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So tired, sleep why do you spurn me?!
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Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.

Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!

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James Kingston

Location: Hellfire Manor -> The Hospital
Skills: N/A

James chest tightened, the fond amusement that was always there as Casper rambled from one topic to the next fading as he mentioned the six months the Mutant Underground members were on ice. It'd been a demanding time. The scramble to find a solution to wake them without killing them, training to get better control and focus over his ability, the emptiness of a near silent apartment, the tension between Sunshine and him, Jack's perpetual dissociation… It was exhausting mentally, emotionally, and physically. What made it worse is there wasn't anyone still living he could place the blame on, no flawed decision or poorly executed plan the found as he poured over his recollection of their attempt to deal with that genocidal maniac, nothing that had given him an outlet for the storm of emotions. The brief repreves with Miranda offered some breaks from how overwhelmed he'd felt buy it wasn't enough until the day they'd opened their eyes.

James stopped and rested his head on Casper's shoulder for a moment, unable to hug the man with the infant in his arms buy needing a second to collect himself. "And let's hope we never need to find out." James said quietly, more to himself than to Casper. He straightened up shortly and offered Daniel to him. "Did you want to hold him for a little bit? I've been hogging our son all to myself?" James chuckled as he resumed walking g to the hospital.

James Kingston

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: N/A

That wasn’t really how that… Well, it didn’t really matter, James supposed. “We’ll go check in with the Doctor, thanks Stacey.” He laughed at her casual dismissal and quirked a brow at Casper’s suggestion. He was more than on board with Elliot but it wasn’t very hard to see where he’d gotten the name from. “Of course we can do that, babes. Daniel Elliot works perfectly doesn’t it, little guy?” He cooed softly at the baby in his arms before giving Casper a chaste kiss.

Seeing as that was apparently everything they had to do to adopt a child, it was time to buckle down and actually get everything in order. “So we need to stop by the hospital. If he hasn’t had a check up in the aftermath of all this, we’ll need to get that scheduled. Then we’ll need to go secure some supplies and then get settled in back at home. I hope everyone is ready to put up with a baby being around.” James laughed. Not that they had a choice really.
Soft Haven: Graveyard

14th of the Full Autumn Moon, 1698 P.A.
Early Morning - Partially Cloudy Skies

As those who found refuge amongst the dead faced the sudden threat, the faint ringing of a bell beyond the walls accompanied the protest of metal hinges brought attention to the door opening on the far side of the graveyward. A brief glance towards the Soft Haven wall revealed two halflings whose yellow robes bore the mark of Zubil, God of the Sun. One was carefully checking each tombstone, patting the earth around it and letting out a whispered prayer each time. The other was clearly less concerned, barely checking each grave before moving on. Neither seemed to notice the strangers amongst the dead.

“Do this properly!” The serious one snapped, repeating her through examination at the next gravesite.

“The dead ain’t risin’ no time soon. It's been seven, eight years and ain’t none of these damn dusty bones gave even a shake.” The other scoffed but made a big show of checking the dirt and offering prayer.

“We can’t risk it. I felt it again, I know I did. That awful horrible presence.” The woman shuddered. “We do the checks, we make sure nothing was distrubed, and then we can go about our morning rites. We just have to be sure.”

“I told ya, ya shouldn’t eat the pig at The Treant. It’s messin’ with ya dreams.” The man sighed in response. “Gunther’s gunna be pissed that the rites ain’t done and I ain’t takin’ no blame for you ‘gain.

The Snakeburrow Woods

14th of the Full Autumn Moon, 1698 P.A.
Early Morning - Partially Cloudy Skies

The road to the Bounty House was barely a stone's throw from the wall, branching off from the road from Wilree deeper into the Snakeburrow Woods. A deep set of wheel tracks in the packed dirt suggested heavy wagon or carriage traffic within recent days and the pattering of similar footprints showed someone going back and forth frequently.

However, the strange part was the large footprints that easily eclipsed anything else pressed into the ground. They appeared out of the woods a few minutes beyond the first bend, a large swath of bushes and undergrowth left flattened at the roadside, and continued on in the direction of the Bounty House.

Beyond the second bend a massive orcish woman paused, squinting as she peered deeper into the woods. Dressed simply in a loose tunic, trousers held up with a leather belt, and a sturdy pair of well loved boots, she clearly had been stomping through the woods with twigs and leaves littering her hair and shallow scratches across green skin. Seemingly unaware of the minor injuries, she sighed in disappointment. She towered above most other folk, easily passing seven feet, and was built like a professional mercenary with scars littering a powerful build.

