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5 yrs ago
Current "To fear death is to fear the beginning of a new book in a series of many." a qoute from myself


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In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Darius by@FunnyGuy and Dante by @Alivefalling

Time: Morning
Location: Gaurav Village
Interactions: Menzai @samreaper, Cyrus @Helo, Ophelia @princess and Viola @13org
Equipment: 2 shot glasses, 300 Amas total, Flowers from Phia, Dante’s cellphone, and Dante’s knife

Darius and Dante’s question was answered by Menzai who appeared to be even more serious than when he scolded them. To think the guy had levels to his seriousness. Judging by his decision to pursue it, it was obvious that the creature he referred to as a “roc” was capable of threatening the safety of others in the village. With little words and direct guidance to follow his lead, Menzai took to a branch of the nearest tree and started moving with haste.

“Well… Let’s go!” Darius exclaimed, not being a victim of hesitation.

“You got it, boss!” Dante chimed in as they dashed in the direction Menzai had begun to run. The two brothers ran quickly before slowing to a pace they could both maintain. Despite their speed, they were falling more and more behind Menzai by the second.

“Damn, these shoes are trash! No traction! No arch support!” Darius complained, yet he was mostly correct. The shoes he wore now were not made to endure too much wear and tear and were beginning to reach their limit after the several physical training sessions he put them through. Dante, however, endured as he was used to conducting fast-paced movements in boots. It didn’t make him faster, just less likely to complain about what his shoes were made for. Despite Dante’s lack of complaints and Darius’ more focused conditioning toward running, the two needed a boost if they were going to make any headway. But how?

The brothers succinctly looked at each other.

“Let’s FUCKIN’ DO THIS!” They both shouted simultaneously the same idea in mind as they ran alongside each other.

At that moment a large chunk of earth rose under their feet as they focused on making it fly forward. Darius grinned at their prospect as the chunk of earth was traveling faster than their previous running speed.

“Hahaha! Surfs up mothafucka! Woooooooh!”

“Fuck yeah, bro!” He focused harder on propelling the chunk of earth feeling a strain on his magic as he did so. Darius shot a smile at Dante as sweat began to bead on his forehead. He was feeling the strain as well.

“You getting tired on me, soldier?! You can’t let me beat you here!” Even now, Darius was continuing their competitive streak.

“Look here morning dew, I’m not the one breaking sweat.” He let out a short laugh causing Darius to chuckle himself.

“Good, because we might have a fight on our hands! Once we get there-”

“I already know.” his voice filled with a tone of stoicism as he crashed his fist into his palm and cracked his knuckles.

The two continued to follow Menzai through the forest before they see something large and brown moving up ahead.

Almost there!

And then the beast came into view, yet it didn’t matter what it was, Darius and Dante’s minds were set. The moment they broke through the trees to see the roc, a massive bird of prey with a face billowing with feathers vibrant in color. The twins shared one more look at one another as they headed at the roc.

“YEET!” The two roared before dismounting off the rock from either side as it continued to fly forward at the roc until it struck the beast in the chest! Dante rolled as he hit the ground, while Darius took the fall on his forearms and shins. “Darius and Dante coming in for the save!” He shouted before noticing Phia amongst those being targeted by the bird. Surprise party gone wrong, I guess?

“I think you picked the wrong friend this time Phia.” He teased before looking at the towering beast before everyone.

In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Interaction:@Helo Cyrus @13org Viola @princess Phia
In Earshot: @samreaper Menzai @FunnyGuy Darius @Alivefalling Dante

A bird unlike the others in the sky soared high above the trio of fairies. The creature was huge, its enormous wings casting a shadow over the tops of the trees as it glided high over the terrain. With a terrifying wingspan of 80 feet, she commanded the sky with her foreboding presence. Her body was mostly brown in color while having blue feathers on her head. Her yellow beak was large and hooked in a similar manner to an eagle. Avalians knew this creature as a Roc, infamous for their intimidating size and intelligence.

The Roc was an expert predator in search of sustenance for her voracious offspring. It had been tirelessly searching the wilderness after another creature had encroached on their territory in a nearby mountain.

