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5 yrs ago
Current "To fear death is to fear the beginning of a new book in a series of many." a qoute from myself


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Marciano Giordano

Time: 1pm
Location: The Ship Docks
Interaction: @Apex Sunburn Wasun Sjan-Dehk

A dark-skinned man with black hair and a mustache appeared at the docks, Edin’s guards following behind. He was well-dressed in a suit. King Edin had also sent another staff member to handle the purchasing of the ship. What his function was mattered not to Marciano. He was here for the prisoners and that was all that concerned him.

As he walked, the creaking of the wooden dock echoed beneath his leather shoes. The sight of men practicing drills caught his attention, and he wondered if they would be disappointed to not see King Edin. Clearing his throat, he spoke in a confident and clear voice. "Greetings, King Edin has sent us on his behalf." The professional mannerisms of his tone and body language made it seem as though he was one of King Edin's right-hand men, which Sjan-Dehk and his crew might assume.

“Hello all. I welcome to Caesonia. My name is Oswald Williams. I am here to inspect the ship on behalf of the King.” A blonde-haired man in a high-ranking uniform stepped forward to also greet the crew.
Nikolai Maximillion

Nikolai watched as others began to gather around him. He was about to speak when he looked over to see a guard who pointed him in the direction of the door.

“I need you all to leave.” The guard said, ushering them outside the doors of the castle. Once the group was outside, Nikolai looked towards the group “I think we should go to the tavern and get acquainted with each other and plan for our mission. A few drinks are sure to loosen up those attitudes.” Nikolai gave them a big smile. ”... and don’t worry, the drinks are on me. He added as he led them towards his favorite bar The Drunken Skunk.
Nikolai Maximillion

Nikolai stuck his finger into the barrel of Alice’s gun as she had pointed it at him. With an arrogant smile, he said cheerfully, “Oh honey, I would love to…Especially with you. ” He gave her a wink and then winked at her sister, Adelaide, a moment later. The two of them did not take a joke as well as they had used to but he found it more fun to tease them for that reason.

As others spoke, he had totally been in his own world, ignoring the happenings around him until the Queen spoke. Nikolai listened intently as she debriefed the situation at hand. I see no reason for 16 people for one small Bruja in a cave. They could have just called half as many if not less… I suppose whatever that reptilian thing she’s referring to must be the trouble. He stood with his attention turned towards the queen’s every word. Ohhh… a little piece of paper, Damn… Why we can’t just pick and choose? I guess it will be fine but they better not pair me up with any of these loudmouths shouting amongst each other. Nikolai grabbed his paper and looked at it. “Hey, I am number one. Who else is number one?” He said aloud. Nikolai could feel the guards were about to shove them out, so he decided to take the lead before things got confusing, “Everyone who’s number one, come over by me!”

Nikolai Maximillion

Nikolai moved through the halls of the castle. It had been a pleasant walk from the silk steps and he did not carry a worry in the world. This was not his first meeting with the royalty in the city being from a noble family, they had met numerous times. It was not his first time being called upon to hunt for the Queen. Over the years, he had a name for himself and his skill. His stride had a purpose and he wore a confident grin as he made his way into the throne room. However, he did not expect to see fifteen other people alongside him. He had gotten the impression from the letter that only the best of the best would be called. Considering he had not heard of some of the folk nearby, he was uncertain that was the case. Then there was the matter that there were so many of them. Nikolai wondered if something big was happening. Nikolai kneeled before the Queen "Greetings, your Majesty." He said before he was given a nod by the queen to stand.

Nikolai continued to peer around the room at the others noticing Alice and Adelaide Varo had entered along with them. He moved over beside them and faced the two giving them a cheeky grin. "You sure you Varo girls are up for this?" He laughed at his own teasing words. Nikolai stopped and returned his attention to the Queen to await the briefing.


Location:Shooting range

Tsukigami had been ready, even excited for it to finally be his turn when he caught sight of Wystan standing by the crowd. His displeasure rose and his excitement shattered. He realized that he couldn’t risk confronting Wystan in the day and would need to leave before Wystan had a chance to catch him. Tsuki had come here to escape everything for a moment, and now the man he wanted revenge against was here to ruin everything once again.

His first few shots of the first round were terrible. He even missed his second shot. In order to not embarrass himself further, he managed to focus and nail a 7 and 9. His head was spinning with his thoughts too much to even glance his competitor’s way as his interest in the game had diminished. Once he finished shots for the next two rounds, before the announcer could even say who won, he started to suddenly walk away without any explanation, leaving the range.
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Dante Blackbourn

Time: 2 pm
Location: Guarav Village
Interactions: Darius @FunnyGuy, Menzai @samreaper, Isolde @Blizz, Aiden @potter
Equipment: Clothes, Steel Sword (Still thinking on what to do with Amas)

Dante followed along with the group walking beside Menzai. “Hey, Addie stick close to me.” He urged as he turned to look behind at her with a slightly concerned look on his face. Feeling so worried about another person other than Darius was so unfamiliar to him. She had moved into his mind from the day they had met and had never left. Her face would appear before his eyes even when he was alone and he’d find himself wondering how she was feeling on a regular basis. It had been a process to understand what he had been feeling, but he understood now better than ever that she was important to him.

Even all the training on Earth and Avalia wasn’t enough to hold back the fear of fighting something unnatural or otherworldy. An uneasy feeling began to crawl down Dante’s spine as they continued through the fog which was now getting thicker and the mud becoming deeper with it nearly rising above their ankles. As Dante continued to look around, he started to spot blood on some of the trees that they could still see. His worry started to build more as the amount of blood was more than an average-sized animal would even have in their bodies. He could tell they would be dealing with something a lot larger than your basic animal despite this he carried on. “Yo, Menzai we might be close. We got a lot blood over here, We should follow the trail and see where it leads.” He said continuing on their hunt.

