Maddie offered in a voice still raspy with sleep. She’d long given up on wishing people a good evening when she first saw them; it was just a greeting and frankly, she didn’t really want to figure out an entirely new time difference. Maddie yawned as she shuffled into the kitchen, opening the fridge with her hands still tucked under her coat and staring. Should she cook? They had some snack stuff, she could just take some of that. She shut the door, the additional cold not good for her current condition, and rather decided to focus on the more important thing: coffee.

“Why would he be making a comment on your decoration? They suit you quite well, in my opinion.” Clarissa spoke absently before she really heard what he said. “Oh yes, our savior stealing from… Jorah, that is absolutely disgusting. Please finish chewing before you speak.” She chastised him, nose wrinkling in disgust. She could ignore the vast majority of the irritating habits he found so dear but that one she couldn’t stomach. Who wanted to see mis-colored mash spilling out of someone’s mouth while they garbled through half formed sentences? No one, that’s who.

They were too far away from the table to hear the conversation as the room buzzed back to life but Clarissa couldn’t help the surprised rise of her brow as the heir to the Adrestian throne wandered to the Blue Lions table and then shortly took his leave. Goddess help her, she wished she could have heard whatever exchange led to that. She couldn’t imagine Prince Hersvelg merely stopped by to greet them and then return to his table. She certainly wouldn’t have. It would have been such a wonderful opportunity to connect with the other students and she’d only have stepped away if the other party was firmly disinterested in her conversation.

“Now, I regaled you with the excitement of our time apart between class and now so it’s your turn. What mischief have you managed while I wasn’t around? I meant to wander the grounds more than I did but I was distracted with my room so I certainly hope your time was more enjoyable.” Clarissa sighed, mourning the missed opportunity.

Varis stared off into distance as the boy worked through his melodramatics. Every time anything so much as contradicted what this boy believed and he needed fifteen minutes to figure himself out. The boy had all the mental fortitude of Eris’ pet rat. Maybe that’s why the Noila’s hide the whole family away. Having the supposed mage family standard in the limelight too often might expose their instabilities. Varis was too tired to deal with this blubbering disaster and so he just tapped his fingers on the glass as he waited, patiently and graciously, for the boy to process.

“I’m so glad you’ve come to this realization. Whatever would I have done without your reaffirming words and impeccable sense of responsibility?” Varis said dryly after taking a sip of his blood. “But you want to earn my trust? I’ve given you more chances than I can count, not to mention forgiving you with barely a tap on the knuckles every time you’ve crossed me.” Varis massaged his temple with his free hand, sighing. He hadn’t considered the boy might ask him point blank. What could the boy do to earn his trust? The boy was nothing but a security risk; any other mage with so little Sinnenodel family training would be locked at his estate until Varis considered them ready for social interaction. Isolation from outside influence would be the first step at home but the boy had a free pass four the next three and a half years. How was he supposed to mimic that step here? Varis leaned forward, catching the boy’s chin in his hand and examining his face while considering his options.

“Clearly, you haven’t been taking care of yourself.” Varis muttered absently with a disapproving click of the tongue. Well, maybe he didn’t need to completely isolate him from everyone. Just those who represented dangerous influences. “Very well. I’ll give you one more chance. At home, I isolate a mage until their training is done, both to reduce outside distractions and remove contact with any undesirable influences the mage may have in their past. I can’t do the same to you currently but we can start with the most dangerous influence. For one year, you are not permitted to have contact with any Noila mage or vampire, with the clear expectation of Council and school business. Even in those activities, I will either accompany or I will listen in to the interaction via your phone. This includes your family. You may not contact them, you may not return to the Noila palace, you may not even see them in anything other than an official capacity. This is only to prove to me that you are truly and wholly dedicated to learning your new place; once I am sure of that, we can consider working on trust.”

