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5 yrs ago
Current "To fear death is to fear the beginning of a new book in a series of many." a qoute from myself


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Wystan VS Tsukigami

Location: Secluded area near Edin avenue and flora road conjunction.

Tsukigami had been leaning against the wall for a few minutes now. Dressed in the Sorian guard uniform, he had blended in with the guards here now as well as he had at the ball. He had stationed himself near the door and watched until his target had finally entered, late and with the princess. It was not difficult at all for him to recognize Wystan’s face, especially since he had been so close for a moment. Following him for the rest of the night had been the trickier part. But once he saw Wystan make his way to the back gates, Tsukigami had put two and two together: He was off to find the rebellious royal children who had snuck off to Marek’s party.

From that point, Tsuki had decided to position himself along the wall of the noble district like other guards were. Wystan would have to leave through that exit after all. The moonlight shone over him, comforting him in his tense state. After all this time, Wystan had been living quite literally like a King, meanwhile… He gritted his teeth.

The bodyguard in question appeared then. Mounted atop a dark steed, he rode towards the opening of the district at top speed, seemingly eager to get somewhere. Under the brightness of the moon, his robes billowed in the wind granting him an almost graceful appearance, especially in the eyes of those without knowledge of the weapons concealed beneath them. Wherever the destination was, it was certainly important to him. Even from afar, anyone would be able to see that his gaze was clear, keen, and focused on it, almost like a sharp blade thrown swiftly through the night, inching closer and closer to its mark. Such was fitting for the watchdog, a mutt born from the ring and born a second time again as the prince’s living and breathing weapon. If he was not efficient, or deadly, then he was nothing.

Alongside him rode a fellow in a cap. Sitting on top of a fairer horse with a more lax posture, his was a gaze less serious than his leading rider. Perhaps a friend, perhaps a contingency plan. Either way, they both seemed to be acting purposefully. Such could be gathered when the watchdog barked an order at his companion, coupled with an aggressive yet obscure gesture with his arm. Still, the capped man understood. In a few whips and a bout of encouragement, he urged his own mount faster, speeding far ahead from the bodyguard. In no time, he was gone.

Upon confirming this, Wystan pulled on Dusk’s reigns, riding off into a more deserted part of the residential area.

Tsuki caught sight of the traitor as he rode past and knew he could not waste another second. Even now, he recognized the look on Wystan’s face when he was on a mission. He had always been so focused. But now that would be his downfall as perhaps for once, Wystan would not see something coming. He strung an arrow on his bow with ease and charged forward. Swiftly, he rolled forward on the ground and knelt as he pulled the arrow back and let go, letting it fly toward Wystan and past his face. He knew it would miss, but it would be enough to get his attention.
The sudden displacement of air urged the bodyguard to lean backward on his mount, narrowly missing the arrow by a single hair. In the time it took the projectile to embed itself in the nearest wooden door, Wystan had already dismounted and given Dusk a rough clap on the back. Having seemingly understood her owner and the danger that was about to ensue, the horse galloped away without a second wasted.

With all else out of the way, the watchdog followed the trajectory of the arrow’s flight before scanning the environment. Sure enough, hidden behind the shadows of the residential buildings, the sender was concealed. He faced himself forward, readying both hands to unsheathe his weapons should they choose to reveal themselves. Assassination attempts like these were commonplace, and more often than not, he was prepared to deal with whoever decided to take the risk against him. A fact was made clear to him, however. And one that put him on his best guard.

…Whoever sent that arrow missed on purpose.

Tsuki removed the false guard armor, dropping it to the ground as he stepped forth into the light of the moon. “It’s been a long time, traitor.” A masked figure stood before the watchdog. His eyes were filled with deadly hatred and lifted his chin as if to signify his condescendence toward his enemy. “I will kill you for what you have done to me,”Tsuki spoke with smoldering conviction. He then pulled the sword from its sheath behind his back. Then Tsuki charged toward Wystan.

Without any hesitation, the target deftly guided away the blade from his chest. The stranger’s forward thrust was an exceptionally strong one, and after narrowly dodging its path, gave the watchdog enough time to unsheathe his own blade. There was without a doubt in his mind that this perpetrator’s movements were practiced. Eloquent in the way he spoke with his sword. Perhaps even honed specifically to kill. ”Whoever you are, I have no time for you.” He raised his seax in a defensive guard. ”I am not the person you are looking for. Step aside.”

