Avatar of Achronum


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8 yrs ago
So tired, sleep why do you spurn me?!
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Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.

Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!

Most Recent Posts

...Bounty House Members
Lord Malcer Mystralath

Human - 34
Primordial (Fire) Aetherborn
Abnormality - ????

A member of one of the leading noble families of Finnagund and a powerful aetherborn in his own right, Lord Malcer Mystralath is known as an wandering eccentric obsessed with covering himself, which many believe is to hide an horrific abnormality. His interests change with the seasons but when something does catch his interest, he pours all his money and time into it until it bores him and he leaves whatever project he was working on to fend for itself. In an unprecedented move, he established the Soft Haven Bounty House which raised a number of questions among the nobility and citizenry alike.
Aleka Doneka
Half Elf - 62
House Facilitator

The Soft Haven House Facilitator sent from Veraz Althma to assist Lord Malcer in it's establishment. Like all Verazians, Aleka is calm, collected, and logical, fully devoted to his purpose and the Verazian God, Althma.
Aeowyn Silventria

Halfling - 36
Genesian (Alteration) Aetherborn
Abnormality - ????

Despite her rough appearance, Aeowyn comes from an upper class family in Dranir who control several mines across the country. She's quick fingered, sharp tongued, and once she's judged you, getting off her bad side can prove to be an exercise in futility. As a halfling, she lacks phsyical strength and reach but her creative applications of Genesian magic leave her enemies at the mercy of their own belongings
Carric Liadon

Half Elf - 35
Primordial (Water) Aetherborn
Abnormality - Six Digits

A charismatic merchant, Carric owns four shipping vessels and co-works a large caravan with the Silventrias. His laid back and playful attitude hides a sharp intellect and he can be usually found gossiping with whichever poor soul caught his attention at the moment. At the House, his usual victim is Aleka.
Katya Krystal

Half Orc/Half Giant- 47

Kayta previously served the Silventrias as a caravan guard captain before she left to assist in the Gnomian Revolution. She was named a hero of the revolution and earned the her title, Butcher of Aetherborn, after she killed the Silver Coffer's ten aetherborn single handedly in a battle that lasted an hour, thus turning the tide of the war. Afterwards, Carric extended an invitation to join him and Aeowyn in traveling the world and ever the restless soul, she agreed.

...Soft Haven NPCs
Duke Patrin Gerrick - 45


Patrin Gerrick was a childhood friend of the Lord Randel Soft Step and attended the Wilree Royal Academy together. A lifetime of friendship kept them in close contact even as Gerrick traveled beyond the borders of Finnagund and when the previosu Duke of Soft Haven died without an heir, Randel reached out to his old friend and gave him the position. Duke Gerrick has held the position for twenty years, under which he has increased taxes even as the city's traffic has fallen. He is unwilling to separate himself from the lavish lifestyle he had grown accustomed to, making him incredibly unpopular as the people's money is used to fund lavish parties rather than fix the crumbling town.
Dutchess Carlin Gerrick

Human - 43

Carlin Gerrick is the daughter of a wealthy merchant Patrin befriended during his time traveling. She'd turned him down five years before he was granted the title of Duke, uninterested in leaving Buscon's social elite behind for a new country, but her family forced her to accept his offer two years after he became Duke, earning a significant advantage in Red fern purchases as a result. Since then, Carlin maintains a frosty demeanor with him, even after the birth of their son, and maintains a close circle of social elite in the city that she often turns against each other for her own amusement.
Duke James Gerrick

Human - 13

James Gerrick is the child of Patrin and Carlin. The couple tried for years to no avail but just before they were to take in a Soft Step child as a ward and heir, Carlin suddenly became pregnant. Their midwife called it a miracle of Melanar since it had been five years of failed attempts, even with Agitha's magical assistance, and James Gerrick was born into the world. James has grown up doted on by father and mother, the only thing they can find common ground on, turning him into a spoiled, selfish brat with the ego the size of the city. While any number of people would love to put him in his place, Dutchess Gerrick has demanded the head of the last person to look at her beloved son wrong and the only thing that stopped the execution was Lord Randel's upcoming visit.
Agitha Hawthorne

Halfling - 126
Animas (Mental) Aetherborn
Abnormality - ????

