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Current "To fear death is to fear the beginning of a new book in a series of many." a qoute from myself


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In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Pâsh Ruin Bringer

Time: 2 PM
Location: Dugmaghord- Fighting Pits
Interactions: Leaf @Helo, Everyone in dugmaghord would hear his name being chanted.
Adamanite Plate with Absorption, Water Skin, Torches, Rations, 6 Pink Potions, 6 Large Red Potions

Pâsh grabbed another cup of alcohol and drank some, leaning his head back. After a sound of satisfaction he met Leaf’s gaze. “‘Da hygora shrimp was ‘da biggest an’ strongest kreature i have eva kilt. 'Da fing destroyed ships an orcs alike i would have ta say ‘dat it brought me 'da most glory.” He answered, reminiscing on the memory of that battle. Tthe adrenaline and rage that pulsed through his body seeing all those orcs instantly being turned into a paste of shattered bones, blood, and flesh made his heart pump with excitement for the battle.

“Wot was da greatest victory ya have attained Leaf?” Pâsh asked in return before he quickly turned his head to an orc sitting beside them “Go get ‘da food for ‘da new chief.” He demanded, which caused the orc to agree. He left and returned with a huge plater of food on a table, setting it in front of Leaf. There was a huge cooked flightless bird cooked a golden brown, decorated and seasoned with many herbs and vegetables. It was surrounded with other various meats including Ergin ribs, Jovine Boar Legs and fillet of Stripped River Shark.
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Alaia Riluaneth

Time: 2 pm
Location: Myriamor
Interactions:@13org Myra @FunnyGuy Vrexen @princess Maeryn
Equipment: Outfit, Two short swords, a belt with sheaths, flask, transmission bracelet, small bag with 4 large blue potions, disguise ring

Alaia followed the group in silence, taking in what they were saying. Her head was filled with thoughts about what she would do to the humans when she got to them. Her vision was filled with the imagery of humans being ripped in half, guts spilling all over the desert sand. The elf princesses would scream, and she’d stab them both through the hearts before they could even move. Alaia could not wait to see the terror in their eyes as they realized that they lost. It was only a matter of time as they were hot on their trail. “I agree with father. It would be stupid to travel straight into an Orc settlement, especially the likes of Dugmaghord.” Alaia could not care less when Astra left. She figured that was the last they’d see of her, and she was too cowardly to go to the orcs. However, she was bored and needed someone to play with. Vrexen got too angry too quickly, and Maeryn was boring. That left…

She moved toward Myra and petted her head, ‘Hey little cutie. We should have some quality girl time together. Are you excited to go on a trip?” She wondered if this dumb demon would ever figure out how to talk like an intelligent creature.


Time: 2pm
Location: Dugmaghord
Interactions: @princess Sophie

(White Dire Wolf)

Caelan’s heart rushed as Sophie returned his hug. He felt his happiest when he could feel her embrace. He was surprised to feel her lean on her and could not help but stroke her hair, “Well, I am glad you have this little pixie to protect you.” He replied to both of them with a laugh. Caelan stopped to take in the flash mob of orcs that appeared to dance to the song coming from Sophie's phone.

Caelan leaned in towards Sophie so she could hear him over the shouting and dancing. “Hey Soph, you think we could take a walk? I'd like to hang out.”

Dante Blackbourn

Time: 2 pm
Location: Guarav Village
Interactions: Darius @FunnyGuy, Menzai @samreaper, Isolde @Blizz, Aiden @potter
Equipment: Clothes, Steel Sword (Still thinking on what to do with Amas)

Dante nodded along with everyone’s answers to the new rules. “I agree with my brother here; we should stick together it is our best chance of beating whatever it is.” Dante replied to the others. He didn’t have much to add as he figured everything that needed to be said was said, and the sooner they dealt with the ‘Fog Beast”, the sooner they could relax and spend time doing more relaxing things,. “Well, we should grab whatever we need and get going.” Dante said before checking the backpack he was wearing to make sure he had everything confirming he did. “Alright, yup. I am ready lead the way Menzai.”