Tsuki moved along with Wystan’s motions. His expression had twisted with mixed emotions underneath the mask. His words were the final nail in the coffin. “You’ve forgotten me, Wystan Blackmane.”He retorted, his voice both pained and cold. He shook his head in repugnance. He raised his gaze to meet Wystan’s, his eyes red with both emotions and with fury.

“You disgust me.” Tsuki said finally with deep anger. He passed with the forward thrust; Tsuki ducked low sweeping his foot towards Wystan's legs in an attempt to trip him, turning his head to keep an eye on his opponent and positioning his sword to strike if he fell.

The night was dark, but the watchdog’s senses stayed sharpened. He promptly stepped backwards to avoid the sweeping movement, but not without a bit of a struggle. It was not the man’s advances that shook him - it was his words. ”...You– How do you know of this name?” The bodyguard spoke as he narrowed his eyes in an attempt to glean the attacker’s identity. Of course, as the second prince’s retainer, many knew of his name… but not of his patronym. This was a fact. Aside from the Danrose family and his closest messengers, not many should have known of the watchdog’s surname. It was a false moniker, after all. One that birthed him the right to enter the ring and fight for his life. Why did this man know of it? Why did this move to anger him? Who has he forgotten?

Without waiting for a response, Wystan raised his sword to the masked stranger and spoke with words cold as steel. ”...Rid yourself of that visage. If you wish to fight, then show me who you are.”

Tsuki stood up, ”So, you really cannot tell… I shall reveal the truth.” He stated as he lifted his hand to his mask, unclipping the buckles that kept it stationary on his face. He let the mask drop to the ground. “Was it really that easy to forget me, Wystan.”

The face that stood before him was one that Wystan knew very well aside from the fact of glowing red eyes and long black hair. “I was turned into this, and when I came to, you were gone. I once believed we would get out together but I survived for years after you left me in the pits. I killed everyone in my path to reach you.” The emotions in his words were a volatile mix of sorrow and hate. Tsuki readied his sword and stood there motionless ready to strike at any sign of an attempt to attack from Wystan. “What will you do my friend?”


”How dare you…”

The watchdog huffed as he spoke, fist tightening painfully around the hilt of his sword. If one were to listen close enough, they would have been able to hear his heart thundering against the padded layers of armor. If one were to have looked close enough, perhaps they would have seen the bodyguard’s hands quiver just a moment before moving to strike. But outwardly he was unmoved, the gold in his eyes dulled over years and years beaten down under a thousand fists; his heart cut into by a hundred or more knives. And yet, this was something more painful than any jab to the face and stab to his ribs.

This was the face of a man he once spent his earliest life with, wondering each day if they’d be alive for the next. A man he once fought with, bled with, and called ‘brother’. A man that he was sure to have seen killed in front of his eyes, and whose life ended long ago. And now…

No, it simply could not be. A hundred days spent wishing would bring no friend of his back from the dead, no matter how badly he wanted it. This much he knew for sure. Wystan refused to believe him.

”I have betrayed not a single man...” He growled behind clenched teeth. ”...because all those that I once knew are now dead.”

With that, the watchdog rushed forward into the perpetrator's boundaries and raised his sword arm into a downward slash.

Tsuki sneered. “I see how you feel about me.” He said as he parried the attack of Wystan’s blade. He kicked Wystan back, “What more do I have to say for you to believe me, 118. I am far from dead. But I will make you wish I was.”Tsuki said with hatred boiling in blood, attempting to slash Wystan’s stomach.

The bodyguard barely regained his composure just in time to step back from the quickness of the attack. Even as the blade only found purchase in the leather of his armor, a jolt of… a feeling completely unfamiliar to him suddenly froze him in place. It was as if his body grew a thousand times heavier; the grip on his blade loosening ever so slightly. The watchdog rarely ever made mistakes; for accidents and unforeseen circumstances on his watch were his responsibility. However, for the first time, the watchdog felt that such a fact had been disproven with this man’s utterance of a single phrase.



Wystan’s sword fell slack as memories of his past caused him to falter in his stance.


”…117. There can be no way…” The bodyguard desperately readjusted his grip on his blade. His nails were short, but they still dug into his gloved hands enough to turn his knuckles white. ”...There is no way that this can be you…”

“This cannot be you.” The watchdog’s tone was grave, anguished, and heartbroken all at the same time as he tried to convince himself. In ragged breaths, his chest began to rise and fall harder this time. His grip had tightened so much that his fist began to ache from the pressure as for the first time in a long time he pleaded for reality to play on his side. ”Tell me that this is a sick, horrible joke, you bastard. Tell me that this a figment of my imagination.”