Agitha Hawthorne, owner of the only guild certified apothecary in Soft Haven, is a 3 foot tall bundle of spite and passion, well known for her stubbornness and pride. Her shop, Hawthorne Apothecary, is often a gossip spot as Agitha is a notorious meddler and loves knowing everything going on in the town. The woman is a master alchemist and is well respected, or feared in some cases, in the community. Even the Duke is wary of her bad side.
Bruno Hawthorne

Tainted - 13

Bruno Hawthorne is the Tainted ward and apprentice of Agitha Hawthorne. She found him barely six years old, abandoned soaked and shivering outside the Treant and she took the boy in with no hesitation. Since then, he's grown into a tall, lanky, shy child with a natural talent for alchemy. Most of the town ignores him, Agitha's presence protecting him from the vast abuses the occasional Tainted traveler suffers. Unfortunately, the children of town, including James Gerrick, have no such reservations and take delight in tormenting him when he is running errands for Agitha.
Esvele Nathandam

Elf - 39

The Captain of the Soft Haven guard, Esvelee has spent 20 years in service to the Soft Steps. A commander in the Soft Step army, Lord Randel rewarded her with the position four ears ago after she saved him for an assassination attack. Although she was frustrated with the decision at first, the increased wages, generous accommodations, and stable lifestyle soon won her over. She takes her job seriously and has whipped the once laid back town guard into an efficient crime fighting force.

Nearly two millennia ago, the Othardian Accords were forged in the blood of rulers of the new nations. These three nations, Finnagund, Reflin, and Dranir, bonded over the mutual loathing of their vicious overlords, the Dragons. They rose against their oppressors, reclaimed their lands and wealth, and slaughtered every last dragon without sympathy or remorse like the beasts had done to them for centuries.

Not all who served the dragons were as pleased with this betrayal. The various giant, orc, goblin, and fey clans that willingly served the dragons swore oaths of retaliation as the world in which they once flourished was burned to the ground. Another century of bloodshed found the loyal servants of the dragons forced into hiding amongst mountain and forest and man alike and peace was found, for a while.

Now a millennia and a half after the final fires of the Great War settled, Dranir has invoked it once more. The blizzard that has always writhed above the distant Silver Mountain is growing and the Giants have mobilized in its wake. Grand Marshal Rhogar of Reflin and King Ulfgard the Second of Finnagund have sent a significant portion of their militaries in response, with Queen Mara of Finnagund leading their forces personally. With the threat of a second Great War looming on the horizon and a significant portion of each nation's troops indisposed, they find themselves awash in rising dangers of their own.

In order to combat this, Veraz Althma has offered to help facilitate a solution: Bounty Houses. Replicating a system it uses in its own country, Veraz Althma has sent a number of diplomats and administrators to establish job houses that are made to facilitate posting and hiring mercenary work, ranging from temporary farm hands to fool hardy adventurers willing to brave dangerous situations for coin. In a strange turn of events, Lord Malcer Mystralath, one of the Mystralath’s most powerful Aetherborn, funded a new Bounty House less than an hour east of Soft Haven despite having no apparent connection to the area.

The Shattering of Aegis follows the story of individuals drawn to the Soft Haven Bounty House for various reasons. This could range from simply wanting money to having nowhere else to go to wanting to get on a noble’s good side. The only requirement is at the beginning, your character has a reason to head there. The RP easily has the potential to outgrow it if you all discover the right secrets and plots scattered through the world! So make sure you think about short and long term goals for your character as you continue through this post.

Othard and the Realm

Gods of Othard

Demon Lords of Othard

Magic in Othard

The Races of Othard

Foriegn Realms

General World Info


You will have to pay attention to how much money you have!

20 Copper = 1 Silver

10 Silver = 1 Gold

1 Copper Trade Bar = 500 Copper

1 Silver Trade Bar = 250 Silver

1 Gold Trade Bar = 100 Gold


All Months have 30 days.