Location: His house -> Shooting range
Time: 8:00am → 9:30am

Tsuki’s eyes adjusted to the light coming from the window. He lay there staring upward at the ceiling a few moments longer, his thoughts still clouded by the events of last night. Why did I falter? I had him right there. He was still upset and angry over the entire situation but begrudgingly dragged himself from his bed and into the shower. Once Tsuki finished preparing himself for the day, he made himself a sandwich and ate it while reading the newspaper that was left at his door this morning. After going through some of the pages, he saw quite a few events being held, some of which piqued his interest, like the archery and sword contests.

I really need something to clear my head…maybe it is best I go out and try these things. He thought to himself all the while, his heart hurt with the thought of seeing Wystan’s face.

All he wanted right now was to erase him.

Tsuki got up after finishing his sandwich and left the house. After locking his door, he headed towards the location of the shooting range, which was a bit away from his small house. It took him some time to arrive there, but he eventually arrived. Once there, he signed up for the tournament and then prepared the bow he was given, making sure it was not tampered with and in working condition as he awaited the arrival of more competitors. He decided to take the time to use the practice targets as sitting idly was not an option right now.

Time: 9:30am
Location: The Park of Sorian; behind the Oak Tree
Interaction: @princess Charlotte

“You’re in over your head, Charlotte.”

A voice had come behind the trunk of the oak tree. She’d be able to recognize it was an older male, but not one she recognized. “A young girl of your standing should not be traversing the city in the dead of night.” Though the statement might have implied concern, there was none evident in his voice. “Who knows what could happen.”

He was not hesitant to say more. “Lady Vikena, I highly suggest you refocus your ambitions back where they belong… to keep you from more unfortunate circumstances... Speaking of which, I think you should consider avoiding Count Fritz from now on as it would be in your best interest. ” His tone was one of intimidation and coldness. He had hoped this would be enough to stop her advances for the boss, but if needed he would show more aggressive force. A warning was good enough to get his point across in the meantime. The man had nothing more to say from that point on leaving before she would find him. He was sure she’d inevitably turn around to get a look at him, but she’d find no one.
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: 2pm
Location: Dugmaghord

(White Dire Wolf)

Caelan had spent the last four months training his magic and spending whatever chance he could to become closer with Sophie. He did spend some time with Rosaria and the others, but most of his time was spent with Sophie. She had been so cute and sweet that it had been hard to stay away from her. He had never met such a kind and creative girl. She had been a quiet girl time initially, but he could tell she had changed after spending time with him. Caelan was so happy to see her open up and blossom as an individual. He had fallen in love with her and now found himself unable to stay away from her for long. The stakes were high, and he was afraid to lose her. This idea helped him to train hard as he wanted to be able to protect her.

He had found it quite easy to train alone as well due to rocks being in abundance in the desert, the heat was the trade-off, but day by day, he was able to lift and create larger and larger stones. He did train with the others, but to ensure Sophie's safety, he would train for additional time on his own.

Caelan’s time he spent with the others he had found hanging out with Rosaria and Slick the easiest. With Rosaria he would open up, vent, and enjoy interesting conversations and stories she would tell. And with Slick, he would smoke a plant called Zemak that had an almost identical high to weed on earth. They would play games with their magic on occasion and talk about strange, bizarre deep thoughts nobody sober would think of.

Currently, he had been sitting relaxing when he began to hear music, and of all songs, it was Rasputin. It was loud, and he could see a group gathering towards the source. Caelan smirked to himself and began to run towards the source as well, which confirmed his suspicions that the cause was Sophie, “Hey! Soph!” he called out as he made his way closer before giving her a hug. Wrapping an arm around her, he took in the sight before him. There was a painting in the works, and the subjects were just before them, dancing and copying the movements of Alette. “How are you doing? Are things going okay? I know you already know, but I am concerned about you going off all on your own. We could be attacked anytime; I would rather be safe than sorry. At least stay with me.” Caelan knew what he was rambling, but it didn’t matter as long as he could keep her safe.