”...Tell me that this is not real!”

Perhaps this was fate’s way of playing games on those who were brought into this world and made to survive unwillingly. Because more than a decade ago, Wystan cried out the same string of words when he had heard the ringleaders announce his dear friend’s untimely passing. Tsukigami, his only brother in the world didn’t need to share the same blood as him; he only needed him to stay by his side until they could leave the ring together. He only needed to stay alive. However, now that could never happen. The young Blackmane had tried to forfeit his life on stage the next day, submitting himself easily to his opponent as his limbs were torn into and his vitals damaged. It was then that Prince Auguste had found him broken and nearly dead. Perhaps it could be considered a wholly fortuitous event - a show of rare kindness gifted to him by fate herself… but obviously, good things do not come on their own without taking from him. If only he had double-checked with the ring leaders then. If only he had more faith in his friend to survive that fight.

If only he did not have to stand here on this day, with nearly buckling knees, begging for the man he used to know to simply be a product of delusion. ” This can’t be you, right…”


Tsuki took this moment of faltering and swung his sword to Wystan’s neck, stopping the moment it touched skin, drawing blood. A tsunami of emotions and memories ran through Tsuki’s body and mind. He remembered all the years they had spent together, all the fights they fought, how they promised each other to get out together. A single tear dropped from his eyes as he had trembled, staring at his old friend. For the first time, he was unable to kill someone. “Yes…Wystan.” He spoke, his voice shaking with emotions. He dropped his sword to the ground, running off behind a building and disappeared.

Wystan paid no mind to the thread of crimson that opened up and trickled down his neck. His own sword fell to the ground, the bodyguard wholly unsure of what to make of the situation. With his mind racing at a thousand miles per minute, he struggled to calm himself down despite not having moved at all after Tsukigami seemingly disappeared. Whether it was for his own good or the watchdog’s, it did not matter. The workings of his head swelled, almost threatening to pour out of his eyes as his heart ached, but for some reason his face stayed bare. It had been too long since he had shed his last tear, and too long since he’s forcibly learned to keep them all contained. And now after all this, they were filling him up with no place to go. He balled up a fist and slammed it hard against his chest. Teeth grit against each other as he repeated this over and over in a desperate attempt to ease the furious beating inside his chest. It would not stop.

Perhaps it would have been easier if he had killed him instead.

Several long minutes passed writhing in pain. What frustrated him more was that he himself could not understand where it was coming from. The bodyguard would continue to struggle until he’d finally manage to catch his breath laying on his side, gasping for air as he kept a palm on his chest to steady his breathing. As he slowly regained his sense of composure, he shambled to his feet and picked up the sword Tsuki had left behind.

It felt heavy in his hands. Incredibly heavy. Dark as the night. The sound it made as it swung through the air was phenomenal, and perhaps Wystan would have stood to admire it if only the circumstances had been much more… different. In fact, there were still traces of his own blood on it after being nicked ever so slightly with its exceedingly sharp edge. Needless to say, it was an excellent weapon of a high caliber; one he wished to return to its owner. For what reason? Even he did not know. All forms of thought were wiped clean.

There was much left to do, after all. Prince Auguste would be expecting him by the end of the night with Anastasia and Callum safely in tow. Those two hadn’t left his mind, and thus he effectively decided to shelve Tsuki for now. There was only room for so much in his mind and heart; the latter of which being normally what gets a man killed in this line of work. This event was more than enough proof for it.

A whistle sounded through the night air. In a few minutes Dusk appeared once more at her owner’s call, and they were once again on their way. A deep sigh left him as he rode, not forgetting to sheathe Tsuki’s sword. It was at this moment that he noticed a strange series of grooves at the bottom of the hilt. With a swift flip, he rotated the sword in one hand as he rode in the direction of the warehouse, and on the underside it read:

In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Dante Blackbourn

Time: Night
Location: River Port
Interactions: Darius @FunnyGuy, Menzai @samreaper, Isolde @Blizz, Aiden @potter
Equipment: Clothes from a dead elf, Steel Sword

Dante felt a sense of deja vu hearing Isolde. He could relate to how overwhelming it had been to first learn all this. He wondered just how many humans were there in Avalia as it was strange they had found another so easily. He was in his head thinking about this for a moment as Darius began to speak. Dante had allowed his brother to engage first for once and not have to follow his brother's words.