Months are tracked in Waxing, Full, and Waning Moons (i.e. March 2nd would be The 2nd Waxing Spring Moon)

Spring Moon - March, April, May

Summer Moon - June, July, August

Autumn Moon - September, October, November

Winter Moon - December, January, February

Years are tracked in B.A. (Before Accords) and P.A. (Post Accords). The current year is 1698 P.A.

RP Guidelines

    1 - Posting happens every two weeks at minimum. Please post by the 10th day after the post to give me a little time to adjust a post to everyone. (If I post on the 1st, please post no later than the 10th so I can have 4 days to write a full inclusive update). If y’all post sooner, I’ll update sooner.
    2 - Life happens. We’re pretty chill so just let everyone know when you can’t post so we can plan around it!
    3 - As this is one of my RPs, there will be dark themes present in the RP. If there is anything that makes you distinctly uncomfortable, please let me know so I can make sure to avoid it.
    4 - Don’t be a dick. You’re an aetherborn, not a god despite what your and other characters might think!
    5 - If you want to do something in the RP and you don’t know if your character can do that, if you want to add a background detail that wasn’t brought up in your backstory, or anything else that you aren’t confident about, talk to me. I like talking about my world and I love world building so I’m always down but if you don’t, I will find you and I will strip all the copper from your home.
    6 - Have fun and be creative!

Nearly two millennia ago, the Othardian Accords were forged in the blood of rulers of the new nations. These three nations, Finnagund, Reflin, and Dranir, bonded over the mutual loathing of their vicious overlords, the Dragons. They rose against their oppressors, reclaimed their lands and wealth, and slaughtered every last dragon without sympathy or remorse like the beasts had done to them for centuries.

Not all who served the dragons were as pleased with this betrayal. The various giant, orc, goblin, and fey clans that willingly served the dragons swore oaths of retaliation as the world in which they once flourished was burned to the ground. Another century of bloodshed found the loyal servants of the dragons forced into hiding amongst mountain and forest and man alike and peace was found, for a while.

Now a millennia and a half after the final fires of the Great War settled, Dranir has invoked it once more. The blizzard that has always writhed above the distant Silver Mountain is growing and the Giants have mobilized in its wake. Grand Marshal Rhogar of Reflin and King Ulfgard the Second of Finnagund have sent a significant portion of their militaries in response, with Queen Mara of Finnagund leading their forces personally. With the threat of a second Great War looming on the horizon and a significant portion of each nation's troops indisposed, they find themselves awash in rising dangers of their own.

In order to combat this, Veraz Althma has offered to help facilitate a solution: Bounty Houses. Replicating a system it uses in its own country, Veraz Althma has sent a number of diplomats and administrators to establish job houses that are made to facilitate posting and hiring mercenary work, ranging from temporary farm hands to fool hardy adventurers willing to brave dangerous situations for coin. In a strange turn of events, Lord Malcer Mystralath, one of the Mystralath’s most powerful Aetherborn, funded a new Bounty House less than an hour east of Soft Haven despite having no apparent connection to the area.

The Shattering of Aegis follows the story of individuals drawn to the Soft Haven Bounty House for various reasons. This could range from simply wanting money to having nowhere else to go to wanting to get on a noble’s good side. The only requirement is at the beginning, your character has a reason to head there. The RP easily has the potential to outgrow it if you all discover the right secrets and plots scattered through the world! So make sure you think about short and long term goals for your character as you continue through this post.

Othard and the Realm

Gods of Othard

Demon Lords of Othard

Magic in Othard

The Races of Othard

Foriegn Realms

General World Info


You will have to pay attention to how much money you have!

20 Copper = 10 Silver = 1 Gold

1 Copper Trade Bar = 500 Copper

1 Silver Trade Bar = 250 Silver

1 Gold Trade Bar = 100 Gold


All Months have 30 days.