Dante Blackbourn

Time: 2 pm
Location: Guarav Village
Interactions: Darius @FunnyGuy, Menzai @samreaper, Isolde @Blizz, Aiden @potter
Equipment: Clothes, Steel Sword (Still thinking on what to do with Amas)

Dante followed Menzai’s words as he spoke. He nodded with a smile when extended thanks. He was glad that Menzai was going to finally allow them to leave and explore the world. This is what he had been waiting for he was in a fantasy world and now he was finally prepared to take some real steps in his new Isekai life. It seemed Menzai wanted to play a game first which he was down for. He was silent as he listened to the rules.

With the mention of the “Fog Beast,” Dante was instantly hooked on the Idea. He looked at Darius, giving him a nod about the beast. A fight was just what he needed to truly test his power. Dante’s expression changed from a smile to a serious and determined one. When Isolde said that they should all go straight for the fog beast, Dante was psyched. She was straight-spitting facts. Darius and Addie both were in agreeance as well.

He was extremely proud of everyone, especially of his brother. Darius had grown into a fine man during the time they were apart and to see how confident to take on a bigger challenge the others were was only making his excitement rise. Dante placed his arm around Addie when she had joined him at his side. “I want to say that this right here made me more proud than anything since we began training. I put emphasis on teamwork and not just picking the easiest route to success. The fact you all agree to test yourselves even further and take bigger risks, I couldn’t be more excited. We are gonna kick this mother fucking fog bitches ass!”

Barboda Teff

Time: 2 PM
Location: The Nest
Interactions: Nym @Helo, Helio @princess

Barboda was sitting beside Helio as he drunkenly rambled, essentially lying to everyone. “Just stop. This is the most bullshit and unbelievable story anyone has ever heard I don’t even understand how you can be this bad at lying when telling a story.” It got worse as the idiot stood up on the stool then almost fell off it. He pinched his nose. It was not often he was out without armor and could do so. Someone was yelling for Helio to get down and of course he refused. Barboda reached and grabbed his foot and pulled it out from under him, Helio tripped off the stool, falling on his ass. Barboda laughed as he fell. “You deserve that. Stop making a fool of yourself.”

Pâsh Ruin Bringer

Time: 2 PM
Location: Dugmaghord- Fighting Pits
Interactions: Leaf @Helo, Everyone in dugmaghord would hear his name being chanted.
Adamanite Plate with Absorption, Water Skin, Torches, Rations, 6 Pink Potions, 6 Large Red Potions

Pâsh was amused by Leaf’s head bow. It was only right that other creatures bowed before him. “I will make 'da kall today we will fight soon. For now, we celebrate.” Pâsh said. An orc walked over with a drink and set it into Pâsh’s hand. He then reached it down to the small feline man in offering. “You will get a bodyguard ta help wit' whateva ya need.” He added, Pâsh led Leaf outside of the pit so the fights could proceed. “Ya kan drink all 'da drink yer want war chief and sit down.” He laughed, dragging a barrel of alcohol with one hand over to the chair beside his and then he gently punched a hole into the top. “Jus dip ya kup in.” Pâsh said as he chugged what was in his cup before refilling it with more alcohol from the barrel.
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Dante Blackbourn

Time: Night
Location: River Port
Interactions: Darius @FunnyGuy, Menzai @samreaper, Isolde @Blizz, Aiden @potter
Equipment: Clothes, Steel Sword (Still thinking on what to do with Amas)

The past four months had been filled with intense training in physical and magical aspects and Dante was at the helm of it all. He treated the group of misfits as he would his own soldiers, yet he allowed them to have a bit of free time. Work hard, play hard. A perfect balance that would ensure they all became proficient in the training he offered but also without burning them out in the process. Sure, there were complaints, especially at the start but eventually, the training became a part of their new life in this very new world.