It was an impossible request for most mortals, asking them to leave those they depend on behind. It’d broken more than one mage in his household but it was a necessary step nonetheless. Varis sighed, releasing his hold on the boy’s chin, and instead running his hair gently through the boy’s hair, messing it into a more pleasant appearance. “This is a difficult request but a necessary one. You’ve come to understand what is at stake now; these are dangerous times in the Sinnenodel household. Divided loyalties only lead to mistakes and mistakes are what lead to death in the Culling.” Varis leaned back into the couch, not bothering to hide his exhaustion from the boy. It had been a long break and he'd barely found time to relax, let alone sleep. “You have potential, boy. No one can question that but potential only means so much if you don’t put the work in. You’ll have until 6am to decide. Understand that I will be thorough; you’re phone will be replaced and destroyed and the same with your address book. Every Noila belonging will have to be sent back and replaced. I do not intend to do this halfway.”

Interacting with: @Obscene Symphony

“You’re already doing an amazing job, Lilie. Don’t doubt that.” Ryner reassured her. She glanced up at the falling snow. “However, I believe it may be time you return inside. I would hate it if you caught a cold from standing outside talking with me. Have a good evening, Lilie. Remember my doors are always open if you need anything.” Ryner gave her one last smile and then her attention turned to Victor.

“Good evening, Count Astorio. I hope you’re prepared for this semester.” She called cheerfully. “Break a leg out there!” She laughed and beamed excitedly at Lilie.

“I just learned that phrase over the break. I still don't really understand it but I like it all the same.” She admitted quietly to Lilie before she was on her way, a chuckle in her wake and a bounce in her step.

Interacting with: @Hero@ReusableSword

“No, all good reasons, I promise. I try to stay aware of all my student’s progress to at least some degree and I check in with instructors regularly. Esi just likes to say more than others.” Ryner chuckled. “I want to make sure that my students are healthy, happy, and successful and while I am rarely permitted to intervene directly, I do have the power to make their class time as enjoyable as possible.”

Ryner’s smile dimmed into something sadder, quieter than usual. Her shoulders drooped and she sighed as Lilie inquired about the classes. “Lilie, you are more than capable. You’re a dedicated student, earnest and hard working, and I have no doubt you would have succeeded with flying colors in these classes. It isn’t your magic or your skills that made me deny your schedule.” Ryner spoke softly, an air of melancholy wrapping around her as she gently brushed some snow off Lilie. “While you are an accomplished student, you are still adjusting to this life. Before, you lived in the sun and your blood only spilled when you stumbled or cut yourself or any other number of mistakes. Now, you walk opposed to your old life, studying in moonlight and bleeding for a vampire you’ve just met. You’ve gone through more partners than anyone at this Academy―through no fault of your own, you understand―and you’re a primary affinity.” Blood welled up at the corners of Ryner’s eyes and she quickly wiped them away before they could fall.

“The first year I opened the Academy, I didn’t have these restrictions. I felt that a mage should be able to make that decision, never mind they’ve had their magic for all of six months and they’re adjusting to an entirely new lifestyle. And so Alision Xao, a promising and upcoming primary earth mage, took the hardest schedule we offered at the time.” Ryner laughed bitterly, a short, self deprecating sound. “I escorted her back home as a statue after her third day. I immediately halted any opportunity to do that but I realized it wasn’t fair that students who chose the Mental or Summoning programs got it automatically, after being thoroughly screened of course. If your affinity wasn’t a primary or you came from a mage family background, I could have supported that but Lilie, I’ve lived seven hundred years. I remember every student we’ve lost resonating and I see them in every promising, eager, bright eyes student, and I do not want to add you to that list.” Ryner reached out, gently cupping Lilie’s cheek with an encouraging smile. “I will always have your best interests at heart, Lilie, always. You have the potential to go so far; I can’t wait to see how far your soar but you have to walk a little longer first.”

Interacting with: @Hero

Varis rolled his eyes at the second deluge of words pouring from the boy’s mouth. Why were mages so easily excited? It was just an attempt on his life, nothing more. Varis again thanked his vampiric biology for sparring them from headaches; He was certain this outpour of emotional nonsense would give him one if he could have them. Varis waited until the boy had finally still again―Varis tuned the boy out as soon as he started asking questions―to return his attention to him.