Months are tracked in Waxing, Full, and Waning Moons (i.e. March 2nd would be The 2nd Waxing Spring Moon)

Spring Moon - March, April, May

Summer Moon - June, July, August

Autumn Moon - September, October, November

Winter Moon - December, January, February

Years are tracked in B.A. (Before Accords) and P.A. (Post Accords). The current year is 1698 P.A.

RP Guidelines

    1 - Posting happens every two weeks at minimum. Please post by the 10th day after the post to give me a little time to adjust a post to everyone. (If I post on the 1st, please post no later than the 10th so I can have 4 days to write a full inclusive update). If y’all post sooner, I’ll update sooner.
    2 - Life happens. We’re pretty chill so just let everyone know when you can’t post so we can plan around it!
    3 - As this is one of my RPs, there will be dark themes present in the RP. If there is anything that makes you distinctly uncomfortable, please let me know so I can make sure to avoid it.
    4 - Don’t be a dick. You’re an aetherborn, not a god despite what your and other characters might think!
    5 - If you want to do something in the RP and you don’t know if your character can do that, if you want to add a background detail that wasn’t brought up in your backstory, or anything else that you aren’t confident about, talk to me. I like talking about my world and I love world building so I’m always down but if you don’t, I will find you and I will strip all the copper from your home.
    6 - Have fun and be creative!

James Kingston

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: N/A

"We couldn't take care of all of them, let alone give them all the level of attention and love they'll need." James rubbed Casper's back soothingly when he heard the sniffling. "It's better for us to give a home to one and then maybe we could work to help find homes for the rest." James suggested, not knowing how much help he'll be with that. Between adopting and setting up the festival, it was already going to be a long few weeks.

James looked across the cribs and he understood why Casper was feeling the way he was. This was something that nobody could fix. No one could give these kids their families back, no party or festival was ever going to fix that loss. The only thing they could do was to give them shelter and food and love so that hopefully, they would make it through okay. They couldn't fix everything, there would always be a scar, but together, James hoped the community could help each other heal.

James' eyes stopped on one baby, his little hands opening and closing as he brought them to his mouth. Grey eyes were trained on him and Casper and James stepped towards him. "Hey there little guy." James cooed softly as he stopped at the crib.
...Soft Haven NPCs
Duke Patrin Gerrick - 45


Patrin Gerrick was a childhood friend of the Lord Randel Soft Step and attended the Wilree Royal Academy together. A lifetime of friendship kept them in close contact even as Gerrick traveled beyond the borders of Finnagund and when the previosu Duke of Soft Haven died without an heir, Randel reached out to his old friend and gave him the position. Duke Gerrick has held the position for twenty years, under which he has increased taxes even as the city's traffic has fallen. He is unwilling to separate himself from the lavish lifestyle he had grown accustomed to, making him incredibly unpopular as the people's money is used to fund lavish parties rather than fix the crumbling town.
Dutchess Carlin Gerrick

Human - 43

Carlin Gerrick is the daughter of a wealthy merchant Patrin befriended during his time traveling. She'd turned him down five years before he was granted the title of Duke, uninterested in leaving Buscon's social elite behind for a new country, but her family forced her to accept his offer two years after he became Duke, earning a significant advantage in Red fern purchases as a result. Since then, Carlin maintains a frosty demeanor with him, even after the birth of their son, and maintains a close circle of social elite in the city that she often turns against each other for her own amusement.
Duke James Gerrick

Human - 13

James Gerrick is the child of Patrin and Carlin. The couple tried for years to no avail but just before they were to take in a Soft Step child as a ward and heir, Carlin suddenly became pregnant. Their midwife called it a miracle of Melanar since it had been five years of failed attempts, even with Agitha's magical assistance, and James Gerrick was born into the world. James has grown up doted on by father and mother, the only thing they can find common ground on, turning him into a spoiled, selfish brat with the ego the size of the city. While any number of people would love to put him in his place, Dutchess Gerrick has demanded the head of the last person to look at her beloved son wrong and the only thing that stopped the execution was Lord Randel's upcoming visit.
Agitha Hawthorne

Halfling - 126
Animas (Mental) Aetherborn
Abnormality - ????