Discovering he could wield the element of fire at command gave him a slight boost to his ego, even if he didn’t outright say it. Who wouldn’t be psyched with having pyrokinesis? Despite knowing its strengths, Dante was also privy to how cautious he should be when using the wildest of the five elements. It might have been more challenging, but he wasn’t alone in his endeavour. Not only did he have Darius with his hydrokinesis to correct any of his mistakes (to think that Darius of all people would have such a role!), but Aiden was also gifted the power to conjure and manipulate flames. Not only was she someone he could bounce ideas off of concerning pyrokinetic magic but he began to grow quite close to her as they spent more time together. It was only natural that the two became an item.

Dante lay in the bushes beside the group listening as they all arrived. “You all fail! Late as always. That’s what is going on, Isolde.” He said as he got up in a homemade ghillie suit.
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Pâsh Ruin Bringer

Time: 2 PM
Location: Dugmaghord- Fighting Pits
Interactions: Leaf @helo, Everyone in dugmaghord would hear his name being chanted.
Adamanite Plate with Absorption, Water Skin, Torches, Rations, 6 Pink Potions, 6 Large Red Potions

The past four months for the chief were all leading up to the goal he had been waiting for. His time had been filled with preparations for war as well as gathering supplies and weapons by any means possible. Pâsh held many raids on small settlements, which were hidden from those who stayed in his camp; meanwhile, he trained his greatest warriors helping those who needed to perform their rites do so.

Pâsh did not have any interest in getting to know many of the visitors. He did have one however that caught his eye: a cheetah demi-human named Leaf. Pâsh watched this demi-human fight in the pits on many occasions losing most of the time but he put effort into training with his orcs. Leaf was also willing to help around the camp which made Pâsh enjoy him even if he was not the greatest fighter in the pits. He did hold celebrations and drinking parties for the visitors as well as allowed them to watch their ceremonies which would usually be shown to other orcs. Currently, Pâsh sat in this chair watching Leaf in the arena. A valiant and tough fight came to conclusion as Leaf had achieved a great victory against one of his greatest war chiefs.

Pâsh stood up from his chair silencing the crowd instantly as he stepped forward into the pit menacingly till he stood in front of Leaf. He lifted Leaf’s arm, looking around at the crowd.
“LEAF! LEAF! LEAF!” Pâsh continued chanting as the crowd joined his chant. Leaf’s name echoed through Dugmaghord with his victory. Pâsh slammed the ground with his maul silencing the roused viewers once again. “I AM APPOINT'N DIS MAN AS A WAR CHIEF, IF YA HAVE ANY OBJECTIONS YA KAN ANSWA TA ME!” He shouted to the on-lookers, who once again began chanting his name.

Time: Night
Location: After Party
Interactions:Everyone at party

What was another fun-filled night for Marek to make fools of the royals and other high end society had now become a shit show; there were people crying everywhere, others were mad at each other. He had workers over the hours report information and secrets they listened in on. Marek checked his watch. ‘Well, it’s about time I wrapped this up.’ He thought to himself. He walked over to the booth where the music was being played and picked up a megaphone as well as pressing a button on a strange device in front of him, releasing a light blue fog into the room. “I apologize to everyone, but it is time this party ends.” He announced “I will have you all escorted out.” He added as his workers began leading and helping people out of the warehouse. While they were all removed from the building, Marek took a back exit leaving the building along with one other masked man.
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
The Other Bandits & Pâsh Ruin Bringer

Time: Night
Location: Desert
Interactions: @dragonpiece Uzul, @baraquiel Kuroi

Pâsh had been out raiding with two of his “Boyz” when they discovered a bandit camp. They went about as per usual, murdering and looting. However, they had not expected to find Princess Mikazuki. After telling him she had been taken from the group she had been travelling with. He rounded up the Boyz and marched, following the footprints in the sand leading from the camp. “Princess we are gon'n ta have a big ol’ blood bath, ya said ya only have wun 'umie wit' ya.” He said looking to Mikazuki placing his large hand on her shoulder and shaking her a little.