He sipped at his blood, a hum of approval escaping him at the taste, and considered his options. He could tell the boy everything, relieve Varis of any possibility of emotional outbursts after this and teach the boy how to properly act in this situation. He could tell the boy nothing, reprimand him for his behaviour and punish him for failing to trust in his senior mages as well as making a fool of him at the Noila castle. A fist fight with a guard, really? He sighed as his fingertips tapped against his glass. Of course, there was always option number 3...

“While I agree the reasoning behind your imprudent behavior is less than captivating, the consequences of those actions greatly concern me. You may see it as your friends or family attempting to conceal the truth from you or protect you from what could have happened or whatever other noble, naive conjectures you’ve come up with but what I hear is a Sinnenodel mage threw a tantrum while a guest in the Noila palace, assaulting his protective detail in the process.” Varis snapped, eyes darkening. “I understand blind loyalty is a nasty flaw bred into your family line but that is a danger in the Sinnenodels. Had you managed to escape, I could have easily turned the situation around on the Noilas and deflected with their inability to contain one single mage but your repeated failures and your barbaric impulses left me with a political nightmare.” He took a long sip of his blood and cast an appraising eye over the boy.

“How many times must I repeat you are a Sinnenodel now? I’ve permitted you training because I’ll need you as a guard but if you continue to prove your first instinct is to fight, I will take that away. No weapons, no magic, nothing, until you feel comfortable using your words and wits as equals to blade and spell.” Varis continued, his exasperation bleeding into his words. “I cannot underscore how important this is. I know Malek detailed the specifics of our game and so you must understand how our family is not against violence; rather, we prefer the carefully crafted and covert application of it. It is an art form and having a servant so obtuse that he cannot comprehend the very basis of our House’s art puts me in a difficult position indeed.” Varis didn’t even need to reach for this; he would have to play damage control quickly otherwise his next break would be nothing but social call after social call explaining away the boy’s behavior. The heir to the family can’t have such an unruly mage sullying the family’s name.

“As for your questions, I do not trust you with the answers.” Varis said bluntly. “You’ve proven yourself incapable of trusting your senior mages, disrespecting my most trustworthy mage, you’ve failed in the past to follow protocol specifically designed to keep you, and by extension me, safe from the probing of mental mages, and there is still the matter of your lingering attachments to the Noila household. While Ryner and I work closely together, we still have our separate designs and after your stunt with choosing mental magic, I’m hesitant to believe you are fully devoted to me and my family.”

Interacting with: @Obscene Symphony

Ryner turned at Lilie’s squeal, her surprise that anyone was out at this time turning into a delighted smile.. “No, not anymore. I only wanted to confirm Count Sinnenodel returned safely to the Academy grounds and it seems he has.” Ryner explained, brushing off some of the snow that had accumulated on her. “How was your break? I trust you’ve returned refreshed and eager to learn this semester. Esi tells me she was pleased with your progress last semester and is eager to move you into more advanced magic.”

Interacting with: @Hero
James & Casper

Location: Casper and James’ room
Skills: Summoning: Ben

When James pulled away from the kisses, Casper had thought it was time to get undressed. He clearly had read things wrong though, when his boyfriend looked more upset and emotional than horny. Casper stared into James' brown eyes, memorizing the way they reflected the light. He put his arms around James, holding him tightly, trying to communicate to him that he was safe - that nothing bad was going to happen to them - that despite everything horrible and fucked up in the world, they were the one thing that could outlast anything.

Casper's own eyes were glistening and as James explained that he loved him, he couldn't help but cry. It wasn't that no one had ever told him that before - his maman had all the time - but knowing that James, sweet, special, perfect James could love a piece of sexy trash like him... "Babes, you complete me," Casper said, his voice shaky as he blinked back the tears, but they didn't stop. "You're the first relationship I've ever had that wasn't just because I was tired of couch surfing and wanted a real bed for a few weeks. You're beautiful and amazing and perfect - like Hercules in the Disney movie," Casper confessed, pressing a kiss to James' forehead. "We don't have to stay here. We can leave, take Jackie and everyone to New Orleans, Maman won't mind... I love you so much, and when I think about it, it's like my heart stops beating... And I know what that feels like, because I OD'd once and my heart stopped in the ambulance on the way to the hospital."

