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Okay, I'm beginning to think this concept may have been a bit too distanced from the usual NRP crowd on this site. Seeing as I'm also co-GMing another RP and am generally horrible at keeping up with the American time-zoned crowd, I think I'mma step down. I was not at all prepared for this and need to go back to the drawing board, from the looks of your comments and questions. All of you are of course free to continue your stories like you'd want to in a normal NRP - wouldn't want all that lore to be wasted - but I won't be here to dictate you anymore. Go nuts.
@ClocktowerEchos Is tru, is tru. Even after years of dabbling in NRP, I couldn't imagine the thought processes I'd have to aspire to to GM one. Especially one with a lotta numbers in it. Might cut the numbers next time and just open for a post-apoc NRP.
@rezay Same with industries and, well, most things, really. I was already reluctant to accept the weapons cache you said NJ had managed to maintain since the Apocalypse.
@rezay As much as I'd love to accept the agriculture thing, having livestock and workable agricultural lands which can grow all these crops would put you miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiles ahead of everyone else. The ruins that NJ lives in can hardly sustain any sort of farmland - few places outside of the Haven biome can.

For example, where did the seeds for these crops come from? Ruin biomes are leftovers of megacities and wouldn't have natural plains of wheat, corn and potatoes that hadn't already been snatched by mutants or roaches. What forests there are there wouldn't necessarily have fruit trees, and whatever animals live in these forests would have to be tamed and domesticated. Have they kept animals inside the bunker with them all these years? How have they not died from inbreeding, starvation or the Jerichians eating them all?

It's nice that you're motivated to write all this lore for your civ, but keep in mind that they only just recently came out of a bunker into a world that is virtually Mad Max/Fallout/Chernobyl/Megacity 1 mixed into one. Resources of all kinds, especially food and water, are rare as all hell and coveted by literally everyone.
Jesus, y'all got a lot of questions. Don't even know where to start with these, but I'll try...

Immediately regarding the gunpowder question - no, @rezay, I doubt the knowledge of how to make gunpowder has been passed down through time. It'll have to be rediscovered.

Regarding the Wastes: There are villages and traders out there who can help you transport your goods for you and help you turn a profit, like with the Silk Road. These will have to be discovered using actions.

A good deal of the questions you all have asked are solveable using actions and turns. With time, if the universe is in your favour, you will acquire all the goods you want and need, no problem. But allowing people to start with various goods wouldn't work all that well in a numbers game like this.

@ClocktowerEchos Pop growth is a loose, non-realistic mixture of immigration, natural growth and not as much die-off. Can't describe it better than so.

Gotta admit, you guys are asking lots of questions about stuff I had never thought of. Starting to think I may have overestimated my capabilities.
@rezay The desert can be compared to Tatooine with gentle alpha/beta background radiation. It's not a pleasant place to settle unless you're a Wasteoid. Would be easier to cross by mount or vehicle or perhaps go around.

@Dark Cloud Will get to it!

And I also don't mind using the OOC chat here for shitposting, but I understand that there also is a need for a centralised channel where big questions can be discussed. We can set up a group PM if you'd like, though.
Divinus: The Deity Roleplay Mk.V



Divinus will be a story about a pantheon of deities, their creations, and the world of Galbar as it is shaped by our collective actions.

It is unclear to all how the world came to end, but it is ending. The blooming flower of the cosmos, constructed through the toil and labour of the Old Divinity, fell into chaotic disrepair, and now, there is no saving it. Most of the Old Divinity have vanished (all, according to some), and guardianship of the breaking mortal world falls to the New Gods, brought into reality by the tumultuous forces of cosmic disarray. How did they manifest? Did something or someone create them to continue the legacy of the Old Divinity? Can the world ever return to the way it was? Nothing is known; nothing is certain. The only truth that remains now is that the world is collapsing, and the New Gods must save it.

Though (most of) the gods may share the mission of protecting the world, like the mortals they rule, no mind is like the next: right and wrong, good and evil, civil or uncivil - these are but a few of the concepts which definitions may differ across the pantheon. Alliances may form and break; intrigue between the divines may undo centuries of good or bad blood; and holy wars may break out at any time and plunge the world into chaos once more.

The New Gods have been granted the gift of divine ichor - the very substance which flows in their veins allows for the manipulation of the fabric of space itself. It remains unclear why they were chosen and who made that choice, but it is certain that this power will in the future shape Galbar into something unrecognisable.

Special thanks to all those who ran previous iterations of the roleplay over many years:
@ActRaiserTheReturned, @Kho, @Rtron, @Cyclone, @BBeast, @Muttonhawk, @Antarctic Termite, @Lord Zee, @Not Fishing, @Double Capybara, @Enzayne.

Previous Iterations
Second iteration: roleplayerguild.com/topics/91555-mid-…
Third iteration: roleplayerguild.com/topics/176026-div…
Fourth iteration: roleplayerguild.com/topics/181321-div…

Main GM: @Commodore
Co-GMs: @Zurajai & @AdorableSaucer

Discord Link: discord.gg/3fW8fZmRNC

Link to OOC document: docs.google.com/document/d/1543_MVGaQ…
@Dark Cloud Don't worry, by the way - I will not wipe you out immediately, if that's what you fear. However, the ogres are supposed to be incredibly hard to play. The goal is for them to be fun to play, though, so I will do my best to make it a great experience for you. :D
Turn 1 is up, folks! Enjoy!
TURN 1 - Peeking Out to Find a Dead Land

The Town of New Jericho

The Ogshog Tribe

The Highwarren Ratkin

The Voren Accord

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