“Yeah, we really don’t know much. We were given a small run-down but nothing more before our summoners had been killed.” Dante added on to the others’ points. Darius had called to Menzai, but before he could reply the sound of approaching footsteps cough his attention. He started to get suspicious when another person suddenly appeared on this beach.

“Nice to meet you Aiden, I am Dante.” He initially greeted cooly. After a deep breath, he moved toward her and looked down at her with narrowed eyes, “Are you a human? And what kind of accident? Where can we get rings like that?” He interrogated.
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Caelan Knight

Time: Evening
Location: Myriamor
Interactions: @princess Sophie @Mole Aurora @FunnyGuy Slick @Helo Leaf
Equipment: A D&D miniature, a blunt, and the clothes he was given

Caelan looked up to Aurora, “What does praying do for you? Like do you actually get answered by the god or goddess you pray to?” His voice was full of curiosity. However, before she could answer, there was the sound of knocking. He looked over towards the door as Aurora went up to it. He stood up, excited that the two had returned. Her comment about the password made him chuckle and he joined Aurora. “If he doesn’t get it right, don’t let him in.” He whispered to her. ”YOU SHALL NOT PASS!”He called to Leaf and Slick.
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Night
Location: Unnamed Town in the area between the River Fairy Kingdom and River Port.

In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Vrexen and Alaia

Time: Night
Location: River Port

Alaia flew her way over to Vrexen, the humming of her wings filling the air. “So Mr. Vrexen, we need to head to the woods and find someone. I was supposed to meet them there to play a game! They want to be chased and really scared.”

“Game? I have no time for games, creature! Chase? No, I hunt. We hunt!” Vrexen almost sounded irritated yet there was a hint of curiosity in his tone.

“No, I promise you will get to hunt. Just please help me this one time.”

“.......Fine. But don’t be mistaken. You serve me, creature. Now, find our prey.” Vrexen growled.

“Okay! let’s go Mr.Vrexen.” She said as she smiled at him, moving towards the forest outside of River Port.

“Mr. Vrexen…” He muttered. He was not sure if he favored such a naming. It was formal but lack the power “Lord” or “Master” came with. He followed the fairy into the forest, maintaining his appearance as a reptilian demi-human.

They traveled well into the forest. That was when they would spot a small young female goat demi-human in the distance. She was picking herbs and placing them into a basket. Alaia stopped Vrexen, putting her hand in front of him. “Shh.. That is the person we are trying to scare.” She whispered. “Now I want you to roar just chase her but if she falls, stop and hide a little in the forest. Then, when I say run, I want you to show me violence okay? Oh, and take off that silly ring we can’t scare anyone looking like a lizard.”

Vrexen stared at the young demi-human, his eyes unblinking. Without taking his gaze off of his prey, he twisted the ring, appearing as his normal self. His three eyes glimmered in the night from the moonlight of the two moons. He glanced at Alaia who gave him a confident nod.

“VIOLENCE! THAT IS WHAT I BRING UPON YOUR WORTHLESS LIFE!” Vrexen roared, startling the girl who simply shrieked and ran once she caught sight of the monster that was Vrexen. With her first step, Vrexen took his first leap, running powerfully on all fours. “YOU BLEED FEAR! THAT WILL NOT SATISFY ME! I SEEK VIOLENCE!” Vrexen zigzagged through the trees, prolonging the chase before the young demi-human tripped and fell onto the forest floor. Her ankle snapped! Vrexen bared his teeth but dashed away as he was curious in seeing how Alaia perceived the concept of violence. He crept down in the brush, hiding while his prey wept in pain and fear of death.

Alaia quickly flew towards the frightened and injured demi-human girl landing beside her. “Listen, shhh it’s gonna be okay. That thing is gone now; you’re safe. I am going to help you but I am going to need you to run home as soon as I heal you,” she told the girl, who was crying in agony on the ground. Alaia had begun to heal the girl’s ankle, bending to its correct position until it felt normal as if she was never hurt. Alaia picked up the girl back onto her feet and screamed. “Ruuun!”The girl demi-human just nodded in shock, before turning and running for her life.