As soon as Casper's tears started, James felt his eyes watering. He couldn't help the laughter that escaped along side them and buried his face in Casper's shoulder. Only this man could make an OD story fit into something so heartfelt and genuine but that was another thing he loved about Casper. Running away from it all sounded amazing;getting everyone far away from the danger where they didn't have to worry about the Hellfire club or the X-Men and their insane demands or a fucking bomb was a dream come true. James wanted it so badly, so so badly, he could already imagine him and Casper in their own home with a little one running around and Jack and Sunshine and Max and everyone else cooing over their kid. But he couldn't right now.

"You can't imagine how badly I want that. How badly I'd love to whisk you and everyone away so nothing bad could happen." James whispered between giving Casper long, gentle kisses. "But I can't. You know these idiots won't run away from this. They'll go running straight into this mess with death on their heels and I would feel so guilty if I wasn't there with them. I have to help with this but after, I want to leave with you. We'll take whoever wants to come, I'll leave notes on how to maintain the place, and we start a new life. We make a home together, start a family together, grow old together, because you're it for me. Sound like a plan?"

Casper nodded - James was heroic and selfless. It was one of the things he loved about him. He was one of the few people he'd ever met with powers who really truly cared about whether others lived or died, human or mutant - he was more Captain America-y than Captain America. "I'll follow you to the front lines, babes - you know I will," Casper said, his voice cracking slightly. "Just promise me we'll come back in one piece. I... I lost Ben a long time ago and he became a complete and total nag as a ghost, I don't want that to happen to you too," Casper sniffled. "I don't want you to feel cold and be filled with holes."

"Hey!" Ben protested.

James' heartbroken a little when Casper's voice cracked. This man had been through so much and here James was, asking him to wait just a little longer. "I promise, babes. We'll make it back together and we'll live happily ever after." He hoped to God he could keep that promise but in that moment, he knew he'd do everything he could to keep Casper happy. Even if he had to pull himself together piece by piece, he'd do it for this man. "At least you don't have to worry about hole. Turns out I'm bulletproo--" A yawn cut James off and he relaxed into Casper's hold. Now that all his emotions were out for Casper to see, the need for sleep was catching up to him.

"Cuddle times?" James suggested with another yawn.

Casper cheered up slightly - not because of James' announcement that he was bulletproof, but more of the way he yawned like a kitten and then relaxed. As much as he liked to see James' muscles tensed, he preferred him like this - loose and relaxed. "If that's what the doctor orders, then cuddle times it is," Casper said, before picking up James. In what would be a surprise to no one, Casper's little noodle arms could barely pick up a medium sized dog, so a full grown man was a bit out of range. James slipped from his grip, only to be caught...

...by Ben! Ben was outlined in an eerie blue glow, the same eerie blue emanating from Casper's eyes. "Hey James," Ben said casually.

James yelped at the unexpected movement, scrambling to hold onto Casper even as his boyfriend wobbled with him. Casper had not attempted this and James,had he some warning, would have suggested against it but instead he shut his eyes and braced for the inevitable impact with the floor. He kept his eyes shut for a few moments but the pain never came so he slowly peaked one eye open, confused.

James jolted a little at the sight of Ben. Ben just showing up sometimes was still a foriegn experience, mostly because he’d only ever seen it happen once when Ben decided to slap the shit out of Casper. “Hey, man. Thanks for the save!” He laughed, righting himself and planting his feet firmly on the ground. “You two been practicing in secret or have you just figured out how to do it without Casper jumping out of his body?”

"Hey Ben, how about you put my boyfriend down, because I'm not in control of making you a real boy?" Casper suggested nervously. His arms were shaking, not from fear, but from stress. His eyes still had that strange blue glow to them as Ben easily set James down on the bed. Even in death, he was way stronger than Casper ever could have been. He didn't even have to cheat and use the tentacles to grab things.

"It's not me," Ben said, holding his hands up like proclaiming innocence.