Through the canopy of the trees, her keen eyes noticed movement down below. The sunlight danced upon vibrant stands of magenta hair, creating an enchanting glint that beckoned the Roc’s curiosity. She began her descent gracefully, her powerful wings slowly beating against the wind. Once she caught sight of the source of the brilliance, she noticed there were three travelers moving below, unaware of the danger that lurked above. Finally, she had a potential meal large enough to satisfy her babies.

Her predatory instincts took hold and the gears in her head started spinning as her eyes narrowed with focused intent. She screeched as she extended her leg forward and flapped her massive wings causing extreme winds to blow at the three fairies. The screech had echoed through the forest as a warning to all creatures that would dare to cross its path.

Some of the leaves were separated in a way that the fairies could see the Roc above, its wingspan blotting out the sun and casting an ominous shadow over the three. Its massive talons were stretched, capable of crushing bones or grabbing any smaller creature with ease at a moment’s notice. The Roc’s talons seized hold of part of the trunk and it sank into the bark, and snapped a whole top portion of the tree off. Then, it dropped the portion of tree, letting it plummet down toward its prey.

In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Darius by@FunnyGuy and Dante by @Alivefalling

Time: Morning
Location: Gaurav Village
Interactions: Menzai @samreaper
Equipment: 2 shot glasses, 300 Amas total, Flowers from Phia, Dante’s cellphone, and Dante’s knife

Darius picked himself off the ground with a disgruntled grunt while Menzai replied to their answers. They were both off the mark, but Darius and Dante felt good about at least delivering somewhat acceptable answers. Darius glanced at Dante, quietly scheming his get-back. However, with Menzai’s instructions, it would have to wait. Besides, showing Dante up in magic use might be just the delight he needed. The whole thing about being professional with Menzai was a bit extra for the twins but they just figured the wolf man wanted to maintain his stoicism and continue to be seen as the wise, quiet teacher.

“Well, I learned this!” Dante piped up as he began to lift a large boulder half the size of a car with his magic that had been in their vicinity. “Bet you can’t do this Darius.” Darius was honestly impressed, and it showed as he stared wide-eyed up at the boulder.

“Wow, we got ourselves a big shot over here! Look out, dark elf king! My brother can pick up a big rock!” Darius teased. “But seriously, nice!” Darius rolled his shoulders as he paced in the small space as if he was warming up for something physical. Then he bounced on his toes. No other boulders around… Fuck. Still gotta make this look good. He continued his little routine before standing in a high crouch, his feet shoulder-width apart, and his hands raised up at chest level. “Get ready to rock and roll! Hahaha!” Darius mocked his brother once again before various stones in the area began to rise and gather around him. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, whoo! Eleven, twelve, thirteeeeen. Okay, one more. Fourteen! A bead of sweat rolled down Dairus’ cheek as he concentrated on lifting so many stones at once.

Dante laughed as he looked at Darius with a smirk. “Oh yeah, let’s do this!” He shouted as he shattered the boulder before quickly controlling the debris and fused the boulder back together, repairing it completely. Dante puffed his chest towards Darius. “Can ya beat that?”

“Please. ‘I Dante. I break big rock and…’” Darius was straining a bit but was still going to make his comeback. “‘And make small rocks. Then make big rock again.’ Watch the master!” Darius grinned with excitement as the stones around him began to revolve around him. It started slow but the revolving stones began to pick up speed. Darius crossed his arms across his chest with a cocky smirk as the stones continued their revolutions at speeds that would be adequate for defending him or inflicting damage on someone who got too close to him. “It’s all about finesse and style.” Darius explained before closing one of his hands in a fist and stopping the stones in place.

Dante sighed with a look of boredom towards his brother’s fancy showing of his magic “Yeah, don’t think so raw power is the way to go bro.” Dante replied but before Darius knew it the ground beneath him fell 3 feet.

“Shit! No!” Darius screamed as he suddenly fell. The stones hit the ground just as he did in a kneeling position. “Come on asshole, that’s fucked up!” Darius shouted as jagged spikes suddenly raised from the ground with light shaking in the area. It was an unintentional display of his magic due to his genuine anger toward his brother. “You wanna go?!” The ground below Darius raised back up but several feet higher. Standing up, he glared down at Dante. “Huh?!”