The sound of twigs and leaves being kicked up was heard as he lunged ahead, moving with no desire to stop as he had before. The demi-human was moving surprisingly faster. What is this?! He snarled. Despite her increase in haste, Vrexen caught up and swiped at her head, smacking her into a tree. After making contact she fell to the ground. The girl leaned against the tree and turned to face the monster, terror filling her expression as she screamed pleading for her life.“SHUT UP!” With an open palm thrust, Vrexen smashed her skull into the tree trunk, caving in her face. “Yes… YES!” He stepped on her chest and grabbed her arms before tearing them from her sockets. “BLOOD! VIOLENCE IS HERE!”

Alaia was right behind Vrexen, watching this beautiful display; she laughed hysterically falling to her knees in pleasure. Her laughter stopped as quickly as it had started. Alaia’s face and tone grew cold. “You see, I told you this would be fun, the more terror one feels the more they die inside. It is the moment when hope becomes despair that death, fear and violence are at their freshest.”

“Hmm… Death is but a product of violence. I do not care how it is achieved. Violence is violence. Violence is violence…. Violence is violence.” He felt good saying it, trailing off with each repetition.

“There will be more violence as long as you stay with me.” Alaia looked into Vrexen’s eyes. “This is our little secret okay?” She told him with an expression of blood lust. Vrexen displayed a rare smile.

“Alaia…” He finally spoke her name. “There will be more violence as long as you serve... violence.” He dropped the arms of the demi-human into the dirt. “A secret is worth what we both desire.”

Anastasia & Marek

Marek had been standing above the party on the balcony around the perimeter of the room. He was looking downward, with disgust in his eyes, at these depraved and repulsive people who knew nothing of the reality they were in. They so easily ignored the obvious in pursuit of an escape from their lives. Their lives were filled with excess. So, excess is just what he would give them here. However, this time they’d finally bare the consequence of said excess. He watched as infuriated nobles on one side of the room in the ring beat each other to near death. The rage in their eyes was unlike anything seen before. In another corner, a couple, who was certain had just met each other, were practically ripping the clothes off each other in the middle of the party before being escorted into a back room.

He grimaced in disgust. ...Animals. But what a show this will be.

Speaking of the depraved, the voice of the young princess came from below as she called up to him.

Marek looked toward the voice. He smiled and made his way down the stairs towards her. “Come with me.” He said not giving another word as he made his way towards one of the secluded rooms.

Anastasia followed after him like a clueless puppy. ”Woowwee!” She darted into the room and spun around in a circle to observe her surroundings. It was like a fancy-schmancy room with lots of couches and… She took a long sip of her drink as her eyes set on the bed, stifling a laugh. ” There’s a bed in here? Are these like… Sex rooms!?” The laughter burst out as she asked, ” Hahaha! What is this, Marek?”

Marek walked over and sat on a chair in the side of the room. “One could call it that I guess but I am only here to talk. So, how was the ball anything interesting on your part?” He wasn’t entertained by her giddy personality. She was always like this, so he would have to deal with it if he wanted to get what he wanted.

“Mmm kay.” She downed the rest of her drink and set the glass on the side table. Next, she plopped down on the bed. Anastasia took a moment to enjoy the softness.This is so comfortable!

“Oh yeah! The ball.” She had been distracted by the bed for a few seconds. “You know that Duke Lorenzo Vikena guy? He walked in late and thought the Alidasht were performers. He said a bunch of dumb stuff, then totally managed to trip all of them. Even the Sultan fell out of his chair thing.” She giggled as she explained. “I took the opportunity to lead these cute people I found to my bedroom and play some strip poker so I don’t know what happened next… BUT! I did come back later and I had the opportunity to dance with my Wystan. He’s so sweet, Marek. You don’t even know.”

“Ah, well it seems you had fun… Did Wystan say anything interesting?” Marek was intrigued by her side of things he had been told about most of the big events of the ball that had happened already but personal conversations were key to everything.

“Everything he says is interesting!” Her eyes might as well have had hearts in them. ” I think he might care about me, but… I dunno. Sometimes I’m not sure if I mean anything to anyone or if I’m just a burden.” Despite the words having some heaviness to them, her smile did not waver.

“Of course you mean something to someone. I mean I took you aside to talk. That must mean you have some importance to me if I pull myself away from the party I hosted.” Marek knew that if he wanted to keep the girl under his wing, he would have to play a few games to do so. It didn’t seem she had any good information but that did not mean she would not the next time. She had divulged important information in the past after all.