"...Huh, maybe the old man was right," Casper thought for a moment, getting a bit of a hollow, chilly look on his face. "He always said I'd never scratched the surface of what I'm capable of... Anyways, Ben, go shoo, I want to snuggle and/or bone my boyfriend now."

"Seriously? You two need to go deal with the bomb - or at least warn everyone what's going to happen!"

"Neither of you are in control of this?" James asked after Ben plopped him on the bed. He sat up and waved Ben concerns off. "We had a whole team there who heard about it. No one will do anything until Veil returns anyways and I'm running on fumes after today. As it is right now, I'm not sure I can close a paper cut, much less a lost limb. Fuck, I couldn't even heal a bullet hole. If I'm going to be of any use, I have to get some rest dude." James sighed and gave Casper a worried

Based on what he saw in the van, it must be an instinctual response to Casper's emotions. Ben did appear helping James. Maybe because Casper was afraid of him falling, he manifested Ben to keep it from happening. "Are you able to shut it off? I don't want you popping out of your body and getting stuck again."

Ben sighed, before nodding. "Yeah, you do look like shit," he agreed. Every instinct in his body was telling him that it was time to rush off and save the day - but that was the problem with being dead. You couldn't change. You stayed exactly as you were when you were alive, even if it meant making the same mistakes over and over again, the very ones that got you killed.

"I don't think so?" Casper said, shrugging. "Maybe you're the one doing this, James? You're bullet proof, maybe you also can coax dead nags out of the void and into the real world too now," Casper suggested. "Or maybe it is me and I just never knew that I could do some cool shit because I've been too high usually to notice or too scared of ghosts, which is kinda funny given that my name is Casper, like Casper the friendly ghost, and my best friend is a ghost, so you'd think I wouldn't be scared of them but I swear most of them act like that girl from the Ring and freak me the fuck out...."

"Trust me, I feel like it too." James chuckled at Ben's blunt observation. If he looked even half the way he felt he did, he probably looked like death reheated a few times. "Honey, it's okay you're scared of ghosts. They're fuckonf creepy, no offense Ben you're chill, but how about you come over here and we just relax for a bit until you calm down? I don't think my bulletproofness has anything to do with your glowing eyes. I think it might just be a reaction you have when you're having a really strong feeling about something and you manifest Ben so he can help you out so if I'm right, I just got to distract you a little until it disappears and I can think of at least one good way we can get distracted." He held his hand out for Casper to join him.

"Wait, my eyes are glowing???" Casper exclaimed. "Please tell me they're not red. All the crazy evil people have glowing red eyes. Like I half expect Max's to start glowing red the next time he goes on a murder spree," Casper rambled. Ben was more or less standing to the side, rolling his eyes.

"They're blue, relax," Ben informed him.

"Oh... Good? Does it look cool? Or bad? Is it glowing glowing or are they just a weird shade? Does it look like I have pink eye, but blue?" he asked, before remembering what James had suggested and he sat down on the bed, before lying down and spooning James, holding him in his arms.

“They look cool babes, cooler than cool. Ice cold even.” James giggled, sighing appreciatively as Casper snuggled up behind him. He melted into the warmth behind him. He stifled a yawn and felt his eyes begin to droop. It’d been a long day and he was ready for it to be over soon. “Love you, Casper.” James whispered before dozing off, safe in his boyfriend’s arms.

"Ice, ice, baby," Casper mumbled into James' neck. "I love you more."
James & Casper

Location: Casper and James’ room
Skills: Summoning: Ben

When James pulled away from the kisses, Casper had thought it was time to get undressed. He clearly had read things wrong though, when his boyfriend looked more upset and emotional than horny. Casper stared into James' brown eyes, memorizing the way they reflected the light. He put his arms around James, holding him tightly, trying to communicate to him that he was safe - that nothing bad was going to happen to them - that despite everything horrible and fucked up in the world, they were the one thing that could outlast anything.