James Kingston

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: N/A

Oh no, this was a bad combination. James and Casper couldn't both be overwhelmed so James swallowed down the feelings and put them to the side for the time being as Casper's stumbling over swear words made him chuckle. "We've got to try not to swear at least until he can tell when he can and can't swear. Once he can tell the difference, then we can consider it." James shook his head affectionately at Casper. He looked down at the child in his arms and leaned against Casper for a moment, soaking in the reality that this was where they ended up.

“I may have forgot names existed?” James admitted sheepishly as the topic came up. He smiled at the little life in his arms as he considered it. “I think we’ll just need any medical information on him if you have any. I’m not really certain how involved the hospital was in the process of setting this place up.” He looked at Casper thoughtfully.

“How do you feel about Daniel?” James asked.

1st of the Full Autumn Moon, 1698 P.A.
Late Evening - Clear Skies

The moon rose high above the horizon, illuminating the wonderland it gazed upon. Lavender and rose colored leaves glowed from their perch on branches of gold and silver. Flowering plants of luminescent pastel blues and greens dotted the dark plains, shivering in the breeze sharp with the promise of winter. Shadows flitted amongst the undergrowth, a flash of wings and alien features visible for only a second before vanishing back into the dark, the only proof of their passage the mischievous cackle of their intent.

Amongst it all, an elegant pagoda carved of dark stone and wood broke the forest canopy. Flowering vines trailed up its sides, curling over railings and crawling across open ledges where statues of sapphire stood eternal watch. Various crystal creatures stood silently, faerie and mortal alike, with the faint pulse of blue light shining from within. Beyond them, a large frog hopped up the four hundred steps of the pagoda, a spiral affair along the sides of the building as water poured down from the upper chamber in a series of waterfalls. It carried a large horn on it’s back and a ruff snug around its throat.

The only sound at the top was the roar of the waterfalls as they cascaded down from a small pool of endless water at the top. The sides of the top of the pagoda looked out upon the colorful woods and the moon was perfectly framed in one of the holes carved into the top. A porcelain teapot, painted with images of swirling aether, sat next to a matching tea cup and honey jar on a small table set next to the Lady of the Isles. The frog took a moment to catch its breath before pushing itself to two legs and brought the strange horn to its mouth, ready to announce its presence, when the Lady held her hand up. It stilled while the Lady finished mixing honey into her tea and she took a long sip.

“There is no need to disrupt a peaceful evening.” The Lady held her hand down for the frog to hop into and deposited him onto the table. Despite standing nearly as tall as a human, the Lady still dwarfed the frog. The sapphire flowers that grew in her hair were nearly the size of a mortal’s head and she stood five or more heads higher than any giant. “Did we collect our payment?” The frog made a series of unintelligible croaks, gesticulating wildly in response.

“And the enchantments we wove remain undiscovered?” The Lady nodded absently as the frog continued to speak. “Good. Now we wait until the pieces are in place.” The frog stayed silent for a time before another, meeker sound came out. The Lady’s brow rose and she frowned as she considered his request.

“I suppose you were successful and efficient. Very well, I will grant your request. You may have one. Which one would you like?” The frog croaked indignantly before clapping its webbed hands over its mouth. The Lady sighed, unamused. “Be glad I’m in such good spirits otherwise I’d rescind my generosity and then more. Consider your next words carefully or I’ll start crushing them.” There was a long stretch of silence and then a broken sound came from the frog. She reached inside her robes and brought out a sapphire statue of a another frog, one frozen in abject terror, and she set it on the table, tapping it gently on the head.

Sapphire darkened and changed, turning to green and yellow quickly, and the statute turned into another frog that collapsed. The Lady turned away while they sorted themselves, a cacophony of croaking disturbing the night. She permitted them a few moments before she interrupted.

“Begone and return to your post.” The Lady’s sharp tone brooked no further conversation and the frogs were left to consider how best to descend as she showed no inclination to help them. “And be sure to keep a close eye on the witch. Our goals align for now but if she interferes again, I want her head on my doorstep.”

Snakeburrow Woods

14th of the Full Autumn Moon, 1698 P.A.
Early Morning - Partially Cloudy Skies

The area surrounding Soft Haven was a pleasant mix of woods, thickets, and rolling farmland, offering a reasonable variety of natural shelter for those experienced in looking for it. The faint chill in the air lingered even as the sun crested the horizon, morning dew shining gold. Birdsong started even before the first rays of light and only grew louder as the sun continued to rise. Deer and rabbits placadily wove through trees and distantly, the creak of wheels and hoofbeats could be heard traveling along the various paths that broke through the Snakeburrow woods.