Dante looked up at his brother before turning and walking just out of range where his brother would lose control of the dirt he was on. “Look I'm Sorry. I think it's time to chill.”

In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Darius by@FunnyGuy and Dante by @Alivefalling

Time: Morning
Location: Guarav Village
Interactions: Menzai @samreaper
Equipment: 2 shot glasses, 300 Amas total, Flowers from Phia, Dante’s cellphone, and Dante’s knife

Darius and Dante or Dante and Darius (depending on which brother you asked) had a lot to take upon arriving in Avalia. The idea of dying and being brought to a fantastical world that they thought could only be conjured up from a fictional story or television series. The twins were in silent disbelief, at least initially.

“We died?

“Didn’t you hear him? We’re fucking dead bro, this is some Isekai shit!”


It took a few moments to calm the two down and with time, they both considered the possibilities of this entire ordeal. First, they sorted out that they hadn’t actually died. Second, this whole Avalia situation thing might not be the worst that could have happened. They could have woken up in the fiery pits of hell instead. They also learned that their summoning was a bit of an anomaly as only one of them was meant to be summoned. This made both brothers wonder who obtained the power to control the element of earth in this world… Well, technically they argued over who would have it. This went on until both of them displayed the ability sparked by one of their tumultuous exchanges.

And though it was odd for either of them to see the odd appearance of the native Avalian races, the two grew used to it rather easily due to their immersion in many types of fantasy works on Earth. Meeting Menzai, however, was not filled with the warm greeting they might have hoped for.

Once in Guarav Village, they were met with the opposite of what Menzai offered. The village of dog-people were all extremely friendly, even if they did keep their distance at times… save for the children who they had no qualms interacting with. Their training was mostly physical to start which was right up their alley. Both were in their physical primes and even turned some training exercises into competition. They even added more whenever they didn’t feel like they had enough.

Menzai was not the only person they had regular interactions with during their first week in Avalia. There was also Phia, the high-energy and extraordinarily curious forest fairy. She had been quite interested in the lives of the brothers, wanting to know which plants or animals existed on their homeworld. Phia had spent hours hanging out with them and the three had even gone out collecting various objects in the forest including bones to make crafts. As soon as she could, she showed Dante and Darius her cave filled with her collection. She had seemed to collect all sorts of trinkets and items such as bones, crystals, shiny stones, and other random objects that were strewn on shelves made out of branches. There were even little homes she had created for different bugs. While Dante found the cave a wonderful menagerie of treasure, Darius found it a bit strange though endearing. The trio also enjoyed some creature-watching.

Today, the twins found themselves in the company of Ulyeses, the captain of the hunters in Guarav. For the short time, the twins were with the large demihuman, they could honestly admit they would have rather have him be their guardian due to how personable he was. Plus, he looked like he could take on anyone within the village without much trouble, at least until they watched Menzai swiftly slash the larger man. As Menzai spilled Ulyeses’ blood, Darius raised his eyebrows in surprise before whispering to Dante.

“Menzai’s a savage. Did you see that?”

”Yeah, bro what the fuck. Is he just gonna slash at us?”

“One way to find out,” Darius shot Dante a cocky smirk as he had mischief on his mind. “Ay wittle guardian, you ready to get training started?! Come on. Let’s do this!” Darius exclaimed.

“Yeah! Wittle guardian, let’s get ready to rock and roll!”

In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Accepted sheet. Please add to the character tab along with the below stats. @Conscripts

In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Nikolai Maximillion

When Latrell brought up the issue of who to kill first, Nikolai turned to face the man with a smile, “ No need to be concerned. With me here, both targets will be easily squashed. Just drink up lad! Let’s have a little fun. ” As far as Nikolai was concerned, they had been given easy money. This mission would be a piece of cake.

Alice also decided to keep up the serious conversation. “Are you that scared of a lizard, Alice? We can deal with that stuff after we have some fun and get to know each other more.” He nudged her with his elbow and gave a wink.

She had asked everyone to introduce themselves, which at least would be interesting. He looked at the masked man that had been told to start off. The guy apparently did not even know his own name. Nikolai figured he had some sort of brain damage, especially when he requested to be called “fluffy” or “fox.” Fluffy proceeded to pull out a pipe and start blowing pink smoke at all of them.Nikolai waved her hand in front of his face, trying to dispel the smoke, but it seemed to swallow them all. "Well, I guess we know who's bringing the party favors," He quipped. "Could say we got a party animal in our hands.”