Before long the group had found the souce of the blood trail. In front of them, the large corpse of a Kiruoth was lying on the ground. The strange green insect-like creature, the aforementioned “Fog Beast” might have been a sight to behold, if it were not crumpled and broken in the mud. That, and the immense silhouette hidden within the fog behind it.



The gravity of the area increased slightly making those in the group feel slightly heavier “Ah yes, the humans….. have come to me, mother…….. Less walking….. for me……” A deep gutteral voice carried by a drawn out-of-breath cadence echoed through the fog. “Puny mortals…… you shall call me, Sloth……. Now kneel before me…. and die!.” He said as he pointed towards Dante, increasing the gravity directly around him. Dante who was unprepared was immediately forced to his knees under the heavy downward force. He struggled to lift his head and look up as the skin on his face contorted and pulled down under the weight of the gravity surrounding him. To make matters worse, he was now witnessing two humanoid-looking tentacles sltihering his way with high-pitched shrieks. Dante was unable to lift his arms up… Unable to defend himself.
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Barboda Teff

Time: 2 PM
Location: The Nest
Interactions: Nym @Helo, Helio @princess

“I don’t think you are funny. I think you are acting like a degenerate.” Barboda was used to Helio’s antics by now. He knew deep down he was a good guy but when he drank he tended to get out of hand. “I think the reputation Nym said you had is being tarnished by the way you are handling yourself now “prince” Helio.” The crocodile demihuman and the crowd gathered around the two now cheering them on to fight. Barboda was not one to get into unnecessary fights or cause issues unless there was something to gain. “As much as I’d like to punch you in the mouth right now. I have decided against it. I am sure we have better things to be doing, and speaking of which I suggest we go over to Nym and ask what our plans are for the day.”
Roxanne Locksworth

Time: Morning
Location: Outside Damien Residence

Roxanne was reaching up to a basket under her porch to water some flowers nonchalantly as she enjoyed the sea breeze flowing through her brown hair. The smell of sea salt filled the air and the birds chirped on a beautiful summer morning. She hummed to herself as she finished and set down the water can. With kind honey-colored eyes and a simple face, she wasn’t one to draw attention…but maybe that was on purpose.

She was situated across the street outside a house across from the Damien Estate, facing the eastern fence as her house was right next to the Vikena Estate. Her gaze slid casually as she moved on to plucking weeds from her yard, bending down and glancing over again with every movement as a carriage rode up to the front of the estate. This was the second visitor the Count would be receiving today in such a short time period. Popular today, aren’t you?

A dark-haired man stepped out of the carriage and she watched with curiosity. Looks just like him. She stepped closer to the edge of the property and caught the faint sound of singing.

What is going on here?

She decided to take a risk at that moment. Roxanne dropped the weeds and began stealthily moving across the road. Situating herself on the side of Calbert’s fence, she readied her focus to listen. Luckily there were some bushes on Calbert’s property to hide her presence.
Victor Blanche

Time: Morning
Location: The Shooting Range

Victor was one of many assigned to watch over the kingdom’s hotspots of the day. The archery tournament has always brought in a crowd, and luckily for Victor, he quite enjoyed it. The weather was pleasant, and the world was bright. It did wonders for lifting his normally somber spirits, and it was a nice change of environment whenever he did get to observe such huge events.

However, despite dressing well, he garnered stares as per usual due to the nature of the scar across his cheek. It couldn’t be helped. Perhaps that was why Marek was always situated in public events, as any other situation could result in unfavorable gazes.

He sat comfortably in the stands, enjoying a sausage he had purchased at the concession stand as he leaned on his cane with his other hand.

The sausage had an exceptional bite. It was juicy and well-seasoned. The bread roll that held it was a nice warm cushion with a perfect toast.

Not one detail went over Victor’s head.

Speaking of which, he had picked up on a few familiar faces upon those who had signed up to compete.

Lady Thea Smithwood.

What could be said of her? Besides that, she was an attractive woman who had no qualms of defending herself against perceived disrespect, she had a fascinating past. The well-spoken, graceful girl adored by the Varian Kingdom was now unrecognizable to her kingdom much less anyone else. The death of her father had seemingly changed the girl into a completely different person. Her dress was completely inappropriate, even by Varian standards as she had no qualms displaying hints of her womanly treasures to the world. An alcoholic mess of a woman who busied herself with immature parties. All while to be married to the only Prince of the Varian Kingdom… Who was not present. How peculiar. It had also been strange that she did not attend the party last night when it had been certainly expected.

Then there was another interesting Varian. Matthias Larsen. Tall, pleasant, seemingly perfect. If Victor was honest with himself, he did not know much about his man other than he was a well-respected knight who had lost his wife. He had scoped out the child but did not let his gaze linger. He wasn’t certain if this individual would matter in the long run, but it was good to note the loss he was struggling with.

Then there was the Caesonian baker, Ezra Turner. This was a man they monitored very often as they were well aware of his criminal past and peculiar behavior. Though long gone was his long green hair, he was undoubtedly recognized by the intense emotions that were always crossing his expressions.Always so tortured, Ezra. What turmoil haunts you? Victor knew he’d be on the edge on his seat when this man competed; he was always such an interesting person to observe.

Victor licked the condiments off his fingers with grace as his gaze landed on an oddity. Long hair, bizarre dress… He scrutinized and leaned on his knees. Facial features of those who reign from Kisoma… Just who are you… Victor had never seen this man. He had been observing and researching individuals in the area for a long time. He had files upon files…Victor had no idea who this man was.

This is interesting.

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