However, the night was not without its strangeness. Malice, awful in its power and crushing in its presence, woke those who slumbered outside Soft Haven’s wall just after the moon began its descent back towards the horizon. The presence was there for but a moment and then gone without so much as a whimper. It could have been passed off as a dream if not for the strange claw marks in an almost perfect circle around each person’s abode.

Soft Haven

14th of the Full Autumn Moon, 1698 P.A.
Early Morning - Partially Cloudy Skies

The smell of fresh bread and the sound of a waking town, with all its clatter and clashing, rose with the sun. While there were a number of stone and wood businesses, its market was mostly open air as it was once a gathering place for all the world’s myriad goods. And while there were still a good number of tents and stalls set up for the early morning rush, it barely filled half the market square, certainly not enough to cover the bare spots where broken cobblestone went ignored and certainly not enough to hide the numerous people who found themselves begging for scraps and copper. Still there was energy in the air and an optimism of people who’d lived in this town for millenia.

The Treant, the “affordable” inn, was a measly six copper a night. Of course, it wasn’t exactly the nicest place to find a bed. The outside was slipshod and run down, its tables and chairs and staff much the same. Its sign was faded and battered, the paint long dried and flaking. More than one window was nailed shut, every table hobbled back together from freely available wood, and a fireplace that looked like it hadn’t seen a cleaning in years. The walls were covered in nicks and carvings from fights and drunkards and the occasional aspiring artist who was both former and latter, and the gnome manning the bar looked like a piece of leather left in the sun too long. The bar maids were a plain lot, a handful of humans and halflings, but a few knew how to pluck the strings of a lute in a decent way so music could be found on a few occasions. Breakfast in this place was little more than oats, bread, and watery ale for four copper, an extra copper for fresh bread and an extra eight for a dollop of honey.

Meanwhile, The White Lion stood on the opposite end, a clear contrast to its competitor. Built of precious woods and imported marble, The White Lion once shone as a testament to the town’s wealth. However, the gold gilding has started to fade and the stone pillars have grown dark with dirt as the flow of coin lessened. Still an impressive affair, The White Lion boasts a large first floor, accommodating a large dining space with elegant rugs scattered around the floor, expensive linens draped over tables, and a number of large tapestries on the walls, a small stage for music when they had a large enough crowd, and a bar featuring a number of popular Reflin and Dranirian liquors, wines, and ales. Rooms, at 8 silver a night, in The White Lion were luxurious affairs, a four poster bed in each room with a wardrobe, a locking trunk, a table, a desk, and an attached washroom were the standard affairs, with hot water available on request for bathing. For breakfast, they offered a simple breakfast of sausage, eggs, beans, tomatoes, and mushrooms over potato hash with either a seasonal juice and a tankard of nice ale for an easy silver and 6 copper.

The Bounty House lay north east of Soft Haven, beyond the Soft Haven graves and in a secluded area of the Snakeburrow woods. The safest path there forked off from the northern road to Wilree, turning sharply right one hundred paces away from Soft Haven gate and wandered for a ways before reaching its destination.
@Obscene Symphony 10/10 If anything happens to this boy, I will kill everyone in this room and then myself. Unfortunately, he's also a poor boy so take 12 copper and send him over!
James Kingston

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: N/A

James snorted, silently agreeing as he gently wiped away the baby’s drool, and carefully picked him up. James cradled the baby, head resting in the crook of his arm, and rocked gently side to side. “How do you feel about taking this little one home with us?” James asked, choking back the urge to sob.

With all that had happened, James never really thought this would happen. He certainly wasn’t certain anyone would survive, let alone survive long enough to fall in love, decide they were the ones for each other, start a family together. He’d started running on the assumption that was just a luxury for flat scans, honestly. But now here, this baby in his arms and his soulmate at his side, he’d been proven wrong.

He couldn’t help the sob that escaped him.
@Mcmolly Fantastic character! I'm excited to see how you weave her storytelling nature into the rp! The only edit I need you to make is the autonomy you have over your abnormality. The change in your abnormality's expression should be reflexive rather than intentional. Once you make that adjustment, you can add 2 silver and 4 copper to your inventory and move her over!

@Trainerblue192 Since I was there for the vast majority of it's creation, you're free to add 1 silver to your character sheet (or 20 copper whichever you prefer) and move the Emoest of Bois over.

@Hero 10/10. I live, laugh, love her. Considering your background you may add a whooping 3 gold, 7 silver, and 6 copper to her inventory and move her over!
@Scribe of Thoth This character is fantastic and I can't wait to see him in action!

Put 3 silver,14 copper on your sheet and move him over!
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