Hope's Theme
Hope's English Voice
Hope's Japanese Voice
๐น "This magic was given to me by my mother. I cannot waste it." ๐น
๐น Time: Late Evening ๐น Location: Outskirts of a forest ๐น Interaction: Katerina @Richard Horthy ๐น
It was a lovely late evening, night was setlling in, and the brilliance of the moonlight licking Hope's fair skin gave him a certain glow. There was a dark wind that carried his hair and the veil that sat upon his crown. If it had not been for the current task at hand, one could of thought they were simply going for a starry stroll. But the armoured calvary, of which he was a part of, painted a different image.
Hope was a new recruit to the Iron Roses, an unusual figure who presence seemed to draw equal parts intrigue and admiration, as it did disdain and loathing from some of his fellow knights. Perhaps it was his beauty, that was the most obvious assumption. Or perhaps his inclination for magic rather than the sword, like most of his comrades preferred. It was in these moments of revelry that he appreciated Katerina, one of the other few mages in the Iron Roses that understood his plight. She had warned him early on that his magic and beauty might draw attention, for better or for worse. Most had not seen his magic, so it must of been the latter.
In many ways, Hope found it to be a burden he could not shake. In any case, he would not let his inner thoughts cloud his current purpose. This Bandit King he had heard about brought a fair bit of concern to his quivering heart. If his defeat required the throngs of the Iron Roses to be placed upon his doorstep, then the man must be a formidable adversary. But Hope understood his role. He may not be the one to lay down the sword onto this King of Bandits, but he would certainly provide whatever support was necessary.
Dismounting from his horse in one graceful swoop, he took his place beside Katerina as she jested about his beauty. A never-ending joke, heard time and time again from within the Candaeln halls. Whenever he walked by, some of the knights would whistle or try to pull him in for a kiss. He'd resisted, of course, each and every time, but eventually he feared that he might snap. Hope just wasn't sure when. Luckily, Katerina's teasing meant no harm, so a soft smile graced his supple lips, clearly amused.
"I possess no inhuman wiles, none more formidable than yours at least." He chuckled, hiding a humble grin behind his small hand like a demure princess. Eventually, a silence fell over him and he looked around to glean who was in his immediate presence. Of course, captain at the front. Then there was Lucas, a pleasant young man Hope was quite fond of; he often doted on the younger lad, giving him encouragement whenever he needed it. And then, curiously, Hope's gaze fell on Gerard, lingering over the man's frame for a short while. The look Hope gave was unclear, perhaps, some type of interest burned in his optics. In any case, he eventually looked away and back to the forest ahead. He surveyed the shadows of the forest that loomed, the canopies so thick that very little moonlight filtered through.
Hope put his hands together as though praying and then closed his eyes. This would be the first time many of the knights would see his rare summoning magic. An aura of magical energy surrounded his lithe silhouette, rippling the air with iridescence. When he began the incantation, his voice seemed to echo.
"O' angel whose brilliance lightens even the darkest of skies, favor this ground for the fulfillment of thy eternal journey. Yahoel!"
There was no way around it. Summoning magic was a spectacle, sharing in the same lack of subtly that Hope's renowned beauty seemed to possess. A crack in the space above his head opened, glittering particles of iridescent light filtered through and feathers as white as snow began to fall. Within the gleam, an angelic multi-winged spirit slowly began to descend. It was a beautiful creature, female in shape and firm like an athlete. Juxtaposing with the darkened night sky was truly magical.
The angel-like spirit hovered near Hope, and he looked up at her with grateful eyes, "Thank you, Yahoel."
"It is an honor, my lord. How may I assist?" The spirit's voice was sensual and womanly.
Hope gestured toward the forest peak, "Do you see that canopy over there?"
Yahoel took a look at the forest, then the stars, and then nodded knowingly. "For now, keep watch from the skies. Darkness falls quickly, so please alert me of any incoming threats. I shall call for you if I am in danger." He and the angelic spirit reached out to eachother and held their right hands together, affection everpresent and tactile in their touch. They gave eachother a warm and familiar smile, "It shall be as you wish, my lord."
"Right then, be careful."
Once their hands fell away from one another, Yahoel flapped her many wings, dispersing glittering specks of witchlight and glowing feathers in her wake. And then, she gazed towards the moon and took off, hovering high above the Iron Roses so she could get a fair survey of the area. Eventually, Hope looked back toward Katerina and placed a gentle hand on her arm. The night was always scary and full of mystery.
"You be careful as well."