@Theyra After having another read through I don't see anything outright objectionable about Kzaye, so I'll be approving them.
Now, as per usual I'll take a moment for more generalized announcements regarding the RP as a whole. Firstly in that while we are still very much open to new characters both by first time applicants and current players, I would ask that anyone going further look to make either a Corellian, an Argent, or an Alsakani character. We've got a fair few Imperials, which is a good thing, and a fair number of independents, so I want to be sure that there's not just an even spread across the group in terms of alignments and motivations for a more diverse cast, but also have people with very different interests that would help make future plot-lines more interesting.
Also, I've decided to nominate
@Quest Abandoner as our second Co-GM. From experience I consider them to be pretty fair regarding working with players and their concepts no matter how unhinged, and that's one of my primary criteria when it comes to selecting those to GM the RP alongside me.