Casper's own eyes were glistening and as James explained that he loved him, he couldn't help but cry. It wasn't that no one had ever told him that before - his maman had all the time - but knowing that James, sweet, special, perfect James could love a piece of sexy trash like him... "Babes, you complete me," Casper said, his voice shaky as he blinked back the tears, but they didn't stop. "You're the first relationship I've ever had that wasn't just because I was tired of couch surfing and wanted a real bed for a few weeks. You're beautiful and amazing and perfect - like Hercules in the Disney movie," Casper confessed, pressing a kiss to James' forehead. "We don't have to stay here. We can leave, take Jackie and everyone to New Orleans, Maman won't mind... I love you so much, and when I think about it, it's like my heart stops beating... And I know what that feels like, because I OD'd once and my heart stopped in the ambulance on the way to the hospital."

As soon as Casper's tears started, James felt his eyes watering. He couldn't help the laughter that escaped along side them and buried his face in Casper's shoulder. Only this man could make an OD story fit into something so heartfelt and genuine but that was another thing he loved about Casper. Running away from it all sounded amazing;getting everyone far away from the danger where they didn't have to worry about the Hellfire club or the X-Men and their insane demands or a fucking bomb was a dream come true. James wanted it so badly, so so badly, he could already imagine him and Casper in their own home with a little one running around and Jack and Sunshine and Max and everyone else cooing over their kid. But he couldn't right now.

"You can't imagine how badly I want that. How badly I'd love to whisk you and everyone away so nothing bad could happen." James whispered between giving Casper long, gentle kisses. "But I can't. You know these idiots won't run away from this. They'll go running straight into this mess with death on their heels and I would feel so guilty if I wasn't there with them. I have to help with this but after, I want to leave with you. We'll take whoever wants to come, I'll leave notes on how to maintain the place, and we start a new life. We make a home together, start a family together, grow old together, because you're it for me. Sound like a plan?"

Casper nodded - James was heroic and selfless. It was one of the things he loved about him. He was one of the few people he'd ever met with powers who really truly cared about whether others lived or died, human or mutant - he was more Captain America-y than Captain America. "I'll follow you to the front lines, babes - you know I will," Casper said, his voice cracking slightly. "Just promise me we'll come back in one piece. I... I lost Ben a long time ago and he became a complete and total nag as a ghost, I don't want that to happen to you too," Casper sniffled. "I don't want you to feel cold and be filled with holes."

"Hey!" Ben protested.

James' heartbroken a little when Casper's voice cracked. This man had been through so much and here James was, asking him to wait just a little longer. "I promise, babes. We'll make it back together and we'll live happily ever after." He hoped to God he could keep that promise but in that moment, he knew he'd do everything he could to keep Casper happy. Even if he had to pull himself together piece by piece, he'd do it for this man. "At least you don't have to worry about hole. Turns out I'm bulletproo--" A yawn cut James off and he relaxed into Casper's hold. Now that all his emotions were out for Casper to see, the need for sleep was catching up to him.

"Cuddle times?" James suggested with another yawn.

Casper cheered up slightly - not because of James' announcement that he was bulletproof, but more of the way he yawned like a kitten and then relaxed. As much as he liked to see James' muscles tensed, he preferred him like this - loose and relaxed. "If that's what the doctor orders, then cuddle times it is," Casper said, before picking up James. In what would be a surprise to no one, Casper's little noodle arms could barely pick up a medium sized dog, so a full grown man was a bit out of range. James slipped from his grip, only to be caught...

...by Ben! Ben was outlined in an eerie blue glow, the same eerie blue emanating from Casper's eyes. "Hey James," Ben said casually.

James yelped at the unexpected movement, scrambling to hold onto Casper even as his boyfriend wobbled with him. Casper had not attempted this and James,had he some warning, would have suggested against it but instead he shut his eyes and braced for the inevitable impact with the floor. He kept his eyes shut for a few moments but the pain never came so he slowly peaked one eye open, confused.

James jolted a little at the sight of Ben. Ben just showing up sometimes was still a foriegn experience, mostly because he’d only ever seen it happen once when Ben decided to slap the shit out of Casper. “Hey, man. Thanks for the save!” He laughed, righting himself and planting his feet firmly on the ground. “You two been practicing in secret or have you just figured out how to do it without Casper jumping out of his body?”