Agitha Hawthorne, owner of the only guild certified apothecary in Soft Haven, is a 3 foot tall bundle of spite and passion, well known for her stubbornness and pride. Her shop, Hawthorne Apothecary, is often a gossip spot as Agitha is a notorious meddler and loves knowing everything going on in the town. The woman is a master alchemist and is well respected, or feared in some cases, in the community. Even the Duke is wary of her bad side.
Bruno Hawthorne

Tainted - 13

Bruno Hawthorne is the Tainted ward and apprentice of Agitha Hawthorne. She found him barely six years old, abandoned soaked and shivering outside the Treant and she took the boy in with no hesitation. Since then, he's grown into a tall, lanky, shy child with a natural talent for alchemy. Most of the town ignores him, Agitha's presence protecting him from the vast abuses the occasional Tainted traveler suffers. Unfortunately, the children of town, including James Gerrick, have no such reservations and take delight in tormenting him when he is running errands for Agitha.
Esvele Nathandam

Elf - 39

The Captain of the Soft Haven guard, Esvelee has spent 20 years in service to the Soft Steps. A commander in the Soft Step army, Lord Randel rewarded her with the position four ears ago after she saved him for an assassination attack. Although she was frustrated with the decision at first, the increased wages, generous accommodations, and stable lifestyle soon won her over. She takes her job seriously and has whipped the once laid back town guard into an efficient crime fighting force.

...Bounty House Members
Lord Malcer Mystralath

Human - 34
Primordial (Fire) Aetherborn
Abnormality - ????

A member of one of the leading noble families of Finnagund and a powerful aetherborn in his own right, Lord Malcer Mystralath is known as an wandering eccentric obsessed with covering himself, which many believe is to hide an horrific abnormality. His interests change with the seasons but when something does catch his interest, he pours all his money and time into it until it bores him and he leaves whatever project he was working on to fend for itself. In an unprecedented move, he established the Soft Haven Bounty House which raised a number of questions among the nobility and citizenry alike.
Aleka Doneka
House Facilitator

The Soft Haven House Facilitator sent from Veraz Althma to assist Lord Malcer in it's establishment. Like all Verazians, Aleka is calm, collected, and logical, fully devoted to his purpose and the Verazian God, Althma.
Aeowyn Silventria

Halfling - 36
Genesian (Alteration) Aetherborn
Abnormality - ????

Despite her rough appearance, Aeowyn comes from an upper class family in Dranir who control several mines across the country. She's quick fingered, sharp tongued, and once she's judged you, getting off her bad side can prove to be an exercise in futility. As a halfling, she lacks phsyical strength and reach but her creative applications of Genesian magic leave her enemies at the mercy of their own belongings
Carric Liadon

Half Elf - 35
Primordial (Water) Aetherborn
Abnormality - ???

A charismatic merchant, Carric owns four shipping vessels and co-works a large caravan with the Silventrias. His laid back and playful attitude hides a sharp intellect and he can be usually found gossiping with whichever poor soul caught his attention at the moment. At the House, his usual victim is Aleka.
Katya Krystal

Half Orc/Half Giant- 47

Kayta previously served the Silventrias as a caravan guard captain before she left to assist in the Gnomian Revolution. She was named a hero of the revolution and earned the her title, Butcher of Aetherborn, after she killed the Silver Coffer's ten aetherborn single handedly in a battle that lasted an hour, thus turning the tide of the war. Afterwards, Carric extended an invitation to join him and Aeowyn in traveling the world and ever the restless soul, she agreed.
James Kingston

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: N/A

“Well, that’s way less complicated than I’d made it in my head.” James laughed awkwardly, even as Casper continued on about liquid cotton candy as hair coloring. He snorted at the idea, making a mental note to keep an eye on Casper around food dye for a few days just in case he decided to replicate the effect, as he turned to look over the nursery. “Babes, everything you rock looks great. Pink would look amazing on you.” James replied absently, gears turning in his head already.