Mikazuki blinked as the large hand shook her body. She wasn’t quite sure what the last part had meant but it did not matter; they needed to get back to the others. Rosaria had been taken too.
“Thank you so much for saving me. Pardon me but… We need to hurry. My friends are in danger.” She stressed to Pash. A memory flashed before her eyes as she watched once again as a hand covered Rosaria’s mouth. The fear in the elf princess’s eyes still shook her to the core. She clenched her fists with determination, tears forming in her eyes.

“We iz a hurry'n, lil pooch ya shouldn't rush us don't forget 'oo ya wit.” Pâsh looked towards the Princess with a glint of malice being ordered around.

The wolf princess stared at him for a moment then nodded as if she had completely understood his words. ”Yes… I’m sorry? “ She decided to apologize noting the tone in his voice. Her ears laid back against her head with nervousness. “Um, okay, I think I can smell my way back. Follow me please. Thank you again…” With that, she wasted no time bounding through the sand.

Pâsh and his “Boyz” followed the princess not saying a word to her lest his rage would end her. The group eventually come upon a scene in the distance with multiple silhouettes which appeared to be fighting. “I fink we found yer krew lil pooch, ya ready Boyz! if ‘da lil pooch says don't kill leave’em.” He called out to his group.

Mikazuki pointed towards Kuroi then Uzul,” Those two are with me. Spare them!” She called over the chaos to Pâsh and his group.

“Ya hear dat only two. Slaughta da others, let's get'em!” Pâsh let out a loud battle cry as he charged toward the ones who were fighting. As he reached the bandits he found himself staring down at a feline demi-human. “Ya gunna die ere lil kat.” He laughed raising his maul above his head with a click of his chitinous arms locking in place he released the pressure letting the maul come slamming down on her head almost instantly with blinding speed shattering the skull and blowing through the center of her body with a loud squelch of flesh until it hit the ground with a boom creating a small shockwave in the area.

Mikazuki winced a little watching Pâsh, but knew in order to keep her friends safe, she’d have to fight too. She caught Kuroi’s eye, frowning with concern for a moment. Was he hurt? Her brows furrowed with focus as she leapt forward with a growl, claws unsheathing. She leapt onto a snake demihuman from behind and clutched his head, digging her claws into his face and eyes. He screamed out in agony, but she fiercely ended his misery by unhinging one claw and slamming it into his throat, clutching deep into his flesh. With a swift movement, she ripped his throat out and his body slumped within her grasp. She yanked her claws out, blood dripping off them into the sand as she moved to Kuroi’s side protectively.

Pâsh looked toward the orc charging at Uzul and picked up a fist-sized rock. He then cocked his arm back and launched the rock towards his face, blowing the upper half of his skull off the body. The Spider orc fell to the ground at Uzul’s feet. Pâsh then stepped towards the dragonborn making his way towards him. He smiled at the dragonborn as he grabbed the back of his head. He then punched a hole through his spine and out the front of his chest spewing blood, bones and bits of organ matter all over Uzul. Pâsh dropped the limp body to the ground and stared down Uzul. “Ya kan't even handle a few banditz on yer own, Uzul. Yer still weak.” He said spitting on the ground near Uzul’s feet.
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Dante Blackbourn

Time: Night
Location: River Port
Interactions: Darius @FunnyGuy, Menzai @samreaper, Isolde @Blizz, Aiden @potter
Equipment: Clothes from a dead elf, Steel Sword

Dante stopped his interrogation on Aiden and turned to Menzai listening to the words he spoke. He paused a moment to think about their current situation. “I think that sounds like a good plan. We will figure something out for the rings later, but if he has a safe place for all of us to stay that is our best bet.” He said looking around at everyone. After some discussion the group had agreed to head to Menzai's home. They finished up things in town and camped outside of river port for the night before traveling towards Guarav.
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