After a moment, he then added, “ Also listen dude I don’t know what you are trying to say, Fluffy, but you are gonna have to speak normally.” Even though, it seemed ridiculous that blowing smoke was all Fluffy had to offer, Nikolai did see the merit in it. It could come in handy especially in a situation they needed to escape.

As the introductions continued, Nikolai did note that Adelaide had brought up a good point that reptilian in nature could mean a lot of things. Still, he couldn’t bother to be worried about it, not when he was surrounded by so much alcohol.

Nikolai took the opportunity of silence to dramatically slam his hands on the table as he stood up to take the attention. With a drink in his hand, he leaned a foot up on the seat and flashed them one of his famous dazzling smiles, “Well I am Nikolai Maximillion as you all probably know. Yes, I am even more attractive in person!” With his free hand, he pointed to the glaive strapped to his back, “Yes. That is the legendary glaive of Nikolai Maximillion. The one that killed a Beholder. Don’t faint, ladies. And don’t you dare faint either Fluffy!”

He grinned at Adelaide playfully and then readdressed his gaze to the group, "I don't like to brag, but I've been adventuring for quite some time now, and let me tell you, I've faced more beasts than I can count. Some people say I'm lucky, but I like to think that my perfected skills and my wits have something to do with it."He paused for a moment as if considering something. “ "Speaking of skills, I'm also pretty good at drinking, dancing, and charming the pants off beautiful ladies." He flashed a playful look at Alice and Adelaide.“ "But don't worry, I won't steal your hearts, at least not until after this job is done."

He then raised his glass in a mock toast. "So, here's to a successful mission, plenty of loot, and lots of good stories to tell afterward. Cheers, my friends!"

Marciano Giordano

Time: 1pm
Location: The Ship Docks
Interaction: @Apex Sunburn Wasun Sjan-Dehk

Marciano inspected the merchandise checking for any signs of illness. He did not speak as he circled the line of men like a vulture, eying them up and down thoroughly. He had an experienced eye for this; anyone could tell off the bat. It was most interesting to him hat they had been brought up unshackled. Had this man expected him to parade them through town? Even if this crew was confident that the prisoners would be submissive, Marciano was not. They were pirates after all.

” Shackle them, Get them to the holding area.” Marciano had an air of authority unusual for someone of his standing. A few of Edin’s men broke off and climbed aboard, dragging shackles that they had been holding the entire time. Marciano knew better than to not come prepared.

As the guards moved in to shackle the prisoners, Marciano stood back and watched with a cold detachment. Time and time again, he had been in such a position, gathering new toys for the playroom. It had been a long time since he had felt sympathy for them. It was not as if he had felt hatred toward them. All kinds of circumstances could force even the best of men to piracy. Moreover, he was not one to stand on a moral high ground. Marciano felt nothing for them, as if they were simply objects.

The clanking of the metal restraints echoed as the entire line had finally been shackled together. Marciano looked towards Sajan-dekh. “I thank you for the gifts. I assure you they will be well taken care of.” He stated neutrally. Without another word, Marciano turned and walked away, snapping his fingers and signaling for everyone to follow. The guards exchanged a wary glance before one of them stepped behind the line of prisoners, while the others flanked them, prodding them forward.

Sjan-dehk would be able to watch the group move north toward the warehouses. Meanwhile, Oswald and some of the other guards remained to take care of the matter of the ship.
Marciano Giordano

Time: 1pm
Location: The Ship Docks
Interaction: @Apex Sunburn Wasun Sjan-Dehk

As Oswald stepped aside and offered his sincere gratitude to Sjan-Dehk, Marciano stepped forward with a sense of purpose. With a dignified demeanor, he addressed the leader, "If I may, I request that the individuals or objects in question be presented for my inspection. I desire to thoroughly examine what it is that we shall be working with. Are these prisoners a gift as well?"

Marciano wanted to get a firsthand look at the individuals or objects in question, to ensure that they were suitable for his plans and that he had all the necessary information at his disposal.
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