"Hey Ben, how about you put my boyfriend down, because I'm not in control of making you a real boy?" Casper suggested nervously. His arms were shaking, not from fear, but from stress. His eyes still had that strange blue glow to them as Ben easily set James down on the bed. Even in death, he was way stronger than Casper ever could have been. He didn't even have to cheat and use the tentacles to grab things.

"It's not me," Ben said, holding his hands up like proclaiming innocence.

"...Huh, maybe the old man was right," Casper thought for a moment, getting a bit of a hollow, chilly look on his face. "He always said I'd never scratched the surface of what I'm capable of... Anyways, Ben, go shoo, I want to snuggle and/or bone my boyfriend now."

"Seriously? You two need to go deal with the bomb - or at least warn everyone what's going to happen!"

"Neither of you are in control of this?" James asked after Ben plopped him on the bed. He sat up and waved Ben concerns off. "We had a whole team there who heard about it. No one will do anything until Veil returns anyways and I'm running on fumes after today. As it is right now, I'm not sure I can close a paper cut, much less a lost limb. Fuck, I couldn't even heal a bullet hole. If I'm going to be of any use, I have to get some rest dude." James sighed and gave Casper a worried

Based on what he saw in the van, it must be an instinctual response to Casper's emotions. Ben did appear helping James. Maybe because Casper was afraid of him falling, he manifested Ben to keep it from happening. "Are you able to shut it off? I don't want you popping out of your body and getting stuck again."

Ben sighed, before nodding. "Yeah, you do look like shit," he agreed. Every instinct in his body was telling him that it was time to rush off and save the day - but that was the problem with being dead. You couldn't change. You stayed exactly as you were when you were alive, even if it meant making the same mistakes over and over again, the very ones that got you killed.

"I don't think so?" Casper said, shrugging. "Maybe you're the one doing this, James? You're bullet proof, maybe you also can coax dead nags out of the void and into the real world too now," Casper suggested. "Or maybe it is me and I just never knew that I could do some cool shit because I've been too high usually to notice or too scared of ghosts, which is kinda funny given that my name is Casper, like Casper the friendly ghost, and my best friend is a ghost, so you'd think I wouldn't be scared of them but I swear most of them act like that girl from the Ring and freak me the fuck out...."

"Trust me, I feel like it too." James chuckled at Ben's blunt observation. If he looked even half the way he felt he did, he probably looked like death reheated a few times. "Honey, it's okay you're scared of ghosts. They're fuckonf creepy, no offense Ben you're chill, but how about you come over here and we just relax for a bit until you calm down? I don't think my bulletproofness has anything to do with your glowing eyes. I think it might just be a reaction you have when you're having a really strong feeling about something and you manifest Ben so he can help you out so if I'm right, I just got to distract you a little until it disappears and I can think of at least one good way we can get distracted." He held his hand out for Casper to join him.

"Wait, my eyes are glowing???" Casper exclaimed. "Please tell me they're not red. All the crazy evil people have glowing red eyes. Like I half expect Max's to start glowing red the next time he goes on a murder spree," Casper rambled. Ben was more or less standing to the side, rolling his eyes.

"They're blue, relax," Ben informed him.

"Oh... Good? Does it look cool? Or bad? Is it glowing glowing or are they just a weird shade? Does it look like I have pink eye, but blue?" he asked, before remembering what James had suggested and he sat down on the bed, before lying down and spooning James, holding him in his arms.

“They look cool babes, cooler than cool. Ice cold even.” James giggled, sighing appreciatively as Casper snuggled up behind him. He melted into the warmth behind him. He stifled a yawn and felt his eyes begin to droop. It’d been a long day and he was ready for it to be over soon. “Love you, Casper.” James whispered before dozing off, safe in his boyfriend’s arms.

"Ice, ice, baby," Casper mumbled into James' neck. "I love you more."

The door slammed behind him unaided as Varis froze at the sight in front of him. Sword drawn, eyes wide and frantic, shaking ever so slightly-- It was the practical all over again. All the boy needed was that unhinged laughter. The terror and uncertainty of that night bubbled up and threatened to spill over as Varis instinctively reached up to touch his ear, terrified he’d find the spot where he’d burned away his flesh and hair. But his fingers found nothing wrong and Varis irritably shoved all of that nonsense down. Ryner and her mind games. He shook off his umbrella, leaning it on the wall as he fixed the boy with an unimpressed stare through his mindless rambling.