“Really! Are we best friends now, Marek?” She suddenly hopped up to her feet. Her tone had changed and she had a new look in her eyes. It was clear the cocktail was starting to enchant her. “I feel like giving you a hug right now.” Anastasia announced and reached out her arms, wriggling her fingers.

“I guess you could call it that. But I am not one to enjoy hugs. Also, it would mess up my clothing so I have to refuse. I apologize.” He told her, resting in the chair with his hands on his lap.

”Marek… Come on. You need a hug.”

“I assure you, I really don’t but I appreciate the offer and your insistence.” He gave her a pleasant smile. “I don’t really want to hold you from the party too long. Maybe we can talk a little later, besides I have some things I need to handle and make sure everything goes well with the night. Your brother must be lonely out there after all. Thank you for coming to talk with me.” Marek subtly dismissed her, while keeping a friendly demeanor. No information was found yet but maybe there would be a few to open up tonight.

She had frowned but upon mention of her brother, she did feel a rush of appreciation and concern for him. ”Okay! Thanks for the chat and party!” Anastasia waved and then walked back out of the backroom, in pursuit of checking on her adorable little brother.

Marek had made his way out after, back to his position above the party. He talked to a few masked people in passing as he moved about.

In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Caelan & Sophie

Time: Night
Location: The Inn, Myriamor
Interactions: @Mole Aurora

While at the blacksmith, Caelan had purchased a steel longsword, padded cloth armor, and a steel shield costing him a total of 130 amas. Caelan sat in the inn along with Sophie who had been taking the events of the day harshly. She was sitting on her bed, quietly tampering with her phone. Aurora was also in the room as the three had decided to stay together until Slick and Leaf came back. “Are you going to be okay? Listen, I know we only met like a day ago but I am here if you need to talk.”

Sophie glanced up at Caelan as her phone made a sound that usually indicated a charger had been plugged in. ”..Umm. Yeah, I think so.”She said quietly. She glanced at her phone intently for one more minute before setting it down and giving Caelan her full attention. She wrapped her arms around her knees and looked at him.

Caelan had stared at her phone as well for a moment. He was confused for only a short time before asking, “So like what kind of music you got on that?“ Caelan didn’t bother to question why the girl had just become a wireless charger as nothing would really shock him after what happened.

” All kinds, really…but mostly alternative. I like rock music.”Sophie confessed sheepishly. Rock was a loose term for the intensity of some of the music she had on her phone.

“Nice, I like alternative as well, I am glad to see we have something in common. Can I see what you have?” He asked giving her a gentle smile before moving over to her bed to sit beside her.

Sophie handed her phone to him and forced her lips upward into a slight smile. She then took out her earphones from her bag and handed them to him. Scaring Aurora with otherworldly music was probably a bad idea.

Caelan took one of the headphones and placed it in his ear, giving the other to Sophie. He scrolled through the music. “You have really great taste. I know most of these bands and artists. I really didn’t expect this, I am impressed.” Caelan said, clicking the song Mr. Brightside by The Killers.

Sophie’s smile became a little more genuine at this song choice. ” Oh wow. This is one of my favorites. It’s a classic, isn’t it?” She couldn’t help but let her head bop a little, starting to murmur the lyrics.

“I know right? This is for sure one of my favorites! You have so many good songs on this.” His smile grew as he laughed a little. Caelan began to sing along with the song. “But it's just the price I pay, destiny is calling me. Open up my eager eyes, 'cause I'm Mr. Brightside.”

As Caelan had begun to sing along, Sophie gained the confidence to sing the same line with him and let her voice grow in pitch. It was always super fun to find someone with similar music tastes. If they were stuck here, then she was glad she was stuck with him. She hoped maybe Avalia had some sort of concerts to go to so he could be the concert buddy she never had.

Once the song had come to a close, she looked at him, asking curiously as the random question crossed her mind, ”Um, so where were you before you came here anyway?”

“I was playing D&D before I got sucked into a rift.” He pulled out a small miniature that looked almost like him. “See. What about you?” Caelan showed her the figure and replied giving Sophie the same question in return.

“Oooh.”She gently took the figure in her hand and delicately examined it, “I used to draw D&D characters for people on my campus.”Sophie informed him. “I never played though… I was just drawing in my room when it happened. That must have been trippy for it to happen in the middle of your game. Very Jumanji.”