There was a lot to consider. The fact of the matter, James knew their little family wasn’t going to be the most structured. Casper was bound to be the “fun parent”, spoiling their kid rotten and letting them get away with just about anything as long as Casper thought it was an interesting experience, but with Casper’s OCD about ignoring boundaries and testing reasonable limits, Casper unsupervised with a kid was going to be a bad decision for a while. James was going to have to keep an eye on them both and he was well aware that he didn't have the healthiest of coping methods (i.e. ignore it until it goes away) for all the insanity that had happened over the past year. It would take some time to figure out their parenting dynamic, this new found peace still fragile and tentative, so adopting a baby might be a better fit for them and a kid so they had time to iron out a few wrinkles before the kid started remembering their fuck ups. Plus, giving them an opportunity to grow into the craziness that is bound to surround them would probably be better than throwing in a fully cognizant child into the Underground’s perpetual state of scrambling.

“I think we should adopt a baby?” James told Casper, slipping his hand back into Casper’s as he walked towards the cribs. “Maybe the constant scrambling that us Underground people seem to inevitably get into will be easier to handle if they grow into it.” James explained, wandering towards the cribs.
James Kingston

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: N/A

It took James a moment to register this entire experience because he really didn't want to believe someone would say something so blatantly suggestive to Casper right in front of James but here they were, he supposed. The tempting image of his fist meeting Stacey's face flashed briefly through his mind but he was a reasonable person and he wouldn't succumb to the irritation bubbling in his stomach or the flair of jealousy making his jaw twitch. Instead, he calmly wrapped his arm around Casper's waist and pulled him closer, putting himself between the two a little.

"We actually wanted to discuss adopting one of the kids. We were talking about starting a family and with so many children needing homes, it seemed like now was the right time. James explained. "I'm not certain what policies and procedures we needed to follow because from what little I understand, adoption is a long process and I wanted to make sure we get everything right."
James Kingston

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: N/A

“Doomed to be happy.” James laughed, happily accepting the kiss. Staring up at the manor as they approached, James held Casper’s hand a little tighter. It was a big responsibility to take a kid into their home and while James was ecstatic to start their lives hopefully without any future genocidal assholes involved, he was also nervous. It was a kid’s life they were talking about, after all. What if they were terrible parents or the kid didn’t like them even if they were good or they got hurt and Casper and he didn’t notice or they did something stupid and the kid decided they didn’t want to tell them important things or what if they killed the kid because they didn’t know how to take care of a sick child?

James shook his head as he led Casper up the stairs of the manor, instead snorting at Casper’s question. “I don’t think they’re going to let them chill out front, babes. It isn’t a yard sale.” James joked, opening the door to the manor. The second floor had been transformed into a makeshift nursery, with poor Stacy X left to handle the orphaned children on her own. “Hey, guys.” James greeted Stacy X and Miranda as they entered. There were at least 40 kids and the sight of them made James’ heart hurt. Maybe next Council meeting they could discuss a plan to get the kids homes before they continued on with the ball. “You mind if we talk real quick? We just have a few questions.”
James Kingston

Location: The Green Lagoon -> Hellfire Manor
Skills: N/A

James laughed fondly at his boyfriend, quick to slide his arm around Casper’s waist, and quirked a brow at Sunshine’s question. He was going to reply but her quick return to her conversation group made him just chuckled instead. James wasn’t under the illusion that she wasn’t entirely wrong - in fact, he knew he’d have his hands full between Casper and their kid but as much as he knew that, he also knew Casper was going to be so fucking loving that it made James’ heart squeeze. Or maybe that was thefucking dinosaur noise coming from the portal Max quickly closed before slipping though the right one.

“Rule number 1, no chaos magic around the kid!” James joked through the portal. He shook his head and waved goodbye to everyone else before heading back towards Hellfire Manor,sliding his hand into Casper’s as they walked. “For the record, I think you’re going to be a great dad. You’re so sweet and caring that it’ll be impossible for them not to love you. God knows it was impossible for me.”
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