What was wrong with this mage? Was he broken? Varis was sorely tempted to turn on his heel and walk back out the door rather than dealing with this imbecile’s moronic rambling a second longer. His skin crawled in disgusted as this child had the nerve to express his concern for Varis’ wellbeing. And asking if there was anything- Varis was here already! What could he possibly want this boy to do that his host of well trained and properly educated mages couldn’t? Varis let out an irritable grunt at the mage’s questions, peeling off his coat and dropping it in the boy’s hands as he pushed past him. He considered shutting himself away in his room but that would probably only leave the boy a more anxious mess so instead he plopped onto the couch, wiggling a little to get comfortable. He snapped at the boy.

“I suppose we have some time before class to muddle through your doubtless myriad of questions. For the time being, yes I am clearly fine, nothing of importance happened, and no there is nothing you can do as I am alive and sitting here in front of you." Varis sighed dismissively, waving off his concerns. "Now fetch us both a drink and kneel. I do need something decent after the week I've had and I believe I'll need something to stomach the retelling of your epic confrontation with the Noila guards."

Interacting with: @Obscene Symphony

January 7th - 8:15pm

The first night of the new semester set dark and dreary. Heavy clouds threatened ice in rumbling voices and flashes of light until finally snow floated from the sky in a light powder, drifting down in whirling flurries that shimmered in the glow of street lamps. The soft snow quickly piled up on the cold ground and the world quieted. Even the wind seemed loath to disturb the silence and guards passed through the grounds with nary a trace, the falling snow swallowing even their footprints. Mage and vampire alike started to stir, many struggling to brush away the cobwebs of sleep in the face of the bitter cold.

Princess Ryner stared at the Sinnenodel dorm, face pinched and pensive, from her spot on the sidewalk. Her hands stayed bundled inside her coat pockets despite not feeling the cold. She paid no mind to the snow accumulating on her shoulders and stayed deathly still as she counted down the minutes. If classes started without Varis’ appearance, then Aaron’s position would be hotly debated. She managed to keep him under her authority to some degree with this move but if Sybil intervenes and claims him, neither she nor his family would see him again. And she wasn’t about to let an inconvenient assassionation get in the way of her agenda.

The air rippled nearby. Ryner gave a sigh, ignoring it, and continued to consider the house in front of her. The faintest crunch of snow gave her a moment’s warning as Varis took his spot next to the Princess, searching the scene in front of her for whatever had caught her attention. Ryner ignored him and nodded a greeting at Malek, who gave a courteous bow and vanished, leaving the pair to their silence. Ryner snorted at the umbrella Varis carried.

“You’re a vampire. You’re not going to catch your death from the snow.” Ryner pointed out, her voice hushed in the strange quiet surrounding them.

“Don’t patronize me. I don’t like wet clothes, sue me.” Varis spoke, though he lacked his usual ire. “Would you kindly tell me why you’re standing outside my dorm like a melancholy painting?”

“I was under the impression I lost a student. I was here to ensure his partner was okay.” Ryner replied. She huffed a laugh. “I had to put him under house arrest, you know. He was beside himself with worry. He fought a guard in an attempt to come find you.” Varis grunted in reply and just pressed the handle of his briefcase into her hand. Ryner took it.

“Is there anything else you need or were you just here to bother me?” Varis demanded, shaking off the quiet’s spell.

“No. Goodnight, Count Sinnenodel. And the next time you plan your own death, please let me know. I’d love the opportunity to make it permanent.” Ryner waved as she left and Varis rolled his eyes at the receding figure. He fished out his key from his pocket and made his way to the door, rolling his neck as he mentally prepared himself to deal with the boy. He was like Eris’ pet dog-rat, just bigger but equally annoying. Varis folded his umbrella, unlocked the door, and pushed inside.

Dates: December 22nd - January 5

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