“Wow! I would say you should draw my character but I think we are pretty much living a D&D game.” Caelan paused a moment. “I was really shocked when it happened.” He laughed excitedly “I used to stream games as well I really like the Halo series.”

Sophie smiled, ”I’d love to draw him for you. I used to play Halo with my brother…But I was playing stuff like animal crossing lately.”
“That would be great if you could some time. I am glad to know that we enjoy some of the same things.” Caelan was excited to have been placed with a girl so cute who had shared interests.

”Me too Caelan!” Sophie replied with a smile. Having someone she could vibe with so well was something she had always wanted. It was too bad it was under such scary circumstances and she felt so nervous under the smile she was giving him. After a thoughtful pause, she turned to Aurora, ”Aurora, how are you feeling over there?”
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Dante & Darius

Location: Beach of River Port
Time: Night
Interactions: Menzai @samreaper, Isolde @Blizz

Dante waited for the girl to finish speaking. “Yeah, from what we were told this place is called Avalia. We were summoned by people who call themselves light elves. They open rifts with magic that bring humans from Earth. If you didn’t see anyone around when you arrived they must have been killed by whatever bear creatures you were chased by. They brought us here telling us that our magic is the only way to end the war with the dark elves and demons. Apparently, there are five types of magic fire, earth, water, air, and lightning. It appears that you have lightning from what I have seen.”

“Which is dope by the way.” Darius briefly commented in between Dante’s explanation.

“My brother and I have yet to find out ours though.” Dante finished his speech looking toward the girl. “Wait, I guess we should introduce ourselves. My name is Dante Blackbourn.”

“There you go! You’re being a normal guy for once and introducing yourself. I’m almost proud.” Darius teased with a chuckle. “Name’s Darius, but you can call me Sir Blackbourn. Oh, and that guy over there is our chaperone, Menzai. He just watches until things get ugly.” Darius pointed back at the canine demi-human with his thumb.
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Dante & Darius

Location: Beach of River Port
Time: Night
Interactions: Menzai @samreaper, Isolde @Blizz

Dante looked at Darius, “I am sorry Sir bitch boy.” He laughed at his own words. Dante then turned over to Menzai. “We are gonna need a lot of stuff if you plan on helping us, you need to have a lot more interaction with us.” He told Menzai.

“Hey! The guy agreed to be our watchdog chaperone guardian, not our leader. Ain’t that your job thick skull or does Sir Blackbourn need to take the reins.” Darius interjected.

“You couldn’t lead with your head in your ass all the time.”

“Say the guy who got us lost with a whole map in his hand!”

“Listen I never got us lost. You stepped on a trap, either way, we got a human over there so let’s go.”Dante said before he walked over to Isolde.

“Wait wha..?” Darius looked in Isolde’s direction, perplexed at her being there on the beach with them. Another human? Darius followed behind his brother completely dropping the argument that had just occurred. “Bruh… you see that?” Darius’ keen eyes caught the sparks dancing across her hands.

“Yeah, I see that.” Dante replied stepping a bit closer so he could speak quieter to the girl.

“Yo, are you okay? You really shouldn’t do that you can get killed or hunted if you openly use magic like that.” Dante said in a calm and cautious tone not wanting to startle her.

“Is it wrong that I kinda wanna know how she’s pulling that off?” Darius whispered behind his brother. “Yeah, are you okay?” He echoed.
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Alaia Riluaneth

Time: Night
Location: River Port
Interactions: @princess Maeryn @FunnyGuy Vrexen @13org Myra
Equipment: Outfit, Two short swords, a belt with sheaths, flask, transmission bracelet, small bag with 4 large blue potions, disguise ring

Alaia had been in River Port many times before. The surrounding forest was the best hunting ground for unlucky travelers and those who liked to take on bounties given on the board. She was excited to be back. “Oh, I love River Port!” Alaia announced, fluttering her wings in excitement. She had been distracted as Maeryn had been speaking and had flown up high to get a better view. The beach was still crowded with parents and children sitting in the sand even at night. Alaia thought how fun it would be to cover the beach with their blood and bodies. Alaia placed the ring on her finger transforming her appearance into a beautiful blonde-haired fairy and flew back down towards Maeryn. “How do I look? Am I pretty?” She twirled before him with a big smile. She turned to Vrexen who now looked like a lizard demi-human. “Would you like to go for a walk with me, Mr.Vrexen? I promise it will be worth it! Please?”
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